Iulian Alexandru Negroiu, Octavian Paul Rotaru, Mircea Petrescu
University “Politehnica” Bucharest Romania
Keywords: Data Management, Data Processing, Agent Based Framework, Intelligent Agent.
Abstract: Applications are more and more complex and the volume of information has an exponentially growth
nowadays. In these conditions a huge amount of information needs to be processed while the processing
time and power should be kept to a minimum. The increasing amount of data transferred over the Internet
and other networks, which are open to a big number of clients, was reflected in the growth of the distributed
information systems. Also, there are a multitude of servers distributed among remote locations, which are
serving the same purposes. In such cases, traditional models of distributed computing, caching, concurrency
control, e.g. are inappropriate in overcoming the actual efficiency problems and in supporting the
development of complex applications. We believe that intelligent and autonomous agents can solve this
problem. This paper opens the research for creating a complete data management intelligent agent based
framework. The possible areas that can be handled using agents are identified and discussed together with
the required agents and agencies, while attempting to provide a bird’s eye architectural view of the proposed
The increasing complexity of the applications and
information systems leads to a growth in the need of
using distributed models and complex multi-server
solutions in the development of computing
applications. Such software systems may use both
wireless and wired networks, may have time
constraints to be met and may also require to access
low memory devices.
In these technical conditions there is a need to
find a complete approach for managing data in the
entire business process of an application. We believe
that a framework based on intelligent agents can
constitute a suitable solution for the above stated
problem. We aim to identify the data management
areas that can be handled using agents and the agents
and agencies that are required to cover the identified
The framework addresses some of the main
performance issues caused by the load of data,
distribution of the information systems or network
traffic. Other very important aspect of the
framework is the flexibility to changes and uses of
data information systems that are supported.
Changing of data while offline or online, or by
external systems can no longer be a tremendous
problem and may require minimum or even no work
at all in adapting the system at runtime. Specialized
intelligent agents that compose the framework can
perform actions like constraint checking, object
locking, and queries.
A list of well-defined intelligent agents that perform
different actions having different scope, can work
together in order to compose an agents’ based
framework. The framework itself can be seen as an
abstract agent that resides in the system, mainly in
the logical layer, but having tentacles in data and
presentation layer as well, and that reacts to different
changes of the system having as the main goal the
complete management of the data and information.
The framework will work the same as an external
system that integrates perfectly into the actual
environment. The minimum required agents that
should be part of the proposed framework, in order
to cover the management of data in an application,
Alexandru Negroiu I., Paul Rotaru O. and Petrescu M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 339-342
DOI: 10.5220/0002460103390342
o Constraint checking agents (Constraint
Checking Agency in Figure 1);
o Intelligent query agents (Intelligent Query
Agency in Figure 1);
o Statistics collect agents (Statistics Collection
Agency in Figure 1);
o Statistics process agents (Statistics Processing
Agency in Figure 1);
o Caching update agents (Caching Maintenance
Agency in Figure 1);
o Caching decision agents (Caching Management
Agency in Figure 1);
o Resource Locking Agents (Locking Agency in
Figure 1);
o Mediation agents for multi source information
access (Mediation Agency in Figure 1);
o Dispatcher, coordination and supervisor agents
(Coordination Agency in Figure 1).
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed data
management agent-based framework
All the agencies presented above in Figure 1 will be
discussed in this section in order to clearly define
their purpose and provided services, justify their
presence in the framework and present their
interactions with other agents.
3.1 Constraint Checking Agents
Integrity constraints are valuable tools for enforcing
consistency of the data in a database. In order to
ensure integrity and consistency over the data
spanning multiple distributed information systems
one has to check the global constraints applied in
the specified situation.
A simple modification of data on one site can
cause the violation of a global constraint. The check
for such violation involves accessing related data
from multiple sites. In consequence, one local
constraint checker can generate sub-constraint
checkers on the remote data by using multiple
remote agents. The development of a framework or
agent that checks the global integrity constraints of
a system is analyzed in (Madiraju, 2004).
Having an agent-based system that implements
the constraint checking mechanism will allow the
decentralization of the remote checking by having
an intelligent decision based solution in a
concurrent environment.
An agent based constraint-checking solution for
federative database cannot be separated from the
transaction processing, and therefore it will require
the implementation of the Two Phase Commit
(2PC) (Ozsu, 1999) algorithm. 2PC is suitable to be
implemented using agents since anyway its logic is
distributed between participants, which will execute
the local sub-transaction and vote if to commit or
rollback, and a coordination process, which will
take the global commit or rollback decision based
on the votes of the participants. It must be noted that
the concept of heterogeneous two phase commit and
support for it took nearly a decade to get
implemented by DBMS vendors. (Breitbart, 2000)
mentions several early efforts in this area.
Another important application of intelligent
agents is the verification of constraints using partial
information. This is mainly relevant in distributed
environments where accessing remote located data
is usually very costly. Even in some centralized
databases the verification of the constraints using
partial information can lead to performance
improvements, if the verification is done without
using the data stored into the database, and an
intelligent agent can also handle it. Information
regarding the theory of constraint verification using
partial information can be found in (Gupta, 1994).
3.2 Intelligent Query Agents
Another important part of the framework consists in
querying the data from the informational systems.
The huge volume of information as well as
communication bandwidth limitations, time
constraints, multiplicity of data formats and maybe
the most important, the need for openness and
intuitive human interfaces makes the querying layer
of the data management system to a crucial
component of any information system.
This layer should handle the translation of the
requests in queries and sub queries, spread among
the data sources in accordance with the data needed,
while giving the impression of a single, unified,
homogeneous data source.
Researches in the field have come up with agents’
models like AQUIRE (Das, 2002) that makes use of
combinations of planning and traditional database
query optimization techniques and agent-oriented
retrieval of data from distributed data sources.
3.3 Statistic Agents
Gathering and processing statistics may become an
important part of an agent-based framework like the
one we propose. Intelligent query agents, caching
agents, resource locking agents etc. all of them need
a decision support mechanism in order to complete
their own goals with the expected level of
performance. In the decision mechanism of an
agent, both reactivity to changes in the environment
and commitment to long-term courses of actions
(behaviours) must be present.
In order to preserve and improve the performance
of an agent, gathering and processing statistics
become mandatory. Agents are very well suited for
such a job, being able to reside in the application
and to gather statistics on changes in the
3.4 Caching Agents
A significant portion of an application’s resources is
consumed by I/O operations, which usually are data
accesses. The data access operations are usually the
bottlenecks of any software system, especially if
they require network transport as well. It is
therefore required to implement the data access
modules and/or components as efficient as possible.
Caching is a technique that can drastically improve
the performance of any database application. Due to
caching multiple read operations for the same data
are avoided. Caching decisions and operations can
be outsourced to agents, but these agents will
continuously require collaborating and
communicating with the intelligent query agents.
In case of a distributed database the caching
agents can also be distributed at every node and the
data can be also cached in files on the disk and not
necessary into the memory. A cached data validity
verification agent is also required in order to check
if the cached data is still valid or not. “Spying” all
the data modification requests handled can do the
validity verification. The caching agents will
perform all the activities and make all the decisions
shown in Figure 2. The caching update agents will
handle the activities of putting and getting data from
cache, while the caching decision agents will decide
if caching is required or not for the retrieved data
and if the data contained by the cache is still valid
or not.
The type of cache to be used, Primed Cache or
Demand Cache (Nock, 2004), is more an
architectural decision that a decision that can be
taken by an agent. The framework should provide
agents able to handle both on demand and primed
caching techniques, as well as combined caching
strategies, in order to cover the requirements of all
kinds of applications.
Figure 2: Caching Activity Flow.
3.5 Resource Locking Agents
Multi-user applications needs take care of resource
locking in order to avoid the situation in which more
than one user attempts to update the same
simultaneously. Files, database objects, connections,
etc. are all resources that requires to be locked by a
user whenever requiring their usage. Intelligent
agents can handle both the identification of the
critical resources that requires locking and the
locking and unlocking mechanisms.
An important problem that needs to be tackled by
the framework is the granularity of the locks, which
influences heavily the overall performance of the
system. Choosing the unit of locking is a trade-off
between concurrency and performance. The
concurrency is low when the locking unit is big,
while the performance can be affected in case the
locking unit is too small due to the computational
overhead introduced by the big number of locks.
3.6 Mediation Agents
Distributed heterogeneous information systems are
built on different technology, may have different
access points and may understand different
languages. In this conditions there is a need of a
fully and easy to customize mechanism that can
interact and understand multiple information
systems and transport methods. The mediation
agents are necessary for maintaining a well-defined
and logical communication with the information
systems. They can improve performance and can
deal with asynchronous communication issues as
3.7 Supervisor Agents
The framework we propose contains a big number of
agents all of them needing to communicate and all of
them having a well defined role in the system. The
agents should form a team and communicate one
with another in the easiest manner while still
maintaining the purpose of creation and giving
outputs in each ones specific area.
The goal of maintaining the distribution of roles
while still giving the impression of one consistent
module can be undertaken by a supervisor and
coordinator agent. The existence of such an agent is
not a must, the agents of the framework being able
to communicate between them. Yet, one supervisor
agent will be well noted in the process of
customization and completion of the framework
with new agents, as well as in the work of
integration with the actual application, acting as the
project manager of the agents’ “team”.
We can see the agents of our framework as having
roles in a big team. Agents can act and coordinate
with other agents depending on their roles. In this
idea, the coordination between agents is mainly
obtained through common tactics, strategies and
observations of actions of team members, rather than
explicit communication (Coradeschi, 1998).
Having a better performance and easier to customize
systems is an important goal in application
development and design. Intelligent agents can offer
this two advantages and much more. A data manager
framework is an important part of a system, having
the role of managing the entire process of data
processing and acting as a link between the user
logic and the data systems. Such a framework should
take decisions regarding the when and what data to
be cached, regarding resource locking, how to query
and what information system to be queried etc.
This paper presents a bird’s eye architectural
view of our proposed data management agent based
framework. The starting point is the identification of
the areas that are possible candidates for agent-based
implementation. The paper also discusses all the
identified areas in order to justify their appurtenance
to the framework and evaluate the consequences.
We believe that an agent-based implementation
of such a framework is not only possible but also
very useful in regards to performance. Apart from
that, the separation of concerns provided by the
intelligent agents increases the overall performance
of the application. Furthermore, in case of
distributed applications collaborative intelligent
agents seam to be the logical choice.
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