F. H. Ismail, H. K. Mohammed
Faculty of Computer Science, Misr International Univ. Cairo, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ. Cairo, Egypt
M. A. Ismail, I. EL-Maddah
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ. Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Mining association rules from semi-structured data, meta-rule guided mining of association rules,
discovering frequent structure from XML.
Abstract: Nowadays, some information is semi-structured. The main characteristic of semi-structured data (XML) is
that they have irregular structure. There is no distinction between data and structure. Even though, it is quite
common that semi-structured objects representing the same sort of information have similar, though not
identical, structure (pattern). Previous work has introduced templates for mining association rules from
XML based on prior knowledge about the structure of the XML document. If the users do not have any
knowledge about the structure in advance, what would be their clue in writing templates? In this paper, we
introduce a new approach for designing association rule templates based on the automatic discovery of
frequent structure in the XML document. Frequent structure serves as a schema built over the semi-
structured data. This layer guides the user to the useful structure that might yield useful associations rather
than choosing any piece of structure at random. The structured layer is displayed from which the user can
select templates of interest. Association rules that comply with the specified templates are generated.
Many methods have been proposed and developed
for mining association rules from relational
database. However, the generated association rules
could be poorly focused or lack of interest to users.
According to Fu (1995 a), two major factors may
contribute to this phenomenon: (1) lack of focus to
the set of data to be studied, and (2) lack of
constraints on the forms and/or kind of rules to be
discovered. In the context of relational database, the
first problem can be handled by introducing a data
mining interface which specifies the set of data
relevant to a particular mining task. The work
introduced in Fu(1995 b) used an SQL-like interface
to specify the task relevant set for a data mining
query. For example, in order to find the general
characteristics of computer science graduate students
in Canada, a where-clause is used to retrieve only
those students of interest. What about semi-
structured data which is known to have irregular
structure and can be populated without having a
schema in advance? XML is the standard for
presenting semi-structured data. X-query also is the
standard XML query language (World Wide Web
Consortium, 2002). How can we exploit the
emerging XML query language to constrain the
knowledge to be discovered to avoid the second
problem mentioned above? Fing (2005) introduced
an XML-enabled data mining query language XML-
DMQL. The design philosophy of XML-DMQL is
based on allowing the user to declare what kinds of
interesting XML rules are to be mined. Users
provide templates to declare their interesting
knowledge. User defined templates are translated
into X-query statements to constrain the XML data
to be mined. Thus, the mining cost incurred is
proportional to what users want. The concept of
defining the rule-template by the user is not new. It
comes from relational database community.
However, the templates presented in Fing (2005) are
H. Ismail F., K. Mohammed H., A. Ismail M. and EL-Maddah I. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 214-219
DOI: 10.5220/0001276802140219
formed based on the users’ prior knowledge about
the XML structure. In our study, we provide an
automated discovery of templates that might yield
useful associations. We also allow the user to select
the interesting templates from the pool of useful
generated templates. We also introduce how to
exploit the expressiveness power of X-query to
generate association rules that comply with the
templates chosen by the user. In section 2 and 3, we
introduce the terms of association analysis and meta-
rule guided mining of association rules in relational
database. In section 4 and 6, we introduce the
meaning of the same terms but in the context of
XML. In section 6, the proposed system design is
discussed. In section 7, conclusions and future work
are introduced.
Association analysis is the discovery of association
rules showing attribute-value conditions that occur
frequently together in a given set of data.
Association analysis is widely used for market
basket or transaction data analysis. Let I = {I
,…… I
} be a set of items. Let D is a set of
database transactions where each transaction T is a
set of items such that T
I. Each transaction is
associated with an identifier, called TID. Let X be a
set of items. A transaction T is said to contain X if
and only if X
T. An association rule is an
implication of the form X
Y, where X I, Y
I, and X Y =
. The rule X Y holds in the
transaction set D with support s, where s is the
percentage of transactions in D that contain X
(i.e., both X and Y). This is taken to be the
probability, P(X
Y). The rule X Y has
confidence c in the transaction set D if c is the
percentage of transactions in D containing X that
also contain Y. this is taken to be the conditional
probability, P(Y|X) (Han, 2001).
According to (Han, 2001), Meta-rule guided mining
of association rules is a rule template in the form of
….. P
….. Q
" where Pi
(for i=1,…..,m) and Qj (for j=1,…,n) are predicates.
Each predicate name is an attribute name of a
database relation and can be instantiated by a certain
value. The rule template is used to describe what
forms of rules are expected to be found in the
database and used as a constraint in the data mining
process. However, relational databases are structured
a predefined schema. Suppose that as a market
analyst, you have access to the data describing
customers (such as customer age, address, and credit
rating) as well as the list of customer transactions.
You are interested in finding associations between
customer traits and the items that customers buy.
However, rather than finding all of the association
rules reflecting these relationships, you are
particularly interested only in determining which
pairs of customer traits promote the sale of
educational software. A meta-rule can be used to
specify this information describing the form of rules
you are interested in finding. An example of such a
meta-rule is P
(X,Y) P
buys(X,"educational software"); where P
and P
predicate variables that are instantiated to attributes
from the given database during the mining process,
X is a variable representing a customer, and Y and
W take on values of the attributes assigned to P
, respectively. Typically, a user will specify a list
of attributes to be considered for instantiation with
and P
. In general, a meta-rule forms a hypothesis
regarding the relationships that the user is interested
in probing or confirming. The data mining system
can then search for rules that match the given meta-
rule. For instance, the following rule matches or
complies with the above meta-rule.
Ages (X, "35-45")
income(X, "40-60K")
buys(X,"educational software").
Figure 1: Research.xml.
(Fing, 2003; Nayak, 2005) presented an xml-enabled
framework for mining association rules. The
association rules in XML describe relationships
between tags
which tend to occur together in XML
documents that can be useful in the future. In XML
documents, tags and attributes contain data that
attracts the user interest. The path formed by
concatenating tags from the root to the current
element describes the meaning of the enclosed data.
To define association rules from XML documents,
(Baraga, 2003) mapped the basic concepts of
association rules in the XML context. As a working
example, (Baraga, 2003) introduced the XML
depicted in figure 1 research.xml. The problem of
mining frequent association among people that
appear as coauthors in the publications is
considered. i.e. associations in the form "<book>
<author> Wilson </author> </book>
<author>Holmes </author> </book>". Since any
part of an XML document is a tree (XML fragment),
both D, I are sets of trees. In particular, the
transactions T
D are the XML fragments that
define the context in which the items I
I must be
counted. The items I I are the fragments that must
be counted. If we consider the problem of mining
association rules among authors appearing in the
same papers, we have that D are the set of fragments
of the publications. The items I
I are the set of
fragments of all the authors who appear in the works
published by people within the department. This
situation is depicted in figure 1 where an example of
research.xml document is represented. The white
triangles represent the fragments (transaction
objects) corresponding to the various publications
authored by people of the department. The black
triangles represent the fragments corresponding to
the authors who appear in various publications. The
value of the <author> tag is depicted at the bottom
of the black triangles thus a black triangle labeled
Wilson is equivalent to the XML fragment <author>
Wilson </author>. While the value of the white
triangle corresponding to a <book> tag represents an
entire XML fragment. In the example of figure 1, D
contains the four white triangles and I contains the
three black triangles corresponding to the authors
Holmes, Wilson and Stolzman. The support of
association rule Wilson
Holmes is 0.5 since the
fragments <author> Wilson </author> and <author>
Holmes </author> appear together in two white
triangles out of four. We can now compute the
confidence of the same rule which returns 0.66.
In XML documents, (Fing, 2003) extended the
notion of an item to a tree-structured item. A tree-
structured item is made up of a series of nodes (tags)
that are connected to each other.
For example in figure 2, If the users are interested in
associations among book titles, vdc titles and people
jobs, they can form a template with antecedent
predicates order/item/book/title and
order/item/vcd/title and consequent predicate
The following association rule that complies with
the template can be generated by the system:-
Order/book/title/”startwarI” and
order/person/job/”student“. The support of this rule
is 2/3 as well as its confidence.
Figure 2: Orders.xml.
Our proposed system design contains two main
steps. The first step is discovering frequent structure.
The second step is generating association rules. The
users can interact with the system by constraining
the data to be mined and by choosing a template
from the automatically generated ones. The
following stages describe the system design.
6.1 Discovering Frequent Structure
(Maruyama, 2000) presented an Apriori-like
algorithm to mine frequent substructures based on
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the "downward closure" property. They regarded the
XML tree as a set of tree expressions. Let p
path expression which is the concatenation of tags
from root node to leaf node. A k-tree expression is a
tree expression containing k leaf nodes. They first
found the frequent 1-tree-expressions that are
frequent individual label paths. Discovered frequent
1-tree-expressions are joined to generate candidate
2-tree-expressions. The process is executed
iteratively till no candidate k-tree-expressions is
generated. However, Apriori is one of the most
widely used algorithms in data mining applications
(Agrawal, 1994). This is a consequence of its good
performance when minimal support is high.
However, we introduce a pruning algorithm based
on pushing the support constraint into the selection
of 1-tree-expressions rather than counting all 1-tree
expressions. We also break up the black box of the
mining process to provide user interaction in an
early stage. Figure 3 shows the system components.
Figure 3: Proposed system design.
6.1.1 Discovering Frequent
For each tag on a distinct path (identified uniquely
by the list of tags/nodes from root to the tag being
counted), the count of its appearances is computed
(for example, tag book appears 3 times on path
An optimization technique can be adopted, based
on the knowledge that an ancestor is a superset of its
descendants: the search avoids examining paths
containing any tags whose ancestors do not have
minimum support. For each tag, the ratio of its count
in each distinct path to the total number of
transaction objects is calculated. If the ratio is less
than a certain threshold value, this tag and its
descendants will be pruned. The search is simplified
as a result of pushing the support threshold into the
discovery process. For example, the support of path
order/person/job is 3/3, while the support of
order/item/chair is 1/3. For a threshold value greater
than 40%, the path order/item/chair and all its
descendants will be pruned.
Each tag on a distinct path that passes the
support test will have a unique identifier and its full
path will be saved as a description on a table. Let the
identifier of the frequent path "order/item/vcd/title"
is P1 and its description is its path. For a threshold
value greater than 40%, table 1 will be constructed.
is an attribute describing the recorded orders. Its
support means that at least 40% of orders contain the
job of the persons issued that order.
6.1.2 Constraining the Data to be Mined
Upon discovering the 1-tree-expressions, the user is
given the chance to view them. This step is optional.
The importance of this step is to allow the user to
change the support value before the mining process
starts. Additionally, the user can get insight into the
data. For example, this stage can supply the user
with information about the most frequently repeated
structure. For example, The user might want to
constrain the search space to the orders issued by
students only. A where-clause expressed in X-query
can be used to retrieve the data of interest. This step
goes forward to open up the black box of the mining
process and to allow user interaction. If the user
changed the support value or chose to restrict the
search space, the discovery process would be
executed from the start again. Each transaction
object id contains frequent paths will be recorded
along with paths identifiers. For example order1
(ID=1) contains the frequent set P1, P2, P3.
Table1: Frequent 1-tree expressions.
Identifier description
P1 order/person/job
P2 order/item/book/title
P3 order/Item/vcd/title
Change support or add
Generate AR
6.1.3 Generating k-tree-Expressions
(Pavón, 2006) presented an algorithm named
MATRIX APRIORI, which incorporates the positive
characteristics from Apriori and FP-growth. Matrix
Apriori offers a simpler and more efficient solution
for the process of mining association rules than
previous proposals. The details of implementation
are mentioned in (Pavón, 2006). The generated
frequent 1-tree-expressions are passed as an input.
The output is frequent patterns that pass the
minimum support test. The set of frequent paths are
displayed to the user. The users can drag the paths of
interest to form the antecedent and the consequent
templates and can supply the support and confidence
of the rule as well. Frequent structure might yield
useful associations while infrequent structure will
never yield useful ones. The user can select a
template from the pool of frequent structure.
6.2 Generating Association Rules
In relational database, each predicate name is an
attribute name and can be instantiated by a certain
value. In terms of XML, a predicate is the full path
describing data. For example, "student" is the value
of attribute order/person/job. The only relation we
have now is the structured layer (set of frequent
paths). The attributes of the frequent structure can
guide the user to form an interesting template. The
user can supply the template, the rule support and
the rule confidence. Here, the user introduced two
support values, one for structure and the other for
association rules support (AR support.). The support
of structure is the frequency of paths relative to the
whole number of transaction objects. While the
support of AR is the frequency of a certain attribute
value relative to the transaction objects containing
this attribute. For example, suppose 50% of the
whole number of orders contains the job of the
customer. If the database contains 4 orders, it means
that 2 orders only contain the job. Assume the two
orders had "student" as a value. The support of
"student" will be 100%. The question now is how to
derive associations that comply with the chosen
templates? The answer is that we can apply the
algorithm of meta-rule guided mining of single
variable rules introduced in (Fu, 1995 a). (Fu, 1995
a) borrowed the concept of Apriori presented by
(Agrawal, 1994).
In a nutshell, the count of each
distinct value of each predicate is retrieved using
(DISTINCT, COUNT) X-query statements. Each
frequent predicate values can be joined to generate
more frequent candidates. Association rules that
satisfy the supplied confidence are generated.
As the emerging standard for semi-structured data
(XML) has been widely used, the need to mining
XML becomes important. In this study, we proposed
a method for designing templates for mining
association rules from XML. (Fing, 2004) proposed
templates based on user's prior knowledge about
XML structure specifications. Our design differs in
that we don't assume users' knowledge because of
the irregular structure of XML. Discovering frequent
structure that satisfies the user support is the first
stage. To implement this stage, we applied an
Apriori-Matrix algorithm (Pavón, 2006) which
outperforms Aprioir and FP growth. While mining
frequent structure, we allowed the user exploration
of data to be able to define constrains on the mined
data even before the whole mining process starts. X-
query can be used to constraint the XML data
without the need to convert the whole xml into
relational database. Frequent paths serve as a
structured layer over the semi-structured data. Each
one of its paths can be considered as an attribute.
The users can select the paths of interest to define
the rule template. Now, the process of discovering
association rules can take the same direction of (Fu,
1995 a) in the context of relational database. There
are many open issues related to the implementation.
Highly friendly user interface is required to
encourage the user intervention. Also, tightly
coupling the implementation with X-query is a step
forward towards coupling the data mining process
with database servers. The idea of integrating the
data mining and data warehouse comes from
relational database world.
(Chaudhuri, 1998)
mentioned the advantages of such integration. Our
work can be used as an interface to the proposed
XML-DMQL (Fing, 2005).
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