Grzegorz Dziczkowski, Arnaud Doniec and St´ephane Lecoeuche
Univ. Lille Nord de France, Ecole des Mines de Douai, IA, Douai, France
Conversational agents, Data mining, Web intelligence, Behavior analysis.
This paper describes a methodology to establish behavior rules for conversational agents on commercial web
sites. Our work is a contribution to a recent research field: agent mining (Cao, 2009) which results from two
interrelated research area: Agent/Multi-agent system and Data Mining. The proposed methodology is based
on behavior analysis of e-commerce clients and customers’ segmentation. Our proposal has been applied on a
real commercial web site to construct the triggering rules of a virtual seller agent.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become very
popular as the World Wide Web has grown, with many
websites offering on-line sales and e-commerce activ-
ity undergoing a significant revolution.
However, on any commercial web sites, the conver-
sion rate (the ratio of visitors who convert casual con-
tent views to a commercial transaction) is very low.
Many reasons can be put forward to explain this ob-
servation. One of them is the lack of humanity in the
customer relationship.
The work described in this paper is a part of a
project which aims to study the implementation of
innovative, intelligent and automatic solutions to en-
hance on-line sales.
Project challenge is to build an intelligent agent which
is able to understand, to reason and to decide in an au-
tonomous way. The proposed agent has to be able to
interact with the visitors performing proposals of rel-
evant marketing messages at the right time and giving
useful advises. This virtual seller has to be a conver-
sational agent with the ability to:
perceive and analyse the behavior of a new visitor,
recognize an existing client,
interact and communicate with clients through text and
using a human representation (avatar),
understand the need of clients and decide upon which
action to take in collaboration with existing information
systems (CRM tools for instance).
This paper focuses on the triggering of the agent. In
other words, we try to answer the questions: when and
why should the virtual seller appear to a customer?
Our aim is to construct, for the agent, a set of behavior
rules which control the appearance and the beginning
of the discussion with the clients. We base our works
on an analysis of customers’ behaviors: we propose
to identify great categories of clients and to associate
some triggering rules to them.
By implementing new techniques to analyze more
precisely user’ actions, it becomes possible to extract
strong correlations between web site pages and typi-
cal behavior during a time period. The main difficulty
in the field of Web Usage Mining is getting numerical
vectors describing the navigation of users.
The rst step to perform analysis of customer be-
havior is pattern discovery. A variety of machine
learning methods have been used for pattern discov-
ery. The approaches that most often appear in litera-
ture are: clustering, classification, association discov-
ery, and sequential pattern discovery. We focus our
research on clustering methods. For this reason clus-
tering is the only approach described in more details
in this paper.
Generally clustering aims to divide a data set into
groups that are very different from each other and
whose members are very similar to each other. This
method has been used for grouping users with com-
mon browsing behavior (Srivastava et al., 2000). As
the customer may belong to more than one group
the clusters should be able to overlap. (Yan et al.,
1997) use the Leader algorithm to cluster user ses-
Dziczkowski G., Doniec A. and Lecoeuche S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003183603820387
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 382-387
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sions. Each user session is represented by an n-
dimensional features vector, where n is the number
of Web pages visited during the last 30 minutes in the
session. The computation of weight is based on a dif-
ferent parameters (like the number of times the page
has been accessed, the amount of time the user spent
on the page). A partitioning clustering method is em-
ployed by (Cadez et al., 2000), which visualizes user
navigation paths in each cluster. In this system, users’
sessions are represented using categories of general
topics for Web pages. A number of predefined cat-
egories are used as a bias, and URLs are assigned to
them, constructing the user sessions. The Expectation
Maximization (EM) algorithm, based on mixtures of
Markov chains is used for clustering user sessions.
An extension of partitioning clustering methods is
fuzzy clustering that allows the presence of ambigui-
ties in the data, by distributing’ each object from the
data set over the various clusters. Such a fuzzy clus-
tering method is proposed in (Joshi and Joshi, 2000)
for grouping user sessions, where each session in-
cludes URLs that represent a certain traversal path.
The Web site topology is used as a bias in comput-
ing the similarity between sessions. The site is mod-
elled using a tree, where each node corresponds to an
URL in the site, while each edge represents a hierar-
chical relation between URLs. The computation of
the similarity between sessions is based on the rela-
tive position in the site tree of the URLs included in
the sessions.
Model-based clustering methods have been also
used in (Paliouras et al., 2000). A probabilistic
method, a neural network Self-Organizing Maps, and
a conceptual clustering method, are exploited in order
to construct user community models (i.e. models for
groups of users with similar usage patterns). Com-
munity models are derived as characterizations of the
clusters and correspond to the interests of users’ com-
Despite of the variety of clustering methods that
have been used for Web usage mining, no work has
been done on the comparison of their performance.
The reason for this is the inherent difficulty in com-
paring clustering results, due to the lack of objective
criteria independent of the specific application (Pier-
rakos et al., 2003).
In order to determine the onset triggering factors of
seller agent for each customer, we are interested in at
least 2 different aspects, i.e.:
how can the agent characterize clients’ behaviors, and
how will the agent’s appearance be performed.
The first aspect listed above is in the field of Web
Usage Mining. Research has focused on methods,
based on Web Mining and Machine Learning algo-
rithms, to automatically analyze different data (from
questionnaires, observation of sales areas, interviews
with clients and vendors, loyalty programs or internet
data such as web server logs) in order to obtain the
most relevant information.
To answer the second aspect, we will study the
seller agent trigger based on customer navigation
It means that our system has to categorize a user
who is surfing on the commercial website. The seller
agent should evaluate user expectations and motiva-
tions from his apparent behavior and habits. The
source of data is limited to the data we can collect
(e.g. visited pages, request, connection time, the use
of site tools, etc.). The main problem is to determine
the kind of client’s behaviors we could regroup based
upon navigation information and how user’s classes
can be evaluated. The proposed methods also take
into account the visit context like the year period (va-
cation, sales period, etc.), the day of week or the hour.
By the expression creation of customers’ behavior
we mean the analysis of customers’ navigation traces
on the commercial website in order to detect the most
significant and common profiles - clustering. The cre-
ation of the triggering rules set is based directly on the
customers’ behavior types detected.
To perform acceptable triggering rules of the agent
we should first identify the web users, then create and
analyze the general customers’ behavior and at last
define the set of rules of virtual agent triggering.
We concentrate our research on two sorts of rules
of virtual seller agent trigger: the specific and the gen-
eral rules. The general rules are divided into direct
rules and transition rules.
As an example of specific rules, we can consider
the cases where a user enters on support pages of
ecommerce website, or when the client try to buy sev-
eral products of the same family with incoherent pa-
rameters (like for example a size of a duvet cover may
be different from size of a flat sheet). In first case we
can lunch the virtual seller in order to perform assis-
tance, in the second case the agent can suggest the
possibility of confusion of products features. These
rules could satisfy a customer but as they are too spe-
cific and detailed, the number of agent triggers based
on these rules will be the most of time low. Even if the
specific rules will have high precision it seems impos-
sible to predict all the situations they can be adapted,
it means that the recall will be low.
For this reason we have to develop general rules
which should be more global. As we already de-
scribed above we will establish and analyze cus-
tomers’ behaviors. We predicted the set of behaviors’
types. As an example of general rules we can con-
sider the situation when customer changes his behav-
ior from one type to another type during his naviga-
tion. We assume that these changes may indicate that
the client gets lost, needs some help, or is confused,
we can also detect that a customer checks for more
details or compares the prices/products/products’ fea-
tures ... (conclusion - that the customer could be inter-
ested to talk with seller, even with the virtual seller).
Nevertheless, the change of customer’ behavior can
show that a client lost or earned his interest in prod-
ucts proposedon the website what also is an important
criterion to seller triggering. On the opposite side,
when the client follows a common type of naviga-
tion (behavior) we can assume that the client knows
exactly what he wants and he pursues the objective.
The general rules implementation requires the intro-
duction of client behavior clustering. If a rule refers
to one cluster we have a direct rule, and if a rule refers
to the changes of clusters during navigation we have
a transition rule.
As we can infer from this section, the most impor-
tant part in our research is the customers’ behavior
The proposed methodology to perform the set of vir-
tual seller triggering rules consist in 3 steps:
feature selection (from raw logs files)
performing the clustering (and assign commercials la-
bels to clusters)
establish the set of triggering rules (specific and gener-
als rules)
The main idea of analysis the customers’ behavior
and transition of clusters during user navigation was
the limitation the customers’ sessions to 10, 15 and
20 actions. Each action corresponds to one page view
by the users. The session limitation means that for ex-
ample one user session with 40 actions was changed
on 3 sessions with 10, 15 and 20 actions. Then the
clustering was done separately for each limitation (10,
15, and 20). The choice of actions numbers in new
limited session was due to the two reasons. First it
was not possible to perform a pertinent clustering us-
ing less than 10 actions for user session because the
cluster was not enough significant and differences be-
tween clusters were negligible. Second reason was
more commercial - the agent should not wait to much
time before appear in front of customer and only 10%
of sessions are longer than 20 actions.
After repeating this treatment for each session,
we performed the clustering using different features
for sessions’ limitation. The pertinent clusters (from
statistic point of view) was then analyzed with mar-
keting experts of our commercials partners in the goal
to establish the best clustering from marketing point
of view. During this state the commercial labels was
assigned to the clusters in the goal of prediction the
set of triggering rules.
At the end the specific and general rules was cre-
ated. The details of each step are described below.
During our research we were in possession of our
commercial partner’s data for the one entire year pe-
riod (120 Gb). For our learning base we use the sam-
ple of data of one month. We choose the month of
April due to the miss of any marketing actions. The
database for one month represents more than 300 000
of sessions with more then 10 actions performed. On
account of the scale of the database the treatment is
time consuming.
The logs files delivered from our partners were in
the form of NedStat logs files. The main difference
between this format and Extended logs files is that to
each client the unique Id is assigned (based on cook-
Before selecting the navigation features, the hier-
archy of web site was performed. We divided the site
on 7 different universes: store (the main universes
with for example products list), quick order (direct
purchases by entering catalogue reference), shopping
cart (purchase), sales, consulting (customers ques-
tions, FAQ), condition (terms of sale, shipping), vari-
ous (all others like for example home page). The uni-
verse store was divided on three levels of hierarchy:
section, subsection and sub subsection. Generally the
final product page corresponds to sub subsection.
the final page of product:
Tablecloth XYZ
--> universe: Store; section: Table;
subsection: Tablecloth; sub subsection: Tablecloth XYZ
Based on this hierarchy, we selected 36 session
features witch describe customer navigation of our
commercial partners web site Table 1.
The set of triggering rules depends directly from
the navigation feature selection. For this reason, it
seems necessary to describe them more precisely:
”User IDdescribes the id based on cookies, unique
id for a user; ”Session ID” designs the session id
during one day, each session is considerate as closed
after 30 minutes without any action; Purchase”
is Boolean value which shows if the customer al-
ready made a purchase during his action; ”Reduction
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: All the session features possible to retrieve.
User ID Session ID
Day/Month/Year Hour of begin
Hour of end Purchase
Total amount Nb products bought
Nb references bought Reduction code
Knew customer Source of navigation
Total time Time universe (1-7)
Nb total pages seen Nb pages universe (1-7) seen
Nb universes changes Nb sections changes
Nb subsection changes Nb subsubsection changes
Nb of section seen Nb of subsection seen
Nb product pages seen Nb of same product seen
code” - Boolean value describes the presence of re-
duction code during the purchase; ”Knew customer”
describes whether the user has been recognized as a
client who has already made a purchase on the site;
”Source of navigation” describes whether the user is
entered into our commercial partner’s site voluntarily
by using for examplethe search engine, or was pushed
to visit the site by the mail company; ”Total time”
gives the length of a session; ”Total universe (1-7)”
represent 7 different features which describe the time
that a visitor spend on each universes; ”Nb total pages
seen” describes the number of all the pages visited
by the user during a session; ”Nb pages universe (1-
7) seen” represent 7 different features which describe
the number of pages visited by a user on each uni-
verse; ”Nb universes/section/subsection/sub subsec-
tion changes” - 4 features which describe the num-
ber of changes the user make during his navigation,
if for example the user switch the universe and then
came back to previous one the value of this feature
is equal to 2; ”Nb of section/subsection seen”- 2
features which describe the number of different sec-
tion or subsection seen during the user session; ”Nb
product pages seendescribes the number of product
pages seen in total; ”Nb of same product seen” de-
scribes the sum of product pages that have been seen
several times.
4.1 Customer Behavior Analysis
Once the above treatment was performed for users
sessions of our learning base (month of April -
1000000 sessions), the customer behavior analysis
can be implemented. At the beginning, the work cor-
responds to analyse the features obtained (data min-
ing techniques) in order to detect the most discrimi-
nated features. For customer behaviors detection we
decided to perform the clustering. Our approach con-
sist of the study of users comportment in two cases:
first comportment can be assign to the cluster the user
belongs to (direct rules), second comportment is an-
alyzed in accordance with the users transition from a
cluster A to a cluster B during his navigation (transi-
tion rules). The specific rules depends on the charac-
teristic comportments of user navigation and not on
the clusters detected, they are build in empiric way
and will not be described in this paper.
In order to determine the changes in the user nav-
igation, we perform an analysis on client’s session
which assigns the customer to one of the classes
which were previously detected (cluster). In order to
choose the best clustering from commercial point of
view, our statistical results were discussed with our
commercial partners’ experts. In this way clusters for
each limitation get their commercial labels. The gen-
eral rules are based on the labels form and their tran-
sition (due to the change of user comportment during
As it’s difficult to calculate the performance of
clustering model the choice of final clustering was
done by marketing experts based on statistic descrip-
tions of clusters. The data was pre-treated before
and normalized. The Ward clustering method was
implemented, the number of cluster was calculated
in accordance of cubic criterion cut-off parameters
(CCC < 3), and the cluster criterion chosen was Least
The interesting results for customer behavior anal-
ysis on this stage are the features which are the most
discriminated for each session limitation, and the
number and parameters of clusters.
Below we will discuss our results of clustering which
was chosen depending on statistic and marketing cri-
User Session Limitation to 10 Actions
We obtain 6 clusters. The most discriminated char-
acteristics are: [table 2]
Table 2: Discriminated features for 10-actions sessions.
Source of navigation Nb pages universe store seen
Nb of subsection seen Nb pages universe shopping cart seen
Nb subsection changes Nb pages universe various seen
Purchase Nb pages universe quick order seen
Hour of begin Nb of section seen
Nb sub subsecion changes
The example of description of cluster from statis-
tic and marketing point of view is as follows:
Statistic Features. Cluster Id: 6; Frequency of clus-
ter = 23357 (12.6%); Root-mean-square standard de-
viation = 0.13; Source of navigation: Mail = 0.88; Nb
pages universe store seen = 8.62; Nb of subsection
seen = 7.14; Nb pages universe shopping cart seen =
0.03; Nb subsection changes = 1.53; Nb pages uni-
verse various seen = 1.33; Purchase: non = 1; Nb
pages universe quick order seen = 0.01; Hour of begin
= 53511; Nb of section seen = 2.16; Nb sub subsec-
tion changes = 1.21
Marketing Label. The cluster refers to sessions in
which the gateway is not directly accessible but with
an e-mail that pushes the specific store section to a
customer. The client is at least a lead which gave his
opt-in (level of commitment higher than if entry from
search engine). Of the first 10 pages no product has
been moved to shopping cart. At this point, a dialog
with a virtual seller could be desirable.
User Session Limitation to 15 Actions
We obtain 8 clusters. The most discriminated char-
acteristics are [table 3]:
Table 3: Discriminated features for 15-actions sessions
Source of navigation Nb pages universe store seen
Nb sub subsecion changes Nb pages universe various seen
Nb of section seen Nb product pages seen
Nb of subsection seen Nb universes changes
The example of description of cluster from statis-
tic and marketing point of view is as follows:
Statistic Features. Cluster Id: 8; Frequency of clus-
ter = 1327 (1.2%); Root-mean-square standard devi-
ation = 0.14; Source of navigation: Mail = 0.08; Nb
pages universe store seen = 6.03; Nb sub subsection
changes = 1.17; Nb pages universe various seen =
6.09; Nb of section seen = 1.60; Nb product pages
seen = 2.61; Nb of subsection seen = 2.11; Nb uni-
verses changes = 1.1; Purchase: non = 0
Marketing Label. The cluster refers to sessions in
which customer already purchase products and vali-
dated his command. The other features are not sig-
nificant and it’s the only cluster where client already
purchase his product. Despite the presence of pur-
chase the client still navigates on web site or just fin-
ishes the validation step. If the customer will stay an
a website for few actions there is possibility of seller
agent trigger.
User Session Limitation to 20 Actions
We obtain 8 clusters. The most discriminated char-
acteristics are: [table 4]
Table 4: Discriminated features for 20-actions sessions.
Nb of subsection seen Nb pages universe store seen
Source of navigation Nb subsubsecion changes
Nb pages universe various seen Nb universes changes
Nb product pages seen Nb of section seen
Purchase Nb pages universe shopping cart seen
The example of description of cluster from statis-
tic and marketing point of view is as follows:
Statistic Features. Cluster Id: 2; Frequency of clus-
ter = 25335 (27.6%); Root-mean-square standard de-
viation = 0.11; Nb of subsection seen = 8.55; Nb
pages universe store seen = 18.5; Source of naviga-
tion: Mail = 0; Nb sub subsection changes = 0.7;
Nb pages universe various seen = 1.36; Nb universes
changes = 1.32; Nb product pages seen = 3.79; Nb
of section seen = 1.46; Purchase: non = 1; Nb pages
universe shopping cart seen = 0.11
Marketing Label. The cluster refers to sessions in
which the customer doesn’t have a precise idea of
product he want to purchase. Client often changes the
subsections of web site hierarchy and do not visit the
product pages of the same family. The navigation is
based on store part of web site but like there are only
few products’ pages visited and the section is usually
changed it seems that the customer checks different
family of product and gets the general idea of internet
shop offer. The client did not indicate interest of the
specific products, or family of products.
4.2 The Set of Triggering Rules
During the step of clustering, we find that in differ-
ent session’s limitations (10, 15, and 20) we have the
corresponding cluster (if a customer doesn’t change
his behavior during navigation). We assign the direct
and transition rules with the help of commercial ex-
perts which has a strong knowing how in the field of
sales. The rules were assigned by analyzing all selling
scenarios which are interesting from marketing view.
The general form of the set of triggering rules is as
) Ta{Id, K, R}
where, C
, C
, C
- customer profile at 10, 15
and 20 actions; c
, c
, c
- existing cluster for each
limitation (i=6, j= 8, k=8); Ta - triggering action; Id -
Id User; K - context of triggering rules, R - the set of
user navigation features.
The virtual agent triggering can be seen as a
condition-action rule: if a criterion then a trigger-
ing action (which answer questions when and why).
The antecedent describes the user navigation on ses-
sion limitation and the consequent describes the pres-
ence of triggering rules. The triggering rule parame-
ters are: Id user for identify the client for which the
virtual seller will appear immediately, and parameters
which are transmitted to our project partners to per-
form the correct dialogue between client and virtual
seller. These parameters are represented by the con-
text of triggering (see below)and the set of users’ nav-
igation features which contains the value of features
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
from Table 1 and the description of all section, sub-
section and sub subsection visited.
We present an example of a direct and a transition
Case 1.
Context. A rule concerns the cluster 8 of session lim-
itation to 15 actions. It refers to a customer who al-
ready validated an order before the onset of virtual
seller. The case was described in section 4.1
Trigger. The customer has already ordered but still
browsing on the site. If a customer will not left the
site in a few seconds, the virtual agent should appear
to push new products based on recommender system
and propose to back to shopping cart to add some
Case 2.
Context. A rule concerns the transition of cluster
3 to 7 to 2. During two first session limitation (10
and 15) the customer exhibits the behavior of a client
who knows his taste, who checks for precise products
of particular families, who spends time on the
similar products’ pages. The last session limitation
is different and describes a general navigation on the
store without main idea of purchase (section 4.1).
The client arrived spontaneously on the site and has
a priori a clear idea of the desired product (many of
the same family product pages seen). After about 6
minutes, he stops to check product descriptions and
seems to disperse in the section of the highest level
Trigger. There is a risk that the customer will leave
the site. The virtual agent should appear immediately
to struck up a discussion about the consulted products.
The presented work was done for one month without
significant sales and marketing campaigns. The first
analysis of clusters performed for sale period show
strong differences. The future work includes the anal-
ysis of number of year period for which the clustering
will be implemented in final system.
This paper deals with the design of behaviors for a vir-
tual seller agent. Such agent should mimic the com-
portment of human vendor in real shop. More pre-
cisely, our work focuses on the way to define rules
for the triggering of the discussion between the agent
and the client. The general steps presented in this
paper are: navigation features selections, clustering
compatible with marketing assumptions, and design
of triggering rules.
We manage the selection of 36 customer naviga-
tion features. The adaptation for a new e-commerce
site is feasible in a relatively short time because they
are based on navigation patterns and not on URLs.
We also can assume that the format of e-commerce
shops remains in the similar form. We succeed in es-
tablish the final clustering model for each user ses-
sion limitation of our approach. The choice of fi-
nal clustering model depended on the quality of clus-
ters’ commercial labels assigned. At the end the set
of triggering rules was performed based most of all
on clusters labels. We also implemented the super-
vised classification on our data and we obtained good
and promising results which can evaluate the step of
navigation feature selection for clustering part. We
didn’t find any related work on automatic triggering
of agent for e-commerce site. The main contribution
of this paper is the methodology used to design the set
of triggering rules which mainly depends of customer
behavior and his navigation on the web site.
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