Sergio Esparcia and Estefan´ıa Argente
Grupo de Tecnolog´ıa Inform´atica - Inteligencia Artificial, Departamento de Sistemas Inform´aticos y Computaci´on
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Virtual organizations, Formalization, Multiagent systems.
This work presents a formalization of Virtual Organizations, which are designed by means of their structural
entities, such as roles, organizational units or norms, and the dynamic entities that change through time like
agents and groups. Entities are grouped by means of the Organizational Dimensions, explicitly represented in
the proposed formalization. Additionally, a study of existing formalizations of Organization Centered Multia-
gent Systems is presented.
During last years, the development of Multiagent sys-
tems (MAS) has turned from an agent centered per-
spective to an organization centered perspective. Or-
ganizations describe system functionality, structure,
environment and dynamics. In Organization Centered
MAS (OCMAS), the organization exists as an explicit
entity of the system (Picard et al., 2009), defined by
its designers following a top-down approach. In OC-
MAS, agents are aware of the organization in which
they are participating and they are provided with a
representation of it. Agents can use this knowledge
to reason about it and to establish relationships and
interactions to reach their objectives.
OCMAS can be defined and described by means
of a formal approach. To formalize them it is neces-
sary to introduce concepts taken from maths and logic
theories, such as LAO (Dignum and Dignum, 2007),
whose syntax to define a system follows the tempo-
ral logic language CTL (Emerson, 1991). Other pro-
posals not only provide a formal way to describe an
OCMAS, but also a language to describe it, such as
the proposal in (Grossi et al., 2005), which employs
a multimodal propositional logic language to model
agent organizations, based on Kripke models. Formal
approaches are very useful in order to obtain a clear
definition of OCMAS, improving the study and anal-
ysis of the different issues regarding them. Addition-
ally, these formalizations are commonly used tocheck
the correctness and integrity of an OCMAS, by means
of techniques like model checking (Clarke, 1999).
However, formal approaches are not always able
to represent all the concepts that compose an agent
organization. Using the current proposals it is not
possible to completely define a paradigm for devel-
oping agent systems such as Virtual Organizations
(VO) (Foster et al., 2001), which are sets of individ-
uals and institutions that need to coordinate resources
and services. Thus, they are open systems (Gonzalez-
Palacios and Luck, 2007) formed by the grouping and
collaboration of heterogeneous entities, and allowing
model systems at a high level of abstraction. They in-
clude the integration of organizational and individual
perspectives and also the dynamic adaptation of mod-
els to organizational and environmental changes.
VOs can be structured by means of the Organiza-
tional Dimensions (Criado et al., 2009), which should
be considered when modeling an organization. These
dimensions describe all the entities that compose the
organization, distributed by the functionality of the
entities that they are providing to it. These dimen-
sions are: structural, functional, dynamical, environ-
ment and normative. Current formal proposals only
define a subset of the dimensions and concepts pre-
sented in the Organizational Dimensions. Thus, it
seems necessary to provide with a formalization that
clearly models the Organizational Dimensions, mak-
ing a clear difference between them.
The objective of this work is to present a formal
framework to define a VO, taking the Organizational
Dimensions as a basis. The rest of this work is struc-
tured as follows: Section 2 describes the Organiza-
tional Dimensions. Section 3 describes formal frame-
works related with our work. Section 4 presents the
Virtual Organization Formalization (VOF), a formal
Esparcia S. and Argente E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003156500840093
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 84-93
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
framework to define VOs. Section 5 presents a dis-
cussion between our proposal and the analyzed frame-
works. Finally, section 6 gives our conclusions.
When modeling an organization, the following di-
mensions should be taken into account (Criado et al.,
2009): (i) structural, describing the entities that popu-
late the system; (ii) functional, which details the func-
tions, goals and services of the organization; (iii) dy-
namical, which considers the interactions between the
elements and their effects; (iv) environment, describ-
ing the elements that surround the system; and (v)
normative, which defines the mechanisms used by the
society to influence the behavior of its members.
The Structural Dimension comprises all the el-
ements of the organization that are independent from
the agents that are part of it. Thus, it is based on roles,
groups and their patterns of interrelationship (inheri-
tance, compatibility, communication, and so on). Ad-
ditionally, the topology of the system is established.
The Functional Dimension specifies the global
goals of the organization, its offered functions and
services, the goals followed by different components
of the organization and the tasks and plans that must
be executed to reach these goals.
The Dynamical Dimension specifies how the or-
ganization evolves through time, detailing the way in
which agents enter and leave it, how they adopt cer-
tain roles according to their capabilities and abilities,
and how they can participate in the units or groups
of the organization where they are admitted. This di-
mension also details the interactions that take place
between internal and external entities.
The Environment Dimension describes how
agents are connected with other types of entities such
as artifacts, applications or resources; and how agents
can perceive and act on the environment.
Finally, the Normative Dimension determines the
set of defined actions and rules to manage the behav-
ior of the members of the organization. Norms are
widely used to limit the autonomy inside societies and
to solve coordination problems, specially when it is
not possible to exercise a total social control.
Based on different logics and formal methods, some
proposals to model OCMAS have been defined, each
giving its particular vision and adapting its formaliza-
tion to the specific kind of system that they are look-
ing to build. In this section, a set of relevant propos-
als on this field has been reviewed: OperA (Dignum,
2003), LAO (Dignum and Dignum, 2007), Process-
Oriented Modeling Framework (POMF) (Popova and
Sharpanskykh, 2006), MOISE
(Gˆateau et al.,
2005), MACODO (Haesevoets et al., 2009), PopOrg
(da Rocha Costa and Dimuro, 2008) and the propos-
als from (Grossi et al., 2005) and (Jonker et al., 2007).
All these proposals are analyzed following the Orga-
nizational Dimensions described in the previous sec-
tion, in order to check whether they are taking into
account the entities and concepts from each dimen-
Table 1 compares these proposals, analyzing the
organizational elements that they take into account.
Next, we will depict in detail the contents of this ta-
ble, describing each studied proposal.
OperA proposes an Organizational Model to de-
scribe organizations that defines the social, normative,
interaction and communicative structures of the soci-
ety. The Social Structure of OperA is related with the
Structural Dimension, since it contains roles, groups
and dependency relations between roles. Also, its So-
cial Structure is related with the Functional Dimen-
sion since it takes into account the objectives associ-
ated with roles. The Normative Structure is obviously
related with the Normative Dimension, as both con-
sider norms. The Interaction Structure models the ac-
tivity of the system, which is considered as the dy-
namics taken from the Dynamical Dimension. Fi-
nally, the Communicative Structure manages commu-
nication between agents, like interactions in the Dy-
namical Dimension. Nevertheless, this framework
does not model the environment of an OCMAS.
The logic for agent organizations (LAO) is an ex-
tension of CTL logic. The Functional Dimension is
completely represented in LAO, including agents, ob-
jectives, groups, the topology of the system (estab-
lishing links between agents), and roles, which are
represented by means of capabilities and abilities, el-
ements taken from this dimension. LAO additionally
defines different states of the world where the system
is located (related to the EnvironmentDimension) and
its transitions (related to the Dynamical Dimension).
LAO is a very complete proposal, since it takes into
account a large subset of the elements of the Organi-
zational Dimensions, but it does not provide a formal-
ization for the Normative Dimension.
The Process Oriented Modeling Framework
(POMF) is structured by means of four views. The
main one is the process oriented view, where tasks,
processes and workflows are defined. This view in-
Table 1: Comparison between different formal representations.
Organizational concepts
OperA MOISE PopOrg LAO POMF MACODO Grossi Jonker
Structural Dimension
Roles X X X X X X X X
Groups X X X X
Agents X X X X X X X
Relations X X X X X X
Topology X
Functional Dimension
Capabilities X X X X
Abilities X X
Services X X
Objectives X X X X X
Dynamical Dimension
Interactions X X X X X
Dynamics X X X X X X
Environment Dimension
Environment X X X X
Resources X
Normative Dimension
Norms X X X X
Syntax CTL L
Semantics LCR CTL* T
cludes the concept of service from the Functional Di-
mension, being a workflowdivided into processes that
are split into tasks. It also includes the resources of
the Environment Dimension. The organization ori-
ented view includes the role entity, which describes
the set of capabilities of the organizational processes
in a concrete workflow that are then assigned to agent
entities, defined in the agent view, where groups of
agents are not able to be modeled. Therefore, the or-
ganization oriented view is related with both Struc-
tural and Functional Dimensions and the agent view
is related with the Structural Dimension. Finally,
the performance oriented view describes the organiza-
tional goals, such as the Functional Dimension does.
However, POMF does not provide a formalization for
neither Dynamical nor Normative Dimensions.
is composed of four specifications, dis-
tributed in a similar way to the OrganizationalDimen-
sions. The Structural Specification (SS) defines the
roles that agents will play, including the relations be-
tween them, and an additional structural level named
group, where the roles belong to and the interactions
are carried out. The SS contains elements from the
Structural Dimension, but it does not model the topol-
ogy of the system. The Functional Specification (FS),
related with the Functional Dimension, only defines
here the goals that the system must achieve. The Con-
textual Specification (CS) defines the different con-
texts that influence the organizational dynamics and
the transitions between them. This specification de-
fines the environment, taken from the Environment
Dimension, and its dynamics, just like the Dynami-
cal Dimension does. Unfortunately, the CS does not
model the resources populating the environment or
the interactions between agents. Finally, the Norma-
tive Specification (NS) defines the rights and duties
of roles and groups inside the organization, which are
known as norms in the Normative Dimension. All
agents that have adopted a role from the SS compose
the Organizational Entity (OE), which is the element
of the system that controls the dynamic elements of
the organization, including agents and all events that
they generate, such as their interactions.
The organizational formalization proposed in
(Grossi et al., 2005) pursues to represent the orga-
nizational structure. This formal method takes the
concepts of role, establishing relations between them;
and agent from the Structural Dimension. The roles
of the organization are conceived around three basic
notions: objectives, norms and information. Objec-
tives are the only elements related with the Functional
Dimension that are presented in this proposal; and
the Normative Dimension is taken into account using
norms. Regarding information, knowledge about the
current state of the organization can be given to agents
by other agents, so this is a type of interaction from
the Dynamical Dimension. Since this proposal is fo-
cused on modeling the organization structure, it does
not take into account the Environment Dimension.
In (Jonker et al., 2007), a framework for model-
ing and providing a formal analysis of organizations
is defined, based on a generic representation of them
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
by means of a set of roles. Apart from the roles,
this proposal also formalizes two concepts from the
Structural Dimension: agents and relations between
roles. These relations enable the interactions from the
Dynamical Dimension, which is completed by taking
into account the dynamics of the organization. One of
the main advantages of this work is that it is able to
explicitly model the environment of the Environment
Dimension, although it does not model environmental
resources. The main lack of this formalization is that
it does not formalize any concept from the Functional
and Normative Dimensions, so designers are not able
to model concepts such as objectives and norms.
The MACODO framework is centered on the dy-
namics of organizations with self-organization con-
cepts, offering a model with concepts related to the
Functional Dimension, such as roles (establishing the
concept of position, similar to a job offer), contracts
of roles (an agreement between an agent and an orga-
nization for a concrete position to control the access
to an available role), agents (including their context
and local environment, which is related to the En-
vironment Dimension), and organizations (groups of
agents defined by a set of open role positions and cur-
rent role contracts). Relations of hierarchy and com-
munication between roles are not considered. A role
is described as a set of capabilities, which is the only
entity from the Functional Dimension that MACODO
takes into account. Since MACODO is focused on
self-organization, the dynamics of the system from
the Dynamical Dimension, including changes in its
context or in its set of agents, are formalized. To
control the activities that the organization carries out,
MACODO is enhanced with a set of laws, similar
to norms from the Normative Dimension. Although
MACODO does not model other relevant organiza-
tional concepts such as objectives, it deals with ele-
ments from all the Organizational Dimensions.
Finally, to manage the structural dynamics of a
MAS, PopOrg is a model based on two basic con-
cepts: the population of an organization and its struc-
ture. The population of a MAS is its set of agents, as
well as the behaviors and actions (which represent the
capabilities and abilities from the Functional Dimen-
sion); and the exchange processes (services from the
Functional Dimension) that agents are able to carry
out. Therefore, the population of a PopOrg organi-
zation mainly takes concepts from the Functional Di-
mension plus agents from the Structural Dimension.
Moreover, the structure of the organization is com-
posed by roles and the links between them, which are
elements that belong to the Structural Dimension. To
relate the population and the structure, PopOrg has a
third element called implementation that relates the
roles with the agents, and the links with the exchange
processes. Also, PopOrg stores the different states
that the system goes throughduring its execution. Un-
fortunately, PopOrg does not model any of the entities
from the Environment or Normative Dimensions.
Generally, all the analyzed formalizations present
a good approach to define an organization in a for-
mal way. Nevertheless, none of the proposals takes
into account all the entities from the Organizational
Dimensions, which are not clearly depicted in these
frameworks. Thus, it seems interesting to provide
with an explicit description of the Organizational Di-
mensions, which are useful for representing the orga-
nization elements. Therefore, in section 4 our pro-
posal to model organizations will be presented, which
models an organization clearly defining its dimen-
sions. This proposal also integrates some features
taken from some proposals presented in this section.
In this section the concept of Virtual Organization
(VO) will be defined in a formal way, taking into ac-
count its organizational dimensions. This formaliza-
tion, named VOF (Virtual Organization Formaliza-
tion), will be focused on three elements: (i) the Orga-
nizational Specification (OS), which details the set of
static elements of the organization; (ii) the Organiza-
tional Entity (OE), which represents the instantiation
of the elements in OS; and (iii) the Organizational
Dynamics (φ), which relates elements from OS with
elements from OE.
Definition 1. A Virtual Organization is defined, at a
given time t, as a tuple O
= hOS
, OE
, φ
i where:
OS refers to the Organizational Specification. It
is defined as OS = hSD, FD, ED, NDi where:
SD is the Structural Dimension.
FD is the Functional Dimension.
ED is the Environment Dimension.
ND is the Normative Dimension.
OE refers to the Organizational Entity, which rep-
resents the dynamic elements of the system.
φ allows to relate OS with OE, thus defining the
Dynamic Dimension, together with the OE.
The VO will change through time modifying its
states, occurredafter a change in the environment,and
it will change from one state to another by means of a
transition. The following subsections will describe in
detail these three elements.
4.1 Organizational Specification
The Organizational Specification details the set of
static’ elements of the organization, containing orga-
nizational units, roles, norms, and the rest of elements
that build the dimensions of a Virtual Organization.
The Organizational Structure is composed by: (i) the
Structural Dimension, which contains roles, organi-
zational units and their relationships; (ii) the Func-
tional Dimension, describing objectives, functional-
ities and services of an organization; (iii) the Envi-
ronment Dimension, which describes the artifacts and
workspaces from the environmentof the organization;
and (iv) the Normative Dimension, which defines the
norms that rule the system.
4.1.1 Structural Dimension
The Structural Dimension describes the components
of the system and their relations. It allows defining
the static components of an organization, i.e. all the
elements that are independent from the entities that
are finally executed. In a more specific way, it defines
the organizational units and the structural elements,
roles and relationships between roles.
Definition 2. The Structural Dimension
(SD) of a Virtual Organization is defined as
SD = hR, OU, Relationsi where:
R refers to the roles of the organization.
OU is the set of organizational units.
Relations is a set of relation-
ships, defined as Relations =
hSocialRelations, StructRelations, DimRelationsi
SocialRelations refers to the social relation-
ships between roles, which can be formalized
SocialRelations =
inf : R R
col : R R
sup : R R
comp : R R
where: inf (information) refers to the informa-
tion relations, which allows communications
between roles; col (collaboration) allows a role
to monitor the activities of other roles; sup
(supervision) defines that an agent playing a
specific role can transfer or delegate one or
some of his objectives to a subordinate role;
and comp (compatibility) depicts that an agent
playing a specific role can also play another
compatible role in the organization at the same
StructRelations refers to the structural rela-
tionships defined by the structure of the orga-
nization, which can be formalized as:
StructRelations =
RoleHier : R R
Contains : OU 2
Roles : OU 2
where: RoleHier represents the hierarchy be-
tween roles of the organization; Contains de-
fines the topology of the organization by means
of relations between organizational units; and
Roles defines the roles that are located inside
an organizational unit.
DimRelations allows relating this dimension
with others, through the element OU, and can
be formalized as:
DimRelations =
Norms : OU 2
Services : OU 2
Goals : OU 2
Workspaces : OU 2
where: Norms defines the norms, described in
the normative dimension, which rule an OU;
Services relates an OU with the services that
contains; Goals describe the objectives that are
necessary to be reached inside an OU; and
Workspaces details the workspaces (see Defi-
nition 4) where an OU can be located.
Properties of the Relations. The social relation inf
is symmetrical, since a role can provide informa-
tion to a second role, and viceversa; transitive, since
agents can build an information chain, and reflexive
as an agent can send information to himself. The re-
lations col and sup are both asymmetrical, since an
agent cannot monitor or supervise the agent which is
monitoring or supervising him; reflexive, because an
agent can collaborate or supervise himself; and tran-
sitive, allowing to create a command chain inside the
The compatibility relation (comp) has reflexive
and transitive properties, because a role is compati-
ble with itself and a role is compatible with the roles
that have a compatibility relation with its compati-
ble roles. It is interesting to notice that the comp
relation is not symmetrical (e.g. comp(r
, r
) not al-
ways implies comp(r
, r
)). For example, the relation
comp(Professor, Teacher) is correct, because a pro-
fessor can work as a teacher in every moment, but a
teacher might not be capable of playing the role of
professor. Finally, the relations RoleHier and comp
are related, since an agent playing a specialized role
is capable of playing its generalized role. Formally:
, r
R : RoleHier(r
, r
) comp(r
, r
) (1)
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Let r
, r
R be two roles belonging to OS. The
information, collaboration and supervision relations
define the following relations in an implicit way:
, r
) col(r
, r
) (2)
, r
) inf(r
, r
) comp(r
, r
) (3)
This means that a supervision relation between
two agents implies that a supervised agent will collab-
orate with a supervisor agent to help him to reach his
objectives. Also, a collaboration relation between two
roles implies that an information link between them
exists and the second role of the relation is compati-
ble with the first one.
The relation Contains from the StructRelations
set has the following properties: (i) asymmetrical,
since an OU cannot be contained in another OU that
contains it; (ii) transitive, because it is considered that
an OU contained inside another OU is also contained
inside the predecessors of the OU that contains it; and
(iii) irreflexive, since an OU cannot contain itself. In a
similar way, the RoleHier relation has the same prop-
erties of the Contains relation, because a role cannot
have an inheritance relation with itself, the relations
between roles are transitive to allow defining a com-
plete role hierarchy and a subordinated role cannot be
the supervisor of its supervisor.
Properties of the Entities. Firstly, an organizational
unit is contained inside another OU, this implies that
the roles from this OU are compatible with those of
its predecessor OU. Formally:
, OU
OU : Contains(OU
, OU
) r
) comp(r
, r
It should be noted that the Roles relation is recur-
sive: the roles that an OU offers are not only its own
roles, but also these from its predecessor OUs. For-
o OU : r Roles(o) r Roles(o) (5)
r Roles(o
) : o Contains(o
Properties of the OU. The relations between organi-
zational units allow defining three different types of
structures of an organization:
’hierarchy’. A hierarchy implies that there is
a supervisor role, with supervision relations to
all the other members of its same organizational
unit (OU). Formally, r Roles(OU) : r
6= r
Roles(OU) sup(r, r). If a designer wants to
make his system tighter, he can also prohibit com-
munications between subordinated roles.
’team’. In this kind of structure, all roles have
coordination relations between them. Formally, it
is defined as r
, r
Roles(OU) : col(r
, r
’plain’. This structure establishes information re-
lationships between roles. Formally, r
, r
Roles(OU) : inf(r
, r
4.1.2 Functional Dimension
The Functional Dimension details the specific func-
tionality of the system, based on services, tasks and
objectives, as well as the interactions of the system,
activated by means of objectives or service usage.
It allows defining the functionality of organizational
units, roles and agents of the MAS, including services
and objectives that these entities offer or consume.
Definition 3. The Functional Dimension (FD) from
the Organizational Structure of a Virtual Organiza-
tion is defined as FD = hG, S, Ta, FuncReli where:
G represents the goals followed by the organiza-
S is the set of services that the system offers or
Ta are the tasks that compose the services.
FuncRel = hGT,Client, Provider, Obtains,
Achieves, Task, Invoke, Plani is the set of rela-
tions of this dimension, where:
GT : G 2
is the Goal Tree of the organiza-
tion, describing the dependencies between dif-
ferent goals of the organization.
Client : S 2
relates a service with the set of
roles that use it.
Provider : S 2
relates a services with the set
of roles that offer it.
Obtains : S 2
describes the set of goals that
can be achieved by a service, thus defining the
functionality of the system.
Achieves: Ta 2
defines the set of goals that
are reached when a task is executed.
Task : S 2
shows how services are split in
different tasks.
Invoke : S 2
describes the dependencies be-
tween services, showing which services need to
be invoked by other services to complete their
functionality, thus allowing the composition of
Plan : G 2
represents the sequence of ser-
vices that must be followed in order to achieve
a goal.
Properties of the Relations. The Goal Tree relation
is irreflexive, asymmetrical and transitive, since a goal
cannot be related with itself, neither with its prede-
cessor but it can be related with the successors of its
It must be assured that the provider of a service
must be a role contained in the same OU as the ser-
vice. Formally:
o OU s Services(o) Provider(s) Roles(o)
This restriction assures that the services of an OU
will be provided only inside it, but they can be ac-
cessed by agents from other OUs (e.g. using the
Invoke relation).
As pointed out in this section, the Invoke relation
allows services to invoke other services to reach their
goals. In order to execute this operation, it must be
assured that the provider of the invoker service must
be client of the invoked service. Formally:
, s
S, s
) : r
) r
= r
A key issue for the system designer is to assure
that the services located in an organizationalunit must
help to reach its goals. Formally, it is described as:
o OU, s Services(o)g
Pursues(s) : g
Goals(o) g
) (8)
It is is possible that a specific goal of a service
could not be reached by any of the tasks that com-
pose it, so then this service must invoke another which
should include at least a task that achieves this desired
goal. Formally, it is expressed as:
g Obtains(s
) (t Task(s
)g Achieves(t))
S g Obtains(s
) s
)) (9)
4.1.3 Environment Dimension
The Environment Dimension describes the artifacts,
i.e. entities that populate the environment of a MAS.
This dimension uses the concept of artifact (Ricci
et al., 2007), an element introduced by the Agents &
Artifacts (A&A) conceptual framework. These ele-
ments are employed by agents in order to reach their
goals, since artifacts have no associated goals. Addi-
tionally, the A&A framework presents the concept of
workspace, used to define the topology of the envi-
ronment of a MAS.
Definition 4. The Environment Dimen-
sion of a Virtual Organization is defined as
ED = hWS, AR, EnvFunci where:
WS is the set of workspaces that build the envi-
ronment of a MAS, where ws WS is defined as
ws = hLoci and Loc is referred to the location of
the workspace inside the environment.
AR is the set of artifacts, where an artifact ar AR
is defined as ar = hPR, OP, LO, Sti, where:
PR are the observable properties of an artifact
that agents can check without executing any op-
eration on it.
OP is the set of operations that agents can exe-
cute when interacting with the artifact.
LO refers to the link operations, which allows
the composition and distribution of artifacts.
St is the internal state of an artifact.
EnvFunc = hLocated,Compositioni is the set of
functions that act on the environmental elements,
Located : AR 2
describes the set of
workspaces where an artifact is located.
Composition : WS 2
allows defining
intersection and nesting relations between
workspaces that build the environment.
Properties of the Relations. The Composition rela-
tion is reflexive and symmetrical, since a workspace
can intersect with itself. Additionally, it is necessary
for an artifact to be contained at least in a workspace.
ar Ar : ws WS ws Located(ar) (10)
4.1.4 Normative Dimension
The Normative Dimension describes normative re-
strictions on the behavior of the entities of the system,
including sanctions and rewards, based on the work in
(Criado et al., 2010).
Definition 5. The Normative Dimension of a Virtual
Organization is defined as ND = hN, >
i where:
N is the set of norms of the system.
is an order relationship between norms, defin-
ing the priority between them. This relation es-
tablishes a total relation order between the norms
governing the system, avoiding the priority confu-
sion when a norm is executed.
Formally, a norm is defined as:
Definition 6. A norm n N is defined as n =
hD,CO, AC, EX, SA, REi where:
D = {O, F} is the deontic operator, i.e. obliga-
tions (O) and prohibitions (F) that impose restric-
tions in the behavior of the agents.
CO is a logical formula that represents the action
that must be carried out in case of obligations, or
has to be avoided in case of prohibitions.
AC, EX are well-formed formulas that determine
the conditions of norm activation and expiration,
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
SA, RE S are expressions that describe the ac-
tions (sanctions, SA; and rewards, RE) that will
be carried out in case of violation or fulfilment of
norms, respectively.
Properties of the Relations. The priority function
is asymmetrical and transitive, defining an univo-
cal relation between the norms governing the system.
The topology of the system will also define new
order relationships between norms. If an OU called
is contained in an OU named ou
, its norms must
have higher priority than the norms of ou
. Formally,
, ou
: n
) n
, ou
) n
4.2 Organizational Entity
The Organizational Entity of a Virtual Organization is
the set of active elements of the organization. These
elements can change through time. They are consid-
ered as the dynamic elements of the system.
Definition 7. The Organizational Entity of a Vir-
tual Organization is defined as OE = hA, GR, AN, ASi
A is the set of agents that populate the VO.
GR is the set of groups that are currently in the
system. A group is an instantiation of an organi-
zational unit.
AN N is the set of active norms of the system,
i.e. all those norms whose activation condition
is true but its expiration condition has not been
reached yet (AC ¬EX).
AS S is the set of services that the agents of the
organization are currently providing.
The agents (A) populating the system are playing
roles, they are located into groups (GR) and provide
services (S), as described in the next subsection. An
OU defines an organizational pattern for the agents
that are inside it, but this does not define the concrete
agents that must populate it. On the contrary, a group
is a concrete instantiation of an OU, defining a set of
agents that populate it. Thus, an OU can be instanti-
ated by different groups.
4.3 Organizational Dynamics
The Organizational Dynamics presents the relations
between the elements of the Organizational Structure
and the Organizational Entity.
Definition 8. The Organizational Dynam-
ics of a Virtual Organization is defined as
φ = hplays, inUnit, provides, perceives, isUniti
plays : A 2
is a function that relates an agent
with the set of roles that he is playing inside the
inUnit : A 2
is the function that describes the
groups where an agent is located.
provides : A 2
represents the set of services
that an agent provides.
perceives : A 2
represents the set of
workspaces that an agent is able to perceive.
isUnit : GR OU defines the type of organiza-
tional unit instantiated by a group.
Properties of the Relations. The plays, inUnit,
provides and perceives relations allow agents to play
different roles, be located in different groups, provide
different services and perceive different workspaces
in the organization, respectively. The isUnit relation-
ship allows knowing the type of organizational unit
that a concrete group is instantiating.
The situation where an agent plays a role inside a
unit and a scenario where an agent is inside an orga-
nizational unit playing a role can be checked in equa-
tions 12 and 13. It must be noted that the Roles func-
tion is recursive, as explained in section 4.1.1.
r plays(a) o OU g inUnit(a) :
isUnit(g) = o r Roles(o) (12)
g inUnit(a) o OU isUnit(g) = o
r Roles(o) : r plays(a) (13)
The first equation establishes that an agent can
only play the roles provided by the groups where he is
located. These roles are the ones provided by the or-
ganizational units instantiated by these groups. The
second equation defines that an agent must play at
least a role from each group where he is located.
In addition, using the provides relationship from
φ, it is possible to define the set of active services (AS)
from OE. Formally,
AS =
s provides(a) (14)
4.4 Multiagent Systems based on
Virtual Organizations
In the previous sections, the different dimensions and
entities that compose the state of a Virtual Organiza-
tion at a given time were defined in a formal way.
Nevertheless, a VO changes through time, passing
from one state of the organization to another. Thus, it
is necessary to define all the possible states of the or-
ganization as well as the allowed transitions between
these states. For this issue, we based our work in the
proposal from (da Rocha Costa and Dimuro, 2008).
To model the states of a Virtual Organization and
their transitions, let VO be the universe of all the pos-
sible organizations O. A multiagent system based on
virtual organizations is a structure MAS = (VO, D)
where, for every time t T, D
VO × VO defines
transitions between different states of the system. In
every state of the organization O VO, in a giventime
t T, there is a set of possible next states of the or-
ganization, denoted by D
(O) VO. Thus, for every
t T, it holds that O
), so an organization
will only change to another state when it is allowed to
reach from the initial state.
Since the organization is composed by three ele-
ments (OS, OE and φ), before executing a change of
state it is necessary to check that these elements are
able to change from the initial state to the possible
destination state. Formally:
, OE
, φ
) D
, OE
, φ
)) OS
) OE
) φ
However, in order to swap from one state to an-
other, it is not necessary to produce a change in all
three elements that compose the Virtual Organization.
A change ranges from a very small variation in one or
few of the elements building the organization to a big
amount of changes in a large amount of entities from
the VO. Formally, it is possible that:
= OS
= OE
= φ
In section 3 an analysis of the most relevant formal-
ization proposals was presented. The Virtual Orga-
nization Formalization (VOF) takes inspiration from
features taken from some of the analyzed proposals.
In this section, we depict a comparison between VOF
and these background proposals.
Firstly, the organizational temporal evolution pro-
posed by VOF is mainly based on PopOrg, which
models the dynamics of the population (similar to our
OE) and the organization (similar to our OS).
Regarding the structure of an organization, OperA
offers relations between roles that are similar to those
included in VOF. The supervision of VOF is similar
to the combination of the power and authorization re-
lations of OperA, expressing that an agent is able to
delegate its objectives to a subordinated agent, like
the power relation does (the authorization relation ex-
presses the power relation, but as a temporal situa-
tion). Also, in OperA, the objective that a subordi-
nated agent can take from a superior agent is deter-
mined by the type of existing relation between roles,
which establishes their hierarchy. However, VOF de-
fines this hierarchy using the RoleHier relation.
, the structural levels of the orga-
nization are split into: (i) individual level, built by
the organizational roles, and presents hierarchy rela-
tions between roles (similar to our RoleHier relation);
(ii) social level, which is built from link relationships
between roles, classified as acq (acquaintance), i.e.
having a representation of other agents, com (similar
to our in f relation), in which agents are able to com-
municate between them, and aut expressing authority
over other agents, thus combining col and sup rela-
tions from VOF; and (iii) collective level, which de-
fines groups of agents, establishing the compatibility
between roles and their cardinalities. VOF adds the
comp relation, in order to express whether an agent
can take a given role if he is taking another role.
LAO is the only analyzed proposal which explic-
itly models the topology of the system by means of
dependency chains (that are interaction possibilities)
between agents. The topology can be a hierarchy, if
there is a chain of command, or a network, if every
agent is responsible for an organizational goal and
has a delegation relationship to another agent. VOF
models the topology of the system using Contains re-
lations between OUs. These relations allow defining
three types of organizations: hierarchy, similar to the
structure defined by LAO; team, when all agents col-
laborate with each other; and plain, which assumes
information relationships between roles.
Regarding the Functional Dimension, although
PopOrg and POMF model concepts that are similar
to services (by means of exchange processes or work-
flows, respectively), they are better described in VOF.
PopOrg focuses on the actions developed by the pro-
cess and the agents that are carrying them out, while
POMF is focused on describing the tasks that com-
pose a given workflow. VOF goes beyond, (as it fol-
lows a Service Oriented Approach) and formalizes a
service by means of the roles that it can provide and
consume, the goals that can be achieved with this ser-
vice, the invoke relationships between services, and
the tasks that compose each service (as well as the
goals that these tasks help to reach).
The environment used in VOF is based on the
Agents & Artifacts conceptual framework, which was
included in the SODA metamodel, but it has not been
included in any other formal approach yet.
VOF model norms in a very similar way to the
proposal of MOISE
, although they use different
languages to describe norms. VOF is able to relate
a norm to a set of OUs, using the Norms relationship
from DimRelations, limiting its effect only to this set.
The Organizational Entity from VOF can be also
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
compared with other proposals. For example, a spec-
ified group is defined in MOISE
as a ’group speci-
fication’, while VOF defines it as an Organizational
Unit. On the other hand, a group instantiation is
named ’group’ in both MOISE
and VOF. In ad-
dition, the OE from VOF defines the set of norms and
services that are currently active in the organization.
Finally, VOF clearly divides the static elements of
the system (i.e. elements that will produce a structural
change if they are modified) and the more dynamic
elements of the MAS, represented in the OE. Our
specification gives agents the possibility to belong to
a specific group and provide or use a service.
This work presents a formal specification for Vir-
tual Organizations, named VOF (Virtual Organization
Formalization), which is composed by: (i) the Organi-
zational Specification, which details the static compo-
nents of the system and divides them by means of the
organizationaldimensions; (ii) the Organizational En-
tity, which defines the active elements of the system;
and (iii) the Organizational Dynamics, which details
the relationships between elements from the Organi-
zational Specification and the Organizational Entity.
Additionally, we have analyzed a set of differ-
ent formalizations, focusing on typical organizational
concepts taken from the Organizational Dimensions.
After this analysis, we noticed that the analyzed for-
malizations do not take into account all concepts from
Organizational Dimensions. Therefore, our proposal
is aimed to cover all these concepts and to provide a
formalization as much complete as possible.
As future work, this formalization will help us
when dealing with concepts related to adaptation
in Organization Centered Multiagent Systems, being
easier for us to identify the entities of the system
which would change through time. VOF will be inte-
grated into the reasoning process of BDI agents, in or-
der to develop agents that are able to know whether an
organization is working in a correct way, or he needs
to executean adaptationprocess. Moreover,using this
formalization we will be able to check the correctness
of a defined OCMAS.
This work is supported by TIN2009-13839-C03-01
and PROMETEO/2008/051 projects of the Spanish
government and CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 un-
der grant CSD2007-00022.
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