Paola Baldassarri, Anna Montesanto and Paolo Puliti
Department of Electronics, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunications
Polytechnic University of Marche, Via Brecce Bianche 1, 60131 Ancona, Italy
Intrusion Detection System, Anomaly Detection, Statistical processing, Self-Organizing Maps.
The main idea of the present work is to create a system able to detect intrusions in computer networks. For this
purpose we propose a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) based on an anomaly approach. We analyzed
the network traffic from (outbound traffic) and towards (inbound traffic) a victim host through another host.
Besides we realized an architecture consisted of two subsystems: a statistical subsystem and a neural net-
works based subsystem. The first elaborates chosen features extracted from the network traffic and it allows
determining if an attack occurs through a preliminary visual inspection. The neural subsystem receives in
input the output of the statistical subsystem and it has to indicate the status of the monitored host. It classifies
the network traffic distinguishing the background traffic from the anomalous one. Moreover the system has
to be able to classify different instances of the same attack in the same class, distinguishing in a completely
autonomous way different typology of attack.
One of the main research fields in the information
security concerns the realization of systems able to
identify intrusions. In order to meet this challenge,
the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are designed
to protect the availability, confidentiality and integrity
of critical networked information systems (Labib and
Vemuri, 2004). Existing intrusion detection tech-
niques can be subdivided in two main categories: mis-
use detection (Lee et al., 1999; Vigna and Kemmerer,
1998) and anomaly detection (Gosh et al., 1998;
Valdes and Anderson, 1995). Misuse detection tech-
niques compare streams extracted from the network
traffic with signatures of known attacks and so they
indicate if an intrusion occurs when there is a match.
In this case the system is able to detect only known at-
tacks. Anomaly detection techniques create a profile
of normal behaviour of a subject and/or a system (nor-
mal profile), then compare the observed behaviour
with the normal profile, and signal an intrusion when
two behaviours significantly deviate. Therefore, for
the anomaly detection techniques is necessary to cre-
ate a normal profile in order to consider a deviation
from the normal behaviour as symptom of an intru-
sion. The first step is to establish which a normal be-
haviour is, and subsequently to indicate the statistical
features that describe it. This phase concerns a wide
range of aspects: from the system call of an operat-
ing system to a list of open files, from the time of use
of the CPU to all the parameters regarding a TCP/IP
connection and so on. In literature the statistical mod-
elling followed with classical or neural network clas-
sification has been utilized in anomaly intrusion de-
tection systems (Cabrera et al., 2000; Ye et al., 2002;
Zhang et al., 2001).
In this ambit we propose a new IDS based on an
anomaly detection approach. The system will observe
the network traffic of a host, probably a web server,
a mail server or a remote authentication server. Our
IDS does not reside on the monitored server, but in
another computer for this purpose dedicated. So, the
IDS does not depend by the operating system of the
monitored server, guarantying integrity and robust-
ness, also in the case of attacked and compromised
system. The detection system has to verify if the mon-
itored host is generating statistically different network
traffic. For this purpose our idea is to combine two ap-
Baldassarri P., Montesanto A. and Puliti P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cr yptography, pages 74-79
DOI: 10.5220/0002123500740079
proaches: a statistical approach and neural networks
based approach. The system consists of two subsys-
tems. The statistical subsystem, also named ”discrim-
inator”, considers sliding time windows from which
the network traffic is observed. Moreover the output
of the statistical subsystem is the input of the neu-
ral subsystem also named ”decisional motor”, which
has to indicate the status of the system. In particular
we used the Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) (Kohonen,
2001) based on an unsupervised learning which in-
dependently organize the input patterns into various
classes. The SOM have been used in a lot of works
concerning the IDS. In (DeLooze, 2006) the author
considered several SOM using specific feature sets for
each attack type, improving the value of the detection
rate and reducing the false alarm rate. Depren et al.
(Depren et al., 2005) propose a hybrid IDS that con-
sists of 3 modules. Besides the first module consists
of 3 specific SOM, each of them operate on different
protocols (TCP, UDP and ICMP). In our IDS the ”de-
cisional motor” is a two-tier architecture. In the first
layer each SOM individually operates on a different
feature extracted from the network traffic. Then, the
last layer combines the results of the first layer.
Our system can be classified as an anomaly based
IDS. It does not require an ”a priori knowledge” of
the attacks, neither a constant updating of the attacks
signatures, since it would find the ”bad behaviours”
on the base of a ”normality” description. The sys-
tem observes the in-bound and out-bound traffic of a
server that provides network services. As the figure 1
Figure 1: Block diagram of the implemented IDS.
shows, the system consisted of two subsystems: a sta-
tistical subsystem and a neural networks based sub-
system, both described in the following paragraphs.
2.1 The Statistical Subsystem
The aim of the statistical subsystem is to capture a
statistical correlation among a flow of packets. In
the same way, events as ”strange increase of flow to-
wards a particular port” or ”anomalous distribution of
the flow of packets as regards the normal”, or again
”packets assigned to different port, coming from the
same port of the same remote host”, can be recog-
nized. In order to analyze the network traffic and
then to extract its characteristic features we consid-
ered time windows of 60 seconds (corresponding to
1 period). This choice is also related to the dataset
that we used for the experimental phase: the 1999
DARPA/MIT Lincoln Laboratory intrusion detection
evaluation dataset (IDEVAL) (Haines et al., 1999).
We filter the in-bound and the out-bound traffic of the
monitored server, basing on its IP address. From the
available features, 8 were selected for use in the sys-
tem: 4 for the input packets, and 4 for the output pack-
ets. For the input packets, we considered:
1. Source IP Address (SourIP) for the TCP, UDP and
ICMP protocols;
2. Source Port (SourPort) for the TCP and UDP pro-
3. Combination of Source IP Address and Source
Port (IP:Port) for the TCP and UDP protocols;
4. Total number of packets (InNPkt) for the TCP,
UDP and ICMP protocols;
While for the output packets we considered:
1. Destination IP Address (DesIP) for the TCP, UDP
and ICMP protocols;
2. Source Port (SourPort) for the TCP and UDP pro-
3. Combination of Destination IP Address and
Source Port (IP:Port) for the TCP and UDP proto-
4. Total number of packets (OutNPkt) for the TCP,
UDP and ICMP protocols;
For the 8 features we calculate the occurrences of
all different data observed in 1 period. For example
for the SourIP, how many times in 1 period the same
Source IP address sends a packet to the monitored
server. Or again, how many packets the monitored
server receives in 1 period, and so on.
Then, in order to elaborate a continuous flow of data,
the statistical system uses overlapped sliding win-
dows including 5 periods and each window is pro-
cessed as follows. For the first period, with reference
to each feature, the occurrences of the data have to
be ordered according to a decreasing sorting. Since,
at any one time we considered 5 periods, once sorted
the data of the first period, the data of the second pe-
riod are added as follows. In the case of a packet sent
by a yet observed IP address, its occurrence will be
increased of 1. Instead, in the case of an unseen IP
address, this value with its occurrence is added to the
queue. Each data is encoded using integer value (the
first IP address has value 1, the second IP address has
value 2, and so on). The data are updated in a win-
dow of 5 periods departing from the ordered data of
the first period. The new data with their occurrences
are inserted at the end, obtaining the new graph. The
same spiel can be given for the third period, the fourth
period and finally for the last period, belonging to the
same sliding window of 5 periods. Then, in order to
characterize the trend of data of 5 periods we intro-
duce the ”first momentum”. The ”first momentum”
equation is represented as follows:
x f (x)
f (x)
where x are the data on the ”X-axis” encoded as in-
teger value, f (x) corresponds to the occurrence of
x, and finally k represents the number of different
data. Consequently for each overlapped window of
5 periods we determine the m
, and so each window
is represented by an only m
value. Resuming, the
first window consists of ”1,2,3,4,5” periods obtained
departing from the decreasing sorting of the 1 pe-
riod. The second window considers the ”2,3,4,5,6”
periods obtained departing from the decreasing sort-
ing of the 2 period, and so on. It is necessary to
point out that these two windows (”1,2,3,4,5” periods
and ”2,3,4,5,6” periods respectively) are contempo-
rary but separately processed.
Concerning the features (InNPkt and OutNPkt) we
did not determine the value of m
, but we calculated
the mean value for each sliding window of 5 periods.
So, for each sliding window we obtained two mean
values: one for the in-bound packets and the other for
the out-bound packets. All values are stored in two
different files: one for the in-bound packets, and the
other for the out-bound packets.
2.2 The Neural Subsystem
The neural subsystem is also named ”Decisional Mo-
tor”, because it has to indicate if the monitored server
has a normal behaviour or if an attack occurs. It has
a two-tier architecture consisted of SOM and based
on an unsupervised learning. As the figure 2 shows,
the first layer has 4 elements, corresponding to struc-
turally identical SOM. They simultaneously and sepa-
rately process the files: the first SOM (named IP:Port
network) processes the IP:Port data, the second SOM
(named Port network) processes the Port data, the
third SOM (named IP network) processes the IP data,
and finally the last SOM (named NPkt network) pro-
Figure 2: The Neural Networks Architecture.
cesses the number of packets data. The weight vectors
of each network are two-dimensional, since the input
data have two components: one referring to the input
packets and the other referring to the output packets.
After the training phase, each node of the networks
identifies a different class. So, the networks would
classify the normal traffic into the same class, while in
the case of anomalous behaviour they would classify
the same typology of attack in the same class. Each
network of the first layer can independently detect an
anomalous situation, and the second layer on the base
of the most complete information has to indicate or
not if an attack occurs. The second layer consisted of
only one SOM receives in input the 4 winner nodes of
the first layer and so, it classifies the traffic basing on
the comprehensive data related to all the features. So,
the second layer has to reduce possible false alarms
or has to put in evidence an anomalous situation. The
winner node of the second layer indicates the class of
belonging of the traffic. The class can characterize the
normal traffic or a particular attack.
In the development of an experimental project it
is necessary a complete and a wide dataset. Our
choice was oriented towards the on line available
1999 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) Intrusion Detection Evaluation dataset of
Lincoln Laboratory. This dataset is actually used in
a high number of other works related to the develop-
ment of IDS (Mahoney and Chan, 2003). The dataset
is produced in order to recreate the normal or back-
ground traffic and a given number of attacks in a
purposely dedicated network. The background traf-
fic was generated considering both the characteristics
of the dataflow observed near to the Hanscom Air
Force Base military American base, and the statistics
on the traffic reaped from other basis. The attacks and
the hacking code are extracted from Internet or au-
tonomously developed. They are simultaneously exe-
cuted with the background traffic. In the dataset were
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
established four categories of attacks: Denial of Ser-
vice (DoS), probe, remote-to-local (R2L), and user-
to-root (U2R). Within these categories they ran sev-
eral select instances of attacks. Even if these attacks
are not comprehensive of the category of attacks, they
can be considered as samples from the attack space
within the category (Gosh et al., 2000). Lincoln con-
sidered five consecutive weeks, producing a dataset
containing the network traffic of a rather long period.
In particular, the weeks consisted of 5 days (form
Monday to Friday) and besides the days consisted of
22 hours (from the 8:00 a.m. to the successive 6:00
a.m.). There are two weeks (the first and the third)
with only background traffic, while the attacks are
concentrated in the second (background traffic with
a low rate of attacks) and in particular in fourth and
in fifth (background traffic with a high rate of attacks)
During the experimental phase, we analyzed the net-
work traffic from and towards a victim host. For this
purpose, we chose with IP address:, with Solaris 2.5 operating system, on
an UltraOne system. Pascal allows to the users to read
E-mail, to navigate on the Web through Lynx, or to
use other services as: Telnet, SMTP, Ssh e FTP.
In the successive subparagraphs we subdivided the re-
sults obtained after the statistical processing and the
final results related to the neural subsystem.
3.1 Results of the Statistical Subsystem
The figure 3 represents the trend of the m
value re-
lated to the IP:Port data. We have to remember that
the m
value is calculated on the overlapped sliding
windows of 5 periods (for example 0-4 periods, 1-
5 periods and so on). In particular we represent the
trend of this feature considering a day of normal traf-
fic (the second day of the first week). The other three
features are not represented since they show similar
trend. The graph shows a peak (corresponding to 8
value) related to the 194-198 interval. Analyzing the
content of the data file, we noted that the period 194
has a different behaviour from the others: this is due
to the fact that all the IP addresses are communicating
on the same TCP 25 Port. Summarizing, the ”IP:Port
graph” has rather high values where a consistent num-
ber of IP addresses are observed or however different
Ports are considered.
An attack will be detected through some observed
parameters. For example a kind of attack could be
detected by the ”IP:Port graph” and the ”IP graph”,
while another kind of attack could be detected by
the ”IP:Port graph” and ”Port graph”. This depends
on the implicated parameters: some attacks involve a
Figure 3: ”IP:Port graph” related to the background traffic
observed in the input packets (X-axis indicates the interval
corresponding of 5 periods, Y-axis indicates the m
high number of different IP addresses, others a differ-
ent number of Port from a limited number of differ-
ent IP addresses, and so on. Similarly an anomalous
situation could be noted by the only graphs related
to the input packets and/or the output packets. That
is why we contemporary considered more than one
characteristic. Moreover the neural system has to in-
dicate if there is a normal traffic or which attack oc-
curs through the statistical characteristics they high-
lighted the attack.
As example, in figure 4 we showed only the output
of the ”discriminator” in consequence of a DoS at-
tack (Mailbomb attack). We showed only the IP:Port
graph, considering that the other features (Port and
NPkt) that detect the attack show a similar trend.
Figure 4: ”IP:Port Graph” related to traffic with attacks ob-
served in the input packets (X-axis indicates the interval
corresponding of 5 periods, Y-axis indicates the m
The ”Mailbomb” attack is based on the sending
of a high number of e-mails against a mail server in
order to crash the system. A typical ”Mailbomb” at-
tack occurs through the mailing of 10000 messages
from some users (10 Mbyte of data for each user).
In IDEVAL there are 3 different instances of this at-
tack against Pascal. Our statistical system was able
to identify all the three instances of this attack. The
figure 4 refers to a particular instance of the ”Mail-
bomb” attack occurred in the second day of the sec-
ond week. As we see in figure 4 the attack occurred
corresponding to the 390-394 time window. The peak
that identifies the attack has a value much higher than
the values shown for the background traffic.
3.2 Results of the Neural Subsystem
As we said, the two-tier neural architecture consists of
SOM based on an unsupervised learning. The global
Table 1: Results related to the background traffic.
Class Background traffic
0 4%
1 92%
2 1%
3 3%
architecture has to classify in a particular class a frag-
ment of the network traffic. We hope that all the nor-
mal traffic is classified in the same class, while the
attacks will be classified in classes different from the
background traffic. The best case is that different in-
stances of the same attack are classified in the same
and reserved class, in a way that some classes are used
to classify specific attacks. In other words the sys-
tem would distinguish not only the background traf-
fic from the traffic with attacks, but it can also de-
tect the typology of attack. The four networks of the
first layer present a two-dimensional lattice of neu-
rons (5x5 dimension), so each network has 25 dif-
ferent classes in which to classify the input pattern.
The network of the second layer is a one-dimensional
chain, with 9 nodes, which would distinguish 8 dif-
ferent attacks and the background traffic. An impor-
tant parameter to consider is the number of epochs
used during the learning, that is the times in which the
learning set is presented to the network. The experi-
mental results demonstrated that considering an only
one epoch the results concerning the classification of
the input pattern were rather unsatisfactory. The re-
sults are better than the previous one using 10 epochs
of learning. For each different epoch, the days used
for the learning are presented according to a random
sequence. For the training we considered the first,
the second, the third and the fifth week. While for
the testing phase we performed two different experi-
ments. In the first example we tested the system with
the only background traffic (considering the first and
the third week only). While in the second example,
we tested the system considering all the dataset (in-
cluding background traffic and attacks).
The table 1 contains the results concerning the
first experiment with the only background traffic. The
neural subsystem mainly classifies the normal traffic
in 1 class (with a rate of 92%). As shown in table 1, a
very little rate of traffic has been classified in 0, 2 and
3 classes, this because, in our opinion, the behaviour
of these fragments of traffic differs a little from a nor-
mal behaviour. Besides, some classes (from 4 to 8)
are not used obtaining a classification rate equals to
zero. So we expect that these classes with zero value,
in the following will be reserved for the attacks. This
aspect can be put in evidence considering the second
Table 2: Results of the test related to the all dataset inclusive
of attacks.
Attacks (%)
Cl Mb Sf P U Ss N Mn St
0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 0% 67% 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 100%
4 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0%
8 100% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
experiment in which for the testing phase we consid-
ered all the dataset. The results of the second ex-
periment are showed in table 2
. As table 2 shows,
in some cases the ”Decisional Motor” recognized the
particular attack classifying in an only class all the in-
stances of the same attack. In fact, the three different
instances of Mailbomb attack have been classified in
the 8 class, the two instances of UdpStorm attack have
been classified in the 4 class and finally two of three
instances of the Smurf attack have been classified in
the 3 class. So, the system reserved some classes for
the classification of the same attack. This behaviour
is very important for a system that detects intrusions
since in this way it is able to recognize which ty-
pology of attack occurred. Concerning other attacks
(Sshprocesstable, Mscan and Secret), the system rec-
ognized them as attacks, but it has not been able to
distinguish them. In fact, it classified all these attacks
in the 3 class.
The aim of this paper is to propose a novel anomaly
based IDS. The system consisted of two subsystems:
a statistical subsystem (”Discriminator”) and a neural
networks based subsystem (Decisional Motor). The
first allows a preliminary visual distinction between a
normal behaviour and an anomalous one. The neural
subsystem has to establish the effective status of the
network: if there is a normal situation or if an attack
occurs. In order to analyze the network traffic from
and towards the monitored host we considered 8 fea-
tures: 4 for the input packets and the same 4 for the
output packets (IP Address, number of Port, IP:Port
and the number of packets). Analyzing the trend of
these features we can evaluate the behaviour of the
(Mb=Mailbomb, Sf=Smurf, P=Portsweep,
U=UdpStorm, Ss=Sshprocesstable, N=Neptune,
Mn=Mscan, St=Secret).
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
monitored server. The 8 features were preliminary
processed by the statistical subsystem, and then the
statistical results were classified by the neural archi-
tecture basing on their trend.
For the experimental phase, we used the most com-
plete and available benchmark in Internet: the 1999
DARPA dataset. During the first experiment the sys-
tem was able to quite correctly classify the back-
ground traffic. In fact, considering the only back-
ground traffic, a high rate (92%) of this traffic was
classified in class 1. Also in the second experiment,
considering all the dataset, we obtained encouraging
results. The system was able to autonomously dis-
tinguish the normal traffic from the anomalous one:
it classified the attacks in different classes from that
used for the background traffic. A very important as-
pect is that in some cases the system recognized an
attack classifying all the instances of the attack in the
same class. For example, in the case of three differ-
ent Mailbomb instances, for two UdpStorm instances,
and finally for two of three Smurf instances. Besides,
the system reserved a particular class to classify one
typology of attack. In other words, a class is used
to classify only different instances of the same attack.
This means that our IDS is not only able to distinguish
the normal traffic from the malicious traffic, but it can
establish which attack occurs. Our evaluation is based
on a single source of network traffic due to the lack of
other available data. Obviously, every environment is
different, so we plan to confirm our results using other
sources of real traffic.
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