Web-scale Integration One Step at a Time
Kajal Claypool, Jeremy Mineweaser, Dan Van Hook, Michael Scarito
Massachussetts Institute of Technology/Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA, U.S.A.
Elke Rundensteiner
Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA, U.S.A.
Data integration social bookmarking pay-as-you-go web-integration.
In this paper, we take the position that a exible and agile integration infrastructure that harmoniously and
transparently oscillates between and supports different levels of integration loose or partial integration on
one end of the spectrum and tight or full integration on the other end of the spectrum is essential for achieving
large Web scale integration. Furthermore, domain knowledge provided by users/domain experts is essential
for improving the quality of integration between resources. We posit Web 2.0 or “social Web” technologies,
can be brought to bear to facilitate implicit user-driven, web-scale integration at different levels. In this paper,
we present ESpace, a prototype for a pay-as-you-go integration framework that supports loosely to tightly
integrated resources within the same infrastructure, where loose integration is supported in the sense of pulling
resources on the web together, based on the tag meta-information associated with them, and tight integration is
a representation of classic schema-matching based integration techniques. This is but the first step in enabling
web-scale pay-as-you-go integration by providing ne-grained analysis and integrating substructures within
resources – achieving tighter integration for select resources on the user’s behest.
There is a gradual but growing paradigm shift in the
way users operate on the World Wide Web (Web).
Web users today are not satisfied by merely view-
ing published content on the Web but want to ac-
tively engage in the larger Web community and share
their knowledge. This paradigm shift has resulted in
an ever-growing repository of published and shared
Web-accessible data. They, the Web users, are inter-
ested in chronicling their opinions (blogging), adding
to the knowledge pool on different subject matters
(wikis), sharing what they have read (social book-
marking) and are interested in the potential to con-
nect to like-minded people within their community or
across the globe, either explicitly (social networking)
or implicitly.
The challenge is in being able to discover and ex-
tract the right “nuggets” of knowledge from the result-
ing collective pool of “community intelligence” on an
as needed basis, where the nuggets range from find-
ing users with similar interests, finding documents
that are similar to those already read by a user, to
discovering topically linked communities within the
larger community. The challenge in finding the right
“nuggets” of knowledge is in formulating links be-
tween different data based on the available informa-
tion, that is in integrating the data on the Web scale.
While traditional data integration tech-
niques (Baker et al., 1998; Doan et al., 2001;
Halevy et al., 2003; Wiederhold, 1992; Bright et al.,
1994; Bergamaschi et al., 2001; Berlin and Motro,
2001; Haas et al., 1999; Madhavan et al., 2001; Do
and Rahm, 2002) can be brought to bear to achieve
this, they in of themselves are not agile nor flexible
enough to address this large scale Web integration.
Traditional data integration techniques are grounded
in schemas, requiring design-time schema level
matches to drive run-time integration of data. While
some Web sources lend themselves to this mode of
integration, there are many others that do not even
have a well-established schema. Moreover, apriori
establishing schema level matches between many of
the resources may well be a colossal waste of time
and resources, as there may never be a user desire to
search the resources in an integrated manner.
Claypool K., Mineweaser J., Van Hook D., Scarito M. and Rundensteiner E. (2009).
ESpace - Web-scale Integration One Step at a Time.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002161802470252
In this large Web scale integration it is, thus, es-
sential to establish an infrastructure that allows for
loose or partial integration on one end of the spec-
trum, but that is also able to transition to tight or
full integration on the other end of the spectrum har-
nessing available information, such as the schema,
while fulfilling user needs. While clearly richer,
finer nuggets of information can be extracted from
the more tightly integrated resources, loosely inte-
grated resources have the advantage of delivering par-
tial nuggets of information at very little cost. Figure 1
highlights the model for the pay-as-you-go (Maier
et al., 2005; Doan, 2008; Sarma et al., 2008) inte-
gration wherein, resources in the system co-exist in
various integration stages, from no integration to par-
tial integration to full integration. The richness of the
nuggets, indicated by the semantic interoperability,
increases with the level of integration and is directly
proportional to the effort required in establishing the
integration links between the resources.
Figure 1: Supporting Different Levels of Integration.
We posit that the popularity and the collaboration
potential unleashed by today’s wildly read-write Web,
often referred to as Web 2.0 or the “social Web”, can
be utilized and brought to bear to facilitate implicit
user-driven, web-scale integration, and push towards
a flexible integration infrastructure that can harmo-
niously and transparently support different levels of
integrated systems.
In this paper, we present the vision of such a flex-
ible integration system: ESpace. ESpace is a scal-
able, pay-as-you-go integration system that provides
a community collaboration infrastructure, together
with a suite of algorithms that mine the tagging ac-
tivities of users to establish integration links between
resources as well as users. ESpace harnesses the col-
lective intelligence of many to help individuals as well
as whole communities by: (1) collecting and consoli-
dating resources on the web along with tags annotat-
ing the resources in a sharable and flexible commu-
nity graph model; (2) designing and realizing a com-
prehensive set of services that mine this collective in-
telligence in the form of tagging activities of users to
extract rich integration relationships among users and
artifacts within the community graph model; (3) ex-
ploiting this so enriched community graph model to
provide value-added services to the community and
its individuals, ranging from recommendations of re-
sources, to the computationof evolutionary trends and
shifts of expertise, users or topics within the commu-
nity, as well as to assisting others to locate subject ex-
perts or like-minded users to gain strong confidence
into the identified resource.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives a high level overview ESpace. Section 3
details the community graph model, while Section 4
outlines some of the algorithms that are currently be-
ing implemented to harness tagging activities for in-
tegration links. Section 5 highlights some the benefits
that can be realized via the ESpace loose integration
infrastructure. We conclude in Section 6.
Figure 2 highlights the key concepts of the ESpace
community integration architecture. ESpace is pre-
sented to its users primarily as a social bookmarking
site enhanced and enriched via a set of services that
deliver knowledge mined from the collective intelli-
gence of the community in various forms. As a so-
cial bookmarking site, ESpace provides bookmarklets
that allow users to bookmark and tag web documents,
and consequently add to the collective graph that rep-
resents the community information base. In general,
to accomodate a large variety of users, ESpace aims
to support a range of input tools, such as integrat-
ing with browser bookmarking tools, providing ingest
of bibtex files, and enabling both a simple one click
and a more full-fledged bookmarklet for tagging doc-
uments. Information provided by the user, in the form
of the user, the bookmarked document, the tags that
represent the user’s take on the document, together
with annotations such as the time of creation or of
last update, is captured as a graph, and subsequently
merged with the collective community graph stored in
the Common Logical Repository.
The intellectual merit of this work lies in the
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Architectural Overview of ESpace.
development of a set of agents that perform value-
added services such as: data cleanser to, for exam-
ple, ensure that mis-spelled tags are corrected, syn-
onymous tags are identified correctly, and same docu-
ments identified by two different URLs
are merged;
artifact linker to, for example, infer and establish re-
lationships between two users, two documents or in
some cases even two tags, based on the collective in-
formation garnered by the community as a whole and
the individual user; top-k recommender to, for exam-
ple, recommend topics, users (“friends”), documents,
and in some cases even tags of potential interest to
the community as a whole, or to provide personalized
recommendations of the same to a user of the system;
and trend analyzer to provide a birds-eye view of the
collective knowledge of the community or an individ-
ual user over time delivering, for example, the evolu-
tion of the topics of interest or the user community as
well as providing insights into the general trends in
the knowledge and behaviors of users over some time
Much like users of the system, each agent adds to
the collective information by overlaying their derived
knowledge over the community graph as a whole or
a subset of the graph when appropriate, providing
continuous refinement of integration links over time.
This overlay of information can be materialized, for
example, relationships denoting similarities between
users, wherein the relationships are physically added
to the community graph, or virtual, for example, top
“friends” or hot topics, wherein the information is
computed on an as needed basis.
The usefulness of information collected by the
user or derived by the agents is directly co-related to
the tools that are provided to access and present the
knowledge to the users. To accomodate a large vari-
ety of users ESpace provides several access tools such
as classic keyword and strutured metadata searches;
visualization tools such as Clustermap, Timeline, and
Clouds (see Figure 3) to provide different views, rang-
ing from “friends” of users to similar documents to
For example, a paper posted on two different web sites.
Figure 3: Clustermap Visualizing a User’s Neighborhood.
user activity over time to “friends” over time, of the
agent-augmented community graph; as well as visu-
alization of recommendations, such as list based doc-
ument recommendations, or user recommendations
that also provide an opportunity for users to provide
feedback for improved agent behaviors.
Social bookmarking sites and associated Web 2.0
technologies generally rely on relational databases
and site-specific schema definitions to store the infor-
mation shared by their users. While all social book-
marking systems store basic information on user, their
bookmarked documents, and associated tags, each
site adds its own variations: some may timestamp
each document tagged by the user, while others may
allow users to define hierarchical relationships be-
tween tags. Some recent work has looked at devel-
oping formal models for representing folksonomies,
where a folksonomy represents the relationship be-
tween the user’s documents and tags, and identifies
the vocabulary set used by a user. While this is a
needed first step, (1) it does not inherently treat users,
documents and tags as first-class citizens; and (2) it
is not flexible enough to express arbitrary, integra-
tion relationships between different artifacts
such as
those defined by different agents; and (3) it is not ex-
tensible enough to capture information such as the
strength of the relationship between two artifacts, in-
dicating the degree of integration between two arti-
We refer to users, documents and tags as artifacts, when
no distinction between them is required.
ESpace - Web-scale Integration One Step at a Time
Figure 4: Community Graph Model.
facts, or distinguish between explicit relationships es-
tablished by users and implicit relationships inferred
by various agents.
To address these shortcomings, we provide an ex-
tensible and flexible community graph model where
the nodes of the model represent the artifacts of our
system, and the edges in the model represent implicit
or explicit relationships between the different artifacts
irrespective of whether the artifacts are users, docu-
ments or tags. Figure 4 gives a high-level overview of
the community graph model as Resource Description
Framework (RDF) triples of the form <
who, what,
>. The community graph model is a nested
triple model that allows a range of relationships such
as < User
, timestamp > and < URL
>, to be expressed and enforced between the
different entities in the model.
In addition to the community graph model, we
provide a set of graph operators to facilitate func-
tions such as merging a user-graph with the larger
community-graph and extracting an artifact-centric
graph from the larger community graph, in addition
to core functions such as adding and removing arti-
facts or relationships to or from the graph.
The communitygraph model captures the relationship
between the user, the document that is bookmarked,
and the tags utilized by the user to annotate the doc-
ument. These explicit relationships between artifacts
represent the raw information that can in turn be ex-
ploited to infer integration/similarity relationships be-
tween the artifacts. For example, if two documents
are bookmarked by the same user
exactly the same tags {
, and
}, it can be in-
ferred that the documents provide similar knowledge
for the user and thus conceptually may fall into the
same category. Based on this knowledge, an implicit
similarity relationship, termed similarity for brevity,
between the documents
can be established.
This similarity relationship represents a “loose” inte-
gration relationship between the two documents. This
example can be further extended to establish similar-
ity between documents that are tagged similarly by
distinct users, or between users that share similar tag
and document choices, or even between tags that are
used equivalently. It should be noted that not all im-
plicit similarity relationships are equal. For example,
inferred similarity between documents
are tagged with the same tags by the same user would
be stronger than between documents that share only
some of the tags. Moreover, the strength of the rela-
tionship can be refined further if it can be established
that the documents were authored by the same per-
son. This schema-level information transitions the re-
lationship between the two documents from a “loose”
integration to a “tight” integration relationship.
The artifact linkers infer implicit similarity rela-
tionships between two artifacts of the same type, irre-
spective of whether the artifacts represent users, doc-
uments, or tags; and determine the strength of the
implicit similarity relationship between the artifacts.
Academic and commercial research has broached this
problem of inferring similarities from several angles.
Collaborative filtering defines similarity of varying
strengths between users based on how their ratings
on items correlate (Herlocker et al., 2004; Bell et al.,
2007; Konstan, 2004). Document similarity defines
similarity of varying strengths between documents
based on their content (Lee et al., 2005; Hammouda
and Kamel, 2004; Paepcke et al., 2000). Semantic
similarity defines similarity of varying strengths be-
tween words (or tags) based on the likeness of their
meaning or semantic content. Traditional schema in-
tegration techniques (Baker et al., 1998; Doan et al.,
2001; Halevy et al., 2003; Wiederhold, 1992; Bright
et al., 1994; Bergamaschi et al., 2001; Berlin and
Motro, 2001; Haas et al., 1999; Madhavan et al.,
2001; Do and Rahm, 2002) establish similarity of
varying strengths based on their schema. More re-
cently in the context of social bookmarking, folkson-
omy similarity investigates how the folksonomies of
different users can be correlated. Using these as build-
ing blocks, we now develop composite algorithms
to support establishment of integration links between
different artifacts.
To infer implicit similarity relationships between
artifacts, we develop novel algorithms that harness
the collective intelligence of the community graph or
a subset to establish similarity between users, docu-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ments and tags. In particular, we provide three classes
of algorithms, user-user, document-document, and
tag-tag, that build upon and exploit implicit similarity
relationships established by the other algorithms.
User-User. This class of algorithms determines the
strength of the implicit similarity relationships be-
tween pairs of users. These include: (1) singleton set-
intersection algorithms that determine the strength of
the similarity based on overlap in documents and tags
between the two users, along with algorithms that in-
corporate notions of signal to noise ratio in the doc-
uments and tags; and (2) composite algorithms that
provide for meaningful combinations of the different
singleton algorithms to determine an aggregated sim-
ilarity strength. Additionally, the algorithms incorpo-
rate additional constraints such as the time of tagging,
and knowledge such as already established document-
document and tag-tag similarity relationships to age
and fortify the strength of the similarity relationship,
Document-Document. This class of algorithms de-
termines the strength of the implicit similarity re-
lationship between pairs of documents. Similar to
user-user algorithms, set-intersection based methods
that determine similarity strengths based on docu-
ment tags and document “owners”, that is the users
that bookmarked the documents, and combinations
thereof have been developed. In addition, document
similarity techniques (Lee et al., 2005; Hammouda
and Kamel, 2004; Paepcke et al., 2000), and already
established user-user and tag-tag similarities are used
to augment the strength of the similarity relationship
determined by the tag-based methods.
Tag-Tag. This class of algorithms determines the
similarity relationship between pairs of tags. Set-
intersection based methods that determine the co-
occurence of tags based on overlap in documents and
users, together with mapping of tags to common on-
tological concepts have been developed. Techniques
from information retrieval such as semantic similarity
together with the basic spell-checking and stemming
algorithms are exploited to determine tag-tag similar-
ity. Additionally, already established user-user and
document-document similarities are used to augment
the strength of tag-tag similarities.
Social tagging systems capture a rich set of infor-
mation. This information, the collective pool of
knowledge for an individual user or the commu-
nity as a whole, together with established loose in-
tegration links between artifacts can be leveraged to
provide a wider variety of recommendations, from
users to documents to tags, than have been possible
in traditional recommendation systems (Amer-Yahia
et al., 2008). The similarity relationships between
different artifacts in ESpace can be leveraged to pro-
vide rich and diverse types of recommendations cus-
tomized for individual members of the community.
For instance, users may receive recommendations on
friends, meaning other users in the community that
share their interests; or on documents that are of po-
tential interest to the individual based on the docu-
ments tagged by their friends and/or experts; or on
topics that are of potential interest based on the topical
areas favored for instance by their friends; or on tags,
that is the tags that are of potential applicability to
the document being bookmarked by the user. Last but
not the least, users can also receive recommendations
on experts, that is on other users that are singled out
not only because they share the individual’s interests,
but who have also categorized a mass of literature in
topic areas of interest. In all of these cases, interests
of users are inferred by the documents they bookmark
and the tags they use, that is the user’s tag cloud and
the integration links established between the different
artifacts as core source of knowledge.
While recommendations target individual users,
the ESpace information model as a whole can also
be leveraged to provide trend analysis – a pulse of the
community, a bird’s eye view of both the current state
of the community, as well as its evolution over time.
In particular, we top-k analysis that identifies commu-
nities of interest, that is groups of users in the commu-
nity that are clustered by their shared interests; top-k
users, lead contributors to the communities of interest
as categorized by their bookmarking activity; hot top-
ics, the topical areas of interest most active within the
community; topical experts, users singled out for cat-
egorizing a mass of literature within each hot topic;
and last but not the least top tags, a measure of the
most frequently used annotations in the community.
These two areas, recommendations and trend
analysis, represent two rich areas of research that can
be enabled via the loose integration model of ESpace,
highlighting the benefits and value-added functional-
ity that can be brought to its users.
ESpace represents a community collaboration infras-
tructure that harnesses the social bookmarking activ-
ESpace - Web-scale Integration One Step at a Time
ities of its users to establish loose integration links
between data sources as well as its users. While fo-
cusing on loose and partial integration, ESpace em-
powers its users to easily share information through
a social bookmarking-inspired approach, while at the
same time providing an enriched set of services that
deliver knowledge mined from the collective intelli-
gence of the community. The loose integration links
between different artifacts lay the foundation for pro-
viding rich recommendation services, ranging from
the global recommendations applicable for the entire
community to personalized recommendations based
on the context; as well as trend analysis strategies that
provide a birds-eye view of the collective community
knowledge as they change over time.
In this paper, we focus on loose integration in the
sense of pulling resources on the web together, based
on the tag meta-information asssociated with them.
We posit that harnessing Web 2.0 user activities is
an essential ingredient for achieving the holy grail of
web-scale integration and ESpace is but a first step
towards achieving a flexible integration infrastructure
that supports loosly and tightly integrated resources.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems