George S. Silveira, Karina R. G. da Silva and Elmar U. K. Melcher
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Aprigio Veloso Avenue, 882, Bodocongo, Campina Grande - PB, Brazil
Randmovie, movie, stimuli,VeriSC, SystemC, functional coverage, verification.
The advent of the new VLSI technology and SoC design methodologies has brought about an explosive growth
to the complexity of modern electronic circuits. One big problem in the hardware design verification is to find
good stimuli to make functional verification. A MPEG-4 decoder design require movies in order to make the
functional verification. A real movie applied alone is not enough to test all functionalities, a random movie
is used as stimuli to implement functional verification and reach coverage. This paper presents a comparison
between a random constrained movie generator called RandMovie versus the use of a Random Unconstrained
Movie (RUM). It shows the benefits of using a random constrained movie in order to reach the specified
functional coverage. With such a movie generator one is capable of generating good random constrained
movies, increasing coverage and simulating all specified functionalities. A case study for an MPEG-4 decoder
design has been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.
Hardware architectures are becoming very complex
nowadays. These designs are composed of micropro-
cessors, micro-controllers, digital signal processing
units and Intellectual Properties cores (IP cores) de-
signed to perform a specific task as a part of a larger
system. In order to implement these complex designs
and the chips, the implementation should be com-
posed of many project phases such as: specification,
RTL implementation, functional verification, synthe-
sis and prototyping.
Functional verification represents the most dif-
ficult phase of all. Literature shows that 70%
of all project resources are involved in this pro-
cess (Bergeron, 2003).
Functional verification can be used to verify if the
design has been implemented in agreement with spec-
ification. It uses simulation to verify the DUV - De-
sign Under Verification. During simulation all results
coming from the DUV are matched to the results com-
ing from a Reference Model (Golden Model). Verifi-
cation can only achieve the required objective if all
specified functionalities are exercised and verified.
One of the challenges posed by functional verifi-
cation is that of applying good stimuli in order to ex-
ercise the specified functionalities. Some techniques
attempt to solve this problem by using randomly gen-
erated stimuli (James Monaco and Raina, 2003) and
(ahi). Random stimulus can emulate automation: Left
to its own, a properly designed random source may
eventually generate the desired stimulus. Random
stimulus will also create conditions that may not have
been foreseen as significant. When random stimuli
fail to produce the required stimulus, or when the
required stimulus is unlikely to be produced by an
unbiased random stimuli source, constraints can be
added to the random stimulus to increase the proba-
bility of generating the required stimulus. Although
randomly generated stimuli are often better than di-
rect stimuli (Bergeron, 2003), one can not be certain
whether all specified functionalities have been exer-
cised, being, as it is, impossible to show the existence
of any functionality that has not been exercised. To
get around this problem one must use coverage mea-
surements together with random stimuli. Coverage, in
its broadest sense, is responsible for measuring veri-
fication progress across a plethora of metrics, helping
S. Silveira G., R. G. da Silva K. and U. K. Melcher E. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 271-278
DOI: 10.5220/0001938602710278
the engineer to assess the rating of these metrics rela-
tive to the design specification (Piziali, 2004).
Random generation can automate test vector gen-
eration but is worthy only with constraints applied
along with coverage measurement. Constraints are
used to avoid the generation of illegal stimuli as
well as to steer toward interesting scenarios and the
coverage approach is used to measure the verifica-
tion performance of the system. Some works have
been produced aiming at producing good random
movies, as (G.Miyashita, 2003) and (Seong-Min Kim
and Kim, 2003).
The purpose of this work is to use an MPEG-
4 decoder design to compare approaches of stim-
uli: Random-constrained and Random-Unconstrained
Movie. For that matter Random-Unconstrained
Movie has been used in the MPEG-4 simulation, but
the Bitstream processor (BS) - part of MPEG-4 de-
coder - has not achieved the desired coverage by
means of these stimuli. Consequently, in order to
verify the BS, a synthetic movie generator to cre-
ate pseudo-random images was implemented. The
synthetic movie generates pseudo-random images in
MPEG-4 Simple Profile Level 0.
The remaining of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 shows the MPEG-4 decoder design;
Section 3 explains the architecture approach; Sec-
tion 4 deals with implementation of the movies; Sec-
tion 5 presents the results, and Section 6 draws some
MPEG-4 is an open standard created by the Motion
Picture Experts Group (MPEG) to replace the MPEG-
2 standard. MPEG-4 coding can be carried out in var-
ious profiles and levels. The reason for such a divi-
sion is to define subsets of the syntax and semantics.
This is why MPEG-4 fits into a variety of applica-
tions, some of which can take advantage of VLSI im-
plementation optimizing and power dissipation.
Figure 1: MPEG-4 decoder schema.
The used MPEG-4 movie decoder IP core under
consideration is a Simple Profile Level 0 movie de-
coder. The block schematic of the MPEG-4 decoder
is described in Figure 1. The Reference Model is the
XVID software (Team, 2003).
Today this MPEG-4 IP core is implemented in a
silicon chip. It has 22.7mm
at a 0.35µm CMOS 4 ML
technology with a 25 MHz working frequency (Ana
Karina Rocha and Araujo, 2006).
The MPEG-4 decoder IP-Core verification was
implemented using VeriSC methodology and the
BVE-COVER coverage library (K. R. G. da Silva and
do N. Cunha, 2007). A hierarchical approach was
employed for verification. The MPEG-4 was di-
vided in modules and each module was verified sepa-
rately (K. R. G. da Silva and Pimenta, 2004).
Verification was carried out for each module of the
MPEG-4 decoder, MVD (Motion Vector Decoding),
VOP (Motion Vector Decoding Video Object
Plane), PBC (Prediction Block Copy), DCDCT (De-
coding Coefficient for DCT), IS (Inverse Scan), ACD-
CPI (AC and DC Prediction for Intra), IDCT (Inverse
DTC), IQ (Inverse Quantization) and BS (Bitstream
Processor). In the verification phase, it was used as
test vector, specific random stimuli for each block of
MPEG-4, always measuring the specified coverage.
Most of the blocks reached 100% coverage during
verification, except the Bitstream processor (BS).
The Bitstream processor is a special module. It
can be simulated only using movies as input, because
it is the first module of the MPEG-4 decoder. The
BS is a module that receives the compressed movie
stream in the MPEG-4 format and feeds the other
blocks with the proper data and/or configuration pa-
rameters so that, each one is able to execute its func-
tion. Figure 2 shows the block schematic of the BS.
Figure 2: Bitstream schema.
In the BS verification module was first used a
Random-Unconstrained Movie as stimuli, as shown
in the next subsection.
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
2.1 Random-Unconstrained Movie
The architecture of the Random-Unconstrained
Movie generator has been designed to be simple, flex-
ible and reusable. The Random-Unconstrained Movie
is a movie that uses pure randomization, where a
range of values are generated and there are no con-
straints applied to create scenarios and reach speci-
fied coverage aspects. It could be used in the test-
bench of the MPEG-4 IP core or any other video-
based systems as an input movie to stimulate all the
functionalities. In order to implement the Random-
Unconstrained Movie a frame generator has been de-
veloped. Is created a frame QCIF (177x144), each
pixel is selected randomly between a range [0,255].
Produced frames are submitted in sequence to an en-
coder that compresses the video in the desired format.
Figure 3 shows the Random-Unconstrained Movie ar-
Figure 3: Random-Unconstrained Movie architecture
2.2 MPEG-4 Coverage
The MPEG-4 verification first attempt was accom-
plished using Random-Unconstrained Movie together
with random stimuli. The Bitstream module (BS) did
not achieve 100% coverage, but all the other modules
achieved 100% coverage, as shown in Table 1.
BS block is a dedicated processor implemented to
demultiplex multimedia streams. The BS features are
presented in Table 2.
The BS coverage was measured in its output ports,
because it was necessary to verify if the BS was gen-
erating demultiplex stream data correctly. The Bit-
Table 1: MPEG-4 coverage accumulated blocks.
Modules RUM Coverage %
MVD 100
PBC 100
IS 100
IDCT 100
IQ 100
BS 67
Table 2: BS Features.
RTL SystemC 1667 lines of source code
SystemC Testbench 2607 lines of source code
ROM Size 16K
Logic Elements in Altera
Stratix II FPGA
stream has 7 output ports (2 with image data and 5
with configuration data).
2.3 The Bitstream Low Coverage
The BS low coverage, lead to an analysis of the sim-
ulation data, and it was discovered that the problem
was caused due to the movie stream used as simula-
tion input. The problem was caused by the following
reasons: The AC coefficients vary from each other
by a small threshold, due to the characteristics of the
quantization method used by video encoders, which
(depending on quantization parameters) may cause
a significant loss to the high frequency coefficients.
This loss may result in a significant distortion from
the original image and, consequently to the low vari-
ation of the AC coefficients. The Figure 4 show a co-
efficients block example passing by the quantization
Another problem was the low motion vector vari-
ation. This occurs because the search of a ref-
erence pixel of a previous frame yields the most
similar pixel to the current pixel. Due to the ex-
cess of information from the previous frame, dur-
ing the search of pixels block to serve as reference,
the encoder will have a lot of similar blocks op-
tion to be used as block of pixels reference when
generating the vector. These have very low differ-
ences amongst their coordinates which result in very
small motion vectors, as shown in Figure 5.
As shown in Table 3, the DCDCT and MVD out-
put ports of the BS module have a low coverage rating
because of the characteristics of the encoding process.
Figure 4: Quantization process.
Figure 5: Low variation vectors.
Due to the coverage problems, as explained in this
section, was not possible to achieve the coverage in
the functional verification, than was necessary to look
for other solutions to improve the required coverage.
Then, was chosen a Random-constraint process to be
applied to a movie generator. This movie generator
was implemented and is called RandMovie. It is ca-
pable of putting into operation a set of functionalities
to guarantee that the MPEG-4 will be exercised in or-
der to achieve its specified coverage, as explained in
next section.
Table 3: BS output port coverage.
BS output port RUM Coverage%
MVD 47
PBC 54
IS 61
IQ 57
Total Accumulated Coverage % 67
The RandMovie has a similar architecture from the
Random-Unconstrained Movie. But, the differences
are very important to create the necessary scenarios
to reach coverage parameters.
In the RandMovie the generated videos are cre-
ated intending to hit high level of coverage in the
functional verification process. With this proposal
many different scenarios were created. Figure 6
shows the RandMovie architecture.
Figure 6: RandMovie architecture adopted.
The differences from RandMovie and Random-
Unconstrained Movie are mainly in the frames con-
struction, before submitting it to the encoder. To
achieve this, the randomicity has to be constrained to
achieve the coverage. It is constrained in two different
When it is necessary to reach the DCDCT cov-
erage, which can not be reached by the Random-
Unconstrained Movie.
In order to constrain the MVD, the frames are
implemented with less texture information be-
tween the frames. They are implemented with
extremes colors, black frames with white 16x16
macroblocks inserted randomly in 32x32 pixels
The DCT produces an energy concentration in
the DC coefficient, generating AC coefficients close
to zero. Because of this, the frame generator has
to stimulate the DCT to generate the AC coefficient
for medium and high frequencies above a minimum
value. This has to be done to guarantee that medium
and high frequencies coefficients will not be sup-
pressed by quantization process.
Any 8x8 pixels block can be represented as a sum
of 64 base patterns (Rao and Yip, 1990) as shown in
Figure 7. The DCT output is the set of weights for
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
these bases (DCT coefficients). It is necessary to mul-
tiply each base pattern by its weight and sum all of
them, producing as a result a decoded image blocks.
Figure 7: 8x8 DCT base patterns.
Using the base patterns, random frames can be
generated in each 8x8 pixels block of the frame. It
will have the visual pixels to some of the 64 blocks
of the base pattern. Each 8x8 frame blocks are ran-
dom selected from 64 blocks pattern. Then, each
block have visual characteristics have the same base
patterns as any block. This way, DCT will gener-
ate the coefficients DC and AC with values that after
the quantization process will obtain AC of averages
and high frequencies with significant values. Figure 6
show an example these frames.
Figure 8: Frame with feature to DCT.
Motion estimation is block based and involves
searching the VOP reference from the closest match
to the current block to be coded. Once the block is
founded, a motion vector is used to describe its loca-
Motion estimation is performed on each of the
four luminance blocks in a macroblock. Depending
on the macroblock type up to four motion vectors are
coded. Inside the current frame, the motion estima-
tion generates a motion vector making a reference to
the previous frame, searching for a pixel in the pre-
vious frame that are in the same place of the pixel in
the search window in the current frame. It makes a
scan inside a search window to implement the match-
ing criteria between the pixels. This seek is not based
on a perfect pixel match, but based on the group of
pixel that are closest to the target pixels.
Due to the characteristics of the process of mo-
tion estimation for the encoder, it should reduce the
amount of similar images inside of the search win-
dow. Thus, they can generate frames with extreme
colors to maximize the difference among the pixels
blocks and to add the minimum of similar pixels in-
side of the search window, as shown in the Figure 9.
Thus, during the search for similar blocks inside
of the delimitation of the search window, the encoder
won’t have options of close images to the current
block to use as reference. In this case, it will have
to look for the similar blocks in the neighborhood of
that search window, causing the generation of larger
Figure 9: Motion Estimation.
This section shows the implementation of the
Random-Unconstrained Movie and the implementa-
tion of the RandMovie in order to understand the in-
sertion of constraints in the generated movie.
4.1 Random-Unconstrained Movie
The Random-Unconstrained Movie generates random
images made up of texture information, which are
properly coded by means of Variable Length Coding
(VLC) and Fixed Length Coding (FLC) for the header
The encoder features are: open source C++ to be
used together with SystemC and coupled to the test-
bench. Xvid v0.9 was selected as an encoder because
it is capable of implementing all functionalities of an
MPEG-4 Simple Profile Level 0 (ISO/IEC, 2004).
The variables and value ranges were specified, in
order to generate a random-constrained movie with
texture and motion based on MPEG-4 standard. The
main variables in this process came from the DCT e
MVD modules.
The DCT parameters should reach the values for
the following variables:
Level: [-2048 to 2047], indicates the pixel value;
Run: [0 to 63], shows the quantity of zero value
before a level value;
Last: [0 and 1], indicates the last matrix coeffi-
The MVD parameters should reach the values for
the following variables:
Horizontal mv data: [-32 to 32], horizontal coor-
dinate of the motion vector;
Horizontal mv residual: [0 to 32], difference be-
tween frame current and reference;
vertical mv data: [-32 to 32 ], vertical coordinate
of the motion vector;
Vertical mv residual: [0 to 32], difference be-
tween frame current and reference;
The generated frames are built with dimensions
QCIF (177x144), each value of the pixel is selected
among a value range of [0,255].
4.2 RandMovie Implementation
The adopted strategies provides 2 ways of creating
frames to the videos production: a form based on the
base patterns, where each macroblock of the frame
visually matches a base patterns and the other way is
based on the creation of black frames with some white
macroblocks of pixels inserted in random places in
the frame. To guarantee that RandMovie can generate
the necessary stimuli to exercise the movement esti-
mation way necessary to constrain the randomness in
which the selection of a frame format is made, be-
cause it is necessary to guarantee some sequences of
black/white-doted frames inside the video. This is
needed because of the strategy that the encoder uses
to generate the motion vectors, as shown in the Fig-
ure 10.
Figure 10: Sequence frames.
The modification of the randomness of Rand-
Movie to generate efficient stimuli to texture encod-
ing and motion estimation was the redistribution of
the two ways of creating frames probability. This
way, the frames using the base patterns have the oc-
currence probability of 60%, while the black/white-
doted frames have 40% chance of being selected.
The Random-Unconstrained Movie and RandMovie
were applied in the Functional Verification of MPEG-
4. Then, was necessary to make new simulations in
the MPEG-4 and their sub-modules in order to reach
the specified coverage.
The BS module coverage was measured in 7 out-
put ports, using the same parameter as specified for
the Random-Unconstrained Movie. During the simu-
lation, was possible to verify which values were cov-
ered in the port variables. With the results was possi-
ble to compare the final results of both movie as input
in the verification. The comparison is presented in the
Table 4. In this table is possible to see that the Rand-
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Movie was better for almost all the variables speci-
fied. The total coverage was 97% compared to 67%
coverage from the Random-Unconstrained Movie.
Table 4: Coverage between Random-Unconstrained Movie
and RandMovie.
BS output port RUM Coverage % RandMovie
Coverage %
MVD 47 100
MVD VOP 55 100
PBC 54 100
DCDCT 43 75
IS 61 100
ACDCIP 64 100
IQ 57 100
Total Accumulated
Coverage %
67 97
Another result can be seen in Figure 11. It
shows improvement of the coverage in function of
the time by using Random-Unconstrained Movie ver-
sus RandMovie. It is possible to see that the Rand-
Movie reached better coverage first then Random-
Unconstrained Movie. The RandMovie generator
reached the specified coverage earlier and was con-
sidered satisfactory to the Bitstream module.
Figure 11: Comparison between Random-Unconstrained
Movie and RandMovie.
Another very important result was obtained in the
verification using the RandMovie. The coverage anal-
ysis revealed a coverage hole in the BS simulation re-
sults, i.e. a functionality that has not been exercised
before with the Random-Unconstrained Movie. The
analysis of this coverage hole revealed an error in the
BS implementation. The discovered error was lead-
ing to a wrong communication between Bitstream and
MVD modules. This could cause an error in the com-
position of the image in the MPEG-4 IP-Core. The
error occurred because a register with 6 bits was used
when 7 bits should be used. Due to functional cov-
erage and the RandMovie stimuli generator, the error
was eliminated in the MPEG-4 IP-Core.
RandMovie was limited by the encoder imple-
mentation, mainly the DCT coefficient generator in
the Xvid encoder: it implemented saturation in the
8x8 blocks after DCT transformation. This satura-
tion keeps values in the range [-1024, 1024]. Due to
the Xvid encoder limitations, in spite of the fact that
frames did present visual characteristics in the base
pattern, it was not possible to stimulate the Xvid en-
coder sufficiently to make it generate coefficients to
cover the whole range of values [-2048, 2048].
RandMovie has some advantages if we consider
the related works (G.Miyashita, 2003) and (Seong-
Min Kim and Kim, 2003), like the utilization of ran-
domness applied to the video generation, assuring the
high level of coverage rating, simple implementation,
simple attachment to the MPEG-4 IP core testbench
and flexibility to be reused directly in other kinds of
testbenchs for video decoding systems. One could,
for example, reconfigure Xvid for a higher resolu-
tion, or change the encoder to build a random video
in H.264 format.
This paper proposes to compare two approaches of
synthetic movie generation, Random-Unconstrained
generation and random-constrained generation. With
the constraints applied in the movie generator it
was possible to generate good random-constrained
movies, increasing coverage and simulating all the
specified functionality with respect to a Random-
Unconstrained Movie. With the RandMovie it was
also possible to find a real error in the implementa-
tion of the MPEG-4 design.
The approach has the disadvantage that it depends
on the capabilities of the encoder used, but analyzing
the presented results, it is possible to conclude that
the directed stimuli used in the random-constrained
movie generation are more efficient that the presented
in the Random-Unconstrained Movie.
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SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications