Experiences in Applying a Mobile Service Platform
Across Different Business Domains
Anssi Karhinen, Oskari Koskimies and Jukka K. Nurminen
Nokia Research Center
Abstract. The purpose of this report is to share the experiences and lessons
learned in fast-paced mobile service research. We describe on the evolutionary
steps of the mobile service platform that has been used to field different mobile
service concepts in varying business domains. The platform was developed to
solve issues of rapid deployment in different field force applications for data
gathering and task management. In this report we focus on the changes needed
when the platform was used to develop a mobile service for fleet management
and automatic data gathering in the road-maintenance domain
1 Introduction
Increasing capabilities of cellular mobile devices open possibilities for developing
mobile applications and services in many different business domains. Better UI, larger
memory, integrated peripherals like camera and voice recorder, and wirelessly
connected peripherals like GPS and bar code readers make it possible to use generic
mobile phones for applications that used to require custom made, integrated systems.
While the development of mobile applications for professional use has similarities to
the development of mainstream IT solutions like web based services it also has
important differences. Different business domains have also fundamental differences
in their requirements for mobile solutions. In this study we focus on some of those
differences, how they materialize in a development project, analyze their causes, and
suggest ways how to deal with them.
We have focused our research on mobile service solutions for different business
domains. One of the goals has been to study the benefits of software as a service
paradigm [4] that has gained a big momentum in the fixed internet based enterprise
For the empirical part of our research we have used participant observation [9]
methodology where the researcher takes part in the activity, records the experiences
and, after reflection, draws conclusions from this. The weakness of this approach
compared to unengaged observation and analysis is that personal involvement may
bias the results. The validity and generality of the results derived from the
development of a single application has to be taken with care. However, as observed
The authors wish to thank Henry Tennberg and YIT Infra Services Road Maintenance for
their advice and support in trialing mobile services in the road-maintenance domain.
Karhinen A., Koskimies O. and K. Nurminen J. (2007).
Experiences in Applying a Mobile Service Platform Across Different Business Domains.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Workshop on Wireless Ubiquitous Computing, pages 33-42
DOI: 10.5220/0002417800330042
by [2] collecting such practical experiences and trying to generalize the observations
from those is one of the few practical ways to understand real-world software
Development of the mobile service implementations in such environment had
requirements for extreme agility, low overhead, rapid prototyping capability and high
enough quality that the services could be deployed in a commercial environment for
trial use.
By documenting and sharing the experiences in this challenging environment for
mobile software development we hope to give some perspective to other developers
to mirror their own experiences. In this paper we have focused on the special
requirements for the mobile software set by our research method.
The concrete trial case in this paper focuses on the development of a mobile
service solution for road maintenance. Efficient execution of the road maintenance
operations is of importance for the traffic safety and fluency as well as for the road
infrastructure cost. The trial application we developed for the road maintenance unit
of YIT group [15] allows the company to track its road maintenance tasks, collect
history data, create reports, and monitor the cost of its activities.
2 Related Research
Other researchers have studied mobile field force applications in different domains.
For instance, [7] discuss the challenges of applying IT technology to the construction
domain. [11] analyzes the use of a mobile solution by healthcare workers. Their focus
is on the user acceptance of the applications while this paper focuses more on the
development aspects of the mobile solution. Naturally the needs of different domains
are also distinct.
Roadex research program [12] investigated the use of mobile technology for road
maintenance. It presents a set of interesting use cases, some of which could be
covered as an extension of the present work.
A growing number of mobile applications and services are available. Road
maintenance solutions are available at least from [5] and [13]. In comparison to such
companies our target was not primarily to create a commercially successful solution.
Instead we wanted to focus on creating a better understanding of the field force
services domain, on the challenges of developing mobile service applications, and on
creating tools, technologies, and methods which allow easier development of mobile
service solutions.
We are not aware of many documented industrial use cases for mobile field force
applications such as task management or field inspections. There are some
commercial players providing solutions in this space though. A company called
iAnywhere [3] has products that extend database and web based applications to
mobile devices. They use field force automation and especially solutions for
infrastructure maintenance, construction and delivery as reference applications.
Buildercom [1] is a small company that focuses on construction domain and has
mobile inspection product for safety inspection process.
3 Mobile Service Platform
We had developed a mobile service research platform to serve as a basis for rapid
service deployment for trials in different business and industry sectors. The
functionality and non-functional characteristics of the platform were initially based on
analysis of several application domains and several field studies of different industry
segments that had potential for running their processes through a mobile service.
The goal of the domain analysis and field studies was to isolate reusable business
processes or process fragments from different business domains. We called them
"mini-processes". The platform was designed to be able to instantiate and host mini-
processes that are customized to fit a particular domain and customer. It had
mechanisms to create a service template library of reusable mini-processes.
The non-functional characteristics of the platform were dictated by the envisioned
application domains, trial customers and the nature of the selected mini-processes.
Capacity and scalability requirements were kept modest as the practical size of trials
in the participant observation research method is rather small. Also typical solutions
for scalable capacity like distributed processing add a lot of complexity to the basic
design of the platform.
Reliability and fault-tolerance requirements were deemed to be rather reasonable as
the trial usage of the services was not considered mission-critical at this point for the
trial customers. Again the solution for high availability and reliability by replication
of resources adds a lot of complexity to the platform. Instead we opted for single
running service instance and periodic data replication.
The envisioned mobile service user for our research was a field worker who is
connected to a business process through a mobile service. He can receive, view, edit
and send the business documents belonging to the process and generate additional
data using different sensors attached to his mobile device. Examples of mini-
processes that we considered:
1. Task management
Task management is a generic process that is common to many business domains
that operate a field force. Typical examples are different repair and maintenance
services. A manager can assign different tasks to the field workers and track them.
The field workers are able to acknowledge the task and execute the related domain
specific processes.
2. Inspection
Inspection is a form of mobile data gathering where a field worker is assigned a
task to collect specific data from a given location. Typical domains for inspection
process are building maintenance and construction and supply chain inspections.
Common requirement for all of the mini-processes that we were planning to
implement was that the field workers must be able to execute a part of the process
also when outside network coverage. Thus we needed a mechanism for asynchronous
and robust messaging and a client platform that is capable to execute a part of the
logic of the mini-process.
Given these requirements our platform was built on top an in-house developed,
robust and reliable mobile asynchronous messaging backbone. It also provided a
mechanism for provisioning the client software and configurations.
The client software was built on top of MIDP 2.0 Java standard and XForms
technology that made it possible to easily deploy customized user interfaces for
different requirements and also handle user interaction logic locally without the need
for on-line server connection.
Other technologies that were utilized to increase the agility and flexibility of the
platform were Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) [8] and extensive usage
of XML based data presentations.
4 Road Maintenance Solution
When we started to work on the road maintenance domain we chose the approach of
customer-driven innovation. E.g. [7] indicate that without properly understanding the
end-user needs it is easy to create a solution that on the surface is perfectly adequate
but which fails to get customer acceptance. In comparison to office applications the
need for customer involvement in field force solutions is even bigger since few
developers have direct hands-on experience with field-force work.
A part of the customer-driven approach is incremental development using the
customer feedback as a driver. Piloting with early beta versions and gradually
improving the solution with the feedback are important tools. Rapidly reaching the
pilot level was thus one of the targets.
We worked together with the road maintenance division of the Finnish company
YIT group to define how the mobile service platform would be applied to the road
maintenance domain. We started the work with a user research activity where we
shadowed three candidate users in order to understand how they worked. The user
research material and discussions with the managerial team was used to decide on the
key functionality of the solution:
Displaying the road address of the truck to the driver
Tracking of trucks and ongoing tasks
Recording the tasks and routes of each truck
Creating and viewing location based notes
Reporting material consumption
Creating summaries of maintenance history
The solution consisted of a mobile form used by truck drivers to report on their
tasks, and a web user interface used by foremen to monitor the tasks and to create
reports. From truck driver point of view, the basic scenario was as follows:
1. The driver opens the road maintenance form.
2. The driver selects what type of task he is going to perform.
3. While the driver performs the task, GPS coordinates are recorded every
30 seconds and added to the form data. The latest coordinate and the
corresponding address are shown to the user during task execution.
4. During the task, the driver can make notes which are recorded together
with latest coordinates. This is used to make notes of fallen traffic signs
and the like.
5. The driver finishes the task and presses a “Finish” button on the form.
6. The driver enters the amount of consumed materials (e.g. sand, road salt).
7. The driver submits the data, which also closes the form
In order to show the road address we needed a way to convert GPS coordinates to
road addresses. We decided to use a third party service to perform the conversion.
The logic of using a third party service was in line with our basic assumption to use as
much existing services as possible. As such a service was available and could be
modified to our needs with reasonable effort this appeared to be a reasonable choice.
We could save our development resources for other tasks and geographic information
systems specialists would take care of the address conversions. The phone would send
its coordinates (received from a GPS device) to the third party server which would
return the corresponding street/road address.
Using prototype mobile forms without backend functionality, the customer was
able to provide quick feedback on the design of the mobile user interface. This was
essential given our schedule – we only had two months to develop the solution. The
target devices for the pilot were Nokia 6680 and E70 mobile phones running Symbian
S60 operating system.
Fig. 1. Overall structure of the service.
Figure 1 shows the overall structure of the service. Mobile maintenance crews and
foremen are equipped with mobile phones and GPS receivers. They continuously
communicate their location to the service. Map and address translation service is used
to convert the GPS coordinates to road/street addresses.
Browsing the stored information is possible via a web user interface. It is typically
used by foremen to create reports and monitor the work. Finally, a subset of the data
is transferred to the national road administration which is responsible for the nation’s
road network.
5 Applying the Mobile Service Platform to Road Maintenance
Our initial evaluation was that the road maintenance use case was fairly close to a
regular form filling application such as an inspection form. The only exception was
the automatic collection of GPS coordinates into the form data. However, the XForms
technology used in the mobile service platform was relatively easily extended to
support GPS integration. The address translation was performed by a separate GPS
software component before the data was injected into the form. The address
translation did introduce real-time requirements for communication because the
server-side address translation has to be performed quickly in order to show the result
to the user while it is still relevant. Originally the platform only supported a batch
communication model – a reliable message queue – where sending a message could
take an arbitrarily long time to complete. Address translation, on the other hand,
required a synchronous protocol, namely Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
Once the pilot had been running for some time it became apparent that our initial
assumption was false in two respects. Firstly, the time interval between coordinates
was too long. Initially we executed the address conversion once in every 30 seconds.
Once we started getting early comments from our pilot users we realized that this was
too infrequent. A truck driving 80 km/h is able to move close to 700 meters in that
time. Consequently the time interval was reduced to 5 seconds. This solved the
accuracy problem, but increased data output by a factor of six, causing heavy load at
the address translation server and vastly increased costs in both address translation
(which was charged for on a per-transaction basis) and cellular data traffic. The
problem was exacerbated by the use of SOAP requests for the address translation
[Lesson 1]. In hindsight, performing the address conversion on the mobile device
would have been a better choice [Lesson 2]. With the server-side address translation
service, the system operating expenses are simply too high for full-scale commercial
deployment. However, at the time when the decisions were made the service based
solution seemed to be optimal.
Secondly, we had assumed that an application session, i.e. the performance of one
task, would have a relatively short duration. The typical scenario was the spreading of
sand on a single road. In reality, certain tasks can last a full working day. This had
two serious implications:
1. Together with the shorter time interval between coordinates, day-long
sessions meant that the data of a single session could not fit in phone
RAM. Whereas previously all data had been submitted at the end of the
session, we now had to introduce a streaming model where data was
continuously submitted using small partial submissions. Fortunately
XForms is expressive enough to support this.
2. The application has to be able to run in the background, like a daemon, for
a long period of time and keep recording coordinates. This is difficult
because the S60 operating system will kill the road maintenance
application to reclaim memory if another application with non-trivial
memory requirements is started. For example, it was not possible to use a
third party mobile email application at the same time as the road
maintenance application. The users were essentially forced to use a
dedicated phone for the road maintenance application.
The effects of the new requirements on the mobile service platform are summarized in
Fig. 2.
Reliable message
queue and SOAP
message queue
Road Maintenance
Use Case
Reliable message
queue and SOAP
message queue
Road Maintenance
Use Case
Batch and real-timeBatchCommunication
Road Maintenance
Use Case
Batch and real-timeBatchCommunication
Road Maintenance
Use Case
Leads to
Leads to
Fig. 2. Effects of new requirements on the service platform.
After handling these issues, the pilot application was working well for some time.
Then a new pilot site was introduced, in a remote location where there are significant
gaps in GPRS coverage. We suddenly started experiencing reliability problems with
the software – crashes, hang-ups, and so on. After investigating the issue we found
out that the problems were caused by the intermittent connectivity at the new pilot
site. While we had taken care to support both offline and online use, we had not tested
the middle ground, i.e. intermittent connectivity. The cellular network coverage is
very good in Finland, and as a result our field tests never encountered a situation
where the phone temporarily loses connectivity. The problem was simply that from
protocol stack point of view, intermittent connectivity is different from switching
between offline and online, and has to be tested and debugged separately [Lesson 3].
Interestingly, replicating the problem turned out to be challenging. The modern
office building where the developers are working has very good cellular coverage.
The nearby city area is also very well covered. Some experiments were made
microwave ovens, kettles, and other household equipment. A kettle inside a
microwave oven turned out to block enough radiation to break the data connection. It
also turns out that there is significant variation between phone models; a setup which
breaks the data connection for one phone model may be insufficient for another model
[Lesson 4].
Meanwhile we were able to find a more professional solution from a group of
antenna researchers working in our building. The radiation isolation ball made of
copper (see Fig. 3) is used for antenna testing. It turned out to be a useful tool for us
allowing easy testing to see how the application behaves when the phone moves in
and out of coverage. The drawback of such a solution is that it is not possible to
operate the phone while it is out of coverage. We later found out that the antenna
researchers have a special room for that purpose in the basement.
For the GPS location technology we had the opposite problem. It worked well in
the field but not indoors. In the early phase of the development we took some walks
outside to test the application. Naturally this was very time-consuming. Furthermore,
it was difficult to demonstrate the application to the customers which is important in
the customer-driven development. We ended up developing a very simple GPS
emulator. While it allowed most development activities to be done, the arbitrary
coordinates returned by the emulator did not match the reality. A well though-out
emulator should be able to return coordinates on roads only and consecutive
coordinates should emulate a vehicle driving with a given speed. It should also be
possible to emulate cases where the location is unknown because of missing visibility
to the satellites [Lesson 5].
Fig. 3. A copper sphere used to test out-of-coverage situations.
While we have so far concentrated on the things that did not go as expected,
because those are usually the most interesting, it is worth pointing out that one thing
which is usually problematic with mobile applications was in this case relatively
straightforward: the user interface.
The small screen size is frequently a problem when developing mobile
applications. In this work, however, the mobile user interface did not present any
major problems. Most of the tracking activities are performed automatically. The
interactions that the driver has to perform are typically done before and after driving
and do not require complicated user interaction. At the beginning the driver needs to
select the task that he is currently doing (e.g. laying salt). When the task is completed
the driver needs to report that the task is completed together with the amount of
materials (e.g. salt) consumed [Lesson 6].
6 Lessons Learned
1. SOAP is not an appropriate solution when a system has a high traffic volume
e.g. in the case when the real-time requirements are high. It may still be a
good option for the early version of the system for allowing faster beta
testing. In general this lesson applies to extensive usage of XML based data
2. When the mobile device needs to display real-time data, do not use an
external service. Instead have the database and necessary processing
routines in the device itself. This lesson can be generalized to service
oriented architectures in general.
3. Plan and test the application so that it works in online, offline and
intermittent connectivity scenarios. All three must be tested separately.
4. Specialized tools are needed to test how applications react when the phone
experiences problems with cellular connectivity.
5. A GPS emulation tool should be part of a mobile application development
tool set.
6. Mobile user interfaces for maintenance applications work well despite the
small screen area. The needs for interaction are not very extensive. A few
selections from drop down lists are enough for most tasks, and some data
can even be collected automatically. However, being able to store and share
relevant info in a timely fashion has great value.
7 Conclusions
Researching the utility, user experience, perceived value and scalability of mobile
service concepts requires empirical studies to be carried out in the real business
environment. For this purpose we have applied customer driven innovation and
participant observation methods and deployed trial configurations of various mobile
service concepts in different business domains.
Fast moving service research across different business domains sets special
requirements for the underlying platform components of the service implementation.
The main focus is on rapid development and deployment of the services and agile
adaptation to emerging requirements. To meet these challenges we have utilized
technologies like XForms and BPEL that abstract the UI features and processing logic
into a more flexible form compared to native application development.
The mobile service research platform was developed to meet the requirements of
the initial service concepts and application domains. In particular it was targeted to
services for mobile field force and certain generic processes like task management
and mobile data gathering. As the concepts evolved and new business domains like
road maintenance and fleet management were included in the research the platform
had to evolve. In this report we described a major evolution step from the original set
of requirements for slow-paced manual data gathering to fast-moving automatic data
generation and two-way real-time communication.
The experiences that we wanted to share are condensed into set of learnings that
arose during the refactoring process of the platform. We believe that the utilization of
mobile services is still in its infancy in many business sectors and hope that our
experiences will benefit the development of highly useful mobile services for many
business domains with different requirements.
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