Taoxin Peng
School of Computing, Napier University, 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DT, U.K.
Keywords: Data Cleaning, Data Quality, Data Integration, Data Warehousing.
Abstract: It is a persistent challenge to achieve a high quality of data in data warehouses. Data cleaning is a crucial
task for such a challenge. To deal with this challenge, a set of methods and tools has been developed.
However, there are still at least two questions needed to be answered: How to improve the efficiency while
performing data cleaning? How to improve the degree of automation when performing data cleaning? This
paper challenges these two questions by presenting a novel framework, which provides an approach to
managing data cleaning in data warehouses by focusing on the use of data quality dimensions, and
decoupling a cleaning process into several sub-processes. Initial test run of the processes in the framework
demonstrates that the approach presented is efficient and scalable for data cleaning in data warehouses.
The popularity of data warehouses (DWs) in recent
years confirms the importance of data quality in
today’s business success. There are many reasons
for a data warehouse project to fail. One of them is
the poor data quality. It is estimated that as high as
75% of the effort spent on building a data warehouse
can be attributed to back-end issues, such as
readying the data and transporting it into the data
warehouse. Data cleansing will absorb nearly half of
that time (Atre, 1998). To overcome this problem,
there are at least two questions needed to be
answered: How to improve the efficiency when
performing data cleaning? How to improve the
degree of automation when performing data
In past decade, many researchers have
challenged the problems raised regarding the quality
of data since data warehousing techniques became
important in decision support information systems.
Topics range from data cleaning methods and
approaches (Galhardas et al, 2001, Hipp, Guntzer
and Grimmer, 2001, Liu, Shah and Jiang, 2004,
Raman and Hellerstein, 2001, Sung, Li and Sun,
2002, Winkler, 2003) to quality-oriented data
warehouse design (Jarke et al, 1999, Mecella et al,
2003). Generally speaking, data cleaning deals with
detecting and correcting errors and inconsistencies
from data. There are several reasons for databases to
have data quality problems, which include typos
during data entry, missing values, uncertainty,
inconsistency etc., especially when multiple data
sources need to be integrated, e.g., in data
warehouses. Halevy et al recently outlined some
future challenges to data integration research in
(Halevy, Rajaraman and Ordille, 2006), where they
claimed that “data integration has been referred to as
a problem as hard as Artificial Intelligence, maybe
even harder!”. To overcome data quality problems, a
variety of methods has been developed. However,
few efforts have been dedicated to frameworks for
making data cleaning more efficient, leaving the
above two questions still open.
This paper investigates current data cleaning
methods, approaches, and data quality oriented data
warehousing design mechanisms, and then challenge
above two questions by presenting a novel
framework, which provides an approach to
managing data cleaning in data warehouses by
focusing on integrating data quality factors into
mechanisms of processing data cleaning, and
decoupling the cleaning process into several sub-
processes. The rest of this paper is structured as
follows. Basic concepts of data quality, methods of
data cleaning and special data quality issues in data
warehouses are introduced in next section. The main
contribution of this paper is presented in section 3
that describes a novel framework for dealing with
data quality in data warehouses. An example for
illustrating the proposed framework is shown in
Peng T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 473-478
DOI: 10.5220/0001706004730478
section 4. Finally, this paper is concluded and future
work pointed out in section 5.
2.1 Data Quality
There is a variety of definitions for data quality.
From literature, data quality can be defined as
“fitness for use”, i.e., the ability of data to meet
user’s requirement. The nature of this definition
directly implies that the concept of data quality is
Data quality is a multi-dimensional concept and
each of its dimensions is specifically related to a
particular aspect of data such as data views, data
values, and data representation. It is often
represented as a set of quality dimensions (Wang,
Storey and Firth, 1995), which can be refined as:
Accuracy – conformity of the recorded value
with the actual value;
Timeliness – the recorded value is not out of
Completeness – all values for a certain variable
are recorded;
Consistency – the representation of data is
uniform in all cases.
Recall the second question raised in
Introduction: How to improve the automation when
perform data cleaning? Two of the dimensions
discussed above will be concerned: timeliness and
consistency. Temporal information represents
change. Data in a database is static, but the real
world keeps changing. In general, the temporal
dimension plays an important role in ensuring high
quality of data. Whether the representation of data is
consistent or not is another concern. For instant, to
represent a property’s (flat) address, there are three
options: 10/3, 2F1 10 or Flat 3 10. All these three
representations share the same address: the third flat
at property number 10. If a customer uses version
2F1 10 to register in a bank, it is very likely that this
customer will be treated as two different customers
when the customer uses 10/3 to check his/her credit.
This is a popular example for inconsistency. In
section 4, an example is used to show a way of using
such data quality dimensions in the proposed
2.2 Data Cleaning
Data cleaning is required whenever there is any level
of doubt existing. The aim of data cleaning is to
detect, correct errors and inconsistencies from data.
It is proved to be a difficult but unavoidable task for
any information system. Several researches have
been done to investigate, examine problems,
methods, and approaches to data cleaning (Muller
and Freytag, 2003, Rahm and Do, 2000).
Ideally, the processes of detecting, correcting
should be performed automatically. However, it is
known that fully automatically performing data
cleaning is nearly impossible in most of cases.
Therefore, declarative, semi-automatic approaches
are feasible and acceptable for developing data
cleaning tools. To actually perform data cleaning,
for each type of data errors, an appropriate data
cleaning method (approach) need to be selected and
then applied. Choosing such a method is proved to
be a difficult task (Luebbers, Grimmer and Jarke,
2003). It depends on several factors, such as the
problem domain, the nature of errors, etc. If there is
more than one method involved, how to apply them,
i.e., in which order makes difference. To develop an
effective data cleaning tool, it is therefore necessary
to allow users to select appropriate methods for
specified domains. It should also provide a
mechanism to allow users to decide an appropriate
order in which the selected methods are performed.
These tasks need experienced technical and business
2.3 Special Issues
A DW is a repository storing integrated data for
efficient querying and analysis. It needs a set of
tools for extracting data from multiple operational
data sources, for cleaning, transforming and
integrating the data; for loading data into the data
warehouse; and for regularly updating the
warehouse. This is called ETL process (Extraction,
Transformation, Loading). During this process, data
cleaning is typically performed in a separate data
area, called Cleaning Staging Area (CSA). The
resulting cleaned, standardised and integrated data
are loaded as materialised views into the data
Considering that the purpose of data
warehousing is supporting decision making, the
quality of data in a data warehouse is vital. Since the
volume of data from multi sources is huge, and the
data format might be different from one source to
another, there is a high probability of errors
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
presenting in data while doing the unavoidable data
In recent years, several research contributions
have tackled the Data Warehouse Quality (DWQ)
problem (Jarke et al, 1999, Mecella et al, 2003).
Data quality issues discussed in these contributions
are mainly focused on data warehouse quality
design. However, issues on managing data cleaning,
integrating data efficiently are not addressed.
Since performing data cleaning in very large
databases, especially in data warehouses is costly
and time consuming, it is necessary to employ
techniques or approaches to, on one hand, reduce
cleaning time, and on the other hand, maximise the
degree of automation. The experiment done by
Galhards et al (2001) shows that the time used for
executing algorithms on a relatively large set of data
is significantly long. This case will be normal if the
data cleaning is for a data warehouse.
3.1 Some Definitions
Data errors are usually classified into several types.
Muller and Freytag (2003) classify errors into three
groups: syntactical, semantic and coverage. Each
group includes a set of error types which have
similar characteristics. In order to illustrate the
proposed framework and the following examples
explicitly, only two error types are discussed here:
outliers and duplicates:
Outliers – are observations that are
unexpectedly different from the majority in
the sample;
Duplicates – are two or more tuples
representing the same entity.
To separate errors particularly relevant to single-
source and multi-source databases respectively, the
following definitions are needed:
Single-source Errors. An error of this type is
present in single source databases, such as
misspelling, invalid, out of dated, outliers,
Multi-source Errors. An error of this type is
present when data from more than one data
source is integrated, such as inconsistent data,
duplicates, etc.
Also from the computational point of view, the
following two definitions are made:
Computational-costly Errors. an error of this
type costs time significantly when detecting it,
such as duplicates. Computational-costly is a
relative measure. In practice, this
measurement should be determined by the
Non-computational-Costly Errors. An error
of this type is an opposite of the
computational-costly errors, such as out of
date data, outliers.
Furthermore, from the execution point of view,
the following two definitions can be defined:
Automatic-removable Errors. An error of this
type can be detected, then removed/corrected
without any human interruption;
Non-automatic-Removable Errors. an error
of this type can’t be detected then
removed/corrected without any human
3.2 The Framework
Briefly, the strategy is to break the whole data
cleaning process into two stages. At the first stage,
single-source errors are dealt with. At the second
stage, multi-source errors are treated. At each stage,
the process is further divided into two sub-processes.
One deals with Automatic-removable errors, while
the other deals with Non-automatic-removable
errors. This strategy is more important at the second
stage because it is believed that more complicated
errors that are difficult to deal with in a fully
automatic way present at this stage, such as
inconsistencies, duplicates, etc. The proposed
framework includes the following components:
1) Auto-dealing Process for Single-source
Errors. For each data source, tasks include:
a) Identify (not detect) all Single-source
and Automatic-removable errors by the
b) Select appropriate algorithms, which
can be used for detecting, then
removing/correcting errors identified in
a) automatically;
c) Decide an order in which the
algorithms are applied, based on error
types involved;
d) Execute the algorithms in the order
decided in c);
2) Semi-auto-dealing Process for Single-source
Errors. For each data source, tasks include:
a) Identify (not detect) all Single-source
and Non-automatic-removable errors
by the user;
b) Select appropriate algorithms, which
can be used for detecting errors
identified in a);
c) Decide an order in which the
algorithms are applied, based on error
types involved;
d) Execute the algorithms in the order
decided in c);
e) Correct/remove detected errors;
3) Auto-dealing Process for Multi-source
Errors. Tasks include
a) identify (not detect) all multi-source
and Automatic-removable errors by the
b) Select appropriate algorithms, which
can be used for detecting, then
removing/correcting errors identified in
a) automatically;
c) Decide an order in which the
algorithms are applied, based on error
types involved;
d) Execute the algorithms in the order
decided in c);
4) Semi-auto-dealing Process for Multi-source
Errors. Tasks include
a) Identify (not detect) all Multi-source
and Non-automatic-removable errors
by the user;
b) Select appropriate algorithms, which
can be used for detecting errors
identified in a);
c) Decide an order in which the
algorithms are applied, based on error
types involved;
d) Execute the algorithms in the order
decided in c);
e) Correct/remove detected errors;
5) Transformation Process. Tasks include
a) Format data/schema;
b) Integrate data;
c) Aggregate data.
This framework can be further outlined as
follows (see Figure 1): There are two main stages:
one deals with single-source errors; the other deals
with multi-source errors. At each stage, there are
two sub-processes, auto-dealing process and semi-
auto-dealing process. First data is dealt with
individually, cleaning data in source databases one
by one. At this stage, domain knowledge is used to
help to identify possible single-source data errors
presenting in each database. These errors are further
classified into two groups, automatic removable
errors and non-automatic-removable errors.
Automatic-removable errors are considered first in
the auto dealing process. These errors are detected
and removed/corrected by use of appropriate
algorithms, which are performed sequentially in a
specified order. Basically, algorithms dealing with
non-computational-costly errors are put at the front
in the order. This strategy aims to minimise the
processing time. It also ensures that when it’s time
to perform computational-costly errors, such as
duplicates, the data volume should be significantly
reduced. Hence, the processing time needed is
reduced. In auto-dealing process, errors should be
detected and removed/corrected automatically,
without any interruption. Several factors may play a
role in identifying such errors. Temporal factor is
one of them.
After the auto-dealing process, a semi-auto-
dealing process is performed. Again, possible errors
need to be identified, then appropriate algorithms are
selected together with a decision of an order in
which the selected algorithms are performed.
Similarly, the strategy of dealing with non-
computational errors first applies.
As a result of this stage, the data volume is
supposed to be reduced significantly.
At the second state, dealing with multi-source
errors, again, auto-dealing process is performed first.
Both domain and technical knowledge are needed
for identifying multi-source errors. The rest is
similar to the processes at stage one. Rules,
strategies for selecting algorithms, deciding orders
are needed. After the above two stages, the data left
in the CSA should be cleaned and ready for
transformation. The transformation process deals
with data/schema format, data integration and data
aggregation. At this stage, if it is necessary, the
Semi-Auto-Dealing process or Auto-Dealing process
will be triggered again. At the end, the data should
be ready for loading to the DW.
There are three core characteristics in this
framework. The first is the identification of data
error types based on different purposes, such as
time saving, automatic processing etc. There is no
generic approach to do this at present. Developing
such approaches remains our future work. The
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Source DB
Source DB
Single-Source Process
Multi-Source Process
Source DB
Figure 1: The cleaning process.
second core characteristic is the decision of an order
for executing a set of selected algorithms. The third
one is the decoupling of the data cleaning process
into two processes, based on the ability of
performing automatic process. These two processes
will be performed at two different stages, based on
single or multi data sources. The objective of this
approach is to answer the two questions raised in
Introduction: How to improve the efficiency when
performing data cleaning? How to improve the level
of automation when performing data cleaning?
To illustrate the basic idea, the framework has been
prototyped and applied to some artificially designed
databases, which have some of the data quality
dimensions embedded. This section presents a
simple example to show the efficiency of the
proposed framework.
In UK, National Health Services (NHS) is a
nation wide organisation, which provides health
services to all residents. To simplify the description,
suppose every city has a single database. The DW
needs information from all cities. The scenario for
this example is as follows. University students may
move to other cities after they graduate. They
register their doctors in a city (CityA) where their
universities are located. After they graduate and find
a job or a further study position in another city
(CityB), it is likely that they register a doctor again
in CityB, without informing their doctors in CityA.
Table 1 (CityA_Patient) and Table 2 (CityB_Patient)
show the samples of data in each of the two cities,
where VST stands for valid start time, and VET for
valid end time.
These two tables include some duplicates. As
described in the proposed framework, some
particular data quality factors are needed for this
purpose. In this example, the temporal factor is
identified as a data quality factor, which can be used
to make the decision whether a possible duplicate is
genuine or not. Therefore, an automatic process can
be formed. By using values of attributes VST and
VET, we are able to make such decisions.
It is important to notice that the use of data
quality factors plays a crucial role in this framework.
It helps to set rules for removals. Such factors can
only be identified by business domain experts. In
this example, the rule for the confirmation of
duplicates is described as follows. For each pair (two
tuples) of a possible duplicate, if the value of
attribute Post in one of the tables is Student, suppose
in table 1, and value of attribute VST in table 2 is
about 4 years later than the VST value in table 1, a
duplicate is confirmed.
Given the data quality factor, time, the rules, and
the two tables, as the result of running the Auto-
Dealing process, tuples 1, 2 and 4 are removed from
table 1 because of duplication.
Although this is a simple example, the result
shows that with the use of proper quality factors
some of the detecting and removing tasks can be
done as one unified process.
This paper has investigated current data cleaning
methods, approaches and data quality oriented data
warehousing design and implementation
mechanisms. Based on this investigation, a novel
framework has been proposed, which aims to
challenge two issues: minimising the data cleaning
time and improving the degree of automation in data
cleaning. These two issues are closely relevant to the
two questions raised in the introduction. The
minimisation and improvement are achieved by
introducing a mechanism of using
Table 1: CityA_Patient.
No. L. Name F. Name Age Address Post VST VET
1 Cole Liam 23 City A Student 28-09-2003 Now
2 Gerrard John 25 City A Student 02-10-2001 Now
3 Small Helen 23 City A Student 26-09-2002 Now
4 Smith William 24 City A Student 01-10-2001 Now
5 Smith Mary 28 City A Student 12-10-2001 10-09-2005
Table 2: CityB_Patient.
No. L. Name F. Name Age Address Post VST VET
1 Cole Liam 23 City B Engineer 20-08-2007 Now
2 Gerrard John 25 City B Engineer 18-09-2005 Now
3 Small Helen 23 City B Student 28-09-2003 Now
4 Smith William 24 City B Student 08-10-2005 Now
5 Smith Kirsty 30 City B Engineer 10-10-2005 Now
data quality dimensions and decoupling the data
cleaning process into two sub-processes, base d on
different purposes. This framework retains the most
appealing characteristics of existing data cleaning
approaches, and enjoys being able to improve the
efficiency of data cleaning in data warehouse
The work introduces a number of further
investigations, including: a) to examine further
characteristics of data quality dimensions, in order to
develop a detailed guidance for determining the
choice of a particular strategy for data cleaning in
data warehouses; b) to develop a comprehensive
data cleaning tool for data warehouses based on the
framework proposed in this paper; and c) to test the
framework by applying it onto bigger multi data
sources. The successful outcome of such future work
would certainly enhance the performance of data
cleaning systems in data warehouses.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems