A Prototype
João Fábio de Oliveira, Cinthia O. de A. Freitas and Altair Santin
Pontifical Catholic University of Parana - PUCPR
R. Imaculada Conceição, 1155, Prado Velho, 80215-901, Curitiba - PR, Brazil
Keywords: Law and Internet, Consumer Protection, Authenticity.
Abstract: This paper discusses the security problems on the contracts deals over the Internet and describes a protocol
of authenticity that will keep audit trails from the activities during the Web hiring. These audit trails will be
stored digitally, either on the side of the provider or on the consumer. It is understood that it is legal
obligation of the provider to logs and ensure the integrity of the data related to the operations on the
Internet-based commerce. because in situations of dispute can occur a reversal of the burden of proof. Thus,
this prototype ensures confidence on the e-contracts, logging relevant information that help in the
identification of the parties, using a Plug-in software installed on the e-commerce provider and in the
consumer machine, executable in the Web. Moreover, it is important to remind about the security in
contracts agreements over the Internet is an essential feature because it allows the consumer a guarantee of
contract award, since it maintains the integrity of the document, and also can be presented as evidence to the
Judiciary, helping in litigation and satisfying the premises of the legal acceptance of digital documents.
The increased use of Internet in people's daily lives
is already a reality as a basic and essential tool in
day-to-day of the societies, for things like paying
bills, consulting phone catalogs and maps,
relationship between people, electronic messaging
and even to buy objects and consumer services.
According to the Center for Studies of
Information and Communications Technology
(Brazilian Internet Management Committee, 2006),
about 14.49% of Brazilian homes already have
Internet access, this information are from the last
poll done in 2006, which represents a 1.56% growth
over the 12.93% of 2005. This growing universe of
users and potential consumers of online products
represents a great concern from the technical and
legal point of view, due to the yearly increase in the
number of problems that need to be handled by each
of the related sciences.
On the other hand, Internet brings some
information security concerns, since the
documentation is no longer kept in physical form,
such as paper, but rather stored electronically
through digital means. While the Internet simplifies
commercial operations that take place in the digital
environment, it introduces a restricting factor and
leads us to a universe of studies on the security,
trustworthy, confidentiality, integrity, and
authenticity aspects. As well as the legality of such
operations given the doubtful facts questionable by
any of the parties involved in the transaction (e-
In face of this, there is a search for technical
solutions for security infrastructure for e-business
including the security of the information exchanged
and the storage of this information, especially when
it comes to making it trusted as far as accuracy of
the content stored. In this sense, the cryptography
and digital signing methods have contributed for the
security of online transactions: e-contract, e-
commerce, e-business (Behrens, 2007) (Garfinkel,
Thus, this paper discusses our prototype for
authentication protocol based on the consumer–
provider relationship on the contracts over the
Internet, since this protocol defines technical and
traceable parameters of the transaction, and provides
legal security in e-contracts, both in the provider's
server and in the consumer's equipment. We discuss
our prototype for demonstrating the practical
feasibility of the proposed protocol. This protocol
Fábio de Oliveira J., O. de A. Freitas C. and Santin A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 378-383
DOI: 10.5220/0001907903780383
must be used along with the web server of the
provider and the Web browser of the consumer, and
is been developed as a Web Plug-in.
This paper is divided into five sections. Section 2
highlights the security issues on the web. Section 3
summarizes the e-contracts since its definition and
the relevant aspects for the protocol of authenticity,
which provides legal security in e-contracts. The
proposed protocol is presented in Section 4. Some
final considerations are given in Section 5.
There are different aspects of security issues on the
web, such as physical security, personal security,
operations security, communications security, and
network security. Normally, the systems are
concerned about the application of the protection in
e-anything or e-initiative, or specifically e-business,
taking into account the state of the art technological
infrastructure. The main goal of security for e-
business applications is to protect networks and their
applications against attacks, ensuring information
availability, confidentiality, integrity, auditing,
authorization, and authentication (Huang et al.,
2008) (Meier, 2003). This paper goes beyond to
provide a secure environment. We are here
considering legal security of e-contracts.
A secure environment is ensured by combination
of different factors, such as data security,
networking security, policy, and management of
information system security (ISS) (Akhter & Kaya,
2008). Therefore, we need discuss the basis of the
information transferred during transactions over the
The starting point of the information transferred
on Internet is the TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol. This protocol,
in its version 4, has been consolidated for using in
Internet (Comer, 1991). This protocol does not
include security mechanisms for information
transfer, leaving this for the applications which are
developed for the end users, which is the reason for
the concern about the related criteria to the
protection of the content in transit. This means that
the transferred information between two different
places on Internet, regardless of its physical location,
can be captured by a protocol analyser (WireShark,
CommView, Ghost). So the desired information can
be visualised.
The TCP/IP protocol specification has a
conceptual segmentation into five layers, as shown
in Table 1 (Comer, 1991). Each layer solves a set of
problems involving the transmission of data, and
provides a well-defined service to the upper layer
protocols based on using services from some lower
layers. Upper layers are logically closer to the user
and deal with more abstract data, relying on lower
layer protocols to translate data into forms that can
be physically transmitted. Layer 5, nominated as
application layer, specifies and implements the
software which interact with the end users. It is at
this level that all concerns related to the information
security should be implemented, in other words, the
applications at the user level must include treatment
mechanisms that are considered secure enough to,
on one hand, give the end user the assurance that his
network transaction is secure, free of risks of content
modifications, and on the other hand, provide
verified technical conditions of mechanisms
considered secure, such as the use of cryptography
algorithms at the applications level (Schneier, 1996).
Table 1: The 5-Layer TCP/IP Model.
er Protocol
Application HTTP, DNS, SMTP,...
Data Ethernet, Wi-Fi,
Physical Modem, PLC, optical fiber...
Traffic on the Internet is a client-server software
application, which is executed through a direct user
interface, known as the web browser. In this
environment, several applications are written in the
application layer protocol of the TCP/IP known as
http (hypertext transfer protocol) (Garfinkel, 1997).
Since there are no mechanisms defined in the
TCP/IP protocol itself, the application is responsible
to define and implement additional security
algorithms; minimizing the impact of the
vulnerabilities that exist on the internet protocol.
Thus, the security issues on the Web are divided into
three categories (Garfinkel, 1997):
Security of the Web server, the server's
activities, and stored data: guarantee that
the information was not modified or
distributed without user authorization;
Data security in the computers network:
guarantee that the transmission of
information between the server and the
Web browser has a security level based
on well-known standards, such as
cryptography or digital signature (Meier,
2003). Cryptography refers to how your
application enforces confidentiality and
integrity. Digital signature corresponds a
countermeasure techniques that can be
used to reduce risk of tampering with
data (Meier, 2003);
Data security in the user computer:
guarantee that user’s computer is as
protected as possible (firewalls,
antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-spam, etc.).
A typical firewall helps to restrict traffic
to HTTP, but the HTTP traffic can
contain commands that exploit
application vulnerabilities (Meier, 2003).
Therefore, taking into consideration the security
problems on Internet, these vulnerabilities can be
analyzed from the point of view of the contracts
deals over the Internet. In this case, it is not
necessary provide information security but is
primordial provide legal security for e-contracts.
A contract is a legally binding agreement.
Agreement arises as a result of offer and acceptance,
but a number of other requirements must be satisfied
for an agreement to be legally binding as following
(Martin, 2003):
The parties must have an intention to
create legal relations;
The parties must have capacity to
The agreement must comply with any
formal legal requirements (it may be
oral, written, partly oral and partly
written, or even implied from conduct);
The agreement must be in accordance of
the law;
The agreement must not be rendered
void either by some common-law or
statutory rule or by some inherent defect,
such as operative mistake.
However, when such a contract becomes valid,
that is, legally binding and enforceable, is regulated
by contract law that may differ from country to
country, even if subject to International Law. Based
on these considerations, an e-contract is a valid
contract deals over the Internet. Simplest example is
Amazon book store buying. When everything goes
right, it is of no major importance when exactly a
contract is concluded and according to which law.
However, when something goes wrong such as, the
product does not delivery, payment is not
effectuated or is wrongly charged, or the product is
damaged; then information about the contract
conclusion as well as governing law may be crucial.
This is the main problem of cross-border e-
commerce, but this topic is beyond this paper.
Recognising the value of arbitration as a method
of settling disputes arising in the context of
international commercial relations and being
convinced that the establishment of rules for ad hoc
arbitration that are acceptable in countries with
different legal, social and economic systems would
significantly contribute to the development of
harmonious international economic relations; the
United Nations Commission on International Trade
Law (UNCITRAL) was established by the United
Nations General Assembly in 1966 to promote the
progressive harmonization and unification of the law
of international trade. Brazil not adopts these rules
and there are no clear rules or a specific law for
litigation situations involving e-commerce.
Chiu et al. (2003) presents that e-contract
enforcement can be divided into multiple layers and
perspectives, which has not been adequately
addressed in the literature. This problem is
challenging as it involves monitoring the enactment
of business processes in counter parties outside an
organization's boundary. The authors present an
architecture for e-contract enforcement with three
layers: document layer, business layer, and
implementation layer. In the document layer,
contracts are composed of different types of clauses.
In the business layer, e-contract enforcement
activities are defined through the realization of
contract clauses as business rules in event-condition-
action (ECA) form. In the implementation layer,
cross-organizational e-contract enforcement
interfaces are implemented with contemporary
Enterprise Java Bean and Web services. They
present a methodology for the engineering of e-
contracts enforcement from a high-level document-
view down to the implementation layer based on this
architecture, using a supply-chain example. As a
result, e-contracts can be seamlessly defined and
This paper present an authentication protocol to
provide legal security in e-contracts implemented in
application layer based on document-view. The idea
is to be able answering some questions such as:
Does the consumer want to buy, is s/he able to buy?
When is the contract considered to be concluded?
There is no clear rule. To avoid problems and
protect the consumer (as provided in the Brazilian
Consumer Code) we are developing the protocol to
capture and save a set of data from consumer and
provider. This set of data can be easily visible and
accessible by the consumer and accepted by him/her.
Thus, when constituting the contract elements in a
virtual environment, the following fundamental
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
structure items must be established: user-consumer,
provider, e-contracts and contract location.
In e-contract, such as in the purchase of consumer
goods from e-commerce Web sites, the consumer
will be taking advantage all infra-structure of
communication defined in the Internet network.
When the consumer performs a purchase operation
on the providers’ server through her Web browser,
she lacks the mechanisms to provide physical and
legal evidence of the content accepted during the
transaction at a technical level. In other words, there
are no effective logs on your computer that store or
restore the history of transaction between the
consumer and the provider. Therefore, this Section
presents the theoretical aspects explored in the
proposed protocol and the implementation issues.
4.1 Theoretical Aspects
In practice the hiring conducted on the Internet can
be done by e-mail or directly at the Web site (e.g. in
clicking a button "I accept"). This implies that
specifically in the context of Web communication,
the level of information security applied in http
protocol guarantees a minimum of security based on
mechanisms of encryption. Indeed, the use of SSL
(Secure Sockets Layer) in Web applications applies
encryption namely, point-to-point, so that the
information is transferred ciphered on the Internet
(Garfinkel, 1997). The encryption point-to-point
means doing a cryptographic channel between the
provider and consumer applications layers.
The applications developed for the Internet
environment, following the client-server
architecture, employ the standard TCP/IP protocol
infra-structure, remaining however, vulnerable to the
various problems typical to this environment.
Specifically in Web communication, when
communications between the server and the
contractors’ web browser employ the SSL protocol
in the cryptography of the data transferred over the
network, the risk of fraud in the transferred content
is reduced by the cryptography (Garfinkel, 1997).
However, in litigation situations it is necessary
restore the history of transaction between the
consumer and the provider and there is no protocols
or tools that capture, store and restore this kind of
information, specially providing legal security. In
this context, legal security represents the consumer’s
guarantees that the transaction hired on the Internet
can be presented in Judicial processes. Thus, the
proposed protocol of authentication (Plug-in) is
organized in two parts:
Server: is installed on the Web server
provider and follows the standards of the
http protocol and Java-web, and is
configured as an extension of the services of
the server and offered to the consumer as a
Plug-in for web browser of provider;
Client: is installed on the consumer’s
computer and follows a specific procedure
for initial installation of the Plug-in,
considering the consent of the consumer to
accept the installation of this software on her
computer. The Java programming language
was chosen due to its flexibility in selecting
of information on Internet environment.
Figure 1: Plug-in model.
It is possible, therefore, to present an overview of
the authentication protocol, in which the consumer
possesses in her computer the record of the
transactions done in the web site of the providers, in
order to extract a report with the information
regarding such transaction. On the other hand, the
protocol allows to confront the information
transferred between both parties, as shown on Figure
1. The request done by the consumer is based on the
http protocol, then the Plug-in captures the packages
on this level of the protocol as well as other
technical information on the TCP/IP level and stores
all data in the log files.
4.2 Implementation Issues
Considering the theoretical aspects presented before,
the proposed protocol defines that the consumer,
when accessing the web site of the providers through
her browser, has an icon with information about the
authentication protocol available in order to allow
her with explicit consent and authorization, to
download the Plug-in to her computer.
The protocol determines the capture of consumer
information, as shown in Table 2, which takes place
during the initial interaction process when the
consumer accepts the installation of the Plug-in.
This initial registration makes up the official
identification of the consumer.
Table 2: Consumer Information – Initial Registration.
Field Description
Consumer’s name
Consumer’s address
Consumer’s Home
Consumer’s Mobile Phone
Consumer’s Legal
ID, Drivers License,
Passport, Workin
Consumer’s tax ID
After this initial registration, the algorithm
provides verification of the Plug-in installed on the
equipment of the provider, installing it when it is not
already done. From this point on, the operations
performed by the consumer on the web site of the
provider keep all information stored in a log file
recorded on both sides (provider and consumer), as
specified in Table 3.
The log file is encrypted through the Triple DES
(Triple Data Encryption Standard) algorithm,
developed at IBM and published as a standard in
1977 (Schneier, 1996). Generally TDES uses three
different keys and has a key length of 168 bits (3 x
56-bit DES), resulting in a symmetric algorithm.
Thus, by being symmetric, the key used for
encryption and decryption of the file is the same,
making it a fast processing algorithm, considering
the log file to be processed and ensuring access to
the information.
In this way, the consumer will be able to
generate her report directly through her computer,
without depending on the information saved in the
server of the provider, as is the case with the use of
other cryptography algorithms that apply
asymmetric keys (which relies on the exchange of
public between both parties).
In the Plug-in installed on the computer of the
consumer is the function to visualize the log file
stored, allowing her extracting the information about
the operations accomplished in printed format as
evidence of the various Web interactions performed
at the web site of the providers. In legal terms, this
report will allow the consumer to provide evidence
as an official document registered at Notary's Office
(Rezende, 1997).
The capture data follows the structure defined in
Figure 2, which is an example of the data capture
using the Wireshark software, keeping the reference
to the TCP/IP protocol. The information necessary
to comply with the fields defined in the
authentication protocol are available in the data
package captured in the Ethernet frame, as shown in
Figure 3. The information captured are stored in the
log file in a sequence and logically structured in data
files in encrypted text format.
Table 3: e-Contracts Information.
Field Description
Consumer’s IP number as
an Internet use
IP_consumer_real Consumer’s IP number
(consumer machine)
etworking mas
(consumer machine)
Default gateway
(consumer machine)
DNS_consumer_real DNS configured
(consumer machine)
Provider’s IP number
(provider server)
IP_ provider_real Provider’s IP number
(LAN server)
etworking mas
rovider server)
Gateway_provider_real Default gateway
(provider server)
DNS_provider_real DNS configured
(provider server)
date_acess Date: DD/MM/YYYY
Hour: HH:MM:SS
Hour: HH:MM:SS
Consumer’s TCP or UDP
ort numbe
Provider’s TCP or UDP
ort numbe
web address accessed by
the consume
route_IP Route between
consumer’s IP and
rovider’s IP
Figure 2: Capturing the Data Package.
The technique for capturing the packages is
based on the use of the libpcap/winpcap libraries,
which are low level software libraries available for
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
programming code of development. These libraries
come from network traffic information according to
the interface used, for example, Ethernet and
Wireless WIFI.
Global Package Package Package Package Package Package
Header Header Data Header Data Header Date
Figure 3: Format of the Captured Data Package.
This library provides functions that capture
packages in the format of the basic network, on
which there are the header and the individually
separate data. Inside of the TCP/IP protocol in its
didactic classification, it is possible to separate the
various levels of information (protocol and user
information) allowing for the recording of this
information to the log file (Comer, 1991).
In future work, we plan to conduct case studies
to evaluate our protocol taking into consideration the
following parameters:
Performance: computing the impact of
the protocol in the consumer machine
and on the e-commerce provider based
on CPU use. The data collecting will be
done using the SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol);
Response time: which is the time a
generic system or functional unit takes to
react to a given input. In this case, we
will verify the response time between the
consumer machine and e-commerce
provider. The data collecting will be
done using the ICMP (Internet Control
Message Protocol) considering the echo-
request and echo-reply facilities.
This evaluations can demonstrate potential
scenarios that may benefit from this research.
In litigation situations involving e-commerce, the
greatest difficulty is in verifying proof of the
contract established. This difficulty arises due to the
fact that the relations are no longer necessarily face-
to-face, therefore requiring the use of additional
mechanisms to carry out these contracts as well as
computer tools that allow the registration and
evidence that the contract was made. Thus, the
authentication protocol proposed in this article
allows both interested parties, consumer and
provider, to keep registry logs with information
about the dealing contract. This audit trail is
composed of a variety of information, such as the IP
record of the equipment involved in the transaction.
Therefore, the consumer can issue reports on the
access to the providers, as well as the contracts over
the Internet. In this situation, is important that the
consumer can restore, from her own computer, data
and information on the litigated web site. Or,
furthermore, the consumer should be in condition to
validate the information given by the provider. Thus,
the use of the authentication protocol will be, in fact,
mapping the operation accomplished through the
Internet by means of the log file, with a full and
secure record of the main elements of the e-contract.
The authors wish to thank Dr. Antonio Carlos Efing
(PPGD-PUCPR) which have collaborated to this
work. This work has been supported by CNPq (grant
471627/2006-2 and grant 476637/2006-6).
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