Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo
INESC Porto, Campus da FEUP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 378, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Jaime S. Cardoso
INESC Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Carlos Guedes
INESC Porto, Escola Superior de M
usica e Artes do Espect
aculo, Portugal
Music, optical character recognition, document image processing, image analysis.
Many music works produced in the past are currently available only as original manuscripts or as photocopies.
Preserving them entails their digitalization and consequent accessibility in a machine-readable format, which
encourages browsing, retrieval, search and analysis while providing a generalized access to the digital material.
Carrying this task manually is very time consuming and error prone. While optical music recognition (OMR)
systems usually perform well on printed scores, the processing of handwritten music by computers remains
below the expectations. One of the fundamental stages to carry out this task is the detection and subsequent
removal of staff lines. In this paper we integrate a general-purpose, knowledge-free method for the automatic
detection of staff lines based on stable paths, into a recently developed staff line removal toolkit. Lines
affected by curvature, discontinuities, and inclination are robustly detected. We have also developed a staff
removal algorithm adapting an existing line removal approach to use the stable path algorithm at the detection
stage. Experimental results show that the proposed technique outperforms well-established algorithms. The
developed algorithm will now be integrated in a web based system providing seamless access to browsing,
retrieval, search and analysis of submitted scores.
The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity
adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on
2001 asserts that cultural diversity is as necessary for
humankind as biodiversity is for nature, and that poli-
cies to promote and protect cultural diversity thus are
an integral part of sustainable development. Being
music a pivotal part of our cultural heritage, its preser-
vation, in all of its forms, must be pursued. Fre-
quently, the preservation of many music works en-
tails their digitalization and consequent accessibility
in a format that encourages browsing, analysis and re-
There is a vast amount of invaluable paper-based
heritage, including printed and handwritten music
scores, which are deteriorating over time due to natu-
ral decaying of paper and chemical reaction (i.e., be-
tween written ink and paper). Various efforts have
been focused on this issue in order to preserve the
record of our heritage. Digitisation has been com-
monly used as a possible tool for preservation. Al-
though a digital copy may not conserve the original
document, it can preserve the most important part:
its data. It has also the advantages of easy dupli-
cations, distribution, and digital processing. Never-
theless, the output of the digitalization process is not
amenable for further analysis or semantic search op-
erations. Thus, an Optical Music Recognition (OMR)
process is needed. However, the manual process re-
quired to recognize handwritten musical symbols in
scores and to put them in relationship with the spine
structure of the score is very time consuming. This
justifies the research around reliable automatic OMR
algorithms as current solutions are still below the ex-
As a concrete example, Portugal has a notorious
lack in music publishing from virtually all eras of
its musical history. However, whereas most of the
known original music manuscripts before the twen-
Capela A., Rebelo A., S. Cardoso J. and Guedes C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 263-270
DOI: 10.5220/0001937802630270
tieth century are kept at the National Library Archive
in Lisbon, there is virtually no national repository for
the Portuguese music from the twentieth century. Al-
though there are recent efforts in order to catalogue
and preserve in digital form the Portuguese music
from the late twentieth century—notably the Music
Information Center (MIC, 2008) and the section on
musical heritage from the Institute of the Arts web-
site (IOA, 2008)—most of the music pre-dating com-
puter notation software was never published and still
exists as manuscripts or photocopies spread out all
over the country in inconspicuous places. The risk
of irreversibly losing this rich cultural heritage is thus
a reality.
1.1 OMR System
The project “Optical recognition system for handwrit-
ten music scores” initiated in 2007 by INESC Porto
and ESMAE is the point of departure for creating
a web-based system of music manuscripts of Por-
tuguese composers from the twentieth century. This
database will provide generalized access to a wide
corpus of unpublished handwritten music encoded in
MusicXML, which can be accessed remotely via the
Internet. The database will not only centralize as
much information as possible but will also serve to
preserve this corpus in a way that is easily accessi-
ble for browsing, analysis, and ultimately, for per-
forming this repertoire, therefore helping to keep the
Portuguese music alive (Capela et al., 2008). Al-
though the aim of this project is Portuguese music,
it is equally valid for all printed and handwritten mu-
sic scores that need to be preserved from all around
the world.
The ambitious goal of providing generalized ac-
cess to handwritten scores that have never been pub-
lished has been severely hampered by the actual state-
of-the-art of handwritten music recognition. There
are currently various commercial OMR software so-
lutions (Capella software
, SharpEye Music Reader
) and a few open source solutions (AOMR2
, Audiveris
), but they are all offline stan-
dalone applications. The existing online archives of
music scores (Lester Levi Collection, 2008; Classical
Sheet Music Collection, 2008; Mutopia Collection,
2008) usually provide them in inadequate formats—
usually only as the scanned score image—for retrieval
or automatic analysis. These online archives are mere
standard websites, without facilities for optical recog-
nition, editing and searching through the scores mu-
sical content. The creation of an OMR system, in-
tegrating optical recognition, storage, search, brows-
ing and downloading capabilities, while keeping the
scores in their original format along with their digital
counterpart, would therefore be extremely beneficial.
An integrated score editor would be provided in order
to view and edit the submitted music scores.
In our previous work on this project we have
presented a complete OMR System solution—
OMRSYS (Capela et al., 2008)—comprising a
database driven web application with one or more
OMR applications integrated in the proposed system.
The proposed architecture successfully attends the
stated objectives. At the end of our project we plan
on developing a fully functional system according to
the specified architecture and integrating a complete
OMR package.
1.2 Detection and Removal of Staff
Staff line detection and removal are the first funda-
mental stages on the OMR process, with subsequent
processes relying heavily on their performance. The
reasons for detecting and removing the staff lines lie
on the need to isolate the musical symbols for a more
efficient and correct detection of each symbol present
on the score. Although their primary application is as
a preprocessing step in the recognition of music no-
tation, the line detection problem also occurs in dif-
ferent contexts (e.g., the recognition of bank transfer
The detection of staves is complicated due to a
variety of reasons. The handwritten staff lines are
rarely straight and horizontal, and are not parallel to
each other. For example, some staves may be tilted
one way or another on the same page or they may be
curved. These scores tend to be rather irregular and
determined by a person’s own writing style. More-
over, if we consider that most of these works are old,
the quality of the paper in which it is written might
have degraded throughout the years, making it a lot
harder to correctly identify its contents.
In (Cardoso et al., 2008a; Cardoso et al., 2008b)
we presented a new and robust staff line detection al-
gorithm based on a stable paths approach. The pro-
posed paradigm uses the image as a graph, where the
staff lines result as connected paths between the two
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
lateral margins of the image. A staff line can be con-
sidered as a connected path from the left side to the
right side of the music score. As staff lines are almost
the only extensive black objects on the music score,
the path to look for is the shortest path between the
two margins if paths (almost) entirely through black
pixels are favoured.
In this paper we present our recent work and re-
sults focusing on the implementation of the Stable
Paths algorithm as a C++ plugin for the MusicStaves
Toolkit (Dalitz et al., 2008; MusicStaves Toolkit,
2008) (based on the Gamera Framework (MacMillan
et al., 2002; Gamera Framework, 2008)), as well as
on the removal stage by using our detection algorithm
in the first stage. We have also adapted a removal al-
gorithm based on the LineTrack Height approach pro-
posed in (Dalitz et al., 2008), which we will present in
section 3. In section 2 the Gamera and MusicStaves
Toolkit are presented, together with our C++ plugin.
In section 4, both our proposed detection and removal
algorithms are evaluated experimentally using a well-
known dataset of music scores. Finally, conclusions
are drawn and future work is outlined in section 5.
In this section we present the platform in which our
detection algorithm was integrated for testing and val-
idation. The platform is comprised by its core—the
Gamera Framework (MacMillan et al., 2002; Gamera
Framework, 2008)—and by a toolkit for the evalua-
tion of detection and removal algorithms—the Mu-
sicStaves Toolkit (Dalitz et al., 2008; MusicStaves
Toolkit, 2008). This toolkit is a set of Gamera plu-
gins aiming to support the development and test of
staff line detection and removal algorithms for music
scores, by extending the Gamera functionality.
After we describe each part constituting this plat-
form, we present the implementation of our staff line
detection algorithm as a C++ plugin on the Music-
Staves Toolkit. Finally, we present the integration of
our detection algorithm on some removal algorithms
in the MusicStaves toolkit. We have integrated our
algorithm in those removal algorithms where the de-
tection is processed separately from the removal op-
eration, replacing the Dalitz algorithm (Dalitz et al.,
2008) as the detection stage.
2.1 Gamera Framework
Gamera (MacMillan et al., 2002; Gamera Framework,
2008) is a portable and open source framework to cre-
ate structured documents analysis applications by do-
main experts. The name Gamera is an acronym to
“Generalized Algorithms and Methods for Enhance-
ment and Restoration of Archives”. It combines a pro-
gramming library with graphical tools for an interac-
tive training and development of recognition systems.
This framework tries to be a tool to create custom ap-
plications through the domain experts knowledge in-
stead of responding to various requirements with a
monolithic application. It aims at providing an ef-
ficient test and refinement development cycle. The
programming language in its basis is the high-level
language Python, although it has many extensions
written in C++ to carry out low-level image process-
ing. Nevertheless, due to its nature, Python turns the
code writing process more agile and facilitates the use
of scripting, which makes Gamera an interactive and
batchable framework. Besides the large number of ex-
tensions deployed with this framework, it is also pos-
sible to customize and extend with plugins or toolkits,
written in Python and C++.
The Gamera framework is modular and organized
in a series of horizontal layers, which can be seen at
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Gamera Architecture.
Gamera follows a modular plugin architecture. It
is made of modules (plugins), both written in Python
and C++, integrated in a high-level scripting environ-
ment. Each module executes a task on the recognition
process. The framework maintains a toolbox design
approach, i.e., a user has access to a large set of tools
for the optical recognition stages.
2.2 MusicStaves Toolkit
MusicStaves (Dalitz et al., 2008; MusicStaves
Toolkit, 2008) is a Gamera toolkit specific for the de-
velopment and test of staff line detection and removal
algorithms. This Phyton toolkit also integrates facili-
ties to create a test set of music scores and to evaluate
results with established metrics. As with Gamera, this
toolkit is portable and its source code is freely avail-
able. In order to use MusicStaves, it must be imported
to Gamera, either in the GUI or in a programmatic
MusicStaves is structured as seen in Figure 2. The
toolkit is composed by a set of main classes where the
staff line detection and removal algorithms are imple-
mented, and by a set of plugins in Python and C++.
Some plugins are used by the implemented algorithms
while others are tools to aid the algorithms testing. It
is an extendable toolkit in which one can integrate a
new staff line detection and/or removal algorithm. Its
plugin system follows the Gamera framework ratio-
nale and as such the plugins may be written in Python
and C++. In order to write new staff line detection
or removal algorithms the toolkit provides two inter-
faces: StaffFinder (detection) and MusicStaves (re-
Figure 2: MusicStaves Architecture.
A test set of 32 synthetic music scores is also pro-
vided by the authors of this toolkit. Moreover, the
toolkit allows applying a set of deformations (e.g., ro-
tation, curvature, typeset emulation, white speckles)
commonly found in the real world to these perfect
scores—see Figure 3. The purpose is to be able to
measure the performance of the removal algorithms
contained in MusicStaves by using three defined er-
ror metrics (Dalitz et al., 2008): Pixel Level, Seg-
mentation Region Level and Staffline Interruptions.
However, the same set may be used to evaluate staff
line detection algorithms alone by defining adequate
error metrics (Cardoso et al., 2008a; Cardoso et al.,
2008b). We have restricted the range of the param-
eters controlling the intensity of the deformations to
values considered realistic.
Figure 3: Some examples of applied deformations: a) Cur-
vature; b) Rotation; c) White Speckles; d) Staffline Inter-
ruptions; e) Staffline y-variation; f) Typeset Emulation. See
(Dalitz et al., 2008) for details.
2.3 Integration
We have integrated our recently proposed algorithm
for staff line detection (Cardoso et al., 2008a; Car-
doso et al., 2008b) in MusicStaves as a C++ plugin.
The plugin encompasses the main StaffFinder class in
the toolkit root, the respective Python plugin in the
Python plugins folder and the algorithm implementa-
tion in C++ in the C++ plugins folder. In Figure 4
we present a diagram of the algorithm as integrated in
The algorithm processing starts with the call to the
method find staves, which receives a binarized image
as input. That image is then passed to the function
in C++ by the plugin Python code. In the C++ im-
plementation, after the respective staff line detection
function is called, the image is converted to the format
used internally by our algorithm. After the whole de-
tection task is complete it returns the staff lines skele-
ton in the MusicStaves format. After receiving the
skeleton list on its Python class, it fills the structure
self.linelist with the obtained values.
Figure 4: Overall view.
Besides integrating our Stable Paths Approach al-
gorithm into the MusicStaves toolkit as a C++ plu-
gin, we have also integrated the algorithm with staff
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
removal algorithms in order to evaluate the improve-
ments over the original results. However, this is not
a standard integration as the toolkit does not provide
the means for this kind of integration. This integra-
tion was coded in the staff removal algorithms by
adding the possibility to choose the staff line detec-
tion algorithm through a parameter value. A diagram
illustrating this integration can be seen in Figure 5.
Some removal algorithms present in MusicStaves de-
tect the staff lines along with the removal process.
From those, we have used the one with best results
in general (Dalitz et al., 2008)—Skeleton—for com-
parison purposes.
Figure 5: Stable Paths integration with staff removal algo-
In the process of recognizing music scores the staff re-
moval algorithm is processed after the staff line detec-
tion stage takes place. In our current work the removal
algorithm is based on the LineTrack Height algorithm
presented on (Randriamahefa et al., 1993). The goal
on this method is to track the staff lines positions ob-
tained by a detection algorithm and remove vertical
run sequences of black pixels that have a value lower
than a specified threshold, which was experimentally
set at 2*staffHeight.
As music scores may suffer from deformations,
the staff lines may have descontinuities, be curved or
inclined. These problems will influence the success
to achieve a correct detection of lines contained on
the score to recognize. However, due to the above-
mentioned problems, the positions of the staff lines
obtained by a staff line detection algorithm may pass
slightly above or under the real staff lines positions.
That way, if we are in presence of a white pixel
when the staff lines are tracked, we search vertically
for the closest black pixel. If that distance is lower
than a specified tolerance—experimentally chosen as
1+ceil(staffHeight/3.0)—we move the reference posi-
tion of the staff line to the position of the black pixel
Algorithm 1 : Staff Removal Algorithm.
threshold = 2staffHeight;
tolerance = 1 + ceil(staffHeight/3.0);
for nvalid = 0 to STAVES size do
Point2D staff = validStaves[nvalid];
for i = 0 to staff size do
col =staff[i].x;
re f Row =staff[i].y;
row = re f Row;
pel = valuePixel(IMAGE,IMAGE REMOV E)
decrement/increase the reference row until one
pixel different from white pixel (dist1/dist2) is found;
if dist1 max(1, min(dist2,tolerance)) then
re f Row = dist1;
if dist2 max(1,min(dist1,tolerance))
re f Row+ = dist2;
end if
end if
Count the number of decrements/increase on
the reference row until the black pixel changes to white
pixel (run);
if run threshold then
end if
remove the vertical black sequences on the IM-
end for
end for
end procedure
On (Dalitz et al., 2008) a new method is
presented—Skeleton—which uses the skeleton infor-
mation, but performs the staff removal on the original
image instead of the skeleton. The method relies on
the fact that symbols on the stafflines lead to junction
points or corner points in the skeleton.
Although the evaluation of new staff detection algo-
rithms may be done by visually inspecting the out-
put on a set of scores—as adopted on (Rebelo et al.,
2007)—, our current comparison is supported on
quantitative measures. The test set adopted for the
qualitative evaluation of the proposed method is the
one presented in (Dalitz et al., 2008) and already de-
scribed. It consists of ideal synthetic scores to which
a set of known deformations have been applied—see
(Dalitz et al., 2008) for more details. In total we have
generated 2688 deformed images originated from 32
perfect scores. In order to conveniently measure the
performance of staff line removal algorithms we have
adopted two error metrics from (Dalitz et al., 2008):
Pixel Level and Segmentation Region Level.
Staff line detection algorithms can be used as a
first step in many staff removal algorithms. To un-
derstand the potential of our algorithm to leverage
the performance of existing staff removal algorithms,
we conducted a series of experiments, comparing the
original version of a staff removal algorithm with the
modified version of it, making use of the Stable Paths
algorithm at the staff line detection step. The quanti-
tative comparison of the different algorithms is totally
in line with the comparison presented in (Dalitz et al.,
With respect to the considered distortions, regard-
ing the detection stage, the Stable Paths based ap-
proach outperforms the Dalitz algorithm. In Figure 6
we present our results for the removal algorithms:
LineTrack Height (with Dalitz and Stable Paths),
Skeleton and LineTrack Height Modified (with Stable
Paths). We chose the methods that present the best re-
sults in (Dalitz et al., 2008), implementing our own
removal algorithm with LineTrack Height as a basis.
In general we verify that the replacement of the Dalitz
method by our Stable Paths Approach algorithm as
the staff detection step has improved the final staff
line removal results
. Additionally, the LineTracking
Height Modified algorithm presents an overall better
performance than the original LineTrack Height algo-
rithm from (Dalitz et al., 2008). Our staff line de-
tection and removal approaches also outperform the
Skeleton method, although it continues to present a
competitive performance. We have not integrated the
Stable Paths algorithm with the Skeleton algorithm
as the second performs the lines detection along with
their removal instead of using two separate stages. All
the parameters, both on the Stable Paths detection al-
gorithm and LineTrack Height Modified, were pre-
liminary tuned over an independent set of images.
This performance gain is even more noteworthy as
the MusicStaves algorithms are receiving as input the
correct number of lines per staff. Had not this been the
case, the differential between both would have been
much larger. In summary, these experiments show the
strength of the algorithms presented here. Despite be-
ing based on simple and intuitive underlying princi-
ples, the performance of the proposed algorithms is
quite competitive.
The analysed results have covered the detection
For the deformations not shown, the stable path is not
significantly better than Dalitz.
and removal accuracy but a brief word on speed is also
in order. Comparing different algorithms for speed
is notoriously difficult; we are simultaneously judg-
ing mathematical properties and specific implementa-
tions. In the experimental study, the current imple-
mentation of the Stable Paths algorithm run almost
as fast as the Dalitz algorithm (20% slower). In re-
spect to the removal algorithms our LineTrack Height
version with Stable Paths is significantly faster than
the Skeleton algorithm (two times faster). Compar-
ing to the original LineTrack Height algorithm with
the Dalitz detection algorithm the runtime difference
is not significant. The algorithms were evaluated as
available at the Staff Removal Toolkit (Dalitz et al.,
This paper presented the integration of our robust Sta-
ble Paths Approach algorithm (Cardoso et al., 2008a;
Cardoso et al., 2008b) in the MusicStaves Toolkit
(Dalitz et al., 2008) as a C++ plugin, an improved
version of an existing staff line removal algorithm—
LineTrack Height (Dalitz et al., 2008), and the re-
sults we have obtained in our staff line removal tests.
We have integrated our detection algorithm with ex-
isting staff line removal algorithms. Our approach
successfully deals with the difficulties posed by the
symbols superimposed on the staff lines as well as a
wide range of image conditions (e.g., discontinuities,
curved lines), frequently found on handwritten scores.
The encouraging results lead us now to consider
investigating the detection of music symbols bene-
fiting from the improved staff line detection and re-
moval, creating a complete OMR application in or-
der to integrate it on our proposed complete OMR
solution—OMRSYS (Capela et al., 2008). Thus, our
proposed system offers a complete solution for the
preservation of our musical heritage. It includes an
optical recognition engine integrated with an archiv-
ing system and a user-friendly interface for search-
ing, browsing and edition. The digitized scores are
stored in MusicXML, a recent and expanding music
interchange format designed for notation, analysis, re-
trieval, and performance applications.
Our proposed algorithms and complete OMR sys-
tem promote the creation of a full corpus of mu-
sic documents, promoting its preservation and study.
This project will culminate in the creation of a repos-
itory of handwritten scores, accessible online. The
database will be available for enjoyment, educational
and musicological purposes, thus preserving this cor-
pus of music in an unprecedented way.
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
(a) Curvature. (b) Curvature. (c) White Speckles.
(d) Rotation. (e) Staffline Y-Variation. (f) Staffline Y-Variation.
(g) Staffline Interruptions. (h) Typeset Emulation Part 1. (i) Typeset Emulation Part 2.
Figure 6: Effect of different deformations on the overall staff removal error rates. See (Dalitz et al., 2008) for parameter
This work was partially funded by Fundac¸
ao para
a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Portugal through
project PTDC/EIA/71225/2006.
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(2008a). A connected path approach for staff detec-
tion on a music score. In International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP 2008) (Accepted).
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SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications