Mark Hoogendoorn, Michel Klein, Zulfiqar Memon and Jan Treur
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Artificial Intelligence
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Keywords: Model-based, agent, medicine usage management, formal analysis.
Abstract: A model-based agent system model for medicine usage management is presented and formally analysed.
The model incorporates an intelligent ambient agent model that has an explicit representation of a
dynamical system model to estimate the medicine level in the patient’s body by simulation, is able to
analyse whether the patient intends to take the medicine too early or too late, and can take measures to
prevent this.
A challenge for medicine usage management is to
achieve in a non-intrusive manner that patients for
whom it is crucial that they take medicine regularly,
indeed do so. Examples of specific relevant groups
include independently living elderly people,
psychiatric patients or HIV-infected persons. One of
the earlier solutions reported in the literature
provides the sending of automatically generated
SMS reminder messages to a patient’s cell phone at
the relevant times; e.g., (Safren, Hendriksen,
Desousa, Boswell, and Mayer, 2003). A
disadvantage of this approach is that patients are
disturbed often, even if they do take the medicine at
the right times themselves, and that due to this after
some time a number of patients start to ignore the
A more sophisticated approach can be based on a
recently developed automated medicine box that has
a sensor that detects whether a medicine is taken
from the box, and can communicate this to a server;
cf. SIMpill (Green, 2005). This enables to send SMS
messages only when at a relevant point in time no
medicine intake is detected. A next step is to let a
computing device find out more precisely what
relevant times for medicine intake are. One way is to
base this on prespecified prescription schemes that
indicate at what time points medicine should be
taken. However, this may be inflexible in cases that
a patient did not follow the scheme precisely. To
obtain a more robust and flexible approach, this
paper explores and analyses possibilities to use an
automated medicine box in combination with model-
based intelligent agents to dynamically determine
the (estimated) medicine level over time.
The agent-based model for medicine usage
management discussed was formally specified in an
executable manner and formally analysed using
dedicated tools. The system incorporates a model-
based intelligent agent that includes an explicitly
represented dynamic system model to estimate the
medicine level in the patient’s body by simulation.
Based on this it is able to dynamically determine at
what point in time the patient should take medicine,
and given that, to analyse whether the patient
intends to take medicine too early or too late, and to
take measures to prevent this.
In this paper, Section 2 describes the multi-agent
system introduced, whereas Section 3 present
detailed information about the specific agents.
Furthermore, Section 4 presents simulation results,
and Section 5 formal analysis of these results.
Finally, Section 6 is a discussion.
Figure 1 presents an overview of the entire system
as considered. The top right corner shows the
patient, who interacts with the medicine box, and
communicates with the patient cell phone. The
Medicine Box detects whether medicine is taken out
of the medicine box. The Medicine Box Agent
(MBA) observes this medicine box. In case, for
example, the patient intends to take the medicine too
Hoogendoorn M., Klein M., Memon Z. and Treur J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 148-155
soon after the previous dose, it finds out that the
medicine should not be taken at the moment (i.e., the
sum of the estimated current medicine level plus a
new dose is too high), and communicates a warning
to the patient by a beep. Furthermore, all
information obtained by this agent is passed on to
the Usage Support Agent (USA). All information
about medicine usage is stored in the patient
database by this agent. If the patient tries to take the
medicine too early, a warning SMS with a short
explanation is communicated to the cell phone of the
patient, in addition to the beep sound already
communicated by the Medicine Box Agent.
Figure 1: Multi-Agent System: Overview.
On the other hand, in case the Usage Support
Agent finds out that the medicine is not taken early
enough (i.e., the medicine concentration is estimated
too low for the patient and no medicine was taken
yet), it can take measures as well. First of all, it can
warn the patient by communicating an SMS to the
patient cell phone. This is done soon after the patient
should have taken the medicine. In case that after
some time the patient still does not take medicine,
the agent can communicate an SMS to cell phone of
the appropriate doctor. The doctor can look into the
patient database to see the medicine usage, and in
case the doctor feels it is necessary to discuss the
state of affairs with the patient, he or she can contact
the patient via a call using the doctor cell phone to
the patient cell phone.
The model used for the Usage Support Agent (USA)
makes (re)use of elements of the Generic Agent
Model GAM described in (Brazier, Jonker, and
Treur, 2000). In addition, it makes use of an
explicitly represented dynamical model to for the
medicine level over time within the patient.
Moreover, the model for the Usage Support Agent
includes a reasoning method (based on simulation)
to estimate the current medicine level based on the
dynamical model and information on medicine
taking in the past.
To express the agent’s internal states and
processes, a state ontology partly shown in Table 1
was specified. An example of an expression that can
be formed by combining elements from this
ontology is
belief(leads_to_after(I:INFO_EL, J:INFO_EL, D:REAL))
which expresses that the agent has the knowledge
that state property I leads to state property J with a
certain time delay specified by D. This type of
expression is used to represent the agent’s
knowledge of a dynamical model of a process.
Using the ontology, the functionality of the agent
has been specified by generic and domain-specific
temporal rules.
Table 1: Ontology for the Usage Support Agent Model.
Note the formal form of the agent properties has
been omitted below for the sake of brevity. Generic
rules specify that incoming information (by
observation or communication) from a source that is
believed to be reliable is internally stored in the
form of beliefs. When the sources are assumed
always reliable, the conditions on reliability can be
left out:
IB(X) From Input to Beliefs
If agent X observes some world fact, then it will believe this.
If X gets information communicated, then it will believe this.
Execution of a dynamical model is specified by:
SE(X) Simulation Execution
If it is believed that I holds at time T, and it is believed that I
leads to J after time duration D, then it is believed that J holds
at time T+D.
This temporal rule specifies how a dynamic model
that is represented as part of the agent’s knowledge
can be used by the agent to extend its beliefs about
the world at different points in time.
Domain-specific rules for the Usage Support
Agent are shown below. The Usage Support Agent’s
specific functionality is described by three sets of
temporal rules. First, the agent maintains a dynamic
model for the concentration of medicine in the
patient over time in the form of a belief about a
leads to after relation.
USA1: Maintain dynamic model
The Usage Support Agent believes that if the medicine level for
medicine M is C, and the usage effect of the medicine is E, then
Formalisation Description
information I is believed
I is a world fact
action A has effect I
state property I leads to state
property J after duration D
state property I holds at time
after duration D the medicine level of medicine M is C+E minus
G*(C+E)*D with G the decay value. Formally:
In order to reason about the usage information, this
information is interpreted (USA2), and stored in the
database (USA3).
USA2: Prepare storage usage
If the agent has a belief concerning usage of medicine M and
the current time is T, then a belief is generated that this is the
last usage of medicine M, and the intention is generated to store
this in the patient database.
USA3: Store usage in database
If the agent has the intention to store the medicine usage in the
patient database, then the agent performs this action.
Finally, temporal rules were specified for taking the
appropriate measures. Three types of measures are
possible. First, in case of early intake, a warning
SMS is communicated (USA4). Second, in case the
patient is too late with taking medicine, a different
SMS is communicated, suggesting to take the
medicine (USA5). Finally, when the patient does not
respond to such SMSs, the doctor is informed by
USA4: Send early warning SMS
If the agent has the belief that an intention was shown by the
patient to take medicine too early, then an SMS is
communicated to the patient cell phone that the medicine should
be put back in the box, and the patient should wait for a new
SMS before taking more medicine.
USA5: SMS to patient when medicine not taken on time
If the agent has the belief that the level of medicine M is C at
the current time point, and the level is considered to be too low,
and the last message has been communicated before the last
usage, and at the current time point no more medicine will be
absorbed by the patient due to previous intake, then an SMS is
sent to the patient cell phone to take the medicine M.
USA6: SMS to doctor when no patient response to SMS
If the agent has the belief that the last SMS to the patient has
been communicated at time T, and the last SMS to the doctor
was communicated before this time point, and furthermore, the
last recorded usage is before the time point at which the SMS
has been sent to the patient, and finally, the current time is later
than time T plus a certain delay parameter for informing the
doctor, then an SMS is communicated to the cell phone of the
doctor that the patient has not taken medicine M.
USA7: Communicate Current Concentration
If the agent has the belief that the level of medicine M is C at
the current time point then the agent informs the medicine box
agent about this level.
The Medicine Box Agent has functionality
concerning communication to both the patient and
the Usage Support Agent. Generic temporal rules
are included as for the Usage Support Agent (see
above). Domain-specific temporal rules are both
shown below. First of all, the observed usage of
medicine is communicated to the Usage Support
Agent in case the medicine is not taken too early, as
specified in MBA1.
MBA1: Medicine usage communication
If the Medicine Box Agent has a belief that the patient has taken
medicine from a certain position in the box, and that the
particular position contains a certain type of medicine M, and
taking the medicine does not result in a too high medicine
concentration of medicine M within the patient, then the usage
of this type of medicine is communicated to the USA.
In case medicine is taken out of the box too early, a
warning is communicated by a beep and the
information is forwarded to the Usage Support Agent
(MBA2 and MBA3).
MBA2: Too early medicine usage prevention
If the Medicine Box Agent has the belief that the patient has
taken medicine from a certain position in the box, that this
position contains a certain type of medicine M, and taking the
medicine results in a too high medicine concentration of
medicine M within the patient, then a warning beep is
communicated to the patient.
MBA3: Early medicine usage communication
If the Medicine Box Agent has a belief that the patient was
taking medicine from a certain position in the box, and that the
particular position contains a certain type of medicine M, and
taking the medicine would result in a too high concentration of
medicine M within the patient, then this is communicated to the
Usage Support Agent.
In order to show how the above presented system
functions, the executable properties have been
implemented in a dedicated software environment that
can execute such specifications (Bosse, Jonker, Meij,
and Treur., 2007). To enable creation of simulations, a
patient model is used that simulates the behaviour of
the patient in a stochastic manner. The model specifies
four possible behaviours of the patient, each with its
own probability: (1) too early intake, (2) correct intake
(on time), (3) responding to an SMS warning that
medicine should be taken, and (4) responding to a
doctor request by phone. Based upon such
probabilities, the entire behaviour of the patient
regarding medicine usage can be simulated. In the
following simulations, values of respectively 0.1, 0.8,
0.9 and 1.0 have been used.
Figure 2 shows an example of a simulation trace
whereby the medicine support system is active.
The figure indicates the medicine level over time as
estimated by the agent based on its dynamic model.
Here the x-axis represents time whereas the y-axis
represents the medicine level.
Note that in this case, the minimum level of medicine
within the patient is set to 0.35 whereas the maximum
level is 1.5. These numbers are based on the medicine
half-life value, that can vary per type of medicine. For
more details on the formal properties behind the
simulation, and a more elaborate discussion of the
results, see (Hoogendoorn, Klein, and Treur, 2007).
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Medicine level over time.
When a model such as the one described above, has
been specified, it is easy to produce various
simulations based on different settings, initial
conditions and external events offered. Moreover, it
is possible to incorporate nondeterministic
behaviours by temporal rules that involve
probabilistic effects (cf. Bosse, et al., 2007). Thus
large sets of traces can be generated. When such a
set is given, it is more convenient to check them on
relevant properties automatically, than going
through them by hand. Furthermore, it may also be
useful when insight is provided how dynamic
properties of the multi-agent system as a whole
depend on dynamic properties of the agents within
the system, and further on, how these relate to
properties of specific components within the agents.
This section shows how this can be achieved. To
this end a number of dynamic properties have been
specified for different aggregation levels of the
multi-agent system, cf. (Jonker and Treur 2002;
Bosse, Jonker, Meij, Sharpanskykh, and Treur, ,
2006). The main property considered for the system
as a whole is: will the medicine level in the patient
be maintained between the required minimum and
maximum level? This desired situation is called ‘S’.
That a value V of a variable P should be within a
specific range between the lower threshold TL and
the upper threshold TU, is specified as follows:
has_value(P,V) (V > TU V < TL) (S)
This has been applied to the variable
GP1 At any point in time the medicine level is between TL and
state(M, T) |= has_value(P,V) ( V TU V TL)
Here M is a trace, and state(M, T) denotes the state in
this trace at time
T. Moreover, state(M, T) |= p denotes
that state property
p holds in state state(M, T).
Related to this, global properties can be defined
that specify that the total number of violations of the
threshold values is smaller than some maximum
number, or that the total duration of the violation is
smaller than some maximum period. In these
case(p, 1, 0) is a special construct in the
language that calculates the sum of timepoints for
which a state holds.
GP2 The total number of times that the medicine level falls
below TL or raises above TU is smaller than
case(T1T & T T2 & state(M, T) |= S &
state(M, T+1) |= ¬S, 1, 0) < MAX_OCCURANCES
GP3 The total time period that the medicine level is not between
TL and TU is smaller than MAX_DURATION.
case(T1T & T T2 & state(M, T) |= ¬S, 1, 0) <
5.1 Evaluation of Traces
The formal properties have been used to evaluate the
usefulness of the medicine usage management
system. For this, 60 simulation traces of the
medicine level within a patient have been generated,
with a length of 36 hours. In half of the traces the
medicine usage management system was supporting
the patient, in the other half the system did not take
any action, but was still monitoring the medicine
usage. As a consequence of the stochastic patient
model (the probabilities used are the ones mentioned
in Section 5), this resulted in 60 different simulation
For all traces it has been checked whether, how
often and how long, the medicine level is between
the required values of 0.5 and 1.35. It has also been
checked whether this is the case for preferred
values. It can be assumed that, in addition to the
required range for the medicine level, there is also
an optimal or preferred range. Table 2 lists the total
number of violations in the 30 traces with support of
the system and the 30 traces without support for
different maximum and minimum levels. Table 3
shows the duration of the violations time in minutes
for the same set of traces.
Table 2: Total number of violations of the threshold
values (used in property GP2).
number of violations with support without
above 1.5 (required) 2 8
below 0.35 (required) 5 18
total required 7 26
Table 3: Total duration of violations of the threshold
values (used in property GP3).
From the figures in tables it is immediately apparent
that the medicine level is much more often and for a
much longer time between the required or preferred
values. However, it is also clear that even with
support of the system the medicine level is
sometimes outside the required range. In fact,
property GP1 did not hold in 5 out of the 30
simulation traces in which the system was active. An
analysis of these traces revealed that this is a side-
effect of the specification of the simulation: as every
communication between agents and between
components within agents costs at least one time-
step, it takes a number of time-steps before a
message of the system has reached the patient (in
fact 24 minutes). In between sending and receiving a
message, it could happen that the medicine level has
dropped below the minimum value, or that the
patient has taken a pill already. For violations of the
minimum level it is possible to compensate for this
artificial delay by allowing an additional decrease
that is equivalent to the decay of the medicine
during the time of the delay. This means that
medicine level should not drop below the 0,3335 if
the delay is taken into account. Table 4 shows the
duration of the violations for the corrected minimum
level. In this case, there are no violations of the
lower threshold in traces where the system is active.
Unfortunately, a similar correction for violations
of the maximum level is not possible, as these
violations are caused by taking two pills within a
short period, which is a non-monotonic effect.
Table 4: Corrected values for duration the violations of the
minimum level.
5.2 Relating Global Properties to
Executable Properties
Besides the verification of properties against
simulation traces, the correctness of the entire model
can also be proven (given certain conditions). This
proves that for all possible outcomes of the model
the global properties are indeed achieved under
these specific conditions. Such correctness of a
model can be proved using the SMV model checker
(MacMillan, 1995). In order to come to such a
proof, an additional property level is introduced,
namely the external behavioural properties for the
components within the system. Thereafter, the
relationship between the executable properties of the
Medicine Box Agent, and the Usage Support Agent
are related to these behavioural properties, and
furthermore, these behavioural properties are shown
to entail the top-level properties.
5.2.1 External Behavioural Properties
First a number of external properties for the Usage
Support Agent (USA) are introduced. The first
property specifies that the patient should be warned
that medicine should be taken in case the medicine
level is close to being too low (EUSA1). Secondly,
property EUSA2 specifies that the USA should warn
the doctor in case such a warning has been sent to
the patient, but there has been no response.
Moreover, the storage of the usage history is
specified in EUSA3, and the sending of an early
warning message is addressed in EUSA4. Finally,
EUSA5 describes that the USA should communicate
the current medicine level within the patient. Note
that in all properties a parameter e is used, which
specifies the maximum delay after which these
communications or actions should occur. Such a
parameter can vary per property, and is used
throughout this section for almost all non-executable
EUSA1: Usage Support Agent Behaviour External View
Patient Warning Take Medicine
If the Usage Support Agent received communicated medicine
intake, and based on these, the estimated accumulated
concentration is C, and C<TL, then it communicates an SMS to
the Patient Cell Phone that medicine should be taken.
history_implied_value(γ, input(USA), t, M, C) & C < TL
t’ t t’ t+e & state(γ, t’, output(USA)) |=
usage_support_agent, patient_cell_phone)
EUSA2: Usage Support Agent Behaviour External View
Doctor Warning
If the Usage Support Agent sent out a warning message to the
patient, and the patient did not take medicine within X time steps
after the warning, the Usage Support Agent sends a message to
the Doctor Cell Phone.
t:TIME, γ:TRACE state(γ, t, output(USA)) |=
usage_support_agent, patient_cell_phone) &
¬∃t2:TIME [ t2 t & t2 < t + X & state(γ, t2, input(USA)) |=
medicine_box_agent, usage_support_agent) ]
t’:TIME t + X t’ (t + X) +e state(γ, t’, output(USA)) |=
usage_support_agent, doctor_cell_phone)
duration (in minutes) with support without
above 1.5 (required) 0.8 25.36
below 0.35 (required) 3.53 179.13
total required 4.33 204.49
above 1.2 (preferred) 161.6 328.20
below 0.5 (preferred) 218.1 327.63
total preferred 379.7 655.83
duration (in minutes) with support without
below 0.3335 0 164.77
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
EUSA3: Usage Support Agent Behaviour External View
Store Information in Database
If the Usage Support Agent receives a communication that
medicine has been taken, then the agent stores this information in
the patient database.
t:TIME, γ:TRACE, M:MEDICINE state(γ, t, input(USA)) |=
usage_support_agent) &
t’:TIME t t’ t + e [ state(γ, t’, output(USA)) |=
performing_in(store_usage(M, t),
patient_database) ]
EUSA4: Usage Support Agent Behaviour External View
Store Send Early Warning Message to Patient
If the Usage Support Agent receives a communication that the
patient attempted to take medicine too early, then the agent sends
an SMS to the patient cell phone.
t:TIME, γ:TRACE, M:MEDICINE state(γ, t, input(USA)) |=
medicine_box_agent, usage_support_agent) &
t’:TIME t t’ t + e [ state(γ, t’, output(USA)) |=
usage_support_agent, patient_cell_phone) ]
EUSA5: Usage Support Agent Behaviour External View Send
Approximated Concentration to Medicine Box Agent
If the history of medicine usage implies a certain medicine level,
then the Usage Support Agent communicates this value to the
Medicine Box Agent.
history_implied_value(γ, input(USA), t, M, C)
t’ t t’ t+e & state(γ, t’, output(USA)) |=
usage_support_agent, medicine_box_agent)
Besides the Usage Support Agent, the Medicine Box
Agent (MBA) plays an important role within the
system as well. From an external perspective, the
MBA has three behavioural properties. The first
(EMBA1) expresses that the MBA should
communicate to the Usage Support Agent that
medicine has been taken by the patient. This only
occurs when the medicine is not taken too early.
Properties EMBA2 and EMBA3 concern the
communication in case of an early intake. First of
all, the MBA should sound a beep (EMBA2), and
furthermore, the MBA should communicate this
information to the USA (EMBA3). Again, a
parameter e is used to specify the maximum delay
for these properties. Note that these properties are
later referred to as EMBA, which is the conjunction
of the three properties specified below.
EMBA1: Medicine Box Agent Behaviour External View
Communicate Usage Non-Early Intake
When the medicine box agent observes medicine is taken from
position X,Y in the box and the medicine is of type M, and the
medicine level of M communicated to the agent is C, and
furthermore, the medicine level plus a dose does not exceed the
overall maximum, then the medicine box agent outputs medicine
has been taken to the Usage Support Agent.
state(γ, t, input(medicine_box_agent) |=
x_y_coordinate(X, Y)), medicine_box) &
state(γ, t, input(medicine_box_agent) |=
communicated_from_to(medicine_level(M, C),
usage_support_agent, medicine_box_agent) &
medicine_at_location(X, Y, M)
t’:TIME t t’ t + e [ state(γ, t’, output(medicine_box_agent) |=
usage_support_agent) ]
EMBA2: Medicine Box Agent Behaviour External View
Communicate Beep when Early Intake
When the medicine box agent observes medicine is taken from
position X,Y in the box and the medicine is of type M, and the
medicine level of M communicated to the agent is C, and
furthermore, the medicine level plus a dose exceeds the overall
maximum, then the medicine box agent outputs a beep to the
state(γ, t, input(medicine_box_agent) |=
x_y_coordinate(X, Y)), medicine_box) &
state(γ, t, input(medicine_box_agent) |=
communicated_from_to(medicine_level(M, C),
usage_support_agent, medicine_box_agent) &
medicine_at_location(X, Y, hiv_slowers)
t’:TIME t t’ t + e [state(γ, t’, output(medicine_box_agent) |=
communication_from_to(sound_beep, medicine_box_agent,
patient) ]
EMBA3: Medicine Box Agent Behaviour External View
Communicate Early Intake to Usage Support Agent
When the medicine box agent observes medicine is taken from
position X,Y in the box and the medicine is of type M, and the
medicine level of M communicated to the agent is C, and
furthermore, the medicine level plus a dose exceeds the overall
maximum, then the medicine box agent outputs a communication
concerning this early intake intention to the Usage Support Agent.
state(γ, t, input(medicine_box_agent) |=
x_y_coordinate(X, Y)), medicine_box) &
state(γ, t, input(medicine_box_agent) |=
communicated_from_to(medicine_level(M, C),
usage_support_agent, medicine_box_agent) &
medicine_at_location(X, Y, hiv_slowers)
t’:TIME t t’ t + e [ state(γ, t’, output(medicine_box_agent) |=
medicine_box_agent, usage_support_agent) ]
Furthermore, a number of properties are specified
for the external behavior of the other components.
These properties include basic forwarding of
information by the patient cell phone (PCP), the
doctor cell phone (DCP), communication between
various communicating components (CP).
Furthermore, it includes the specification of the
observation results of performing actions in the
medicine box (EMD), the storage of information in
the database (PDP), and the transfer of those actions
and observations (WP).
Finally, in order for such external behavioral
properties to establish the global property, certain
assumptions need to be made concerning the
behavior of the doctor and of the patient. For the
proof, the minimal behavior of the patient is used.
This minimal behavior is specified by stating that
the patient should at least respond to the doctor
communication. Of course, most likely would be
that the patient already responds to the SMS being
sent, but using the minimal behavior it can already
be proven that this is not even required, as long as
the patient responds to the doctor communication.
This ensures, that even if the patient does not
respond on an SMS his medicine level will still
remain within the boundaries set. The behavior of
the patient is expressed in property PB. Besides the
patient, also the doctor needs to respond to the SMS
of the system in a particular way, namely that he
immediately contacts the patient, as expressed in
property DB.
PB: Respond to Doctor request
When a patient receives a doctor warning that the patient should
take medicine M, then the patient takes the medicine from the
appropriate place in the box.
state(γ, t, input(patient) |=
patient_cell_phone, patient)
medicine_at_location(X, Y, M)
t’:TIME t t’ t + e
state(γ, t’, output(patient) |=
performing_in(take_medicine_from_position(x_y_coordinate(X, Y)),
DB: Warn patient after SMS
When the doctor has received an SMS concerning a patient that
has not used medicine, then the doctor uses its cell phone
communicating that the patient to take medicine.
state(γ, t, input(doctor) |=
doctor_cell_phone, doctor)
t’:TIME t t’ t + e [ state(γ, t’, output(doctor) |=
5.2.2 Relating Properties
The relation between the external behavioral
properties introduced in Section 6.2.1 and the top-
level global property is shown in Figure 4. The
figure also shows the relationship between the
executable properties of the Usage Support Agent,
and the Medicine Box Agent and the external
behavioral properties thereof. Note that the external
level of both the Usage Support Agent as well as the
Medicine Box Agent has been represented in the
figure as EUSA and UMBA respectively. This is
simply the conjunction of the external properties of
these agents. Furthermore, the external behavioral
properties of the other components directly translate
to executable properties in the specification. The
following relations hold from the local to the
external level.
Usage Support Agent External Behavior
Medicine Box Agent External Behavior
Furthermore, the global property GP1 has the
following relationship with the external properties of
the various components.
Global Behavior
In order to prove the above specified relationships,
the relations have been checked within the SMV
model checker. Using the following parameters, the
inter-level relations within the tree expressed in
Figure 4 are indeed shown to hold using SMV: The
initial medicine level is set to 60, the reduction level
per step is set to 98 (i.e. 0.98), the maximum
medicine level is set to 150 and the minimum level
to 30. Furthermore, the warning level is set to 60
(after which an SMS is sent to the patient). Finally,
the delay for a doctor message is set to 10 time
steps. Note that in the case of the SMV checks no
communication delay is specified. Therefore, this
formal verification shows that without this delay the
model indeed entails the global property.
In this paper, possible support in the domain of
medicine usage management was addressed. A
multi-agent system model that supports the users of
medicine in taking their medicine at the appropriate
time was discussed and formally analysed by
simulation and verification. The system has been
specified using a formal modeling approach which
enables the specification of both quantitative as well
as qualitative aspects (Jonker and Treur 2002;
Bosse, Jonker, Meij, and Treur, 2006). To specify
the model, both generic and domain specific
temporal rules have been used, enabling reuse of the
presented model. The analysis of the model has been
conducted by means of (1) generation of a variety of
simulation runs using a stochastic model for
patients; (2) specification of dynamic properties at
different aggregation levels; (3) specification of
interlevel relations between these properties; (4)
automated verification of properties specified in (2)
against traces generated in (1), and (5) automated
verification of the interlevel relations specified in
The simulation execution in (1) has been
achieved making use of the LEADSTO software
automated verification of such properties against set
of simulation traces in (4). Verification of interlevel
relations in (5) has been performed using the SMV
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 3: Property hierarchy in the form of an AND tree.
model checking environment (MacMillan, 1995).
Evaluation of the system with actual users is part of
future work.
The presented analysis fits well in the recent
developments in Ambient Intelligence (Aarts,
Collier, Loenen, Ruyter, 2001; Aarts, Harwig, and
Schuurmans, 2003; Riva et al., 2005). Furthermore,
it also shows that multi-agent system technology can
be of great benefit in health care applications, as
also acknowledged in (Moreno and Nealon, 2004).
More approaches to support medicine usage of
patients have been developed. Both in (Greene,
2005) as well as (Floerkemeier and Siegemund,
2003) models are presented that do not simply
always send an SMS that medicine should be taken
such as proposed by (Safren, et al., 2003). Both
approaches only send SMS messages in case the
patient does not adhere to the prescribed usage. The
model presented in this paper however adds an
additional dimension to such a support system,
namely the explicit representation and simulation of
the estimated medicine level inside the patient.
Having such an explicit model enables the support
agent to optimally support the patient; see also
(Bosse, Memon, and Treur, 2007) for the use of
such a model for mental processes of another agent.
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