Nuno Costa, Davide Carneiro, Paulo Novais
Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Diovana Barbieri
Faculty of Law, Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain
Francisco Andrade
Law School, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Keywords: Online Dispute Resolution, Multi-agent Systems, Consumer Law.
Abstract: Buying products online results in a new type of trade which the traditional legal systems are not ready to
deal with. Besides that, the increase in B2C relations led to a growing number of consumer claims and many
of these are not getting a satisfactory response. New approaches that do not include traditional litigation are
needed, having in consideration not only the slowness of the judicial system, but also the cost/beneficial
relation in legal procedures. This paper points out to an alternative way of solving these conflicts online,
using Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence methodologies. The work here presented results
in a consumer advice system, which fastens and makes easier the conflict resolution process both for
consumers and for legal experts.
B2C relations, on-line or off-line, are increasing.
Although these are, most of the times, simple
processes, there are often conflicts. To solve them
one may appeal to the courts. But, by the growing
amount of complaints, courts start piling the
processes, taking a long time to solve them, and
resulting in a highly negative cost/beneficial relation
in legal procedures. In order to have quicker and
more efficient decisions, one must start thinking in
alternative conflict resolution methods. Traditional
alternative methods may include negotiation,
mediation or arbitration and take place away from
courts, and now these may take place also on-line,
allowing faster and cheaper processes (Klaming,
2.1 Alternative Dispute Resolution
Several methods of ADR (Alternative Dispute
Resolution) may be considered, “from negotiation
and mediation to modified arbitration or modified
jury proceedings” (Goodman, 2003). In a
negotiation process the two parties meet each other
and try to obtain an agreement by conversation and
trade-offs, having in common the willing to
peacefully solve the conflict. It is a non binding
process, i.e. the parties are not obliged to accept the
outcome. In a mediation process the parties are
guided by a third neutral party, chosen by both, that
acts as an intermediate in the dispute resolution
process. As in negotiation, it is not a binding
process. At last, the arbitration process, which is the
most similar to litigation. In arbitration, a third,
independent party, hears the parties and, without
their intervention decrees an outcome. Although
Costa N., Carneiro D., Novais P., Barbieri D. and Andrade F. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002910701030110
ADR methods represent an important step to keep
these processes away from courts, there is still the
need for a physical location in which the parties
meet, which may sometimes be impracticable, in the
non rare situations in which parties are from
different and geographically distant countries. A
new approach is therefore needed, one that uses the
advantages of already traditional ADR methods and,
at the same time, relies in the information
technologies for bringing the parties closer together,
even in a virtual way.
2.2 Online Dispute Resolution
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) uses new
information technologies like instant messaging,
email, video-conference, forums, and others to put
parties into contact, allowing them to communicate
from virtually anywhere in the world.
The most basic settings of ODR systems include
legal knowledge based systems acting as simple
tools to provide legal advice, systems that try to put
the parties into contact and also “systems that (help)
settle disputes in an online environment” (De Vries
et al., 2005).
However, these rather basic systems can be
extended, namely with insights from the fields of
Artificial Intelligence, specifically agent-based
technologies and all the well known advantages that
they bring along. A platform incorporating such
concepts will no longer be a passive platform that
simply concerns about putting the parties into
contact (Chiti and Peruginelli, 2002). Instead, it will
start to be a dynamic platform that embodies the
fears and desires of the parties, accordingly adapts to
them, provides useful information on time, suggests
strategies and plans of action and estimates the
possible outcomes and their respective
consequences. It is no longer a mere tool that assists
the parties but one that has a proactive role on the
outcome of the process. This approach is clearly
close to the second generation ODR envisioned by
Chiti and Peruginelli as it addresses the three
characteristic enumerated in (Chiti and Peruginelli,
2002): (1) the aim of such platform does not end by
putting the parties into contact but consists in
proposing solutions for solving the disputes; (2) the
human intervention is reduced and (3) these systems
act as autonomous agents. The development of
Second Generation ODR, in which an ODR platform
might act “as an autonomous agent” (Chiti and
Peruginelli, 2002) is indeed an appealing way for
solving disputes.
ODR is therefore more than simply representing
facts and events; a software agent that performs
useful actions also needs to know the terms of the
dispute and the rights or wrongs of the parties (Chiti
and Peruginelli, 2002). Thus, software agents have
to understand law and/or and processes of legal
reasoning and their eventual legal responsibility
(Brazier et al., 2002).
This kind of ODR environment thus goes much
further than just transposing ADR ideas into virtual
environments; it should actually be “guided by
judicial reasoning”, getting disputants “to arrive at
outcomes in line with those a judge would reach”
(Muecke et al., 2008). Although there are well
known difficulties to overcome at this level, the use
of software agents as decision support systems
points out to the usefulness of following this path.
UMCourt is being developed at University of Minho
in the context of the TIARAC project (Telematics
and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict
Resolution). The main objective of this project is to
analyze the role that AI techniques, and more
particularly agent-based techniques, can play in the
domain of Online Dispute Resolution, with the aim
of making it a faster, simpler and richer process for
the parties. In that sense, UMCourt results in an
architecture upon which ODR-oriented services may
be implemented, using as support the tools being
developed in the ambit of this project. These tools
include a growing database of past legal cases that
can be retrieved and analyzed, a well defined
structure for the representation of these cases and the
extraction of information, a well defined formal
model of the dispute resolution process organized
into phases, among others.
The tools mentioned are being applied in case
studies in the most different legal domains, ranging
from divorce cases to labor law. In this paper, we
present the work done to develop an instance of
UMCourt to the specific domain of consumer's law.
As we will see ahead, the distributed and expansible
nature of our agent-based architecture is the key
factor for being able of developing these extensions,
taking as a common starting point the core agents
In a few words, consumer's law process goes as
follows. The first party, usually the buyer of the
product or service, starts the complaint by filling an
online form. The data gathered will then be object of
analysis by a group of agents that configure an
Intelligent System that has a representation of the
legal domain being addressed and is able to issue an
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
outcome. At the same time, other agents that make
up the core of the platform analyze past similar cases
and respective outcomes, that are presented to the
user in the form of possible outcomes, so that the
user can have a more intuitive picture of what may
happen during the process and therefore fight for
better outcomes.
At the end, a Human mediator will verify the
proposed solution. He can agree with it or he can
change it. In both cases, the agents learn with the
human expert. If the expert agrees with the outcome
proposed, the agents strengthen the validity of the
cases used, otherwise the opposite takes place. This
means that the system is able to learn with both
correct and incorrect decisions: failure driven
learning (Leake, 1996). The developed system is not
to be assumed as a fully automatic system whose
decisions are binding but as a decision support
system which is aimed at decreasing the human
intervention, allowing a better management of the
time spent with each case and, nevertheless, still
giving the Human the decision making role. The
main objective is therefore to create an autonomous
system that, based on previous cases and respective
solutions, is able to suggest outcomes for new cases.
Among the different law domains that could be
object of our work we choose consumer's law. This
choice was made after noticing that consumer claims
in Portugal, particularly those related to acquisition
of goods or services, are not getting, most times, the
solutions decreed in the Portuguese law,
undoubtedly due to an unfair access to justice, high
costs of judicial litigation versus value of the
product/service and the slowness of the judicial
procedure. All this generally leads the consumer to
give up on the attempt to solve the conflict with the
Having all this into consideration, we believe
that an agent-based ODR approach, with the
characteristics briefly depicted above, is the path to
achieve a better, faster and fairer access to justice.
3.1 Consumer Law
As mentioned above, the legal domain of this
extension to UMCourt is the Portuguese consumer's
law. Because this domain is a quite wide one, we
restricted it to the problematic of buy and sell of
consumer goods and respective warranties contracts.
In this field there is a growing amount of conflicts
arising between consumers and sellers / providers. In
this context, the approach was directed to the
modeling of concrete solutions for the conflicts
arising from the supply of defective goods
(embodied mobiles or real estate).
We also thought relevant to consider financial
services as well as the cases in which there are
damages arising out of defective products, although
this is yet work in progress.
Regarding the boundaries that were established
for this extension of UMCourt, we have tried to
model the solutions for conflicts as they are depicted
in Decree of Law (DL) 67/2003 as published by DL
84/2008 (Portuguese laws).
Based upon the legal concepts of consumer,
supplier, consumer good and the concluded legal
business, established on the above referred DL and
on the Law 24/1996 (Portuguese law), we developed
a logical conduct of the prototype, having in view
the concrete resolution of the claims presented by
the buyer. In this sense, we considered the literal
analysis of the law, as well as the current and most
followed opinions in both Doctrine and national
During the development and assessment of the
platform, we realized that the prototype can be
useful in cases when the consumer (PHISICAL
PERSON) (Almeida T., 2001) is acquiring the good
for domestic/private use (Almeida, C. F., 2005), or is
a third acquirer of the good (Law 24/1996, article
2nd nr.1, and DL 67/2003, article 1st B, a) and 4th
nr. 6). Besides these cases, it is also usefully applied
in situations in which the consumer has celebrated a
legal contract of acquisition, buy and sell within
taskwork agreement, or renting of embodied mobile
good or real estate (DL 67/2003, article 1st A and
1st B, b)).
Still, contracting must take place with a supplier
acting within the range of his professional activities,
being this one the producer of the good himself, an
importer in the European Union, an apparent
producer, a representative of the producer or even a
seller (Law 24/1996, article 2nd nr. 1 and DL
67/2003, art. 1st B, c), d) and e)). At last, the defect
must have been claimed within the delay of warranty
(DL 67/2003, articles 5 and 9), and the delay in
which the consumer is legally entitled to claim his
rights towards the supplier has as well to be
respected (DL 67/2003, article 5 A).
Once the legal requests are fulfilled, the solutions
available to the consumer will be: repairing of the
good (DL 67/2003, articles 4th and 6th);
replacement of the good (DL 67/2003 articles 4th
and 6th); reduction of price (DL 67/2003 article
4th); resolution of the contract (DL 67/2003, article
4th) or statement that there are no rights to be
claimed by the consumer (DL 67/2003, art. 2nd, nrs.
3 and 4, arts. 5, 5A and 6).
Figure 1: A simplified version of the system architecture.
These decrees have been modeled in the form of
logic predicates and are part of the knowledge of the
software agents, which use these predicates in order
to make and justify their decisions.
3.2 Architecture
As stated before, the architecture of UMCourt is an
agent-based one. In Figure 1 a view of the core
agents that build the backbone of the architecture is
shown. This backbone has as the most notable
services the ability to compute the Best and Worst
Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement, BATNA and
WATNA, respectively (Notini, 2009) and the
capacity to present solutions based in the
observation of previous cases and their respective
outcomes (Andrade et al, 2009)
The interaction of the user starts by registering in
the platform and consequent authentication. Through
the intuitive dynamic interfaces, the user inputs the
requested needed information. After submitting the
form, the data is immediately available to the agents
that store it in appropriate well defined XML files.
This data can later be used by the agents for the most
different tasks: showing it to the user in an intuitive
way, automatic generation of legal documents by
means of XSL Transformations, generation of
possible outcomes, creation of new cases, among
others. Alternatively, external agents may interact
directly with the platform by using messages that
respect the standard defined.
Table 1 shows the four high-level agents and some
of their most important roles in the system. To
develop the agents we are following the evolutionary
development methodology proposed by (Jennings,
2001). We therefore define the high level agents and
respective high level roles and interactively break
down the agents into more simple ones with more
specific roles. The platform, without the extensions,
is at this moment constituted by 20 simpler agents.
To the agents that make part of the extension we will
call from now on extension agents. Among these
phase tests can be conducted to access the behaviour
of the overall system. This means that the
advantages of choosing an agent-based architecture
are present throughout all the development process,
allowing us to easily remove, add or replace agents.
It also makes it easy to later on add new
functionalities to the platform, by simply adding
new agents and their corresponding services, without
interfering with the already stable services present.
This modular nature of the architecture also
increases code reuse, making it easier to develop
higher level services through the compositionality of
smaller ones. The expansibility of the architecture is
also increased with the possibility to interact with
remote agent platforms as well as to develop
extensions to the architecture, like the one presented
in this paper. We also make use of the considerable
amount of open standards and technologies that are
nowadays available for the development of agent-
based architectures that significantly ease the
development, namely FIPA standards and platforms
such as Jade or Jadex.
3.3 Data Flow in the System
All the modules that integrate the system meet the
current legislation on consumer's law. When the user
fills the form to start a complaint, he indicates the
type of good acquired, the date of delivery and the
date of defective good denunciation, stipulating also
the date when the good was delivered to repair
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: The four high-level agents and their main roles.
High-level Agent Description Main Roles
This agent is responsible for
dealing with all the security
issues of the system
Establish secure sessions with users
Access levels and control
Control the interactions with the knowledge base
Control the lifecycle of the remaining agents
Knowledge Base
This agent provides methods for
interacting with the knowledge
stored in the system
Read information from the KB
Store new information in the KB
Support the management of files within the system
This agent embodies the
intelligent mechanisms of the
Compute the BATNA and WATNA values
Compute the most significant outcomes and their
respective likeliness
Proactively provide useful information based on the
phase of the dispute resolution process
This agent is responsible for
establishing the interface between
the system and the user in a
intuitive fashion
Define a intuitive representation of the information of
each process
Provide an intuitive interface for the interaction of the
user with the system
Provide simple and easy access to important
information (e.g. laws) according to the process domain
and phase
and/or substitution. He can also indicate the period
of extrajudicial conflict resolution attempt, if
necessary. To justify these dates the user has to
present evidence, in general the issued invoices, by
uploading them in digital format. Concerning the
defective good, he must indicate its specification and
the probable defect causes. At last, he has to identify
the supplier type as being a producer or a seller.
After filled, the form is submitted. Figure 3 shows a
screenshot of the online form.
When the form is submitted, a group of actions is
triggered with the objective of storing the
information in appropriate well defined structures.
As mentioned before, these structures are XML files
that are validated against XML Schemas in order to
maintain the integrity of the data. All these files are
automatically created by the software agents when
the data is filled. The extension agent responsible for
performing these operations is the agent Cases.
After all the important information is filled in
and when a solution is requested, these and other
agents interact. Agents BATNA and WATNA are
started after all the information is provided by the
parties through the interface (Figure 3). These agents
then interact with the extension agents Cases and
Laws in order to retrieve the significant information
of the case and the necessary laws to determine the
best and worst scenarios that could occur if the
negotiation failed and litigation was necessary.
Agent Outcomes interacts with extension agent
Cases in order to request all the necessary
information to be able to retrieve the most similar
All this information (WATNA, BATNA and
possible outcomes) is then presented to the user in a
graphical fashion so that it may be more intuitively
perceived (Figure 2). In that sense, the likeliness is
represented by the colored curves which denote the
area in which the cases are more likely to occur. A
higher likeliness is denoted by a line that is more
distant from the axis. To determine this likeliness,
the amount of cases in the region is used, as well as
the type of case (e.g., decisions of higher or lower
court) and even if there are groups of cases instead
of single cases, as sometimes highly similar cases
are grouped to increase the efficiency. The graphical
representation also shows the range of possible
outcomes for each of the parties in the form of the
two big colored rectangles and the result of its
intersection, the ZOPA – Zone of Potential
Agreement (Lewicki, 1999), another very important
concept that allows the parties to see between which
limits is an agreement possible. The picture also
shows each case and its position in the ordered axis
of increasing satisfaction, in the shape of the smaller
Looking at this kind of representation of
information, the parties are able to see that the cases
are more likely to occur for each party when they are
in the area where the colored lines are further away
from the axis of that party. Therefore, the probable
outcome of the dispute will probably be near the
area where the two lines are closer.
At this point, the user is in a better position to make
a decision as he possesses more information, namely
important past similar cases that have occurred in
the past. In this position the user may
Figure 2: The graphical representation of the possible outcomes for each party.
Figure 3: Online form.
engage in conversations with the other party in an
attempt to negotiate an outcome, may request an
outcome or may advance to litigation, if the
WATNA is believed to be better than what could be
reached through litigation.
If the user decides to ask the platform for a
possible solution, the Reasoning extension agent will
contact the extension agents Cases and Laws in
order to get the information of the case and the laws
that should be applied and will issue an outcome.
The neutral, when analyzing the outcome
suggested, may also interact with these agents, for
consulting a specific law or aspect of the case. He
analyses all this information, and decides to accept
or not to accept the decision of the system. After the
solution is verified, it is validated and presented to
the user.
3.4 Example and Results
To better expose these processes, let us use as an
example a fictitious case (Figure 5): a physical
person that acquires an embodied mobile good for
domestic/private use. The celebrated legal contract is
Figure 4: Excerpts and tables from XML Schemas for
some case information.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Extract from an example case.
of the type buy and sell. The date of good delivery is
October 22
, 2009. The date at which the consumer
found the defect in the good occurred at October
, 2009 but the good was delivered to repair
and/or substitution on October 30
, 2009. There was
no extrajudicial conflict resolution attempt. As
evidence, the user uploaded all invoices relative to
the dates mentioned. Concerning the defect that
originated the complaint, the user mentioned that the
good did not meet the description that was made to
him when it was bought. In this case, the supplier
acts within the range of his professional activities
and he is the producer of the good.
When a solution is requested, the system
proceeds to the case analysis and reaches a solution.
The good is under the warranty delay: 11 days,
calculated through the difference between the date of
good delivery and the actual date
The limit of two months between the date of the
defect detection has been respected: 7 days,
calculated by the difference between the date of
defect finding and the actual date. Two years have
not passed since the date of denunciation: 2 days,
calculated by the difference between the date of
denunciation and the actual date, deducting the delay
which user was deprived of the good because of
repair/substitution (since no date of good delivery
after repair and/or substitution is declared, the
default is the actual date). The period of extrajudicial
conflict resolution attempt is also deductable, but in
this case it doesn’t occur. As the good was delivered
for repair and/or substitution, the supplier has two
choices: either make the good repair in 30 days (at
the maximum) without great inconvenience, and at
no cost (travel expenses, man power and material) to
the consumer; or make the good replacement by
another equivalent.
This rather yet simplistic approach is very useful
as a first step on the automation of these processes.
The case shown here is one of the simplest ones but
the operations performed significantly ease the work
of the law expert, allowing him to worry about
higher level tasks while simpler tasks, that can be
automated, are performed by autonomous agents.
In the context of consumer's law, only some aspects
have been modeled, still remaining for future work:
a) the situations covered by the Civil Code, when
DL 67/2003 is not to be applied; b) the cases
considered in DL 383/89 of damages arising from
defective products; and c) the issues of financial
services, namely concerning consumer’s credit. The
work developed until now, however, is already
enough to assist law experts, enhancing the
efficiency of their work.
The next steps are in the sense of further
improvements of the agents while at the same time
continuing the extension to other aspects of
consumer's law that have not yet been addressed in
this work. Specifically, we will adapt a Case-based
Reasoning Model that has already been successfully
applied in previous work in order to estimate the
outcomes of each case based on past stored cases.
The work described in this paper is included in
TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in
Alternative Conflict Resolution Project
(PTDC/JUR/71354/2006), which is a research
project supported by FCT (Science & Technology
Foundation), Portugal.
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