A Working Definition and a Survey of Current Microtext Research within
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
Jeffrey Ellen
SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, 53560 Hull St, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Microtext, Natural language processing, Text classification, Semi-structured data, Information extraction,
Sentiment analysis, Topic summarization.
Abstract: This paper defines a new term, ‘Microtext’, and takes a survey of the most recent and promising research
that falls under this new definition. Microtext has three distinct attributes that differentiate it from the
traditional free-text or unstructured text considered within the AI and NLP communities. Microtext is text
that is generally very short in length, semi-structured, and characterized by amorphous or informal grammar
and language. Examples of microtext include chatrooms (such as IM, XMPP, and IRC), SMS, voice
transcriptions, and micro-blogging such as Twitter(tm). This paper expands on this definition, and provides
some characterizations of typical microtext data. Microtext is becoming more prevalent. It is the thesis of
this paper that the three distinct attributes of microtext yield different results and require different
techniques than traditional AI and NLP techniques on long-form free text. By creating a working definition
for microtext, providing a survey of the current state of research in the area, it is the goal of this paper to
create an understanding of microtext within the AI and NLP communities.
Information retrieval and extraction on free text (e.g.
long form prose, newswire releases, emails, etc) is a
relatively vibrant and burgeoning research area
within the AI and NLP communities, but by
comparison there is a lack of studies and
experiments on shorter texts, especially where
grammar is less formal and abbreviations are more
common. One of the difficulties in organizing or
tracking this type of research is there is not a
common term differentiating these shorter, less
formal texts. This paper suggests ‘Microtext’ as
being an appropriate term for this type of text. As
electronic communications become more prevalent,
we expect Microtext sources to become more
common, and more important in day-to-day
operations within every industry.
Microtext sources include point to point instant
messaging via any protocol (such as XMPP), Multi-
User Chatrooms or MUCs (such as IRC), SMS
(Short Message Service) common on mobile phones,
transcriptions of voice conversations, and micro-
blogging which has been popularized by Twitter and
similar services.
In section 2 this paper will introduce a working
definition for microtext, and characterize some
common microtext examples. Section 3 will survey
some NLP and AI papers that work on microtext
sources, with varying degrees of acknowledgement
or adjustment to the problem domain. This includes
examples focused on classification, clustering,
information extraction, sentiment analysis, etc.
Section 4 briefly illustrates some counterexamples,
and section 5 concludes the survey.
A definition of microtext is required for future
research efforts. The definition is not strict, in the
sense that it will not be defining an API or a
protocol, but a solid definition will certainly help
provide a ‘stake in the ground’ for future discussion
of work. A definition will serve two purposed
primarily. First, if adopted and utilized as a term or
keyword, it will greatly aid scientists and engineers
in locating similar research. Second, the definition
will help assist future researchers by serve as the
delineation between microtext and long form text.
Ellen J..
ALL ABOUT MICROTEXT - A Working Definition and a Survey of Current Microtext Research within Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language
Processing .
DOI: 10.5220/0003179903290336
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 329-336
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Dalli, Xia, and Wilks (2004) presented a
summary of the “unique characteristics of email”
which consisted of essentially:
Short messages between 2-800 words.
Unconventional grammar & style (frequently).
A cross between informal and traditional.
Threading characteristics
This type of definition is what is necessary for
microtext, however, 800 words is too long for many
of the microtext sources. For a point of reference,
there are approximately 700 words on this page.
Additionally, since microtext is encountered in
multiple media, not all of which include threading,
this definition cannot be used as is.
2.1 Working Definition
Microtext is considered to have three main
characteristics that separate it from the traditional
documents used in text categorization:
Individual author contributions are very brief,
consisting of as little as a single word, and almost
always less than a paragraph. Frequently the
contribution is a single sentence or less.
The grammar used by the authors is generally
informal and unstructured, relative to the pertinent
domain. The tone is conversational, and frequently
unedited therefore errors and abbreviations are more
The text is ‘semi-structured’ by traditional NLP
definitions since it contains some meta-data in
proportion to some free-text. At a minimum, all
microtext has a minute-level timestamp and a source
attribution (author).
This definition is subject to change with respect to
precision. Through experimental validation, these
definitions can be made more concrete.
In regards to the length, ‘very brief’ is not
specific. It is suggested that future studies could help
specifically quantify length either explicitly through
experimentation, or implicitly through deriving
where documents consisting of thousands of
characters have different attributes from documents
consisting of dozens of characters. Similarly, it is
difficult to exactly ascertain a quantifiable metric for
grammar. The two most similar widely known
metrics, Flesch Reading Ease is based on the total
number of words and syllables, which is muddled
with abbreviations and acronyms. Flesch–Kincaid
Grade Level is based on average sentence length and
average syllables per word, which is also affected by
acronyms and subject to extreme variety and outliers
when considering 1 (or less) sentence documents
(Flesch, 1948).
These three metrics were selected specifically
because of their importance to the existing NLP
algorithms. Brevity affects the performance of many
NLP measures such as Term Frequency (TF). It is
certainly the most unique aspect of microtext, and is
reflected in the selection of the term itself. The
informal language creates the most difficulty for
NLP. The semi-structured nature of microtext is a
definite advantage to be leveraged in processing, and
is fairly unique. Generally, longer texts such as
websites, newswire articles, etc are not specifically
attributable to a single author or a single time.
Microtext guarantees both. Even if an article has a
single author or a timestamp, that generally covers
hundreds or thousands of words, so the granularity
or pedigree of individual thoughts or statements is
not nearly as fine-grained or accurate as that of
Finally, the specific selection of the term
‘Microtext’ seems appropriate. The text is not only
short, but often abbreviated. Most importantly, use
seems to be clear. Other than a euphemism for very
small physical printed text, the only other academic
use of the term was decades ago (Bullen, 1972) for
describing a finite state machine. The way seems
clear for microtext to become adopted without
2.2 Microtext Characterization
Encoding thoughts into an electronic format
continues to get easier. At first, capture and
encoding was reserved for higher priority items,
such as books, contracts, etc. As the internet
expanded in parallel with computers becoming more
prevalent and less expensive, the barrier was
lowered to include essays, newswire articles, etc.
The barrier continues to be lowered, in at least three
dimensions: cost required to encode, accessibility to
encoded work, and knowledge required to operate
encoding technology. So text representations of
thought and speech are becoming more prevalent
daily, and as the cost goes down, so does the return
on investment, and the messages and thoughts
encoded tend to become more brief and less formal.
The analog equivalent of ‘micro-text’ has always
been a part of our modern, communal society, in the
form of conversations, journal entries, etc. It’s just
that when these expressions occurred in spoken
dialog, telephone conversations, and paper
notebooks, they are not able to be as easily captured,
archived, sorted, or discussed. There are many
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
examples of this digitization in the hands of the
general public, including wikis, micro-blogs, SMS
messages, and even voicemail transcriptions
(through ad-supported free consumer technologies
such as Google Voice or Jott).
Although they are both encoded as characters,
micro-text varies in structure and content from long
form text, as discussed in the introduction. It is not
necessarily the case that micro-text is ‘noisier’ than
regular text. From a semantic perspective, the
‘signal’ in microtext is very strong, the difficulty
comes from lack of context, not too much ‘noise’.
For example, O’Connor, et al (2010) collected a
corpus of Twitter messages in 2009, and found that
the average message length was eleven words, and
that words rarely occur more than once in a
message. Therefore, some of the standard NLP
metrics such as Term Frequency (TF) and Document
Frequency(DF) will need to be reworked.
Although mentioned a few different places
throughout the document, it is useful to consider a
list of available public and commercial technologies,
services, and standards that would be considered
SMS (aka Text Messages)
Instant Messaging (point to point messages such
as XMPP/Google Talk/Jabber, OSCAR/AIM/ICQ,
Microsoft Messenger)
Multi-User Chatrooms (aka MUCs, including
IRC chatrooms, and communication within
MMORPG and other online communities such as
Second Life or World of Warcraft)
Voicemail Transcriptions (Enterprise or
government level, as well as consumer level
technologies such as Google Voice or Jott)
Microblogs (Twitter, Google Buzz,,
FriendFeed, and other closed sources such as in-
house or enterprise level microblogs such as the
United States Department of Defense’s ‘Chirp’
service, or private services such as Facebook )
There are some other sources which may
potentially fit the definition of microtext, but may
not. Generally this is because of the length of the
author’s individual statements. This includes email,
wikis, ‘regular’ weblogs, website ‘forums’, UseNet,
and RSS feeds.
For illustration, here is a non comprehensive list
of some sample types of meta data (and specific
values of those types in parenthesis):
Source Attribution (Author, Screen Name,
Originating Phone Number or Email Address)
Timestamp (Almost always with minute-level
Audience (Public, Room or Chat channel for IRC
or MUCs, one or more specific recipients of the
Source Attribution type)
URL References (both as a reply/threading
mechanism and as a pointer to a longer reference)
Geo-location information (Either specifically
GPS coordinates, or through location tags)
Other meta-data tags (Self selected topic tags i.e.
#hashtags, Author’s Mood, weather, etc. These
include both author created and automatically
Note that each of these types can be satisfied with its
own rules including ‘zero or more’. For example, in
a Twitter reply (characterized by starting with
‘@username’), the Audience is both public and a
specific recipient.
By far the primary difficult in conducting a survey
of recent research in microtext is that since there is
no common vocabulary or terminology, locating all
of the research is non-trivial.
One metric is the references to the word
‘Twitter’ in peer reviewed publications. In the last
three full years, (since 2007), the number of
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
journal articles with the word ‘Twitter’ are 11, 84,
and 263. Through the first half of 2010, 284 have
been published, so it would be reasonable to expect
at least 568 articles to be published in 2010. In the
same time period, the number of Association of
Computational Lingustics (ACL) articles are 0, 0, 4,
and 34. (68 projected). The number of INSTICC
papers mentioning Twitter available in the
SciTePress digital portal is 2, both in 2010. Since
Twitter is one specific commercial product,
extrapolation can be dangerous, but it is interesting
to note the rapid and dramatic uptake within the
academic community. Interest is obviously high, and
growing fast.
Although ‘Twitter’ is mentioned in many papers,
the intent of the research is widely varied. Obviously
the hundreds of papers already published are beyond
cataloguing in this survey paper, however, a
sampling is presented in the following paragraphs.
Note that in almost every paper, it is a single
application that is being considered, rather than
ALL ABOUT MICROTEXT - A Working Definition and a Survey of Current Microtext Research within Artificial
Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
attempting to define or derive a higher purpose or
truth of the medium. This is a very industry or
engineering centric approach, rather than a scientific
Figure 1: Twitter’s growth in the academic community.
3.1 Topic Identification/Individual
There is some preliminary work (Adams, 2008) in
topic detection within chat. Specifically looking at
IRC chatrooms, these researchers illustrate some of
the types of techniques that can be uniquely
leveraged by microtext research, such as augmenting
a typical TF-IDF based approach with temporal
Ranganath, Jurafsky, and McFarland (2009)
were able to achieve 71.5% accuracy on a system
designed to detect a speaker’s intent to flirt using a
spoken corpus of speed-dates. They also considered
audible (prosodic) features, and their corpus was
transcribed by humans and heavily annotated with
extra information such as number of laughs, number
of filled pauses, etc. The applicable part of this
research where microtext is concerned is that their
transcription/representation was very accurate as to
the speech that actually occurred, including
interruptions, pauses, laughter, backchannel
utterances. (Examples include ‘Uh-huh, Yeah, Wow,
Excuse Me, Um, Uh). These types of attributes are
not part of the formal written grammar that more
traditional NLP approaches consider. Given that the
results of this system were more accurate than
human annotators, it is very notable and exciting to
think that the informal grammar characteristic of
microtext may be leveraged as an advantage over
traditional free text.
Ritter, Cherry, and Dolan (2010) focus on
modelling conversations using an unsupervised
learning algorithm. In their collection of 1.3 million
tweets, they note that Twitter postings tend to be
“highly ungrammatical, and filled with spelling
errors”. They also note that 69% of the
conversations in their data had a length of two. They
find that a modification of the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation overcomes the noisiness and brevity of
their tweets that causes difficulty for named entity
recognizers and noun-phrase chunkers. Although it
was not the focus of their paper, it is precisely these
types of discoveries that need to be re-used by the
3.2 Clustering/Mass Summarization
Examining the larger zeitgeist of the microtext
sources, by considering them in aggregate, is an area
with many commercial entities are pursuing, which
are then commercial, proprietary, and closed, so
there is no insight into their methods. One of the
more academic approaches is TweetMotif
(O’Connor, 2010). TweetMotif’s website provides
an elegant one sentence summary of the algorithm
that “takes any word or phrase, finds tweets where
people are talking about it, then groups them by
statistically unlikely phrases that co-occur”. This is a
relatively standard NLP approach, and it would be
interesting to compare results on Microtext vice
longer text. Also, TweetMotif takes the important
step of recognizing that many tweets are exact
duplicates, ore essentially the same, and specifically
“groups messages whose sets of trigrams have a
pairwise Jaccard similarity exceeding 65%.”
One drawback to clustering approaches in
general for application in more serious matters, the
current implementations do not seem comprehensive
(nor do they claim to be). So their application would
seem to be limited to more ephemeral uses, rather
than rigorous or exhaustive. However, they do serve
a useful purpose.
Another approach is taken by TWinner (Abrol,
2010) to attempt to cluster tweets by physical
location, and then utilize this information to
“improve the quality of web search and predicting
whether the user is looking for news or not.” Twitter
is proposing an automated GPS tagging capability,
and other microblogging services such as Google
Buzz already support automatic or user specified
location information, which will only improve the
accuracy of algorithms such as TWinner. The
TWinner paper also defines a ‘Frequency-Population
ratio), which is a ratio of the number of tweets per
geographic location, normalizing with respect to
population density.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The ‘Phrase Reinforcement Algorithm’,
developed by Sharifi, et Al (2010), utilizes a
different strategy. It provides a machine-generated
summarization of ‘trending topics’ by examining a
quantity of very similar updates, and normalizing
them to produce a best possible summarization. This
does not leverage the microtext aspect, but is
leveraging the massive amount of human thought
put into generating the content.
3.3 Classification
Phan (2008) proposes a “general framework for
building classifiers that deal with short and sparse
text & Web segments by making the most of hidden
topics”. The approach leverages a ‘universal dataset’
to augment the short and sparse text collected. This
is a promising approach, and could be extended
easily to include ontologies or language concepts
and representation in the ‘universal dataset.’ So the
bottleneck of this approach is essentially the same as
the rest of the Natural Language community, the
ability for the machine to understand human
generated text.
Dela Rosa and Ellen (2009) have completed a
series of experiments on classification of military
chat posts. A number of different machine learning
algorithms were evaluated, including SVMs, k-
Nearest Neighbour, Rocchio, and Naive Bayes.
Various feature selection methodologies were also
considered, and Mutual Information (MI) and
Information Gain (IG) were found to perform
relatively poorly. K-NN and SVM were found to be
the most suitable in a binary and four-way
classification task.
3.4 Sentiment Analysis
Go and Bhayani (2010) perform sentiment analysis
of Twitter messages. They are able to leverage
emoticons as noisy labels, a technique first presented
by Read (2005). Difficulties with less formal
grammar constructs are also encountered. They
attempt to perform clustering to assist with the
analysis, and found that it unexpectedly hurt results.
Wilson, Wiebe, and Hoffmann (2005) examine
contextual polarity (aka semantic orientation) of
phrases in great detail. Their work attempts to deal
with the paradox that in the English language,
“Positive words are used in phrases expressing
negative sentiments, or vice versa.” One focus of the
research is on feature selection, such as word
features (e.g. what part of speech), the presence of
nearby modifiers or negators, and other proximity
features (e.g. whether the word is preceded by an
adjective). The stated goal of this work is to provide
insight into phrase-level sentiment analysis. Some
microtext is not much more than a phrase in length,
so this type of research is definitely applicable. A
small question to be answered, however, is whether
or not the informal grammar would interfere with
the feature selection methods exploited in their
3.5 Question/Answer
Cong, et. Al (2008) attempt to leverage existing
knowledge bases of questions and answers (i.e.
website forums) to provide answers for new
questions. While this is not specifically microtext
related, it is interesting because of the implications.
Social Search is a concept being explored by various
companies and pundits (Google, Laporte, 2009); the
idea is to focus search results to consider more
highly authors that the searcher has a personal
relationship with, under the guise that those
recommendations or answers would be more
appropriate, or authoritative. The majority of those
‘social search’ sources would be considered
microtext, and therefore microtext extraction is
crucial to these technologies succeeding.
3.6 Information Extraction
Marom and Zukerman (2009) study a corpus of
paired question & response help desk emails with
the intention of automating the process. The bulk of
this research is focused on NLP tasks that are not
applicable to microtext, such as meta-learning and
semantic overlap. However, the study does
investigate sentence level granularity for the
purposes of generating hybrid or better tailored
answers through combination. One thing specifically
investigated is sentence cluster cohesion, a measure
of the similarity of sentences to each other. This
metric would be useful in microtext analysis because
some microtext sources have an arbitrary character
limit which forces the author to rapidly cycle
between topics. Classifying the entire microtext
‘document’ will vary greatly depending on whether
or not the individual sentences are cohesive.
Gruhl, et. al (2009) explore “statistical NLP
techniques to improve named entity annotation in
challenging Informal English domains”. They
achieve notably better results through application of
SVMs. This paper illustrates the types of insight that
can be gained through specific focus on microtext
characteristics first and experimental validation
ALL ABOUT MICROTEXT - A Working Definition and a Survey of Current Microtext Research within Artificial
Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
second. The majority of the research (both
referenced in this survey, and otherwise reviewed
and not referenced) centers on an experiment.
3.7 Semi-structured Data Exploitation
One of the most underutilized aspects of Microtext
research is ignoring the semi-structured nature of the
data. Kinsella, Passant, and Breslin (2010) examine
the occurrences of hyperlinks in online message
boards. They observe that not only is the use of
hyperlinks increasing, but the hyperlinks themselves
often reference “resources with associated structured
data”, and they discuss “the potential for using this
data for enhanced analysis of online conversation”.
Wang (2010) provides another example of
utilizing the structure of the data in his research into
identifying spammers on Twitter. He utilizes some
of the relationship information available from twitter
accounts to construct graphs and examine some
typical directed graph features. Also, Wang makes
the interesting choice of ignoring the NLP aspect of
the tweets completely, and instead treating authors’
contributions as strings of symbols, and compares
them using Levenshtein distance, ignoring grammar
and semantic content completely.
Not all papers that reference microtext sources are
applicable to microtext characterization. For
example, there are many instances where the
microtext is utilized for some other purpose, such as
using SMS to interface with other systems like
FAQs (Kothari, 2009) or yellow pages (Kopparapu,
2007). Similarly, not all papers mentioning a
microtext source are concerned with analyzing the
content in any fashion. Mowbray (2010) publishes a
paper on identifying spam in twitter, similar to the
aforementioned paper by Wang, but unlike Wang
focuses on automated use and abuse of the Twitter
API and functionality, and other non-NLP, non-AI
There are also many interesting sociological
applications and research to be performed on this
type of data (which as stated earlier, used to be
private, non-digital, or more expensive). There are
dozens of papers on how to leverage these new
sources of digital information, such as the influence
of Twitter (Cha, 2010) (Lee, 2010), using Twitter to
predict elections (Tumasjan, 2010), the stock
market, or movie results, or the flu (Ritterman,
2009). While interesting and valuable in their own
right, these papers do not provide insight into the
mechanics of microtext, or leverage the
characteristics that define microtext. While these
works have an NLP aspect, it is really the publicness
and ubiquity of the mechanisms that are being
exploited, not the microtext.
Another example of this type of clever
exploitation is Davidov, Tsur, and Rappoport (2010)
who leverage emoticons in conjunction with user
generated tags for sentiment analysis. Emoticons are
by no means required by or limited to microtext
sources, but they tend to appear more frequently.
They examine the phenomenon that sometimes the
user generated tags are overloaded and part of the
grammatical/semantic content, such as “I always
enjoy the #Olympics” and other times simply serve
as metadata, for example “I can’t believe the USA
just won the gold in hockey! #Olympics”. Twitter is
leveraged as a large repository of sentiment, and
“the obtained feature vectors are not heavily Twitter-
specic”. This is more of an exploration of the
English language and the tagging and emoticon
phenomenon than anything specifically about
microtext, although the emoticon/sentiment analysis
feature vectors could be leveraged as would any
other ontology.
There are a growing number of papers being
published on NLP and AI techniques as applied to
brief, poorly formatted, semi-structured text. As
presented in this survey, there are a number of
interesting papers being published in the area. Much
of the current work is more engineering than
scientific in focus; they seek to provide anecdotal or
experimental evidence about a single use case. So
while not using a common terminology, these papers
are providing the rough foundation for research on
There is some past NLP work on sentence and
phrase level types of analysis that is partially
relevant. Although the brevity condition is met,
much of this work is relies on correct grammar and
sentence structure, and to a lesser extent on a larger
corpus. So, not all previous NLP work on concise
expressions will translate to microtext.
It is the thesis of this paper that some discussion
and meta-experimentation on the field itself would
lead to greater insights, with a higher level of reuse.
A first step in that direction is defining terminology,
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
‘Microtext’, so that researchers can have a common
ground for future discussion.
Some of the scattered research surveyed in this
paper has provided interesting insights as to the type
of conclusions and methodologies that would be
discovered and catalogued with a more focused
effort. Some of these include: Leveraging an outside
body of knowledge, leveraging non-traditional
language features such as laughs and “uh/ums”, and
treating individual results as less important and
focusing more on less granular trends. Overall, trend
analysis and identification has the most research,
and Information Extraction from microtext is
particularly lacking.
In two different papers, SVMs were a successful
strategy in dealing with informal grammars.
The next step is investigating and more
rigorously quantifying the three attributes in the
microtext definition. This would certainly provide
reusable insights and help catalogue best performing
techniques and unique quirks and advantages of
microtext processing versus text processing. The
goal of this paper is to create an understanding of
microtext within the AI and NLP communities.
Thanks to the Office of Naval Research and the
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific for
their financial support, and Dr. LorRaine Duffy for
inspiration and motivation. This paper is the work of
U.S. Government employees performed in the
course of employment and no copyright subsists
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Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence