Simona Barresi, Yacine Rezgui, Farid Meziane
School of Computing, Science and Engineering,University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom
Celson Lima
CSTB, Sophia Antipolis, France
Keywords: Ontology, Semantic Resources, Schema Matching.
Abstract: Ontologies, taxonomies, and other semantic resources, are used in a variety of sectors to facilitate
knowledge reuse and information exchange between people and applications. In recent years, the need to
access multiple semantic resources has led to the development of a variety of projects and tools aiming at
integrating existing resources. This paper describes the methodology used during the FUNSIEC project, to
develop an open infrastructure for the European Construction sector (OSIECS). This infrastructure aims
towards facilitating integration among Construction related semantic resources, providing a base for the
development of a new generation of e-services for the domain.
Ontologies represent an important branch of
traditional philosophy concerned with “the set of
things whose existence is acknowledged by a
particular theory or system of thought” (Guarino et
al. 1999).
Various definitions of ontology have been
proposed; the most quoted being the one formulated
by Gruber (1994), who defined an ontology as a
formal, explicit specification of a shared
conceptualization. Therefore, an ontology defines
the basic terms and relations that form the
vocabulary of a topic area, as well as the rules for
combining these terms and relations between terms
(Neches et al. 1991).
Semantic integration of heterogeneous databases
(Partridge 2002), content-based retrieval of yellow
pages as well as product catalogues (Guarino et al
1999), and management of corporate memory
(CoMMA 2000), are just some of the areas that have
increasingly exploited the benefits deriving from the
use of Semantic Resources (SRs)
and ontology
engineering in general.
Specifically in the construction sector, the need
for improved communication and understanding
between projects' stakeholders has led to an
increased development of domain specific
ontologies and SRs.
Construction is a knowledge intensive industry
with its unique work settings and virtual
organization like modus operandi (Rezgui 2001).
This industry is heterogeneous and highly
fragmented, consisting of numerous small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) working together on
various building projects. One of the major
consequences is the difficulty in effective and
efficient communication among partners during a
building project, or between clients and suppliers of
construction products. Several initiatives have tried
to overcome this problem by developing a variety of
SRs focused on Construction related terms.
However, these initiatives tend to be country
specific and not adapted to the multi-national nature
of the sector. Also, these resources tend to be
Semantic Resource is an expression coined in the SPICE
project to refer to ontology-similar entities, such as
dictionaries, taxonomies, etc.
Barresi S., Rezgui Y., Meziane F. and Lima C. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 94-101
DOI: 10.5220/0002463500940101
specialized for dedicated applications or engineering
functions, e.g. product libraries.
In order to improve communication and
information exchange between the various
stakeholders during a construction project and to
enable the development of a new generation of e-
services for the sector, accessing a single semantic
resource is no longer adequate. New initiatives,
targeting the interoperability and integration of
existing Construction related SRs are therefore
This paper describes the methodology used to
develop an Open Semantic Infrastructure for the
Construction Sector (OSIECS). The purpose of
OSIECS is to map Construction domain semantic
resources between each other. This paper presents
the research carried out within the FUNSIEC
project. FUNSIEC was funded under the European
eContent programme and aimed at evaluating the
feasibility of building and maintaining OSIECS. The
FUNSIEC consortium consisted of CSTB, the
University of Salford, and UNINOVA.
As reported in the literature (Corcho et al. 2003;
Fernandez-Lopez 1999), various methodologies and
tools have been developed in the field of ontology.
Such as a variety of methodologies for building
ontologies (Aussenac-Gilles 2001; Blazquez et al.
2001; Holsapple and Joshi 2002; Kayed and Colomb
2002; Pinto et al. 1999; Pinto and Martins 2000),
methodologies for ontology reengineering (Klein
2001), methodologies for ontology learning (Kietz et
al. 2000), methodologies for ontology evaluation
(Gruninger and Fox 1995; Guarino and Welty 2000;
Kalfoglou and Robertson 1999), methodologies for
ontology evolution (Klein et al. 2002; Klein and
Fensel 2001; Noy and Klein 2002), and
methodologies and techniques for ontology
mapping, merging, and alignment (Kalfoglou and
Schorelmmer 2003; Noy and Musen 2000).
The establishment of a consensual and unified
methodology is difficult, as is suggested by the
existence of a variety of methodologies, each
developed for a specific purpose. Possible reasons
for these difficulties could be related to the lack of
maturity of the field (Fernandez-Lopez 1999) or to
the problems of adapting a unique methodology to a
variety of different applications, sector and settings.
Environments supporting the development and
management of ontologies through graphical
interfaces have also proliferated, some providing
tools for specific functions, such as integration and
merging, or reason capabilities.
The latter category includes OntoEdit (Sure et al.
2002), OilEd (Bechhofer et al. 2001), Protégé
(Grosso et al. 1999) – which support not only OIL,
but also other models such as RDF_Ontolingua
(Farquhar et al. 1996) and Ontosaurus (Lenat and
Guha 1990). Furthermore, as described in (Noy and
Musen 2000), the former category (environments
supporting ontology merging) includes OntoMorph
Chalupsky 2000) Prompt (Noy and Musen 2000), and
Chimaera (McGuiness et al. 2000). Other mapping
and merging related techniques and tool reported in
the literature include FCA-Merge (Stumme and
Maedche 2001), Glue and IF-Map (Kalfoglou and
Schorelmmer 2003).
In the context of FUNSIEC, schema matching
represents a fundamental operation. In fact, a
semantic infrastructure supporting integration must
inevitably deal with the problems inherent to
heterogeneous SRs, which may differ in both
structure and terminology. Through schema
matching two schemas are compared and the
mapping between elements that correspond
semantically to each other is produced (Li and
Clifton 1994; Milo and Zohar 1998; Rahm and
Bernstein 2001). However, schema matching is
considered to be a time consuming and error prone
process due to the fact that it is still predominantly
performed manually. A comprehensive taxonomy,
covering many of the existing approaches to
automatic schema matching, is proposed by Rahm
and Bernsteina (2001).
Among the multitude of SRs developed in the
Construction sector, ranging from domain
dictionaries to specialized taxonomies, some of the
most notable efforts include the BS6100, bcXML,
the ISO 12006-3, and the IFC (Industrial Foundation
The BS6100 (Glossary of Building and Civil
Engineering terms), produced by the British
Standards Institution, is a rich and complete
glossary. It provides a comprehensive number of
synonyms per term that can contribute towards any
ontology development effort in the sector.
The bcXML (eConstruct 2001) is an XML
vocabulary developed by the eConstruct IST project
for the Construction industry. The bcXML provides
the foundation for the development of the
bcBuildingDefinitions taxonomy, which can be
instantiated to create catalogue contents. Through
bcXML, eConstruct has enabled the creation of
"requirements messages" that can be interpreted by
computer applications to then find suitable products
and services that meet those requirements.
The ISO 12006-3 (ISO 2004) defines a schema
for a generic taxonomy model, which enables the
definition of concepts by means of properties, to
group concepts, and to define relationships between
The IFC model, developed by the IAI
(International Alliance for Interoperability), has
produced a specification of data structures with the
aim of supporting the development of the ‘Building
Information Model’ where all the information about
the whole life cycle of a construction project would
be stored and shared among the actors involved.
All of the above resources, although different in
terms of formalism, scope, details and applicability,
can be used in a complementary manner. Providing
an infrastructure to map these resources helps to
overcome problems related to SRs' different
formalism and inconsistencies, and enables effective
reuse of existing Construction related SRs. This in
turn facilitates the efficient use of knowledge within
the sector and can support the implementation of e-
services for the Construction domain.
As previously stated, numerous methodologies for
ontology mapping, merging and alignment are
reported in the literature. Determining the most
appropriate methodology to be applied is dependent
on the nature, individual characteristics, and
applications of the domain in question. In the case of
an open semantic infrastructure, such as OSIECS,
the applied methodology has to satisfy the following
requirements: (i) Make use of already established
and recognized semantic resources. (ii) The
infrastructure should be flexible and comprehensive
enough to accommodate different business
scenarios. (iii) The infrastructure is a living system
and should allow for future expansion (including
expansion of SRs or inclusion of new SRs). (iv) The
end-user perspective and evaluation should be
considered when planning expansion.
Consequently, building upon the strength of
numerous established methodologies, a new
methodology was developed to guide the
specification of the OSIECS infrastructure.
The FUNSIEC methodology (Figure 1)
comprises of the following phases: domain scoping,
candidate semantic resources identification,
conversion and similarity detection (OSIECS
Kernel), OSIECS meta-model and model
construction, testing and validation, and
The following sections provide a description of
these stages. For pragmatic reasons, the conversion
and similarity detection (OSIECS Kernel) and the
OSIECS meta-model and model phases are here
discussed as a single phase.
4.1 Domain Scoping
Scoping the domains (e.g. knowledge management,
e-procurement, etc.) to be covered by OSIECS was
facilitated by the use of typical scenarios that the
infrastructure was expected to handle. The use of
scenarios facilitates the description of the domain to
be covered, how OSIECS was expected to be used,
and which type of information it was expected to
Two example scenarios are: (i) A designer
developing a CAD drawing (IFC compliant) needs
to also know the regulations to be followed in
his/her project. In this case OSIECS would provide a
link between the IFC tool and the e-COGNOS tool.
(ii) An expert looking for information on the fire
resistance of a given brick also needs to receive
information on alternative products (suppliers,
prices, etc.). OSIECS would then provide a link
between the e-COGNOS tool and the e-Construct
4.2 Semantic Resources
The results of the first stage of the methodology
aided the process of selecting the SRs to be included
in OSIECS. For instance, knowledge management
was recognized as one of the domains to be covered
by the infrastructure, E-COGNOS was therefore
included among the OSIECS components, because
Figure 1: Phases of the FUNSIEC Methodology.
of its focus on construction concepts related to the
consistent knowledge representation of
(construction) knowledge items.
Existing Construction related SRs were selected
for inclusion by considering their domain and a
series of other features, such as their availability,
cost, formalism, and underlining language. The SRs
included in OSIECS are the e-Cognos ontology, the
IFC model, the bcBuildingDefinition taxonomy, and
the STABU LexiCon. The latter is a vocabulary of
terms for the Construction industry and as such an
implementation of ISO DIS 12006-3.
4.3 Conversion and Similarity
Detection - Meta-model and
Model Construction
After selecting the SRs to be included in OSIECS,
syntax related problems (data heterogeneity) were
addressed by converting each SRs’ meta-schemas
and schemas into the Web Ontology Language
(OWL). This conversion facilitated the processes of
dealing semi-automatically with semantic
heterogeneity and detecting similarities between
SRs' schemas. The conversion process produced the
"rules of conversion" from each original formalism
into OWL, which were used to create the OWL
version of SRs' meta-schemas and schemas. At this
stage, human intervention was required to identify
the formalism used in SRs, study the semantics of
the formalism, and identify syntactic elements in
OWL corresponding to the syntactic elements of the
formalism used in the SRs.
The next step in the construction of the OSIECS
meta-model and model was to detect and validate
the similarities existing among SRs' meta-schemas,
and subsequently the ones existing among the
different SRs' schemas. Two components were used
for this purpose, a Detector of Mappings and a
Validator. The Detector of Mappings used an
inference engine (FONDIL
) to compare SRs' meta-
schemas and schemas and to create lists of
equivalent or subsumed concepts. The Validator
component was then used to check the similarities
detected. The latter was a semi-automatic process,
which required the intervention of human experts to
ensure that the results of the validation process were
correct and to add new similarities if required.
FONDIL is available at
4.4 Testing and Validation
The testing and validation phase was directed at
verifying the completeness of the infrastructure in
terms of the conceptualization of targeted domains,
assessing the relevance of concepts and
relationships, and verifying the consistency and
coherency of concepts. To test and validate the
OSIECS infrastructure a series of dedicated services
and scenarios were implemented.
4.5 Maintenance
The final phase of the methodology is an ongoing
process aimed at correcting and updating the open
semantic infrastructure during its working life.
Maintenance is required to eliminate errors or
deficiencies in the infrastructure and to update and
enrich the domains covered by OSIECS, through the
integration of new SRs. In order to achieve this
integration, new mappings and methods have to be
By the use of the FUNSIEC methodology the
OSIECS Triad was implemented, specifically the
OSIECS Kernel, the OSIECS meta-model, and the
OSIECS model. This section outlines the
architecture of the OSIECS Kernel, a semi-
automatic tool used to create both the OSIECS meta-
model and model. As mentioned, the OSIECS
Kernel covers two levels, the meta-schema and
schema levels.
The Kernel consists of the following
components: the Syntax Converter, the Semantic
Analyser, the Converter, the Detector of Mappings,
and the Validator. The operation of the OSIECS
Kernel is depicted in figure 2. The role of the experts
is to verify the results produced by the Syntactic
Converter and the Semantic Analyser, as well as to
help validate the lists produced by the FONDIL
Detector of Mappings (FONDIL)
Detector of Mappings (FONDIL)
Figure 2: The OSIECS Kernel.
The OSIECS meta-model and model are built by
using the meta-schemas and schemas of the
previously selected Construction related SRs. The
Syntax converter and the Semantic analyser work
together, using the meta-schemas and schemas of the
four selected SRs as input, to produce the rules of
conversion. These rules are then used by the
Converter to guide the production of the OWL meta-
schemas and schemas for each of the SRs in the
Kernel. The Detector of Mappings is played by the
FONDIL system (briefly introduced below), which
works with the OWL-converted meta-
schemas/schemas to produce a list of equivalent or
subsumed entities. These entities are then analysed
and assessed by the Validator (Lima et al. 2005c).
Helped by the appropriate software tools, the
experts play an essential role in the creation of
OSIECS meta-model/model. They participate at
both levels, taking care of: (i) the manual analysis of
the SRs and their respective meta-schemas/schemas;
(ii) the analysis of the rules of conversion; (iii) the
assessment of the detection of similarities; (iv) the
inspection of the validation process; and (v) the
assessment of the final output.
5.1 The FONDIL System
The FONDIL system is responsible for the detection
of similarities among meta-schemas/schemas within
the OSIECS Kernel. In general, FONDIL provides
inference services for Description Logic-based
ontologies (Le Duc 2004). The expressiveness of
such ontologies allows formalisation of the
semantics of modelling languages (e.g UML,
EXPRESS) and makes these semantics as explicit as
possible. It is worth emphasising that formal and
explicit semantics are crucial to automated
The FONDIL system is composed of three
modules, namely ontology management, mediator,
and inference engine. The heart of the FONDIL
system is an inference engine that uses structural
algorithms for non-standard inferences and
optimised algorithms for standard inferences Le
Duc, 2004; Lima et al. 2005b). FONDIL uses the
inference engine to deduce new knowledge, using
ontologies as the primary source of knowledge. The
knowledge deduced is essentially new relations
among the ontological concepts. FONDIL initially
considers that the ontology manager needs some
help to exploit all the possible relationships among
the concepts within a single ontology. This help is
even more necessary when considering several SRs
that were (likely) developed independently from
each other. The relationships among them (if they
exist) are usually implicitly defined. These
relationships can be viewed more as knowledge to
be detected rather than knowledge to be predefined
in the SRs. FONDIL's function within OSIECS is to
assist in the refinement of the semantic mappings
detected among the SRs (Lima et al. 2005b).
5.2 Syntactic Conversion and
Semantic Analysis
The mapping process involves three main aspects of
SRs: the structures, the syntax, and the semantics.
To solve syntax problems, the recommended
solution is to represent the original SRs in neutral
format; this can be achieved through conversion if
necessary. The converted versions are then free of
syntactical problems. Structural and semantic-related
problems are solved through a semi-automatic
process ( Lima et al. 2005a).
Before describing the process of creation of the
OSIECS meta-model/model, it is worth noting that
the meta-schemas used to form OSIECS were
originally represented in different formalisms, as
follows: EXPRESS is used in ISO 12006-3 and IFC,
and UML is used in e-COGNOS and bcXML.
The Converter works with the meta-
schemas/schemas in their original formats and
produces the corresponding OWL versions. The
experts play a very strategic role in this phase, since
they analyse the SRs’ meta-schemas/schemas and
create a set of conversion rules (written in Java) that
allows conversion of each entity from their original
format into OWL. This transformation must preserve
the semantics of the converted entities. This set of
rules is used by the JavaCC
tool, which generates
“transformers” capable of automatically translating
any meta-schema/schemas written in the original
format into OWL. During the OSIECS development,
two “transformers” were generated to support the
translations of both EXPRESS and UML to OWL.
5.3 Detection of Mappings
As previously stated, the Detector of mappings uses
the FONDIL inference engine to detect the
similarities between each pair of concepts belonging
to two different SRs. The similarity between two
concepts is defined in four levels, according to its
granularity, Let us consider two concepts C1 and C2
belonging to two meta-schemas. Firstly, the
inference engine verifies if they are equivalent
according to the OWL semantics. In case of
equivalence, this result will be sent to the Validator.
Otherwise, those concepts are sent to the
JavaCC is available at
Subsumption Detection component that will check if
one concept is subsumed by the other. If these
concepts are not subsumed to each other, the
similarity between them is evaluated by the
Intersection Detection, LCS and Difference
Detection components, which will deal with
intersections, unions and differences among the
concepts. This allows a more accurate detection of
similarities between the two concepts. The
similarities between the meta-schemas must be
validated in order to produce the OSIECS meta-
5.4 Matching the Entities
The similarities found in the previous stage are used
over the schemas of the SRs, following a
specialisation process. For instance, let A be an
entity from the e-COGNOS meta-schema and B an
entity from the ISO 12006-3 meta-schema. Thus,
S(A, B) represents a similarity between those
entities. This similarity is then matched to the
entities of the correspondent e-COGNOS and
LexiCon schemas, S’(a, b). All the entities matched
at the schema level of the selected SR compose the
OSIECS model
5.5 OSIECS Meta-model and Model
Basically, the OSIECS meta-model and model are
mapping tables that identify and establish the
semantic correspondence between the entities
forming the SRs. The OSIECS meta-model is the set
of tables mapping the meta-schemas of the SRs
forming OSIECS, while the OSIECS model is the
set of tables mapping the schemas of SRs forming
OSIECS. Both meta-model/model were created
during the FUNSIEC project and evaluated by the
experts involved in the creation process.
Figure 3 shows a partial view of the OSIECS model
illustrating equivalence mapping and subsumption
mappings between bcXML and e-COGNOS.
Although OSIECS primary purpose is to map
construction related SRs, it also facilitates the
provision of construction related e-services. Current
software application-based collaboration requires
integration through shared semantic resources.
FUNSIEC argues that attention needs to be paid to
direct support for business transactions and
processes. This would enable organizations to
migrate their legacy/commercial application
systems, articulated around proprietary semantic
resources, to higher order interoperable applications
supporting real business processes (Rezgui and
Meziane 2005).
The OSIECS Kernel can provide e-services over
SRs for the construction sector. The initial list of
OSIECS e-services concentrates on the enhancement
of the OSIECS meta-model and model, including the
following services: (i) Automatic conversion of SRs
written in EXPRESS/UML (both meta-schemas and
schemas) to OWL. (ii) Verification of the
compatibility level’ of a given SR (represented in
EXPRESS/UML) regarding the OSIECS meta-
model/model. (iii) Mapping report amongst SRs
represented in OWL (Barresi et al. 2005).
Considering that OSIECS can be promoted and
adopted, at least for the experimentation level, future
e-services are to consider the creation and
publication of e-catalogues, the creation and
management of SRs (taxonomies and ontologies, in
this case), and semantic mapping amongst SRs.
This paper presented part of the research carried out
in the FUNSIEC project. By using the FUNSIEC
methodology experts successfully developed the
OSIECS Kernel, mapped four SRs between each
other, and created the OSIECS meta-model and the
OSIECS model. The FUNSIEC methodology is
expected to be used in the future to integrate new
SRs to the existing pool of resources already
included in OSIECS. This will require new
mappings and methods to be considered.
The FUNSIEC approach began with the
characterisation of the domains, selection of
pertinent SRs and the subsequent analysis of their
meta-schemas/schemas. The SRs selected to form
OSIECS, were converted into OWL. This process
was performed semi-automatically by experts that
extracted a set of conversion rules to feed the
JavaCC, which created the respective transformers
that were consequently used to perform the
conversion of the SRs into OWL. The converted
Figure 3: Partial view of the OSIEC model.
meta-schemas were semantically compared and
mapped using the FONDIL system. The final output
was the OSIECS meta-model. The OSIECS model
was then produced using the same process.
Finally, another important aspect of the OSIECS
Kernel is its ability to support a multitude of e-
services. For the time being, the OSIECS Kernel
provides e-services targeting the enrichment of the
OSIECS meta-model/model. More services are
expected to be included in this list in the near future.
The authors would like to thank the members of the
FUNSIEC consortium for their valuable
contributions to the research as well as the financial
support from the European Commission under the
IST and eContent programs.
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