Lars Fredrik Høimyr Edvardsen and Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg
Dept. of Computer and Information System, Norwegian University of Science &Technolog
Sem Sælands vei 7-9, NO-7491, Trondheim, Norway
Keywords: IEEE LOM, Learning Object Metadata, LOM, Learning Object, LO, Learning Management System, LMS,
metadata mapping, crosswalk, metadata challenges.
Abstract: The world of closed Learning Management Systems (LMS) is being replaced by open systems for sharing
and reusing digital Learning Objects (LOs) between users, courses, institutions and countries. This poses
new challenges in describing these LOs with detailed and correct metadata. This information background is
needed for querying services to perform accurate queries for LO retrieval. In this paper we present metadata
specific challenges when converting from a local LMS with proprietary metadata schema to a global
metadata schema. We have uncovered extensive LO description possibilities based on the existing, local
LMS, registered metadata, its LO types and the local context. Files can contain extensive metadata
descriptions, though require special attention. We have confirmed that technologies developed as
crosswalks are valid for usage in this projects for a one-time metadata transferral. However, transferring of
all local metadata elements can result in incompatibility issues with other LMSs. This, even when keeping
with the global metadata schema.
The use of digital Learning Objects (LOs) such as
slides, figures, exercises and exams are increasing
on all educational levels. This is happening all over
the world, in use by both students and teachers. The
current generation of Learning Management
Systems (LMSs) have had limited, if any LO and
Learning Object Metadata (LOM) sharing
possibilities. A new generation of LMSs is now
emerging which allow sharing and reuse of LOs.
Their LOM descriptions are the vital information
background needed for querying services to perform
accurate queries for LOs. For LMSs this
transformation process means converting from a
proprietary, local metadata schema to a global
Between intentionally compatible metadata
schemas, metadata exchange can be performed
lossless. E.g. the national schemas UK LOM Core
(Cetis, 2004) (UK) and NORLOM (eStandard,
2005) (Norwegian) are compatibility with the global
For schemas without a pre-intended
compatibility, metadata exchange can be more
challenging. This is the case for most LMSs. A
potential solution is using crosswalks (Chan & Zeng,
2006). Crosswalks are a set of determined equal
elements between two schemas. This allow transfer
of metadata back and forth between two schema
standards, e.g. between Dublin Core and MARC
(Library of Congress, 2001). In our work,
crosswalks will be used as a one-way tool to transfer
existing metadata to the new schema. However,
since these schemas are not equal, many-to-one
element mappings and many-to-none element
mappings can occur. Here the fine-grain metadata
schema architecture and existing metadata can get
lost when converting. Cases with unequal elements
resulting in one-to-many elements need to be
Metadata mapping is actually an everyday event
when converting file formats. Though, it is often
hidden from user sight, like when converting MS
PowerPoint slides into Adobe PDF print-outs. How
the original metadata elements are converted,
updated, excluded or replaced by other metadata is
Fredrik Høimyr Edvardsen L. and Torvik Sølvberg I. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 427-432
DOI: 10.5220/0001280704270432
determined by the converting software, such as
Adobe Distiller.
If files are to be used as a metadata source, this
poses special challenges: There are a range of
different file formats in use; many have a proprietary
metadata schema. Our studies have uncovered
extensive differences in how elements are used. As a
result, files need to be given special attention if used
as a metadata source.
These are all challenges facing the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Here the Local LMS (LLMS) metadata schema will
be converted to NORLOM. The LLMS has a
proprietary schema with little resemblance to the
destination schema. It uses other element names,
which can make discovering of existing metadata
sources more challenging. It has extensive use of
elements not covered by the IEEE LOM. And it has
single elements covering multiple IEEE LOM
elements. This results in one-to-many, many-to-one
and many-to-none element situations. In addition
files are a frequently used LO type, resulting in
additional metadata challenges when included as a
metadata source.
The IEEE LOM schema is specially adapted to
describe LOs. It divides metadata elements into
predefined categories: General, Life Cycle, Meta-
Metadata, Technical, Educational, Rights, Relation
and Annotation. For other metadata, a 9
Classification can be used. The initial 8 categories
open for LO descriptions containing more than 60
different elements, most of them reusable for
multiple registrations. This vastness in numbers and
the preciseness of each element poses challenges
when moving from a local to this global metadata
The Classification category where created to
support a local LO identification schema. It allows
creation of local elements within an existing schema
structure. Other metadata elements can be included
in this category. They are not globally valid, because
they only follow a local schema. Re-usage of these
metadata can only be performed by the local LMS
and other LMSs and services compatible with the
local schema.
3.1 Discovering Potential Metadata
Sources Within the LLMS
The LLMS is divided into course-specific sections.
Each course has a course-profile with information
including: course-name, id, year and semester. The
course id includes information about the “course
owner”, such as the university department. Each
course has predefined users which must log-in to
gain course and LO access. Each user has a profile
which includes user name, login-information and e-
mail address.
The LLMS has functions for distributing course
information. Common usage includes sharing of
curriculum lists, slides from lectures, presentations
of student assignments, e-mail and chat. The legal
types of LOs are note, link, exercise, online test,
question (chat) session, report and upload file. Each
LO type have specific, predefined properties. All the
LO types have administrative metadata: publisher
name (creator), folder name, date and title.
The LLMS do not control or check uploaded
files. Users can upload any file and store it in a
course specific section. The most commonly used
file formats are MS Office-based, Adobe PDF and
JPEG images. These file types have extensive,
custom metadata schemas. This is also true for many
other used file formats. Hence files can be an
uncertain and complicated metadata source.
3.2 Schema Mapping
The LLMS has potentially multiple metadata
sources: User-, Course-, Institution- and University
profiles, and LOs created within the LLMS, as well
as uploaded files.
The metadata elements of these sources should
now be transferred to the new, global schema. (Zeng
& Xiao, 2001) describes 4 relation types: one-to-
one, one-to-many, one-to-none and many-to-one.
One-to-one relations are lossless and are used in
crosswalks. Here equivalent element types are
mapped as they were the same element type. This
includes converting between equal schemas with
different formatting, e.g. between date formatting:
year, month, day vs. day, month and year.
One-to-many elements indicate that the
destination schema has finer grain allowing more
precise metadata descriptions. Common elements
include descriptions of local custom elements.
One-to-none elements indicate a direct loss of
metadata from the existing schema. Within any
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
converting process, an aim would be to avoid losing
data. Effort should hence be enforced to avoid this
Many-to-one elements indicate a less grained
destination schema. This can result in less detailed
metadata descriptions.
3.3 One-to-one Elements
The precise definition of the LLMS’ LO types,
except files, can be used to create crosswalks or one-
to-one element relations. This is because of equality
between some of the predefined LLMS metadata
schema elements and the defined targeting schema
elements. Between the two schemas there are equal
elements, like shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Title.
LLMS metadata LLMS title = Exercise nr
IEEE LOM metadata 1.2 Title = Exercise nr 2
3.4 One-to-many Elements
Within the LLMS there is extensive use of local
information which is not explicitly described.
Moving from a local LMS schema to a global
schema will require describing the local schema and
its surroundings in the global schema’s terms. This
includes course specific elements and interpretation
of local course characteristics. These can be
collected in a course profile allowing LOs created or
uploaded to the course to take advantage of the
course profile. Candidate course profile elements
include course description and its primary user
group, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Course context.
LLMS course context = IT3805
5.5 Intended End User Role = Learner
5.8 Difficulty = Very difficult
5.11 Language = NO
9.2.2 Taxon = {[“Institute”, “IDI” ]}
9.2.2 Taxon = {[“Course”, “IT3805”]}
Other candidate elements can be set at a general
level for the University as a whole, at Institute and
department levels, down to low level, fine grained
elements set by individual course lecturers. These
profiles can describe practical usage properties of
the LMS and all its users, schema name, policy and
other politically tuned elements. See Table 3 for an
Table 3: University context.
LLMS University context = NTNU
5.6 Context = Higher education
5.7 Typical age range = 18-
9.2.2 Taxon = {[“University”,
NTNU” ]}
Some local elements require usage of multiple
global elements to cover the local description. E.g.
the LLMS’ “Exercise” LO has a range of properties
not covered by an individual LO type in IEEE LOM.
To fully describe the “Exercise” LO multiple IEEE
LOM elements have to be created, as shown in
Table 4.
Table 4: LO type description.
LLMS LO type = Exercise
4.1 Format = text/html
5.1 Interactivity type = Active
5.2 Learning Resource type = Exercise
5.3 Interactivity level = High
3.5 One-to-none Elements
The issue of one-to-none elements poses a danger of
losing data when converting from a local to a global
schema. One example is when converting the
“Exercise” LO type. It has specific elements
specifying if an exercise is mandatory and its
delivery date, see Table 5. Such elements are not
covered by the IEEE LOM schema.
Table 5: Local elements.
LO: Obligatory = Yes
LO: Final delivery date =
For these two exemplified elements and other
elements without an equivalent IEEE LOM element,
there are two lossless possibilities: Use of an
unstructured general description or extend the IEEE
LOM schema with custom elements. The first
solution results in a many-to-one element situation
with loss of precision within the schema as a result.
Table 6 shows this scenario by storing the existing
element names and entities as a merged text string
within the General Description element.
Table 6: Using 1.4 Description for local elements.
LO: Obligatory = Yes
LO: Final delivery date = 01.10.2006
1.4 Description = “Obligatory = Yes”
1.4 Description = “Final delivery date
An alternative can be to use the Classification
category to extend the global schema. This can result
in a lossless schema and metadata coverage, see
Table 7 (“NO” referring to language, other string
elements refer to element content).
Table 7: Using Classification for local elements.
LO: Obligatory = Yes
9.1 Purpose = Educational Objective
9.2.1 Source = (”NO”,”NTNU LMS”)
9.2.2 Taxon = {[”Obligatory”,
Use of the Classification category can resolve
the missing global elements issue by creating local
elements. Simultaneously it looses schema
compatibility with other LMSs for these specific
elements. One of the intentions of adopting the
global schema is then lost. Therefore none of the
choices for resolving the one-to-none element
situation is perfect. Still we would recommend using
the Classification category. This would avoid
loosing schema grain and lost metadata. Such a
decision would open up for sub-local schema
cooperation with other LMSs. This would allow for
schema extensions with compatibility between the
sub-local LMSs. If the global schema should evolve
to include these elements, the local schema could
convert to the revised schema at that time.
3.6 Many-to-one Elements
Many-to-one elements indicate a less grained target
schema, allowing less detailed metadata
descriptions. We have not found such elements from
LO created within this LLMS. There are, however,
multiple elements which are not covered within the
IEEE LOM schema which could be mapped to the
general description element for a many-to-one
In such a move the different elements would be
merged into one element loosing their initial distinct
properties; See Table 6. The metadata can then be
stored within the schema, though they would not be
accessible as individual elements afterwards. An
alternative could be performed with local
interpretation of the global schema. This would be in
conflict with the global metadata schema. Our
recommendation is to use the Classification category
for these elements.
3.7 Taking Advantage of Other
Metadata Sources
3.7.1 Automatically Creating Relations
There are tasks which a LMS can perform without
user interaction. This includes updating metadata
records with relations not specified by the user. Such
relations can be based on:
Relations between all LOs within the specific
Folders are frequently used to manage LOs into
smaller collections, e.g. for creating a
compendium. LOs within the same folder
can be given their own, additional relations.
Two-way relations can be created if the LMS
have the targeting LO included.
Some LO types have included links to external
sources, e.g. hyperlinks. Discovered links
can be used for creating relations.
3.7.2 Creating Keywords
The LMS can be an information provider to other
algorithms for creating metadata: A course profile,
as described in chapter 3.4, can be used indirectly by
submitting background information for e.g. a
domain ontology algorithm for generating object
keywords. This makes the context analysis a basis
for content metadata generation.
Our initial studies have shown that 66% of LOs
within the LLMS are files. These can currently be
described with a single description element. Though
files can have much more they can tell.
4.1 Harvestable File Element Content
When files are created outside of a LMS and without
a predefined document template, the LMS has no
power to guide and form the content of the files.
This being visual properties of the files or their
metadata. If the LMS has information of the file
format and its metadata schema, it can harvest
metadata from such formatted files. Such collectable
metadata is shown in Figure 1. Algorithms for file
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metadata harvesting has been introduced for specific
metadata elements in projects including the AMeGA
project (Greenberg et al., 2005), the Greenstone
Digital Library (Witten et al., 2003) and in LOMGen
(Singh et al., 2004).
Figure 1: Metadata collected from a PowerPoint
Contrary to the other LO types, the file content is
not predefined based on the LLMS’ LO types. A file
can contain a questionnaire, a list of student names
or have any other content. When uploading a file to
the LLMS, there are no elements available to
determine the LO type of the file contents.
File harvestable metadata opens for extensive
metadata collection. Since these files where created
outside of the LLMS, there are questions regarding
the content of extracted metadata elements. One
issue is less informative entities: e.g. in Figure 1 the
author element has the entity “Lars”. This is a less
informative element than the full name collectable
from the LLMS. Collectable metadata can also
include errors which conflicts the file’s metadata
schema. Our studies have uncovered examples
where file metadata elements have been replacement
with advertisements.
Other elements can give more descriptive and
precise metadata descriptions than elements created
within the LLMS. This includes the element for
document language; the LLMS do not have a
dedicated element for LO language, whereas many
text based documents contain registration of the
actual language used.
LMSs must be maintained in order to recognize
and take advantage of the currently used file
4.2 One-to-none Elements
Similar to the LLMS’ other LO types; files can
contain metadata which are not covered by the
global metadata schema. These issues and solutions
are equal to the LLMS’ LO types, though the
amount of elements with missing global elements
can increase. We have discovered missing IEEE
LOM elements for a file’s number of pages, slides or
spreadsheets, paragraphs, lines, words, characters,
notes and creator- and producer application. For
multimedia content there are missing elements for:
Image: Resolution (dpi), number of pixels,
colour depth
Sound: Number of channels, bit-rate, actual
content playing time
Multimedia: Frames per second, image and
sound metadata
In order to cover these elements lossless within
the IEEE LOM schema extensive use of the
Classification category would be required.
4.3 Many-to-one Elements
When including files as a metadata source, this
increases the number of candidate elements sources
within the LLMS. Selecting the best candidate
element can then be more challenging. For example
we want to give a LO the correct title. The title
element is specified in the LLMS and in the
metadata for many file formats. Many documents
can have a harvestable visual title. See the example
in Table 8. Here we can choose from four element
sources, but IEEE LOM gives room for only one
title element. In order to determine the best
candidate metadata source, when multiple sources
are available, we need techniques to assist in this
Table 8: Multiple title sources.
LLMS title = Exercise nr 2
File metadata title = IT3805 exerc. 2
File name = IT3805exec2 version 1
Visual title = Exercise 2 – Metadata
1.2 Title = ?
Converting a local LMS’ metadata schema to a
global schema requires extensive information about
both the local and global schemas, the elements they
contain and the intentions behind each element:
The local LO types, their properties and
how they can be used
The local setting in which the LOs are
created or published
The “hidden knowledge” not explicitly
present within the local schema or the LO,
though available through local knowledge
of the LMS, the LOs and the local
educational system
Available data sources and their potential
metadata element sources, and
The targeting metadata schema, its
available elements and their intended usage.
Within the LLMS there is a potential to create
rich IEEE LOM metadata records, where the data
collection can be based on multiple data sources.
This opens up for creation of descriptive metadata
records with many finely grained elements enabling
precise LO queries.
The technologies developed as crosswalks for a
2-way metadata transferral between schemas, have
shown validity for this project. We have uncovered
extensive schema mapping possibilities where:
Single local elements described multiple
IEEE LOM elements
Local elements without a direct equivalent
within the IEEE LOM schema
Multiple local elements describing a single
entity IEEE LOM element
Reduced reliability caused by LO elements
containing error-full metadata.
We have discovered that the file LO type is the
prime candidate in order to locate Many-to-one
elements. Files have shown to be a less reliable
metadata source.
There are unresolved issues regarding how to
deal with elements that are not covered by the
current IEEE LOM version. Excluding these
elements results in lost data. Using the Classification
category results in elements not understood by other
LMSs and services using the global schema.
In future work we will analyze the content of
discovered metadata sources. This includes LO files
collected from the LLMS in the Adobe PDF, MS
Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and JPEG file
formats. We will analyze elements which have
shown to contain entities and comparing elements
where there are multiple candidate sources. This
includes elements for title and author name. We will
compare the results between the different file
formats and the other LLMS’ LO types.
By doing these efforts we will show which
metadata sources that are available based on the
LLMS, which metadata sources that should be used
and which, if any, metadata sources to give priority.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies