Volker Gruhn, Malte H
ulder and Vincent Wolff-Marting
Chair of Applied Telematics, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Social Networking Platform, Public Key Infrastructure, Web-of-Trust.
Although public key infrastructures (PKI) exist for quite a while already, neither hierarchical PKI based on
Certification Authorities (CA) nor decentralized webs-of-trust have come to great popularity, particularly not
in the private sector. In this paper we want to analyze some reasons for this development and propose possible
solutions. The utilization of social networking platforms which have become popular by the so-called ”web
2.0”, may bridge the gap between webs-of-trust and social networks. Thus, the web-of-trust structure may
also become more popular and more widely spread due to the better usability this combination provides. For
example, key exchange and authentication of the key owners’ identities can be supported by extended means
of social networking platforms.
There are mainly two ways of organizing public key
infrastructures (PKI) (Ferguson and Schneier, 2003):
In hierarchical organizations (Housley et al., 2002),
(Caronni, 2000) the keys are managed centrally and
their authenticity is proven by a Certification Author-
ity (CA). As a decentralized management alternative,
web-of-trust structures (Zimmermann, 1995), (Eck-
ert, 2004) have been developed, in which users con-
firm their authenticity to one another. The web-of-
trust is based on the function of ”trust” being transi-
tive in some way, i.e. if for example user A trusts in
user B, and user B trusts in user C, then user A may
also have some trust into user C. Because A does not
know C directly, the trust into such an indirect con-
nection decreases with the length of the connection
(Maurer, 1996a).
During the last years we have seen, that PKI de-
velop only in a rather hesitant way. We see different
reasons for this inert development: Hierarchical PKI
are quite expensive. Due to the amount of data that
has to be managed by CAs, investments and costs for
extremely reliable technology and the protection of
data privacy are quite high. Decentralized web-of-
trust structures are based on some kind of peer to peer
principle, and thus are cheaper to realize, but avail-
ability and protection of data privacy is left to the
users. Moreover, both approaches suffer from intri-
cateness and bad usability that is brought about by
their consequent use. For example, for both of the
two most popular e-mail clients Microsoft Outlook
and Mozilla Thunderbird, separate programs need to
be installed to be able to use the OpenPGP web-of-
trust (Callas et al., 1998).
Although the high costs are a good argument for
hierarchical PKI not being accepted in the private
sector, this argument does not hold for decentral-
ized structures. In the following section we will look
into the shortcomings that prevent private users from
applying web-of-trust infrastructures and how they
can be overcome. In particular we will examine the
chances that arise from social networks and the so-
called ”Web 2.0”.
If the function of ”trust” is transitive as assumed
above, a rather close meshed web-of-trust should
Gruhn V., Hülder M. and Wolff-Marting V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 245-250
DOI: 10.5220/0002125902450250
emerge quite soon, because almost everyone has a
number of people they trust in and each of them
should have a partly disjunct group of trusted people.
Already in 1967 Milgram (Milgram, 1967) reckoned,
that any man knows any other by at most 6 links. In
2003 this hypothesis was confirmed at least for the
users of electronic media like e-mail (Watts, 2003).
Hence the path of trust from one person to another
should also have an average of only six nodes. But
why are the existing webs-of-trust more like islands
rather than a worldwide network (Guardiola et al.,
One reason for this phenomenon may be that the
meaning of ”trust” is not clear to many users. On
one hand this means to verify the authenticity of an
acquaintance, but on the other hand it also means to
trust that person to confirm the authenticity of its own
contacts accordingly. As soon as the trust into the
contact’s diligence is unclear, the transitivity of the
function of trust does not hold anymore.
Other reasons lay in the cumbersome handling of
current PKI implementations. Although in the mean-
time extensions for most of the established e-mail pro-
grams exist, a lot of them are not equipped with these
extensions at delivery. Because of this, users of PKI
have to explain, why they append their e-mails by
some cryptical mass of data. Therefore, users often
do not send signed e-mails to users of whom they do
not know whether they use PKI themselves. The not-
knowing about the existence of PKI applications even
between direct contacts, is one reason for our proce-
Key exchange is also complicated: When two
users have verified their identity and the identity of
their keys, they can sign the inspected key with their
own key in order to show the mutual trust. Such a
signed key should be published again, in order for a
third person being able to judge the trustworthiness of
an unknown key by checking its signatures and eval-
uating their trustworthiness. Here once more, bad us-
ability tests user acceptance: For the verification, the
keys and their fingerprints have to be available, the
keys have to be signed and republished afterwards.
In the recent years social network platforms in the
world wide web grew rapidly. Based on Milgrams
small world theory (Milgram, 1967) some of them
connect people with similar interests or taste (e.g. Ya-
hoo! Inc., 2007; Last.fm Ltd., 2007) while others
mainly reproduce real world circles of acquaintances
(e.g. MySpace.com, 2007; Zuckerberg, 2007; OPEN
Business Club AG, 2007).
Especially the latter ones trace a form of inter-
personal relationships that implies a certain level of
knowledge and trust between the network’s members
like it is assumed to exist within a web-of-trust. So-
cial network platforms that connect members on the
base of interest will probably not provide this prop-
erty. Therefore in the rest of this paper ”social net-
work” denotes only networks with a real world repre-
sentation. They can be utilized for a public key man-
agement in different ways that can build upon each
1. Social network platforms can act as key servers
and provide services similar to existing web-of-
trust servers (e.g. Kuethe and Laager, 2007).
2. They can actively support mutual key signing.
3. They can offer additional support supplementary
to public key management.
The benefit of these options will be discussed in the
following subsections.
3.1 Key Management
The most elementary way of supporting key manage-
ment is to include public keys like other contact de-
tails platform users can upload their own keys and
download other people’s keys. Compared to existing
key servers (e.g. Kuethe and Laager, 2007) this pro-
vides mainly additional comfort. Searching and iden-
tifying keys and key holders is more convenient as
network platforms generally contain more personal
information than traditional key servers do. Further
more, easy usage and the current general popularity of
social network platforms might help to arouse public
interest in electronic signatures as a collateral benefit.
As the author of a key will not be authenticated
soundly by the platform when uploading a key, no
assertion on the originality of the key can be made
to begin with. Unlike traditional key servers, social
networks are actively used for communication and
thereby do provide an additional way of multilateral
authentication. While it is simple to create a bogus
account, it might be a serious obstacle to build up
and maintain a network with this account, which is
compatible to the real world network of the imper-
sonated victim. Regular interaction via the platform,
especially in the context with real world activities
e.g. appointments can provide basic trustability in
an account. Some of that trust might be transferred
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
to public keys escrowed with the account espe-
cially if the keys have not been changed for a longer
time. But this does only apply for first-grade con-
tacts: such an indirect trust can not be regarded tran-
sitive. Moreover, no protection against sophisticated
attacks like man-in-the-middle or account hijacking
(Ferguson and Schneier, 2003) is provided. Subsum-
ing, placing trust in a key that has not been verified by
any other means has to be discouraged.
3.2 Supporting Authentication and Key
To improve the web-of-trust-character of a virtual so-
cial network explicitly, the implementation of a user-
authentication- and key-signing-protocol is required.
Two competing key-signing-concepts exist: the web-
of-trust (Caronni, 2000) and the hierarchic approach
(Housley et al., 2002) often also referred to as public-
key-infrastructure (PKI). In a web-of-trust, users sign
their keys mutually, while in a PKI all signing is done
by few centralized entities. Traditionally, key sign-
ing in a web-of-trust is a process that requires several
user interactions. The user has to obtain the key, ver-
ify the key using a secure channel of communication,
sign the key and afterwards publish the new signature.
The signature covering a key and possibly additional
attributes is also called ”certificate”.
sd Obtaining and Signing a Public Key
3: send fingerprint,
enquire checksum
4: checksum
5: checksum
6: checksum
7: confirmation
8: signature
for Bob’s key
9: confirmation
2: Bob’s
public key
1: enquire
Bob’s public key
Figure 1: UML Sequence-Diagram: Obtaining and Signing
a Public Key.
Figure 1 outlines a possible sequence of key-
verification and -signing. The sequence requires di-
rect communication between the users (steps 3, 4
and 9). This communication should never be con-
ducted via the facilities of the social network but via
an independent communication channel. A phone
call would be advisable as the sound of the voice
and accompanying idle conversation can provide a
quite reliable authentication between acquaintances.
A meeting in person probably provides the highest
protection against fraudulent impersonation (”iden-
tity theft”) while e-mail, instant communication and
other digital channels will not. Depending on targeted
dependability, a platform’s policy might prescribe or
forbid certain communication channels for that pur-
pose the platform might as well register the chan-
nel with the signatures in step 8 and use that piece
of information to weight the signatures in trust cal-
culations. The OpenPGP message format defines dif-
ferent ”signature types” to reflect different diligence
in the owner verification (Callas et al., 1998, Section
The checksum used in the steps 4-6 should be
uniquely calculated for each recipient, it should not
be confused with the fingerprint traditionally used for
key verification. A unique checksum enforces the di-
rect communication and thereby the implicit authen-
tication of the key-owner: a random value might be
sufficient. With a traditional fingerprint that can eas-
ily be calculated by anyone, the direct communica-
tion might be bypassed. The server should not accept
signatures (step 8) unless it received the correspond-
ing checksums (steps 5,6). This narrows the danger of
providing a fake context for a previously injected fake
key. An exception has to be made for the key holder.
He will probably not accept to re-negotiate signatures
made using other platforms or ways. It might be use-
ful to distinguish between signatures made using this
social network platform and other signatures. The lat-
ter might be excluded from trust calculations for ex-
ample. A generic fingerprint however should be send
with the inquiry in step 3 to ensure that the key trans-
mitted in the previous step is sound.
Generally, in this environment all communication
with the server should be encrypted and authenti-
cated. As current platforms depend on the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol, Transport Layer Security (TLS)
(Rescorla, 2000; Dierks and Rescorla, 2006) will be a
solid choice. The message of step 5 should be signed
with the key in question to prevent man-in-the-middle
attacks; if step 4 is conducted electronically, it should
be signed as well. To increase user acceptance, the
protocol should be conducted as automated as possi-
If a hierarchic approach is preferred, instead of ac-
cepting signatures in step 8, a certificate for the key
can be generated and signed by the server as soon as
a certain number of verifications have been reported
to the server (similar to (CAcert Inc., 2007; Thawte
Inc., 2007)).
In certain situations a key signature, respectively
certificate, might have to be invalidated. OpenPGP
and X.509 provide mechanisms to revoke certificates
and key signatures (Callas et al., 1998; Housley et al.,
2002). The revocation of a certificate is a permanent
measure that prohibits any further use of the certifi-
cate. It is primarily provided for cases of accidentally
disclosure of the private key and for wrongly issued
certificates. In a web-of-trust, a public key can be
revoked with the matching private key and with pre-
viously authorized revocation keys. Certificates re-
spectively can be revoked by the key they have been
issued with or any revocation key previously autho-
rized for that key. In a hierarchy, revocation is done
by the certification authority. A social network plat-
form needs to provide key signers and holders with
the ability to upload revocation signatures in a web-
of-trust environment, and a protocol to revoke certifi-
cates in response to complaints in a hierarchic envi-
ronment. Besides that, users might want to explic-
itly distrust some other users for personal reasons that
however do not legitimate a revocation for exam-
ple because they suspect those users to be unable or
unwilling to execute the authentication protocol cor-
rectly and instead issue untested certificates. Vari-
ous authors have analyzed this topic and provide trust
calculation frameworks that do incorporate the con-
cept of distrust (Marsh, 1994; Golbeck et al., 2003;
Richardson et al., 2003; Guha et al., 2004). A social
network platform providing trust calculations should
regard this aspect as well.
3.3 Advanced Support for Key
An important feature of webs-of-trust is the ability to
place trust in unfamiliar signatures based on a trust
path (Caronni, 2000). But at the time of this publi-
cation, there seems to be no user-friendly way to dis-
cover such a path, only experimental approaches ex-
ist (McDowell, 2005; ”Darxus”, 2002). Virtual social
network platforms, however, provide features to find
links to other network members. Finding a trust path
within the network and calculation of trust can be of-
fered as well, if public key information is integrated
into the platform.
Furthermore the platform can identify gaps in the
web-of-trust and encourage users to close them. Fig-
ure 2 illustrates a simple social network containing a
web-of-trust. The connecting lines denote acquain-
tanceship, the arrows point from a key signer to a key
δ ε
κ ν
ζ η
signed key
Figure 2: A Web-of-Trust in a Social Network.
holder. While the network is strongly connected, the
web-of-trust is not. To connect both components the
platform can suggest β and ζ or µ and ν to mutually
sign keys. Moreover there exist some bridges which
are edges that disconnect the web-of-trust if removed.
δ and κ should be invited to sign their keys as well as
most of the unilateral connections. For practical rea-
sons, the users should be encouraged to always sign
their keys mutually. Graph theory will help to iden-
tify critical edges in a realistic (i.e. far more complex)
Users might consider to bind their keys to their
virtual social network account and vis-a-vis. This
might be meaningful to clarify that the specific key
is supposed to be used in the context of the social net-
work. Without such a link, an impersonator might
simply ad his victim’s real public key to a bogus ac-
count. That will neither allow him to sign messages
nor to decrypt messages with the key pair in question
notwithstanding it might lure others to place trust in
the bogus account. An OpenPGP key can be linked to
a social network account by adding and self-signing a
”User ID Package”. The convention suggests to for-
mat the user ID as an RFC 822 mail name (Callas
et al., 1998), any other UTF-8 string is allowed as
well. To find a suitable naming convention for any
social network should not be a difficult problem.
A X.509 certificate should be linked to the account
via the ”SubjectAltName” entry. Various formats are
allowed here including e-mail addresses and uniform
resource identifiers (Housley et al., 2002). Alterna-
tively the ”Subject”-field can be used, but that would
require the usage of an ”X.500 distinguished name”
(see ITU-T, 2005), which might not conveniently fit
to the social network’s existing naming conventions.
Since the X.509 certificates described in this paper
would be exclusively issued by the social network
platform, a link to the account seems to be mandatory.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
In (Khan and Shaikh, 2006) a relationship algebra is
proposed, that allows a general mapping of social re-
lationship networks into the generic relationship alge-
bra. It also allows defining a set of constraints, which
may be utilized to answer certain questions that can be
processed by algebraic operations. (Khan and Shaikh,
2006) provide two examples: one of them is the re-
viewer selection for a scientific conference or journal,
another one a vaccination and immunization example.
However, this approach may be extended to trust in
social relationship networks as well.
(Ries et al., 2006) provide a survey of trust sys-
tems. As each of the proposed approaches provide
their own trust model, it is difficult to compare them.
However, (Ries et al., 2006) name a set of criteria that
allows analysing different systems dealing with trust,
and come to the conclusion that a certain degree of
uncertainty or confidence has to be modelled, in or-
der for such a system to be useful in virtual social
Marsh (Marsh, 1994) provides a comprehensive
discussion of the notion of trust. He also shows that
trust is not transitive over arbitrary long chains, as this
would end in conflicts regarding distrust. However, as
we expect the chains in social relationship networks to
be rather short, the transitivity of trust can be assumed
to a certain degree.
(Golbeck et al., 2003) provide an algorithm for
trust calculations in social networks as a proof-of-
concept. They propose to use it to classify creditabil-
ity of resources in a semantic web such as documents
and messages. They specially emphasis on the dif-
ference between knowing the origin of a resource and
trusting its content. The algorithms also consider dis-
trust explicitly. (Richardson et al., 2003) follow a
rather similar approach. They specially accentuate
that trust calculations will lead to different results de-
pending on the start node, i.e. the user whom the
trust is calculated for. Both papers do not mention
virtual social network platforms explicitly that were
just emerging at the time of their publication, but the
algorithms are suitable in this environment as well.
Further research on the concept of distrust has been
done by (Guha et al., 2004).
Maurer (Maurer, 1996a) also states that confi-
dence values have to be measured on a scale rather
than being 0 or 1. He proposes the scale between 0
and 1, so that the values may be interpreted as prob-
abilities. He then describes how the confidence over
a path of recommendations may be calculated. Con-
cluding that trust fades rather quickly over a path of
recommendations, he suggest that a reasonable sys-
tem should only work with rather short paths. In
(Maurer, 1996b) Maurer provides comprehensive cal-
culations to cheating probabilities for a one-way mes-
sage authentication. It might be interesting to extend
these calculations to a web-of-trust environment to
compare the probabilities.
(Guardiola et al., 2002) did some research with the
PGP web-of-trust. They showed that it is rather a set
of strongly-connected clusters than a connected graph
and found it robust against intentional attacks.
(Datta et al., 2003) introduce a ”quorum based de-
centralized PKI” as an alternative to the web-of-trust.
It bases on a massive redundant key storage in a peer-
to-peer network. That approach is rather focused on
the authentication of accounts. It provides no link be-
tween persons and accounts. Existing acquaintance
and trust relations between persons are not taken into
In the previous chapters it has been shown, how vir-
tual social network platforms can help to overcome
shortcomings of existing public key distribution in-
frastructures. A simple protocol for mutual authenti-
cation and key signing for members of such a network
has been introduced. Instead of inventing new techno-
logical solutions, improvements in usability and au-
tomated support are proposed. The solution is fully
compatible and can coexist with existing key distri-
bution and authentication structures. A web-of-trust
can even span multiple independent, even competing
network platforms.
This paper mainly focuses on key exchange and
trust between individuals. Within large organizations
and companies, a hierarchic approach seems to be
more appropriate than a web-of-trust, as the web-of-
trust would react rather slowly on entries to and ex-
its from the organization. A virtual social network
platform will not add any features to existing au-
thentication schemes within organizations. Small and
medium-sized companies might however utilize the
means described in this paper and provided by net-
work platforms as this might be easier and less ex-
pensive than implementing an own public key infras-
Communication between members of different or-
ganizations can be secured via social network plat-
form regardless of each organization’s size as a short
cut, whenever no simpler means of authentication
of the communicating people exists, such as mutual
signing of root certificates.
The Chair of Applied Telematics/e-Business is en-
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SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography