An Ontology-based Approach using OWL and SWRL
Jorge E. López de Vergara
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
Enrique Vázquez and Javier Guerra
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Av. Complutense, s/n, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Attack reaction, policy instantiation, ontology, OrBAC, IDMEF, OWL, SWRL.
Abstract: A quick and efficient reaction to an attack is important to address the evolution of security incidents in cur-
rent communication networks. The ReD (Reaction after Detection) project’s aim is to design solutions that
enhance the detection/reaction security process. This will improve the overall resilience of IP networks to
attacks, helping telecommunication and service providers to maintain sufficient quality of service to comply
with service level agreements. A main component within this project is in charge of instantiating new secu-
rity policies that counteract the network attacks. This paper proposes an ontology-based methodology for
the instantiation of these security policies. This approach provides a way to map alerts into attack contexts,
which are later used to identify the policies to be applied in the network to solve the threat. For this, ontolo-
gies to describe alerts and policies are defined, using inference rules to perform such mappings.
Currently, Internet has become an attractive mean
for service delivery. Network operators and provid-
ers are supplying new services such as voice or tele-
vision based on the Internet Protocol (IP). Unfortu-
nately, this has also increased the number of IP-
based attacks to network systems. To address the
evolution of security incidents in current communi-
cation networks it is important to react quickly and
efficiently to an attack. This reaction can range from
blocking the traffic to defining new security policies
that solve the problem if they are applied as long as
the attack is happening.
The ReD (Reaction after Detection) project
( is defining
and designing solutions to enhance the detec-
tion/reaction process, improving the overall resil-
ience of IP networks to attacks and help telecommu-
nication and service providers to maintain sufficient
quality of service and respect service level agree-
ments. This project has defined the architecture of a
ReD node, in charge of finding the best way to react
to an attack, both in the short and long terms. Within
this node, a main component (named policy instan-
tiation engine) is devoted to the instantiation of new
security policies that counteract the network attacks.
This node has to deal with the mapping of the alerts
about attacks in the network into these security poli-
cies, providing the most suitable policy to reduce or
even eliminate the problems caused in the network.
This paper proposes an ontology-based approach
to instantiate these security policies. This technology
provides a way to map alerts into attack contexts,
which are used to identify the policies to be applied
in the network to solve the threat. For this, ontolo-
gies to describe alerts and policies are defined, using
inference rules to perform such mappings.
The use of ontologies for defining policies is not
new. For instance, KAoS (Bradshaw et al., 2003)
and Rei (Kagal et al., 2003) are well known policy
frameworks based on ontologies. On the other side,
attack ontologies have also been described before.
Examples of them can be found in (Undercoffer et
E. López de Vergara J., Vázquez E. and Guerra J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 78-83
DOI: 10.5220/0001929300780083
al. 2003) and (Geneiatakis et al., 2007), providing a
formal modelling of network attacks. However, al-
though we also use ontologies, the approach pro-
posed in this paper is focused on a new problem: the
mapping from attack alerts to security policies. For
this, we adapt in this scope the translation process
presented in (Guerrero et al., 2006). One interesting
property of ontologies is the ability to deal with sev-
eral information models, allowing an easy integra-
tion of them. The work presented here exploits this
capacity to integrate in the same view alert and pol-
icy instances, making the mapping process feasible.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
First of all, the technologies used in ReD project are
presented. Then, the mapping steps to perform the
policy instantiation are defined. Next, the ontology-
based representation of OrBAC (Organization Based
Access Control) and IDMEF (Intrusion Detection
Message Exchange Format) are provided, as well as
mapping rules to derve information from IDMEF to
OrBAC. Finally, some conclusions are given.
Following sections present the ReD architecture, as
well as some technologies used in it. This informa-
tion will be valuable to understand the solution ad-
dressed in this paper.
2.1 ReD Architecture
To provide the detection and reaction functionalities,
ReD proposes a node containing a set of elements,
depicted in Figure 1:
Figure 1: ReD architecture.
ACE (Alert Correlation Engine): this element is
in charge of receiving alerts from network
nodes, and enhances the detection of attacks
by combining several diagnosis combinations.
PIE (Policy Instantiation Engine): this element
receives the information about attacks from
the ACE and instantiates new security policies
to react to the attack in a long-term reaction
loop. This paper is focused on this element.
PDP (Policy Decision Point): this element re-
ceives the new security policies defined by the
PIE and deploy them in the enforcement
RDP (Reaction Decision Point): this element
receives the information about attacks from
the ACE and decides a reaction in a short-term
reaction loop.
PEP/REP (Policy Enforcement Point/Reaction
Enforcement Point): This component, outside
the ReD node, enforces the security policies
provided by the PDP and reaction provided by
the RDP. It also performs an immediate reac-
As stated when defining the RED components,
three type of reactions have been defined, based on
the time when they are applied: immediate reactions
are directly decided by the PEP/REP, short-term
reactions are decided by the RDP based on the in-
formation provided by the ACE and without instan-
tiating new security policies, and finally, long-term
reactions are decided by the PIE, generating new
security policies based on the ACE alerts that are
passed to the PDP to deploy them in the PEPs.
2.2 Alerts and Policies in ReD
To propagate alerts from the PEP to the ACE, and
from the ACE to the REP and PIE, messages are
sent using the Intrusion Detection Message Ex-
change Format (IDMEF) (Debar et al., 2007). This
format, based on XML, is defined to report alerts
about events in an Intrusion Detection System, and it
is composed of a set of tags that describe the differ-
ent properties that an alert can contain, such as time-
stamps, source and target of the attack, and its classi-
fication. At this point, it is important to remark that
the vulnerability exploited is commonly used to
classify the attacks, using CVE (Common Vulner-
abilities and Exposures) identifiers (Martin, 2001).
Several languages can be used to define the secu-
rity policy, including Policy Core Information
Model (PCIM) (Moore et al., 2001), Ponder
(Damianou et al. 2001), or Organization Based Ac-
cess Control (OrBAC) (Abou-El-kalam et al., 2003).
After an analysis of existing policy languages, Or-
BAC was selected as the policy language to be used
ReD node
Immediate reaction
Short-term reaction
Long-term reaction
in ReD because it is expressive enough to specify a
large variety of security requirements. In fact, it has
been successfully applied to specify network access
control policies and translation mechanisms have
been defined to automatically generate firewall con-
figuration rules that are free of inconsistency and
In OrBAC, security policies are specified as sets
of security requirements that correspond to permis-
sions, prohibitions or obligations. Moreover, in Or-
BAC, these requirements may depend on contexts
that express temporal, location or provisional condi-
tions, which is very useful to specify new security
requirements to be triggered in reaction to an intru-
sion. Contexts are used in ReD to express also an
attack condition, this is, when an attack happens, a
context about that attack is activated. Then, given a
context attack from a source to a target, and about an
action, an OrBAC condition is held, activating new
security rules.
2.3 Ontologies: OWL and SWRL
An ontology is defined in (Gruber, 1993) as “a for-
mal specification of a shared conceptualization”. In
practical terms, an ontology is a hierarchy of con-
cepts with attributes and relations that defines a ter-
minology to define in consensus semantic networks
of inter-related information units. An ontology pro-
vides a vocabulary of classes and relations to de-
scribe a domain, stressing knowledge sharing and
knowledge representation.
With the advent of the Semantic Web, OWL
(Smith et al., 2004), the Web Ontology Language
has gained relevance. It is a general purpose ontol-
ogy language defined for the Semantic Web that
contains all the necessary constructors to formally
describe classes and properties, with hierarchies, and
range and domain restrictions. An OWL ontology
contains a sequence of axioms and facts. It includes
several types of axioms, such as subclass axioms,
equivalent Class axioms and property constraints.
The Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
(Horrocks et al., 2004) extends OWL with rule axi-
oms. In the “human-readable” syntax of SWRL, a
rule axiom has the form: antecedent consequent.
Informally, a rule may be read as meaning that if the
antecedent holds, then the consequent must also
hold. Using this syntax, a rule asserting that the
composition of parent and sister properties implies
the aunt property would be written:
Sister(?y,?z) Aunt(?x,?z)
In this work, OWL will be used as the ontology
language to describe both IDMEF and OrBAC con-
cepts, and SWRL will be used to map information
from IDMEF to OrBAC.
Once the ReD main concepts have been introduced,
the goal of this section is to describe the way ID-
MEF alerts are mapped into OrBAC contexts. For
this, three steps have been defined:
1. First of all, it is necessary to define ontologies
both for the IDMEF alerts (AO, Alert Ontology)
and OrBAC (OO, OrBAC Ontology).
2. Then, it is also necessary to establish relation-
ships between AO and OO with OWL proper-
ties and SWRL rules. OWL relationships are de-
fined to link an attack to a context. SWRL rules
can be used to map from one ontology to the
other thanks to the established relationships.
SWRL rules can then be considered as meta-
policies, because they allow the creation of
policies. The SWRL rules used for mapping will
look like:
3. Finally, an inference engine can be used to de-
rive the necessary information mappings in or-
der to add data to OO based on the information
of the AO.
Figure 2: Policy instantiation with ontologies.
Figure 2 shows the information involved in the
policy instantiation when ontologies are used. An
inference engine needs the OrBAC and the Alerts
ontology, new alert instances as well as SWRL rules
to map those alerts into OrBAC hold instances,
which are selected thanks to the reasoning process
(upper side of the figure). These OrBAC hold in-
stances are then used to obtain the security policy
rules to be activated (lower side of the figure). It
should be noted that this last operation can be ob-
OrBAC ontology
IDMEF ontology +
alert instances
SWRL Rules
OrBAC ontology
Holds, roles,
activities, views, rules
SWRL Rules
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: OrBAC ontology.
tained directly using MotOrBAC (the OrBAC en-
gine implemented at Telecom Bretagne,, but our approach
is complete in the sense that given an alert message,
policy rules are generated by using the set of ontol-
ogy classes and instances, as well as the SWRL
It is also important to remark that for this process
it is necessary to convert existing information into
ontologies, including OrBAC contexts and rules and
IDMEF alerts. With respect to OrBAC, in this ap-
proach it is supposed that these contexts and rules
are defined using an ontology editor by the manager
of the system. However, IDMEF alerts are coming
to the system in XML messages. Then, an IDMEF
parser has been implemented that translates these
alerts into instances of the Alerts ontology. Another
issue is to translate OrBAC rules to be deployed in
the PEPs, but this problem is independent of using
As stated above, a first step in the policy instantia-
tion process is to define ontologies for both OrBAC
and IDMEF alerts. Next sections provide such defi-
4.1 OrBAC Ontology Representation
An OrBAC context ontology has been presented in
(Coma et al., 2007). Nevertheless, the work pre-
sented here is different, as it is not focussed on the
definition of different types of contexts. In this paper
we define a set of classes to describe in an ontology
the constructions used in OrBAC (see Figure 3):
View: this class models the views contained in
OrBAC. It has a relationship with an object,
and a view can be derived from another view.
Object: this class specifies the objects contained
in OrBAC.
Role: this class models the roles contained in
OrBAC. It has a relationship with a subject,
and a role can be derived from another role.
Subject: this class specifies the subjects con-
tained in OrBAC.
Activity: this class specifies the activities con-
tained in OrBAC. It has a relationship with an
action, and an activity can be derived from
another activity.
Action: this class models the objects contained
in OrBAC.
Organization: this class models the views con-
tained in OrBAC.
Hold: this class specifies the OrBAC holds. A
hold will have a subject, an object, an action, a
context and an organization to be asserted.
Context: this class specifies the contexts con-
tained in OrBAC. A context will have a name.
Four auxiliary properties have been defined:
the first one, context_actived, provides which
alerts activate this context, based on the CVE
or BugTrack classification of the alert. The
second one is used to know if the context is
active or not. Context_granularity indicates
the mapping strategy when receiving an alert,
taking the information for Subject, Object
and/or Action. Finally, context_level indicates
the level of mapping, which can be system,
network or application. Depending on such
level, the information taken from the IDMEF
message in the mapping will be different.
Rule: this class models the rules contained in
OrBAC. A rule will have a number, a type
(permission, prohibition, obligation), and rela-
tionships with a context, a view, a role, an ac-
tivity and an organization. An auxiliary prop-
erty has been included to know if a rule is ac-
tive or not.
Permission: this class models the concrete poli-
cies. That is, if an action is permitted, prohib-
ited or obligated for a subject on an object.
Figure 4: Alert ontology (alert relationships).
4.2 IDMEF Ontology Representation
With respect to the classes of the alerts ontology, our
approach tries to reduce as much as possible the
translation problems from real IDMEF alerts to the
alert ontology. Thus, an alert ontology has been de-
fined that maps the IDMEF alerts structure. This
means that the alerts ontology is much more com-
plex than the OrBAC ontology, with many more
classes and relationships.
For instance, the Alert class, depicted in Figure
4, has relationships with Message, CreateTime, Ana-
lyzerTime, DetectTime, Source, Target, Additional-
Data, Assessment, Analyzer, Classification, Correla-
tionAlert, OverflowAlert, and ToolAlert. Then,
Source and Target have also some relationships with
other classes such as User, Process, Service and
Node, which has an Address.
Once the ontologies have been defined, it is also
important to define the logic rules to be used in the
inference engine. Three types of rules have been
defined: rules to infer hierarchy information in the
OrBAC model, rules to perform the mapping from
IDMEF alerts to OrBAC holds, and rules to obtain
the security policies.
With respect to the first type of rules, based on
the relationships defined in section 4.1, it is possible
to infer information from the hierarchy model of
ORBAC. For instance, for Role and Subrole, the
following rule is defined to empower a subject for
subrole, given that it empowers its parent role:
orbac:Role(?role) ^ orbac:role_subrole(?role,
?subrole) ^ orbac:empower(?role, ?subject)
orbac:empower(?subrole, ?subject)
Similar rules are defined for Activity and Subac-
tivity with respect to Action, as well as for View and
Subview with respect to Object.
To perform the mapping from an IDMEF alert
message to an OrBAC hold (see Figure 2), proper-
ties context_actived, context_granularity and con-
text_level are taken into account:
context_actived. This property will be used to
select the context from a list of existing con-
texts, by comparing it with the IdmefMessage. It is nec-
essary to populate this property in all context
instances. Then, if more than one context is
activated with an alert, both contexts will hold
and a conflict resolution should be defined.
context_granularity and context_level.
Different rules will be defined based on the
granularity, to map information of the alert to
a Subject, an Object, or/and an Action. At the
same time, these rules will map a specific part
of the IDMEF message based on the level. For
instance, if the level is system, then, is obtained from IdmefMessage., and
is taken from IdmefMessage.
If the level is network, Object.address is
derived from IdmefMessage.
Alert.Target.Node.Address.address and
Subject.address is obtained from
Finally, if the level is application, Object.
name is taken from IdmefMessage. and is
derived from IdmefMessage.
As stated, a set of SWRL rules are defined for
the mappings, following the approach proposed in
section 2.3. The SWRL rules are more complex in
this case because they have to follow the structure of
the IDMEF message. The rules are not presented
here due to space constraints, but to show a little
example of their verbosity, to reference the
property the following atoms have to be defined:
idmef:IdmefMessage(?im) ^
idmef:idmefMessage_alert(?im, ?a) ^
idmef:alert_classification(?a, ?c) ^
idmef:classification_reference(?c, ?r) ^
idmef:reference_name(?r, ?rn)
Note that SWRL does not have any built-in func-
tion to generate a new instance, which is necessary
to generate new Hold instances. To solve this prob-
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
lem the swrlx:makeOWLThing function has been
used, as proposed in (Protégé, 2007).
Once a Hold is obtained, and based on the de-
fined instances of Role, Activity and View, it is also
possible to obtain the policy security rules, indicat-
ing permission, prohibition and obligation. For this,
SWRL rules are also defined. In this case, their
complexity is caused because these rules resemble
the behaviour of MotOrBAC.
This paper has presented a new approach to react to
network attacks in which a set of alerts are used to
automatically generate new security policies. For
this, an ontology-based approach has been used, in
which the alert and the policy information models
can be combined to help in the instantiation of the
policies. The use of OWL and SWRL provides sev-
eral advantages, including the availability of generic
tools for parsing and reasoning. The nature of OWL
as a Semantic Web component allows merging dis-
tributed ontologies. Moreover, there are many works
on mapping different knowledge bases that can be
leveraged for our purpose.
Some issues have also been found when doing
the experimentation. The expressivity of SWRL is
limited, not allowing some logic operators, such as
OR or NOT. Moreover, SWRL supports only mono-
tonic inference, which means that SWRL rules can-
not be used to modify or remove information in the
ontology. This fact reduces the possibility to invali-
date OrBAC holds when a new hold is asserted.
Future works include the validation of the im-
plemented prototype in a test scenario, and integrat-
ing the PIE with the rest of the components in ReD
This paper has been partially funded by the Euro-
pean CELTIC Project ReD (CP3-011). The authors
would like to thank the rest of the partners for their
opinions and ideas.
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