Taking the Next Step in Question-Answering
Ana Cristina Mendes
F/INESC-ID, IST Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Lu´ısa Coheur
F/INESC-ID, IST Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Answering, Cooperative answer, Correct, useful, Non-misleading, Answer generation.
After all the work done in tasks like question classification, query expansion or information extraction in QA,
we consider that some efforts should now be put specially on giving the answer to the user. In this paper we
adopt the concept of cooperative answer – that is, a correct, useful and non-misleading answer – since it is our
opinion that finding and presenting the cooperative answer to the user is one of the next challenges in QA. With
that goal in mind, we focus on three main aspects that should deserve the attention of the QA community: the
ability of systems to relate the candidate answers for a question; their ability to decide which candidates are
possible final answers, given the question, but also the user who posed it; and, finally, the ability of generating
the final answer in a cooperative way.
Actual research on Question-Answering (QA) put
much effort in tasks such as question classifica-
tion (Li and Roth, 2002; Huang et al., 2008), query
expansion (Bilotti et al., 2004; Derczynski et al.,
2008) or information extraction from knowledge
sources (Hovy et al., 2001; Frank et al., 2007). In
what concerns answering, the used strategy involves
the selection of the final answer from a list of ex-
tracted candidates from the involved texts. Usually,
the final answer is the one with the higher score,
which is typically calculated as a function of the can-
didate’s frequency. As answering is a rather important
phase in QA, we consider that this task needs urgent
attention. In this paper we focus on three main re-
search aspects that should be enhanced by QA com-
Relating Answers: QA systems usually base the
process of recovering answers on redundancy (of
the Web, or of document collections, even if in a
smaller scale), that allows to directly extract an-
swers based on the assumption that every infor-
mation item is likely to have been stated mul-
tiple times, in multiple ways, in multiple docu-
ments (Lin, 2007). However, this redundancy-
based strategy will only work if, in a first pace,
a way of relating answers is devised. Some sys-
tems perform this step, as it is the case of the work
by (Moriceau, 2005): prior to the selection phase,
extracted answers are standardized. Nevertheless,
a major challenge in QA research is still to be able
to identify and relate groups of answers.
Targeting Cooperative instead of Correct An-
swers: current QA systems search after the an-
swer that correctly solves the input question. In-
deed, this characteristic marks a great difference
between QA and Information Retrieval (IR) tasks:
in the former the user does not need to filter and
choose the answer from a set of possible answers,
since the system has the ability, and responsibil-
ity, for doing that work for him. However, provid-
ing a correct answer is not enough, like (Gaaster-
land et al., 1992) concluded in their work on co-
operative answering. Time has passed, research
has progressed and systems have evolved, but the
premises remain unchanged: better than a correct
answer, is a cooperative answer, that is, a correct,
non- misleading and useful answer. Nevertheless,
the way how the previous three properties inter-
connect is far from trivial. A correct answer might
not be useful, like an useful answer might not be
Cristina Mendes A. and Coheur L..
IT’S ANSWER TIME - Taking the Next Step in Question-Answering.
DOI: 10.5220/0003141602240229
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 224-229
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
correct. Consider the question: “How many kilo-
bytes are there in a gigabyte?”. For an IT student
the useful answer would be the correct and exact
one: “1,048,576 KB”; however, for someone who
wants to have an idea of the magnitude of that
amount, an useful answer could be “1,048,000
KB”, which is not correct. Here, the introduction
of the adverb around could transform it in a cor-
rect and useful answer. Notice, too, that a correct
answer can be misleading. Regard the question:
“How many Chechens did Stalin deport?” and
two possible answers “more than 100,000 and
“more than 100”. Despite the correctness of both,
the latter gives the user a wrong idea of greatness.
If QA aims at being considered a valid and appeal-
ing alternative to IR (which has been adapting the
retrieved results to the user), systems are required
to follow this path. Even if finding correct an-
swers is, by itself, a very hard task, which has cer-
tainly not yet seen its end, it does not suffice. Re-
search must move forward in the direction of pro-
viding the right answer to the right user. YourQA
took the first steps in this direction (Quarteroni
and Manandhar, 2007), however the user has to
first create his own profile.
Generating Answers: another aspect has to do
with the formulation of the answer. The task is
to create a valid and coherent answer, stated in
natural language, if necessary. Directly related
with this topic, one can not disregard the amount
of work done in Natural Language Generation
(NLG) (Reiter and Dale, 2000). Nevertheless, and
despite the deep interest on many other sub-tasks
of QA systems, answer generation is still a topic
to be grubbed: the usual strategy is to return di-
rectly what was extracted. (Moriceau, 2005) is
an exception, with an approach that computes and
lexicalizes the answer to be given to the user.
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2
we present a typology of relations and survey work
done in this direction. In Section 3 we briefly survey
some of the community efforts towards cooperative
answers and in Section 4 we focus on the problematic
of answer generation. The paper concludes in Sec-
tion 5.
Relating candidate answers is a challenge to be solved
by QA systems. Here we present a typology of
relations that connect answers, which we derived
from the analysis of corpora with questions and an-
swers (Magnini et al., 2003; Magnini et al., 2005),
and based on the terminology described in (Moriceau,
2006), firstly proposed by (Webber et al., 2002).
Moreover, we discuss how groups of answers can be
2.1 A Typology of Relations
Relations between candidate answers can be of:
EQUIVALENCE: if answers are consistent and entail
mutually, namely:
1) answers with notational variations. For in-
stance, “Oct. 14, 1947” and “14th October, 1947”
are equivalent answers for “When did the test pilot
Chuck Yeager break the sound barrier?”;
2) answers that rephrase others, from synonyms
to paraphrases. The question “How did Jack Unter-
weger die?” can be answered with “committed sui-
cide” or “killed himself;
INCLUSION: if answers are consistent and differ in
specificity, one entailing the other, through:
1) hypernymy: “What animal is Kermit?” can be
answered with “frog” or “amphibian; or
2) meronymy: for instance, “Where did Ayrton
Senna have the accident that caused his death?, in
which “Imola”, “Italy”, “Europe” and “earth” are
possible answers; or
3) membership: for instance, “Edvard Munch”
and “a Norwegian Symbolist painter” are both pos-
sible answers to “Who painted the “Scream”?”
ALTERNATIVE: if answers are not entailing:
1) representing distinct and complementary vi-
sions of the same entity. For example, “the largest
wind energy park of Hessia”, and “six wind turbines
with a power of 1350 kilowatts” are two complemen-
tary answers for “What is set up in Seibertenrod in
Vogelsberg?”; or,
2) representing different entities, and can be used
together by means of a conjunction. “Aribert Heim”,
“Josef Mengele” and “Jack Kevorkian” are answers
for “What is the real name of Dr. Death?”, used sep-
arately or in a conjunction.
CONTRADICTORY: if answers are inconsistent and
their conjunction is invalid. The question “How is the
Pope?” can be answered with “ill” or “healthy”, but
not with both.
2.2 Identifying Groups of Answers
String distance metrics like the Levenshtein dis-
tance, the cosine or Jaccard similarities – can be used
to relate equivalent answers: “John Kennedy” and
“John F. Kennedy” are equivalent, as they (most of
IT'S ANSWER TIME - Taking the Next Step in Question-Answering
the times) refer to the same person. However, this
approach has some limitations, since it can not be
always directly applied. For example, in “George
Bush” and “George W. Bush”, it depends on the con-
text whether they refer to the same person or to two
different persons.
Normalization is another strategy to encounter
equivalence relations, aiming to find canonical unam-
biguous referent for entities. (Moriceau, 2005) deals
with diversity in candidate answers, and presents an
approach to deliver single coherent answers to
questions. The same author (Moriceau, 2006) de-
scribed a method to deal with variation in numer-
ical answers, in which the use of frames contain-
ing all information related with numerical values al-
low comparisons between answers. Other experi-
ments (Khalid et al., 2008) in named entity normal-
ization have shown that it helps text retrieval for QA.
Normalization is typically done prior to the answer
extraction phase, and does not aim at connecting an-
swers through equivalence after they were extracted.
Like in paraphrase detection, it is used to permit the
extraction of diverse candidate answers referring to
the same entity (Takahashi et al., 2003; France et al.,
Inclusion and equivalence relations can be built by
using the lexical relations present in Wordnet
. This
approach was used by (Dalmas and Webber, 2007),
who propose a technique to organize answer candi-
dates on the geographical domain into clusters. An-
swers’ models are created from questions and their
candidates, and represented as direct graphs express-
ing the fusion of information contained in the set of
extractions. The final answer is retrieved based on
the computation of properties that compare the graphs
The detection of alternative and contradictory re-
lations require different procedures. The former deals
with discovering if two answers point to the same en-
tity; but, in contrary to equivalence, inference based
on lexical relations is not enough. In the latter, several
notions should be taken into account, namely: if the
answers are antonyms (Mohammad et al., 2008); the
quality and trustworthiness of the document in which
the answer was found (Oh et al., 2009), the time pe-
riod answers refer to (specially important if they are
searched in the Web).
In order to choose the cooperative answer to a given
question, the procedure should be taken further than
uniquely discovering which candidates are correct.
This decision depends, at great extent, on the one
who will get the answer: the user. Here we discuss
the properties that make an answer cooperative: be-
ing correct, non-misleading and useful.
3.1 Correct Answers
The correctness of an answer relates, firstly, with
whether it is associated with the entity that the ques-
tion is seeking after. For instance, the question “What
animal is Kermit?” asks for the character in The
Muppets Show, and not the computer protocol. The
focus is, thus, to identify which answers hold contra-
dictory relations and, from those, to decide which to
choose. Most QA systems consider this as a main and
final goal: to select the correct answer among all can-
3.2 Non-misleading Answers
A non-misleading answer avoids the user to create a
wrong interpretation about the topic under considera-
Here we focus on three problems that can mislead
the user when dealing with an open-domain QA sys-
tem over large collections of text: 1) answer ambigu-
ity, 2) answer granularity, and 3) answer absence.
Ambiguity, as it is usually considered in QA,
arises either from corpora sources or user ques-
tions. Systems that do try to cope with ambigu-
ity in the user’s question, usually push its resolu-
tion to the user side, through the use of clarifica-
tion dialogues. Ambiguity in answers, however,
is usually not addressed. Returning an ambigu-
ous answer to a question is not cooperative, since
it leaves room to multiple interpretations. For in-
stance, answering Bush to the question “Who was
the President of the US during the Gulf War?” is
ambiguous since there were two presidents of the
United States named Bush, and the answer does
not clearly state each one responds to the ques-
The problem with answer granularity resides in
the fact that, in many situations, the decision
about which answer to choose for a question is
fuzzier: also among human assessors there is no
agreement about what is the answer to a given
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
question. (Lin and Katz, 2006) mention that gran-
ularity is a critical point specially if the answer be-
longs to the types PERSON, LOCATION or DATE.
Till a certain point, the granularity of the cooper-
ative answer depends on the question, and on sev-
eral other factors external to the questioner (like
its position in space (Shanon, 1979) and, by anal-
ogy, in time) and can thus be controlled with re-
course to rules and guidelines. On the other hand,
it is certainly not independent from him, his char-
acteristics and what he expects to have as answer.
As (Lin and Katz, 2006) point out, the granular-
ity has much to do with real users: ’better un-
derstanding of real-world user needs will lead to
more effective question answering systems in the
Answer absence has to do with responding to the
user when no answer was found. Indeed, and al-
beit a wrong answer contradicts the goal of QA,
retrieving no answer is not better: it does not bring
any valuable information to the user, and can lead
him/her to misinterpretations. Besides originating
on the side of the system which could not find
an answer within the available corpora ques-
tions with no answer can arise from the user side,
namely from false presuppositions. Consider the
question “Who is the King of France?”. Know-
ing that France is a republic, answering “no one”
(or, even worse, “NIL) can drive the user to think
the system was unable to find the answer. In this
case, an explanation is due. (Benamara, 2004) re-
ports WEBCOOP, a restricted domain logic-based
system that integrates knowledge representation
and advanced reasoning to detect false presuppo-
sitions and misunderstandings in questions, in or-
der to deliver non-misleading answers. To our
knowledge, there is no open domain QA system
that deals with this problematic.
3.3 Useful Answers
Choosing the useful answer is a task deeply in-
tertwined with the characteristics of the questioner.
There is, thus, the need for acknowledging the user
and his/her goals. We consider that it can be achieved
through the recognition of the clues the user provides
when interacting with the system, in three different
levels: question, context and history of interactions.
Question Clues: The first level in finding clues for
deciding which answer is useful is to analyze the
question and how it was posed to the system. Sev-
eral clues in the question can be checked, namely (and
surely not limited to):
1) the vocabulary, that differs depending on the
user. For instance, on his/her age, academic back-
ground and occupation;
2) the specificity and world knowledge. If the user
asks: “Who received the Prince of Asturias Award for
Technical and Scientific Research for his studies on
the discovery of the first synthetic vaccination against
malaria?”, probably he has deep knowledge on the
DuARTE Digital (Mendes et al., 2009) answers
questions about a piece of jewellery, and dynamically
tries to assess its interlocutor characteristics, based on
the used vocabulary. With a list of words that naive or
expert users might employ, it interprets, at every ques-
tion, the user’s expertise. Knowing this, it chooses
the answer (previously marked with the correspond-
ing difficulty level) from a knowledge base.
Clues in the Current Context: The next level has
to do with the current context. Consider a chain of
questions about the 2
World War. If the question
“What is the real name of Dr. Death?” appears,
probably the useful answer will be “Aribert Heim”
or “Josef Mengele” (or both) and not any other from
the set of possible answers
Again, DuARTE Digital (Mendes et al., 2009) is
a system that tries to acknowledge the user’s goals at
a contextual level. It measures the proximity of the
user’s words in a sequence of questions to different
sub-topics, in order to understand the orientation of
the interaction. By doing so, it distinguishes from fo-
cused to stray interactions, and chooses the answer
according to its detail and informative level.
Clues in the History of Interactions: The final
level relates with the history of interactions between
user and system.
Although this is not a new issue in IR, specially
in Web search engines, where systems try to adapt
the presentation of results according to the user (Liu
et al., 2004; Teevan et al., 2005), the first steps in
QA only recently have been taken. (Quarteroni and
Manandhar, 2009) were pioneers in this topic, as they
included on the system YourQA a component dedi-
cated to user modelling. The purpose is to filter the
documents where answers are searched and to rerank
the candidates based on the degree of match with the
user’s profile. Users must create their own profile
when first interacting with the system (it does not dy-
namically discovers its interlocutor characteristics),
and their browsing history is taken in consideration
in future interactions. Any question submitted to the
Notice the multiple candidate answers for this question: Death
IT'S ANSWER TIME - Taking the Next Step in Question-Answering
system is answered by taking the user’s profile into
The simplest approach that can be envisioned is to re-
turn the most frequent candidate. Returning the com-
plete set of correct answers can also be an option, like
for “What is the real name of Dr. Death?”. On the
other hand, some answers can be incorporated on a
single one that subsumes the set. For instance, animal
can be chosen to answer the question “What is Ker-
mit?”, instead of frog or amphibian. Nevertheless,
here the point is common: these are answers based on
pure extraction, and not their generation.
The fact is, although much work as been devoted
to NLG, it seems that QA still could not benefit from
the results achieved in this well-established field.
Answer generation is preferable to answer extrac-
tion for the purpose of answering: firstly it humanizes
the system; second, it permits the usage of adapted
vocabulary; finally, it allows the introduction of in-
formation that the user did not explicitly request, but
might be interested in.
There are a few examples of works that try to
build answers, instead of merely extract and retrieve.
Again, (Moriceau, 2005)’s work in data integration
is a good contribution. The system generates nat-
ural language answers by making use of generation
schemas, and lexicalizes its degree of confidence in
the answer with the use of adverbs and their inten-
sities (e.g., possibly, most possibly, probably, most
probably). Another example is WEBCOOP (Bena-
mara and Saint-Dizier, 2003), which relies on tem-
plates to report user misconceptions and display solu-
tions to help to the user, in natural language.
In this paper we introduced our position about what
we believe to be a desirable focus of research in QA:
the process of retrieving the answer to the user. We
presented three main aspects that should lead the re-
search in QA, namely: relating the candidate answers
for a given question and for that we proposed a ty-
pology of four relations; choosing the answer among
the candidates, rather than only the correct one; and,
generating the final answer, by using the work already
done in NLG, instead of retrieving the extracted infor-
mation chunks.
There are a few systems that partly cope with
some of the presented problems. We made a brief sur-
vey on these systems. Nevertheless, to our knowledge
there is no open-domain QA that deals with each of
these as a whole, for the purpose of answering. We
consider that the goal is now to put them together,
and focus on QA systems and approaches that take the
problem of cooperative answering into consideration.
Systems should evolve in this direction, to become
more competitive and appealing to real end-users.
Ana Cristina Mendes is supported by a PhD fellow-
ship from Fundac¸˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia
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IT'S ANSWER TIME - Taking the Next Step in Question-Answering