A Framework for Negotiating Individual Privacy Contracts
Michael Maaser, Steffen Ortman and Peter Langendörfer
IHP microelectronics GmbH, Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Keywords: Privacy, negotiation, P3P, privacy contract, user preferences, personalization, mobile devices.
Abstract: Privacy has been a hot topic in research for several years. A lot of different approaches to protect privacy
have been proposed recently. Among these are several tools for negotiation of privacy contracts. In this
paper we present our privacy negotiation framework called “Privacy Advocat (PrivAd)”. It consists of three
main parts: the policy evaluation unit, the signature unit and the preferences. In addition our frame supports
an interface for negotiation strategies, so that they are independent of the framework. The preferences can
be expressed with a combination of P3P and APPEL. The test we executed using a state of the art PDA
clearly indicate that our framework can be used by mobile devices. The completion of a negotiation takes
about 2 sec. including message transfer via an 802.11b wireless link. The processing itself is done in less
than 250 msec.
A lot of internet users are concerned about their
privacy (Cranor, 2000) . These concerns have led to
the development of P3P (Cranor, 2006) and APPEL
(Cranor, 2002) by the W3C. P3P provides means to
service providers to express which data is gathered
by the service provider as well as for which purpose
etc. APPEL provides means to service users to
express their preferences. The P3P approach is a
pure opt in or opt out model (Thibadeau,
2000)(Bennicke, 2003). Thus, if the user preferences
and the service provider policy do not fit to each
other the only option of the user is not to use this
service. The drawbacks of such a static approach are
on both sides. On one hand at least some service
users have to give up more privacy than what they
would prefer or are excluded from using interesting
services. On the other hand service providers have
to balance their requirements against the user
demands for privacy. A recent study (Druecke,
2006) shows that a significant percentage of users is
willing to provide additional data if the service
provider offers incentives like free trial version of
software, reduced prices for the service under
negotiation etc. Thus, privacy negotiation tools can
help to accommodate the needs of both parties, i.e.
more data for service providers, better prices or
better privacy for certain groups of users.
Privacy negotiation tools should provide service
providers and service users with means to express
their own requirements. Note by the term
negotiation, we really mean a kind of bargaining
about the content of the resulting privacy contract.
Unlike other tools or protocols the requirements do
not specify a list of alternatives which can be chosen
from exclusively. Our approach describes
requirements as negotiation intervals by stating their
boundaries but support use of discrete values as
well. We made both negotiation parties capable to
offer counterproposals based on those intervals and
former offers. Such intervals are especially useful
for measurable data such as charges and position
In this paper we present our privacy negotiation
framework, named Privacy Advocate (PrivAd).
PrivAd provides means for service providers as well
as users to negotiate individual privacy contracts.
Thereby PrivAd is fully interoperable with already
existing P3P based infrastructure. Existing tools
such as Privacy Bird (Privacy Bird, 2006) can
effectively communicate with servers using PrivAd
as well as PrivAd clients can process static P3P
policies from regular web servers.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
provides a short state of the art. The extensions of
P3P that are needed to enable negotiations are
briefly discussed in section 3. In the following
section we present details of PrivAd and section 5
Maaser M., Ortman S. and Langendörfer P. (2007).
THE PRIVACY ADVOCATE (PRIVAD) - A Framework for Negotiating Individual Privacy Contracts.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 88-95
DOI: 10.5220/0001282100880095
outlines its implementation. The paper concludes
with a summary and an outlook on further research.
There are several privacy related tools that are based
on P3P and APPEL specifications. AT&T’s Privacy
Bird is a free plug-in for Microsoft Internet
Explorer. It allows users to specify privacy
preferences regarding how a website collects and
stores data about them. When the user visits a
website, the Privacy Bird analyzes the provided
policy and indicates whether or not the policy
matches the user’s preferences. The Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6 and Netscape 7 embed a similar
behavior. They allow users to set some options
regarding cookies and are capable of displaying
privacy policies in human readable format. PAWS
also relies on P3P and APPEL but allows discovery
of privacy policies within ubiquitous environments.
The policy evaluation is not done on the mobile
device (Langheinrich, 2002). All these tools are a
valuable step into the right direction, but they still
lack means to individualize privacy policies.
There are approaches that allow users to choose
from a given number of alternatives presented by the
service provider (Preibusch, 2005) (El-Khatib,
2003). Such behavior does not characterize a real
negotiation to us. These approaches rely on the fact
that a non empty intersection of the user
requirements and the policies offered by the service
provider is given a priori. Such approaches are
widely used in protocols such as SSL and TLS. In
contrast to this we consider both negotiation
opponents as equal and they both are enabled to
offer proposals and counterproposals. (Yee, 2004)
presents an approach for negotiating privacy policies
using negotiation trees. This is similar to our
approach but the prototype is not capable of
automatic negotiation.
To enable negotiation scenarios the following
documents are needed: Service and user preferences
that describe the respective requirements, proposals
and counterproposals from preferences and finally a
mutually agreed privacy contract as the outcome of a
successful negotiation.
Preferences are secret policies of each party that
are never exposed to the opposite side. The secret
preferences specify boundaries that span a certain
room to negotiate. These boundaries do not only
define certain values or enumerations but can
specify also single- or double-bounded intervals of
real numbers or any other value. Surely unique
requirements of users and service provider have to
be considered too. In order to enable
individualization a user has to state permissions and
prohibitions whereas the service providers state
requirements and facultative requests. This is done
in the secret preferences of each party by respective
tags that are added to the statements.
Proposals or counterproposals contain complete
envisioned contracts or parts of those. Further they
may contain requests for deletion of certain parts.
Such documents are exchanged alternately during
the negotiation process. A privacy contract
enumerates all data, purposes, recipients, etc. whose
release has been agreed on by both opponents during
the negotiation. Privacy contracts must not contain
any interval. All values have to be stated explicitly.
Our vision of a privacy contract is mostly
resembled by a P3P policy. Therefore we decided to
enhance the P3P standard with different language
features to enable negotiation possibilities. Since
P3P does not support a description of intervals as
needed for the preferences, we added tags to
describe those intervals first. This is done by
specifying boundaries with tags like
<atleast> and
<atmost>. Boundaries can be set for measurable
data i.e. accuracy of location. For remuneration of
service usage we integrated a special element to
represent the amount of money to be paid for a
service. Besides the necessary interval it contains
unit and currency tags to enable respective
conversion. Due to space limitation we omitted
detailed description of all extensions. Please refer to
(Maaser, 2006).
3.1 Permissions and Prohibitions
While requirements and facultative request at
service provider preferences are self-explanatory,
the permissions and prohibitions in user preferences
contain additional implications. Users are able to
define statements in their preferences, which are
explicitly prohibited or allowed. In this way users
are capable to prohibit single data or groups of data
for certain purposes, recipients or retentions. It is
also possible to prohibit data or groups of data for all
purposes or all recipients etc. That is, prohibitions
specify domains that are explicitly prohibited.
Preferences that are solely composed of prohibitions,
implicitly allow all non-stated data.
Similarly, permissions explicitly allow data for
certain purposes or recipients. If user preferences
contain permissions only, all non-stated data are
implicitly prohibited. Obviously, explicitly allowed
THE PRIVACY ADVOCATE (PRIVAD) - A Framework for Negotiating Individual Privacy Contracts
or prohibited content of statements is more
significant than comparable implicit ones.
Successful negotiations finish with a mutually
agreed policy, called contract. The basis for the used
signatures are digital certificates analogous to those
used by SSL. Since a contract is an individual
document regarding each pair of user and service
provider it must be digitally signed by both parties.
The P3P standard does not provide an opportunity to
integrate digital signatures. Thus, to ensure
backward compatibility, we use xml comments to
integrate the digital signatures. This way we avoid
misinterpreted policies by standard P3P applications.
Our negotiation protocol is not capable to choose
from a list of signature algorithms, analogue to SSL,
yet. Thus, both negotiation parties have to use a
predefined signature algorithm. Currently this is
fixed to SHA/DSA.
The Privacy Advocate (PrivAd) is a framework that
is capable to negotiate on the basis of P3P privacy
policies including the introduced P3P extensions. It
is designed for both negotiation parties and may be
used by service users as well as the service provider
side. Hence we implemented a PrivAd client and a
PrivAd server. The framework consists of a Policy
Evaluation Unit, a Signature Unit, a Repository for
preferences and signed policies, mechanisms for http
communications and an interface for exchangeable
Negotiation Strategies, see Figure 1. The graphical
user interface of the PrivAd client allows the user to
monitor and control the negotiation process and was
implemented for demonstration purposes only.
Surely an embedded Version of PrivAd does not
need such a graphical user interface and works
unseen in background. The Signature Unit verifies
signatures of incoming documents and signs
outgoing ones. The Policy Evaluation Unit is the
core of PrivAd and the negotiation concept. Every
incoming proposal or policy has to be evaluated and
compared with the preferences by this unit. The last
component, the Negotiation Strategy, is responsible
for calculating counterproposals. It is not a part of
the framework. We intentionally made this part
exchangeable to provide means to use alternative
strategies. Exemplary we implemented two
strategies described in Section 5.5, but the
framework could be be completed with any
Negotiation Strategy.
To create a negotiation enabled antagonist we
embedded PrivAd into a Tomcat Web Server. To
exchange negotiation messages between two
negotiation parties or to collect a policy of a static
device, the transport protocol http is used. Our
Privacy Negotiation Protocol (PNP) used by PrivAd
is a stop-and-go protocol in which each incoming
policy triggers its evaluation and sending of an
answer. Figure 1 displays the interaction of a PrivAd
client with a PrivAd server or a regular P3P enabled
web server respectively.
4.1 Negotiation Process
This section describes a single turn of the bargaining
procedure, when a PrivAd client receives a policy as
a proposal or counterproposal from a negotiation
enabled service provider using PrivAd server. The
Signature Unit verifies the signature of any received
policy first. Incorrect signatures lead to stop the
negotiation immediately. Policies that contain
correct signatures are forwarded to the Policy
Evaluation Unit that compares the content of the
policy with the client’s preferences. The Policy
Figure 1: Structure of the Privacy Advocate client and server.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Evaluation Unit returns a Boolean value that states
whether or not the received policy matches the
client’s preferences. In case of a match PrivAd has 2
1. PrivAd signs the policy and sends it back to the
service. If the incoming policy was already
single signed both sides have a mutually signed
contract now and may continue with fulfilling
the service.
2. PrivAd orders the Negotiation Strategy to create
a counterproposal although the policy was
acceptable. The Negotiation Strategy may create
a counterproposal that contains more favorable
terms and conditions for the client’s side which
is then send back.
In case of a mismatch with own preferences,
PrivAd has 3 options to response:
1. PrivAd cancels the negotiation because the
policy was unacceptable.
2. PrivAd orders the Negotiation Strategy to create
a counterproposal that matches own preferences
and returns it to the sender.
3. PrivAd cancels the negotiation because an
integrated assessment function indicates that the
negotiation process does not seem to advance
and become successful.
Note that the Policy Evaluation Unit and the
Negotiation Strategies are described in separate
subsections later. The PrivAd server handles
incoming proposals analogous.
To provide more flexibility, PrivAd uses an
independent Negotiation Strategy to create
counterproposals. As seen above, PrivAd does not
need a strategy to evaluate incoming documents but
for appropriate responses only.
It is possible that a complete bargaining needs
many negotiation rounds. Therefore PrivAd is
capable to store and adjust former proposals if
necessary. Thus, counterproposals do not need to
contain the complete policy. Only changes need to
be submitted. If a negotiation party agrees to the
proposal with all changes applied, a new contract
proposal containing all involved statements is
generated. That contract proposal is signed and send
to the opposite side.
Finally the case to «negotiate» with regular P3P
enabled web servers has to be considered, see
section 5.1 for further details. PrivAd sends no
document to such server but receives their static P3P
privacy policy. This policy is evaluated by the
Policy Evaluation Unit as usual. PrivAd client
indicates the user about the acceptance of the policy
via a message on the screen. Due to the static server
no counterproposal is calculated in case of a
mismatch with own privacy requirements. So,
PrivAd provides the same functionality as existing
P3P tools.
In the case of especially tenacious strategies it
may occur that the negotiation will never find an
agreement, despite such agreement theoretically
exists. These cases cannot be prevented by design.
Thus PrivAd needs to provide an assessment
function that allows to monitor progress of the
negotiation as well as to calculate, whether a
negotiation should be cancelled. The assessment
function is independent of the strategies. Our current
assessment function accounts the percentage of
accepted statements to check the convergence of the
negotiation process. If this percentage of the current
negotiation round is less than the minimum of last
five negotiation rounds, PrivAd cancels the current
negotiation. In principle each user may define an
own assessment function or adjust the number of
negotiation rounds of the currently used function.
4.2 Policy Evaluation
This section describes the procedure of checking a
proposal against negotiation preferences. It is
essential that every incoming document can be
checked automatically. Therefore an algorithm and a
data-model were developed which will determine
acceptance of a document in relation to own
preferences. Surely these documents have to
conform to P3P with or without the introduced
As stated before, the two possible results of this
check are the acceptance or denial of a proposal. For
further explanations the following naming
conventions are constituted. Statements of arrived
proposals are called paragraphs and statements of
preferences are called directives. The policy
evaluation passes three different stages starting with
the evaluation of individual elements of a statement
up to the complete proposal.
4.2.1 Elements of Statements
The paragraphs and directives are interpreted as
vectors of sets. These sets are purposes, recipients
and data_group. Thus, elements of a statement are
represented as follows.
statement =
Depending on the use of the statement the sets
may also be Ω. Ω specifies all possible members of
a set, i.e. all purposes that are imaginable. Ω may be
used in the user preferences to prohibit or allow data
without referencing a certain purpose or recipient.
Hence, it can be assumed that each element of a
statement, which works as a paragraph, is neither
empty nor Ω. Obviously empty sets or Ω are allowed
THE PRIVACY ADVOCATE (PRIVAD) - A Framework for Negotiating Individual Privacy Contracts
to be used in directives only. Considering
paragraphs and directives as vectors of sets, just
these sets have to be compared. That is, we compare
purposes from paragraphs with purposes from
directives just etc. We call sets from directives with
permissions permitted sets and sets from directives
with prohibitions prohibited sets. The result of this
comparison is one of the following logical values.
`not affected` Æ The compared sets are
`definitely permitted` Æ The set of the
paragraph is a subset of the permitted set. Hence
it allowed.
`possibly prohibited` Æ The intersection
of the paragraph’s set and the prohibited set is
not empty but the paragraph’s set contains
elements that are not elements of the prohibited
one. So final decision whether or not the
paragraph can be accepted requires additional
calculations, see section 4.2.2.
`possibly permitted` Æ The intersection of
the paragraph’s set and the permitted set is not
empty but the paragraph’s set contains elements
that are not elements of the permitted one. So
further processing is required analogous to
`possibly prohibited `.
`definitely prohibited` Æ The set of the
paragraph is a subset of the prohibited set. Thus
it must be prohibited.
Each element gets one such value assigned and
is further processed in the next steps to finally
determine the acceptance of the proposal.
Table 1: Logical values of sets in paragraphs to the
respective sets in directives.
Directive is
permit prohibition / {}
prohibition /
§ D Ø,
§ D §,
§ D D
§ D = Ø
§ = D
§ D
§ D
D =
D = Ø
For easier notation the examined set from the
directive is D and the respective set from the
paragraph is §. According to this notation a lookup
table, see Table 1, is used to determine logical
values. Just see the headline to define the kind of
directive and the first column to assign the set of the
paragraph to determine the result. For determination
of logical values it must be taken into account
whether a directive is a prohibition or a permit.
Since prohibitions forbid the combination of certain
data for any of the stated purposes or recipients, we
have to distinguish OR-sets {}
and AND-sets {}
While OR-sets prohibit all possible combinations of
the contained elements, an AND-set only prohibits
the given combination of the set. Thus, the OR-set is
the more restrictive one. In permits this
classification of sets is not necessary because every
subset of them is also permitted.
4.2.2 Grading of Paragraphs
After determining the logical values of sets in
paragraphs, the next step of evaluation has to be
done. The logical values of sets in a paragraph have
to be concatenated to determine the logical value of
the complete paragraph in relation to the directive.
We use two additional lookup tables to define this
concatenation operation. One lookup table is
responsible for prohibiting directives and the other
one for permits. Example: A user prohibits the
combination of her data A and B for the purpose P
by a prohibiting directive. A service requests data A
for the purposes P and Q. According to Table 1 the
requested data is `possibly prohibited` and the
purposes are `definitely prohibited`. These logical
values are concatenated resulting in the value
`possibly prohibited`. Hence, the paragraph is
acceptable because it requests not all of the
prohibited data.
A special focus lies on paragraphs, which got the
logical values `possibly permitted` or `possibly
prohibited`. All paragraphs which have been
evaluated to those logical values have to be analyzed
again. Please notice that both values are not
equivalent. In the following we provide an example
for `possibly prohibited` paragraphs. Suppose a
directive with prohibited data {name, address, birth
date}. The combination of this data could be
misused to falsify an eBay account. Additionally
assume a proposal containing two paragraphs. One
paragraph requests the name and address, the other
one requests the birth date. Both paragraphs are
evaluated to `possibly prohibited` (refer Table 1)
because the requested data_groups are only subsets
of the prohibition {name, address, birth date}. So
these individual paragraphs would still be
acceptable, despite their combination is violating the
directive. To avoid such cases, all `possibly
prohibited` paragraphs are merged as long as
possible in order to determine effectively, whether
they are `definitely prohibited` or not.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Thus, these two paragraphs have to be merged
into one paragraph if possible. Two paragraphs that
differ in one set only, can be merged to a single
paragraph where the differing sets are conjoint. In
our example the merged paragraph contains data
{name, address, birth date} after finishing the merge
operation and is checked again. Obviously this turns
out to be `definitely prohibited`. Consequentially the
logical values of both original paragraphs are
changed to `definitely prohibited`.
4.2.3 Aggregation of Acceptance of Proposal
After the logical values for all paragraphs of a
proposal are determined the results have to undergo
another evaluation step. It is checked whether a
certain paragraph was evaluated to `definitely
prohibited` or `possibly permitted`. If such a
paragraph exists in the proposal, the Policy
Evaluation Unit signals the non-acceptance of the
proposal. Otherwise it could be agreed to. In
(Maaser, 2005), the used data-model and the policy
evaluation are defined in more detail.
4.3 Protocol Issues
To exchange negotiation documents we used http as
transport protocol. This protocol is widespread and
ensures backwards compatibility with P3P. PrivAd
uses the http-post method to pick up and send
proposals or policies to negotiation enabled servers.
If PrivAd detects no authorization to send an http-
post request towards the negotiation opponent, a
regular P3P enabled web server is assumed. Thus
PrivAd will get the static policy, if available, by
using the http-get method. That enables PrivAd to
verify every existing static P3P policy.
Also our PrivAd server responds with a standard
policy at receiving an http-get request. That enables
the server to answer requests of clients that are
unable to negotiate such as most existing P3P tools.
If an http-post request is received, the PrivAd server
supposes a negotiation enabled client on the other
side. Therefore PrivAd client sends an initial request
to negotiation enabled server by http-post to initiate
the negotiation process. This post request can be
empty or contain a proposal.
5.1 Mobile PrivAd Client
The main restriction while implementing PrivAd
client was to ensure that mobile devices can use it.
Therefore the PrivAd client was implemented
compatible to JDK 1.1.8. We use the JVM CrEme
(CrEme, 2004) to run PrivAd on PDA’s. The PrivAd
client PDA version contains a graphical user
interface to visualize the negotiation process on the
PDA for plausibility checks and demonstration. In
this GUI every transferred document and the
preferences of the client are shown. The user has to
choose a file with preferences and a URL as a target
for negotiation. Pushing a button to run the next
negotiation round enables the user to control the
progress of the negotiation process. All policy
evaluation and proposal generation is done by the
PrivAd client. Note the code size take about 150
Kbytes only.
The privacy negotiation process was tested on a
Toshiba Pocket PC e740 WLAN with a 400 MHz
xscale processor and 64 MB RAM. For this test we
used very simple policies that were compiled with
less than 4 statements on the PrivAd server and the
mobile PrivAd client. For the air link we used
802.11b with a nominal data rate of 11 Mbit/sec. We
measured results for accepted as well as for rejected
policies. Comparing the results for different
transmission speeds of the network shows clearly
that the communication time dominates the time
needed to complete the negotiation process. Using a
wired connection the complete negotiation cycles
were finished in less than 300 msec whereas it took
about 2000 msec using the wireless connection. The
pure calculation of proposals and counterproposals
takes less than 250 msec on the mobile PrivAd
5.2 PrivAd Server
The server side is implemented as a Java Servlet that
runs in a Servlet container. For our reference
application we used Apache Tomcat (Tomcat,
2005). Similar to its client the PrivAd server is
backward compatible to existing P3P tools.
Therefore the server is able to behave like a regular
P3P enabled web server, if it is necessary. On a first
request the PrivAd server will respond with its initial
policy. If it is an http-post request, the PrivAd server
initiates the negotiation process with this client. By
receiving a simple http-get request the server only
replies with a default policy without any negotiation
interests which is fully compatible to P3P standard.
Hence the PrivAd server works interoperable with
already existing tools like Privacy Bird, Internet
Explorer or Netscape.
Using http-post for policy exchange may inhibit
options for invaders. This carries limited risk,
because incoming messages are parsed and validated
against the PrivAd schema. In worst case there will
be an error accounted by parsing the element. Since
all policies are interpreted as text and not as
THE PRIVACY ADVOCATE (PRIVAD) - A Framework for Negotiating Individual Privacy Contracts
executables, the risk, that malicious code can be
executed in system, is kept minimal.
5.3 Digital Signature
All contracts have to be signed digitally. This will
block man-in-the-middle-attacks, give proof of
identity and offers more integrity. Incorrect
signatures lead to cancellation of the negotiation
process. In addition the Signature Unit signs an
acceptable policy to generate a single signed
contract proposal. Accepted contract proposals from
the opponent are signed to generate a mutually
signed contract. For digital signing we implemented
the SHA/DSA algorithm in the Signature Unit. We
rely on existing PKI as SSL/TLS also does. For
future versions we intend to integrate selection
means for different signature algorithms.
5.4 Negotiation Strategies
Creation of a counterproposal depends on the
Negotiation Strategy in PrivAd and its secret
preferences. Simple Negotiation Strategies, for both
negotiation parties are developed and integrated. For
demonstration we implemented two strategies where
both sides try to find a mutual contract by
accommodating as fast as possible. To start we point
out operation methods of a simple service provider
strategy for PrivAd server. Consequently, the service
provider creates and proposes an initial policy,
which contains all requirements and facultative
requests. Additionally, most profitable values from
the intervals in the preferences are chosen in this
policy to gather a maximum of information and
money. On receiving a counterproposal it is applied
to previous proposals to get a combined proposal
and the provider strategy has to react in a more
complex way:
The strategy acquires the logical values of all
statements that the Policy Evaluation Unit has
determined before. Logically statements that are
neither explicitly nor implicitly prohibited do not
require a counterproposal.
All acceptable statements in the proposal are
mapped to respective statements in the
If all requirements are satisfied already, the
strategy creates a new contract proposal from the
combined proposal. All additionally acceptable
statements are surely added to gain as many data
as possible. The PrivAd server signs it and sends
that new contract proposal back to the user.
If not all requirements are satisfied, a new
contract proposal or counterproposal has to be
created and proposed. Therefore all requirements
are requested.
Unacceptable proposed statements are updated
by new values matching the intervals in the
preferences. Here the strategy may reduce the
proposed charge for the provided service by 10
percent or similar.
If proposals instruct to discard statements that
are requirements, the provider strategy proposes
exactly these statements again since otherwise
the service cannot be provided. However, the
service provider never signs a policy, where not
all minimum requirements from its preferences
are included.
The created counterproposal is passed to PrivAd
server that sends it back to the opponent.
While service providers normally try to retrieve
the highest possible amount of data, the users
naturally negotiate in the opposite way.
The user gets an initial policy by querying the
service provider at first time.
The PrivAd client checks the signature.
Proposals are applied to previous ones if those
exist. Then the acceptance of the combined
proposal is evaluated. Thereby the Policy
Evaluation Unit marks all statements in the
proposal with logical values to determine
prohibited ones.
If the proposed policy does not contain any
prohibited statement this policy is signed by the
Signature Unit and is returned. If this policy was
a contract proposal, it is also signed by the
PrivAd client and becomes a mutually signed
contract. In that case both sides have a mutually
signed contract now and may start using the
service. Surely also an acceptable proposal could
be counterproposed here. Thereby the strategy
may cut the prizes for the service or adapt the
proposed values to improved ones.
If it contains prohibited statements the strategy
component generates a counterproposal.
Prohibited paragraphs are the base for calculating
the counterproposal. Below we display an
operation breakdown on a single prohibited
paragraph. As mentioned before, statements in
preferences are called directives whereas
statements in proposals are called paragraphs.
First, the prohibiting directives for this
paragraph are searched in the client’s
o Special focus is set on merged paragraphs.
Certainly all prohibited paragraphs that were
merged into one single paragraph have to be
rejected in their isolated form as well. Since
all paragraphs are numbered a rejection can
be accomplished by returning an empty
paragraph with that particular number.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
o Finally, the prohibited paragraph is
intersected with the prohibiting directive.
Here intersection means that all values of the
paragraph are adjusted to match the intervals
in the directive. The strategy may try to
approximate the values of the
counterproposal to the prefered boundary of
the interval.
o If the strategy has still not found an
appropriate intersection, the prohibited
paragraph has to be rejected without a
o This process is repeated for every prohibited
paragraph of the unaccepted policy.
Last step is to create a counterproposal
containing all changed and newly generated
paragraphs. All paragraphs, that were not listed
or explicitly rejected in counterproposal are
supposed to be accepted.
The created counterproposal is passed to the
PrivAd client that sends it to the opponent.
This article determined the situation in stating and
contracting privacy in the Internet. Lacking
negotiation capability has been identified as a
shortcoming. A privacy negotiation framework that
allows mobile users and service providers to
negotiate about data and its potential recipients,
purpose etc. was presented. This framework PrivAd
is downwards compatible with P3P and enables
negotiation scenarios between PrivAd clients and
static servers as well as between known P3P tools
and PrivAd servers. The process of evaluating a
privacy policy and the calculation of
counterproposals was explained. Tests, done with a
state of the art mobile device, prove that our mobile
PrivAd client is functional. Successful negotiations,
finishing with a mutually signed privacy contract,
take about 2 seconds via wireless link and about 0.3
seconds via a wired link, including all message
transfer. In the future the two negotiation parties and
their types of requirements shall be merged, in order
to create tools which can perform both sides of
negotiation at a time. This will enable negotiations
between enterprises and in the peer-to-peer domain.
Bennicke, Langendörfer, 2003. Towards Automatic
Negotiation of Privacy Contracts for Internet Services.
Proceedings of 11th IEEE Conference on Computer
Networks, IEEE Society Press.
Cranor, 2000. Beyond Concern: Under-standing Net
Users' Attitudes About Online Privacy. Ingo
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THE PRIVACY ADVOCATE (PRIVAD) - A Framework for Negotiating Individual Privacy Contracts