Hongxia Jin and Jeffory Lotspiech
IBM Almaden Research Center
San Jose, CA, USA
Mario Blaum
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
San Jose, CA, USA
Traitor tracing, error correcting code, traceability code.
In this paper we study the traitor tracing problem, which originates in attempting to combat piracy of copy-
righted materials. When a pirated copy of the material is observed, a traitor tracing scheme should allow to
identify at least one of the real subscribers (traitors) who participate in the construction of a pirated copy. In
this paper, we focus on the pay-per-view type of subscription-based scenarios, in which materials are divided
into multiple segments and each segment has multiple variations. We present a systematic way to assign the
variations for each segment and for each subscriber using an error-correcting code. We give sufficient condi-
tions for a code to be able to trace at least a traitor when faced with a coalition of m traitors. We also prove
that these sufficient conditions are also necessary when the code is an MDS code.
This paper is concerned with the protection of copy-
righted materials. A number of business models
has emerged whose success hinges on the ability
to securely distribute digital content only to paying
customers. Examples of these business models in-
clude pay-TV systems and selling copyrighted mu-
sic content through the Web. This paper focuses on
subscription-based business models. Each subscriber
is allowed to decrypt the broadcast encrypted content
that he or she pays for. The security threat in this
scenario is that a group of subscribers resell the con-
tents by redistributing the decryption keys or the de-
coded contents over the Internet. This is a Napster-
style “anonymous” attack, and is the most urgent se-
curity concern for the content providers. The real sub-
scriber who participates in this piracy will be called
indistinctly either a traitor or a colluder. A traitor
tracing scheme allows to identify at least one of the
traitors. In this case the only way to trace traitors is to
use different versions of the content for different sub-
scribers (users). This allows the re-broadcasted de-
cryption keys or contents to be linked to the group of
users who were given that version.
The traitor tracing problem was first defined by
Chor, Fiat and Naor for a broadcast encryption sys-
tem (Fiat and Naor, 1993). This system allows en-
crypted contents to be distributed to a privileged
group of receivers (decoder boxes). Each decoder box
is assigned a unique set of decryption keys that al-
lows it to decrypt the encrypted content. The security
threat, which is different from the one we are dealing
in this paper, is that a group of colluders constructs
a clone pirate decoder that can decrypt the broadcast
content. The traitor tracing scheme proposed in (Chor
et al., 1994; B.Chor et al., 2000) randomly assigns the
decryption keys to users before the content is broad-
cast. The main goal of their scheme in this context is
to make the probability of exposing an innocent user
negligible under as many real traitors in the coalition
as possible.
The threat model that this paper is concerned with
is what we have called the “anonymous attack”. At-
tackers can construct a pirate copy of the content
(content attack) and try to resell the pirate copy over
the Internet. Or the attackers reverse-engineer the
devices and extract the decryption keys (key attack).
They can then set up a server and sell decryption keys
on demand, or build a circumvention device and put
the decryption keys into the device. There are two
well-known models for how a pirated copy (be it the
content or the key) can be generated:
1. Given two variants v
and v
of a segment, the pi-
rate can only use v
or v
, not any other valid vari-
Jin H., Lotspiech J. and Blaum M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 223-228
DOI: 10.5220/0002097202230228
2. Given two variants v
and v
of a movie segment
6= v
), the pirate can generate any valid variant
out of v
and v
The second model, of course, assumes the attack-
ers have more power. We believe it fits documents,
texts better than media. Therefore in this paper, same
as other traitor tracing schemes shown in literatures,
we will be assuming that the attackers are restricted
to the first model. When using watermark to create
variations, it is the watermark robustness assumption.
This is not an unreasonable assumption many real ap-
plication: first of all, building a different variation
is a media-format-specific problem. Watermarking is
only one of the possible ways to create variations. In
a practical watermarking scheme, when given some
variants of a movie segment, it would be infeasible
for the colluders to come up with another valid vari-
ant because they do not have the essential information
to generate such a variant. If colluders manipulate
the watermarks, for example, by averaging two water-
marks v
and v
, we may detect both v
and v
in best
case; In worst case, however, if the watermark cannot
be recognized or simply removed, we may not gain
information and have to skip this particular variant.
This still fits into our first model. Of course, there are
ways as (I. Cox and Shamoon, 1997) to make it very
difficult for colluders to remove the marks. We have
consulted industrial experts on the minimal durations
of the watermark in order to achieve the watermark
robustness assumption. However, in a DVD format
using Blue Laser, the variation can be simply a differ-
ent playlist. In this case, it may have nothing to do
with watermark; thus it is not restricted by the water-
mark robustness requirement.
Also, for the key attack, the traitors will need to re-
distribute at least one set of keys for each segment.
For cryptographic keys, it is impossible to generate a
valid third key from combining two valid other keys.
This is equivalent to the first model.
In general, a deterministic traitor tracing scheme
incriminates traitors and only traitors. A probabilistic
scheme can sometimes have a small chance to incrim-
inate an innocent user. A tracing scheme is static if it
pre-determines the assignment of the decryption keys
for the decoder or the watermarked variations of the
content before the content is broadcast. The traitor
tracing schemes in (Chor et al., 1994; B.Chor et al.,
2000) are static and probabilistic. Fiat and Tassa in-
troduced a dynamic traitor tracing scheme (Fiat and
Tassa, 1999) to combat the same piracy under the
same business scenario considered in this paper. In
their scheme, each user gets one of the q variations
for each segment. However, the assignment of the
variation of each segment to a user is dynamically de-
cided based on the observed feedback from the previ-
ous segment. The scheme can detect up to m traitors.
Its main drawback is that doing this is impractical in
the scenario described above.
A practical traitor tracing scheme needs no more
than 10% of the extra bandwidth for the variations, to
accomodate billion users and to detect traitors under
large coalitions. We have designed a traitor tracing
scheme that attempts to meet all the practical require-
ments. The existing traitor tracing schemes either
need more bandwidth than the content provider can
economically afford, or the number of players their
schemes can accommodate is too few to be practical,
or the number of colluding traitors under which their
schemes can handle is too few.
Our scheme is static. Like all tracing schemes in
this category, it consists of two basic steps:
1. Assign a variation/key for each segment to devices.
2. Based on the observed re-broadcast keys or con-
tents, trace back the traitors.
In rest of the paper, we will present our two main
contributions of the paper. In Section 2, we focus
on the first step, in other words, the key assignment
for the tracing. we will give intuitions why designing
a practical tracing scheme is inherently difficult and
show how we overcome the difficulties and attempt to
meet the practical requirements. Then in Section 3,
we will give more in-depth analysis on traceability
codes, which is another contribution of this paper.
We present a sufficient and necessary condition for
a MDS code to be a traceability code.
As shown above, the only way to trace traitors is
to use different versions of the content for different
users. This allows the re-broadcasted decryption keys
or contents to be linked to the group of users who
were given that version.
The first problem to be solved is the overhead that a
tracing traitors scheme might require. This is a prob-
lem encountered in the first step of a traitor tracing
scheme. If it was possible to send a different ver-
sion of the content to each user, the problem would be
solved. Unfortunately, in this case the bandwidth us-
age is extremely poor. While it is perfectly reasonable
in a theoretical context to talk about schemes that used
large number of variations and increased the space re-
quired by 200% or 300%, no movie studio would have
accepted this. Although the new generation of DVDs
has substantially more capacity, the studios want to
use that capacity to provide a high definition picture
and to offer increased features on the disc, not to pro-
vide better forensics. Most studios were willing, how-
ever, to accept some overhead for forensics, if it could
be kept below 10%. As a nominal figure, we began to
design assuming we had roughly 8 additional minutes
(480 seconds) of video strictly for forensic purposes.
The cryptographic literature implied that we should
use our 480 seconds to produce the most variations
possible. For example, at one particular point in the
movie, we could have produced 960 variations of a
1/2 second duration. This clearly would not work.
The attackers could simply omit that 1/2 second in the
unauthorized copy without significantly diminishing
the value of that copy. Instead, we settled on a model
where there were on the order of 15 carefully-picked
points of variation in the movie, each of duration 2
seconds, and each having 16 variations. Even then,
you could argue that the attackers can avoid these
30 or so seconds of the movie. As a result, when
we mapped our scheme to the actual disc format, we
made sure that the duration of the variations was not
pre-determined. Of course, longer durations require
more overhead. This is a tradeoff studios can make.
We should also mention that whether or not a given
movie uses tracing traitors technology is always the
studio’s choice. In the absence of attacks, they would
never use it, and the discs would have zero overhead
for this purpose.
In our model, assume that each content (for ex-
ample, a movie) is divided into multiple segments,
among which n segments are chosen to have differ-
ently marked variations. Each of these n segments
has q possible variations. Each user receives the
same bulk-encrypted content with all the small vari-
ations at chosen points in the content. However, each
user plays back the content through a different path,
which effectively create a different content version
copy. Each copy of the content contains one varia-
tion for each segment. Each version can be denoted
as an n-tuple (x
, x
, . . . , x
), where 0 x
q 1 for each 0 i n 1. A coalition could
try to create a pirated copy based on all the varia-
tions broadcasted to them. For example, suppose that
there are m colluders. Colluder j receives a content
copy t
= (t
, t
, . . . , t
). The m colluders can
build a pirated copy (y
, y
, . . . , y
) where the ith
segment comes from a colluder t
, in other words,
= t
where 1 k m and 0 i n 1.
It would be nice to be able to trace back the col-
luders (traitors) who have constructed a pirated copy
once such pirated copy is found. Unfortunately, the
variations (y
, y
, . . . , y
) associated with the pi-
rated copy could happen to belong to an innocent sub-
scriber. A weak traitor tracing scheme wants to pre-
vent a group of colluders from thus “framing” an in-
nocent user. A strong traitor tracing scheme allows at
least one of the colluders to be identified. In this pa-
per we deal only with strong traitor tracing schemes,
so, when we say “traitor tracing scheme, we mean
strong traitor tracing scheme.
2.1 Basic Key Assignment
For the first step, assume that each segment has q vari-
ations (symbols) and that there are n segments. We
represent the assignment of segments for each user us-
ing a codeword (x
, x
, . . . , x
), where 0 x
q 1 for each 0 i n 1. The codewords as-
signment can be random or systematic using error-
correcting code. We have chosen to use the latter.
A practical scheme needs to have small extra disc
space overhead, accommodate a large number of de-
vices in the system, and be able to trace devices un-
der as large a coalition as possible. It is not hard to
see these requirements are inherently conflicting. We
will use error-correcting code to show some intuitions
on the conflicts between these parameters. q is the
number of variations, in other words, different sym-
bols that can be used in each coordinate of a code-
word. Take a look at a code [n, k, d], where n is
the length of the codewords, k is the source symbol
size, or the number of coordinates that can uniquely
identify a codeword.and d is the Hamming distance
of the code, namely, the mininum number of coordi-
nates by which any two codewords differ. Mathemat-
ically these parameters are connected to each other.
The number of codewords is q
, and Hamming dis-
tance has the property that d <= n k + 1. q is
also related to n, for example, for a “maximal differ-
ence separable” (MDS) code, n <= q. We know the
number of variations q decides the extra bandwidth
needed for distributing the content. Without varia-
tions, q = 1. The extra bandwidth needed for the con-
tent is (q 1) length
of each variation n. The
Hamming distance d decides its traceability. To de-
fend against a collusion attack, intuitively we would
like the variant assignment to be as far apart as possi-
ble. In other words, the larger the Hamming distance
is, the better traceability of the scheme. On the other
hand, to accommodate a large number of devices, e.g.
billions, intuitively either q or k or both have to be
relatively big. Unfortunately a big q means big band-
width overhead and a big k means smaller Hamming
distance and thus weaker traceability. It is inherently
difficult to defend against collusions.
In order to yield a practical scheme to meet all the
requirements, we concatenate codes. The number of
variations in each segment are assigned following a
code, namely the inner code, which are then encoded
using another code, namely the outer code. We call
the nested code the super code. The inner code ef-
fectively create multiple movie version for any movie
and the outer code assign different movie versions to
the user over a sequence of movies—hence the term
“sequence keys”. This super code avoids the overhead
problem by having a small number of variations at any
single point. For example, both inner and outer codes
can be Reed-Solomon (RS) codes. In a RS code, if
q is the alphabet size, n q 1 is the length of the
code. If k is its source symbol size, then its Hamming
distance is d = nk+1 and the number of codewords
is q
. For example, for our inner code, we can choose
= 16, n
= 15 and k
= 2, thus d
= 14. For the
outer code, we can choose q
= 256, n
= 255 and
= 4, thus d
= 252. The number of codewords in
the outer code is 256
, which means that this example
can accommodate more than 4 billion devices. For the
super code which is the concatenation of the inner and
outer codes, q = 16, n = n
· n
= 15 ·255 = 3825,
k = k
· k
= 6, d = d
· d
= 14 · 252 = 3528.
Suppose each segment is a 2-second clip, the extra
video needed in this example is 450 seconds, within
the 10% contraint being placed on us by the studios.
So, both q, the extra bandwidth needed, and q
, the
number of devices our scheme can accommodate, fit.
The actual choices of these parameters used in the
scheme depend on the requirements and are also con-
strained by the inherent mathematical relationship be-
tween the parameters q, n, k, d. In fact, there does
not exist a single MDS code that can satisfy all the
practical requirements. For a MDS code, n <= q,
d = n k +1. An MDS code is, in general, too short.
For the second step, same as other tracing schemes
(Chor et al., 1994)(B.Chor et al., 2000)(Safani-Naini
and Wang, 2003)(Trung and Martirosyan, 2004), we
use a straightforward approach. For each user we
compute the number of segment variations that his
or her copy matches with the observed pirated copy.
The scheme incriminates the user who has the largest
matching with the pirated copy.
Codes that can provide traceability have been exten-
sively studied in recent years. Weak form of such
codes are frameproof codes introduced by Boneh and
Shaw (Boneh and Shaw, 1998). Strong form of codes
called Identifiable Parent Property (IPP) and trace-
ability codes (TA). Combintatorial properties of IPP
codes and TA codes have been studied in (J. N. Stad-
don and Wei, 2001)(A. Barg and Kabatiansky, 2003).
In this section, we will give more in-depth analy-
sis on the combinaorial properties of the traceability
code for deterministic tracing. For reasons of space,
the results are given without proof. Definitions 3.1
and 3.2 and Lemma 3.1 are taken from (J. N. Staddon
and Wei, 2001).
Definition 3.1 Let C be a code of length n
over an alphabet Q of size q, and C
a sub-
set of C of size m, i.e., C
C and
|= m. Moreover, let C
= {t
, t
, . . . , t
}, where
= (t
, t
, . . . , t
) for 1 i m. We say
that a word v
, say, v = (v
, v
, . . . , v
), is a
descendant of C
if, for each 0 j n 1, there
is an i, 1 i m, such that v
= t
. The set of
descendants of C
is denoted as desc(C
In a traitor tracing scheme in a static setting where
the assignment of variations is predetermined before
the content is broadcast, the rule used to determine
a traitor is to incriminate the user who has the maxi-
mum number of segments matching with the pirated
copy, i.e., the user whose codeword is at the smallest
Hamming distance from the pirated copy. We call this
rule the maximum selection rule.
Definition 3.2 A code C is called an m-traceability
code if, given any C
C with |C
| m and
), if there is a codeword c C such that
, t) d
, t
) for any c
C, c
6= c
, then
Given an m-traceability code, Definition 3.2 guar-
antees a deterministic tracing algorithm such that,
when inputed a pirated copy by a coalition C
| m, it always outputs an element of C
the maximum selection rule.
Lemma 3.1 Assume that a code C with length n and
distance d is used to assign the variations for each seg-
ment to each user and that there are m traitors. If code
C satisfies
d > (1 1/m
)n, (1)
then C is an m-traceability-code.
Is condition (1) also a necessary condition to yield
a deterministic tracing algorithm? As we will show
below, the answer is no. In order to come up with a
tighter condition, we will first introduce a new con-
cept, namely, group distance, which is more relevant
than Hamming distance in the traitor tracing context
dealing with coalitions.
An [n, k, d] linear code C over a finite field GF (q)
is a linear subspace of (GF (q))
with dimension k
and minimum distance d.
Definition 3.3 Assume that we have a code C over a
field GF (q). Let u
be any codeword in C, and C
a set of m codewords in C not containing u
. We say
that D
, C
) is the number of coordinates in u that
are different to the corresponding coordinates of each
codeword in C
. We define the minimum group dis-
tance D
(C) to be the minimum of the D
, C
for each possible codeword u
and m-set C
in C not
containing u
. When there is no ambiguity, we simply
denote D
(C) by D
The following condition on a code is sufficient for a
deterministic tracing scheme.
Lemma 3.2 Consider a code C of length n. If
> (1 1/m)n, (2)
then C is an m-traceability code.
We want to establish a relationship between D
and the minimum distance d of code C. Moreover,
we will show that an MDS code gives the best pos-
sible D
for any m. The next lemma connects the
sufficient conditions (1) and (2) given by lemmas 3.1
and 3.2, respectively.
Lemma 3.3 Let C be a code of length n and mini-
mum distance d. If d > (1 1/m
)n, then D
(1 1/m)n.
The opposite direction in Lemma 3.3 does not hold
in general, but it does for MDS codes. We state this
result next, as well as further connections between the
group distance and the Hamming distance.
Lemma 3.4 Let U be a vector space of length n and
dimension k over a field F . Then, given any k 1
coordinates 0 i
< i
< ··· < i
n 1, there
is a non-zero vector u
= (u
, u
, . . . , u
) in U such
that u
= 0 for 1 l k 1.
Lemma 3.5 For any [n, k, d] linear code C over a
field GF (q),
max{0 , d (m 1)(n d)} D
max{0 , d (m 1)(k 1)}.
Lemma 3.6 For any [n, k, d] linear MDS code C over
a field GF (q),
= max{0 , d (m 1)(k 1)}=
max{0 , n m(k 1)}.
The next lemma, together with Lemma 3.3, shows
that conditions (1) and (2) are equivalent when the
lower bound in Lemma 3.5 is met with equality, i.e.,
= n m(n d), and hence for MDS codes.
Lemma 3.7 Let C be an [n, k, d] linear code such that
= n m(n d). If
> (1 1/m)n, then d > (1 1/m
Corollary 3.1 Let C be an [n, k, d] linear MDS code.
If D
> (1 1/m)n, then
d > (1 1/m
As shown in Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, both D
(1 1/m)n and d > (1 1/m
)n are sufficient
conditions for a deterministic tracing scheme. From
Lemmas 3.3 and 3.7, we know that these two condi-
tions are equivalent for codes satisfying with equality
the lower bound in Lemma 3.5 (in particular, MDS
codes). However, neither of these conditions is neces-
sary for an m-traceability code. In (J. N. Staddon and
Wei, 2001), it is listed as an open problem whether
or not having an [n, k, d] linear mtraceability code
implies d > (1 1/m
)n. The following trivial
example shows that the answer is no. In effect, as-
sume that we have a [4, 1, 4] repetition code over the
alphabet {0, 1, 2, 3}. It is clear that this code is an m-
traceability code for any 1 m 3. It is also clear
that d = D
= 4 for 1 m 3. Notice that both
conditions D
> (1 1/m)n and d > (1 1/m
are satisfied. Now, consider the [12,1,4] code that co-
incides with the previous one in the first 4 coordinates
and is 0 in the last 8. It is clear that the new code
is also an m-traceability code for 1 m 3, but
conditions (1) and (2) are not satisfied.
We have shown that if d > (1 1/m
)n then
> (1 1/m)n (Lemma 3.3). We have also
shown that if the code satisfies with equality the lower
bound in Lemma 3.5 (like MDS codes) and if D
(1 1/m)n, then d > (1 1/m
)n (Lemma 3.7).
What happens if the code does not satisfy with equal-
ity the lower bound in Lemma 3.5? The same ex-
ample as above shows that D
> (1 1/m)n does
not necessarily imply that d > (1 1/m
)n. In ef-
fect, consider again the [4, 1, 4] repetition code, and
take the [5, 1, 4] code that consists of appending a 0 to
each of the four vectors of the [4, 1, 4] code. Then, for
m = 3, 4 = D
> (11/3)5, but 4 = d < (11/3
This example shows that in general, condition (2) is
stronger than condition (1) to check if a code C is an
m-traceability code.
Both conditions (1) and (2) imply that the code C is
an m-traceability code, but the examples above show
that they are not necessary. However, they are neces-
sary when C is an MDS code. We close this section
by stating this important fact.
Theorem 3.1 Let C be a linear [n, k, d] MDS code
over a finite field GF (q) such that n q + 1. Then,
for m 2, C is an m-traceability code if and only if
> (1 1/m)n.
The condition n q + 1 seems somehow limiting
and arbitrary. However, this is the so called MDS con-
jecture. There are no known non-trivial MDS codes
violating this condition. Moreover, MDS codes used
in practice, like RS and extended RS codes, satisfy it.
So, in actual applications, the condition n q + 1 is
Corollary 3.2 Let C be a linear [n, k, d] MDS code
over a finite field GF (q) such that n q + 1. Then,
for m 2, C is an m-traceability code if and only if
d > (1 1/m
3.1 Is an MDS Code Always the
Based on the definition of group distance D
, we
know that the larger D
is, the more traitors m un-
der which we can trace an actual traitor determinis-
tically. We have shown that an MDS code gives the
largest value of D
for any m. Does this mean that an
MDS code always gives the best deterministic tracing
scheme? In some realistic situations, given the size of
the field, it might not. To be more precise, let us first
try to apply an actual MDS code, a Reed-Solomon
(RS) code, to a real application scenario.
Assume that each segment has q variations. The
parameter q determines how much extra bandwidth is
needed to broadcast the multiple variations of the seg-
ments. A practical solution requires a small extra per-
centage, like 5% of the normal bandwidth needs. This
implies that q cannot be too large. Since the number
of codewords (thus, the number of subscribers) that
the scheme can accommodate in the application is q
a small q requires a not too small k.
Assume that we choose k = 2. Let C be an [n, 2, d]
MDS code with n = q (like an extended RS code),
thus d = n (k 1) = q 1. From Corollary 3.2,
we know that the condition d > (1 1/m
)n gives a
deterministic tracing scheme for up to m traitors. This
in turn means q 1 > (1 1/m
)q for C, so q > m
Therefore, the maximum number of traitors a deter-
ministic tracing scheme can handle is
q. However,
if q is a small number (like 16), the total number of
subscribers that can be accomodated is q
, which will
also be a small number. A practical tracing scheme
may require the capability to deterministically trace
more traitors than
q or to accomodate more sub-
scribers than q
. So, there are no MDS codes that
can be directly applied here and still meet these re-
quirements. For that reason, the scheme in (Safani-
Naini and Wang, 2003) may not be practical. Are we
doomed not to have a better tracing scheme simply
because the best codes are MDS? In fact, our ques-
tion is very similar to one of the open problems listed
in (J. N. Staddon and Wei, 2001) asking whether or
not we can construct an mtraceability code with
q < m
and a > q, where a is the number of code-
words in the code (for an [n, k, d] linear code, no-
tice that a = q
). This question has been affirmatively
answered in a recent paper (Trung and Martirosyan,
2004). However, the codes presented in (Trung and
Martirosyan, 2004) either have too few codewords or
the size q of the alphabet is too large for practical ap-
In this paper, we study the problem of tracing the le-
gitimate users (traitors) who instrument their devices
and illegally redistributing the pirated copies of the
contents or decryption keys on the Internet.
In our scheme, we systematically assign the varia-
tions for each segment to the movie and keys to the
devices. we use the two-level codes to overcome the
overhead problem to prepare the content and enable
tracing at the receipt end. Consider our concatenated
construction with parameters q = 16, n = 3825 and
k = 6. The choice of the parameters allows small ex-
tra bandwidth but large number of codewords (16 mil-
lion), much larger than q, meeting practical require-
We also provide formal analysis on traceability
code. we introduced a new concept, called ”group
distance”. We believe it is inherently more relevant
to measure the traceability of the codes. Using group
distance we showed a sufficient condition 2 for trace-
ability code. We also showed this condition is neces-
sary for MDS codes. As future work we would like
to find an efficient traceability code that satisfies con-
dition 2 but not 1. Note when traitors become bigger,
the tracing has to be probabilistic. Our current trace-
ability analysis is based on a bruteforce step 2 and
deterministic tracing. As future work, we want to de-
velop a more efficient step 2.
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