Kim Bins, Felipe Pulcherio, Maria M. D. Poyares, Eloisa Saboya
Neurolab, Instituto Benjamin Constant, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Carla Verônica M. Marques, Carlo Oliveira E. S. de Oliveira
Faculdade de Medicina, UFRJ, NCE - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lidiane F. Silva
NCE, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Congenital blindness, Neuropsychological tests, Selective attention, Computational intelligence, Orange
Abstract: The test Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) of Das and Naglieri was translated and adapted by Laboratory
of Neuropsychology at Instituto Benjamin Constant for the cognition study in congenital blind children to
understand the peculiarities of cognitive development in the absence of vision. Our emphasis is Expressive
Attention subtest, showing its adaptation and manual implementation for the visually impaired. This subtest
assesses selective attention and may identify if the child has difficulty in cognitive process. The sample
consisted of 64 congenital blind students of Benjamin Constant Specialized School, where 21 performed the
test. Data obtained during the application were grouped and analyzed by artificial intelligence laboratory
Orange Canvas, which helped define the attention profiles of the sample. It can be created, in the future,
new pedagogical techniques for a better development of their cognition. It was also presented here the
automated adaptation which was developed by the Group for Information Technology Applied to Education
Electronic Computer Center, Rio de Janeiro Federal University based on system technology "Geometrix”.
The proposal is that this software evaluates the attention of visually impaired people more quickly and
efficiently, being more reliable to the original subtest, and also makes the statistical analysis of data,
generating profiles.
Currently, the study of cognition in congenital blind
children is a topic not much discussed in scientific
research in Brazil. However, the study of this area is
very important to understand the possible
differences of cognition of the visually impaired.
According to Seminério (1984), the human
species has two morphogenetic channels through
which human beings are capable of developing the
structured processes of their knowledge, which are:
the visual-motor channel and the phonetic-audio
channel. Each of these channels has an afferent-
perceptual way (vision and hearing) and an efferent-
motor way (motor action and motor production of
the phonemes of speech) that are interconnected and
communicate through feedback. According to this
theory, it is inferred that the visually impaired have a
predominance of phonetic-audio channels and,
therefore, have their cognition different from sighted
people, as well as a different way to structure their
cognitive processes.
The education given to the visually impaired in
all grade levels uses teaching techniques based on
cognition of sighted children. Thus, visually
impaired children are not stimulated properly, which
could affect their cognitive development. The
Bins K., Pulcherio F., Poyares M., Saboya E., M. Marques C., Oliveira E. S. de Oliveira C. and Silva L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003128704930499
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 493-499
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Laboratory of Neuropsychology at the Instituto
Benjamin Constant translated and adapted the
battery of neuropsychological tests the CAS
(Cognitive Assessment System) with the purpose of
studying the cognition of the blind in order to
understand these differences and create, in the
future, new techniques for teaching them.
The Cognitve Assessment System (CAS) was
developed by Das and Naglieri (1997) based on
PASS-Luria theory, which states that cognitive
processes can be measured in the following different
instances: planning, attention, simultaneous
processing, and successive processing. The CAS has
several subtests designed to measure these cognitive
processes and to correlate them to problems that
may affect cognition, such as mental retardation,
learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder
(ADHD), planning problems, emotional problems,
serious head injury or even if the child is gifted.
In this work we demonstrate the adaptation and
implementation of the Expressive Attention subtest
in order to assess the cognitive process of attention
in congenital blind children. This subtest assesses
selective attention, i.e. "the ability to selectively
focus on one stimulus while inhibiting conflicting
responses to stimuli presented over time" (DAS &
NAGLIERI, 1997). Likewise, when choosing to pay
attention to some stimulus over another, this process
of selective attention is also being used (Cohen,
2003; Duncan, 1999). This process of attention is
evaluated through the Stroop effect in the subtest,
which refers to the dominance that reading has on
the designation of colours in literate people.
According to Sternberg (2008), if the reading
becomes an automatic process, it is not in our
conscious control, and for this reason we have this
difficulty to stop reading the written word and
concentrate on identifying the ink colour.
During the implementation of the subtest there
were taken notes on the answering sheet, and the
data obtained was used for statistical analysis by
intelligence laboratory Orange Canvas. This
software implements functionalities, so that the
execution time is not crucial; it is a machine learning
and data mining. Through this program, the central
object library (core objects) and the sets of
programming instructions designed to perform a
specific task (routines), was made a cluster of data
inherent to the adapted subtest and prognosis
obtained by children behavioral analysis. This
cluster helped us to define the profiles of attention of
the sample.
In manual adjustment of Expressive Attention
subtest, it was not possible to place the stimuli (the
Braille and textures) simultaneously. With the
purpose of adapting this subtest in a more reliable
way, with simultaneous stimuli, the software
EXACT (Expressive Attention) is being finalized by
GINAPE/NCE-UFRJ to solve this problem and to
make the application faster and efficient. This
software is based on the technology of "Geometrix"
developed in Python (it is an interpreted language
which does not need to compile the code to be
executed), used to teach geometric concepts
interactively to the blind student. This software
captures through a webcam the finger movements of
the blind student on a board with coordinates (X, Y)
- in which he produces the figures with his finger
around the figure rubbery - and shows on the
computer screenplay what the student drew, and also
informs with a synthesized voice what has been
The software "EXAT" will be using these
Geometrix principles adapted to the needs of the
Expressive Attention subtest, which are interaction,
recognition of colours by texture and the immediate
return to the child. It is being proposed the
automation of the entire manual process of
Expressive Attention subtest to the visually
impaired. When the blind child puts his finger on the
texture, the system through the webcam will
recognize the texture and will inform with
synthesized voice the name of the conflicting
texture. We believe that we will obtain a more
precise simultaneity of conflicting stimuli in this
subtest, which will help to assess the selective
attention of these children.
The objective of this work is to define the profile of
attention from the sample of students at Instituto
Benjamin Constant (congenital blind children) using
the Expressive Attention subtest of the battery of
neuropsychological tests of Cognitve Assessment
System (CAS). From the definition of these profiles
and the description of their specific characteristics, it
is intended, in the future, to create neuropedagogical
techniques for a better learning of visually impaired
children and a better use of their cognition.
The proposed solution is to use the Orange
Canvas program to define the profiles of students in
the subtest adapted manually. Also, it is being
completed this subtest automation in order to make
it easer to use, to provide a more precise
simultaneity of stimuli (with more reliability to the
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
original), and to make statistical analysis defining
the profiles without using other tools.
The intention of this article is to show the
importance of studying cognition in visually
impaired and, likewise, to show how computer
technology can help these studies: by prognosis
definition with Orange Canvas and by convenience
for the application of subtest after its automation
using software EXAT. With this test's
automatization it will be possible to evaluate
children who not yet dominate the Braille system
and then produce an immediate prognostic and the
guiding for specific interventions.
3.1 Participants
The sample consisted of 64 congenital blind
children. But only 21 of these children performed
the subtests, 10 male and 11 female. They are aged
between 8 and 13 years old, students from
kindergarten to the 6th grade of elementary school
and attending the Specialized School of Instituto
Benjamin Constant in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. Figure
1 is a conceptual map of the sample data. According
to the school information sheet for each child, they
belong to lower social class. Among children who
could not attend the test, 18 were excluded because
they could not read Braille, 20 were excluded
because they were over the age established for
application of the test, and five were excluded for
Figure 1: Sample Data.
3.2 Material
The Expressive Attention subtest for children aged
between 8 and 17 years old was translated into
Portuguese and adapted for blind children, changing
from visual stimuli to tactile stimuli.
The original subtest is a variation of the Stroop
test and consists of three parts. In the first part there
are two sheets of paper with the names of the
colours blue, yellow, green and red repeating
themselves without an order. The first sheet is a
small example with only two lines where the name
of four colours is written in each one. This example
enables the child to practice the task before doing it.
In the second sheet, there are eight lines with five
names of colours in each one.
In the second part there are two sheets with
several rectangles painted with the colours blue,
yellow, green and red repeating themselves, also
without an order. The first sheet is the example with
only two lines with four coloured rectangles in each.
In the second sheet there are eight lines with five
rectangles in each one.
In the third part there are two sheets with the
names of the colours blue, yellow, green and red
written in coloured ink. However, the ink colour is
different from the colour name written. For example,
the word blue written in green ink. The first sheet is
the example that has two lines with four words in
each one. The second sheet has eight lines with four
words in each one.
The first stage of adaptation was the translation
into Portuguese. Then, the colours, because they are
visual stimuli, were replaced for textures. The blue
colour changed to SANDPAPER, the yellow
changed to FABRIC, the red changed to LACE, and
the green changed to FELT. The writing in ink was
replaced by Braille.
In the first part of the test, the names of colours
written in ink were replaced by textures names
written in Braille on a board of size 47.5 cm x 36
cm. The board sample was slightly smaller because
it had fewer words, size 28 cm x 29 cm. Braille is
written in a material called thermoform (PVC film),
this page of thermoform stays in front of another
sheet of paper on which is written the names of the
textures in ink (to help the applicator to correct the
The second and third parts of the test which were
in one sheet in the original test, had to be divided
into two boards of size 59 cm x 33 cm. This
adjustment was due to the size of the rectangles with
the textures that had to be large to fit inside the
Braille writing. The textures of the second board
were made with thermoform. However, the
rectangles with the textures in thermoform were
glued on the board of paper above the coloured
rectangles in ink. Below the rectangles, it is written
the name of their texture to help the applicator to
correct the test.
The adaptation of the third part is very similar to
the second, the difference is that within the
rectangles with the textures in thermoform, it is
written in Braille the name of another conflicting
texture. For example, in a rectangle with the texture
of lace, it will be written sandpaper in Braille in the
middle of this rectangle.
After the adjustment, we applied the pilot test to
check whether the adjustment was appropriate for
the children. Then we verified that children were
confusing two textures that had been very similar:
they mistook the lace with the fabric. Thus, we
changed the type of lace, redid the thermoform and
reapplied the test. This second model was adequate
and was considered the definitive one.
3.3 Procedures
Implementation of Expressive Attention subtest in
children was done in individual booths at the
Laboratory of Neuropsychology at Instituto
Benjamin Constant. The applicator conducted the
child to one of these booths, seated her on the chair
and asked some questions like her name, age, and
school grade. Then the applicator explained in a
playful and detailed way what she was doing there
and how she would perform the test. The child is
told that it is a game and has to be done as quickly as
Step 1: The initial board named Example D
(relating to children of 8-17 years old, the object of
this study) is presented to the child. This board has
two lines containing the name in ink and in Braille
(thermoform) of the textures of sandpaper, fabric,
felt and lace. The second line was made to
physically explain how it will be the sequence of
stimulus boards and contains the same words of the
first line, but in different order. For ages 8-17 years
old the board stimulus starts in Item 4. This board is
presented with eight lines, each line contains five
stimulus words in Braille and in ink. The child
should read the words from left to right until the end,
going to the next line and so on until the end, at the
best time possible. The applicator should take note
on the answer sheet if the child read the word
correctly and what was the time spent.
Step 2: It is presented to the child the board of
Example E containing four textures that correspond
to the four stimuli words, seeking for tactile
recognition by the congenital blind children. Then,
there are presented the boards of Item 5, containing
four lines each. The blind child must make the
recognition of each tactile stimulus and say its name
in sequence from left to right, going to the next line
until the end of the board, in the shortest time
possible. The applicator should take note on the
answer sheet if the child correctly recognized the
textures and what was the time spent.
Step 3: It is presented the board of Example F
which is similar to that of Example E, the difference
is that now it is written in Braille the name of a
conflicting texture. Then, there are presented the
boards of Item 6, in the same prototypical example,
but with four lines each. The child should read the
Braille silently and then recognizing tactually the
texture stimuli (conflicting) and say only the name
of the texture stimuli. The applicator should get the
child's hand and join her in reading the Braille, and
then direct her hand to the texture. During the test,
the applicator should take note on the answer sheet
when the child says the correct name of the texture
stimulus and what was the time spent on activity.
The score and time of each item are noted in the
answer sheet. At the time of application, there are
also noted some observations of the applicator, for
example, if the child is distracted or tired.
3.4 Automation Proposal
Compared to the manual process of Expressive
Attention subtest described above, the automated
result of this work, to be reliable to the original test,
requires more time, the researcher's interventions
during the application and requires immediate
response from the blind student for the test
sequence, that does not happen on the subtest
adapted. In order to solve this issue we decided to
seek for a tool that would make the application of
the test faster and with results consistent with the
objective of the original test, then we turned to
NCE/UFRJ (Electronic Computer Center, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) to ask for a
solution for our needs. There was nominated a
student of Master who developed the Geometrix
system to assist blind students in the acquisition of
some geometric concepts using a Webcam, a
wooden board with the X, Y coordinates in self-
relief and figures made of rubberized material. This
system recognizes geometric shapes produced by the
blind, bordered on the board, and report to them the
properties of the polygon created.
Based on this architecture there was the idea of
adapting this technology for the Expressive
Attention subtest, preserving the same procedures
described above in Steps 1, 2 and 3, and only in the
test application there will be technology
interventions, where the student will be placed in an
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
individual booth with a computer, a webcam and the
board with textures (described in item 3). By
touching the texture, the system we call “EXAT" (an
allusion to the name of origin) will capture through
the Webcam the location of the finger of the student,
identifying the texture and informing him the name
of the texture (colour adjusted), thereby, the system
will store in "EXAT" database these markings,
generating the profile results at the end of the
application of subtest. The student will be able to
reveal the result of each test through a gestual
marking of the reply that also will be interpreted by
the system of computational vision.
However, for the accomplishment of automatized
stage 3, a new stimulus board was formed; this
board possess, as in the original subtest, all the
stimulus congregated in it (the division in two
boards was not necessary anymore), since the
rectangles with the textures do not need to be big
because they do not present the writing in Braille.
So, the board had eight lines with five textured
rectangles in each line. The textures continue being
done using thermoform material (PVC film) and,
below each texture, it was placed a colored rectangle
there. Actually, the computer recognizes the colors
when the child presses the rectangle and states the
name of a conflicting texture.
Therefore, it is expected that with the automation
of Expressive Attention subtest that the application
time becomes faster, the intervention of the
applicator happens only when really needed, the
interaction with students take place simultaneously,
and that the results are produced by the system at the
end of the application, making the automated subtest
as similar as possible compared to the original test.
Finally, it is believed that this technology
becomes a tool that opens new horizons of research,
contributing then to new tests adapted very closely
to those applied to seeing people. We emphasize that
the results produced by this system have not yet
been concluded, as we reported earlier it is being
finalized by the trainees of NCE/UFRJ with
conclusion expected to be in August 2010.
3.4.1 Prototype
The EXAT software prototype, implemented based
on the detailed information above, can bring truth to
the subtest “Expressive Attention”, once it keeps the
stimulus’ simultaneity.
The computer vision creates a new property for
the thermoform: the sound. Therefore, it gives a
label where there is none; translating it to an
accessible language. By that, the trace of the child’s
finger, through the webcam, allows it to use a
spoken label for virtual objects.
In order to begin receiving an explanation about
the task, the child has to press a key. For him/her to
listen to the explanation one more time, it’s possible
to press the key as many times as needed. The
EXAT sums up the number of times that the
explanation was given and calculates the reaction
time of the child (since the first explanation, until
the test has begun).
This software calculates the time transition from
previous position to the current one (t). As per this
data, the prognosis would be more objectively
classified in order to be used as counterproof for
previous prognosis that could not be reevaluated by
the manual adaptation, since there are no records of
The analysis consisted in the grouping of the raw
scores of items 4, 5, 5.1, 6 and 6.1, the times of
those items and the forecasts produced by the
researcher during the implementation phase of the
subtest, with the help of statistical program Orange
Canvas. Such predictions were categorized into the
following levels: standard (0), lack of concentration
(1), fatigue (2), difficulty in understanding (3),
difficulty in identifying the textures (4), impatience
(5), did not attend (6); which received numbers for
statistical purposes.
By using the Orange Canvas program, it was
verified that there was a correlation between the
variables inherent of the subtest and the forecasts,
where their veracity was checked. Through
Classification Tree Graph tool, a diagram was drawn
to the forecasts and their correlation with all the
aforementioned variables. Of the 64 participants in
the sample, 43 were grouped for not having
conducted the test and 21 others who conducted the
test were in a group that split into two subgroups:
group 1 and group 2. It was found that from the 21
participants, 16 are in the same classification (group
1) in which there were 9 participant classified as
standard, three classified as poor concentration, one
classified as tiredness and three classified as
impatience, all of them having time of item 4
22.500 and time of item 6 325 500. This first
group is divided into two other subgroups: group 1A
and group 1B. It was found that the group 1A had
two classified as standard and three classified as
poor concentration, all with scores of item 6 29
000, time of item 4 22.500 and time of item 6
325 500. In group 1B there were seven classified as
standard, one classified as fatigue and three
classified as impatience, all with a score of item 6
29 000, time of item 4 22 500 and time of item 6
325 500. Group 1A is divided into two other
subgroups: group 1A.1 and 1A.2 group. In group
1A.1 there were two classified as lack of
concentration with a score of 29 000 on item 6,
time of item 4 22 500, time of item 5 106 000
and time of item 6 325 500. In group 1A.2 there
were two classified as standard and one classified as
lack of concentration, all with scores of item 6 29
000, time of item 4 22 500, time of item 5 106
000 and time of item 6 <= 325 500 . Returning to the
group 1B, it was also divided into two subgroups:
group 1B.1 and 1B.2. In group 1B.1 there was one
classified as a lack of concentration and two
classified as impatience, all with scores in item 4
38 500, scores in item 6 29 000, time of item 4
22 500 and time of item 6 325 500. In the group
1B.2 there were seven classified as standard and one
classified as impatience with score in item 4 4 38
500, score in item 6 29 000, time of item 4 22
500 and time of item 6 325 500.
Legend of the prognostic
Blue = standard (0)
Red = lack of concentration (1)
Green = fatigue (2)
Purple = difficulty of understanding (3)
Orange = difficulty in identifying the textures (4)
Yellow = impatience (5)
Pink = not done the test (6)
Figure 2: Classification Tree Graph.
Of the 21 participants, 16 were from group 1 and
the other five participants were from group 2, in
which there were two participants classified as
standard, one classified as difficulty in identifying
the textures and two classified as difficulty of
understanding. All these participants grouped with
time of item 4 22 500 and time of item 6 325
500. The group 2 was also divided into two
subgroups: group 2A and group 2B. In group 2A
there were two classified as standard and one
classified as difficulty of understanding, all with
scores of item 6 29 500, time of item 4 22 500
and time of item 6 325 500. In group 2B there was
one classified as difficulty of identifying the
textures and one classified as difficulty in
understanding, all with a score of item 6 29 500,
time of item 4 22 500 and time of item 6 325
The standard prognosis was indicated by the
applicator to the children who have not presented
difficulty in understanding and performing the
activity; and which had not clearly demonstrated any
evidence of dispersal during the test application.
These same children, in the analysis done by the
Orange Canvas intelligence laboratory, were present
in all subgroups, which means that the applicator
was unable to set a correct prognosis of the standard
Lack of concentration was predicted to children
who were easily dispersed with stimuli from the
environment, such as sounds from the street or
sounds made by other children. Children who
wanted to talk with the applicator were also included
in the prognosis of lack of concentration. In the
analysis made by Orange, these children were, first,
grouped in the same group (1A) and then divided
into two subgroups by their score. But as they got
close, the analysis done by the Orange confirms the
prognosis made by the applicator.
The fatigue was predicted to the children that
were lying on the table during the implementation of
subtest and yawned a lot. During application, there
was only one child with this prognosis; therefore, the
analysis made by the Orange can not be assessed for
this outcome specifically. We suggest the
application in a larger sample, so there might arise
more prognostics in this category and maybe can be
reassessed. However, prognosis fatigue and
impatience were grouped together in Group 1B,
which shows that these two types of prognosis can
be evaluated as the same kind of lack of attention.
The prognosis impatience was indicated by the
applicator to children who kept asking to leave and
to those who were watching the clock too much
during application. Just like the prognosis of lack of
concentration, the children with prognosis of
impatience primarily stayed in the same group (1B)
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
and then subdivided into two other groups due to
differences in scoring. Analysis of Orange confirms
the prognosis made by the applicator.
The difficulty of understanding was predicted to
children who had difficulty in understanding what
should be done during the activity. The Orange
analysed these students as similar, placing them in
the same group (2) which confirms the prognosis
made by the applicator.
The difficulty in identifying the textures was
predicted to children who were confused to
differentiate the textures, changing one by another,
or confusing their names. Like fatigue, there was
only one child classified with this prognosis, which
complicates our assessment of Orange analysis in
this specific prognosis. However, it can be observed
that children who obtained the prognosis of
difficulty of understanding and difficulty of
identifying the textures were grouped together in
Group 2B with a high score. This indicates that the
difficulties which the applicator predicted, in fact,
appeared as an increased attention on these students
in perform the activity, achieving a higher score.
This finding originated from the analysis of the
computational intelligence of the system had a great
relevance for the experiment. An interesting aspect
of the analysis'result is that, not only it confirms the
classification of the profiles, but also the
computational intelligence has indicated a new
interpretation for the profiles of difficulty of
understanding and difficulty on identifying textures;
what was originally indicated as an understanding
problem, later was disclosed (by the analysis) as a
peculiar process of learning which has shown good
results from the participants.
The prognosis of lack of concentration, fatigue and
impatience were separated from the prognosis of
difficulty of understanding and difficulty of
identifying the textures, leaving the first ones with a
lower score; this corroborates the hypothesis
presented here that the difficulties of understanding
and identification texture caused an increase in the
attention of these students.
Therefore, the intelligence laboratory Orange
Canvas proves to be an important tool to help define
the profiles of the attention of visually impaired
children by grouping the data obtained in the
responses of children in the subtest, and by the
prognosis inferred by the applicator. This success in
defining profiles of attention by the Orange suggests
that adaptation automated which we are doing may
contain in itself this statistical analysis, with no need
to pass the data obtained during application to
another software.
The cognition of the visually impaired, although not
being an area very studied in scientific research in
Brazil has proved to be a promising area. Thus, from
results obtained with the analysis of the intelligence
laboratory Orange Canvas Expressive Attention and
the automation of the Expressive Attention subtest,
it is concluded that computer technology can bring
many benefits in research on these studies. The
speed and convenience that this technology can offer
us in gathering and processing the data means that it
may become a very useful tool for conducting such
activities. Moreover, contribution of information
technology for the present study may facilitate other
works, for example, the development of new
pedagogical techniques made specifically for the
cognition of blind children.
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