Identifying Boundaries and Semantic Labels of Economic
Entities Using Stacking and Re-sampling
Katia Lida Kermanidis
Artificial Intelligence Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Patras, Rio 26500, Greece
Abstract. Semantic entities of the economic domain are detected and labeled in
free Modern Greek text using Instance-based learning in two phases (stacking)
to force the classifier to learn from its mistakes, and random undersampling of
the majority class to improve classification accuracy of the instances of the mi-
nority classes. By not making use of any external sources (gazetteers etc), and
limited linguistic information for pre-processing, a mean f-score value of 73.3%
for the minority classes is achieved.
1 Introduction
The tagging of semantic entities in written text is an important subtask for informa-
tion retrieval and data mining and refers to the task of identifying the entities and
assigning them to the appropriate semantic category.
One major subclass of semantic entities are named entities (such as names of per-
sons, organizations, locations etc.). Automatic named entity recognition (NER) has
been attracting the interest of numerous researchers during the last years. Hendrickx
and Van den Bosch in [3] employ manually tagged and chunked English and German
datasets, and use memory-based learning to learn new named entities that belong to
four categories. They perform iterative deepening to optimize their algorithmic pa-
rameter and feature selection, and extend the learning strategy by adding seed list
(gazetteer) information, by performing stacking and by making use of unannotated
data. They report an average f-score on all four categories of 78.20% on the English
test set. Another approach that makes use of external gazetteers is described in [1],
where a Hidden Markov Model and Semi-Markov Model is applied to the CoNNL
2003 dataset. The authors report a mean f-score of 90%. Multiple stacking is also
employed in [10] on Spanish and Dutch data and the authors report 71.49% and
60.93% mean f-score respectively. The work in [9] focuses on the Natural History
domain. They employ a Dutch zoological database to learn three different named-
entity classes, and use the contents of specific fields of the database to bootstrap the
named entity tagger. In order to learn new entities they, too, train a memory-based
learner. Their reported average f-measure reaches 68.65% for all three entity classes.
Other approaches ([7], [11]) utilize combinations of classifiers in order to tag new
named entities by ensemble learning.
Lida Kermanidis K. (2007).
Identifying Boundaries and Semantic Labels of Economic Entities Using Stacking and Re-sampling.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 149-158
DOI: 10.5220/0002414101490158
This paper describes the automatic recognition of semantic entities related to the
economic domain in Modern Greek free text. Unlike in previous approaches to NER,
the semantic entities in the present work are not limited to named entities only, such
as names of organizations, persons and locations. First, they also cover names of
stocks and bonds, as well as names of newspapers (due to the newswire genre of the
corpus). Furthermore, there are other semantic types that are important for economic
information retrieval, like quantitative units (e.g. denoting stock and fund quantities,
monetary amounts, stock values), percentages etc. Temporal words and expressions
are also identified due to their importance for data mining tasks.
This information appears in free text in either one-word, or multi-word expres-
sions. The present work views semantic entity recognition as a two-task experiment:
The first task is to detect the boundaries (the beginning and the end) of these expres-
sions. The second is to assign a semantic label to each of them.
The corpus used in the experiments is automatically tagged with part-of-speech
(pos), basic token type information (whether a token is a number, a symbol, an abbre-
viation, an acronym etc.) and elementary morphological information (case, number
and gender). This information is represented by a set of features (described in detail
in section 3.2) that form instance vectors. Context information is also taken into ac-
count for recognizing new entities, as the tokens surrounding the candidate entity
often determine the classification outcome.
Supervised learning techniques have been employed to learn the boundaries and
the labels of the entities. Learning is performed in two stages: The learner is first
trained on the training data and used to classify new, unseen instances. In the second
stage, the classification predictions of the first stage are added to the instance vector
as extra features to force the classifier to learn from its mistakes.
Another aspect of the present work that differentiates it from previous approaches
is the attempt to deal with the class imbalance problem. As every sentence token is
considered a candidate semantic entity, the class of negative instances (instances that
do not represent an entity) is highly over-represented in the dataset compared to the
positive classes (instances that do represent an entity). This imbalance has serious
consequences on classification accuracy of the instances of the minority classes. Ran-
dom under-sampling of the majority class instances is applied to balance the dataset
and improve classification performance.
2 Modern Greek
The Modern Greek language has certain properties that are significant for the present
task. First, it is highly inflectional. The case (nominative, accusative, genitive) of
nouns, adjectives or articles affects semantic labeling. For example, the genitive case
may denote possession, quantity, quality, origin, division, etc., as is shown in the
following examples:
Η τιμή ανήλθε στο ποσό των 12.33 €.
The[NOM] price[NOM] reached the[ACC] value[ACC] the[GEN] 12.33 €.
The price reached the value of 12.33 €.
Η Tράπεζα της Ελλάδος
The[NOM] Bank[NOM] the[GEN] Greece[GEN]
The Bank of Greece
As can be induced from these examples, another important property is the agree-
ment of morphological features (case, person, gender and number values) between
consecutive words. The borders of the agreement define the borders of basic nominal
Context information is often decisive when trying to detect a semantic entity. In
the following example, the verb ανέρχομαι (to reach), is a strong indicator that the
entity next to it is an amount/value, because this verb is typically used in Modern
Greek to express ‘reaching a value’
Οι μετοχές ανήλθαν στις 500.
The stocks reached the 500.
The number of stocks reached 500.
3 Data
The experiments described in this paper were run on free Modern Greek text of eco-
nomic domain. This section describes the corpus, as well as the extracted feature set.
3.1 Delos
The DELOS Corpus ([4]) is a collection of economic domain texts of approximately
five million words and of varying genre. It has been automatically annotated from the
ground up. Lemmatization and morphological tagging on DELOS was performed by
the analyzer described in [8]. Regarding the morphological information that is crucial
for the present task, tagging includes assigning part-of-speech (pos) categories to
words, assigning case, number and gender tags, detecting acronyms, abbreviations,
numbers and symbols. Accuracy in part-of-speech and case tagging reaches 98% and
94% respectively.
DELOS is a collection of newspaper and journal articles. More specifically, the
collection consists of texts taken from the financial newspaper EXPRESS, reports
from the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research, research papers from the
Athens University of Economics and several reports from the Bank of Greece. The
documents are of varying genre like press reportage, news, articles, interviews and
scientific studies and cover all the basic areas of the economic domain, i.e. microeco-
nomics, macroeconomics, international economics, finance, business administration,
economic history, economic law, public economics etc. Therefore, it presents a rich-
ness in vocabulary, in linguistic structure, in the use of idiomatic expressions and
colloquialisms, which is not encountered in the highly domain- and language-
restricted texts used normally for named entity recognition (e.g. medical records,
technical articles, tourist site descriptions).
The following table presents some statistical data regarding the composition of the
corpus. Residuals include transliterated words (foreign words written in the Greek
alphabet) and interjections.
Table 1. Statistical data on Delos.
Noun 36,6%
Verb 30,9%
Prepositional 27%
Adverbial 5,5%
Words 84,1%
Punctuation marks 8,9%
Abbreviations/Acronyms 3,3%
Numbers 2,9%
Word tokens
Other Symbols 0,8%
In Greek alphabet 98,2%
In Latin alphabet 1,8%
Nouns 29,9%
Verbs 10,2%
Adjectives 10,6%
Pronouns 3%
Articles 15,2%
Adverbs 5,8%
Numerals 1,5%
Conjunctions 6%
Particles 1,6%
Prepositions 9,2%
Words in Greek
Residuals 7%
3.2 Feature Set
Each token in the corpus constitutes a candidate semantic entity. Each candidate en-
tity is represented by a feature-value vector. The features forming the vector are:
1. The token lemma. In the case where automatic lemmatization was not able to
produce the token lemma, the token itself is the value of this feature.
2. The pos category of the token. The values of this feature appear in table 2.
3. The morphological tag of the token. The morphological tag is a string of 3 char-
acters encoding the case, number, and gender of the token, if it is nominal (noun,
adjective or article).
4. The case tag of the token. The case tag is one of three characters denoting the
token case.
5. Capitalization. A Boolean feature encoding whether the first letter of the token
is capitalized or not.
Table 2. Values of the pos feature.
Tag Description
N Noun
V Verb
A Adjective
P Pronoun
T Article
N Numeral
C Conjunction
R Adverb
S Preposition
F Punctuation mark
U Particle
Xa Acronym
Xb Abbreviation
For each candidate entity, context information was included in the feature-value
vector, by taking into account the two tokens preceding and the two tokens following
it. Each of these tokens was represented in the vector by the five features described
above. As a result, a total of 25 (5x5) features are used to form the instance vectors.
The class label assigns a semantic tag to each candidate token. These tags represent
the entity boundaries (whether the candidate token is the start, the end or inside an
entity) as well as the semantic identity of the token. A total of 40,000 tokens were
manually tagged with their class value. Table 3 shows the various values of the class
feature, as well as their frequency among the total number of tokens.
Unlike most previous approaches that focus on labeling three or four semantic
categories of named entities, the present work deals with a total of 30 class values
plus the non-entity (NULL) value, as can be seen in the previous table.
Another important piece of information provided disclosed by the previous table is
the imbalance between the populations of the positive instances (entities) in the data-
set, that form only 15% of the total number of instances, and the negative instances
(non-entities). This imbalance leads to serious classification problems when trying to
classify instances that belong to one of the minority classes ([5]). By randomly re-
moving negative examples, so that their number reaches that of the positive examples
([6]), the imbalance is attacked and the results prove that classification accuracy of
the positive instances improves considerably.
4 Experimental Setup and Results
Instance-based learning (IB1) was the algorithm selected to classify the candidate
semantic entities. Ib1 was chosen because, due to storing all examples in memory, it
is able to deal competently with exceptions and low-frequency events, which are
important in language learning tasks ([2]), and are ignored by other learning algo-
Several experiments were conducted for determining the optimal context window
size of the candidate entities. Sizes (-2, +2) - two tokens preceding and two following
the candidate entity - and (-1, +1) - one token preceding and one following the candi-
date entity - were experimented with, and comparative performance results were
obtained. When decreasing the size from (-2, +2) to (-1, +1), the number of features
forming the instance vectors drops from 25 to 15. The results are shown in table 4.
Another set of experiments focused on comparing classification in one stage and in
two stages. In the first stage, the Instance-based learner predicts the class labels of the
test instances. The results, as noted previously, are presented in table 3. In the second
stage, the predictions of the first phase are added to the set of features that are de-
scribed in section 3.2. The total number of features in the second stage, when experi-
menting with the (-2, +2) context window, is 30. The results of learning in two stages
with window size (-1, +1) are shown in the first column of table 5.
Table 3. Values of the class label.
Tag Description Percentage
AE Start of company/organization/bank name 1.4%
ME Middle of company/organization/bank name 0.74%
TE End of company/organization/bank name 1.4%
E Company/organization/bank 1-word name 1.1%
AP Start of monetary amount/price/value 0.88%
MP Middle of monetary amount/price/value 0.63%
TP End of monetary amount/price/value 0.88%
AAM Start of number of stocks/bonds 0.3%
MAM Middle of number of stocks/bonds 0.42%
TAM End of number of stocks/bonds 0.3%
AT Start of percentage value 0.73%
MT Middle of percentage value 0.08%
TT End of percentage value 0.73%
AX Start of temporal expression 1%
MX Middle of temporal expression 0.75%
TX End of temporal expression 1%
X 1-word temporal expression 0.55%
AO Start of stock/bond name 0.16%
MO Middle of stock/bond name 0.17%
TO End of stock/bond name 0.16%
ON 1-word stock/bond name 0.05%
AL Start of location name 0.21%
ML Middle of location name 0.48%
TL End of location name 0.21%
L 1-word location name 0.33%
F 1-word newspaper/journal name 0.14%
AN Start of person name 0.18%
MN Middle of person name 0.02%
TN End of person name 0.18%
N 1-word person name 0.06%
Comparative experiments were also performed with and without the removal of
negative examples, in order to prove the increase in performance after applying ran-
dom undersampling to the data. With random undersampling, random instances of the
majority class are removed from the dataset in order for their number to reach that of
the positive classes. The classification results, after applying the undersampling pro-
cedure, are presented in the second column of table 5.
Testing of the algorithm was performed using 10-fold cross validation.
Table 4. Comparative results for different context window sizes.
Class F-score (-1,+1) F-score (-2,+2)
NULL 0.969 0.96
AE 0.728 0.683
ME 0.557 0.64
TE 0.768 0.74
AP 0.851 0.767
MP 0.865 0.852
TP 0.84 0.774
E 0.667 0.621
AAM 0.754 0.675
MAM 0.769 0.708
TAM 0.611 0.643
AO 0.353 0.465
MO 0.194 0.293
TO 0.143 0.35
AT 0.911 0.802
MT 0.588 0.857
TT 0.939 0.818
AX 0.585 0.558
TX 0.588 0.492
AL 0.421 0.449
ML 0.059 0.17
TL 0.278 0.293
X 0.452 0.457
F 0.889 0.947
AN 0.286 0.364
TN 0.378 0.632
MX 0.524 0.561
MN 0 0
ON 0 0
N 0.667 0.571
L 0.519 0.506
Table 5. Column A: Results with two-phase learning for context window size (-1,+1). Column
B: Results with two-phase learning for context window size (-1,+1) after applying random
Class F-score A F-score B
NULL 0.981 0.939
AAM 0.895 0.895
AE 0.882 0.899
AL 0.651 0.571
AN 0.65 0.756
AO 0.81 0.85
AP 0.96 0.96
AT 0.985 0.98
AX 0.755 0.806
E 0.721 0.803
F 0.944 1
L 0.55 0.565
MAM 0.944 0.911
ME 0.831 0.808
ML 0.562 0.632
MN 0 0
MO 0.55 0.5
MP 0.957 0.963
MT 0.952 0.952
MX 0.802 0.8
N 0.533 0.571
ON 0 0
TAM 0.865 0.838
TE 0.871 0.903
TL 0.524 0.465
TN 0.65 0.579
TO 0.629 0.611
TP 0.932 0.932
TT 0.954 0.96
TX 0.736 0.774
X 0.567 0.694
5 Discussion
The context window size plays an important role in classification performance. Cer-
tain types of entities require a larger window for their accurate detection, while larger
context is misleading for other types. To the former category belong the more
‘straightforward’ types, that are either normally introduced by one characteristic word
or acronym/abbreviation, like person names and company names, or that end in one
specific symbol or acronym/abbreviation, like monetary amounts and percentages.
As can be seen in table 4, classification for certain types reaches a poor score.
Looking more closely at table 3, this can be attributed without a doubt to the sparse-
ness that characterizes these types (multi-word person names, multi-word stock/bond
names, multi-word locations). An interesting exception to this rule is newspa-
per/journal names, that reach very high scores, despite their low frequency, because
they are normally introduced by specific words like ‘εφημερίδα’ (newspaper) or
περιοδικό’ (journal).
Table 4 also shows the high f-score achieved for the negative (NULL) class com-
pared to that of the positive classes, due to its high over-representation in the dataset.
The first column of table 5 shows the positive effects of stacking on the task at
hand. The f-score increases up to more than 50% after applying two-phase learning.
This improvement is due to two reasons: First, the sequential nature of the class label
tags (start, middle, end). The class of one entity depends largely on the class of the
preceding and the following entities. Second, the inclusion of the predicted class of
the candidate entity (from the previous learning stage) in the feature vector of the
second stage forces the classifier to focus on the mistakes it made, and try to correct
them. Difficult cases like multi-word locations and multi-word names are now dealt
with satisfactorily.
Random undersampling also proved highly beneficial for the majority of the entity
categories. It forces the learner to pay more attention to the minority classes. The
random nature of the undersampling process is the reason that the results for certain
entity types were not improved, as certain useful negative examples may have been
One-word stock/bond names (ON) occur extremely seldom in the corpus. Person
names consisting of more than two words (MN), are even more rare. The learner has
not been able to detect these classes due to the sparseness.
Given, however, the nature and complexity of the corpus, the low level of preproc-
essing (compared to previous approaches that use phrase-chunked input), and the
large number of class labels, the results of table 5 are very impressive when compared
to the ones reported in the literature (section 1).
6 Conclusion
This paper has presented a set of methodologies that were applied to a Modern Greek
economic corpus in order to help detect and label semantic entities in the economic
domain that are important for information retrieval, data mining, question-answering
systems. Unlike previous approaches to named-entity recognition, the present work
aims at identifying a wider range of entities (apart from names of persons, organiza-
tions and locations), that are linked to the economic domain, like names of stocks, of
newspapers, of banks, quantities, percentages, etc. Stacking was performed to help
the instance-based classifier to focus on the tricky cases and learn from previous
mistakes, leading thereby to a significant increase in accuracy. Another novel feature
of the present work is the way it deals with the imbalance in the class distribution in
the dataset. Further performance improvement was achieved after balancing the class
distribution using undersampling of the majority class instances. The above tech-
niques deal very well with the large number of class labels, with the low level of pre-
processing, as well as the complicated nature of the corpus.
We thank the European Social Fund (ESF), Operational Program for Educational and
Vocational Training II (EPEAEK II), and particularly the Program PYTHAGORAS
II, for funding the above work.
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