Robust-audio-hash Synchronized Audio Watermarking
Martin Steinebach, Sascha Zmdzinski, Sergey Neichtadt
Fraunhofer IPSI, Dolivostrasse 15,
64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract. Digital audio watermarking has become an accepted technology for
e.g. protection of music downloads. While common challenges to robustness,
like lossy compression or analogue transmission have been solved in the past,
loss of synchronization due to time stretching is still an issue. We present a
novel approach to audio watermarking synchronization where a robust audio
hash is applied to identify watermarking positions.
1 Motivation
Digital watermarking is a technique to embed hidden information imperceptibly into
multimedia data. Watermarking schemes consist of an embedding stage and a retriev-
ing stage: In the embedding stage the hidden information is embedded using a secret
watermark key into the cover file. In the retrieving stage the watermark can be de-
tected and retrieved given that the secret key is known at retrieving time. The most
important requirements for digital watermarking are known to be [5] transparency,
robustness, capacity, security and complexity. Algorithms are known primarily for
image and audio data, but various other media and data formats are also addressed by
watermarking. In the following work we address audio watermarking.
One well-known weakness of watermarking algorithm are de-synchronization at-
[9]. Here the embedded watermark information is not removed from a media
file but only slightly moved to a position where the watermark detection algorithm
will not try to retrieve the watermark. Time stretching, the slight increase or decrease
of audio playing time without pitch modification or significant quality loss, is one
known example for de-synchronization attacks on audio material.
Figure 1 shows how de-synchronization by time stretching works: On the left side
a typical example of an audio watermark is given. Individual watermarking bits #1 to
#3 are embedded sequentially in frames of a defined length. A detection algorithm
will synchronize with the help of a sync signal then will try to retrieve #1 to #3. On
the right side the effects of a time-stretching attack are shown. The audio material and
the embedded watermarking frame are now longer than before. After synchronization
the retrieval process will detect #1 and also may be able to correctly retrieve #2. But
the original frame length will make the retriever try to detect #3 at a position where
now still #2 is in effect as the frames are now longer. Retrieval errors are the conse-
Steinebach M., Zmdzinski S. and Neichtadt S. (2006).
Robust-audio-hash Synchronized Audio Watermarking.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 58-66
This is obviously a challenge where a repetitive re-synchronization would help. But
synchronization in audio watermarking often requires much of the watermarking
capacity. Therefore synchronization after each bit would render an algorithm robust
but useless due to minimal capacity.
Fig. 1. Effect of time stretching on watermark retrieval. Left: before time stretching, right: after
time stretching.
We propose an alternative solution to this challenge. Our proposed algorithm does
not require embedded sync sequences to synchronize the watermarking bits but uses
robust audio hashing technology to re-synch at each embedded bit.
2 Background
In this section we briefly describe the two basic technologies applied in our novel
approach, digital watermarking and robust audio hashing. Both are combined in sec-
tion 3 to a new watermarking concept.
2.1 Digital Audio Watermarking
Digital watermarking schemes have been under research and development for various
types of multimedia data for many years, including audio formats like PCM, mp3 or
MIDI. In this work we focus on digital PCM audio data. Several approaches for PCM
audio watermarking have been introduced in the literature, like in [2], in [5] or [10].
The latter algorithm is the base of the watermarking part of our new approach. It
embeds an information bit into the frequency representation of a frame of 2048 sam-
ples. The resulting frequency bands are pseudo-randomly selected and associated to
two groups A and B. The value of the information bit is defined by the difference of
energy levels of A and B. If A > B means “0”, B > A equals “1”. Watermark embed-
ding is done by enforcing these energy differences by modifying the frequency bands
of A and B under the control of a psychoacoustic model.
2.2 Robust Audio Hash
Robust audio hash algorithms have also been called audio IDs or audio fingerprints in
the literature. The concept here is to derive a robust content-dependent description
from audio data to able to identify the audio data by comparing the stored and a
newly calculated description. This description is much more robust to modifications
of the audio data, like e.g. mp3 compression, than a cryptographic hash would be.
Various approaches for deriving a robust content description have been introduced
[4], [1].
In this work we adapt the algorithm introduced in [7] where the robust hash is
based on the relation of energy levels of frequency bands. A robust hash of 31 bits is
calculated by comparing the energy of a frequency band to its predecessor in time and
its lower neighbor in the spectrum.
Other known concepts [8] include the inherent periodicity of audio signals, the
time-frequency landscape given by the frame-by-frame mel-frequency cepstral coef-
ficients, principal component analysis, adaptive quantization and channel decoding.
2.3 Robust Hash Algorithms and Digital Watermarking
In the literature first approaches to combine robust hashing and digital watermarking
have been discussed. In the video domain, in
[6] the authors use robust hashes ex-
tracted at the watermark embedding position and stored in a database to later re-
synchronize the watermark. The marked video is scanned for the hash stored in the
database and the watermark is retrieved at the position the hash is found. For audio, in
[3] a method also is proposed to use extracted and stored hashes to re-synchronize the
watermarks. While this method may help to retrieve the embedded watermarks, the
obvious drawback the need to have the stored hashes available at watermark retrieval.
This leads to a sort of semi-non-blind watermarking.
In the rest of this paper we will present an approach which also uses robust hashes to
re-synchronize the embedded watermarking information, but does not require stored
hash information.
3 Algorithm Design
In this section we introduce our novel audio watermarking concept combining audio
watermarking and robust audio hashing.
3.1 Concept
Our approach uses digital watermarking to embed information bits into audio data. A
robust audio hash is applied for synchronization, thereby circumventing the common
need for audio watermarking synchronization. Figure 2 illustrates this process:
1. First the audio hash is retrieved from a small frame of the audio file.
2. Then we check if the hash is linked to a watermarking bit
3. If the hash is not linked to a bit, the frame position is increased an the algorithm
starts again at (1)
4. If the hash is linked to a bit, the number of the watermarking bit is identified
5. The watermarking algorithm is used to embed the watermarking bit at the posi-
tion of the retrieved hash
6. The frame position is increased and the algorithm starts at (1)
Retrieve Hash Hash linked to WM ?
Embed WM Bit# n
Derive WM Bit#
Fig. 2. The general concept is to retrieve a hash, check if the hash is assigned to a watermark-
ing bit, identify the bit number and embed the watermarking bit at the hash position. The num-
bers identify the step described in the text above.
For watermarking retrieval, the process is:
1. The marked file is scanned for hashes linked to a watermarking bit
2. If the hash is linked to a bit, the number of the watermarking bit is identified
3. The watermarking algorithm is used to retrieve the watermarking bit at the posi-
tion of the detected hash
4. After the whole audio file is scanned, the complete watermark is made available
by putting the distributed and retrieved watermarking bits back in order with the
help of the hash indices.
To enable this algorithm, we need a set of audio hashes which are linked to a water-
marking bit. We need at least as many hashes as there are watermarking bits to be
embedded, but allocation of more than one hash to a single watermarking bit is possi-
ble. To ensure not each frame position is used for embedded which would cause an
overlay of watermarking information and thereby transparency and robustness prob-
lems, only a small amount of all possible audio hashes should be assigned to water-
marking bits (see figure 3). The rest of the hashes are ignored when detected.
WM Bit #
1 - -
3 - -
Fig. 3. Hash allocation. Note that not every hash is linked to a watermarking bit. Starting from
the left, the third hash is assigned to watermarking bit #1.
Using the hashes in this manner enables to scan through an audio file while water-
mark embedding or retrieval for position where one bit of the complete watermark
has been embedded or has to be embedded. It therefore works as a sort of index to the
audio file, not only pointing to embedding positions, but also providing the informa-
tion which bit of a watermark is allocated to the current audio frame in the case the
hash is allocated to a watermarking bit. Figure 4 illustrates this.
3.2 Robust Audio Hash Optimization
The robust hash algorithm introduced in [7] has been designed to distinguish between
large numbers of musical pieces. It is therefore rather sensitive to small differences
within the audio content. This makes it hard to use for watermark synchronization as
attacks on the watermark would change the audio hashes. The result would either be a
wrong watermarking bit allocation or no detected bit at all.
Therefore we reduced the hash resolution from 32 to 6 bits to increase the hash ro-
bustness. The number of possible different hash values is now 64, so in theory the
maximum watermarking payload would be 64 bit. But as not all positions must be
used to prevent overlapping while embedding and retrieval, our maximum payload is
42 bits. The rest of the hash values are not used and act as gaps in the embedding
#5 - - #1 -
Fig. 4. Retrieved audio hashes are assigned to watermarking bits.
The selection of the hashes not used for watermark synchronization has been done on
a statistical analysis of hash occurrences in audio files. These are not equally distrib-
uted, but some hashes tend to appear very often while others are rather rare. Figure 5
shows the distribution of hashes within on audio piece. We used a large number of
audio files to identify those hashes which tend to occur regularly but not extremely
often and used these for watermark embedding. The hashes which occurred extremely
often or very seldom were used as gap hashes to ensure an equal distribution of em-
bedded watermarking bits.
Hash Value distribution
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63
Hash #
Number of hits
Fig. 5. Hash distribution is not equal in audio material.
The algorithm will only be as robust and reliable as the basic robust audio hash func-
tion. We therefore did an intense analysis of the error rates of our robust audio hash
version with its reduced number of hash bits. A selection of results is shown in figure
6. Bit error rates for the 6 bit hashes are given for four audio files and attacks from
equalization to mp3 compression. As only a hash which is derived correctly from the
audio data addresses the right watermarking bit, one bit error in the hash can be seen
as a complete failure of the retrieval process at this position. As the watermark bit
will be embedded several times within the audio file, the hash bit errors not automati-
cally lead to a failure at watermark retrieval. Error correction is applied to ensure a
high robustness versus singular errors in the retrieved bit sequences and the values of
the individual bit positions are chosen by calculating the strongest watermarking bit
signal over all positions assigned to this bit number by the hashes.
The bit error rates in figure 6 are at their highest after mp3 compression with 96
kbps. Here the bit error rate is about 12% for a white noise signal. The average error
rate is at 5%. This is sufficiently low to be removed by selection of the strongest
signal and error correction. The 6 bit robust audio hash is therefore robust against
attacks assumed to be relevant for audio watermarking. The overall error rate of the
hash-based audio watermarking system is a sum of hash errors and watermarking
retrieval errors.
Table 1. Robustness of our watermarking algorithm against (A) mp3 vbr 128 kbps, (B) mp3
vbr 88 kbps, (C) Time Strech 2%, (D) Time Strech 3%, (E) Pitch Shift 3%, (F) Time Shift 15
Samples, (G) DA/AD conversion, (H) cropping. BE stands for “bit error” and shows how many
wrong watermarking bits have been retrieved.
Audio File Attack BE
Audio File Attack BE
Pop (1 min) A 0
Alternative(1 min) A + H 0
Rock1 (song) A 0
Alternative(1 min) B 20
Rock2 (song) A 0
Alternative( song) B 4
Classic (1 min) A 0
Alternative(1 min) C 1
Classic (1 min) none 0
Alternative( song) D 0
Classic (song) A 0
Alternative(1 min) E 43
Rock1 (1 min) A 2
Alternative(1 min) F 3
Rock2 (55 s) A 0
Alternative( song) F 0
Alternative(1 min) A 0
Alternative( song) G 2
Alternative(1 min) none 0
guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.
The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability.
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