MAC Address Spoofing Detection System for Wireless LANs
Kai Tao, Jing Li and Srinivas Sampalli
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1W5, Canada
Keywords: 802.11 wireless networks, access point parameters, intrusion detection system, MAC address spoofing,
operating system fingerprinting, received signal strength, sequence number tracking.
Abstract: MAC (Medium Access Control) address spoofing is regarded as an important first step in a hacker’s attempt
to launch a variety of attacks on 802.11 wireless LANs. Unfortunately, MAC address spoofing is hard to
detect. Most current spoofing detection systems mainly use the sequence number (SN) tracking technique,
which has drawbacks. Firstly, it may lead to an increase in the number of false positives. Secondly, such
techniques cannot be used in systems with wireless cards that do not follow standard 802.11 sequence
number patterns. Thirdly, attackers can forge sequence numbers, thereby causing the attacks to go
undetected. We present a new architecture called WISE GUARD (Wireless Security Guard) for detection of
MAC address spoofing on 802.11 wireless LANs. It integrates three detection techniques – SN tracking,
Operating System (OS) fingerprinting and tracking and Received Signal Strength (RSS) fingerprinting and
tracking. It also includes the fingerprinting of Access Point (AP) parameters as an extension to the OS
fingerprinting for detection of AP address spoofing. We have implemented WISE GUARD on a test bed
using off-the-shelf wireless devices and open source drivers. Experimental results show that the new design
enhances the detection effectiveness and reduces false positives, in comparison with current approaches.
The popularity of wireless local area networks
(WLANs) has increased tremendously with the
advent of IEEE 802.11 series of standards (IEEE
Wireless LAN Standards, n.d.). IEEE standards for
WLANs include 802.11a, 802.11b, the currently
popular 802.11g, and the upcoming high bandwidth
standard 802.11n. These can be used in conjunction
with 802.11e for quality of service and 802.11i for
The architecture of an IEEE 802.11 WLAN in
the infrastructure mode consists of a number of
wireless stations communicating with an access
point (AP). The AP and the set of stations within its
radio range form a basic service set (BSS). Several
APs can be interconnected together by means of a
distribution system (DS) to form an extended service
set (ESS). The distribution system is typically, but
not necessarily, a wired LAN. Two identifiers are
significant in the architecture: the ID of the BSS or
BSSID, which is the MAC address of the AP serving
the BSS, and the ID of the ESS or ESSID, also
known as SSID, which is a character string given to
the WLAN by the administrator.
MAC address spoofing is considered as an
important first step in an intruder’s attempt to launch
a variety of attacks on 802.11 WLANs, such as
sniffing, session hijacking, man-in-the-middle, data
modification and denial of service. MAC addresses
are 48-bit hardware addresses. The manufacturer
intending to produce network cards needs to obtain a
three-byte organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
from IEEE to be used as prefix for the MAC
addresses of their products, which makes these
addresses globally unique for all LAN-based devices
in use today. Randomly generated MAC addresses
are easy to detect by filtering through the OUI prefix
information lists. However, adversaries can easily
sniff legitimate MAC addresses on the wireless LAN
and spoof these addresses. Many wireless cards
permit setting/changing the MAC addresses by
software, thereby enabling easy spoofing.
Since MAC address spoofing is such a threat to
WLANs, many wireless developers have designed
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) to detect the
MAC address spoofing. Most current IDSs – both
Tao K., Li J. and Sampalli S. (2007).
WISE GUARD - MAC Address Spoofing Detection System for Wireless LANs.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 140-147
DOI: 10.5220/0002123601400147
commercial and open source – use sequence number
tracking to detect MAC address spoofing.
Unfortunately, this technique has a number of
drawbacks. Firstly, it may lead to an increase in the
number of false positives in attack detection.
Secondly, such techniques cannot be used in systems
with wireless cards that do not follow 802.11
sequence number patterns. Thirdly, attackers can
forge sequence numbers thereby causing the attacks
to go undetected.
We propose a new architecture called WISE
GUARD (Wireless Security Guard) for detection of
MAC address spoofing on 802.11 wireless LANs. It
integrates three detection techniques - Sequence
Number Analysis, Operating System (OS)
fingerprinting and tracking and Received Signal
Strength (RSS) fingerprinting and tracking. It also
has a novel AP fingerprinting and tracking as an
extension to the OS fingerprinting and tracking
mechanism. We have implemented WISE GUARD
on a test bed using off-the-shelf wireless devices and
open source drivers. The algorithm used in our
system integrates the three detection techniques and
reduces the false positives. The result shows that,
while compared with WiFi-Scanner and Snort-
Wireless, WISE GUARD has more accurate
information and has less false positives. It should be
noted that although the focus in our paper is on
detection of MAC address spoofing in 802.11
wireless LANs, WISE GUARD is built on top of
Snort-Wireless and can be extended to detect other
kinds of attacks such as ICMP (Internet Control
Message Protocol) flooding or buffer overflow
attacks as well.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the background and related work. Section
3 presents the design and implementation of WISE
GUARD. Section 4 gives the experiments and
results of testing WISE GUARD. The final section
provides concluding remarks.
2.1 Sequence Number Tracking
Sequence Number Tracking is a recent technique
(Wright, 2003) for MAC address spoofing detection
in wireless networks, and is popularly used in many
IDSs. The IEEE specification (IEEE Wireless LAN
Standards, n.d.) defines the sequence number as a
12-bit field indicating the sequence number of an
MSDU (MAC service data units) or MMPDU (MAC
management protocol data unit). Figure 1 shows the
802.11 frame header with an expanded sequence
control field. Sequence numbers are assigned from a
single modulo 4096 counter, starting at 0 and
incrementing by 1 for each MSDU or MMPDU. The
SN remains constant in all retransmissions of an
MSDU or MMPDU. The fragment number is always
zero unless the frame is a fragment of a larger
packet. Without the ability to control the firmware
functionality of wireless cards, and without the
source code to develop custom firmware, an attacker
does not have the ability to alter the value of the
sequence control field in the 802.11 headers.
Most current IDS’s – both commercial and open
source – rely on tracking of sequence numbers for
MAC address spoofing detection. Spoofing is said to
have occurred when a jump in the sequence number
is recorded (Haidong et al., 2004).
Figure 1: Format of 802.11 Frame Header (IEEE Wireless
LAN Standard, n.d.).
2.2 OS Fingerprinting
Operating System (OS) fingerprinting technique was
first proposed by Arkin (Arkin, 2000) and has been
widely used by security professionals for mapping
remote OSs on wired networks. There are two types
of OS fingerprinting techniques: passive and active.
Passive fingerprinting is the practice of determining
a remote operating system by sniffing network
packets without actively sending probes to any host
while active fingerprinting is accomplished by
sending carefully crafted packets to the target
machine and analyzing the response that can be
measured and compared to known fingerprints.
OS fingerprinting can serve as a useful tool in
wireless LANs since many hacking tools only
support Linux or FreeBSD systems. Thus, most
attacks can only be launched from Linux or
FreeBSD systems. According to (Arkin, 2000),
wireless stations with different OSs have different
features when they generate TCP, UDP, ARP and
ICMP packets, and the OS can be detected by
analyzing these features. OS fingerprinting and
tracking has been used for the first time in this paper
as one of the parameters for WLAN MAC address
WISE GUARD - MAC Address Spoofing Detection System for Wireless LANs
spoofing detection. In our design, we use “passive
SYN-based OS fingerprinting” to track the wireless
stations’ OS fingerprints. This type of OS signature
analysis is similar to the one used in P0f (Zalewski,
Like SN tracking, passive OS fingerprinting and
tracking also has its drawbacks if used alone. Firstly,
management frames and control frames in 802.11
WLANs do not provide OS fingerprints. Secondly,
in some cases, MAC address spoofing does not need
to be run on Linux system. For example, in
Windows system with service pack 2, the MAC
address of the NIC can be changed with only a
simple configuration. Thirdly, passive OS
fingerprinting relies on SYN packets. However,
during the network communication wireless stations
do not always generate SYN packets, especially
when the station is under passive monitor mode or
when it only sends out management frames. In these
cases, no OS fingerprints are tracked, thus no alert
will be triggered by the IDS.
2.2 RSS Fingerprinting
Received Signal Strength (RSS) has been widely
used in indoor geographical location (geolocation)
and positioning systems in wireless LANs (e.g. the
RARDA system of Microsoft (Bahl and
Padmanabhan, 2000)). Some Intrusion Detection and
Response Systems, as described in (Interlink
Networks, 2000), use RSS to pinpoint the
unauthorized 802.11 wireless station and APs.
However, RSS itself has never been used as
fingerprints of 802.11 wireless devices for the
purpose of intrusion detection. It is very hard for an
attacker to modify the signal strength of his or her
wireless devices during the network transmission.
For this reason, the RSS at the physical layer is a
good signature or fingerprint for both wireless
station and AP in IDS. There are four units of
measurement to represent the RF signal strength
(Bardwell, n.d.): mW (milliwatts), dB (decibels) and
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), and a
percentage measurement.
RSSI in IEEE 802.11 standard (IEEE Wireless
LAN Standards, n.d.) is an integer value between 0-
255 (a 1-byte value). No vendors have actually
measured 256 different signal levels in their wireless
devices, so each vendor’s device will have a specific
maximum RSSI value (“RSSI_Max”). For example,
Cisco has 101 separate RSSI values for RF energy,
and their RSSI_Max is 100. RSSI is internally used
by the microcode on the wireless adapter or by the
device driver. Roaming Threshold is the point when
the wireless station is moving away from the AP and
the received signal drops to a somewhat low value,
which indicates the wireless station is roaming.
Different vendors use different RSSI values for
the Roaming Threshold, and those threshold values
are seldom released. We tested the roaming
threshold of Cisco Aironet 1200 Wireless AP, and
the RSSI value is around 97, which we implemented
in our test bed as the roaming threshold for wireless
station RSS fingerprinting and tracking. Some
protocol analysis tools, such as AiroPeek (Airopeek,
n.d.), measure RSSI as a percentage of RSSI_MAX.
2.3 Current IDSs
Many open source and commercial IDSs are
available today. Snort-Wireless (Snort Wireless,
n.d.) is a “lightweight”, rule-based and real-time
network IDS under UNIX OS. It is popular because
of its open source, which can be customized for new
detection by writing Snort rules or by adding new
preprocessors and detection rules to reflect the latest
attacks and exploits. Snort-Wireless adds several
new features for 802.11 IDS functionality to the
standard Snort distribution. These features allow one
to specify custom rules for detecting specific 802.11
frames, rogue access points and Netstumbler like
behavior (Wright, 2003). In order to accomplish this,
Snort’s rule engine has been augmented with support
for Wi-Fi. The remaining features are implemented
as preprocessors that can be configured and
customized as desired according to the different
WiFi-Scanner (WiFi Scanner, n.d.) is an
identification scanner program under UNIX OS. It
changes the channel periodically, tries to find any
received frame on every channel, and displays them.
It uses the SN Tracking techniques discussed in the
previous section as well as the timestamp
fingerprinting technique for intrusion in the WLAN.
AirDefense (Air Defense Enterprise, n.d.) is a
complete hardware and software system consisting
of sensors deployed throughout the network, which
are interfaced to a management appliance and
administered by a management console. Their starter
kit provides five sensors and can guard up to ten
APs. AirDefense detects intruders and attacks and
also diagnoses potential vulnerabilities in the
network like mis-configurations.
Aruba Wireless Networks (Aruba Networks,
n.d.) has released a complete software and hardware
system consisting of switches, APs and its
monitoring software. It is the first company to
announce the installation of a secure wireless
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
network based on the recently ratified 802.11i
standard. One feature of Aruba networks is the
ability to “lock the air” using wireless intrusion
detection technology built into every Aruba switch
and AP.
We propose a layered architecture called WISE
GUARD. It uses off-the-shelf wireless devices and
is built on the open source Linux drivers. WISE
GUARD integrates OS and RSS fingerprinting and
tracking techniques with SN tracking for MAC
address spoofing detection. In addition, AP
fingerprinting and tracking is used as an extension of
OS fingerprinting and tracking to detect AP address
spoofing. WISE GUARD can be a standalone
solution to the MAC address spoofing detection or
be integrated into large wireless IDSs like Snort.
WISE GUARD can also be used to advantage in a
wireless environment that is WEP- or WPA-enabled
due to the fact that these methods can also be subject
to MAC address spoofing since there is no
authentication or encryption to protect MAC
3.1 Layered Architecture
The architecture of WISE GUARD, shown in Figure
2, integrates three techniques, which target different
layers of the protocol stack in the detection engine:
OS fingerprinting, Sequence number tracking and
RSS fingerprinting. We also include the
fingerprinting of Access Point (AP) parameters as an
extension to the OS fingerprinting for the detection
of AP address spoofing.
Figure 2: Layered Architecture.
As mentioned earlier, at the network layer, we use
“passive SYN-based OS fingerprinting” (Zalewski,
n.d.) to track the OS fingerprints of wireless stations.
However, this technique cannot deal with the
situation when the wireless stations and APs only
have management frame transmission. Hence we
propose a new AP fingerprinting and tracking
technique to extend OS fingerprinting and tracking.
This technique includes the fingerprints of
Timestamps, Capability Information, Traffic
Indication Map, and Tag Information (Vendor
Information) in management frames. Here is the
description of these fields (IEEE Wireless LAN
Standards, n.d.).
Timestamp: The timestamp in the beacon frame
is a 64-bit field counting in increments of
microseconds. After receiving a beacon frame, a
wireless station uses the timestamp value to update
its local clock. This process enables synchronization
among all stations that are associated with the same
AP. So the timestamp is like the system clock of AP,
it is very hard to spoof.
Capability Information: This signifies the
requirements of wireless stations, which wish to
belong to the wireless LAN that the beacon
represents. For example, this information may
indicate that all stations must use wired equivalent
privacy (WEP) in order to participate on the
Traffic Indication Map (TIM): An AP
periodically sends the TIM within a beacon to
identify which stations using power saving mode
have data frames waiting for them in the access
point's buffer. The TIM identifies a station by the
association ID that the access point assigned during
the association process. We can set this value when
configuring the AP.
Tag Information: This field includes the
information about tag length and not interpreted
vendor specification.
Tracking the change both the APs’ and wireless
stations’ OS fingerprints can be done passively
without generating additional traffic to the network.
At the data link layer, we still use the SN
tracking technique. The rogue AP’s SN and the
legitimate AP’s SN usually have a large gap,
because the rogue AP and the legitimate AP turn on
at different times. However, it is still possible for a
rogue AP to have an SN similar to that of a
legitimate AP in a short period, because the SN will
restart from 0 after it reaches 4096. So the SN
tracking technique has a threshold that indicates the
times it can tolerate when the SN gap over a
designated value. This value is called the “tolerate
gap”. However, the retransmitted frames have a gap
of 0. In Snort-Wireless, the retransmission frames is
OS Fingerprinting
and Tracking
AP Fingerprinting
and Tracking
Sequence Number
RSS Fingerprinting
and Tracking
Network Layer
and above
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
WISE GUARD - MAC Address Spoofing Detection System for Wireless LANs
regarded as abnormal frames from rogue AP by
using the formula:
Tolerate Gap = ((Current SN value – Previous
SN value) + 4095) mod 4096
This approach eliminates the possibility for a
hacker to spoof the SN number, but it will alert
either AP has retransmitted frames or its SN value in
the current frame is smaller than the SN value in
previous frame, thus leading to false positives.
In our design, we changed this SN tracking
scheme of Snort-Wireless. We assume that the
possibility for a hacker to spoof the SN number is
not high (even if he can, we still have the detection
technique from other layers), and regard the
retransmitted frames as legitimate frames from the
AP. Thus if the retry bit is equal to 1 and the
Tolerate Gap from the formula above is equal to
4095, we set the Tolerate Gap to 0. We also used the
absolute value of the difference between current SN
value and previous SN value to bypass the case of
occurrence of the smaller SN value because of the
transmission delay.
At the physical layer, we use RSS Fingerprinting
and Tracking technique. Both (Bahl and
Padmanabhan, 2000) and (Bahl et al, 2000) have
established an indoor radio propagation model for its
geolocation system, which indicate that RSS has
some relationship, not linear, with the distance of the
wireless devices. This may not be useful for
distinguishing wireless stations and attackers. For
example, if they are both on the edge of a circle,
they will have same distance to the sensor, thus have
the same signal strength, according to the
propagation model. However, this is useful for
detection of rogue APs. If we set the sensor right
beside the AP, when the rogue AP turns on and is
approaching the WLAN, the sensor can tell the
difference immediately from the RSS.
Another reason we set up the sensor near the
legitimate AP is because we can monitor the
wireless station for roaming. If the RSS from a
certain wireless station is going below the “Roaming
Threshold”, the sensor will inform the Sequence
Number tracking model and reset the tracking
pattern. In this way, we can reduce the number of
false positives of the SN tracking alert.
However, using RSS fingerprinting tracking
alone is not accurate. According to the indoor Radio
Propagation model in (Bahl et al, 2000), the signal
propagation is dominated by reflections, diffraction,
attenuation, and scattering of radio waves caused by
structures within the building, e.g., when people
moving in front of the AP will change the signal
received by wireless stations, even when the
wireless node is stationary.
3.2 Detection Components
There are three detection components in our design:
Sensor, Analyzer and Alert. For a large-scale
wireless network, the deployment should be
centralized; with Sensors deployed all over the
network to send back captured packets to a central
server over a separate network, where the Analyzer
and alert components are located. This separate
network could typically be a secured wired network,
e.g. a Virtual Private Network (VPN), and hence the
detection traffic does not reduce the bandwidth of
the wireless LAN. Furthermore, communication
between the Sensor and the central server is secure.
When frames with abnormal signatures are detected,
the Analyzer will trigger an alert to be sent to the
central server through the backbone and the Alert
component decides the level. The alert can be simply
displayed on the console of the central server or sent
to the administrator by an e-mail or a page message.
In a small-scale wireless network, the three
components can be integrated into one AP or into a
standalone wireless device (acting like a sniffer).
3.3 Design Prototype
Our design is an extension of the Snort-wireless
architecture. Snort has the three components that we
require. However, it cannot intercommunicate
between detection preprocessors or plug-ins,
although Snort has defined pass rules, log rules and
alert rules to tell the detection engine how to deal
with a packet when rules have conflicts. We have
added a postprocessor to process the outcome of the
detection preprocessors or plug-ins and give a
probability evaluation on the incoming packets. The
parameter sets have the new OS fingerprinting
feature values, RSSI tolerate gap, threshold values,
authorized AP and wireless station lists or other
parameters to initiate the detection engine.
The design prototype of WISE GUARD is
shown in Figure 3. Like most of the WLAN
discovery tools, Snort is built on widely available
open source Linux drivers – HostAP (Malinen et al,
n.d.) for 802.11 network cards utilizing the PRISM
chipset. On top of the driver, the frame capture and
decoder uses the libpcap or other open source Linux
libraries to find and decode all the captured frames.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Design Prototype of Wise Guard.
After the frames have been decoded, the RSS,
OS and Sequence Number fingerprints will be
retrieved and sent to the detection processor (with
three sub-processes), which is the core of the
Analyzer. Results or outcomes will be generated
between each sub-process. The main process waits
and processes these outcomes, and then generates
and sends out the status code based on the outcomes
to the output plug-ins. The output plug-ins acts as
the Alert; it can be an interface to any alert
applications like e-mail system, page system or log
Based on different status codes, the output
console will give three levels of alert as the report:
high, medium, and low. In our implementation, we
translate the status code into scores, which are used
to calculate the indicators as percentages. For
example, timestamp feature has a score of 5 out of
the total score value 20. The administrator can
decide the conversion scale between the scores and
the alert levels.
Table 1: Status Code Descriptions for AP Detection.
Table 1 and Table 2 give the status codes for AP
detection and wireless station detection,
Table 2: Status Code Descriptions for Wireless Station
We tested WISE GUARD and two other IDSs,
namely, Snort-Wireless and WiFi-Scanner. Figure 4
shows the test bed. WISE GUARD was first
launched on the detection server and then Snort-
wireless was run on a laptop (K). The attacks were
launched from another laptop. To launch the session
hijacking attack, the attacker spoofs the BSSID and
channel of the AP using the HostAP driver, and
brings down the network. When performing the
management frame DoS attack, de-authentication
and disassociation frames were sent from the
attacker’s laptop to the wireless client using the
Libradiate tool. The attacks are stopped by resetting
the HostAP driver or by terminating Libradiate.
WiFi-Scanner was then run on the laptop K to detect
the same attack. Furthermore, during the attack, the
legitimate station was moved around the AP.
We observed that as soon as the MAC spoofing
attack has been launched, WISE GUARD generated
NEW ALERT, which indicates MAC address
spoofing in progress.
WISE GUARD - MAC Address Spoofing Detection System for Wireless LANs
Figure 4: Test bed set up.
The output from WISE GUARD indicates the
detection result of three techniques, the MAC
address that is under attack, the time of launch of the
attack, the level of alert and the percentage
Indicator. It also indicates that two or more APs with
same BSSID exist and have an abnormal gap in
sequence numbers and signal strengths. The alert
also displays two values in Capacity Info, TIM, and
Tag Info, which were coming from the legitimate
AP and the rogue AP, respectively. WISE GUARD
generates alert with an increasing percentage
indicator, till it reaches 100%. This is because SN
and RSS tracking technique have a delay, while OS
tracking does not. The increasing indicator shows a
high probability of attacks in progress.
Table 3 summarizes the results based on the
experiments that we performed using three types of
attacks. Each attack was performed ten times, with a
duration of 5 minutes each time. A false positive
indicates that a legitimate MAC address was
reported as being spoofed. A false negative indicates
that the spoofed address is not reported. For
example, 5/10 means we test the attack 10 times, the
tested IDS has not detected the attacks, but during
the attack time, it has reported a legitimate MAC
address five times. Table 4 gives a summary of the
comparisons with Snort-Wireless and WiFi-Scanner
and other open source wireless IDS on detecting the
three main MAC address spoofing attacks.
We proposed a novel wireless IDS, namely, WISE
GUARD, to detect MAC address spoofing in
wireless LANs. WISE GUARD integrates three
detection techniques – SN tracking, OS
fingerprinting and tracking and RSS fingerprinting
and tracking. It also includes the fingerprinting of
AP parameters as an extension to OS fingerprinting
for detection of AP address spoofing. We
implemented our system on a test bed using off-the
shelf wireless devices and open source drivers. We
tested our system and two other existing open source
wireless IDSs for detecting session hijacking DoS,
management frame DoS and man in the middle
attacks. Experimental results show that our system
performs better, especially in the effectiveness of
detecting MAC address spoofing with less false
Table 3: Summary of Results.
Table 4: Comparison with other IDSs.
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WISE GUARD - MAC Address Spoofing Detection System for Wireless LANs