Viorica R. Chifu, Ioan Salomie
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Bariţiu 28, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Emil Şt. Chifu
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Baritiu 28, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Ontology, semantic Web, taxonomy learning, business ontology.
Abstract: This paper presents a business ontology model for sem
antic annotation of Web services which consists of a
core ontology and two categories of taxonomic trees: Business Service Description trees and Business
Product Description trees. The Business Service Description trees contain generic business concepts, and
the Business Product Description trees contain domain specific concepts. A business ontology for the
Romanian language in the domain of traceability has been built according to this model in the framework of
the Food-Trace project. The domain concepts of this ontology are organized into a domain taxonomy which
is automatically built out of textual descriptions from Web sites of Romanian meat industry companies.
The semantic Web is growing in popularity due to
the publication of an increasing number of
ontologies. This paper proposes a business ontology
model for semantic annotation of the Web services
which consists of a core ontology and two categories
of taxonomic trees: Business Service Description
(BSD) trees and Business Product Description
(BPD) trees
. The BSD trees contain generic business
concepts (common to all kind of business), whereas
the BPD
trees contain domain specific concepts (in
our case specific to meat processing industry). A
business ontology for the Romanian language has
been built according to this model, to be used for
traceability in the domain of food industry. The
ontology describes the participants involved in the
traceability chain, the services and products they
offer/use, and the main features of products. The
domain specific concepts of the business ontology
are organized into a taxonomy, which has been
automatically built. The taxonomy learning is based
on hierarchical self-organizing maps (Dittenbach et
al., 2002). The candidates for concept names are
collected by mining text corpora. The term
extraction process is based on recognizing linguistic
patterns in the text corpus.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
bes the structure of the business ontology.
Section 3 details the implementation of the
taxonomy learning tool, while section 4 gives a
qualitative evaluation of the experimental results.
Related work, conclusions and future directions are
presented in sections 5 and 6.
In this section we propose a business ontology
model for semantic annotation of the Web services,
and present the construction of a business domain
specific ontology according to this model. The
business ontology model consists of a core ontology
and two categories of taxonomic trees: BSD trees
and BPD trees. A conceptual view of the business
ontology model is illustrated in Figure 1. In this
figure, the Business Actor can be any participant to
the business process such as Producers,
Transporters, Distributors or Customer Protection
Organizations. The categories Business Service
Descriptions and Business Product Descriptions
represent descriptions in ontological terms of the
R. Chifu V., Salomie I. and ¸St. Chifu E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 63-68
DOI: 10.5220/0002115000630068
services and products offered by Business Actor.
Each of the two categories consists of trees of
concepts which are generically represented in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Business ontology model.
This ontology model, when adapted to the meat
industry domain, helps to achieve an easy mapping
between ontological concepts and specific business
2.1 Core Ontology
The core ontology is adaptable to different though
similar business domains (Figure 2) and consists of
six generic concepts and relationships between these
concepts. In our approach, we consider that each of
the Business Actors involved in the business process
is providing Services, Products and Features of the
products (price, quantity and so on). The services are
characterized by inputs and outputs, represented in
the core ontology by the concepts Service Input and
Service Output.
Adapting the core ontology model to a specific
business domain is achieved by appending domain
specific trees of concepts under the appropriate
nodes of the core business ontology.
Figure 2: Core ontology.
2.2 Development of the Business
Domain Specific Ontology
Starting from the core ontology, the design of the
business domain specific ontology consists of the
development of the BSD trees of concepts and BPD
trees of concepts, according to specific business
rules and constrains. The BSD trees have been
developed in the Protégé ontology editor (Noy et al.,
2003). The BPD trees have been automatically built
out of textual descriptions from Web sites of
Romanian meat industry companies.
2.2.1 Trees of Concepts
We have considered the following trees of concepts
of the business specific domain ontology: Business
Actor tree, Service tree, Service Input tree, Service
Output tree, Product tree, and Feature tree.
Figure 3: Trees of ontological concepts for the meat
processing business domain.
The Product and Feature trees belong to the BPD
trees and are automatically built from a domain text
corpus. The machine learning techniques involved in
this process will be described in section 3.
The Business Actor tree is a classification of the
business actors involved in the food traceability. We
have considered four generic classes of actors:
Producers, Distributors, Transporters, and Customer
Protection Organizations. Each of them features
more specialized classes. For example, Producer is
specialized as Food Producer, which is in turn
specialized as Salami and Sausages Producer and
Dairy Product Producer.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
The Service tree is a classification of the services
provided by the business actors. As generic classes
of services we have considered Order Service,
Information Service and Customer Service, each of
them featuring more specialized classes also.
Finally, the Input tree and the Output tree are
classifications of the inputs and outputs of the
services respectively. Figure 3 depicts the trees of
ontological concepts of the meat processing business
2.2.2 Ontological Relations
The ontology contains hierarchical and non-
hierarchical relations. The only hierarchical relation
– other than the taxonomic isA relation – is the
partOf (meronymic) relation, which relates an entity
to its components.
We consider that an Input or
Output of a service is aggregated out of domain
concepts, so a partOf relation is involved. For
instance, the “Order meat product service” has the
input “Request Order of Meat Product”, with
reference to the concepts Product, Price and
Quantity; we modelled this relation by hasPart.
Non-hierarchical relations are hasService,
hasProduct, and hasFeature
, linking the Business
Actor with one of the concepts of Service, Product
or Feature. Other non-hierarchical relations are
between a Service and an Input or Output (hasInput,
The Business Product Description trees contain
domain specific concepts which are organized in a
domain taxonomy. The tree representing our domain
taxonomy has been automatically built from a
domain text corpus consisting of html pages with
information about meat products. The pages were
colleted from Web sites of Romanian meat industry
companies (Maestro CrisTim, 2007). The ontology
learning process has two steps: term extraction, and
taxonomy building and pruning. In the term
extraction step, the relevant terms (words or
phrases) for the taxonomy building are extracted
from the domain text corpus. These extracted terms
become the candidates for the concept names in the
final learnt taxonomy. In the taxonomy building and
pruning step, the identified terms become concepts,
and taxonomic (isA) relations are establish between
them, by actually building a tree having the concepts
in its nodes. The pruning phase avoids the
potentially uninteresting concepts for the taxonomy.
3.1.1 Term Extraction
The candidates for concept names are identified in a
two phase text mining process over the domain
corpus. In the first phase a linguistic analysis is
performed on the corpus, and in the second phase a
set of linguistic patterns are applied in order to
identify domain specific terms.
Linguistic analysis The domain text corpus is
first annotated with information about the part of
speech (POS) of every word with the help of the
Brill POS tagger (Brill, 1992). Since the entire
ontology, including the domain taxonomy is for the
Romanian language, the extracted terms are in
Romanian, and the corpus is obviously completely
written in the same language.
Brill tagger can only be trained by a supervised
learning process starting from an already POS
tagged corpus. In order to train Brill tagger for
Romanian, we used ROCO, an annotated Romanian
text corpus. ROCO contains articles form Romanian
newspapers collected from the Web
over a period of
three years (1999-2002). The corpus was tokenized
and POS tagged with the RACAI tools (Tufiş,
1999). The measured annotation accuracy is 98%.
To be able to use Brill tagger – trained for
Romanian – on our corpus, some preprocessing was
. First, we have converted HTML
documents to simple text files, then we have splitted
all the documents in separate sentences. To test the
trained POS tagger, we split our (untagged) domain
corpus into two corpora of equal size. The first one
was annotated with part of speech tags after training
the Brill tagger with the ROCO corpus. The
accuracy of these annotations was 80%. We then
used this tagged corpus to train a new Brill tagger,
and annotated the second corpus with this newly
trained tagger, obtaining an accuracy of 90% (see
Table 1).
The reason why the accuracy of results is lower
in the first case is because the ROCO corpus and our
corpus are taken from different domains. The POS-
annotated corpus is then provided as input to a noun
phrase chunker tool to identify domain concepts.
Table 1: Results obtained with Brill tagger.
Train corpus
Test corpus Accuracy
ROCO corpus Maestro corpus 80%
Maestro corpus Cris-Tim corpus 90%
Identifying domain specific terms The phase of
identifying domain specific terms is based on
recognizing linguistic patterns (noun phrases) in the
domain text corpus. To extract domain specific
terms from the corpus, we implemented a noun
phrase (NP) chunker which identifies noun phrases
in the linguistically annotated text corpus. Our NP
chunker is written by using lex and yacc. We have
written yacc syntax rules for noun phrases in the
Romanian language, consisting essentially of a head
noun together with its modifiers (attributes)
introduced by different prepositional phrases and
adjectives. For instance, consider the sentence:
Oferta de produse cuprinde aproximativ 65 de
sortimente, punctul forte fiind reprezentat de
specialitatile si produsele crud uscate.” (The
product offer includes about 65 assortments, the
strong point being represented by the specialties and
the dry cruel products.) The chunker identifies
Oferta de produse”, ”sortimente”, “punctul forte”,
specialitati”, and ”produse crud uscate” as noun
3.1.2 Taxonomy Building and Pruning
The taxonomy learning is based on hierarchical self-
organizing maps, more specifically, on the Growing
Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map (GHSOM) model
(Dittenbach, 2002). In our setting, a learned
GHSOM hierarchy is playing the role of a learned
GHSOM is an extension of the Self-Organizing
Map (SOM) learning architecture (Kohonen et al.,
2000) - a popular unsupervised neural network
model. The rectangular SOM map is a two-
dimensional grid of neurons. Each input data item is
classified into one of the neurons in the map. SOM
clusters an input data space, giving rise to a
similarity based smooth spread of the data items on
the map. The data items must be represented as
vectors of numerical attribute values.
The growing hierarchical self-organizing map
model consists of a tree-like hierarchy of SOM’s
(Dittenbach, 2002). The nodes in the tree are SOM’s
that can grow horizontally during training by
inserting either one more row or one more column of
neurons. This happens iteratively until the average
data deviation over the neurons in the SOM map
decreases under a specified threshold τ
. The SOM’s
of the nodes can also grow vertically during training,
by giving rise to successor nodes. Each neuron in the
SOM map is a candidate for expansion into a
successor node. The expansion takes place whenever
the data deviation on the current neuron is over a
threshold τ
. The successor SOM map is then trained
merely with the data subspace mapped into the
parent neuron. The training of the whole GHSOM
model converges and stops when both thresholds are
satisfied. The depth and the branching factor of the
hierarchy learned by GHSOM are controlled by the
thresholds τ
and τ
. The GHSOM learning behaves
like a top-down process of
hierarchical classification
of the input data space items.
The noun phrases identified in the corpus are the
terms in our setting, and these terms are classified in
a GHSOM tree during the process of taxonomy
building. To make possible the GHSOM
classification of the terms, a vector representation
for each term has to be chosen. In our setting, the
attributes of the vector representation of
a term
encode the frequencies of occurrence for the term in
different documents of the corpus.
Taxonomy pruning is achieved by avoiding
terms occurring in too few documents of the corpus,
specifically in less than 1-2% of the total number of
documents in the corpus. Such terms cannot be
considered as relevant to become concepts of the
Below are some of the learned branches
corresponding to the Product tree of the BPD trees.
The English translations of some concepts of this
taxonomy are given in italics. The concepts – nodes
in the taxonomy – are represented as synonym sets,
like in a thesaurus. The nodes represented by empty
synonym sets are nodes with no concept label. They
can actually be associated with a concept name by
finding a common Romanian WordNet (Tufiş, 2004)
hypernym of its successors (Cimiano, Pivk et al.,
{ }
{ produs_fiert_si_afumat_din_piept_de_pui,
sunca_pui_galinia, ambalata_in_vid }
{ }
{ cremwursti_extra }
{ produs_crud-uscat_din_carne_de_porc }
{ cremwursti_piept_pui } chiken chest wurst
{ produs_pasteurizat_din_carne_de_porc }
{ }
{ sunca_praga, sunci } Praga ham, hams
{ sunca_presata_piept_pui } chiken chest ham
{ sunca_york, sunca_speciala_din_piept_de_pui }
{ produs_pasteurizat_din_carne_porc,
sunca_presata_toast, sunca_presata }
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
{ } (2)
{ salam_turist_extra } extra tourist salami
{ }
{ salam_chorizo } Chorizo salami
{ }
{ salam_potcoava } horseshoe salami
{ salam_de_vara_uscat } drying summer salami
{ salam_milano, salam_de_porc,
salam_canadian } Milano salami, pork salami
{ salam_italian_extra, salam_sicilian,
salam_picant_extra, salam_taranesc,
salam_sasesc_cu_ceapa, salam_palermo}
{ }
{ salam_rustic, salam_cu_sunca, salam_napoli,
salam_de_vara_traditional, salam_de_vara_extra
{ salam_ardelenesc }
{ salam_victoria, salam_sasesc_cu_piper_verde }
{ }
{ salam_sinaia } Sinaia salami
{ salamuri } salami
Finally, below is a learned branch for the Feature
{ } (3)
{ compozitia, aspectul_exterior,
conditii_de_pastrare, calitati_organoleptice }
{ termen_de_valabilitate, expiration date
recomandari_de_consum} consumption
{ }
{ condimente_naturale } natural spices
{ temperatura, umiditate } temperature, humidity
{ sare } salt
{ zile } days
Table 2 shows the lexical precision, recall, and F-
measure of these three taxonomies. The recall is
computed by reference to all the terms in the corpus
that should belong semantically to each tree.
However, part of these terms is wrongly classified
along some other poor quality taxonomies.
Moreover, taxonomy (1) is represented above after
pruning manually a couple of terms misclassified in
the taxonomy. These terms should rather belong
semantically to the Feature taxonomy. The other
taxonomies, as having 100% accuracy, need no
manual pruning.
Table 2: Evaluation results for three learned taxonomies.
Taxonomy Precision Recall F-measure
(1) 75% 31.3% 44.2
(2) 100% 57.7% 73.2
(3) 100% 17.9% 30.4
There is a considerable amount of research done in
the ontology building domain. In this section, a
couple of related ontology models and ontology
learning frameworks are presented.
The WonderWeb project (Sabou, 2004) was
concerned with the development of an infrastructure
for large-scale deployment of ontologies for the
Semantic Web. The key concept of the infrastructure
is represented by the ontologies describing the
functionality of Semantic Web tools and services for
RDF(S) storage and query. The main branches of
such an ontology are Data (to describe the RDF(S)
data structures) and0020Method (to describe the
functionalities of the methods operating upon the
data structures). Trying to make a comparison, the
main branches of our ontology model are rather
Products and Features (similar to Data) on one hand,
and Services (similar to Method) on the other hand.
There is a multitude of ontology learning
frameworks (Gómez-Pérez, 2003), (Buitelaar, 2005).
We only enumerate two such frameworks as being
the most related to ours. In (Alfonseca, 2002), the
terms are represented with distributional (contextual)
signatures, similar with our vectors of occurrences in
different documents (contexts). The ontology
learning is a top-down process, like the behaviour of
our GHSOM based model. As opposed, the cited
work uses decision tree learning, rather than neural
learning. A hierarchical self-organizing neural
model is used in (Khan, 2002) to arrive at a
taxonomy having concept labels only at the leaves.
Concept names for the intermediate nodes of the
taxonomy are found in a bottom-up process by
querying WordNet for common hypernyms of
brother nodes.
Our ontology learning is based on distributional
similarity and clustering (Buitelaar, 2005), where the
clustering is neural network driven. Another
category of approaches is based on lexico-syntactic
patterns, known as Hearst patterns (Hearst, 1992),
which contain phrases suggesting taxonomic
relations: such as, (and | or) other, including,
especially, is a. In (Cimiano, Pivk et al., 2005) a
combination of clustering and Hearst patterns is
used. Most of the clustering based ontology learning
approaches use the classical hierarchical clustering
algorithm. The neural GHSOM model is better than
the classical hierarchical clustering algorithm in
terms of speed, noise tolerance and robustness
(Chen, 2002), even though any neural model is
mathematically more complex.
We presented a business ontology model for
automated composition of Web services. The model
consists of a core ontology and two categories of
taxonomic trees: Business Service Description trees
and Business Product Description trees. The
proposed model was used to develop a business
ontology for traceability in the domain of food
industry. The domain specific concepts of this
ontology are organized into a taxonomy which is
automatically built out of textual descriptions from
Web sites of Romanian meat industry companies.
The experimental results obtained for this learned
taxonomy are encouraging. Different approaches for
taxonomy learning are hard to evaluate
comparatively, since, even for the same domain,
authors use different corpora for their experiments.
Moreover, our ontology is for the Romanian
language, and we can not compare ourselves with
other similar approaches and in the same domain,
because such results have not been reported, yet.
In future work, we plan to extend our ontology
learning approach with lexico-syntactic patterns for
Romanian (like the English Hearst patterns (Hearst,
1992) and to also experiment with other corpora
from different domains.
This work was supported by the Food Trace project
within the framework of the “Research of
Excellence” program initiated by the Romanian
Ministry of Education and Research.
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ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business