esar Alonso Abad
Music Technology Group, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
Angel Mart
ın Fern
andez, Carlos Alberola L
Image Processing Laboratory, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Fast perceptual quantization, perceptual audio coding, Huffman, histogram, scalability, low delay.
In this paper we present Fast Perceptual Quantization (FPQ), a novel procedure to quantize and code audio
signals. It employs the same psychoacoustics principles used in the popular MPEG/Audio coders, but substan-
tially simplifies the complexity and computational needs of the encoding process. FPQ is based on defining a
hierarchy of privileged quantization values so that the masking threshold calculated through a psychoacoustic
model is leveraged to quantize the real values to the privileged ones when possible. The computational cost of
this process is very low compared to MP3’s or AAC’s quantization/coding loops. Experimental results show
that it is possible to achieve nearly transparent coding using as few as approximately 100 quantization values.
This leads to very efficient bit compaction using Huffman or arithmetic coding so that nearly state-of-the-art
performance can be achieved in terms of quality/bit-rate trade-off. Since quantization and codification (bit
compaction) procedures are completely independent here, efficient scalable decoding can be achieved either
by parsing and entropy re-encoding the original quantized values or by coding the bit-planes independently
and sorting them in order of perceptual significance. Very low delay performance is also possible to achieve,
which makes the proposed coding scheme suitable for real-time applications.
In this paper we introduce a perceptual quantiza-
tion and coding scheme based on the MDCT and
the Psychoacoustic Model 1 (ISO/MPEG, 1992) that
achieves transparent coding at bit-rates comparable
to those obtained using MP3 and also provides scal-
ability and an algorithmic delay of about 5-10 ms.
Our main contribution is the quantization procedure,
namely FPQ (Fast Perceptual Quantization), which is
rather simple but nevertheless leads to very interesting
results in practice.
FPQ is a novel quantization procedure that takes ad-
vantage of a tolerance margin below which quantiza-
tion noise is not perceived or detected in such a way
that the statistical properties of the quantized values
make them especially suitable for efficient entropy
coding. The idea behind most perceptual compres-
sion schemes is the following: given the modulus of
an N-point spectral frame —from an FFT, MDCT,
etc.— and an N point global masking threshold for
that frame, we want to quantize the spectral coeffi-
cients with the largest quantization step —i.e. with
the smallest number of quantization bits— that al-
lows keeping quantization noise below the masking
threshold. MPEG/Audio coders use Huffman coding
iteratively to find the shortest codewords that quan-
tize and encode the spectral values without exceed-
ing the masking threshold for each scalefactor-band
(ISO/MPEG, 1992; Bosi et al., 1997). Other recent
approaches like the ones proposed in (Derrien et al.,
2006; Kramer et al., 2004; Wabnik et al., 2006) take
into account the statistical behavior of the quantiza-
tion noise to simplify the quantization/coding iterative
The approach of FPQ is very related to these last
ones, but instead of modeling the statistical properties
Alonso Abad C., Ángel Martín Fernández M. and Alberola López C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 31-34
DOI: 10.5220/0002140100310034
of the quantization noise, the idea is to take advantage
of the masking threshold to force some interesting sta-
tistical property to occur. For example, it is very de-
sirable for Huffman or arithmetic coding purposes to
concentrate the probability of occurrence of quanti-
zation values in a small subset of “privileged” ones.
In this way, we can use less bits to encode the most
probable quantization values at the expense of using
more bits to encode those quantization values that are
rarely taken. And what is also important: coding bits
are not spent in quantization values that are actually
never taken.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Spectral bin number
Power (dB)
Quantized signal (FPQ)
Masking threshold
Quantization error
Figure 1: Short spectral frame of a music signal quantized
using FPQ. Note that quantization error does not exceed the
masking threshold at any point.
One simple and efficient way to achieve this con-
centration of probability in a small subset of quantiza-
tion values is to quantize each spectral bin according
to the following procedure:
1. First we try the largest possible quantization step,
i.e. we try to quantize the actual value either to
zero or the maximum of the dynamic range. Typ-
ically, the dynamic range would be 0-65535 (16
quantization bits).
2. We calculate the quantization error as the absolute
value of the difference between the actual value
and the quantized one using the actual quantiza-
tion step.
3. If this error level is below the value of the mask-
ing threshold for the particular spectral bin con-
sidered, the distortion is assumed to be inaudible
and the bin is quantized with the actual quantiza-
tion step.
4. If not, we divide the quantization step by 2 and
repeat the process from the second step.
These steps are repeated for each and every spectral
value until all of them are quantized in such a way that
quantization error never exceeds the masking thresh-
old, as it is shown in Figure 1. This simple algorithm
has several advantages:
- The quantization procedure has a very low computa-
tional cost and can be implemented using a few sim-
ple operations. Only one loop is necessary to quan-
tize each value, with 15 iterations at the most (using
16 quantization bits) but about 3-4 iterations in mean.
- Entropy coding is only made once, when all the val-
ues are quantized, as opposed to MPEG/Audio quan-
tization/coding nested loops, in which Huffman cod-
ing is performed in every iteration until any of the ter-
mination conditions of the loops are met.
- Spectral bins tend to quantize to powers of 2 or mul-
tiples of powers of 2. If we use natural binary coding,
most of the values are expressed with binary words
with few ones surrounded by zeros. This sparsity is
interesting for compressing each bit-plane separately
for scalability purposes.
- Experimental results show that it is possible to
achieve transparent coding of modern music audio
signals using as low as about 100 quantization values,
which is a dramatic dimensionality reduction from the
initial 65536 possible if we use 16 quantization bits.
- Spectral bins in every frame are quantized one by
one and not at sub-band level. In other words, they are
quantized to the maximum possible frequency resolu-
tion given a window length. This allows for high cod-
ing gains even when using short analysis windows,
what is desirable for very low delay applications.
- As quantization is independent from the later en-
tropy coding procedure used, we can achieve scalable
decoding easily. For example by compressing the bit-
planes separately, taking advantage of the aforemen-
tioned sparsity of the values quantized with FPQ ex-
pressed in natural binary form, and selecting them in
order of significance.
- Fixed bit-rate streaming can be also achieved by se-
lecting the proper number of bit-planes for each tem-
poral frame.
To test the properties of FPQ embedded in a com-
plete coding scheme, we developed a prototype of
a simple perceptual audio compression system using
MATLAB. The scheme is shown in Figure 2. An in-
put PCM signal sampled at 44100 Hz and quantized
with 16 bits is divided into N-point 50% overlapped
frames to calculate the MDCT. N should not be very
large to avoid pre-echoes. In our experiments each
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
(or DCT)
Figure 2: Proposed scheme for a simple encoder that makes use of FPQ and Huffman entropy coding.
spectral frame had 256 points (N = 512). For each
spectral frame, the masking threshold or JND level
is calculated, as shown in Figure 1. This is done
through Psychoacoustic Model 1 but using the mod-
ulus of the MDCT coefficients instead of making a
separate FFT analysis. The modulus of every single
bin is quantized independently using FPQ, according
to the value of the masking threshold for this particu-
lar bin. The signs are compressed separately using a
lossless scheme.
Once every bin on every frame is quantized with
FPQ, the resulting data are very highly compress-
ible by almost any entropy coder. We tried Huffman
and arithmetic coding, PNG (Deflate), RAR and ZIP,
achieving in all cases compression ratios between 1:7
and 1:10 for nearly transparent coding of mono sig-
nals. In other words: this simple scheme is com-
parable to MP3 compression in terms of quality/bit-
rate trade off. The decoding procedure is also very
simple: the entropy-coded spectral coefficients are
uncompressed and the inverse MDCT is performed.
Note that the Huffman codewords are the only side
information needed for decoding.
4.1 Non-real-time Performance
When low delay is not important, we can use the
buffer in Figure 2 to calculate the histogram and there-
fore the optimum codewords for entropy coding the
signal considered. As it has been said, FPQ quantizes
the modulus of spectral audio coefficients in such a
way that a few quantization values —say about 100—
are enough to cover the whole dynamic range with-
out introducing audible distortion. It has been found
experimentally that the probability distribution of the
quantized spectral values for all the music signals we
used for testing is rather similar, as shown in Figure 3.
In all cases approximately the same few values (most
of them powers of two and multiples of powers of
two) are largely the most probable.
To measure the compressibility of the coefficients
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
Possible quantization values (only 87 are actually taken)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
Possible quantization values (only 111 are actually taken)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
Possible quantization values (only 56 are actually taken)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
Possible quantization values (only 79 are actually taken)
Figure 3: Histogram of the spectral quantization values for
nearly transparent coding using FPQ for four 8-second mu-
sical excerpts named Rock, Pop, Techno, and Classic. ac-
cording to their music style. Values are quantized using 16
bits (the dynamic range is therefore 0-65535). Vertical axis
is in logarithmic scale and normalized to 1 for better visu-
quantized using FPQ and the performance of the en-
tire prototype of the encoder here proposed, we used
several 8-second music excerpts, representative of
various music styles. First we compressed them us-
ing MP3 and AAC coders at the less possible bit-
rate which produced nearly transparent coding, that
is, distortion which is perhaps slightly perceptible,
but not annoying. Then we used the MATLAB pro-
totype based on FPQ described in section 3 to ob-
tain the corresponding quantized MDCT coefficients
for each signal. The global masking threshold level
used for quantization was adjusted in order to obtain
decoded audio files with a similar quality as those
coded with MP3 and AAC in the previous step. Fi-
nally we compressed the resulting quantized spectral
coefficients using Huffman, arithmetic, RAR and ZIP
entropy coders. The resulting file lengths were very
close to those obtained with MP3 coding in all cases.
AAC compression was significantly better for similar
audio quality.
We used also another method to entropy code the
quantized values for scalability purposes. Taking ad-
vantage of the sparse structure that quantized values
using FPQ present, we compressed each bit-plane us-
ing PNG for binary images. The resulting file lengths
obtained were between 5% and 23% bigger than those
obtained with MP3. Nevertheless, the files thus com-
pressed have the advantage of being able to gener-
ate scalable bit-streams without any additional com-
putational cost. It is possible to achieve fine-grain
scalability by further subdividing the bit-planes into
smaller binary images. Experiments show that grace-
ful degradation is obtained by successively removing
the less significant bit-planes.
4.2 Real-time Performance
When low-delay is required each frame must be coded
and sent immediately. Using 512-point temporal win-
dows for the MDCT, the minimum algorithmic delay
is 11.6 ms for a sampling rate of 44100 Hz. Using
DCT with non-overlapped 256-point windows, delay
can be reduced to 5.8 ms. As long as FPQ and Huff-
man coding are very low costing operations, only the
psychoacoustic model would increase these delay val-
ues significantly. However, as FPQ uses the masking
threshold to the maximum possible frequency resolu-
tion for a given a window length, it is expected that
even shorter windows could be used while maintain-
ing acceptable coding gains.
The price we have to pay for low-delay perfor-
mance is that the Huffman codewords must be actual-
ized and sent to the decoder each and every time new
quantization values appear in the incoming frames.
After an initial start-up stage in which Huffman code-
words must be sent for every frame, the histogram be-
comes approximately stable. In this steady-state sce-
nario, the same codewords are nearly optimal for the
frames transmitted thereafter. If new values appear,
a new Huffman table including these values must be
generated. Fortunately, this happens only occasion-
ally after the first frames are coded and sent, and the
overload penalty is only an increase of 10-15% in
the amount of information that must be transmitted.
Another possibility is to predefine a fixed “standard”
Huffman table for all the cases, taking into account
that histograms of very different signals are actually
not so different, as shown in Figure 3: approximately
the same values (powers of 2 and multiples of powers
of 2) are the most probable in all cases.
In this paper, a novel perceptual quantization method
for audio coding called FPQ has been proposed. This
method is an alternative to those used in the most im-
portant perceptual audio coders and has several ad-
vantages with respect to them: it is much simpler and
computationally inexpensive; it can produce scalable
bit-streams with no additional computational cost and
it is suitable for real-time applications.
For the purpose of measuring the FPQ capabili-
ties, a simple audio compression prototype was built
in MATLAB. The results of the experiments showed
that the quantized spectral values given by FPQ are
very well suited for compression using almost any en-
tropy coding system. Compression rates comparable
to those obtained using MP3 coding for the same au-
dio quality were achieved. Very low delay and scal-
ability is also achievable at the expense of slightly
higher bit-rates. It is expected that the compression
capacity of the system will be significantly improved
using more refined psychoacoustic models and en-
tropy coders, while keeping the advantages of being
simple, computationally inexpensive and scalable.
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications