Daniel Antonio Callegari, Maurício Covolan Rosito, Marcelo Blois Ribeiro and Ricardo Melo Bastos
Fac. Informática, PUC-RS, Av. Ipiranga 6681, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: Project Management, Software Development Process, Integrated Model, Project Planning, PMBOK, RUP.
Abstract: Software organizations are constantly looking for better solutions when designing and using well-defined
software processes for the development of their products and services. However, many software
development processes lack for more support on project management issues. This work proposes a model
that integrates the concepts of PMBOK and RUP, helping process integration and assisting managers in the
decision making process during project planning. We present the model and the results from a qualitative
exploratory evaluation of a tool that implements the proposed model, conducted with project managers from
nine companies.
The increasing concern on software development
quality drives organizations towards the adoption of
software engineering models. Some of the most
desirable characteristics of these models include the
ability to capture software development best
practices, flexibility to handle many types of
projects, and good management support. The lack of
specific methodologies for software project
management and the increasing number and
complexity of projects in organizations contribute to
an increase in project management problems
(Kerzner, 2000; Pressman, 2001).
The development of software products requires
the planning and execution of activities defined in
accordance to the scope of the project, where it is
necessary to deal with both managerial and technical
issues. However, most management models or
guides are not software-specific. In addition, those
management models are generally more related to
industrial and manufacturing activities. The majority
of software development processes, by their turn,
generally provide just an adequate set of practices
that supports the suggested activities and associated
Previous work in the area has presented
interesting outcomes, but a tight integration of
management and software processes with practical
results is still an open question (Henderson-Sellers et
al., 2000; Henderson-Sellers et al., 2001; Rehman &
Hussain, 2007; Schwalbe, 2002).
This paper presents a model that integrates
project management to software development
processes named Software Planning Integrated
Model (SPIM). The model includes a set of rules
for the integrated planning of managerial and
productive activities in the context of software
development. SPIM joins the concepts of the Project
Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK)
(PMI, 2000) and one of the most well-known
software development processes, the Rational
Unified Process (RUP) (Kruchten, 2000) to extend
the proposal presented in (Callegari & Bastos,
2007). While the PMBOK provides a management
perspective of the solution, the technical view is
obtained from RUP. Hence, when applying project
management knowledge together with the
appropriate software process for a given
organization, we can obtain a more complete and
integrated flow of activities and their dependencies.
This paper is organized as follows: we first
present an overview and the motivation for the
research. A brief introduction of the base models is
available in section 3. The SPIM model and its
evaluation are discussed in sections 4 and 5,
respectively. Finally, section 6 presents the
conclusions and future work.
Study developed by the Research Group of the PDTI
01/2008, financed by Dell Computers of Brazil Ltd. with
resources of Law 8.248/91.
Antonio Callegari D., Covolan Rosito M., Blois Ribeiro M. and Melo Bastos R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 25-32
DOI: 10.5220/0001683200250032
As in (Kerzner, 2000), according to many empirical
studies the effectiveness of an organization depends,
in part, on the success of its projects.
Project management means applying knowledge,
skills, tools and techniques to the project’s activities,
in order to meet or exceed the needs and
expectations of the interested parties (stakeholders).
Project management has the goal of finishing a
project inside schedule and within the defined
budget, according to a previously arranged set of
specifications. These elements characterize the triple
constraint of project management: scope, time and
cost. A well succeeded project, thus, means fitting
these three objectives and satisfying the sponsors. In
addition, a project is a temporary endeavor with the
goal of producing a unique product or service.
Generally, a project is directed to a specific result
and involves the coordinated execution of inter-
related activities. More than that, projects are
planned, executed and controlled by people, and
they are constrained by limited resources (PMI,
Project management in a software development
environment is defined as the management of people
and other resources by a project manager in order to
plan, analyze, design, build, test and maintain an
information system (Schwalbe, 2002). In order to
accomplish these goals, a project manager needs
some kind of support, generally based on a project
management methodology to handle many singular
project variables, responsibilities and tasks.
From the point of view of software, a software
development process (SDP) is a set of activities and
related results that lead to the software production
(Jacobson, Booch & Rumbaugh, 2001). The
importance of having a standard SDP relies on the
fact that it becomes the guide for the execution of all
projects inside an organization. Therefore, many
processes or guides such as RUP, Extreme
Programming (XP) (Beck, 2004), Microsoft
Solutions Framework (MSF) (Hundhausen, 2005)
and OPEN Process Framework (Graham,
Henderson-Sellers & Younessi, 1997) are being used
as a common ground when designing standard
software development processes in organizations.
Despite that, RUP, for instance, does not cover
essential project management needs such as people
management and subcontract management. In the
other hand, OPEN presents a set of activities and
techniques that address areas such as quality, cost
estimates and management metrics. Nevertheless
both models were found to lack enough support on
essential knowledge areas of project management,
namely procurement, communication and human
Fundamentally, past and present work on the
literature indicates the importance of using well
defined software processes in organizations.
Meanwhile, there seems to be not enough work in
fulfilling the lack of project management issues in
those processes. Software development processes
generally provide just a set of practices that deal
with certain activities and workflows related to
2.1 Related Work
In (Henderson-Sellers et al., 2000), RUP and OPEN
are examined from a project management point of
view and evaluated whether they meet acceptable
standards in process support, project management
guidelines, and full lifecycle description for object-
oriented software development. The authors
conclude that both processes are deficient in some of
the standard project management areas of
knowledge, like procurement management,
communications management and personnel
management. In order to support the full suite of
project management techniques, further extensions
to these areas of knowledge seem to be desirable.
A qualitative evaluation is performed on the
public domain component of RUP and on OPEN in
(Henderson-Sellers et al., 2001). The authors focus
their comparison on aspects of the process
architecture and underpinning metamodel, on the
concepts and terminology used and on the support
for project management. The authors conclude that
the metalevel architecture of RUP leads to some
dilemmas in terms of the lack of support for a truly
iterative development. OPEN offers more extensive
support in the area of cross-project suites of
application development and maintenance and also
more extensive support in metrics and quality
In (Rehman & Hussain, 2007), four important
project management methodologies or frameworks –
PRINCE2, RUP, Agile Development Methods and
MSF – were compared to PMBOK. The authors
conclude that all the methodologies or frameworks
discussed have some common tools and procedures.
They also propose a combined approach to achieve
better results.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.2 The Integrated Model Approach
Some types of managerial activities in software
projects are inherent to the process and they do not
appear at the moment we are planning the project.
These activities (or their dependencies) are just the
activities that most of the time cause an important
slip in schedule and do not necessarily add another
input in the project’s risk list.
When planning a software project, it is likely that
the manager does not have all relevant information
up front, which forces him to interact with other
departments in the organization. Hence, the flow of
activities in an individual project is usually related to
other common activity flows of the organization
(here named enterprise workflows). Both flows are
executed in parallel and may interfere in project
schedule and cost. As a consequence, we need a
solution that can provide a greater level of
integration among the concepts and the models from
these two areas. More than that, the desired solution
should allow the development of tools to support the
decision making process regarding technical and
managerial planning.
By analyzing how project management
knowledge can help improving current software
development processes we can derive new tools for
supporting different levels of automation in the
planning and execution of activities inside a
software project.
The proposed model (SPIM) defines three
different types of activities. The first two belong to
the project’s workflow: Activities directly related to
the construction of the product are called productive
activities. Activities that are only necessary to
coordinate the construction of the product are
referred to as managerial activities. Finally, any
other activities that do not belong to an individual
project’s activity workflow (and may be else shared
by other projects) are called management
supporting activities (the latter are part of the
Enterprise Workflow component of the model,
detailed in section 4).
Following this definition, we can find potential
dependency relations between the activities in both
workflows. As an example, the activity of deploying
a system’s database (which fits in the project’s
workflow) may depend on the acquisition of the
server by the responsible department (this activity
fits in the shared workflows of the company). As a
consequence, the project manager needs continuous
support in order to keep track of these kinds of
dependencies (here, deploy the database is a
productive activity, while acquisition is a
management supporting activity). Since each project
is unique, it is not feasible to build a universal
software project “template”; instead, we can provide
tools that help performing and constantly validating
a plan, based on the three types of activities, on the
resources and on related work products. Hence, the
final goal of the SPIM model is to help managers to
solve problems related to the inadequate definition
and inter-relation of activities in a software project.
The Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide
provides the best practices on project management
that are applicable to the vast majority of the
projects in many areas (PMI, 2000). Despite being a
well accepted guide, the PMBOK is not a process in
the strict sense, as it does not define actions nor it
states how they must be followed and executed for
the correct development of a project. The PMBOK
Guide also does not include a metamodel.
Nevertheless, a base model was presented previously
in the form of a UML class diagram in (Callegari &
Bastos, 2007) and covers concepts from general
structures such as Organization, Program and
Project, as well as the most important ones for our
current problem, such as Activities, Stakeholders,
Roles, Deliverables, and associated classes.
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is referred
to as an iterative software development process
based on the SPEM meta-model (Kruchten, 2000;
Jacobson, Booch & Rumbaugh, 2001). Its models
cover concepts such as Artifacts, Roles, Disciplines,
Activities, Phases, WorkflowDetails and
According to (Henderson-Sellers et al., 2000), RUP
does not attempt to cover all aspects of project
management and it does not cover issues such as
managing people, managing budget, and managing
contracts. This is understandable because RUP
evolves from the unification of methods for software
development, and not from project management
processes. Because we can express PMBOK’s
concepts in the same representation as the RUP
models, it is possible to compare and semantically
integrate both models, which originated the initial
PMBOK+RUP model. Figure 1 presents part of the
model. More information can be obtained in
(Callegari & Bastos, 2007).
Figure 1: Part of the PMBOK+RUP model, from which SPIM is derived (more details not shown due to space reasons).
The detailed analysis of the PMBOK and RUP
models allowed us to identify relationships among
the elements of each model. When designing the
integrated model, some of the main goals were: (a)
to allow the integrated planning of the product and
management of the project; (b) to distinguish the
types of activities and work products; (c) to allow
the integrated scheduling of managerial and
productive activities; and finally, (d) to distinguish
the possible relations between an activity and an
artifact (create/update/consult).
It is important to note that when performing an
integration of two models, the following conditions
can occur: (a) an overlapping of concepts (two
classes with the same concept on each model), in
this case it is possible to transform them into a single
concept inside a “common” package; (b) a
relationship of concepts (a class of one of the
original models relates to some other class on the
other original model, but they do not represent the
exact same concept), in which case we must create
an association between them; and (c) classes with
independent and distinct concepts from each
original model, in which case we must leave each
class in its own package.
As a consequence, the PMBOK+RUP integrated
model is composed of three packages: one for the
project management concepts, one for software
development processes concepts and finally a
common package that holds the concepts that cross
both models.
The model covers nearly 50 classes. It maps the
software Lifecycle concept as a set of Phases. The
Disciplines split the process elements in subject
areas. The Roles are played by the Stakeholders (a
kind of Resource) in order to produce, consult or
modify Artifacts of a project. The Activities are
supported by tools or guides (generally called
activity Guidance) and keep references to the
artifacts they handle.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The model also has two specialized classes
ProductiveRole (in the RUP package) and
ManagerialRole (in the PMBOK package)
indicating roles with productive and managerial
responsibilities respectively. The base Role class is
located in the Common package.
This intermediate model served as an important
input for the SPIM model. Its analysis has originated
implicit and explicit verification rules. The implicit
rules can be directly obtained from the integrated
model by means of the UML diagram semantics.
The explicit rules were added to assure the
consistency of the SPIM model and some are
described in the next section.
The PMBOK+RUP model was used as the base
conceptual structure for the development of the
Software Planning Integrated Model. It is also
necessary to cover specific issues regarding the
process of planning the activities for a software
project. Figure 2 synthesizes the elements of the
SPIM model.
Figure 2: Projects are based on the PMBOK+RUP model,
and SPIM integrates them to other workflows.
The idea behind the SPIM model comes from the
need to solve the problems listed in sections 1 and 2.
SPIM was conceived to reduce the complexity in
visualizing the interdependencies of both enterprise
workflows and the individual project’s workflow of
activities. Activities inside the enterprise workflow
component are shared by some or all the projects the
company is running, and they consume resources
other than those already allocated to the projects.
One of the benefits to use such integrated
approach is the ability to anticipate needs coming
from different sources (e.g. projects and a support
department itself, for instance) and reschedule the
affected activities automatically.
From all rules of SPIM, eight of them were
evaluated in this work. The rules were implemented
in a tool called SPIT (Software Planning
Integrated Tool) as an Add-in for a commercial
project planning software.
Figure 3: The SPIT tool working as an Add-in for a
commercial project planning software.
All information needed to perform the
validations in SPIM is stored in custom fields inside
the commercial product. Figure 3 presents a
snapshot of SPIT in action. As mentioned before, the
management supporting activities are part of the so
called enterprise workflows. Each enterprise
workflow is a set of activities that can be consumed
by (and run in parallel to) one or more projects.
SPIM allows each instance of an enterprise
workflow to be registered as a management
supporting activity in software development
projects. Thus, the proposed model aims to assist the
identification of dependencies between the activities
in both workflows (Figure 4). A workflow engine
must constantly update and inform projects about the
duration of each instance of the enterprise
workflows. The example in Figure 4 is represented
in PERT networks notation (Burke, 2001): arrows
represent activities and circles represent events
between activities.
In this example, the activity D in a software
project depends on both the activity C (which can be
either productive or managerial) and one of the
enterprise workflows. The curved arrow is a
management supporting activity which indicates that
all the activities on the specific enterprise workflow
(W1, W2, W3 and so on) must be finished before we
can move on to activity D (assuming activity C has
also finished). Therefore, a management supporting
activity is actually a kind of virtual activity that
represents an entire execution of one of the
enterprise workflows (isExternal attribute of the
ManagerialActivity class in Figure 1).
Figure 4: Interdependency between an enterprise
workflow and a software project workflow.
The company can define a set of reusable
enterprise workflows, such as “hardware
acquisition”, “hiring new people”, “work
environment setup”, and so on. Each reference to an
enterprise workflow represents new instances of the
corresponding “W” activities. Other departments
update the activities’ information, and the affected
projects are then rescheduled. All the rules as well as
the concepts behind SPIM were evaluated in a series
of interviews with experienced software project
managers from 9 distinct companies. The next
section describes this evaluation in detail.
In order to evaluate the concepts behind the SPIM
integrated model with respect to its acceptance and
applicability, we have conducted a qualitative
exploratory research involving 12 experienced
project managers who work for a total of nine
software development companies (detailed
information is omitted for confidentiality).
All participants received a brief training on the
SPIM model and were given the chance to ask prior
questions. Then they were presented the same
project description and were asked to plan the
corresponding project by using the SPIT Add-In.
After that, they answered a survey. The results are
being used to refine the model.
Data acquisition was taken during November
2007 by means of a questionnaire produced in
accordance to Rea and Parker (2005).
The survey had 33 questions where the first 8
captured the organizational profile, the following 10
were focused on the managers individual knowledge
mapping and the remaining were used to estimate
the SPIM model’s contributions in the planning
process from the project managers’ point of view.
The subjects in the survey had an average of 12.25
years of professional experience (min=7; max=20).
The involved companies were distributed in
different information technology segments (three
software factories, two mobile technology
development companies, two web development
companies, one government institution and one
research and development center). Together these
companies sum up to 1620 IT-related professionals,
in which 90 are project managers and 823 are
software developers. In addition, these companies
have an average IT market experience of more than
13 years. As we can see in Table 1, an initial
analysis reveals a wide disparity in size and
organizational structure, resulting in a standard
deviation value of 155.34, which characterizes an
adequate sample for our analysis.
Table 1: Criteria regarding the profile of the 9 companies.
Criteria Avg. Std. Dev.
IT market time (years) 13,33 8,25
No. of IT-related professionals 140,22 155,34
No. of project managers 10,00 8,06
No. of developers 91,44 125,85
-- -- --
Software process is RUP-based 67% -
Management is PMBOK-based 100% -
Table 2: Perceived benefits in performing the integrated
planning of managerial and productive activities.
Question %
Reduction in time during the project’s
elaboration process.
Identification of the dependencies between the
management supporting activities and the
production activities.
Identification and measuring of the indirect
costs of the project, due to the management
support activities.
Access to enterprise workflow information. 40%
The capacity of avoiding distortions during
planning when support activities are involved.
5.1 Survey Results
An initial analysis of the questions regarding the
profile of the companies reveals that almost 67% of
them adopt some kind of RUP-based software
development process. Also, all of them adopt (fully
or at some level) the concepts found on the PMBOK
Guide in their projects. This confirms another aspect
of the questionnaire, which reveals that 100% of the
subjects received formal project management
training and, thus, indicates all subjects are qualified
to use the SPIM model.
In addition to the professional experience of the
subjects, the average experience on project
management was 5.04 years, ranging from 1 to 12
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: A set of validation rules from the SPIM model and their evaluation by the managers.
Rule Average Std. Dev.
1 Any given activity cannot create, modify or consult one same artifact at a given time.
These operations must be made by distinct activities.
3.75 0.75
2 Managerial and management supporting activities cannot produce or modify productive,
but only managerial work products. They can still consult productive work
products, though.
4.42 0.79
3 Productive activities cannot produce or modify managerial work products, but only
productive work products. They can still consult managerial work products, though.
4.42 0.79
4 Any given activity is only allowed to consult or modify a work product that has already
been created by a preceding activity.
4.08 0.90
5 The role of the stakeholder associated to an activity must be compatible to the type of the
activity (productive or managerial).
4.25 0.87
6 The value of informing the related guidance, whether productive or managerial, for each
3.83 1.03
7 Managerial and management supporting activities must have at least one management-
related stakeholder fulfilling their roles.
4.50 0.67
8 A productive activity must have at least one productive-related stakeholder fulfilling
its roles.
4.42 0.67
(3.43 standard deviation; half of the sample being
superior to 7 years). This indicates a wide range of
experience regarding project management of the
subjects. Together with the information of formal
project management training, this data seems to
explain the fact that 58% of the sample declared
their experience in project management as
“advanced” while the remaining 42% declared it as
being “moderate”. Besides, 83% of the subjects
measured their knowledge on RUP as “moderate” or
We begin the analysis of the SPIM model with
the respondents’ evaluation of the direct benefits in
performing the integrated planning of managerial
and productive activities in a software project. The
results are shown in Table 2.
According to the second and the last rows in
Table 2, all managers found that the integrated
planning allows the identification of the hidden
dependencies between the management supporting
activities and the production activities, while
avoiding frequent distortions in the planning of the
projects due to the uninformed use of resources from
the management supporting activities.
Moreover, some interviewees mentioned the
possibility of keeping compliancy with the
development and organizational processes, as well
as the advantage of prior identification of the timing
some activities demand for avoiding schedule slip of
dependent productive activities.
Respondents evaluated each of the 8 selected
rules according to the following ordinal scale: 1-
none, 2-low, 3-moderate, 4-high and 5-very high
(Table 3). The general average value for the selected
rules was 4.20, which suggests a great level of
acceptance of the rules proposed in the SPIM model.
In addition, this number increases to 4.47 if we
consider only managers who have more than 7 years
in project management experience.
In spite of the high scores, rules #1 and #6 were
considered as providing the lowest benefits among
all the rules (respectively, 3.75 and 3.83, which can
be interpreted as “near to high”). In the other hand,
rules #2, #3, #7 and #8 had the highest average score
for all the rules, near to 4.5 points, so as being
recognized as the most favorable ones. The rules that
have shown the lowest disparity in the answers
where #7 and #8, resulting in a standard deviation
value of 0.67. The rule associated with the highest
divergence in opinions was #6, which considers the
activity’s guidance. These numbers reveal the
relative importance of all the issues that must be
considered when performing the verification of the
project’s plan in accordance to the model and should
indicate which items demand more specific concern.
The visibility of management supporting
activities together with the activities in the software
project (whether productive of managerial) was also
identified as a strong benefit of SPIM by 58.33% of
the interviewees. When questioned whether or not
they agreed on the distinct nature of the three types
of activities, all of the respondents answered they
considered the distinction of the three activities a
very important aspect. Besides, all respondents also
agreed that the obscurity in identifying management
supporting activities during project planning can
negatively affect the project. It is important to note
that all questions were answered without the
intervention of the interviewer.
In reply to an open question, some managers
mentioned the ease of validating some of the rules
directly from the project planning tool as an
important factor in SPIM. In reply to another open
question, nearly 60% of the respondents mentioned
the fact that many times the project manager only
perceives the need to have asked another department
some information earlier in time just at the very
moment the team must execute a project’s activity
that depends on that other department (e.g. acquiring
new equipment or hiring a new programmer are
common examples). These observations confirm the
relevance in building this integrated model.
As a final consideration, all the interviewed
project managers found that the SPIM model
contributes in identifying the dependencies of the
activities between the project flow and the support
management flow, which allows the prediction of
the needs that come upon the organizational support
areas during the planning of the project, resulting in
a more accurate plan and schedule.
The results collected in the survey reaffirm the
benefits the SPIM model provides in solving the
problems related to the inadequate definition of tasks
(increase in cost and delays in projects, for instance)
due to the obscurity in visualizing the
interdependency between the organization’s and
project specific workflows.
This paper presented a proposal to integrate the main
concepts of the PMBOK to a model of software
development process (in this case RUP). First, we
have identified the importance of project
management activities during a software
development project. Then we noticed the lack of
information on management practices in most
software development processes used nowadays.
After an individual analysis of each base model, we
proposed a model that covers both perspectives into
a single integrated model. Later, we have analyzed
the results from a series of interviews with
experienced project managers, based on a real tool.
This work contributes with some interesting
findings that reaffirm the goal of designing a support
tool that help software project managers in planning
software development projects. We believe that is
possible to extend this integration model to other
software development processes because, in
accordance to (Sommerville, 1995), different models
of software development processes share
fundamental concepts. A previous study of
integration involving the OPEN process framework
(in place of RUP) also reiterates the applicability of
the model. The next steps include the generalization
of this approach to other software process models, as
well as the development of a multi-criteria resource
selection mechanism for software projects.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems