Relevance, Non-Intrusiveness, and a New Long-Term Memory
M. C. Puerta Melguizo
, T. Bogers
, A. Deshpande
, L. Boves
and A. van den Bosch
Department of Language and Speech, Radboud University, P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen, The Netherlands
ILK/Language and Information Science, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153 NL 5000, LE Tilburg, The Netherlands
Keywords: Proactive recommendation systems, information seeking, writing stages.
Abstract: The goal of the project À Propos is to develop a proactive, just-in-time recommendation system for
professional writers. While authors are writing, the proactive system searches for relevant information to
what is being written, and presents this information to the writers in a manner that is perceived as timely,
non-intrusive, and trustworthy. In this paper we present our ideas and the first steps performed in order to
reach this goal. Writing a professional document is a complex and highly demanding task that can be
seriously affected by interruptions from the environment. Consequently, a proactive system should be 1)
able to present highly relevant information consequently, 2) to identify in what stage of writing the author is
involved, and what are the moments in which information needs are more important and less disruptive, and
3) serve as an external long-term memory for the writer. In this paper we describe the steps and first results
of À Propos in order to develop a proactive recommendation system that covers these goals.
Behind the process of writing professional
documents lies a steady but intermittent need to
check, validate, and add information. Search engines
have become the primary tool for information access
in both company-internal networks and the Internet.
Still, broad keyword-based search is inefficient.
Considerable time is spent interacting with low-
precision search engines. The time in which the
author is away from creating the document can have
a negative impact on the time spent, and on the
quality of the text. In addition, relevant information
may be missed because the writer did not realize that
the information exists and could be looked up.
Furthermore, switching from the text editor to the
search engine imposes extra demands on the user’s
cognitive capacities. A system that can relieve
authors from explicit search and switching between
applications by means of searching information
accurately and recommending this information in a
proactive manner would be most welcome.
Proactive Recommendation Systems (PRSs)
retrieve large quantities of documents, decide what
available information is most likely relevant to the
text to be written, and offer that information without
user requests. The decision about what information
to offer is mainly based on the text that is currently
being written. Only a few PRSs have been
specifically developed to support writing. For
example, the Remembrance Agent (Rhodes, 2000)
suggests personal email and documents based on
text being written. Watson (Budzik and Hammond,
1999) is another PRS (or IMA: Information
Management Assistant as the authors called it) that
performs automatic Web searches based on text
being written or read. IntelliGent™ is another PRS
that proactively submits queries to a potentially large
number of search engines and presents the retrieved
information while the user is writing a document. A
serious problem with all of these PRSs is that they
are developed as search support tools and, do not
seem to take into account the specific characteristics
of the task at hand. Writing professional documents
is a complex and highly demanding task that can be
seriously affected by any type of interruption from
the environment.
To understand the factors influencing the process
of writing, we briefly describe the cognitive model
of writing proposed by Hayes and Flower (1980).
We then summarize the results of an initial study
conducted with IntelliGent™ (Deshpande et al,
2006). The purpose of the study was to get a general
impression of how users evaluate PIRs supporting
writing. Based on the results of that study, we
C. Puerta Melguizo M., Bogers T., Deshpande A., Boves L. and van den Bosch A. (2007).
WHAT A PROACTIVE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM NEEDS - Relevance, Non-Intrusiveness, and a New Long-Term Memory.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 86-91
DOI: 10.5220/0002377600860091
describe the steps of our project À Propos in order to
develop a PIR able to present highly relevant
information, just-in-time and in a non-disruptive
The need for a PIR might differ from one moment to
another during the process of writing a document.
According to the model of Hayes and Flower (1980),
writing happens in three stages: Planning,
Translating, and Reviewing (see Figure 1). Planning
involves retrieving and selecting information from
the Long-Term Memory (LTM) and the Task
Environment. Planning is divided into three sub-
processes. Generating involves retrieving domain
knowledge from LTM. Organization implies
selecting the most useful material retrieved by the
generating process, organizing it into plans and
determining the sequence in which these topics will
be writen. Goal setting involves the elaboration of
criteria that allow the writer judging the
appropriateness of the written text relative to the
writing intentions. Planning precedes the formal
writing or translation and continues occurring during
the entire process. During the Translating
information is taken from the LTM in accordance to
the writer’s plans and goals and is formulated into
sentences. In the Reviewing
stage the writer
evaluates the relation between the text written so far
and the linguistic, semantic and pragmatic aspects
that would best serve the writing goal. Reviewing
involves two sub-processes. Reading allows to
detect errors or weaknesses and to evaluate the
appropriateness of the written text in relation to the
goals established during planning. Editing appears as
a system of production rules that result in changes to
the text.
The structure of the writing process can have a
large impact on the ways in which PRSs should
interact with the user. To explore in which of the
writing stages authors are most in need of additional
information, Deshpande et al. (2006) performed an
exploratory study with the proactive system
The study conducted by Deshpande et al. (2006) had
the goals of understanding how and when scientists
use IntelliGent™ in a natural working environment
and to what extent the PRS is supporting them
during writing. IntelliGent™ proactively submits
queries based on a broadly defined user profile in
combination with what the user is currently typing.
The system presents the retrieved information to the
user proactively and immediately. The results of the
search are presented in a semi-transparent window
located in the bottom right of the screen (see Figure
2). The window contains URLs related to what the
user is typing. As the user moves the cursor over the
references, the URLs become fully visible and
active. On clicking the required URL, the user
accesses the corresponding paper from the digital
library. The information in the window is changed
depending upon the text that is being input and new
queries are created. The information presented also
changes as the user moves the cursor while
reviewing previously written parts of the document.
Figure 1: Cognitive process model of writing (Flower and Hayes 1980).
Text Produced
so far
Goal setting
Writer’s LTM
Knowledge of topics
Knowledge of audience
Stored writing plans
Knowledge of sources based
on literature search
Task Environment
Writers assignment
Writing process
WHAT A PROACTIVE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM NEEDS - Relevance, Non-Intrusiveness, and a New
Long-Term Memory
Figure 2: IntelliGent™ System for proactive information
During two months researchers from the
department of Language and Speech Technology at
Radboud University (The Netherlands) used
IntelliGent™ whenever they were using MS-Word.
The Scopus® database was linked to IntelliGent™
as the source for information. To investigate if there
were different information seeking needs during the
different stages of writing, several interviews and
questionnaires were conducted. Also the issues of
efficiency, effectiveness, and overall satisfaction
with IntelliGent™ were addressed. The main results
of the study show that the system was not really
efficient and did not improve participants’
productivity. According to the participants, the main
reason was that the system frequently presented
irrelevant information, resulting in disruptions of the
writing process. We concluded that better filtering
techniques are necessary to improve the selection of
relevant information. Actually, participants
recognized that the use of the system would add
value to their writing tasks if it were able to present
really relevant information when needed. We also
found that, as the user shifts between stages in the
writing process, information requirements differ. In
most cases, participants were not aware of doing any
planning before starting the translating stage.
However, in all cases, they found that the most
important moment to search for information is
before translating starts. When asked if they also
looked for new information during translating and
reviewing, participants claimed not to do it
frequently and only when some justification of their
ideas was needed. These results are similar to the
ones described by Dansac and Alamargot (1999).
In conclusion, we found that a PRS to support
professional writing will only be appreciated 1) if
the recommended information is highly relevant and
2) is offered in the right stage of the writing process.
From these results the main goals of our project À
Propos were developed.
The goal of the project À Propos is to develop a
proactive, adaptive, personalized, and just-in-time
knowledge management environment for writers in a
professional environment. The architecture of À
Propos is inspired by IntelliGent and other PIRs
such as Watson (Budzik and Hammond, 1999) and
Stuff I've Seen (Dumais et al, 2003).
À Propos is
based on a client-server architecture. The client runs
on the user's computer and monitors user’s activity
constantly. The server handles all the incoming
requests for information, consults the relevant
information sources, and returns the search results to
the À Propos client.
According to our initial study, two main issues need
to be carefully investigated. First, in order to present
highly relevant information, appropriate filtering
techniques need to be developed. Second,
procedures to identify the different writing stages
and related information needs must be created. Our
plans for these equally important sides of À Propos
are discussed in the next subsections and the
resulting environment is depicted in Figure 3.
4.1 Relevance
The acceptance of any PRS hinges on the relevance
of the suggested information. Therefore, we aim to
develop methods for generating search profiles that
enable effective, trustworthy, and high-precision
information retrieval with regard to the user's current
information need. Search profiles are generated on
the basis of a collection of documents previously
written by the user and the workgroup. The profiles
must also be able to adapt to the specific information
needs of the user while writing a specific document.
The À Propos agent integrates these search profiles
with a parallel interface to public domain and
proprietary internal search engines, as well as the
user's own pool of documents. The final step is
fusing and filtering the search results from all the
different sources. The next sections go into more
detail about the different steps in the architecture.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.1.1 Information Need
The first job of the À Propos agent starts whenever a
user is writing or reading a document. Determining
the information need is aided by the Observers,
software agents that monitor user's activity in
different applications such as Internet browsers,
word processors and email clients. The Free Search
Observer monitors explicit searches for information
in the À Propos search window. Observers collect
the paragraph the user is currently writing or the text
displayed on screen if the user is reading a
document. In a later stage the À Propos agent uses
this context to estimate the user's information need
by formulating appropriate queries.
Currently, there is almost no difference between
context extractions for different Observers. We plan
to extend the query component by experimenting
with different context sizes and considering different
context extraction constraints for each type of
Observer. In addition, the frequency with which
context is extracted and subsequent queries are
launched, should be tuned to the stage in the writing
process. Another factor we wish to investigate is the
probable beneficial influence of using the personal
and group search profiles in the extraction stage.
4.1.2 Search
Searching for documents relevant to the user's
information need is the second step in À Propos. The
context extracted in the previous stage is sent to the
À Propos server and distributed to the search
engines in the form of specific queries. Distilling an
appropriate query from the user's context is done by
spotting key terms and phrases in the context using
domain-specific taxonomies and heuristics for
ranking query terms. The extracted terms are then
used to generate queries, enabling À Propos to
perform searches without user-formulated queries.
This approach is similar to the query-free
approaches to news search (Henzinger et al, 2003),
and expert diagnostics (Hart and Graham, 1997). To
prevent overloading the search engines with too
many, irrelevant, and/or redundant search requests,
each information source has separate Gatekeepers
and Filters.
Gatekeepers generate queries for their respective
information sources and determine whether or not to
execute the queries suggested by the Observers. For
each information source, the Gatekeepers use a
domain-specific taxonomy of which a certain
number of query terms need to match for the query
to be executed. In addition, the Gatekeepers compare
new queries to queries that were submitted recently
to prevent redundancy. Filters guard the relevance
of the documents and filter out data that is not
relevant for inclusion in a query (e.g. function words
such as ‘and', ‘the', ‘of', etc. are suppressed). The
filters also transform a query into the format
required for the different information sources.
The information sources can be divided into four
types. External documents are typical electronic
document stores such as Scopus
, ACM, Springer,
etc., but also the Internet (Google Scholar, CiteSeer).
Company-internal document stores include Intranet
databases and other in-company information
resources such as patent databases and technical
reports. The group documents cover all the work
done by the workgroup the user is a part of. Finally,
the user's personal document collection, consisting
of self-authored documents and other downloaded
papers, is another information source.
We plan to extend this component by using
personal and group profiles to enhance the
performance of the Filters and the Gatekeepers.
These profiles could also be used for expanding
queries that are submitted to public search engines.
4.1.3 Combining and Filtering
After a query is submitted to different search
engines, the different sets of search results need to
be combined and filtered to present a single list of
recommendations to the user. The first step in this
third stage is deduplication, a well-researched
problem in distributed information retrieval (e.g.
Callan et al, 1995). Bibliographic screening
techniques similar to those developed in the CiteSeer
project (Giles et al, 1998) are used for deduplication
in À Propos. The next step is filtering the results.
Depending on the stage of the writing process,
documents that the user has seen before may have to
be filtered out. In the end, only documents whose
ranking scores exceed a strict relevancy threshold
are recommended to the user.
We plan to test the influence of personal and
group profiles on this filtering step. Filtering and re-
ranking the list of results depends on these search
profiles and on other characteristics of user's
workgroup. The search profiles could also be used to
re-rank the results, giving preference to documents
that match better with the user's personal profile.
4.1.4 Personalization
The relevance of suggested documents is strongly
affected by the topic of the user's current text and by
the user's research interests. Personalization is
handled in À Propos by generating and applying
search profiles that are generated on the basis of a
collection of documents previously written by the
workgroup. À Propos distinguishes between
individual user profiles and the workgroup profile.
WHAT A PROACTIVE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM NEEDS - Relevance, Non-Intrusiveness, and a New
Long-Term Memory
search engines
search engines
search engines
search engines
filtering &
filtering &
Figure 3: The À Propos architecture.
A user profile is created by using a combination
of questionnaires and important terms extracted
from the documents written by the user. Another
source for profile information is supplying À Propos
with a list of in-company and public information
resources that should be consulted. In either case,
initially, the À Propos agent will give more weight
to terms used in documents authored by the user and
the questionnaire answers. Search profiles are
updated as the user works on new documents or
whenever the user provides positive feedback on
recommended documents. These search profiles are
used to guide the retrieval and recommendation
process as terms and phrases in the user profile can
be used to expand queries and to filter or re-rank
search results. The group profiles serve the same
purpose and can also contain information about
group dynamics such as trustworthiness or expertise.
For instance, documents recommended by experts
on the active document topic should receive a higher
weight than documents recommended by laymen.
Future work on personalization includes comparing
different methods of constructing and combining the
search profiles and investigating their influence on
the relevancy of the recommendations made by À
4.2 Writing Stages and
The structure of the writing process has a large
impact on the ways in which a PRS should interact
with the user. On the one hand, it seems that there is
a strong need for searching information during the
planning stage, but often most of the planning occurs
before any substantial writing is done. Although a
writing strategy that involves explicit planning is
often recommended in formal writing courses, few
scientists seem to do it. The challenge to designers is
then to make the PRS so effective and powerful that
professional writers experience the added value of
adhering to a strategy that involves explicit
planning. In other words, the PRS should be able to
motivate users to change their writing procedures in
such a manner that the system can help them to find
information in the appropriate moment. For
example, if users would make their writing plans
explicit by typing section headers and short
summaries of what should go into each section
before they set out to create the full text, a PRS
might be in a much better position to search for
potentially relevant information. The big benefit to
writers would be that they receive recommendations
in a proactive manner, shortening considerably their
task of seeking for information, and minimizing the
risk of missing essential information.
On the other hand, proactive information
recommendation does interrupt the ongoing task,
and it may well be that these interruptions are more
disturbing and distracting in specific stages of the
writing process. Consequently, the possible different
effects of interruptions during different writing
stages need to be considered in order for the system
to recognize what are the most opportune moments
to present the information in a non-intrusive and
timely fashion. We are currently conducting
experiments to investigate the effects of interrupts in
the Planning and Reviewing Phase. In addition, we
are investigating several issues related to the
interface of the PRS. Here, the goal is to design the
interface and interaction procedure in such a way
that it is easy for writers to observe that potentially
relevant information has been retrieved, while at the
same time it is easy to ignore the messages of the
system if they are involved in a part of a task that
would be difficult to resume after having been
interrupted by À Propos.
4.3 A New Long-Term Memory
Another goal is to develop the PIRs in such a way
that it can be used as an addition to the writer’s
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
neural LTM. So far, virtually all writing research has
been conducted in settings in which the LTM from
which participants could ‘get information’ was
limited to their own brain (e.g. Olive, 2004). The
advent of extremely powerful search systems will
have a large effect on the way people will consider
and use LTM. In the future it may be more important
to know how to find information than to memorize
information in the first place. Also information
retrieved in the form of documents or text snippets
may have a different impact on how one decides to
organize the information in a coherent text than
when the information is retrieved from one’s own
Current proactive recommendation systems do not
take into account the various writing stages and
different information searching needs in their design.
The goal of the project À Propos is to develop a
proactive, just-in-time recommendation system for
professional writers that does take these issues into
account. The idea is that while authors are writing,
the proactive system searches for relevant
information to what is being written, and presents
this information to the writers in a manner that is
perceived as timely, non-intrusive, and trustworthy.
In this paper we present our ideas and the first steps
performed in order to reach this goal.
We would like to thank Frank Hofstede of Search
Expertise Centrum (The Netherlands) for providing
us with IntelliGent™. We would also like to thank
IOP-MMI, administered by SenterNovem, for
funding this project.
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Hart, P.E. and Graham, J. 1997. Query-free Information
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Hayes, L.S. and Flower, J.R., 1980. Identifying the
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Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, 3-30.
Henzinger, M., Chang, B., Milch, B. and Brin. S., 2003
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Olive, T., 2004. Working memory in writing: Empirical
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Rhodes, B.J., 2000. Just-in-time Information Retrieval,
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WHAT A PROACTIVE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM NEEDS - Relevance, Non-Intrusiveness, and a New
Long-Term Memory