Evaluation of a New Method
Silvester Fuhrhop, Stefan Lamparth, Tobias Seemann, Wilhelm Stork
KIT - Institute for Information Processing Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Stephan Heuer, Malte Kirst
FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Dry electrode materials, Signal quality, ECG, Comparison, Long-Term-ECG
Studies prove, that ECG monitoring over longer periods of time can significantly improve the diagnosis of
heart failure. Dry electrodes are a valuable alternative to conventional wet electrodes, if the monitoring pe-
riod is longer than one week, because they are more stable and cause less skin irritations. One drawback
however is the minor signal quality compared to wet electrodes. As there are different electrode materials for
dry electrodes available, a qualitative comparison concerning signal quality is carried out in this work. The
signal quality of well known dry-electrode-materials used in fitness-heart belts are compared with metal dry
electrodes. All electrodes are assembled in an identical mechanical electrode-setup. A parcours-based field
trial with 13 subjects is carried out in two stages. In order to estimate the reproducibility of the parcours, the
first stage is used to benchmark the differences in signal quality of consecutive measurements not originating
from the electrode material. In the second stage however, the actual measurement takes place. The accuracy
of the method is presented and the comparison results are discussed.
Longterm ECG monitoring provides a promising ap-
proach to face the rising numbers of heart diseases.
Established Holter recorders equipped with adhesive
wet electrodes feature good signal quality, but show
bad wearing comfort and bad usability when looked
at from the daily regular use perspective. Recording
approaches with textile integrated dry electrodes in-
deed prevail over these drawbacks (Fuhrhop et al.,
2009) (Yoo et al., 2009) (M. Di Rienzo, 2005).
Although Gruetzmann et al. state that dry elec-
trodes are more resistant to movement artifacts than
adhesive electrodes compared by short-term analy-
sis (A. Gr
utzmann and M
uller, 2007) it is shown
in (Fuhrhop et al., 2009), that there is a big dif-
ference between laboratory measurements and real
world measurements where Ag/AgCl electrodes still
outperform the dry electrodes in a real 24/7 life sce-
nario. It is for this reason that dry electrode ECG sys-
tem have failed to establish themselves as alternative
for Holter systems with conventional Ag/AgCl elec-
trodes in the medical environment. Multiple sources
e. g. (Connolly and Buckley, 2004) (David Ruhle-
mann and Frosch, 2010) document that conventional
Ag/AgCl electrode gels also cause contact dermati-
tis in multiple cases. As to the knowledge of the au-
thors there are no systems with capacitively coupled
electrodes available that can cope with dry electrode
systems concerning robustness against movement ar-
tifacts. In terms of artifact robustness and long-term
usability dry electrodes are the most promising acqui-
sition approach for good signal coverage in long-term
ECG monitoring to date.
The investigations on dry electrodes for ECG mon-
itoring are numerous. (PJ. Xu, 2008) gives a solid
overview over this field. Most groups that use dry
electrodes have benchmarked their system against a
Holter recorder (M. Di Rienzo, 2005) (G. Gargiulo,
2010). This approach is feasible, to compare com-
plete dry electrode systems with each other. However,
Fuhrhop S., Lamparth S., Seemann T., Stork W., Heuer S. and Kirst M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003165104850488
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 485-488
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a direct conclusion about the influence of the used
dry-electrode material on the signal quality cannot
be drawn, because the mechanical setup of the elec-
trode mounting differs. Lacking the adhesive fixation
to the body, the fixture of dry electrodes has great
influence on the signal quality. There are multiple
methods to compare dry electroconductive electrodes
for ECG measurements: Subjective comparison of
different electrode types with a reference electrode
(Ag/AgCl), the skin-electrode impedance (Hoffmann
and Ruff, 2007) (Baek JY, 2008), detectability of
ECG waves (Pola and Vanhala, 2007) (Fuhrhop et al.,
2009), power spectral density (Scilingo et al., 2005)
(Puurtinen et al., 2006). As dry electrode systems
have their advantages in long-term applicability, it is
very likely that the signal analysis of the recorded data
is performed automatically by ECG-waves detection
algorithms. That is why the comparison of differ-
ent electrode materials concerning their signal quality
will be accomplished by automated ECG waves de-
tection in this work.
The quality of an ECG signal decreases with ris-
ing activity of the subject, because the relative move-
ment between body and electrode induce potentials at
the electrode-skin interface that add to the body sur-
face potentials of the heart and reside in the same fre-
quency band. Hence electrodes for long-term applica-
bility need to be robust against potentials at the skin-
electrode interface that are induced by movement. For
the in vivo comparison of ECG-electrodes it has to
be taken into account, that ECG morphology is de-
pendent on the electrode position on the body. Po-
sition changes of the electrode can heavily influence
the signal morphology. By performing a simultaneous
measurement with two electrode-types attached to the
subject, the evaluation measurement is not compara-
ble due to the changes in morphology caused by slight
differences in electrode position. Therefore the mea-
surements have to be performed consecutively and
special care has to be taken, that the measurement is
conducted in an identical way.
3.1 Tested Electrode Materials
The five materials compared in this test are presented
in the list below. Two dry electrode materials, that
are widely used in fitness chest belts and three metal
based materials are evaluated:
Conductive Rubber (
Silver coated Jersey-Textile
Stainless-steel (14301 alloy)
Silver (925 sterling silver)
Stainless-Steel mesh (
3.2 Measurement Setup
The electrode material is integrated into a rigid carrier
that is fixed to the body by a belt. The deployed elec-
trode design ensures that the fixture of each electrode-
material-setup is identical hence a relative compari-
son between the selected electrode materials is possi-
Electrode carrier
under Test
Figure 1: Electrode design.
Two electrodes like the one depicted in figure 1 are
mounted in a stretchable belt. The length of the belt is
adjusted for each subject individually. A differential
measurement setup similar to Einthoven lead I is ac-
quired. Figure 2 shows the configuration of the leads
on the left and a subject of the trial with the attached
unit (right).
Figure 2: Electrode configuration.
3.3 Field Trial Setup
In order to acquire comparable subsequent measure-
ments a parcours-based field trial with well defined
stages was designed. To identify the robustness
against movement artifacts, several activities where
included in the trial stages. The selected actions oc-
cur in the daily routine and induce heavy movements
of the thorax and the upper extremities. The list below
shows the duration of each activity:
Sitting in a chair (120s)
Stirring rice in a jar (60s, 20s break)
Taking a jar out of a shelf, put it on the floor and
back up on a shelf (60s, 20s break)
Cleaning teeth (60s, 20s break)
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Walking stairs (60 s, 20s break)
Using a wheelchair (60s, 20s break)
Walking with cruchtes (60 s, 40s break)
Fast walking at 6 km/h in a treadmill (180s)
The overall duration of the parcours is 13:20 min-
utes. No detergent or soap was used for skin prepa-
ration but before each run the chest area of each sub-
ject was cleaned with tap water and dried with a fresh
towel before applying the chest belt. The belt was at-
tached with a tension of 3.5N. Before each measure-
ment, the subject rested with the belt attached for 15
minutes in order to let the dry electrodes reach the
equilibrium. The duration of each station in the par-
coursis controlled by a timer, so that every activity is
done with similar duration for every material. Start
and end of each activity is signaled acoustically and
by a vibration-motor in the belt. The field trial was
divided in two stages. Stage 1: The parcours was con-
ducted four times in a row by each subject with stain-
less steel electrodes. Between every run, the electrode
belt was removed and reapplied in the way described
above. Stage 2: In the second stage every subject con-
ducted the parcours once for each electrode material.
The trial took place in an air conditioned room, the
temperature was between 24 and 25
C, humidity was
50 to 54% rel.
3.4 Subject Population
The population of this study is composed of 13 adults,
both males and females, with a range of ages from 21
to 26. All of the subjects were healthy and none re-
vealed a past history of any cardiac problems. All
subjects were surveyed prior to study inclusion to en-
sure each met study qualifications.
3.5 Estimation of the Signal Quality by
ECG Waves Detection
The applied method, described in (Fuhrhop et al.,
2009), uses the detectability of QRS waves. A ref-
erence annotation of the ECG signal is created by an
expert and a trigger list is computed by a QRS detect-
ing algorithm. This trigger list is compared beat by
beat with the reference annotation hence sensitivity
(Se) and positive predictive value (pP) of each mea-
surement can be calculated. Those parameters repre-
sent the signal quality of the recorded ECG from the
QRS detecting algorithms point of view.
3.6 Results
The signal quality of each run was estimated by the
beat-by-beat method described above. At first the re-
producibility of well defined activities was evaluated:
The comparison of successively recorded parcours
runs implies that the difference in signal quality be-
tween subsequent recordings only originates from the
used electrode material. To evaluate if other factors
influence the comparability each subject conducted
stage 1 (described above). Table 1 shows mean value
and standard deviation for Se and pP of 13 subjects.
It is clear, that despite of a parcours based trial and
a reproducible application of the electrodes, the sig-
nal quality of each subject differs between each run
significantly. The mean value of the standard devi-
ation for Se is 0.4% and for pP is 1.7%. Hence it
is only possible to reliably compare subsequent mea-
surements, if the mean values of the quality indica-
tors for different electrode materials exhibit signifi-
cant higher differences than the above listed standard
Table 1: Se and pP of the four subsequent parcours-runs
with stainless steel material (stage 1).
Subject Se [%] pP [%]
mean std mean std
1 98.7 0.4 95.6 0.6
2 98.1 1.6 97.2 1.3
3 99.5 0.5 99.3 0.4
4 99.3 0.3 99.0 0.8
5 99.2 0.2 97.4 1.5
6 99.3 0.5 97.5 0.2
7 99.6 0.1 97.1 2.6
8 99.7 0.1 99.1 0.9
9 99.8 0.1 99.4 0.2
10 99.5 0.5 97.1 3.6
11 99.6 0.5 99.0 1.4
12 98.6 0.5 93.3 2.4
13 99.3 0.7 96.7 6.2
mean 99.3 0.4 97.5 1.7
3.7 Estimation of the ECG Signal
Quality for the Electrode Materials
In the succeeding trial stage each subject performed
the parcours for each electrode material once. There-
fore 13 measurements for each material are available
for comparison. Table 2 shows mean values and stan-
dard deviation for both pP and Se for all tested mate-
rials. Se ranges between 98,91 and 99.29%, pP ranges
between 96.94 and 98.25% respectively.
Table 2: Sp an pP for different electrode materials (stage 2).
Material Se [%] pP [%]
mean std mean std
Silver 99.29 1.2 97.95 1.8
Mesh 98.91 1.4 98.25 1.0
Jersey 99.23 0.6 97.22 2.5
Conductive Rubber 99.06 1.2 96.94 2.6
Stainless Steel 99.27 0.7 97.55 2.8
mean 99.15 1.0 97.57 2.1
A larger measurement database (both subjects and
recording time) could have averaged out outliers, but
for the available number of measurements the accu-
racy of the adopted method ranges at 0.4% for Se and
1.7% for pP. The calculated performance difference of
the dry electrode materials of Se and pP reside in the
same scale as the accuracy of the method. Due to this
fact it is evident that on the given database the applied
comparison method is not accurate enough to allow a
conclusion, what material is more robust against arti-
A comparison between dry electrode-materials used
in fitness belts that feature a low prize and easy tex-
tile integrability and metal dry electrode-materials has
been carried out. The accuracy of the method used
for comparison was evaluated. It could be proven
that even during a well defined reproducible parcours
based study the signal quality of each run significantly
differs due to other factors than the electrode mate-
rial. The fact that the number of subjects was lim-
ited and the recording duration was short reduced the
accuracy of the applied method. The comparison be-
tween the selected materials revealed, that the iden-
tified performance differences range in the measur-
ing inaccuracy, hence no conclusion about the influ-
ence of the material can be drawn. The method must
be adapted in such a way, that either the amount of
recorded data is enlarged or the measurements of the
different materials are taken simultaneously. In this
case the effect of different electrode positions must
be taken into account. Because all electrode materi-
als are attached mechanical identically in this evalu-
ation, it is also possible that the electrode mounting
of dry electrodes is more relevant for movement arti-
facts than the electrode material itself. In the ongoing
work the presented method will be adapted to allow
a more accurate conclusion about the influence of dry
electrode material on signal quality and the effects of
the mechanical fixture on the signal quality will be
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing