Transcript Segmentation Using Utterance Cosine
Similarity Measure
Caroline Chibelushi, Bernadette Sharp
and Andy Salter
Staffordshire University, Beaconside, Stafford, ST18 0DG, UK
University of Southampton, School of Civil Engineering & the Environment
Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Abstract. One of the problem
s addressed by the Tracker project is the
extraction of the key issues discussed at meetings through the analysis of
transcripts. Whilst the task of topic extraction is an easy task for humans it has
proven difficult task to automate given the unstructured nature of our
transcripts. This paper proposes a new approach to transcript segmentation
based on the Utterance Cosine Similarity (UCS) method. Our segmentation
approach is based on the notion of semantic similarity of utterances within the
transcripts that measures the content similarity, semantic relationships, and use
distance to differentiate same topics that appear in different context. The
method is illustrated using one of the 17 transcripts in our study.
1 Introduction
The Tracker project is an attempt at dealing with the fundamental industrial problem
of reducing rework in systems engineering projects. Though rework is often
inevitable in large projects either because of changing requirements or changing
priorities, we believe that a significant amount of rework arises as a result of
communication failures between decision makers leading to inappropriate or incorrect
decisions. By identifying the issues, and associated actions and decisions through the
study of minutes of the meeting and a transcript record of these meetings we can
begin to understand the causes of rework. If these minutes and transcript can provide
some transparency in the decision making process we can minimise rework. This
transparency is achieved by tracking the elements of decisions made by the
participants during meetings. The elements can be identified through the linguistic
analysis of the minutes and transcripts of meeting, and are expressed in terms of
issues and sub-issues, associated actions and initiating or acting agents. By identifying
the elements of the decision making process and discovering the semantic association
between these elements we hope to identify causes of rework in these systems
engineering projects.
This paper reports findings from a two-year study focusing on the transcripts of
eetings, and describes our approach to extracting the component related to issues
and sub-issues discussed at the meetings. An important stage in the extraction
process is the automatic identification of issues and the boundaries between distinct
Chibelushi C., Sharp B. and Salter A. (2005).
Transcript Segmentation Using Utterance Cosine Similarity Measure.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 78-90
DOI: 10.5220/0002560900780090
issues in a given transcript. This process is known as text segmentation by the Topic
Detection and Tracking (TDT) research community. This paper will describe our
algorithm to transcript segmentation based on the Utterance Cosine Similarity
measure (UCS) to identify related utterances within transcripts of meetings. This
algorithm extends our previous work on the use of lexical chaining in tracking the
major issues within a transcript as reported in [5].
The first part of this paper gives a brief description of the transcripts under study, and
provides an overview of our approach in extracting the issues and sub-issues
discussed in the meeting. The second part describes our algorithm in locating
utterances that relate to the same issue discussed within the transcripts of meetings.
2 The Corpus
In organisation meetings, a transcript is usually a record of all uttered decisions,
actions, discussions and arguments uttered by the participants. Our corpus consists of
17 different transcripts from three different meeting environments: industrial,
organisational, and educational, involving a multi-party conversation and containing
an exact and unedited record of the meetings and corresponding speakers. The
meeting transcripts vary in size, ranging from 2,479 to 25,670 words. While previous
research has focused on structured texts, broadcast news, and monologues which
consist of cohesive stories, our transcripts, however, are multi-party conversation, and
have no pre-set agendas. Consequently, the analysis of our transcripts poses an
additional complexity due to their informal style, their lack of structure, their
argumentative nature, and the usage of common colloquial words. These transcripts
also contain incomplete sentences, sentences related to social chatting, interruptions,
and references by participants made to visual context.
3 Detecting Issue Boundaries using the Utterance Cosine
Similarity (UCS) Measure
Part of the difficulty in dealing with decisions, as reported by [11], is the problem of
identification of the decisions in the first place. Many decisions are ‘hidden’ the only
evidence of their existence appears in the form of actions. This research project seek
to track issues, agents, needs, and actions as elements of the decision making process.
Each of these elements can be part of one or more decisions. As we are concerned
with extracting elements of decisions occurring within a meeting we therefore need to
segment the transcripts to identify the issues, the needs, the actions, and the agents
who initiated or undertook an action.
The automatic identification of boundaries where topics change in a given text is
defined as text segmentation, and normally used in information retrieval and
automatic summarisation tasks [8, 2]. Unlike the Topic and Detection Tracking
initiative [1] which applies text segmentation to detect coarse-grained topic shifts in
news stories we are interested in extracting issues and sub-issues discussed by the
participants, and identifying their associated actions. Rather than taking the transcript
as the unit of analysis and then use queries to conduct analysis between transcripts,
we use the utterance as the unit of analysis and conduct the analysis within transcripts,
where an utterance is identified as a section of speech related to a participant and is
continued until a new speaker is identified.
Text segmentation techniques tend to be either statistically or linguistically driven.
Some statistical approaches are based on probability distribution [3], others use
machine learning techniques, or treat text as an unlabeled sequence of topics using a
hidden Markov model [17]. Other text segmentation approaches tend to use lexical
chains to identify topic changes [16], or use clues which mark shifts to new topics
[14]. A different approach is adopted by [12] who use decision trees to combine
linguistic features extracted from spoken texts. In our project we have combined
statistical and linguistic approaches to detect issues and associated sub-issues from
our transcripts. We consider issues as equivalent to topics in the study of text
segmentation. For the purpose of our project we define issue as a culminating point or
matter leading to a decision. To detect these issues from our transcripts we extract
nouns and compounds nouns and use lexical chaining to group them into semantically
related clusters. While existing techniques rely on paragraph boundaries or used fixed
length segments for text segmentation we base our initial segmentation on lexical
chaining and utterance boundaries. As often there are more than one lexical chain
identified within a segment so we use the Utterance Cosine Similarity (UCS) measure
to identify the main lexical chain and refine the boundaries accordingly. Once the
issues are detected then we track the verbs associated with these issues to capture
their resolution. We also use linguistic patterns to determine who is to undertake
4 A framework for Transcript Segmentation
This section describes our framework for transcript segmentation using the Utterance
Cosine Similarity (UCS), an adapted version of the Cosine Similarity; instead of
measuring the similarity between a query and a document UCS measures the
similarity between two utterances. As mentioned earlier due to the nature of our
transcripts we cannot make use of paragraph boundaries or of a pre-set agenda to
locate shift in topics being discussed, so our approach relies heavily on lexical
cohesion based on word or phrase repetition. As [4] point out, cohesion can best be
explained by focusing on how lexical repetition is manifested, in numerous ways,
across pairs of sentences. The lexical cohesion is also used to measure similarity
between segments. As the transcripts consist of a set of utterances the boundaries
must include an entire utterance, and a segment can include one or more utterances.
Our framework for transcript segmentation can be visualised as consisting of three
phases: pre-processing stage, vector representation stage, and segmentation stage
using the Utterance Similarity Measure (UCS). These stages are described in figure
Fig. 1. Stages used in topic identification using UCS method
4.1 Pre-processing Stage
Given the nature of our transcripts the pre-processing stage consists of data cleaning
and tagging tasks. Our data cleaning approach includes the removal of ambiguous,
redundant and illegal characters, the removal of incorrect hyphenation, and the
conversion of upper to lower case. In agreement with [9] and [6] we do not apply
stemming as it has been shown to make no significant change to the processing of the
transcript and has led to some syntactically motivated inflections being placed in an
incorrect equivalent class. For example words like ‘organ’, ‘organisation’, and
‘organism’ will be placed in the same or equivalent class. This is because most
stemming algorithms do not identify the morphemes, instead they simply remove
common affixes from a word.
The second task involves the syntactic and semantic tagging of lexical items using
WMATRIX which is a software tool developed by Lancaster University [13]. The
outcome of the pre-processing stage is an XML tagged document which provides the
basis for the utterance representation stage.
4.2 Vector Representation Stage
Content words, particularly nouns and proper nouns, introduce concepts, and are the
means of expression for issues and sub-issues. Function words such as determiners,
prepositions, conjunctions, relative pronouns, etc. support and coordinate the
combination of content words into meaningful sentences. Though both word types are
needed it is the content words which carry most weight in defining the actual topic of
discourse [15], and capture the issues discussed in our transcripts. In agreement with
[10] we argue that, when a concept named by a content word is topical for the
document, the content word tends to be characterised by multiple occurrences within
a segment of the document. Katz also states that, while a single occurrence of a
topically used content word or phrase is possible, it is more likely that a newly topical
entity will be repeated.
The tagging process used in the pre-processing stage splits compound words into their
individual elements, for example the term ‘user interface’ will be regarded as ‘user
’and ‘interface’. The component words will not have the same semantic
representation as the original compound word. To avoid this problem, our method
recombines the separated component words and uses them as a compound noun (i.e.
user_interface). The first stage produces an Utterance Index Set (UIS) which records
the global frequency of nouns and compound nouns found in the transcripts. Only
those nouns that score higher than a threshold value are selected, and the others are
regarded as ‘noisy’ nouns and removed from the UIS. As our transcripts are verbal
recording of meetings, we have found that transcripts contain high frequency of
speech fillers (e.g. thing, kind of, and sort of). These noisy nouns are added to a stop
list. It is interesting to note that the
number of distinct content words is surprisingly
small given the size of the corpus, as shown in table 1.
Table 1. The corpus
no of
participants Total No.
of content
Total no
participants Total
No. of
000403AL 2479 2 104 00ACT00
12345 12 478
000BR00 20746 5 648 260702T
11, 259 4 469
000GM0F 19977 9 828 230701T
20, 567 6 459
120802TR 13962 9 365 00INT04 10,943 4 448
120901TR 12062 4 448 02INT04 9,384 2 376
290701TR 11471 10 499 03INT04 3261 2 106
200602TR 25670 7 734 000AU00 17753 10 796
070703TR 21003 12 461 Semlab02 8314 3 249
120902TR 22821 4 491
The next step involves the construction of a term frequency vector for each utterance.
An utterance consists of all the nouns and compound nouns and their position as
spoken by one speaker in a turn. An utterance
is defined as = { . . . },
is a noun or compound noun as it appears in the utterance. A term
frequency vector
is constructed for each utterance by recording the frequency
of occurrence of each of the members of the UIS in the utterance
. For example the
utterance of
given below consists of 4 distinct nouns: size, board, laptop, and
edge with their respective frequencies 1,3,1,1.
: you can change the size of the board here in the laptop, just draw round the
edge of the board and see where it appears on the board.
Thus for the utterance
the frequency vector is:
As transcript 2 has 33 distinct nouns and compound nouns with frequency
threshold >5, the final vector representation for the utterance
consists of 33
elements denoting the frequency of each distinct noun within that utterance as
= {1, 3, 1, 1}
= {1, 3, 1, 1, 0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
4.3 Segmentation using Utterance Similarity Measure (UCS)
We have adapted the cosine similarity measure which normally measures the
similarity between various pairs of documents, to our transcripts analysis. We state
that two utterances,
and , are similar if the cosine of their frequency vectors is
closer to 1. The UCS measure, denoted sim (
, ), is defined as
sim (
, ) = cos( , ) =
U fi jf
Where 0
cos ( , ) 1. if
is the inner product of and , which measures how much the two
vectors have in common.
is a vector length which is used to
normalise the vectors.
Similar terms tend to occur in similar utterances, the angle between them will be
small, and the cosine similarity measure will be close to 1. On the contrary, utterances
with little in common will have dissimilar terms, the angle between them will be close
to π/2 and the UCS measure will be close to zero. A UCS matrix is calculated by
comparing every utterance with every other utterance in the transcript.
The UCS measure gives a value for the similarity between the content of two
utterances, however it does not take context into consideration. It is therefore possible
for two utterances to have similar content, indicated by a similarity value close to one,
but be unrelated in context. To enable the method to differentiate utterances of
different context, we apply an
Utterance Distance Discriminator (UDD) which is
defined as:
= 1,…n-1, and = 2, …, n j
and U
represent the occurrence of the utterance within the transcript and U
the total number of the utterances within the transcript. Through experimentation we
have found that when the value of UDD
was less than 0.15 the utterances appeared to
share similar context, and when it was greater than 0.15 it showed that though the
utterances contained similar terms but they did not share the same context.
topic shift
related to topic
topic fading
cosine value
Fig. 2. The changes in cosine value indicating the progress of a topic
The boundaries between issues are identified by examining the patterns of the values
recorded in the Utterance Cosine Similarity matrix. Our experiment showed that
closely related utterances have a cosine value ranging from 0.6 to 1. Where the cosine
value between adjacent utterances reduces to less than 0.6 this indicates a topic
change. Cosine values between adjacent utterances which range from 0.1 to 0.2
indicates a topic shift. An example of the progression of a topic indicated by the
changing cosine values is shown in figure 2.
5 Experimental Results
To date, we have experimented with 17 different transcripts from three different
meeting environments: industrial, organisational, and educational. The results
reported here are based on transcript 2 which contains a total of 11,471 words and 559
utterances, and involves a group of 10 participants. The topics discussed in the
meeting included a demonstration of a tool designed to electronically capture text and
diagrams from a whiteboard, a discussion related to employment of staff, the purchase
of equipments, and project management issues.
In the first stage the transcript is pre-processed to check spelling, and to remove
redundant and illegal characters (e.g. <, >), and redundant lexical items such as pause,
er, um. The transcript is then syntactically and semantically tagged using WMATRIX.
Um, various other things you can do, print it out, <unclear> your printer or whatever but, er and
then re-size the board
as well. And there’s two other things here as well, which I haven’t talked
to you about <pause> but what you can do is, once you’ve got to a point
in a meeting or you’ve
recorded enough that you want on that screen
then you either want to time stamp it for the
or you want to wipe the screen clear, you can do one of two things. Either make a new
um, screen
, so if I clicked on that, what happens over here is, very difficult to see for you lot, but
um, you get another <unclear> small representational <unclear> screen
, so you get another
pop up which is blank and then this one copies what’s on the white board but time stamps
Fig. 3. A typical utterance from transcript 2
The second stage extracts all nouns, recombines compound nouns appropriately,
removes common words from the stop list, and generates the initial utterance index
set (UIS). An output for this is the candidate nouns and compound nouns that are used
for analysis. Transcript 2 has a total of 499 nouns and compound nouns. However, not
all the nouns contribute to the identification of topics. Nouns and compound words
were then filtered according to a threshold value of global occurrences in the
transcript. From the results of analysing the 17 transcripts, a threshold value of 5 was
identified as the optimum value. For transcript 2, 380 out of 499 nouns and compound
words have a global occurrence of less than 5 and these were removed from the UIS.
77 out of 499 nouns were identified as high frequency nouns (nouns which have
frequency higher than 5); 44 out of these 77 nouns (such as ‘thing’, ‘stuff’, and
‘example’) were removed and placed on the stop list. Finally, the UIS for transcript 2
consisted of 559
× 33 matrix, where 559 is the number of utterances and 33 represent
the number of candidate nouns and compound nouns, listed below in the order of their
first appearance in the transcript.
= {board, pen, screen, laptop, meeting, data, people, kit,
project_management, bscw_server, project, staffing, capture, date,
place, committee, list, system, information, site, problem, stream,
decision, scanner, text, decision_capture, disc, audio, issue, theory,
video, framework, interpretation
The UIS is then used to construct the frequency vector for each utterance. The vector
records the frequency of occurrence of each UIS member in the utterance. The results
of the UCS are captured in Figure 4. Examination of the chart below indicates that
there are a number of areas where the utterances contain similar content and context.
These areas can be used to identify topic related utterances and topic boundaries and
also for identifying topic related content words. The dark shade of the similarity
values in area A of figure 4 indicates that the utterances are related to the same topic.
In this case the topic is a demonstration of Mimio, a device for electronically
capturing the information being recorded on a white board. As such the topic includes
the UIS member
board referring to the white board on which the writing occurs. The
board also appears in the utterances included in area B of figure 4 but in a
different context. Here the utterances include “
since they have agreed to come on
.” referring to industrial collaborators agreeing to participate in the project. By
looking at the similarity values and UDD values in areas A and B our method can be
used to separate the two words into different classifications and context.
Fig. 4. Similarity matrix chart for transcript 2
Another example of the same word appearing in different topics is the word meeting
which occurs in areas C and D. The topic of discussion at C includes the words
meeting, record, and information_capture. These words are used in the context of
recording the project meetings which could then be used in the development of a tool
to assist in the capture of decisions. The word meeting is also used in the utterances
appearing in area D but under a different context, that of finalizing the current
meeting and reaching agreement on the date of the next meeting. Having produced the
similarity matrix chart and located the areas of related utterances, it is possible to
identify the topic boundaries.
5.1 Comparative analysis with C99
C99 is a text segmentation algorithm which has two key elements: a clustering
strategy (divisive clustering) which
determines the location boundary and a similarity measure that use ranking scheme
which linearises the cosine coefficient [7]. The application of the C99 algorithm to
transcript 2 produced 23 topic boundaries. However some of these boundaries were
placed within sets of utterances that were related to the same topic. An example of a
boundary being identified in the middle of a set of utterances is shown in figure 5, the
boundary occurring between a question and an answer.
PR I don’t know.
JC Would you see that as a question
that's in your area?
PR Um.
JC Is that something that you would consider
looking at?
PR Yeah I think we should consider looking at it in
the project. Haven’t really thought much about
that. The focus I was looking at the moment
Fig. 5. An example of incorrect segmentation using the C99 algorithm
Part of the reason for this incorrect identification of topic boundaries is the result of
the C99 algorithm being intended for use on structured texts. Transcripts, by their
nature, are more complex and unstructured. There can also be problems with the
quality of the transcription itself, which is dependent on the skills of the transcribers.
Using our UCS measure we are able to identify the topic boundaries by examining the
patterns of the utterance similarities, placing a clear boundaries as in the case of the
and U
(figure 6).
UCS segment
C99 segment
Fig. 6. C99 versus UCS segment
= {yeah, that’s one of my actions too. To try and talk to those people or build a new
advisory committee.}
= {ok , so do you want to move onto the next one ? status of the project, visibility to
all members of the project. Does everybody know about the BCSW_server ? I
think Fred, Joe and myself, Mary have all logged in. I’m not sure its a web based
system at Lancaster where you can arrange directory and document, arrange
meeting via this interface, so a lot of the shared information like the bid is on there
as a document. So what happens is that anybody can, once you get a username and
password, you can log into the system and invite someone else via e-mail. So I’ll
make sure that everybody gets invited, so the system e-mails you and then gives
you some instruction as to how to log in, browse round the directory.}
Fig. 7.
Utterances 151 and 152.
Figure 6 shows that the similarity values for utterances 134 to 150 vary between 0.70
to 1.00 indicating an area of topically related utterances. The similarity values
between utterance 151 and other utterances vary from 0.20 to 0.60, indicating that a
topic is fading away. Whereas the similarity values of utterance 152 and others are all
zero indicating a topic shift. When applying the C99 algorithm, the topic change
occurred at utterance 144 which is in the middle of the topic. The topic being
discussed in this part of the transcript included the content word ‘meeting’. With the
C99 boundary, 6 occurrences of the word meeting, with the same context, were
located on the wrong side of the boundary. This problem is avoided by using the UCS
6 Conclusions and Future Development
This paper described a new approach to transcript segmentation combining techniques
from both information retrieval and text mining fields. In our application transcript
segmentation facilitates the tracking of issues in the transcript and allow us to extract
the agents and the actions associated with a particular issue. This approach could be
applied to analyse any unstructured text and extract salient information.
The Utterance Cosine Similarity method does not require the use of thesauri and
corpora analysis and thereby it avoids the associated problems with domain specific
terms. Our approach starts by building an Utterance Index Set (UIS) from the nouns
used in the transcript. This UIS is then used to populate vectors for each transcript
which can then be compared in order to identify similarities between utterances and
therefore building a link between sets of utterances relating to a given topic. Problems
in segmentation and the identification of topic boundaries are overcome by examining
patterns in the utterance cosine similarity matrix.
In the process of developing the method we have discovered that (1) stemming does
not always improve classification accuracy, (2) UCS can be used to obtain
word/phrase classifications which adjust with the domain and contains more semantic
relationships than those obtained from the thesaurus, (3) when people speak they use
few synonyms or hypernyms related to the content words, instead there is evidence of
word and phrase repetition, (4) it is possible to classify topics within transcripts
without pre-defined classes. We have also identified possibilities for using the UCS
method as a means for building ontologies which could be useful in areas like web
engineering, question answering and text categorisation.
Further work is being conducted in order to develop an algorithm which can
automatically determine the threshold value for the noun filter depending on the
transcript content. There is also the need to refine the
Utterance Distance
and investigate ways of improving the UCS method to improve its
performance for transcripts comprising very long utterances as this may affect the
threshold value which is used in the UDD.
The authors would like to thank Dr. F Choi for discussions about and the use of the
C99 algorithm, Joel Di Manno for his work on the coding of the UCS and UDD
algorithms used in the project, and Prof. H. Shah for her comments on the draft of this
paper. This work was conducted under the auspices of the TRACKER project, UK
EPSRC grant (GR/R12176/01).
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