io Ilarri
Luna 3, 50018,
Raquel Trillo, Serg
IIS Department, Univ. of Zaragoza, Mar´ıa de Zaragoza, Spain
Juan R. L´opez, Nieves R. Brisaboa
Database Laboratory, Univ. of A Coru˜na, Facultade de Inform´atica, A Coru˜na, Spain
On-line tests and assessment, e-learning.
An important feature of an e-learning environment is the ability to continuously assess the progress of the
students. With an adequate tracking of the students’ knowledge and performance, it is possible to re-orient the
teaching strategies in time to ensure the success of the learning process. Suitable computer tools are required
to help the teachers to achieve such difficult goal.
In this paper, we present a tool for the definition, execution and evaluation of on-line tests, which can be easily
integrated in an existing e-learning system. Prior to the development of the tool, we performed an extensive
study of other existing alternatives, both commercial and free, that led our design. Thus, the developed tool
presents the desirable features of those alternatives and others that we consider interesting.
Web technologies have opened up many opportuni-
ties to develop new educational systems, since they
allow an anywhere and anytime interaction between
students and teachers. Thus, e-learning systems have
emerged as a complement of traditional face-to-face
classes and even in some cases as a replacement for
At the beginning,in this context,the web was used
mainly as a medium to disseminate learning materials
to students, and the only existing interaction was that
of students downloading reading materials by follow-
ing links in static HTML pages. These web pages
were not part of an active learning system, and there-
fore lacked some functionalities that we demand to-
day, such as the possibility to track and analyze the
performance of the students. Due to this, different
e-learning environmentsappeared, according to a cer-
tain teaching theory. In any of them, it is very im-
portant to be able to detect as soon as possible any
deviation from the expected results (learning goals),
both in individual students and in the whole group.
One of the elements that can be used to check the
progress of students is to test their performance in
solving quizzes, exercises and problems. This is not
only very useful for the teacher, who can adapt his/her
methodology and react to the needs detected; it is also
very valuable to the students, as it provides them with
a reference on how they are improving their knowl-
edge and skills and the topics/areas where they need
to seek clarification or invest more effort. Therefore,
the traditional value of the evaluation (summative as-
sessment, used for grading the students) gives way to
a formative value (formative assessment, which pro-
motes learning), much more important from the point
of view of the learning process, as it provides both
students and teachers with orientation about areas that
they need to improve.
The Facultade Virtual (
is an e-learning system used at the University of A
na (Spain) which offers the classical function-
alities for supporting, accessing and managing infor-
mation for Higher Education, both face-to-face and
online; thus, it offers general information about the
University, an schedule of events, and course-specific
information (syllabus, interesting links, bibliography,
list of students, and electronic materials such as read-
ings, slides, videos or audio). However, it did not
provide any facility for the assessment of students:
the only possibility was to offer links to documents
containing the exercises and ask the student to send
Trillo R., Ilarri S., R. López J. and R. Brisaboa N. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 452-457
DOI: 10.5220/0001285404520457
the solutions by email to their teacher. Unfortunately,
with this approach the possibilities that an online en-
vironmentshould offer would be wasted; forexample,
if a student could receive immediate feedback after
submitting a test on-line, he/she could direct his/her
own learning in a better and more efficient way. The
motivation for this work was to develop an assess-
ment system that would allow to define and correct
tests via web. Although our work was conceived in
the context of the FacultadeVirtual, the developed as-
sessment system can be easily integrated in any other
e-learning system or even operate on its own.
The structure of the rest of the paper is as follows.
In Section 2, we compare different systems available
for evaluating students, assessing the convenience of
developing a new one. In Section 3, and as a result
of the previous comparison, we identify the function-
alities that should be provided in the new assessment
system. In Section 4, we describe the system from a
functional and technological point of view. Finally,
in Section 5, we draw some conclusions and set some
lines for future work.
Nowadays, there are many assessment systems avail-
able. Therefore, first of all we needed to analyze the
most relevant ones in order to decide whether one of
them could be used in our context or, on the contrary,
it was convenient to design and implement a new one.
So, we analyzed 21 assessment systems that we con-
sider significant. In this section, we briefly show the
conclusions of our analysis. We evaluated to which
degree they supported the following features:
1. Functionalities offered to the different roles in-
volved in the learning-teaching process. We con-
sider the existence of three types of users: ad-
ministrators, teachers and students. Each of them
require to access and use the system in a differ-
ent way. Therefore, the assessment system should
take into account the needs of all of them.
2. Features of the graphical user interface. We con-
sider the usability of the interface (i.e., whether it
can be easily used by people not familiarized with
computers) and whether the interface is available
in several languages. Moreover, we take into
account if knowledge about some computer lan-
guage (e.g., HTML) is needed in order to manage
the system.
3. Features of the tests that can be generated. We
evaluate the available test presentation formats
(web pages, plain text, proprietary formats, etc.)
and whether modifications can be easily per-
formed with the goal of adapting them to other
environments. We also check if it is possible to
structure the tests in sections including different
types of questions, if we can set a maximum num-
ber of attempts and the maximum amount of time
allowed for the test, and whether the exercises and
questions can be generated choosing randomly
among several alternatives. Finally, we also con-
sider if the system supports the inclusion of mul-
timedia materials (images, video, audio, etc.).
4. Features of the questions/exercises allowed. We
consider which types of questions are supported,
specially if it is possible to include multiple/single
choice and free-text questions (e.g., essays), as
these are the most common types of questions in
Higher Education e-learning environments. We
also consider interesting to check whether it is
possible to define cluesthat can help and guide the
students when they find difficulties. Finally, it is
also interesting to be able to classify the questions
in differenttopics and according to their difficulty.
5. Features of correction. We consider if the sys-
tem has the ability to automatically or semi-
automatically correct some types of tests (e.g.,
tests not including free-text questions). We also
analyze the quality of the information presented
to the student when he/she submits his/her an-
swers/exercises (e.g., grade obtained, advice on
which topics should revise, correct choices, sam-
ple correct answers, etc.).
6. Support to track the performance of students. This
is a key feature, as otherwise teachers would not
be able to monitor the learning process and adapt
themselves to the needs and the unexpected situa-
tions detected.
7. Security. We consider whether measures are taken
to keep the privacy and integrity of the informa-
tion stored, and whether there are mechanisms to
try to prevent cheating when performing exams
8. Features concerning the technologies used to im-
plement the system. We consider whether a pro-
prietary or open technology has been used, its
scalability, and whether it is easily extensible to
include new modules/functionalities.
We present a summary of the comparison in Ta-
ble 1, where we use the following symbols
The complete survey is available (in Galician)
Symbol Meaning
χ No
C Configurable
T Text
w WebCT
L Latex
CP CGI and Perl
D Delphi
Looking at Table 1, we can see how some features
are supported by most of the systems (e.g., single-
choice tests). However, others appear less frequently
(e.g., role management, tracking of students, or pro-
viding clues to the students). The realization that any
of the evaluated systems supported all the features
that we required in our context, led us to develop a
new assessment system.
As we have explained before, the development of the
new system was motivated by: 1) the absence of an
assessment system in the e-learning platform of the
Facultade Virtual at the University of A Coru
na, and
2) the fact that existing systems lack some interesting
The in-depth study of the existing (commercial
and free) systems (that we summarized in Section 2)
and several meetings and interviews with the teams
involved in the development and maintenance of the
Facultade Virtual (teachers, educators, and Computer
Science engineers) led us to conclude the following
Web-enabled. We consider it important that the
system can be accessed using a standard web
browser, avoiding the need to install any soft-
ware on the user’s computer (therefore, allowing
seamlessly access from any computer), following
the current trend from desktop to webtop (Shu-
bin and Perkins, 1998). Moreover, if the system
can be accessed through the Internet, the inconve-
nience of fixed schedules and meeting places can
be avoided. In this way, the system can support
both face-to-face and distance learning.
Intuitive graphical user interface. The system
must be easy to use by students, teachers and ad-
ministrators, even if they are not used to comput-
ers. The interface must be also internationaliz-
able, that is, it should be easy to show it in dif-
ferent languages and translate it to others.
Support of different roles. The system should con-
sider the different types of users involved in the
process of learning-teaching in an e-learning en-
vironment: teachers, students, and administrators.
Different functionalities should be offered to each
of them.
Support of different types of questions. Students
must be allowed to perform tests, exercises and
problems on-line. It is specially important to
support single-choice and multiple-choice tests,
along with free-text questions (e.g., essays). We
consider that these are the types of questions
present in most of the evaluation systems and the
ones with a greater utility. The software architec-
ture of the system should facilitate the integration
of new types of questions with a minimum effort.
Support of different features for the tests. For ex-
ample, it must be possible to define timed tests
and whether there is a maximum number of at-
tempts allowed. It is also important that tests can
be structured in sections covering different topics.
Support of repositories of questions. Reposito-
ries facilitate reusing existing questions, and they
should be managed by the teacher responsible for
each course. It must be possible to classify ques-
tions according to the topics they cover (e.g., by
associating keywords or selecting from a prede-
fined set of topics) and level of difficulty. In this
way, it is possible to adapt the tests generated to
the student’s knowledge level, making them suit-
able to his/her learning pace.
Support of random generation of tests and ques-
tions. The system must support the automatic
generation of tests by selecting questions ran-
domly, according to some template with indica-
tions regarding the topics and levels of difficulty.
For example, several sections could be defined for
a test, each with a certain number of questions
covering a different topic.
Support of automatic corrections. The system
must support automatic grading of the answers
provided by the students whenever it is possible
(e.g., for single and multiple-choice questions).
As we are facing a learning-teaching context that
increasingly demands more work and responsibil-
ity to the teachers, the system should release them
from the burden of performing tasks that can be
automated; in this way, they can invest their ef-
forts in other activities that have a greater impact
on the learning of students. Supporting automatic
corrections is also very valuable to the student, as
he/she can receive immediate feedback (see be-
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Comparison of assessment systems.
Tutorial Gateway
Presentation format H H H H H H T,w,X H H H H H H H H H H H H H H,X
Presentation changes χ χ
χ χ
Structure in tests χ χ χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
1 question type/exam
χ χ
χ χ
Several attempts
C χ C
Random tests χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
Multimedia contents χ χ χ χ χ H H H H H H H H H H H H,L H H H
Single-choice tests
Multiple-choice tests χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ
Free-text questions χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ χ
χ χ
Clues to students χ
χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ
Several topics χ χ
χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ χ
Several difficulties χ χ
χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ χ
Automatic correction
Feedback on correct.
Role management χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ
Tracking students χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ
Answers visible χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ
Access to private data N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A χ
N/A χ N/A
χ χ χ χ
Internationalizable χ χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ
HTML required
χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ
Feedback to the student. Providing a valuable
feedback to the students is a requirement of the
learner-centered paradigm (Iahad et al., 2004).
Thus, an appropriate feedback can have a very
positive impact on the student’s learning (Dalziel,
2001; Juwah et al., 2004). To this end, the assess-
ment system should support:
The definition of clues that provide the students
with orientations that may help them to solve
questions that they may find difficult. This is
particularly important in self-assessment tests:
thanks to this extra help, the student may be en-
couraged to dig deeper or revise his/her knowl-
edge on related helpful topics before giving up
on a question.
When an automatic correction is not possible
(such as in the case of free-text questions),
feedback can also be provided through the in-
clusion of graded sample answers.
Along the same lines, the student can be pre-
sented with additional information related to
his/her performance in the test, in order to clar-
ify some doubts that can be inferred from the
answers he/she provided and advice him/her
what to do next.
Finally, the teacher can provide the students
with comments about exercises he/she has cor-
Support of multimedia. Multimedia materials
have been considered useful not only for the de-
sign of contents but also exercises (Fasli and
Michalakopoulos, 2005). Teachers must be of-
fered the opportunity to easily (e.g., without re-
quiring knowledge on programming languages or
HTML) include multimedia material that may fa-
cilitate the transmission of information to the stu-
Facilities for exporting/importing questions and
tests to/from different formats. In this way, the
interoperability of the system with other tools
(e.g., Microsoft Word or structured text) would
be supported. Similarly, it must be easy to add
new modules that offer the capability of export-
ing/importing considering new formats that may
be required in the future.
Safe. It is necessary to consider some issues re-
lated to the safety of the system, taking into ac-
count the different types of information it man-
ages (questions, answers, scores, feedback pro-
vided to the students, etc.) and the different
roles of the users (e.g., only teachers must be al-
lowed to define questions for their courses and for
other courses for which they have been explicitly
granted permission). On the other hand, it is also
importantto avoid cheatingwhen the students per-
form exams: some safety measures that can be ap-
plied when an assessment system is used for grad-
ing are described in (Marais et al., 2006).
Efficient tracking of the learning process. It must
be possible to track the progress of the students
and to obtain information about their performance
on different types of questions. The teacher must
be able to obtain graphical representations of this
information (e.g., by selecting statistics corre-
sponding to specific time intervals).
Flexible and extensible. The system must be eas-
ily maintained and escalable, that is, new types of
questions, users and other functionalities must be
added without much complication,and not having
to modify the existing software structure.
These requirements have been taken into account
in the development of our assessment system. In the
following section, we indicate some technical details
about the system developed.
The assessment system has been developed as a
client-server three-tier architecture, considering the
requirements outlined in the previous section, and us-
ing architectural and design patterns and the formal
methodology Unified Software Development Process
and the Web Applications Extension for UML -
WAE- (Conallen, 2000). Traditional technologies
such as Java, JSP, XML, and XSLT have also been
used (Rockwell, 2001). The developed system is
composed of three main parts, that correspond to
the different roles of the users who take part in the
learning-teaching process:
1. For teachers, three main functionalities are of-
Definition and evaluation of tests (see Fig-
ure 1). These tests can be structured in differ-
ent sections. Moreover, we consider the inclu-
sion of multimedia material in multiple formats
(text, video, audio, etc.), leveraging the multi-
media and graphical capabilities of the existing
web technologies to enhance user interaction.
Management of information regarding students
and courses. Each teacher can manage infor-
mation about the students that have signed up
for his/her courses (see Figure 2), for example
to add comments or grades, and the information
on such courses.
Obtention of statistical information. The as-
sessment system can present statistics of the
performance of a student (see Figure 3) or the
whole class. In this way, the teachers can an-
alyze the progress of the students and detect
needs as soon as they arise, which allows them
to adapt their methodology accordingly. The
statistics generated can also concern only par-
ticular topics or tests.
Figure 1: Definition of tests.
Figure 2: Access to information on students.
2. For students, it offers the possibility of perform-
ing exams and self-assessment tests (see Fig-
ure 4). Tests can be elaborated by teachers, but
they can also be randomly generated from repos-
itories of questions and depending on the perfor-
mance of the student in previous tests: thus, the
tests can be automatically adapted to the student’s
needs. Moreover, the students are provided with
automatic test correction (when it is possible) and
the correct/sample answers, giving him/her imme-
diate feedback. Finally, we would like to indicate
that the student can analyze his/her performance
relative to the whole class, as peers can be a valu-
able reference for his/her own learning.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Statistics regarding the performance of stu-
Figure 4: Access to tests by students.
3. For administrators, it provides them with the
functionalities required to manage information
about courses (e.g., allowing the definition of new
courses), sign up new students, define the teachers
assigned to the courses, and perform other tasks
concerning the maintenance of the system.
In this paper,we have described an assessment system
that we have developed for the definition, correction
and tracking of students’ performance. The system
can be used in isolation or integrated in an e-learning
platform. Previous to the development of the system,
we have performed an extensive study of other exist-
ing alternatives and, taking into accounttheir features,
we have presented a set of requirements that we be-
lieve an assessment system should fulfill. This study
motivatedour work in this field, and we considered all
those requirements in the development of the assess-
ment system. The system presents many interesting
features, it can be extended easily with other required
functionalities (e.g., new types of questions), and pro-
vides immediate feedback to students and teachers
through an easy-to-use graphical user interface.
A possible line of future work is to extend the
system to support new types of questions (e.g., fill-
in or ordering exercises) and new representation for-
mats for the interchange of information among e-
learning platforms, such as QTI -Question and Test
Interoperability- (IMS Global Learning Consortium,
Inc., 2006).
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37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Sys-
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Computer Society.
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (2006). IMS Ques-
tion & Test Interoperability Specification Version 2.1.
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Juwah, C., Macfarlane-Dick, D., Matthew, B., Nicol, D.,
Ross, D., and Smith, B. (2004). Enhancing Student
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