Carsten Rachuy
, Sandra Budde
and Kerstin Schill
Kognitive Neuroinformatik, Universit
at Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Cognitive Systems, Universit
at Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Ambient assisted living, Wearable computing.
We present a prototype for a wearable device that measures physiological data in an unobtrusive way. The
aim is to utilize changes in these physiological patterns to infer about the user’s affective state which is used
as a evidential source of contextual information for recognizing activities of daily living (ADL) in an ambient
assisted living (AAL) environment. We describe the device, compare it to a commercial stationary solution
and give an outlook on possible scenarios for its application.
Current statistics on changes in age groups in Ger-
many show a major increase in the ratio between el-
derly people and the following younger generation.
While in 2008 the number of people below 20 ap-
proximately equals the number of people over the age
of 65, forecasts show that in the year 2060 the share
of people over the age of 65 will be approximately
twice as high as the share of people under 20 (see
otzsch, 2009), p. 16.). As aging is always a pro-
cess that affects the capabilities of the human body
and impairs the general performance regarding phys-
ical as well as mental capabilities, the need of age-
adequate and context-dependent assistance increases.
Assistance in this context is focused to AAL environ-
ments where AAL denotes the principle of providing
assistance not through defined tools like wheelchairs,
walkers or other devices but by incorporating the as-
sisting devices into the environment: the environment
itself both recognizes the need for assistance and pro-
vides it in an adequate way. As the main goal of such
environments is to support a life independent from the
support of caregivers as long as possible, such envi-
ronments mostly provide assistance in order to per-
form ADLs on one’s own. Assistance on these can
either be provided in a static way by e.g. structural
changes in the environment namely wheelchair rams,
rails, panic buttons and stair lift or in a more flexible
way by adapting it to the varying condition over the
course of the day. In the latter case, assistance is pro-
vided on the basis of dynamic contextual data which
is situation-dependent and varies during the course of
the day. For instance physiological measurements can
be used to infer a person’s actual affective state (Calvo
and D’Mello, 2010). In this paper, we present a de-
vice that is able to measure physiological signals in
an unobtrusive way and show that its data is reliable
enough to infer the user’s affective state.
There exist various approaches to measure physio-
logical data and to use these measurements to infer
about the state of the user. Regarding the hardware
there are numerous devices which are mostly devel-
oped for clinical use and are therefore most often sta-
tionary or semi-mobile but also some wearable de-
vices are available. In the line of stationary devices
Thought Technology
offers sensor units which are
mainly used for monitoring, biofeedback or rehabil-
itation purposes. An example for a mobile device is
the Telcomed MiniClinic
which resembles a wrist-
watch and is eligible for measuring heart rate, electro-
cardiogram, heart rhythm regularity, respiratory rate
and body temperature. Advantages of stationary de-
vices are - being situated in the medical domain -
their high reliability and accuracy. The downside is
2 (verified Mai
4, 2010)
Rachuy C., Budde S. and Schill K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003137705170520
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 517-520
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
- in the stationary case - that they are not suitable
for monitoring over a longer duration of time when
performing activities of daily living. In the wearable
case problems arise from proprietary software which
makes working with the raw data complicated.
There also exist some approaches on how to use
physiological data in order to adapt the behavior of
an assistance system. In (Fischer et al., 2008) the
, a multi-sensoric hardware platform was devel-
oped using a fuzzy-logic-based control unit designed
for providing assistance for people suffering from in-
continence. Based on the collected data the fuzzy-
controller computes an estimation on the remaining
time until the next urination and provides appropriate
feedback and/or warnings to the user.
In the work performed by (Poh et al., 2010) a
wearable device was developed which was used to
measure electrodermal activity (EDA) and evaluated
certain patterns during common activities as cycling,
studying and watching a movie.
Another approach was the work performed in the
SHARE-it project
where aim was to infer affect on
the basis of physiological measurements and to model
the impact of affective states on the user’s cogni-
tive performance. These findings were used to both
adapt the level of driving-assistance of an autonomous
wheelchair to the current user’s needs and to modify
the complexity of displayed visual information with
the aim to reduce the amount of needed cognitive in-
formation processing in situations where the user’s at-
tention had to be focused on the navigation tasks.
The hardware consists of two components. These are
a commercial heart rate detection belt which is nor-
mally used during exercise and which is distributed
by Suunto
and a device which was manufactured by
based on specification by the Univer-
sity of Bremen (see Figure 1).
It has the dimensions of 3.5 cm x 4.0 cm x 1.5
cm and is worn using a wristband. It incorporates
an integrated bluetooth module for wireless commu-
nication and a Li-Ion-Accumulator serving as power
source which has a lifetime of approximately 4 to 5
hours for continuous monitoring and sending. The
device provides a number of sensors to measure dif-
ferent types of data namely skin conductance (SC),
ambient temperature, skin temperature and both ori-
entation and acceleration information along the x-, y-
Figure 1: Top left: sensor module. Top right: skin conduc-
tance sensors. Bottom: combined device when worn.
and z-axes. Additional focus has been set to keep the
design as close to normal clothing therefore being as
obtrusive as a watch in terms of pressure and move-
ment constraints.
The device was evaluated during experiments in order
to test the reliability and stability of the measurements
by comparing it to the measurements of a commer-
cial medical device and to investigate the correlations
between stimuli and induced affective states. The ex-
periment consists of two phases: during the first we
focused on inducing affective responses, during the
second on inducing stress.
The first phase of the experiment follows a method
which is developed by (Bradley et al., 2001) and uses
72 stimuli from the international affective picture sys-
tem (IAPS) (Lang et al., 2008) which is an interna-
tional valid and trusted method for inducing emotions.
The second phase of the experiment focuses on induc-
ing stress by presenting 25 mathematical tasks which
are a subset from the arithmetic tasks presented by
(Kellogg et al., 1999) and increasing time pressure
during solving these tasks. The participants for this
experiment were healthy volunteers, mostly students
in the age from 20 to 40.
In both phases, heart rate (HR), skin conduc-
tance (SC), and skin temperature (Temp) were mea-
sured using the developed device and the commer-
cial Thought Technology system. In addition, dur-
ing the first experiment, participants were asked to
do Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) ratings (Bradley
and Lang, 1994) with respect to the induced emotion.
In the first phase, each stimuli presentation be-
gins with the display of a preparation slide and at
the same time the recording of the physiological data
is started. After three seconds, the affective stimu-
lus is presented to the subject for six seconds. Sub-
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
sequently, the physiological data is collected for two
more seconds. After this, the rating procedure follows
in which the subject rates the pleasure dimension and
the arousal dimension of the induced emotion.
In the second phase, the timing behavior of the
task presentation is triggered by the participants per-
formance during the very first task of each task block.
These tasks are presented as long as the participant
needs to solve them. The answer is entered into the
system by the advisor. After this, each task of a cer-
tain difficulty level is presented for a slightly shorter
time as the participant needed or was given respec-
tively for the preceding task of the same time. To de-
pict this time limit, a progress bar is displayed which
illustrates the time spent for this task as well as the
time left. After the time has run out, the task is no
longer displayed and the participant has to give his
solution to the task.
To analyze the physiological data which is recorded
during the experiments, we extract and compute at-
tributes as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, first-
forward-difference, pearson correlation coefficient
and spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
5.1 Comparison with Medical Device
The correlation between the signals recorded from
the sensor device (heart rate and skin conductance)
and the values collected using the Though Technol-
ogy medical system was checked by normalizing both
data and calculating the mean square difference. The
mean square percental difference between the sen-
sors for the heart rate measurements is 6%, the mean
square percental difference for the skin conductance
and skin resistance is 13%.
5.2 Reaction on IAPS Stimulus Material
One major point is inferring from the physiological
signals to the emotional state and the stress level. For
that reason we analyzed the sensor output in conjunc-
tion with the ratings the subjects gave according to the
IAPS pictures. The pearson and spearman’s correla-
tion coefficient for the preprocessed values are dis-
played in Figure 2. The four blocks correspond to
the different correlation coefficients (pearson / spear-
man’s) and the different ratings ( valence / arousal).
Depicted are the correlation coefficients for each sub-
ject. We have a sample size of N = 72 (72 images).
The tables for pearson and spearman’s are capped at
Figure 2: Correlation coefficients for IAPS test.
N = 30 or N = 60. Due to the fact that for increas-
ing N the thresholds are decreasing too we can safely
work with a threshold for a N
< N
. For
α = 0.05 we get t
= 0.195 and t
0.214. If a value exceeds these thresholds, the zero
hypothesis (which states ”there is no correlation”) is
proven wrong and the correlation is considered be-
ing significant. Applied to the physiological data it
means that if we find a correlation coefficient which
exceeds these thresholds, a significant correlation ex-
ists between the valence / arousal and the appropriate
physiological measurement. All cases in which this is
the case have been marked with a red square. As we
can see we have a number of significant correlations,
both from the pearson as well as from the spearman’s
test. This indicates that a significant correlation exists
between the rated arousal and valence values and the
physiological measurements.
5.3 Reaction on Mathematical Stimulus
As the difficulty of the mathematical tasks was in-
creasing while the time for each task was decreasing,
the stress level for the subjects gradually increased
during the experiment. The pearson and spearman’s
correlation coefficient for the preprocessed values are
displayed in Figure 3. The four blocks correspond to
the different correlation coefficients (pearson / spear-
man’s) and the task difficulty. Depicted are the corre-
lation coefficients for each subject. We have a sample
size of N = 25 (25 mathematical tasks). For α = 0.05
we get t
= 0.323 and t
= 0.337. Just
like in the IAPS case, if a value exceeds these thresh-
olds, the zero hypothesis (which states ”there is no
correlation”) is proven wrong and the correlation is
considered being significant. Applied to the physio-
logical data it means that if we find a correlation co-
efficient which exceeds these thresholds, a significant
Figure 3: Correlation coefficients for mathematical tasks.
correlation exists between the difficulty of the task
and the appropriate physiological measurement. All
situations in which this is the case have been marked
with a red square. As we can see we have a number of
significant correlations, both from the pearson as well
as from the spearman’s test. This indicates that a sig-
nificant correlation exists between the task difficulty
the experienced physiological reaction of the subject.
We presented a prototypical development of a wear-
able device which can be used for measuring phys-
iological data and showed that inferring from these
measurements to the affective state of the user is
possible for scenarios utilizing standardized affect-
inducing techniques. Analysis of the data and com-
parison between the subjects showed that measured
physiological responses are highly individual for dif-
ferent subjects, even in standardized experimental set-
tings. An even higher impact of these inter-individual
response characteristics to affective stimuli on the col-
lected data can be expected when these measurements
are taken in non-standardized scenarios - e.g. while
performing activities of daily living in a home envi-
Further development and evaluation has to be per-
formed regarding two aspects. The first is to evaluate
to which degree physiological signals - as responses
to standardized stimulus material - are comparable
with those recorded in real world scenarios. It has to
be investigated whether inference mechanisms based
on the former setting can be transferred and applied to
the latter. The second is to perform a thorough anal-
ysis on the recorded physiological patterns and eval-
uate whether channel-dependent, non-ambiguous sig-
nal characteristics can be found which could then be
used as discriminating features for improving the in-
ference algorithm.
The presented work is funded by the project I3-
[SharC], R1-[ImageSpace], and A5-[ActionSpace]
in the Transregional Collaborative Research Center
SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition. The support by the
German Research Foundation (DFG) is gratefully ac-
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics