To What Extent and How to Achieve that Extent?
Hamid Turab Mirza
Department of Computer Engineering, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Keywords: Cryptography, Government Policies, Free Society.
Abstract: No body can deny the importance of encryption technology in today’s communications, with all the benefits
it has also posed some threats, due to which, governments and regulatory bodies have great concern about
encrypted information and have set out some policies and are still busy in regulating the wide spread use of
encryption technology. In an attempt to control the encryption technology to make the society safe from the
threats of terrorism and crime, governments have over shadowed the benefits of encryption technology for
the privacy, liberty of the citizens and economic growth of the nation. There has been a lot of opposition and
criticism on these policies, and society has objected to the demands of governments over encryption
technology, and have demanded balanced solutions that should take safety within the context of free society
and not otherwise.
“Encryption is a process of turning normal text into
a series of letters and/or numbers which can only be
deciphered by someone who has the correct
password or key” Eden (2000:361). Mankind has
been using encryption since at least the time of
Pharaohs. It has been used for hiding messages and
important private information. Although for long
encryption has been associated with the military and
governments only, but today, ordinary citizens,
financial institutions, international businesses use
encryption on regular basis (Gaver, 2000).
In 1970’s when international financial Industry
became more automated, only then the importance
of encryption in business communication was
recognized, before that until recently this technology
was thought to be an exclusive domain of
governments (Barth and Smith, 1997). Today all
businesses use technology and have their sensitive
business information and trade secrets online and the
desire to keep it secret and safe from the prying eye
is quite natural. In today’s world encryption
technology is fundamental for the development of
global electronic commercial systems. Akdeniz and
Walker (2000) state that other than the industry
encryption is also serving the humanity,
organizations such as Amnesty International and
Human Rights Watch communicate with dissidents
all around the world with the help of encryption
As nations are becoming more and more dependent
on communication technologies the chances of the
exploitation of these technologies by the high-tech
criminals is a major threat to the public safety
(Walker et al, 2000). Since the beginning
governments have been interested in regulating
encryption technology for the two core reasons,
national security and law enforcement, military is
concerned with the first and police with the second
(Barth and Smith, 1997).
More specifically with the emergence of World
Wide Web (www), now people all over the world
can exchange information freely and easily
regardless of any boundaries; Hence the excesses of
the cyber space and the use of encryption technology
are viewed as threatening by the authorities and it is
felt that there is a need for regulation of this space
but one of the main problem faced by the regulatory
authorities is; that there is no overall ownership of
Turab Mirza H. (2008).
GOVERNMENTAL ACCESS TO ENCRYPTED INFORMATION - To What Extent and How to Achieve that Extent?.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 467-473
DOI: 10.5220/0001531604670473
the internet, however it is not the case that currently
there are no laws and regulations in place or that no
future laws can be devised to govern the internet,
(Walker et al, 2000; Wall, 2001) emphasize that
even if it was ever a wild west frontier then it has
been tamed very quickly and by looking at the
number of users and complexity of the Internet
activity it is still remarkably ordered.
With the increase in use of strong encryption
technologies governments are feeling that they will
loose their control and will not be able to do the
surveillance as they were doing before. The remarks
that: “Encryption is here and it's going to grow very
rapidly. That is bad news for Sigint” (Signals
Intelligence) given by the head of staff of the US
House of Representatives Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence, ex CIA officer John
Millis to CIA veterans give very clear indication of
the government fears (Cyber-Rights & Cyber-
Liberties, 2000).
Eden (2000) points out that, the fact that
encryption can also lead to help the criminals hide
their activities has raised a voice that cryptography
providers should deposit encryption keys with some
trusted third party, in this regard different
governments have adopted different policy
approaches in effort to contain the threats posed by
encryption. Barth and Smith (1997) state that,
encryption can be mainly controlled in three ways
that are import control, export control and use
3.1 UK Policy
The UK government has been trying to formulate a
policy on encryption since 1994, but there had been
many policy twists and turns over the time, the core
reason behind this is the difference of views of the
two governments before and after the general
election May, 1997, EU and OECD policies also
played a role in the delays (Akdeniz and Walker,
Government has proposed Key recovery
encryption system, it provides a way to access the
plain text without going into the formal process of
encryption and decryption; in recent years many
encryption systems like key escrow, trusted third
party (TTP), exceptional access, data recovery and
key recovery have been introduced. Abelson et al
(1998) identifies that although each of these systems
has its own mechanism but overall all of them serve
the same purpose of assuring third party
(government) access to encrypted data.
In the beginning British Government was also
planning to implement the ‘key escrow’ the same
concept of depositing the key with trusted third
party. But due to strong opposition of the business
community, the Electronic Communication Act
2000 abandoned ‘key escrow’ in UK (Eden, 2000).
Also there was also a proposal about licensing of
Trusted Third Parties (TTP’s) who will be holding
the copies of all encryption keys to facilitate
recovery and verification (Akdeniz and Walker,
2000). The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
(RIPA) allows law enforcement agencies that; they
can have access to the communication data for broad
range of purposes without even obtaining a court
order (Jayasekera, 2001).
Abelson et al (1998) states that although there
had been a lot of opposition of these policies and
proposals, but government justifies them that these
systems have associated benefits such as if some
user lost the key then it can be recovered through the
TTP, otherwise user faces the risk of loosing the
crucial data in case of normal strong encryption.
3.2 US Policy
Since the beginning U.S.A. has been on the forefront
of policy making on encryption technology, fighting
cyber crimes was one of the major issue mentioned
in President Clinton’s 1999 “State of the Union”
message, it also mentioned the need for the battle
over encryption and the need for the law
enforcement and intelligence agencies to retain
access to telecommunications with out the need for
slow and expensive decryption, Levi (2001) points
out that same is mentioned in the United Kingdom’s
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA)
Over the time U.S has reconsidered its policies,
according to The Center for Democracy and
Technology (2001), On January 14, 2000 the U.S.
government published new encryption export
regulations, which made it much easier for the
companies or the individuals in the U.S to widely
export strong encryption regardless of how strong
the encryption is. However the new rules do not
decontrol the encryption and still there are a lot of
concerns about privacy and free speech. There were
some very catchy rules in January 2000 regulation
rules like, encryption products can be exported to
any, but few nations on U.S. "Terrorist" list, where
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
as encryption products having less than 64-bits can
be exported freely.
In light of these relaxations Akdeniz and Walker
(2000) predicted that in future encryption software
will become a standard part of the common use
software’s, this idea has already been transformed
into reality as Microsoft Windows 2000 incorporates
128-bit encryption, specifically permitted by relaxed
US government regulations on encryption exports
announced in January 2000. Overall U.S
governments efforts to stop the wide spread use of
encryption technology both inside and outside U.S.
has been pretty successful, Schneier and Banisar
(1997) doubt that this success might be short lived.
3.3 Various National Policies
Other governments in the world are also considering
the laws and regulation about encryption technology,
but few have implemented it well where as others
have completely ignored this issue, French
Government took a dramatic turn away from
encryption controls when Prime Minister Lionel
Jospin announced on 19th January 1999 that France
was dropping its long held restrictions on use of
cryptography where as Irish government has already
rejected internal and export controls in June 1998,
Japan on the other hand is financing the research and
development of encryption technology (Barth and
Smith, 1997; Akdeniz and Walker, 2000). According
to EPIC’s report, Cryptography and Liberty 2000,
only Malaysia and Singapore have existing laws
mandating lawful access to encryption keys, similar
to the approach of UK’s RIP Act.
Other than these policies governments are also
involved in secret global surveillance. A report by
American Civil Liberties Union (2004), mentions
that there exist very powerful systems like
ECHELON and ENFOPOL that collect data in
several ways, whereas governments have not yet
accepted their existence.
The internet society is considered to be a free
society, where people can have freedom of
expression and speech regardless of all physical
boundaries and constraints, few of the core
principals of the Internet Society (ISOC) a non-
profit, non-governmental, international club of
Internet enthusiasts around which much of the
constitution has resolved are: Online free expression,
which is not restricted by other indirect means such
as exclusively restrictive governmental or private
control and free, use of encryption (Walker et al,
Since the beginning there had been a severe
opposition of the policies against cryptography, as it
is very much obvious that the common use of
encryption technology is very much necessary for
the preservation of human rights in the Information
Society but today many law enforcement and
Intelligence agencies are trying to redesign
communication networks to ensure the easy and
effective surveillance from their desktops, Schneier
and Banisar (1997) further say that these kinds of
proposals would be more suited for the old Soviet
Union then the free world.
Currently we are witnessing a governance system
and shadows of political impacts on these liberties,
especially governmental policies have been crucial
to control technologies such as cryptography, which
is an essential part of the e-commerce and other
kinds of security mechanism over the net. These
kinds of policies will have a major impact on the
development of e-commerce. Barth and Smith
(1997) share the same view that strict controls on
encryption technology will harm those industries
that stand to benefit from the booming demand of
information security, by looking at the
advancements in technology and the way global
market reacts to it, one can easily predict that
governmental controls which are ineffective today
will become irrelevant tomorrow and strong
encryption is going to be the core component of the
international infrastructure for electronic commerce
and keeping in view this fact that different
governments have different encryption policies, it is
very much clear that the economy of the specific
country with tight regulations will drastically suffer.
In the same way current UK government
specifications of the key recovery system, diverge
many ways from the needs of individual or
commercial encryption users, for example Demands
of Law enforcement to have a real time 24-hour-a-
day, 365-day-a-year access to plaintext, access to the
keys without the end-user knowledge or consent, the
efforts to implement key recovery system to the this
extent will slow down the development of the e-
commerce (Abelson et al, 1998), also the U.S clipper
proposal got immense opposition from public. A
Time/CNN poll of 1000 people, conducted in March
1999 found that 80% of people strongly opposed the
proposal when it was described to them. Another
GOVERNMENTAL ACCESS TO ENCRYPTED INFORMATION - To What Extent and How to Achieve that Extent?
electronic petition organized by the Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) that
was asking President Clinton to withdraw the
Clipper proposal gathered nearly 50,000 signatures,
including many of the world’s prominent computer
security and cryptography experts (Schneier and
Banisar, 1997).
These kinds of proposals have been highly
opposed both by the civil libertarians and the
industry, these policies are against the basic human
rights and are a direct attack on the privacy and civil
liberties, which are necessary for an open society in
an electronic age and privacy should not be taken as
secrecy (Silverman, 2000; Hughes, 2001), but today
governments have developed very very large
databases (VVLDB’s) and have become custodians
of information that can very much affect the lives of
individual citizens and there had been many cases of
misuse of these data banks, Martin (1998) sees this
kind of surveillance as a serious and growing social
issue and stresses that root of this problem is
unequal power, he also makes a point that all these
proposals like key escrow and trusted third parties
require the cooperation of the industry and citizens
and without their cooperation there is no way that
these proposals can be implemented.
Martin (1998) further states that surprising it
may seem surveillance depends on cooperation by
the person who is under observation. Hence there is
a need for spreading mass awareness among people
so that they can protect their privacy and liberties
while communicating in their daily life,
Zimmermann (1995) Creator of the most popular
and controversial encryption software PGP (Pretty
Good Privacy), sees advancements in this field as a
seed crystal for the growth of Crypto Revolution,
and terms it as new political movement for civil
liberties in the Information Age.
Although it is the fact that with help to the secure
communication, encryption technology also presents
problems for the law-enforcement and nobody can
deny the fact that there are times when law agencies
need to get the private encryption keys, members of
law enforcement and intelligence agencies are very
right about their concerns about the usage of
unescrowed cryptography, but this need has to be
balanced against the rights of freedom to speech and
personal privacy (Akdeniz et al, 1997; Abelson et al,
1998) and there is also a a risk that the efforts of the
governments to implement a key recovery system
will increase the risk of crime and information
terrorism instead of decreasing it. The increase in
number of people having access to this central key
repository will maximize the chances of corruption
even if it’s by a mistake.
Abelson et al (1998) further emphasize that a
huge network linking number of law enforcement
agencies with different key recovery centers,
requires extraordinary level of human
trustworthiness hence will be difficult to secure and
will be much more vulnerable to attackers. Looking
at the complex nature of the problem and the
difference in policies of the governments, due to the
lack of balance between security and liberty,
countries such as Sweden, Germany and United
States have been called as surveillance societies but
on the other hand many governments notably in
Scandinavian countries consider it as a tool and
don’t control it, same is the case with developing
countries. Barth and Smith (1997) express their fears
that, these countries are safe heavens for cyber
criminals, free from any regulation and are threats to
the whole international effort of containing the
spread of strong encryption, so in the light of these
facts it is predicted that internationally accepted
encryption standards will merge together and
eventually will sidestep the government control on
export, import and use of encryption technology.
This way together these developments will doom the
efforts of individual governments to prevent the
secure communication both locally and
Looking at the problems with these proposals
Schneier and Banisar (1997) predicted that
ultimately these proposals will not be as effective as
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and
National Security Agency (NSA) assert because
most criminals will simply adopt more secure
alternatives, Barth and Smith (1997) share the same
view that, as the cost of computing power goes
down, demand for the strong encryption will
definitely increase, ironically the main affect of the
government policy might be an increase in crime.
On the other hand it is also argued that
encryption technology is not that big threat and
governments are just using it as a tool to increase
and justify their surveillance powers, according to a
Townsend & Taphouse (1998) it has been noticed
that respected people from U.S. Government are
giving some misleading statements about
encryption, according to them cracking DES (Data
Encryption Standard) is much more difficult and
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
thousands of computers will take weeks and years to
crack a single message. Where as according to
cryptography research community 40-bit RC-4
encryption can be and has been broken by a group of
students. Even the security of 56-bit DES is in
doubt; a private sector report claims that a computer
system costing $ 10 million can break any DES
encryption in six minutes (Barth and Smith, 1997).
So there is a severe need to have a balance
between the policies as security expert Bruce
Schneier said in his interview to Barrett (2004) a
News Week reporter, that he sees the need to have a
more balanced approach toward security, as it is just
one of the goal of the country, and further said that if
we lock every person in the country then it will be
very secure but unfortunately that wouldn’t be a
better society.
There had been a lot of discussions on the need for
surveillance and the control of encryption, many
proposals by different governments have been
presented but all of them are mostly on one extreme
that is stress on national security and law
enforcement, that reason being that these proposals
are not accepted widely is, these proposals do not
take into account the privacy, freedom of speeches
and liberties of a net citizens.
According to Martin (1998) surveillance is not a
new problem, but invasion of privacy by large
remote organizations is quite new. Encryption is just
a technical solution to anti surveillance but he
emphasizes that unless the society accepts it,
technical solutions are of no use. The awareness
about the privacy is constantly on the rise and people
have high concerns about the privacy of their data
over the networks, (France, 1998) suggests that data
protection supervisory should be developed to play a
role in providing those safeguards, which common
citizen is entitled to under the Data Protection Act
(DPA) 1984. This fact has been recognized by the
authorities and they have agreed that trust worthy
providers of the cryptography are very much
important for the growth of the e-commerce, and
that commercial organizational information must be
saved against both commercial and state sponsored
surveillance (Barth and Smith, 1997; Eden, 2000).
Akdeniz and Walker (2000) point out that the
major problem faced here is that who can be trusted?
to build the trust in information age, a Regulatory
framework must be established at a national,
supranational and international level. The fact that
there is a considerable difference between EU and
US policies, and even the conflict of policies in
between EU members like UK and France is
alarming. The absence of consensus hampers not
only the growth of e-commerce but also diminishes
the dream of netizens to have a stable and
trustworthy environment in cyberspace.
On the other hand Martin (1998) proposed an
extremist solution for eliminating the surveillance,
he suggests if there is a need for surveillance of a
nuclear reactor than the solution is to abolish the
reactor, further he adds that organizations such as
FBI, MI5 and KGB should seize to exist, as spy
agencies have probably done more to promote than
to prevent terrorism.
Abelson et al (1998) observed that in spite of all
the efforts and research still neither industry nor
government has been yet able to produce a key
recovery system that satisfies all requirements. Barth
and Smith (1997) also support the view that there are
a lot of loopholes in policies and only prospect for
effective governance is a tightly coordinated
international policy coupled with national
enforcement, it is further emphasized that
governments will have to take some concrete
decisions very quickly, by looking at the rapid
advancements in the area of cryptology any effort of
policy making at international level might be too
late. In this regard many scholars and renowned
security and social liberty experts have proposed
some solutions which can be termed as
compromised solutions which take both security and
social liberty into account.
It is pointed out by Akdeniz et al (1997) that
crime prevention is one requirement and it should be
considered with in the context of the encryption
debate and should not over shadow it. They suggest
a compromised proposal to avoid the both extremes
in encryption policy and the breach of privacy by the
governments. They propose a solution of ‘Key
Archiving’, which recommends that citizens and
organizations to archive the keys with themselves,
the archive copy will only be recoverable from
trusted third parties (TTP) when the key has been
invalidated against all subsequent use. Most
importantly in this solution user will always know
that the key has been compromised or revealed to
the authorities, this might help to avoid the misuse
of keys from those who do not have the proper
Akdeniz and Walker (2000) favored a ‘zero
option’, which suggests that governments should
GOVERNMENTAL ACCESS TO ENCRYPTED INFORMATION - To What Extent and How to Achieve that Extent?
adopt alternative approaches to policing, as
criminals cannot be completely prevented from
having an access to strong encryption and bypassing
the escrowed encryption, on the other hand extreme
policies will have drastic affect on the
developmental policies of the government to make
Britain a liberal society, a favorable location for e-
commerce and network development.
In this Information Age no one can deny the benefits
and importance of encryption, due to advancements
in technology the way people communicate has
changed and it is necessary that this communication
should be secure, encryption technology is used for
the same purpose. Today business and citizens
highly rely on the encryption technology for the
reliable communications, but with all the benefits
encryption has also posed the threats, fears that
criminals can also use the same technology for
carrying out their crime and it could be to the extent
of national security. Due to these threats
governments have shown their concerns and are
busy in developing policies and regulations to
control the wide spread of strong encryption, so that
they can intercept any communication when ever
they want to. For this reason different governments
have passed different regulations, these regulations
allow enforcement agencies to access or intercept
any communication or data. Apparently the reason
behind this is national security and law enforcement
for the public safety.
These regulations and proposals have a lot of
problems and loop holes, which have been highly
criticized by many societies. According to those
regulations every body using the strong encryption
software should submit his keys to some trusted
third party from which government or law
enforcement agencies could get the key and access
the private or confidential information without the
knowledge of the owner of that information or data.
This is clearly against the liberty and privacy rights
of the citizens, and will make the whole
communication system insecure for commercial
business in specific and private users in general.
Society has reacted to these demands of
governments to have access to private, confidential
information to this extent. It has been argued that
these policies are only taking in account the national
security and demands of law enforcement agencies
and are overshadowing the basic concept of liberal
and free society. Hence it is demanded that there
must be some balanced approach to this issue, which
is acceptable for the citizens, industry and
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GOVERNMENTAL ACCESS TO ENCRYPTED INFORMATION - To What Extent and How to Achieve that Extent?