Auto-configuration of Dispositional Trust Dynamics
Christian Damsgaard Jensen and Thomas Rune Korsgaard
Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark, Bld. 321, Richard Petersens Plads, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Security auto-configuration, trust evolution, trust dynamics.
Trust management has been proposed as a convenient paradigm for security in pervasive computing. The part
of a trust management system that deals with trust evolution normally requires configuration of system pa-
rameters to indicate the user’s propensity to trust other users. Such configurations are not intuitive to ordinary
people and significantly reduce the usability of the system. In this paper, we propose a dynamic trust evolution
function that requires no initial configuration, but automatically adapts the behaviour of the system based on
the user’s experiences. This makes the proposed trust evolution function particularly suitable for embedding
into mass produced consumer products.
Ubiquitous computing (Weiser, 1991) offers a vision
of the world of tomorrow in which there are comput-
ing devices embedded in everything: vehicles, house-
hold equipment, home entertainment systems, med-
ical equipment, clothing and even in human beings.
These computing devices will communicate with one
another and exchange information in order to help
people with tasks in a wide range of everyday con-
texts. Some of the devices will be powerful comput-
ers, while others are tiny chips without much com-
puting power, but suitable for embedding in clothing
or within the organs of the human body. Regard-
less of their capabilities, the devices are expected to
be connected at all times and in all locations, and to
interact across traditional organisational boundaries.
Common for many of these devices is that they will
be owned, managed and operated by ordinary people
who are generally unable to understand the security
implications of configuring and using such devices. It
is therefore important to develop security abstractions
that ordinary people are able to understand and man-
age with a minimum of effort.
Trust management has been proposed as a con-
venient security metaphor that most people under-
stand and which offers the possibility of security auto-
configuration (Seigneur et al., 2003b). Existing work
on trust management (Blaze et al., 1999; Grandison
and Sloman, 2000; Cahill et al., 2003) focuses on
making specific, security related, decisions based on
general policies that do not necessarily include ex-
plicit information about context, location, credentials
or the identity of other users, e.g., entity recogni-
tion may replace entity authentication (Seigneur et al.,
2003a). In the context of trust management, it is
generally agreed that trust is formed by a number
of interaction based factors, such as personal expe-
rience, recommendations (e.g., credentials) and the
reputation of the other party, but environmental fac-
tors (situational trust) and individual factors (dispo-
sitional trust) also play an important role (McKnight
and Chervany, 1996). In particular, dispositional trust
captures the user’s propensity to trust other people,
which is an important configuration parameter in a
trust based security mechanism.
Previous work on trust evolution (Jonker and
Treur, 1999; Jonker et al., 2004; Gray et al., 2006) op-
erates with the notion of trust dynamics, which deter-
mine how trust values change over time and how trust
decays when it is not actively maintained.
Six differ-
ent types of trust dynamics have been identified, but
the trust update functions that have been proposed to
implement them are all statically defined. This means
that the trust update function must be configured by
the users before a device is used for the first time and
there is no way to account for changes in people’s dis-
positional trust based on their experience, e.g., to re-
flect that people who are frequently cheated are likely
to become less trusting.
This decay is often referred to as ageing or discounting
of old experiences.
Damsgaard Jensen C. and Rune Korsgaard T. (2008).
DYNAMICS OF TRUST EVOLUTION - Auto-configuration of Dispositional Trust Dynamics.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 509-517
DOI: 10.5220/0001921305090517
In this paper we propose a dynamic trust evolu-
tion model, which captures the way a person’s inclina-
tion to trust another person depends on the experience
gained through interactions with that other person.
This means that consistent good experiences will not
only result in a high level of trust at a given time, but
will also result in a more optimistic outlook toward
the other person, i.e., that trust will grow more rapidly
in the future compared to other people with whom the
user may have more mixed experiences. We focus this
work on the dynamics of trust evolution, which means
that we do not distinguish between the different forms
of interaction based factors. Recommendations and
reputations may be considered equivalent to personal
experience once the trust in the recommender or the
reputation system has been taken into account. One of
the defining properties of the proposed dynamic trust
evolution model is that it requires no initial configura-
tion of the individual trust factors, which means that it
is well suited for implementation in software, which
is loaded into small embedded devices developed for
a mass market.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 defines the trust model and defines a simple
graphical representation to show the relationship be-
tween experience and trust. The underlying trust evo-
lution model is presented in Section 3 and the dy-
namic aspects of the trust evolution model are defined
in Section 4. A preliminary evaluation of the pro-
posed model is presented in Section 5 and our con-
clusions and some directions for future work are pre-
sented in Section 6.
The trust model defines how trust is represented in
the system in the form of trust values and determines
the types of operations that can be performed on these
trust values. These operations primarily relate to the
way trust values are updated to reflect the evolution of
trust in other parties.
In this paper we follow the definition of trust val-
ues made by Stephen Marsh, who defines trust as a
variable in the open interval ]1;1[, where -1 is com-
plete distrust and 1 is complete trust (Marsh, 1994).
The model distinguishes between entities that
have been encountered before and for whom personal
experience has been recorded and strangers for whom
an initial trust value must be based on some system
defaults. Entities about whom experience has been
recorded are entered into a Ring of Trust which stores
their trust value and the parameters that determine the
way trust in each entity evolves.
2.1 Trust Evolution
In order to facilitate our discussion of trust evolu-
tion, we introduce a two-dimensional coordinate sys-
tem from -1 to 1 on both the X-axis and the Y-axis
(cf. Figure 1).
Figure 1: Coordinate system used to represent trust.
Trust is represented as a function, where the
trust value is represented on the Y-axis, determining
whether the trustee is in trust or distrust.
Each trustee
has her own function in this coordinate system. The
X-axis is determined by the relationship between pos-
itive and negativeexperiences. Calculating an X value
from the previous interactions, gives the possibility of
calculating a trust value as function of the X value.
These definitions result in a trust function, which
will be present in the 1
quadrant and in the 3
rant. The 4
quadrant is not considered, because it
does not make sense to distrust an entity if there is a
majority of positive experience, which would be the
case if the function was placed in the 4
Likewise, a situation where the function is present
in the 2
quadrant corresponds to a scenario where
the user has trust and a majority negative interactions.
The actual trust evolution function is defined in Sec-
tion 4.1.
2.2 Ring of Trust
Each trustee that the trustor interacts with should
have a different trust profile, and therefore a differ-
ent curve, because of individual and subjective opin-
ions about their interactions. Each curve is regarded
as an instance of the trust model that represents each
trustee. In order to keep track of these curves we have
a trust management system. The core of this trust
management system defines a Ring of Trust (RoT),
We refer to this relationship between experience and
trust value as the trust evaluation function or sometimes
simply the curve.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
which is the database that keeps track of all the in-
formation that is extracted from encounters with other
users in a pervasive computing environment. The in-
formation stored in the RoT consists primarily of the
number of positive and negative experiences and the
parameters needed to construct the curve. This RoT
is consulted in all operations relating to trust initiali-
sation and trust updates.
The trust evolution model has three main parts:
Initial trust. Defines how a new trustee in the Ring
of Trust is initialised.
Trust dynamics. Defines the speed that a trustee
in the Ring of Trust progresses in trust.
Trust evolution model. Defines the actual func-
tion used for trust evolution, which also provides
the basis for the dynamic trust evolution model
(cf. Section 4).
These first two parts are inspired by Jonker and
Treur’s model of trust dynamics (Jonker and Treur,
1999), but the dynamic trust evolution model is a
novelextension of the more statically defined trust up-
date functions defined in their work. The three parts
of our trust evolution model are described further in
the following.
3.1 Initial Trust
Interacting with other entities in a pervasive comput-
ing environmentopens the possibility of the newly en-
countered entity to become trusted. When a new en-
tity is introduced into the system, it has to have some
sort of initial trust value. Jonker and Treur identify
two types of initial trust: initially trusting and ini-
tially distrusting, where both these approaches require
a configuration of trust.
The type of trust evolution function to use depends
on the user’s dispositional trust and would normally
have to be configured into all her devices when they
are initially deployed. The configuration would be
used to determine what kind of a person a user is:
Does the user want to make quick progress or is
the user more cautious? A cautious user needs
a lot more positive interactions before she trusts
another user, than an optimistic user needs.
Does it take long to develop trust in another per-
son or does the user only need one or two positive
When a trusted person suddenly acts different
than expected, will this destroy the relation ship
or is the user more forgiving and needs several be-
trayals in order to loose trust?
With a system that requires an initial trust config-
uration, upon installation or initiation the user would
have to decide on the questions above. This would
determine what kind of person the user is in terms of
trust and help define her trust evolution function. Peo-
ple, however, change their opinion over time to be-
come more optimistic or cautious; often without be-
ing consciously aware that they changed their mind.
Another point is that this configuration might not be
the same for all the people in the user’s ring of trusted
Our goal is to have a system, which needs no con-
figuration upon initialisation, but allows a user to de-
velop different trust dynamics toward different enti-
ties depending on their interaction history. We there-
fore define a separate trust model for each person
that the user is interacting with, hence the individual
curves in the RoT. In order to avoid configuration the
system has a neutral view of new users. Therefore
all new users are given the initial trust value 0. And
since there is no interactions with this new user, the
user starts the trust function in point (0,0).
3.2 Trust Dynamics
Trust Dynamics describe the way positive or nega-
tive experiences influence trust. Every time a user
interacts with another entity, the user is asked to tell
whether the experience was positive or negative. This
feedback can be used to determine the kind of rela-
tionship between the trustee and the trustor. With this
feedback the trust function is also updated (cf. Sec-
tion 3.3). The following six types of trust dynamics
have been identified:
Blindly positive defines a trust profile, where a
trustor trusts a trustee blindly after a set of pos-
itive experiences. After this set of experiences the
trustee is trusted blindly for all future interactions,
no matter what.
Blindly negative defines the opposite of blindly pos-
itive. After a number of negative experiences the
trustor will never trust the trustee again, and the
trustee will have unconditional distrust, no matter
Slow positive, fast negative dynamics, defines a
trustor that requires a lot of positive experiences
to build trust in a trustee, but it only takes a few
negative experiences to spoil the build up trust.
DYNAMICS OF TRUST EVOLUTION - Auto-configuration of Dispositional Trust Dynamics
Balanced slow defines a trustor that progresses
slowly on building trust and slowly on loosing
Balanced fast defines a trustor that progresses fast
on building trust and looses it fast as well.
Fast positive, slow negative dynamics define a
trustor that takes a few positive experiences to
build trust to a trustee but takes a lot of negative
experience to spoil it again.
These six approaches describe how the trust value
on the Y-axis varies as a function of the recorded ex-
perience on the X-axis. One way to implement this,
would be to use different granularities on the X-axis,
depending on the trust dynamics, so if the user is de-
fined as fast positive and slow negative, the granular-
ity of the X-axis will be coarse, i.e., there will only be
a few steps from 0 to 1, when adding positive expe-
rience, but fine when subtracting negative experience
from the X-value.
However, choosing this approach to trust dynam-
ics would be difficult to implement, due to the require-
ment that the implemented system has to be able to
work without configuration. It is difficult to determine
through the users actions which of the six approaches
the trustor would use toward a trustee.
We therefore propose an approach, where expe-
rience influences the trust dynamics by changing the
shape of the trust evolution function, thus making it
3.3 Trust Evolution Function
Jonker and Treur define 16 required properties for a
trust evolution function, but only 10 of these are rel-
evant for developing the trust evolution function for
our trust evolution model; the last 6 properties are
not considered, because they deal with approximation
of the trust evolution function. As we shall see later
(cf. Section 5.1), the dynamic trust evolution function
defined by our model does not originate from a data
set but from a mathematical formula, so there is no
need for approximation.
When designing a system that has no configura-
tion, it is impossible to tell what kind of person is
using the system. Therefore the system takes a neu-
tral point of view when a new user is introduced in
the Ring of Trust. The first curve is a linear func-
tion, f(x) = x, which corresponds to a balanced trust
dynamics that is neither slow nor fast.
Every time the user has an experience with an-
other entity, the user is asked to indicate whether it
was a positive or a negative experience. This feed-
back is used to update the trust evolution function, so
Figure 2: Trust evolution function, the cautious and the op-
timistic curve.
that it may transparently adapt to the kind of trust pro-
file the user has with respect to the other party.
In general, people can be more optimistic or cau-
tious when it comes to evolving trust. A user is op-
timistic if the user tends to trust a person based on a
few experiences. If a person is more cautious it takes
more interactions to obtain a high trust value, where
optimistic persons get a high trust value fast. The op-
timistic and cautions curve is shown in Figure 2.
We see that both curves ends in trust value 1,
but the optimistic curve will have higher trust values
while approaching 1. Basically this means that an op-
timist calculates a higher trust value based on fewer
interactions. On the other hand, this leads to trust that
is based on less experience and therefore more easily
As previously mentioned, the trust evolution function
must be able to change over time based on feedback
from the user. It is sometimes possible to determine
this feedback implicitly, e.g., a music recommenda-
tion system may recommend a song to the user, but
the recommendation system may infer that this was
a poor recommendation if the user asks for another
song after a few bars. In many cases, however, the
user will have to provide this feedback explicitly. The
feedback provides an idea of how risk willing the user
Basically the system must deal with six different
situations when getting feedback from the user, and
altering the user trust values in the RoT:
1. A user can be in the trust region (1
quadrant) and
have a positive experience.
2. A user can be in the trust region (1
quadrant) and
have a negative experience.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: A user with a cautious curve has a positive expe-
rience, and the curve is updated accordingly.
Figure 4: A user with a optimistic curve has a positive ex-
perience, and the curve is updated accordingly.
3. A user can be in the distrust region (3
and have a positive experience.
4. A user can be in the distrust region (3
and have a negative experience.
5. The user can be in Origin (0, 0), and have a posi-
tive experience.
6. The user can be in Origin (0, 0), and have a nega-
tive experience.
In the scenario where the user is in the trust region
and has a positive experience, this should lead to an
improvement in trust for the entities that provided the
service. For the optimistic and the cautious curve the
development in the evolution curve would look like
Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively.
The evolution function extends from the full-line
curve to the dashed curve. We see that there is a dif-
ference in the progress of trust, depending on whether
the user is an optimistic person or a cautious person.
On the other hand if the experience is negative
then the trust value must be decreased for those en-
tities that provided the service which was unsatisfac-
tory; this is shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
The function moves from the full-line curve to the
dashed, and again there is a different progression in
Figure 5: A user with a cautious curve has a negative expe-
rience, and the curve is updated accordingly.
Figure 6: A user with a optimistic curve has a negative ex-
perience, and the curve is updated accordingly.
trust depending on whether the user is cautious or op-
In this model it is only possible to have a cautious
curve when a negative experience has been recorded
and only possible to have an optimistic curve if there
has been a positive interaction, which corresponds
well to human intuition.
This approach for changing the trust evolution
function does also apply to the distrust region. If the
user has a negative experience, then the trust evolu-
tion curve is pushed further down toward (0, -1) and
if the user encounters a positive experience, then the
curve is pushed further up against (-1, 0).
We therefore need to define a dynamic trust evolu-
tion function that captures the behaviour that we de-
scribed above. One such function is presented in the
4.1 Dynamic Trust Evolution Function
As described in Section 3.3 the initial trust function is
defined as the function f(x) = x, which gives a neutral
trust dynamics upon initialisation of a user in the RoT.
Using a simple linear formula, however does not
meet the requirements that we defined above, because
we are unable to represent the ways that a user’s pro-
DYNAMICS OF TRUST EVOLUTION - Auto-configuration of Dispositional Trust Dynamics
Figure 7: Trust Evolution Function represented with a poly-
nomial expression.
file is changed into a more optimistic or cautious
curve with a linear expression. Another approach
would be to represent the function as a polynomial
function with different degrees power. The disad-
vantage of using a polynomial function is that it is
not mirrored in f(x) = x + 1 and f(x) = x 1,
as shown in Figure 7. By having a function expres-
sion that is not weighted equally, the steps closest to 0
on the X axis are much less significant than the steps
closest to 1 and -1, which would not be fair as step
toward trust should only depend on the curves param-
eters and not the functional expression of the curve.
A third approach (and the approach chosen) is to
represent the trust function as a superellipse (or Lam´e
curve). The superellipse is represented by the for-
= 1
The superellipse can be adjusted by tweaking the
parameters a, b and n. The parameter a and b repre-
sent the radius of the superellipse, and if they are set
to 1 then the radius is 1, which fits the function with
in the interval defined in Section 2.1. In this case it is
only necessary to operate in the interval -1 to 1, and
therefore is not necessary to adjust the a and b pa-
rameters. Hence we only need to store and adjust the
parameter n to manage the shape of the dynamic trust
evolution function.
However, the superellipse needs some adjust-
ments in order to fit the desired curves as shown on
Figure 3–Figure 6. Four sets of functions are defined
in order to fit the different curves needed:
Optimistic curve in trust. See Equation 1.
Cautious curve in trust. See Equation 2.
Optimistic curve in distrust. See Equation 3.
Cautious curve in distrust. See Equation 4.
The four different curves are defined like this,
where the parameter a and b are set to 1
|x 1|
+ |y|
= 1 (1)
Figure 8: The trust function plotted where a = 1, b = 1 and
n = 2.
+ |y 1|
= 1 (2)
+ |y+ 1|
= 1 (3)
|x+ 1|
+ |y|
= 1 (4)
These equations can be solved and the resulting
contributions to the trust evolution function are shown
in Table 1. The curves corresponding to these equa-
tions are plotted in Figure 8, where n is 2:
This implementation has the advantage that the
neutral trust function, that has been assumed to be lin-
ear, is automatically represented for n=1.
4.2 Trust Dynamics
In our approach to trust dynamics we have made some
assumptions based on the experimental research by
Jonker, Treur, Theeuwes and Schalken (Jonker et al.,
2004). From their research, we see that after 5 succes-
sive positive interactions and no previous interactions,
the trust value is almost at a maximum. Therefore we
make the definition that after 10 successive positive
interactions the trust value should be at a maximum.
Based on the coordinate system where the x value
goes from -1 to 1, we define a positive experience to
an increase to be
of the possible interval. As the
experiment is based on no previous actions this inter-
val would be from 0 to 1, hence a positive experience
should increase the x value by 0.1.
The same experimental research shows that neg-
ative interactions reach almost maximum distrust on
5 recommendations as well, so we define a negative
interaction should decrease the x value by 0.1.
The dynamic trust evaluation function has to dis-
tinguish between 5 different scenarios: 1) neutral
; 2) optimistic user in trust; 3) cautious user in
trust; 4) optimistic user in distrust; 5) cautious user in
distrust. The corresponding trust update functions are
shown in Table 1.
In the rst interaction all users are considered neutral,
where x = 0 and n = 1.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Trust values for the different scenarios.
Scenario T(t)
1 T(t) = 0
2 T(t) = (|(x 1)
| + 1)
3 T(t) = (|x
| + 1)
+ 1
4 T(t) = (|x
| + 1)
5 T(t) = (|(x+ 1)
| + 1)
The x value and n value are updated, so that x = x +
0.1 and n = n+0.1 if the experience was positive and
x = x 0.1 and n = n 0.1 if it was negative.
The model presented in this paper does not take
temporal aspects into account. This is, however, easy
to include in the model by registering when interac-
tions take place and adjust the experience from the
interactions according to their age (this effectively
implements the forgetability proposed by Jonker et
al. (Jonker et al., 2004)). The following example il-
lustrates how this could be done.
We define that after 3 months an interaction is only
worth 50% of its original value and after 9 months it
is only worth 25% and after a year it is not worth any-
thing any more. If a person has 2 positive experiences
within the last week, a negative experience that is 4
months old, a negative experience that is 10 months
old and a positive experience that is 2 years old the X
value will be calculated as following:
XValue = 0.1+0.10.1·50%0.1·25%+0. 1·0% = 0.125
The proposed dynamic trust evolution model has been
evaluated with respect to the required properties de-
fined by Jonker and Treur and a prototype has been
implemented in a recommendation system for an on-
line service.
5.1 Properties of the Trust Evolution
First of all, we wish to determine whether our trust
evolution function satisfies the 10 required properties,
identified by Jonker and Treur.
Future Endependence. Our definition of the dy-
namic trust evolution function only depends on
The adjustment of the n value is only based on experi-
ence, but it works well for the scenarios we have tested it
previous interactions as defined by the trust dy-
Monotonicity. The dynamic trust evolution function
is monotonic, because the functions make sure
that a higher X value can never give a lower trust
value than the actual trust value.
Indistinguishable Past. We cannot determine the
trust evolution curve (n value) or the trust dynam-
ics (X value) by analysing the trust value
Maximal Initial Trust. There is a maximum trust
value of 1.
Minimal Initial Trust. There is a minimum trust
value of -1.
Positive Trust Extension. The proposed trust update
function is monotone and continuous on the do-
main, so positive experiences will increase the
trust value, thus meeting the requirements of pos-
itive trust extension.
Negative Trust Extension. The proposed trust up-
date function is monotone and continuous on the
domain, so negative experiences will reduce the
trust value, thus meeting the requirements of neg-
ative trust extension.
Degree of Memory Based. The trust evolution func-
tion will forget about the past with the definition
of forgetability.
Degree of Trust Dropping. It is possible to change
the acceleration of trust dropping by the feedback
from the user. By having a larger n value on a
cautious curve trust drops faster.
Degree of Trust Gaining. It is possible to change
the acceleration of trust gaining by the feedback
from the user. By having a larger n value on an
optimistic curve trust is gained faster.
5.2 Practical Experience
The proposed dynamic trust evolution model has been
implemented in the Wikipedia Recommendation Sys-
tem (WRS) (Korsgaard and Jensen, 2008), which al-
lows users of the Wikipedia to record and share their
opinions on the quality of articles that they read in the
Wikipedia. The WRS treats the Wikipedia as a legacy
system, which means that it has been implemented
without modifying the Wikipedia infrastructure or the
underlying wiki engine. A brief overviewof this work
is presented in the following,but we refer the reader to
Thomas Korsgaard’s M.Sc. Thesis (Korsgaard, 2007)
for a more detailed description and evaluation of the
DYNAMICS OF TRUST EVOLUTION - Auto-configuration of Dispositional Trust Dynamics
5.2.1 WRS Overview
Implementation of a recommender system on top of
a legacy web-based system requires the ability to
rewrite the content read from the Wikipedia servers
(to insert the recommendations) and to capture and
store the feedback (the recommendations) from the
clients. A simple way to do this is to insert a web-
proxy between the user and the Wikipedia. This archi-
tecture is shown in Figure 9, where the proxy executes
on the user’s own computer along with the browser.
The browser must be configured to use the local
web proxy (this is how users opt in), which inter-
cepts all requests to the Wikipedia (1). The proxy re-
trieves the article from the Wikipedia (2) along with
the recommendations that are used to calculate the
reputation score for the article. The article is rewrit-
ten to include the reputation score and forwarded to
the browser (3). The user now has an indication of the
quality of the article and may decide to provide feed-
back regarding the quality of the page and the utility
of the reputation score (4). The user’s indication of
the utility of the score is used to determine whether
the recommendation provided a positive or negative
experience and the user’s own rating is stored in the
feedback repository in the Wikipedia (5). The differ-
ent components are described in greater details in the
5.2.2 Recommendation Repository
Treating the Wikipedia as a legacy system means
that there is no access to the Wikipedia’s underly-
ing SQL database, so recommendations have to be
stored somewhere else. There are two obvious so-
lutions to this problem, either to develop a separate
decentralized database infrastructure or to store the
recommendations as HTML comments in the pages
of the Wikipedia.
A scheme with decentralised databases, where
each user keeps a private database of ratings given
to articles, introduces a series of problems. First of
all, the amount of data kept may grow very large and
the database can become too big for private users to
Figure 9: Overview of the Wikipedia Recommender Sys-
maintain. Secondly, it introduces a problem with ex-
changing ratings between users, which is made more
difficult by the fact that not all users are online all the
time, so some ratings are not available all the time.
Finally, decentralised databases open up for potential
security flaws, because users must provide external
access to a database on their personal computer.
Storing recommendations directly in Wikipedia
pages benefits from the fundamental Wiki philosophy
of providing a central repository of information that
all users can easily modify. Moreover, storing rec-
ommendations in HTML comments means that they
will not be shown by existing web browsers, so the
WRS is invisible to users who do not participate in
the system. This also means that comments are al-
ways online and recommendations are only stored in
one place. The downside to this approach is that rec-
ommendations have to be protected against fabrica-
tion and modification attacks, but this may be done
by standard cryptographic techniques for authenticity
and authentication as described elsewhere (Korsgaard
and Jensen, 2008). Storing recommendations in the
Wikipedia also leaves them open to vandalism, but it
is easy to revert the existing article to an earlier ver-
sion of the article if the page is vandalised. When a
Wikipedia page is vandalised, the page normally re-
stores quite fast (eBlogger, 2005).
5.2.3 Reputation Calculation
The calculation of a reputation value for an article
is based on the recommendation repository, which
stores all the ratings that other users have given the ar-
ticle. Each recommendation consists of five elements:
The mark The rating that the user has given the arti-
The user The registered Wikipedia user name of the
user who gave the mark. The name is chosen by
the user when registering with the Wikipedia, but
there may be no link to the user’s real identity.
The version The version number of the article that
the recommendation relates to.
The article name The name of the article is inserted
into the recommendation, in order to prevent that
recommendations are copied to other articles.
The hash The hash protects the integrity of the the
user name, the mark and the version. The title of
the Wikipedia article, the mark, and the version
are concatenated and signed with self-signed cer-
tificate, where the public key is kept at the user’s
personal user page. This prevents ratings from
being tampered with, moved to other pages or
moved to a later version of an article.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The first three elements are used to calculate the
reputation, while the two last elements are included
to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the recom-
mendations. The calculation of the reputation score
is based on the dynamic trust evolution model defined
in this paper.
5.2.4 Summary
The dynamic trust evolution model was simple to im-
plement and required no particular configuration by
the users of the WRS. Our preliminary evaluation of
the ratings of recommendations (trust values) deliv-
ered by the WRS indicate that the model behaves as
expected and that the results conform to human intu-
In this paper, we addressed the problem of auto-
configuration of a trust based security mechanism for
pervasive computing. We presented a novel dynamic
trust evolution function that requires no initial con-
figuration by the user, which makes it particularly
suitable for embedding into mass produced consumer
products. Our evaluation shows that the proposed
function satisfies all the requirements of a trust evo-
lution function and preliminary experiments indicate
results that correspond to human intuition.
Directions for future work include an extension of
the proposed dynamic trust evaluation function to in-
corporate temporal aspects of trust, such as ageing
and forgetability along the lines suggested in Sec-
tion 4.2. We would also like to explore different rates
of adjustments of the shape of the dynamic trust evo-
lution function, i.e., the rate of change of the n value.
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DYNAMICS OF TRUST EVOLUTION - Auto-configuration of Dispositional Trust Dynamics