, P. Aricò
, F. Schettini
, A. Riccio
, M. Risetti
, S. Salinari
, D. Mattia
F. Babiloni
and F. Cincotti
Neuroelectrical Imaging and BCI Lab, Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS, Rome, Italy
Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Rome “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Department of Human Physiology and Pharmacology, Univ. of Rome “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Brain Computer Interface, Covert Attention, P300, Eye Tracker, Workload, Electroencephalogram (EEG).
Abstract: Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is an alternative communication system which allows users to send
commands and/or messages toward the outside not crossing the normal output channels of the brain, but
conveying these outputs from the human brain to a computer (Wolpaw et al., 2002). In an EEG-based BCI
messages are obtained from brain activity. This study presents a novel P300 based Brain Computer Interface
requiring no eye gaze, and so usable in covert attention status, called GeoSpell (Geometric Speller).
GeoSpell performances have been compared with those obtained by the subjects with the standard 6 by 6
P300 Speller (P3Speller) matrix which depends on eye gaze (Farwell and Donchin, 1988). A NASA Task
Load Index (TLX) workload assessment was employed to provide a subjective rating about the task’s
workload and satisfaction with respect to both the interfaces (NASA Human Performance Research Group
1987). Results shown comparable workload values for P3Speller and Geospell; this result has an important
impact in term of efficiency and satisfaction for the use of the BCI devices. Geospell interface has shown an
accuracy comparable with the P3Speller one but with a lower bit-rate.
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are able to
recognize the intention of the subject of completing
a particular action and to translate it into control
signals for technological devices, through particular
transfer algorithms.
The "communicative power" of the BCI systems
is very important for people with physical
disabilities; e.g. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
(ALS) causes the partial or total loss of the muscles
control, while sensory and cognitive functions
remain usually intact; this disease, in advanced state,
leads to the partial or total loss of the ability to move
eyes. A BCI able to translate specific mental trials in
a control actions could allow such persons to interact
with the surrounding environment improving their
autonomy and their quality of life. Different types of
brain activity are discernible in EEG signals and are
used in EEG based BCIs: e.g., the P300 potential is a
positive deflection (ca. 10-20µV) that occurs about
250-400 ms after the presentation of a target
stimulus (Fabiani et al., 1987; Polich et al., 1995).
This is the case of “Oddball” paradigm during which
rare target items are presented within a sequence of
frequent No-Target (or "standard") items; in this
kind of paradigm the subjects are asked to focus
their attention to the Target stimulus (e.g. mentally
counting the number of Target occurrences or
pushing a button on a keyboard when the user
recognizes the Target), and to ignore the other
stimuli (No-Target).
1.1 Attention: “Covert” vs “Overt”
An important ability of our cognitive system is the
possibility to select, by attentional mechanism, just a
part of the big amount of information we are at any
time subjected to. Selective attention, is the
cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one
aspect of the environment while ignoring other
things (Anderson, 1999). Fixing an object does not
necessarily means to see it and to focus the attention
on it: we can focus the attention on a specific target
of the visual field directing the eyes towards the
stimulus source (overt attention), or mentally
Aloise F., Aricò P., Schettini F., Riccio A., Risetti M., Salinari S., Mattia D., Babiloni F. and Cincotti F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003161202270232
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 227-232
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
focusing on one of several possible stimuli, without
the necessity of gazing on it (covert attention).
2.1 P3Speller Interface
P3Speller (P300 Speller) is an interface developed
by Farwell and Donchin (Farwell and Donchin,
1988) (Figure 1a). It allows the subject to select 36
alphanumeric characters positioned in a matrix,
using as control feature the P300 event related
potential (ERP). Stimuli are presented to the user on
a computer screen and randomly intensified at an
established frequency. During the stimulation, the
user focuses his attention on the character he intends
to select and then he mentally counts the number of
occurrences while rows and columns are flashing.
The flashing of the selected target elicits a P300
potential, while the others (No-Target) do not.
One of the main problems to recognize the P300
is the lowest signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR); for this
reason, each character is intensified more than once
time (e.g. 8 occurrences for the rows and 8 for the
columns for this study) in order to extract the
components of interest from background noise
averaging the Target and No-Target stimuli.
2.2 P3Speller in Covert Attention
As mentioned above, ALS patients, in advanced
stage of the illness, could manifest a paralysis of the
ocular muscles losing possibility to freely move the
A recent study of Brunner et al. showed that the
P3Speller performances dramatically decrease when
the user is unable to move his eyes (Brunner et al.,
In this regard, Treder and Blankez tested the
ERP-based Hex-o-Spell, a two-levels speller
consisting of six discs arranged on an invisible
hexagon, which does not require eye gaze. They
reported classification accuracy about 60% (Treder
and Blankez, 2010).
The purpose of this study has been to plan and
evaluate a new speller interface P300-based usable
in covert attention condition too.
Figure 1: a) Farwell and Donchin speller paradigm P300-
based b) The proposed GeoSpell (Geometric Speller)
interface; each group contain 6 alphanumeric characters,
that are presented in a random sequence to the centre of a
3.1 GeoSpell
In the GeoSpell interface (Figure 1b) characters are
organized following the same logic of a N by N
matrix: there are a total of N
characters and they are
organized into 2N groups of N characters each.
Characters of the same group are placed at the
vertices of a regular geometric figure, and a fixation
point is placed at its center. Each character belongs
to two groups occupying the same position; the
single selected character will be given by the
intersection of two groups.
The visual angle subtended by the fixation cross
at the center of the visual field and each character
doesn’t exceed 1° ; in this way all characters are
recognizable by the users (Sutter, 1992). The
characters for each group has been chosen so that the
number of white pixels between different groups is
almost constant (Mean=3274.333pixel; Std=2.93%).
This choice allows to avoid the occurrence of no-
ERP potentials (e.g. VEPs) that otherwise would be
elicited during the stimulation. This eventuality is
instead inevitable in the P3Speller interface.
Stimulation consists in a random presentation of all
the groups, in particular every group was enlighten
for 125 ms and a 250 ms lag between the onsets of
two consecutive stimuli.
Seven volunteer subjects (4 male, 3 female,
Median age=27.75, Std=4.6), with no history of
mental or neurological illnesses were involved in
this study. Every subject had previous experience
with BCI and with the P3Speller interface. Scalp
EEG data were acquired using BCI2000 software
(Schalk et al., 2004). The EEG was recorded using a
cap embedded with 16 Ag/AgCl electrodes covering
left, right, and central scalp locations (Fz, FCz, Cz,
CPz, Pz, Oz, F3, F4, C3, C4, CP3, CP4, P3, P4,
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 2: Each group contains the characters of one row or
one column of a matrix.
PO7, PO8) referenced to both earlobes, and
grounded to the right mastoid, based on the 10-10
standard of the International Federation. The
electrode impedance did not exceed 10 k. The
EEG was acquired with a g.Tec gUSBamp
acquisition device (Austria, sampling rate 256Hz).
In order to demonstrate that the GeoSpell interface
does not require eye gaze we have performed
recordings using an eye tracker system (spatial
resolution of 0.5°) constituted by an infrared-light
webcam “Genius iSlim 320” managed by the open
source software “ITU GazeTracker” (San Augstin et
al, 2010). After a phase of calibration, the software,
in START mode returns X and Y screen coordinates
of the eye gaze; through UDP communication, In
this way we synchronized the BCI2000 and the ITU
gaze tracker, and calculated, through offline
analysis, the number of ocular movements and
blinks made by subject during the stimulation, and
Target/s on which he/she has moved the eyes.
3.2 Usability
The introduction of the BCI technology into the
home-place would have a great impact on
opportunities available to severe motor disable
people. From this point of view approaching in the
assessment of BCI technology development in terms
of usability is a first important stage. In this study
we focused on the evaluation of user’s mental
workload in operating the two different interfaces. In
order to compare the workload of the GeoSpell and
the P3speller, we used a subjective workload rating
scale called NASA-tlx (Hart and Staveland, 1988).
The NASA-tlx assesses the workload by considering
six different factors: Mental, Physical and Temporal
Demands, Frustration, Effort and Performance.
The workload has a direct bearing on the
usability of a software interface. If fewer mental
resources are used, then the efficiency, and also the
effectiveness and satisfaction associated with the
interface can be increased.
3.3 Experimental Protocol
As mentioned earlier each participant to the protocol
had previous experience with the interface
P3Speller, instead the GeoSpell was presented them
for the first time; this could represent an intrinsic
bias between the two interfaces. Furthermore recent
work refers that the mental training can significantly
affect attentive stability, brain function, and
selectively reduced cognitive effort (Lutz et al.
2009). So each subject was asked to take part in 4
training sessions without EEG acquisition with the
GeoSpell before to start with the effective data
collecting protocol. The purpose of this sessions was
to get used the subjects to the new interface; in each
training session subjects were asked to attend to
some letters and push a button when they occur;
every letter on the interface was presented as a
Target with the same incidence and we monitored
the number of lost Targets. Every session consists of
9 runs of 6 trials each, where a trial denotes a fixed
number of stimulation sequences during which the
target is the same. We set 8 stimulation sequences
for trials and then each letter is presented 16 times.
Proceeding with the training, we noticed for all the
subjects a diminution of the number of lost Targets
and an arrangement in the reaction times.
Data collecting protocol consists of 5 sessions
during which we compared the 2 different interfaces,
using a visual oddball paradigm as a baseline both
for reaction times and for waveforms features.
During the first 4 sessions we asked the subject to
perform 3 runs with each different stimulation
interface. The system suggested to the user the letter
that he had to concentrate on before that the
stimulation began. We used 6 different words of 6
different characters per word (for a total of 36
different characters) as a text to spell: “AX6L1O”,
“TVM3CH”, “2EWY_8”, “BJZN7G”, “DR5K9Q”,
“FU4SPI”. The characters of the same word were
chosen to occupy all possible positions within a
group. As mentioned earlier, every stimulus was
intensified for 125ms, with an inter stimulus interval
(ISI) of 125 ms, so 250 ms lag between the onset of
two different stimuli. Also we have set of
pseudorandom stimulation sequences to ensure that
at least 500 ms elapsed between two target stimuli.
This avoids the “Attentional Blink” phenomenon
that occurs when the Target to Target Interval (TTI)
is shorter than 500ms (Raymond et al. 1992). We
provided a 2 seconds pre-trial presentation, during
which the target appeared in the its group position;
in this way the subject knew the Target position
before stimulation started. The first 2 sessions were
about response times and EEG data acquisition was
not required; the subject had to keep his eyes fixed
on the cross at the center of the interface and push a
button every time a Target stimulus appeared. The
last session aimed at a direct comparison of the
online performances of GeoSpell and P3Speller.
Data of third and fourth sessions were used to
extract the control features for each participant; in
particular we used a Stepwise Linear Discriminant
Analysis (SWLDA) to select the most relevant
features that allowed to discriminate Target Stimuli
from NoTarget one (Krusienski et al. 2006). The two
interfaces were put on in the same operational
conditions; particularly, for the P3Speller online
classification, 8 stimulation sequences per trial were
used, and before the beginning of every trial, subject
had 4 seconds of "Presentation" during which the
stimulation was off and he could look for the Target
of interest. For GeoSpell we provided 10 stimulation
sequences: the first 2 sequences (Presentation),
allowed the subjects to find the wanted Target;
during these 2 sequences, each letter was presented 4
times. Rather the following 8 sequences of
stimulation were used for online classification. In
both interface a feedback on classification result was
given at the end of each trial. For text to spell we
select two made sense Italian word that move on all
the different positions in the GeoSpell’s group (as it
happened for the words in previous sessions).
4.1 Reaction Time
We used the 2 sessions without EEG acquisition to
compare the reaction times of the 2 text writing
interface with the visual oddball paradigm. Figure 3
shows the mean of reaction time for each stimulation
interface relating to the 2 different sessions.
Geospell interface exhibited an averaged reaction
times statistically different (p< .05) from each other;
such result was expected, because the covert
attention condition increases the difficulty of the
discrimination task with respect to overt attention
condition; the number of missed Targets confirms
this results, in fact GeoSpell interface produced a
greater number of lost Targets with respect to other
4.2 Offline Counting Accuracy
The data collected during third and fourth sessions
were used to determinate counting accuracy. In
particular we performed a cross- validation
exploring all the possible combinations of training
and testing data set from the initial data set. For each
Figure 3: Mean Error (0.95 CI) of reaction times for each
session and the 3 interfaces.
Figure 4: ANOVA test for the accuracy of the 3 different
interfaces depending on the number of stimulation
participant, counting accuracy was determined
depending on the number of stimulation sequences
mediated during the trial.
Then, we analyzed accuracy values using two-
way repeated measures ANOVA, using Interface
and Number of Stimulation Sequence as factors
(figure 4). After that, we performed two way t-test
(α = .05) between P3Speller and GeoSpell for each
Number of Stimulation Sequence. Results are
summarized in Table 1: GeoSpell reached
comparable performances with P3Speller after a
high number of stimulation sequences.
Table 1: t and p values of t-test for each stimulation
 SeqSt
p 0,034 0,001 0,006 0,063 0,006 0,050 0,031 0,078
2,52 4,13 3,63 2,16 3,52 2,22 2,74 2,12
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
In conclusion, the GeoSpell interface exhibits a
lower bit-rate than P3Speller, but the performances
in terms of accuracy are comparable, since the
differences among the performances using GeoSpell
and the P3Speller decrease when the number of
stimulation sequence increases.
4.3 Event Related Potentials
Some analyses have been performed on the
amplitudes and latencies of the P300 and N200
ERPs (elicited by the Target stimuli). In particular
we compared the P3Speller and GeoSpell with two-
way repeated measures ANOVA, with Interface and
Amplitude/Latency as factors.
Peak amplitude and peak latency were
determined for each subject by picking the largest
positive or negative peak for all the sites within
particular intervals, these were selected through a
Grand-Average on the EEG signal of all the
subjects, for the two interfaces (Table 2).
Table 2: Interest intervals for ERP’s amplitude and
P300 [220:400]ms [400:600]ms
N200 [150:250]ms [250:400]ms
There were no statistically differences between N2
and P3 amplitudes for the two different spellers
([N2] Interface: F = 0.38462, p = 0.55239; [P3]
Interface: F = 2.0602, p = 0.18911). Instead, N2 and
P3 latencies were longer for GeoSpell than for
P3Speller ([N2] Interface: F = 64.624, p = 0.00004;
[P3] Interface, F = 54.862 p = .00008). The increase
in the N2 and P3 latencies using the GeoSpell
interface, was caused by the increase of the task
difficulty. E.g., changes in ERPs component latency
between different groups and conditions can be
assumed to reflect changes in stimulus processing;
P300 latency is often correlated with task difficulty:
P300 peak latency is longer for the more difficult
compared to the easier tasks (Allison et al., 2003).
4.4 Online Counting Accuracy
We determined the online accuracy basing on the
results of the fifth session. Accuracy per subject and
mean accuracy (AVG) were depicted in figure 5 for
each interface.
The results of the online session, confirm those
of the copy-mode sessions: the use of the P3Speller
allows performances (AVG = 95.75%, Std = 2.45)
more elevated than using the GeoSpell interface
Figure 5: Online classification accuracy for each subject.
(AVG = 83.18%, Std = 8.29); the Std value in the
GeoSpell performances, shows a great variability in
the performances among the subjects respect to
P3Speller. However it must be remembered that the
two interfaces have been used in different attentional
conditions; previous studies (Brunner et al., 2010)
shown that the use of P3Speller in covert attention
condition causes a significant performances decrease
that doesn’t allow to use P3Speller as
“Communicative Mean”.
Figure 6: Mean error (0.95 CI) related to subjects eye
movements during the stimulation for the 2 copy mode
On the contrary the performances achieved with
the GeoSpell interface far exceed 70%, value that
represents the threshold above which an interface
can be defined efficient in communication terms
(Kübler et al. 2006).
The small number of eye movements recorded
during the third and fourth capture sessions
confirmed the hypothesis of the covert attention
condition. Figure 6 depicts the mean error (0.95 CI)
referred to the number of ocular movements
performed by the subjects during the 2 copy-mode
sessions. In each run, the number of the stimuli
presented during the last 8 sequences was 96.
4.5 Workload Results
Two repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted
separately for the workload scores of the online and
the offline sessions, with the GeoSpell task and
P3speller task entered as the independent factors.
Although the workload scores of the GeoSpell tasks
(offline: mean=37.2 std=16.21; online: mean=42.4
std=18.4) were higher than those in the P3Speller
task (offline: mean=26 std=17.6; online: mean=33.1
std=21.7) we didn’t find any significant difference
between them both in the offline condition (p=0.19)
both in online condition (p=0.4).
The eye tracker systems as communicative means
represent the ideal solution for the ALS subjects that
are able to move the eyes, compared to the BCI
P300-based text writers, because the detection of eye
movements is quicker, easier, and more accurate
than the detection of ERPs. A BCI system operable
without the necessity to move the eyes is the only
way to communicate for the ALS subjects,
completely "locked-in."
In this study was shown a new P300-based BCI
system, useable in covert attention status. The
performances using the GeoSpell interface (> 70%),
allow defining it as “Communicative Mean”.
In a future study, it will be tried to bring some
changes to the GeoSpell interface, that allow to
improve the usability and accuracy, giving particular
relief to the training, that could improve the
This work is partly supported by the EU grant FP7-
224332 “SM4ALL” project, and FP7-224631
“TOBI” project. This paper only reflects the authors’
views and funding agencies are not liable for any use
that may be made of the information contained
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing