Dilyana Budakova
Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, 61, Sankt Peterburg Blvd., Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Keywords: Intelligent virtual agents (IVA), Architecture, Ambient intelligence, Behavior, Emotions, Needs,
Rationalities, Knowledge, Ambivalence, Choice.
Abstract: This paper considers the architecture and the behaviour of an intelligent virtual agent, taking care of the
cosiness and the health-related features of a family house. The PRE-ThINK architecture is proposed and its
components are considered. The dynamics of the decision making process in problem situations arising with
the implementation of this architecture is shown. It is assumed that an agent, capable of taking the best
possible decision in a critical situation will win the family members’ trust.
A great amount of contemporary neurophysiologic
research confirms the main role of emotions in
rational behaviour (Damasio, A. R., 1994).
According to Turing, if a device that could “think”
as the human brain does is to be designed, then it has
to “feel” as well. Since 1979 this idea has been the
basis of the emotional computers and emotional
intelligent agents.
Ortony, Clore, and Collins (OCC model) define a
cognitive approach for looking at emotions. This
theory is extremely useful for the project of
modelling agents which can experience emotions.
The cornerstone of their analysis is that emotions are
“valenced reactions.” The authors do not describe
events in a way that will cause emotions, but rather,
emotions can occur as a result of how people
understand events.
The first modification to the OCC model is to
allow for the definition of different emotions with
respect to others, which is known as social emotions.
Social emotions can be defined as one’s emotions
projecting on or affected by others.
According to (Benny Ping-Han Lee et. al., 2006)
mixed emotions, especially those in conflict, sway
agent decisions and result in dramatic changes in
social scenarios. However, the emotion models and
architectures for virtual agents are not yet advanced
enough to be imbued with coexisting emotions
(Benny Ping-Han Lee et al., 2006).
The PRE-ThINK architecture, presented here,
will contribute to some advance in this direction, we
believe. The PRE-ThINK architecture allows for
modelling an IVA, having capabilities to detect and
analyze conflicts. Problem situations evoke
conflicting thoughts, accompanied by mixed
emotions and they are related to a number of
different ways of action. The agent considers in
advance (Pre-Think) in what way each possible
action in a critical situation would reflect over all
individuals concerned by it. The originated thoughts
are assessed from emotional, rational and needs-
related points of view in accordance with the
knowledge, priorities and principles of the agent.
Agent’s behaviour motivators are its needs
according to Maslow’s theory. (Maslow A. H.,
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 gives examples of application and details
on the topic; Section 3 considers existing agent
architectures; in section 4 the PRE-ThINK
architecture is presented; Section 5 describes an
experimental setting and the structural scheme of the
program system; the algorithm for defining the
condition of a flower grown by the user is discussed
here as well as behavioral rules for the IVA are
considered; in section 6 an experiment conducted
with the system is presented, IVA’s capabilities to
take a decision in an invented scenario are described,
and the way of influence of the action/passivity/non-
intervention on the side of an IVA over the object
under observation is investigated and presented here;
Budakova D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003127801570166
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 157-166
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Section 7 contains a graphical visualization of the
results of this experiment; the last 8
section is a
generalization of the results of this project also
discussing certain directions for future development.
The software agents that know the interests, habits
and priorities of the user will be able to actively
assist him with work and information and,
personalizing themselves, to take part in the
activities in his leisure time (Picard, R. S, 1998).
Users trust virtual fitness-instructors (Zsófia
Ruttkay et. al., 2006) to recover from traumas or just
to do some exercise, listen to virtual reporters
(Michael Nischt et. al., 2006) and rely on IVA
teachers (Jean-Paul Sansonnet et. al. 2006) to clarify
difficult parts from the school subjects. Some users
prefer medical assistants – IVA – to explain the
results from their patients' medical checks (T. W.
Bickmore et. al.) etc.
The more serious the role of the agent in the
application and the more useful for the user it is, the
better it is perceived. (D.Budakova et. al., 2010).
Many researchers model IVA behaviour aiming
at establishing a trust-based relationship between the
user and the IVA (Celso M. de Melo et. al. 2009,
Jonathan Gratch et. al 2007, Timothy W. Bickmore
et. al.2007, Radoslaw Niewiadomski et. al. 2008).
Thus IVA-s are modelled, having capabilities to
express so called moral emotions (pity, gladness,
sympathy, remorse) (Celso M. de Melo 2009), and
the way in which the frequency and the moment of
sending a positive feedback from the user to the IVA
(Jonathan Gratch et. al.2007), influence the trust
between them, is investigated. Agent's behaviour is
modelled so that it follows the user's behaviour
(Jonathan Gratch et. al.2007).
A hypothesis has been derived (Budakova D. et.
al., 2010), that agents with subjective behaviour
could be well accepted among users, if this
behaviour is a well grounded and fair subjective
behaviour. Only in this case it will lead to users’
reactions like sharpening their attention, increasing
their trust in the agent and more natural perception
of the IVA. An option for the user to try to meet the
requirements of the IVA and gain its approval exists
as well.
It is assumed that an intelligent virtual agent
(IVA), capable of detecting a critical situation, of
analyzing it and choosing the best possible option to
take care of all individuals concerned, would easily
gain trust. Such a behavioural model is presented in
this paper with the help of the PRE-ThINK
The IVA presented in this paper is supposed to
take care both of the desired and of health-related
features of the environment in a family house. These
two goals could be in conflict if a family member
sets environment features which are not healthy.
This evokes mixed, conflicting and social thoughts
as well as emotions in the agent. It has to choose
whether and until when to continue maintaining the
pre-set features or to change them into more
appropriate ones.
An IVA is not only able to follow the user’s
behaviour and desire but after preliminary
consideration (PRE-ThINK) it can also choose the
best possible action. The purpose of the agent is to
possibly take the best care of the family and the
inhabitants of the house even if the undertaken
action does not precisely correspond to their will. It
is assumed that such a type of subjective behaviour
would help in establishing trust between the IVA
and the family members.
In order for the principles of intelligent behaviour to
be shown and examined, there have been a number
of models, introduced recently, that include virtual
world and emotional software agents, inhabiting it
(Franklin, S. 2000, Wright, I. P., Sloman, A., 1996,
Reilly, W. S., 1996, D. Budakova, L. Dakovski,
2005). In a number of models there has been shown
how emotions are used as primary reasons and
means of learning (Gadanho S. C., 2003). In others,
the emotions are defined as an evaluating system
that works automatically on perceptive and cognitive
level through measuring importance and usefulness
(McCauley L., Franklin Stan, 1998).
In the architectures of intelligent agents with
clearly expressed emotional element, the
components are grouped as follows: behavioral
system, motive system, inner stimuli, generator of
emotions (Velásquez, J. D. 1997); meta-
management subsystem, consultative subsystem,
subsystem action (Wright, I. P., Sloman, A., 1996);
synthesis of phrases in natural language,
understanding phrases in natural language,
sensations and conceptions, inductive conclusions,
memory, emotions, social behavior and knowledge,
physical state and face expression, generator of
actions (Reilly,W.S., 1996).
The cognitive cycle of IDA architecture
(Franklin, S., 2000, 2001, 2004) comprises nine
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
steps: perception, summarized perception, local
associations, competition for awareness, spreading
the awareness, recovery of the resources,
hierarchical aims defining, choosing an action,
implementing an action. Emotions play a central part
in the perception, memory, consciousness and
choice of an action in the IDA architecture.
In (Benny Ping-Han Lee, 2006) an improved
emotion model integrated with decision making
algorithms is proposed to deal with two topics: the
generation of coexisting emotions, and the resolution
to ambivalence, in which two emotions conflict.
The SEEM architecture (Simultaneous Emotion
Elicitation Model) considered in (Benny Ping-Han
Lee, 2006) is based on the OCC model. The
emotions are evaluated from the point of view of an
emotion set, action set and goal set, and the conflict
between contradictory emotions is solved by IVA
undertaking actions for weakening the negative
emotions and strengthening the positive ones.
A type of architecture for an emotional agent is
used in (Dilyana Budakova, Lyudmil Dakovski,
2006), which is a previous version of the
architecture considered here. Its basic components
are emotions, needs, rules, meta-rules, knowledge of
oneself, knowledge of places from the world,
actions. This type of architecture is used to model
the behaviour of an IVA, intended to inhabit a
virtual world and to be able to visit places around
the world depending on its own state. If, for
example, the IVA needs money – it goes to work for
a company; if hungry and has money at disposal -
goes to a restaurant, if ill – goes to a hospital etc.
New places can arise in the virtual world. The agent
receives information about their characteristics and
evaluates them in accordance with its knowledge
and principles. Depending on its principle for
choosing the better place among a number of
alternatives, the IVA can change its habits and start
visiting more frequently a new restaurant instead of
the ones it used to visit earlier.
A cognitive-emotional analysis model and
behaviour in the terms of Generalized nets
(Atanassov K., 1991) has been presented in (Dilyana
Budakova, Lyudmil Dakovski, 2005).
The IVA architecture presented here is named
PRE-ThINK an abbreviation from the initial letters
of the basic components making it up - Principles,
Rationalitis, Emotions, Thoughts, Investigations,
Needs, and Knowledge. New components to the
architecture have been proposed. The priority of the
needs in critical situations is defined in a new way.
Both IVA’s state and the evaluation of each situation
are also defined in a new and better way. The
process of decision making in conflict situations is
new as well. A new and more useful practical
application of the PRE-ThINK architecture is
The PRE-ThINK architecture (fig.1) consists of the
following components: Principles, Rationalities,
Emotions (+/-), Thoughts, Investigations, Needs and
Knowledge. The possibility for each component to
be influenced by and to have an impact on each of
the others is shown in the figure below.
The architecture can be implemented in various
virtual and real worlds.
The situations, conditions, objects, places and
events, belonging to these worlds are represented by
their characteristics.
These characteristics can be evaluated by the
IVA; they can originate thoughts in it and activate
some of its action rules.
The IVA takes its decisions based on its
principles. The following IVA principles have been
modelled: “Choose the better possible action";
"Neglect the basic needs until reaching a definite
threshold of dissatisfaction, giving priority to the
highest-order needs”, “Take care of the plants in the
family house”, “Observe the characteristics of the
home environment set by the family members".
Figure 1: The PRE-ThINK Architecture.
New principles and behavioral rules can be
formed based on the accumulation of observations
and their generalization. This is realized by means
of the subprograms of the architecture component
named Investigations.
The basic groups of emotions according
(Goleman D., 1995) are: anger (a), sorrow (s), fear
(f), joy (j), love (l), surprise (sr), disgust (d) and
shame (sh).
In case we denote the emotions in the
corresponding groups by E
, E
, E
, E
, E
, E
, E
, then they will have the value of Х depending
on their place in the hierarchy of the OCC model. A
scale of values for measuring emotions is
introduced. Each thought of the agent and each
characteristics of a situation, object, action or
condition receives an emotional value of either
positive (+) or negative (-) sign.
Figure 2: Needs arrangement and their weight at a normal
state of the agent in a calm situation.
An IVA, just like people, uses the needs as
motivators for its actions. According to Maslow's
theory the needs in normal human development are
arranged as follows: physiological (ph), safety (s),
love and belonging (lb), esteem and self-assessment
(es), self-actualization (sa), aesthetics (a). In the
architecture suggested here the needs are associated
with weights W
corresponding to their priority.
, W
, W
, W
, W
, W
. Each thought of the
agent and each characteristic of objects, events,
places or actions are related to a certain need and
they receive the weight of this need.
10203040506070 8090100110120
Figure 3: Arrangement of the fulfilled and unfulfilled
needs in a crisis situation and their weight.
Exemplary values for the need weights used in
the experiments are given in Fig. 2.
When, because of the occurrence of an event,
one or more needs prove to be unfulfilled, i.e., there
is a crisis situation, then the needs rearrange so that
the unfulfilled ones receive first priority. The
unfulfilled needs are arranged in an order, opposite
to the order of needs weights in a normal state of the
agent. The unfulfilled needs are denoted by W
, W
, W
, W
, W
, and an exemplary scale
of their weight values is given in fig. 3.
A number of needs can prove to be unfulfilled at
a particular moment and then a specific arrangement
of the agent’s priorities occurs.
The rationalistic components are, for example,
importance, practicality, usefulness etc. A scale for
rationalistic assessment of the characteristics is
introduced. Each thought, characteristic, pre-
requisite, conclusion or action is assessed by the
values on this scale.
Users will
characterize the
Flower pot
Real and optimal
characteristics of
the environment
controller that
allows a home
owner to maintain
total control of a
home from any
computer or web
enabled device.
Receive e-mails or
text messages. USB
controller. PLC
smart home
Analysis of
the condition
of the ob
Figure 4: Structural scheme of the experimental setting.
Let a thought addressed to the situation s be
denoted by Th_s. If the importance of the thought
Th_s is denoted by I
, the weight of the need,
related to this thought is expressed by W
, the
emotion implied by this thought is marked by
, then, following the formulae for
calculating the assessment value of the thought O
corresponding to the situation s will be:
If a thought is partially related to more than one
need then the sum of the weight percentages of the
needs to which it is related is taken into account in
the formulae.
Each thought is related to an action.
The assessment values of the thoughts related to
one and the same action in one and the same
situation are put on the one basin of the “thoughts
balance”. The assessment values of the thoughts for
the same situation, but related to another action, are
put on another basin etc. Our “thoughts balance”
10 20 30 40 50 60
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
will have as many basins as the alternative actions
considered by the agent in the particular situation
are. The module of the assessment values is summed
and the action from the basin having the highest
assessment value is undertaken.
The emotion experienced by the IVA in a
particular situation is determined by the prevalent
emotion. After an action has been undertaken, the
agent keeps track of the effect from it. The IVA’s
state and priorities are changed anew and they
depend on whether the problem has been solved or
there is a new conflict situation to be solved.
For the purposes of the experiment an IVA intended
to maintain the desired by the user characteristics of
the environment as well as to take care of an
observed object – a flower pot - is considered.
The user can predetermine the temperature in the
house, the amount of light, the mode of flower
watering, and the critical level of air pollution.
The agent is capable of accumulating knowledge
concerning the condition of the observed object for
particular characteristics of the environment. It can
change the real characteristics of the environment in
the house in its own judgement. The structural
scheme of the experimental setting is shown in fig.4.
5.1 Defining the Condition
of the Grown Plant
A model of a virtual plant has been realized. The
model includes: a scale of the conditions of the
plant, the optimal temperature, humidity and light
for it to grow. For what number of consequent days
with inappropriate / appropriate temperature,
humidity or light the plant will get worse/better and
to what extent; for what number of consequent days
with temperature, humidity or light going beyond
the critical survival thresholds the plant will die.
The agent can observe the plant, at the same time
receiving the result from a subprogram, doing an
analysis and reporting the information about its
condition. The virtual plant changes its size and
condition when appropriate .bmp files containing
pictures of the plant corresponding to each of its
possible conditions are changed.
The following algorithm has been developed for
the purpose of the observance and the definition of
the condition of a real plant: Pictures of the plant are
taken every hour. The image from the camera is
recorded in a .bmp and stored in a database. The
number of pixels for the whole image is found. The
whole image is checked and all background and pot
pixels are filtered, thus keeping only the plant pixels.
The number of plant pixels in the image is found.
The percentage of the plant pixels is calculated
dividing them by the number of pixels of the whole
image and the result is multiplied by 100. The
percentage of the plant pixels is kept on a database.
This percentage grows together with the plant
growth. When the leaves fall down or when the
flower is dry, the percentage of its pixels decreases.
Thus the condition of the plant is defined and the
result is transmitted to the IVA.
5.2 Initialization on IVA
for the Experiment
At the beginning of the experiment there is no
conflict situation and the needs of the PRE-ThINK
agent are arranged from the basic ones to the high-
order ones according to the principle actions and
things related to the high-order needs to be
For simplicity of the experiment only gladness (a
positive emotion) and anxiety (a negative emotion)
are modelled as alternatives with corresponding
values of ±1.
The agent has at its disposal a multitude of
thoughts concerning the plant, the user and the agent
itself. Each thought is related both to an emotion,
and to a need, and also has its rational component –
importance – with a value from 1-6 according to the
assessment accepted by the programmer.
An IVA can define the following stages in the
condition of the plant: it comes into leaves or its
leaves fall down.
An IVA can also keep track of the environmental
characteristics light, temperature, humidity,
pollution. An IVA can execute the following
actions: increasing or decreasing the temperature;
increasing humidity (watering the plant); increasing
or decreasing the light and airing.
Watering is done when the soil humidity reduces
up to 5% of its limiting moisture capacity and when
the humidity is not easily accessible by the plant. If
the soil humidifies up to 75% of its limiting moisture
capacity by watering, it is accepted to be its optimal
The limiting moisture capacity is the maximum
amount of water the soil could take while filling all
the pores and before drainage occurs.
For simplicity of the experiment watering mode
does not change and the plant is not shifted from one
place to another in order to keep the light unchanged
during the experiment.
The agent’s behavioural rules are as it follows:
1. Related to the characteristics of the
environment: If a householder pre-sets
environmental characteristics and if at a particular
moment the real characteristics differ from them,
then the necessary action is –> Check whether the
pre-set characteristics are not marked as doubtful or
harmful for somebody in the house and:
If the pre-set characteristics prove to be harmful
or doubtful then inform the user and do not change
the current characteristics.
If there is no information about the usefulness of
the pre-set characteristics or if they are marked as
doubtful then start maintaining the desired
characteristics and register the existence of a
problem (1) related to the characteristics of the
2. Related to growing the plant in the house: If
the plant is not in perfect condition then the
necessary action is –> compare the currently set
characteristics of the environment with those
characteristics from the database, at which the plant
has already been in perfect or good condition and
correct the characteristics of the environment
accordingly. Register the existence of a problem (2)
related to growing the plant and
Mark the current characteristics as doubtful and
observe the condition of the plant at the new
characteristics for as long as it is known to be
needed by the plant to recover.
If the plant recovers then mark the doubtful
characteristics as harmful for the plant.
If you do not manage to conduct the observation
because of a new change in the environmental
characteristics then save the marking for doubtful
3. Is there a conflict of interests?
If there is more than one problem, then start the
process of decision making of their solution by
generating thoughts about the conflict. Evaluate the
thoughts according to your principles, emotions,
needs and their importance.
6.1 Experiment 1
The agent maintains the user’s desire characteristics
of the environment but the flower starts
deteriorating. Yet the threshold at which
rearrangement of the needs is going to happen has
not been overcome. The IVA generates thoughts
about the observed deterioration of the flower. The
thoughts are addressed mainly to the probable
reaction on the side of the householder towards the
possible decision of the agent to change the
temperature characteristics in order to improve the
condition of the flower:
Thought 1: The householder will be glad if I change
the temperature so that the flower survives.
A thought addressed to the householder. Positive
emotion – gladness, rational component
importance with a value of 3, motivator - the need,
esteem and self-assessment with a weight of 40,
action – saving the flower.
Thought 2: I am not sure what to do – to save the
flower or to follow the householder’s instructions.
A thought addressed to the householder. Negative
emotion – anxiety, rational component – importance
with a value of 1, motivator - safety with a weight of
20, action – maintenance of the characteristics pre-
set by the householder.
Thought 3: I am not sure what to do – to save the
flower or to follow the householder’s instructions.
The assessment of Thought 3 is analogous to the one
of Thought 2.
Thoughts about saving the plant:
= 120
Thoughts about keeping the pre-set by the user
characteristics unchanged:
The thoughts about the two alternative actions are
weighed as if on a balance and the IVA takes the
decision for action. The thoughts about saving the
flower obviously overweigh here. Therefore the IVA
undertakes action towards temperature change
corresponding to the optimal temperature for the
The agent’s state is calculated: the emotion of
gladness prevails based on the thought that saving
the plant would be approved by the householder and
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
thus both the esteem and selfassessment of the agent
will go higher.
6.2 Experiment 2
The plant deteriorates and the threshold at which
rearrangement of the unfulfilled needs happens is
overstepped. Thoughts for and against changes in
the pre-set by the householder characteristics are
generated. This time the thoughts are addressed not
to the householder’s reaction but to the flower itself
as well as to its survival. The motivators are
rearranged and the biggest weight now is the weight
of the physiological needs. e.g., the needs are
arranged as it follows: physiological 120, aesthetical
60, self-actualization 50, esteem and self-assessment
40, love and belonging 30, safety 20.
Thought 1: The householder will be pleased.
A thought addressed to the householder. Positive
emotion – gladness, rational component –
importance with a value of 3, motivator – the need,
assessment and self-assessment – with a weight of
40, action – saving the flower.
Thought 2: I love the flower.
A thought addressed to the plant.
Positive emotion – gladness, rational component –
importance with a value of 3, motivator – love with a
weight of 30, action – saving the flower.
Thought 3: I am worried about the flower.
A thought addressed to the plant.
Negative emotion, rational component – importance
with a value of 2, motivator – love with a weight of
30, action – saving the flower.
Thought 4: If I do not take an action, the flower will
be damaged irreversibly.
A thought addressed to the plant: negative emotion –
anxiety, rational component – importance with a
value of 3, motivator – physiological with a weight
of 120, action – saving the flower.
Thought 5: The householder might get angry.
A thought addressed to the householder: negative
emotion – anxiety, rational component – importance
with a value of 2, motivator – assessment with a
weight of 40, action – keeping the pre-set by the user
characteristics unchanged.
Thoughts about saving the plant:
Thoughts about keeping the characteristics set by the
user unchanged.
The thoughts are weighed on a balance in
accordance with the alternative actions of either
saving the plant or keeping the characteristics set by
the householder unchanged.
The agent decides to save the plant and sets the
optimal temperature appropriate for it. The
characteristics at which the plant has started
deteriorating are marked as harmful and never used.
Graphical representation of the condition of the
plant and the temperatures under consideration for
the duration of the experiment – 23 days from the 7
to the 30
day is given in fig. 5a). It can be seen that
the actions undertaken by the agent save the plant.
The IVA’s state is defined. Anxiety about the plant
survival prevails and the saving actions are the most
important for the IVA. After the salvation of the
plant the conflict is solved and the priorities of the
agent are rearranged anew as they have been initially
set at the beginning of the experiment.
Graphical representations of three experiments
conducted with the programming system are given
in fig. 5 а), 5b) and 5с).
The temperature in the user's home for the days
of the experiment and the change in the condition of
the plant for the same days are given in the same
figure for a better clearness. The numbers of the
days of the experiment are given on the absciss (x-
axis), while the values on the ordinate (y-axis)
express two things simultaneously: temperature
values in the user’s home and values, corresponding
to the condition of the plant grown. The temperature
values on the y-axis range from 0С to + 30С in
figure 5а), from 0С to + 18С in fig. 5b), and from
С to + 45°С in fig. 5c). The values from 0 to 18
shown on the ordinate axis correspond to the levels
in the condition of the plant as well: 0 corresponds
to a lethal condition; 3 corresponds to a critical
condition; 6 corresponds to a strongly damaged
condition; 9 corresponds to a damaged condition; 12
corresponds to a good condition; 18 corresponds to a
perfect condition of the plant.
Fig. 5а) shows the results from the first
experiment, during which the IVA observes both the
condition of the plant and the characteristics of the
environment set by the householder. After detecting
the problem of the plant worsening, the agent
decides to save the plant in the way described in the
previous section. The condition of the plant here
depends on the IVA principles, on the generated
thoughts and the assessments they receive in
correspondence with the priority in the agent’s
needs, and the values of the assessments for
emotionality and importance.
Figure 5a: The condition of the plant depends on the
decision made by an IVA with PRE-ThINK architecture.
Fig. 5b) shows the results from the second
experiment during which the user has set a desired
temperature of 15С for his/her home, which is not
appropriate for growing the plant so the plant
deteriorates gradually reaching the level of being
"strongly damaged". The IVA here just meets the
will of the householder and the capabilities of the
PRE-ThINK are not used. The condition of the plant
depends on the choice of appropriate environmental
characteristics on the side of the user.
Figure 5b: The condition of the plant depends on the
characteristics of the environment set by the householder.
Fig. 5c) illustrates the third experiment in which
the plant has been left to the mercy of the natural
climate changes and nobody takes care of
maintaining any characteristics of the environment.
It can be seen that with the stable increase in the
temperatures over the critical level of 40С the plant
is crucially damaged.
Figure 5c: The condition of the plant depends on the
climate changes in the environment. T
This paper considers the architecture and the
behaviour of an IVA, taking care of the cosiness and
the health-related features of a family house. The
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
process of achieving these two goals can elicit
mixed, conflicting, and social emotions and thoughts
in the agent. The suggested PRE-ThINK architecture
is appropriate for work in such problem situations.
The components of the architecture are considered in
the paper. The dynamics of the decision making
process in problem situations arising with the
implementation of the architecture is shown. An
IVA with this type of architecture does not only
follow the behaviour and the desires of the user.
Based on its own principles, knowledge and
priorities in a critical situation, it evaluates the
possibilities for action from emotional, rational and
need-related point of view and chooses the best
possible action. The purpose of the software agent is
to possibly take the best care of the user and
everybody in his/her house even if the undertaken
action does not precisely correspond to the user’s
will. It is assumed that such behaviour would
facilitate the establishment of trust between the IVA
and the user on the one hand; on the other hand, it
could avert certain accidents of everyday life, ill-
intentioned hackers’ attacks or even terrorists’
attacks. The truthfulness of this assumption is a
matter of further investigations.
In order to take the best care of the house the
agent should know as much as possible about the
arguments because of which the householder
determines particular characteristics; it should also
have as many alternatives for action in a conflict
situation as possible (e.g. in the case of flower
growing a good option would be to place the plant in
an automatically assembled greenhouse and thus
isolate it etc.).
It is planned to develop algorithms for defining
the condition of each family member as well as of
their pets.
It is also envisaged to use the prototype of this
programme system with real objects.
An option for the IVA with PRE-ThINK
architecture implementation in programs facilitating
the educational process as well as in adapted for
learning purposes games is under preparation.
A further development of the PRE-ThINK
architecture is related to making a classification of
the IVA principles and building a hierarchy of their
Among the important future tasks to solve stands
out also the possibility to compare the experimental
results from this work with already existing ones
from other developments.
This work has been supported by the Technical
University Sofia, Project 092ni067-17 “Program
system for multi-language teaching of people and
intelligent virtual agents”, 2009-2010.
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence