M. Usman Akram, Irfan Zafar, Wasim Siddique Khan and Zohaib Mushtaq
Department of Computer Engineering, EME College, NUST, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Mamdani-type, Region Extraction, Feature Extraction.
We present a novel scheme for facial expression recognition from facial features using Mamdani-type fuzzy
system. Facial expression recognition is of prime importance in human-computer interaction systems (HCI).
HCI has gained importance in web information systems and e-commerce and certainly has the potential to
reshape the IT landscape towards value driven perspectives. We present a novel algorithm for facial region
extraction from static image. These extracted facial regions are used for facial feature extraction. Facial fea-
tures are fed to a Mamdani-type fuzzy rule based system for facial expression recognition. Linguistic models
employed for facial features provide an additional insight into how the rules combine to form the ultimate
expression output. Another distinct feature of our system is the membership function model of expression
output which is based on different psychological studies and surveys. The validation of the model is further
supported by the high expression recognition percentage.
Facial expressions play a vital role in social commu-
nication. Computers are increasingly becoming the
part of human social circle through human computer
interaction (HCI). “Human-Computer Interaction (or
Human Factors) in MIS is concerned with the ways
humans interact with information, technologies, and
tasks, especially in business, managerial, organiza-
tional, and cultural contexts” (Dennis Galletta, ).
HCI is a bidirectional process. Till now interac-
tion has been one sided, i.e., from humans to com-
puters. In order to achieve the maximum benefits out
of this link, communication is also required the other
way around. Computers need to understand human
emotions in order to respond and react correctly to
human actions. Human face is the richest source of
human emotions. Hence facial expression recognition
is the key to understanding human emotions. Ekman
has given evidence about the universality of facial ex-
pressions (Ekman and Friesen, 1978),(Ekman, 1994)
and also proposed six basic human emotions (Ekman,
Facial expression recognition systems usually ex-
tract facial expression parameters from a static face
image. This process is called feature extraction.
These extracted features are then fed to a classifier
system for facial expression recognition. In this pa-
per we present the complete system for facial expres-
sion recognition that takes a static image as input and
gives the expression as output. The core of our system
is a Mamdani-type Fuzzy Rule Based system which
is used for facial expression recognition from facial
features. The major advantages that come with the
use of fuzzy based system are its flexibility and fault-
tolerance. Fuzzy logic can be used to form linguistic
models (Koo, 1996) and comes with a solid qualita-
tive base, hence fuzzy systems are easier to model.
Fuzzy systems have been used in many classification
and control problems (Klir and Yuan, 1995) includ-
ing facial expression recognition (Ushida and Yam-
aguchi, 1993).
We present a Mamdani-type fuzzy system for fa-
cial expression recognition. This system recognizes
six basic facial expressions namely fear, surprise, joy,
sad, disgust and anger. Normal/Neutral is an addi-
tional expression and is often categorized as one of
the basic facial expressions. So, total output expres-
sions for our system are seven.
We have employed top-down approach for facial ex-
pression recognition. Firstly, the input image is pre-
Usman Akram M., Zafar I., Siddique Khan W. and Mushtaq Z. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 383-388
DOI: 10.5220/0001089603830388
Figure 1: Overall System Block Diagram.
processed for face extraction from background. This
image is then fed to the Region Extraction Module for
extraction of regions for eight basic facial action ele-
ments (Shafiq, 2006). Feature Extraction Module fur-
ther processes these 8 extracted regions for finding the
facial action values associated with every region. Fa-
cial action values (scaled from 0 to 10) are fed into a
Mamdani-type Fuzzy System for ultimate expression
output. Our system is divided into four basic modules
as shown in fig. 1.
2.1 Pre-Processing Module
Pre-Processing Module (PPM) involves the extraction
of face from background. This image is then scaled
according to system specifications.
2.2 Region Extraction Module
Extracted face is then fed to the Region Extraction
Module (REM). We have defined eight basic facial
action elements namely eyes, eye-brows, nose, fore-
head, cheeks, lips, teeth and chin. Regions for all
facial action elements are extracted by REM. We
have defined 9 basic image lines for region extraction.
These lines along with their semantic significance are
listed in table I (see fig. 2).
Forehead region is marked above eyebrows. Line
1 represents ‘Eyebrows Top’. Its position is deter-
mined by the vertical flow traversal of image from top
to bottom. As the face is traversed below line 1, next
important line to be marked is line 3. Line 3 signifies
‘Eyes Top’. Line 4 lies further below line 3. Line 4
represents ‘Eyes Bottom’. Lines 1, 3 and 4 help to
mark Eye, Eyebrows and Forehead regions as shown
in fig. 3 (A,B,C).
Vertical flow traversal from the bottom of the ex-
tracted face image initially detects line 8 (‘Lips Bot-
tom’). Line 9 is marked above line 8 and represents
‘Lips Top’. These two lines are important in marking
Lips, Teeth and Chin regions (see fig. 3. (E,F)). Line
2 represents ‘Face Middle’. Horizontal traversal first
Figure 2: Image Lines for Region Extraction.
Table 1: Lines for Region Extraction.
Line No. Semantic Significance
1 Eyebrows Top
2 Face Middle
3 Eyes Top
4 Eyes Bottom
5 Eyes Inner Corner
6 Face Middle
7 Lips Outer Corner
8 Lips Bottom
9 Lips Top
detects line 5 and then line 7. These lines represent
‘Eyes Inner Corner’ and ‘Lips Outer Corner’ respec-
tively. Line 6 is marked by vertical traversal between
line 9 and line 4. These lines mark Nose and Cheeks
region (see fig. 3. (D,G)).
This region extraction algorithm is also shown in
fig. 1. Regions extracted for these basic facial action
elements are shown in figure 3.
2.3 Feature Extraction Module
Feature Extraction Module (FEM) uses these ex-
tracted regions to find the facial action values for all
facial action elements. Specialized algorithms are de-
signed for finding the facial action values that are
scaled from 0-10 (Shafiq, 2006). These outputs fur-
ther act as crisp inputs to the fuzzy based expression
recognition module. Expression Recognition Module
(ERM) is explained in section III.
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: (A) Eye Region : Bounded by 3-4-5, (B) Eye-
brows Region: Bounded by 1-3-5,(C) Forehead Region :
Bounded by 1, (D) Nose Region: Bounded by 1-6-5-5’,
(E) Lips Region : Bounded by 8-9-5-5’, (F) Chin Region:
Bounded by 8-5-5’, (G) Cheeks Region : Bounded by 4-8-
ERM is a Mamdani-type fuzzy rule based system.
The knowledge base (KB) in general rule based fuzzy
systems is divided into two components.
3.1 Data-Base (DB)
Data base of a fuzzy system contains the scaling fac-
tors for inputs and outputs. It also has the membership
functions that specify the meaning of linguist terms
(Ralescu and Hartani, 1995).
3.1.1 Inputs and Output
Eight basic facial action elements considered for ex-
pression output are eyes, eye brows, forehead, nose,
chin, teeth, cheeks and lips. States of these facial el-
ements act as input to the fuzzy system. These inputs
are scaled from 0-10. The inputs are mapped to their
respective fuzzy sets by input membership functions
(MFs). The system diagram shows the inputs and out-
put in fig. 4.
Figure 4: Fuzzy System Architecture.
3.1.2 Input MFs
The inputs that have three input Membership Func-
tions (MFs) have two MFs at each extreme and one
MF in the middle. Inputs with two MFs have one at
each extreme. Figures 5 to 12 show MF set examples
for all facial action elements. The inputs are denoted
Figure 5: MF Set Examples for Eyes.
where A = {Pressed Closed, Normal, Extra Open}
Figure 6: MF Set Examples for Eyebrows.
where B = {Centered, Normal, Outward Stretched}
where C =
{Down&Small, Normal, Stretched&Bigger}
where D = {Flat&Stretched, Normal, Filled&U p}
where E = {Normal, Radical}
where L = {Pressed Closed, Normal, Open}
where G = {Not Visible, Slightly Out, Extra Open}
where H = {Normal, Radical}
Figure 7: MF Set Examples for Forehead.
Figure 8: MF Set Examples for Cheeks.
3.1.3 Output MFs
Output ‘expression’ has seven output MFs represent-
ing the basic facial expressions. The distinctive fea-
ture of our system is the design of ‘expression MFs’.
They are scaled from 0-10. This grouping of the facial
expressions is the characteristic of our system and is
shown in fig. 13.
Starting from the extreme left of fig. 5, anger and
disgust are commonly confused for similarity. It is
evident from survey in (Sherri C. Widen and Brooks,
2004)that these two categories are overlapping. So
it makes sense to group them together. In (Sherri
C. Widen and Brooks, 2004), authors have also shown
that sad is also confused with disgust. The percentage
of people who confused disgust with sad was lesser
than those who confused anger and disgust. So, it
makes sense that overlapping area for disgust-sad is
lesser than that of anger-disgust. In the center, normal
(or neutral) expression bridges sad and joy. Facial fea-
tures tend to be like surprise as the joy becomes ex-
treme (Carlo Drioli and Tesser, 2003). Towards the
extreme right, fear takes over surprise. Studies have
shown that fear is often mis-recognized as surprise
(Diane J. Schiano and Sheridan, 2000). Output ‘ex-
pression’ membership functions are given as:
where O =
{Anger, Disgust, Sad, Normal, Joy, Surprise, Fear}
3.2 Rule-Base (RB)
Rule base (RB) consists of the collection of fuzzy
rules. Fuzzy rules used in our system can be divided
in two types.
3.2.1 Major (Categorizing) Rules
Major rules classify the six basic facial expressions
for the face. They model the six basic expressions
Figure 9: MF Set Examples for Nose.
Figure 10: MF Set Examples for Lips.
Figure 11: MF Set Examples for Teeth.
Figure 12: MF Set Examples for Chin.
using AND combination of the states of the facial el-
ements. Major rules represent the typical state of all
basic expressions. Major rules have higher weight as
compared to minor rules.
3.2.2 Minor (Non-Categorizing Rules)
Minor rules give the flexibility to the system pro-
viding smooth transition between adjacent basic fa-
cial expressions. By adjacent facial expressions we
mean the overlap between two facial expressions such
as fear-surprise, anger-disgust and joy-surprise, as
shown in figure 13. They have lesser weight as com-
pared to major rules.
3.3 Defuzzification
Centroid method is used for Defuzzification. This
method was particularly chosen because of its com-
patibility with rule-system employed. Centroid
method gave smoother results than other methods.
Maximum Height method was also employed but it
resulted in choppy results and nullified effect of clas-
sification of rules as major and minor.
Centroid method calculates center of area of the
combined membership functions (D. H. Rao, 1995).
A well know formula for finding center of gravity is
given in (Runkler, 1996) as:
(A) =
Defuzzification gives one crisp output. But crisp
output is not suitable to our system. It is commonly
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 13: MFs Plot for ‘expression’ showing Overlap Regions (Muid Mufti, 2006).
Figure 14: Mixed Expression Output.
observed that more than one basic expressions over-
lap to form the ultimate complex output expression
(Sherri C. Widen and Brooks, 2004). So the output of
our system may also be the overlap of two expression
outputs. This is explained with the help of the figure
14. It shows the result of our system when centroid
defuzzification method’s crisp output is 6.3. The out-
put 6.3 corresponds to 14.8% joy and 85.2% surprise.
The focus of our system is on reducing design com-
plexity and increasing the accuracy of expression
recognition. Fuzzy Neural Nets (FNN) have been
used by authors in (Kim and Bien, 2003) for ‘per-
sonalized’ recognition of facial expressions. The suc-
cess rate achieved by them reaches 94.3%, but only
after the training phase. In (Lien, 1998), authors used
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) employing Facial
Action Coding System (FACS) (Ekman and Friesen,
1978). The success rate achieved by them varied
from 81% to 92%, using different image processing
techniques. In (Ayako Katoh, 1998), authors used
self-organizing ‘Maps’ for this purpose. Other tech-
niques like HMM are further used in (Xiaoxu Zhou,
2004). We have extensively tested our system us-
ing grayscale transforms of FG-NET facial expression
image database (Wallhoff, 2006). This database con-
tains images gathered from 18 different individuals.
Every individual has performed six basic expressions
Table 2: Results and Comparison.
Expression Maps HMM Case Mamdani
Based Fuzzy
(%) (%) Reasoning System
Surprise 80 90 80 95
Disgust 65 - 80 100
Joy 90 100 76 100
Anger 43 80 95 70
Fear 18 - 75 90
Sad 18 - 95 70
(plus neutral) three times. Comparison of our fuzzy
system with Case Based Reasoning system was also
done (M. Zubair Shafiq, 2006),(Shafiq and Khanum,
Table II gives the comparison of our system with
others systems employing different techniques.
Facial expression recognition is the key to next gen-
eration human-computer interaction (HCI) systems.
We have chosen a more integrated approach as com-
pared to most of the general applications of FACS.
Extracted facial features are used in a collective man-
ner to find out ultimate facial expression.
Fuzzy classifier systems have been designed for
facial expression recognition in the past (Ushida and
Yamaguchi, 1993),(Kuncheva, 2000)(Kim and Bien,
2003). Our Mamdani-type fuzzy system shows clear
advantage in design simplicity. Moreover, it gives a
clear insight into how different rules combine to give
the ultimate expression output. Our system success-
fully demonstrates the use of fuzzy logic for recogni-
tion of basic facial expressions. Our future work will
focus on further improvement of fuzzy rules. We are
also developing hybrid systems (in (Assia Khanam
and Muhammad, 2007)) and Genetic Fuzzy Algo-
rithms (GFAs) for fine tuning of membership func-
tions and rules for performance improvement (Fran-
cisco Herrera, 1997).
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VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications