Virgilijus Sakalauskas and Dalia Kriksciuniene
Department of Informatics, Vilnius University, Muitines 8, 44280 Kaunas, Lithuania
Keywords: Distance learning, Virtual teamwork, Test, Evaluation criteria.
Abstract: In this article the problematic of formation of teams, working in the distance learning (DL) environment is
analysed. It seeks to reveal the specific functions of virtual teamwork, effectiveness of tools and
technologies for communication, and collaboration levels. This research should promote the teamwork skills
for students, and to elaborate highlights, how the DL courses have to be prepared, what type of tasks and
course materials may be used, what is optimal size of the team and the demanded time frame. The
evaluation systems, criteria, tests and necessity for self-control tasks are discussed. The article reveals
benefits of teamwork for utilization of distance learning materials. The article is based on the case of
preparing the DL modules within the framework of the project, supported by structural funds of European
Union „The integral development of Lithuanian distance learning system“.
Distance learning courses and their perspectives of
substituting traditional learning practice recently
became popular and encouraged by education
institutions. It is expected that DL could help in
managing the growing number of students,
overcome descending studies financing, reduce
immoderate load of traditional work for teachers and
assist in students' willingness to combine studies and
work. In their attempts to define the concept of DL
studies (Horton, 2003, Perraton, 2000), emphasise
three different aspects of this learning mode:
distance, time and form. Distance would mean the
opportunity to study via individual access to remote
knowledge terminal only having internet connection.
Time factor gives freedom to study at the convenient
time, planned by student, and the form means the
opportunity to use the most advanced video,
multimedia and internet facilities.
Many advocates for DL (Talbot, 2003) indicate
and other advantages, such as opportunity for
simultaneous studies for a big amount of people,
personalization of studying programs, easy ways to
adjust the speed of studying with the needs of each
student, and therefore making the learning process
cheaper, flexible and easier managed by instructors
and students. In DL different teaching methods are
combined in order to assist students to choose the
most acceptable study way (Wright, 2003). In most
cases these are individual, personal studies, but the
future career requires ability to utilize knowledge in
corporate work, therefore learning in groups and
development of teamwork skills is an important
aspect while mastering the course material.
This article is prepared based on the experience
derived from the running DL courses “Statistical
analysis of the business environment” and “Modern
information technologies in public administration”,
developed within the project „The integral
development of Lithuanian distance learning
system“, supported according to framework of
European Union structural funds.
In the following chapters we substantiate the
necessity to form the teamwork skills in DL, discuss
the tools of communication within virtual learning
teams, present the summary of survey research
aimed to discuss factors, affecting accomplishing
study tasks in teamwork, and evaluation of students.
Virtual team is the group of specialists, organized by
the qualification, needed for completion of provided
task, independent of their geographical location and
Sakalauskas V. and Kriksciuniene D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 131-134
DOI: 10.5220/0001988001310134
securing their communication by communicative
nets in virtual space (Wainfan, 2005). The main
differences of traditional and virtual working teams
are presented in Table 1. We apply this study mode
in distance learning environment, where teamwork is
understood as accomplishment of study task in
communication of virtual team members.
Table 1: Communication of traditional and virtual teams.
Traditional team Virtual team
Communicates visibly Virtual, video and audio
Fixed time and space for
Unlimited participation by
space and time
Based on the cooperation of
Based on the application of
internet technologies
Culture of cooperation,
motivation is based on the
communication of people
Communication code, activity
evaluation is based on virtual
Obvious relationship
between privacy and
corporate communication
The sense of participation is
secured by means of
Virtual teams provide flexibility of communication
in sense of six levels: time, spread, consistency,
environment, approach and content (Table 2). Hence
it is common to allocate tools and technologies of
virtual teams also to six levels (Schoop, 2005,2006).
During learning process the students have to
accomplish big variety of tasks. In team learning the
communication component is added which is made
even more specific as it is realized in the virtual
space. The selection of tools for applying in distance
learning depend on the learning environment and
choice of course teacher, however, the more
technologies we use in our course, the stronger
teamwork skills will be developed.
The method for forming virtual teams is not
usually restricted by the learning environment, and
mostly depends on the moderator of the course. The
teams can be formed spontaneously or by using
established rules regarding size, competences, and
roles (Schoop et al 2005, 2006). The activities
within the team can be supported by communication
tools, implemented in such learning environments as
Blackboard, WebCT, Moodle, CDK. They are quite
widespread in most enterprises therefore add to
development of students ability to effectively work
in teams. The main communication tools include
asynchronic tools (e-mail, bulletin boards),
synchronic tools (chat, forums, meeting tools),
graphic environments (whiteboard), sharing feature
(sharing screen, files and documents, synchronic
work with files), time management tools (task
calendars, lists, evaluation of work progress).
Table 2: Tools and technologies of virtual teams.
Synchronic (conference) and asynchronic
(message) communication forum with
constant approach
Group and individual tools of
communication, virtual communication,
real communication, videoconferences.
Sources of information are chosen and
differently composed, work consistency
and coordination is discussed, ideas are
freely formulated, knowledge from various
spheres are integrated, unlimited
participation in discussions according to
the role, competence or by the initiative of
the member of the team.
Discussion forum, document storage, e-
mail, graphic means, tools for creating the
content of internet pages (e.g. content
management system), the tool of providing
organic information (e.g. wiki)
Constant approach to forum, unlimited
storage of provided information in it,
storage of discussion material
Any digital form: text, graphic, video, link,
emotion and other.
When forming skills of collective work, the main
role is played by the practical tasks. Practical tasks
have to be fairly wide, creative, promoting collective
initiative of the students and not limiting their
individuality. It must be endeavoured that the team
of participants, when accomplishing the task, would
be able to distribute the work in such a way that the
input of all participants would be very important. It
is not easy to create such tasks in all courses, but
where it succeeds, the results satisfy course curators
as well as participants.
When creating DL courses “Statistical analysis
of business environment” and “Modern information
technologies in public administration” we attempted
to follow above listed principals. We have chosen
tools to prepare distance learning courses that would
allow implementing all aspects of collective-team
work. Our courses were installed in Blackboard and
CDK systems that widely promote teamwork using
e-mail, chats, bulletin board, Whiteboard and file
Considering that, we foresaw for each team of
first year students three tasks. They covered
different themes of theoretical course and allowed to
study in stages. For the second year students bigger
teams of 4-5 persons were formed, and only one big
task was foreseen which covered all material of the
course and demanded constant and cohesive
teamwork during the whole time of the course.
The distance learning courses can be found on
the Lithuanian distance learning website
. This site
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
also demonstrates the increasing popularity and
quality of DL courses.
The survey research was prepared in order to find
out the opinion of the participants of various aspects
of distance learning courses, including effectiveness,
sources of positive and negative outcomes and
usefulness of implementing them in DL courses.
Me n
Wo m e n
11 14 7 2
Figure 1: Preferred number of team members.
The survey was answered by 56 participants of two
DL courses: 31 participants of the course “Statistical
analysis of business environment” and 25
participants of the course “Modern information
technologies in public administration.”
The idea of application teamwork in DL courses
was evaluated positively by 89.3% respondents.
Only 6 members preferred to work individually, as
they experienced disappointment by their team.
Defining optimal size of the team appeared to be
very important issue, where men and women had
diverse opinions to it (Figure 1).
Men preferred bigger teams of 3-4 people, and
women would rather work in teams of 2-3 people.
The question of team forming principles had two
opinions: men preferred to choose team members
themselves, while women tended to agree to group
in accidental order. Almost 95% of respondents (53
participants) claimed that most productive teams
will be mixed, but consisting of different number of
men and women. Most popular suggestions for the
team composition were 2 men and 1 woman or 1
woman and 2 men.
Majority of respondents agreed that the tasks where
teamwork could be most important were elaboration
of the final project and passing interim tests. As
respondents noted, participation in teamwork had no
influence to studying and accomplishment of
individual self-control tests.
Definition of roles inside the team was among
the most important issues. The team leader and
report writer roles were accepted without any
doubts. But the opinions about the need of other
recommended roles (Schoop et al 2005, 2006), such
as problem analytic, critic, researcher, and guru in
computers were rather diverse. The opinion of men
and women differed a lot while ranking most
important qualities of team members. Men would
like that their partners would be initiative
(determined), intellectual and friendly, while women
put friendship, punctuality and intellectuality to the
first place (Figure 2).
Me n
4107 1
Wo m e n
15 4 7 8
friendliness activeness intelligence punctuality
Figure 2: Team members qualities’ repartition.
Though DL is generally considered to provide more
freedom of time planning for the learner, the
teamwork was evaluated as time consuming activity,
therefore on of important issues was to plan the
workload both for studying DL materials and to
communicate within the team. 85% of respondents
stated that distance studies for one subject should
not exceed 4 hours a week. The teams would agree
to contact twice a week regarding solution of self-
control tasks.
Though there is several evaluation systems
suggested in the research literature, the mechanism
for knowledge evaluation should be discussed with
the learners, as no system could be rigidly adopted
without loss of motivation or productivity. If the task
is meant for team, is it sufficient to have team
evaluation? All respondents wanted to be evaluated
as the team. However, in the higher education
school, we have to evaluate students individually for
the knowledge they show. One of the solutions was
to assign the same grade to all team members. In our
survey we tried to find out, what kind of evaluation
seemed most fair to students themselves. We were
surprised by the result. Respondents unanimously
agreed with the opinion, that in small teams of 2
persons, their evaluation marks should be equal. For
bigger teams, the most acceptable way of individual
evaluation for students was to use self evaluation
surveys, which would reflect the individual input of
each team member, and which could alter individual
evaluation by one mark from general evaluation of
the team result. Therefore every member of the team
evaluated the input of the other members by giving
them marks up to ten, and according to the results,
the moderator of the course assigned the final
evaluation. Let’s say the group consisted of 4
members: A, B, C and D. The general evaluation of
their work was 8, and the distribution of self
evaluation inside the team as in Table 3:
Table 3: Internal team evaluation.
A 6 3 1
B 5 3 2
C 7 3 0
D 4 3 3
Total 16 12 9 3
Final evaluation of every team member was adjusted
according to the rule: one point was added for the
best member of the team to the team mark 8, which
was given by the moderator, and one point was
deducted from the team member with worst input.
Therefore A will be evaluated 9, B and C – 8 and D
only 7.
The article presents research of teamwork skills
formation in the distance learning environment. The
features of learning in virtual teams were specified,
communication tools, activities and levels of virtual
teams were discussed. The empirical research by
means of survey was aimed to analyze the most
effective size of teams, preferences of characteristics
of team members.
The survey outcomes confirmed the hypothesis,
that students prefer teamwork in groups of 3-4
people, mixed of men and women. The best ranked
qualities of team members were friendliness,
activeness, intelligence and punctuality. Despite
wide selection of communication tools of the
distance learning environment, the most suitable
forms of communication for the team were contact
in person, real time chat, e-mail and SMS. The final
evaluation issues were one of the most time
consuming activities for the tutor. Though the final
grade consisted of the individual and team
components, the research revealed, that the
differences in final grade depended of the team size.
The marks should not differ for both members of
two-person teams, and for bigger teams it could not
differ in more than one mark from the general team
evaluation, given by moderator, while the mark of
the best ranked team member is upgraded, and the
mark of the worst is lowered.
In conclusion we can state that accomplishment
of tasks in teamwork not only helps students to
master the course easier, but also increases the
motivation of studying and prepares them for the
future career activities in the working teams.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education