Making a document scanning application more user-friendly
Aleš Jaklič, Blaž Vrabec
Computer Vision Laboratory,Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Tržaška 25, Ljubljana,
Keywords: document scanning, Hough transform, detection, position, orientation
Abstract: Automatic Document scanning is a useful part of an information system at personal identification
checkpoints such as airports, border crossings, banks etc. Current applications usually require a great deal of
carefulness of the scanner operators – the document has to be positioned horizontally and special care must
be taken to detect corrupt scans that can occur. In this work we describe ideas for two independent
algorithms for the document rotation correction and automatic detection of corrupt scans. One algorithm
relies on the Hough transformation and the other on brightness gradient of the image. The output of each
algorithm is a cropped image of the document in horizontal orientation, which can be used as input for
further processing (such as OCR). Also the estimate of scan corruption is returned. Also shown are some
testing results of the algorithm prototypes written in MATLAB environment.
Computer aided processing of personal identification
documents is becoming increasingly important in
places such as border crossings, banks, etc.
Documents with integrated memory chips have
already been developed but they are not common
yet. That is why processing of images acquired with
document scanners is more useful in document
processing applications.
Numerous problems have to be solved in such
applications. One of the first problems is detection
of corrupt scans resulting from carelessness of the
scanner operator. Another problem is detection of
size, location and orientation (rotation) of the
document in the acquired image.
In this work two independent algorithms are
proposed for solving the problems mentioned. The
output of the algorithms is a cropped image of the
document in fixed orientation. Such images can be
used for further processing (OCR for example).
The application that motivated this work is
management of client entrance in a casino. Local
laws in Slovenia require that every person entering a
casino must identify himself with a personal
identification document and that the entrance must
be logged somehow. This is done much faster with
the use of document scanners and computer
processing as opposed to manual data entry.
Figure 1: An example of a good document scan
All document processing starts with an image
acquired using an optical document scanner. The
image contains a personal document, which can be
in any position and orientation, and also other
distracting objects such as the operator’s hand
c A. and Vrabec B. (2005).
TWO SIMPLE ALGORITHMS FOR DOCUMENT IMAGE PREPROCESSING - Making a document scanning application more user-friendly.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 116-121
DOI: 10.5220/0002554501160121
(Figure 1). In some situations the image of a
personal document can be corrupt due to the
carelessness of the operator and other movements
during the scanning process (Figure 2). This can
happen despite the fact that dedicated document
scanners have very short scanning time – under one
Figure 2: An example of corrupt scan
In the area of document inspection, many things
can be done with the use of document scanning.
Personal data can be automatically read using OCR,
the program can inspect the document security
features, personal photograph can be extracted etc.
The algorithms for these tasks may work better and
faster under some general prerequisites – that the
document be in horizontal orientation and cropped
from the unnecessary background, and in some cases
such prerequisites may even be required.
The algorithms described in this work focus on
these general prerequisites of document scanning.
The result of the algorithm should be a cropped
image of the personal document in horizontal
position suitable for further processing. An
important problem is also the detection of corrupt
scans. With this detection we can alert the operator
that another scan should be made and avoid
additional processing with useless results.
The sample image (Figure 1) shows that a good scan
consists of a very bright rectangular shape (the
personal document) and a much darker background.
The idea of our algorithms is based on this
observation. If we find the strongest edges that form
a rectangle in the image, it is very likely that these
are the edges of the document.
Corrupt document scans can be simply described
as images in which the strongest edges do not form a
rectangle, and we can estimate the corruption of the
scan using this information.
Two independent algorithms have been
developed for the problems mentioned. One is using
the Hough transformation (Hough, 1962, Duda and
Hart, 1972), which is a well-known method for edge
parameterization. The other relies on the computed
brightness gradient of the image.
3.1 Algorithm with the use of Hough
The scanned image is first downsampled to the size
that allows fast processing and is large enough for
accurate pinpointing of the personal document
borders. The simplest and fastest algorithm – nearest
neighbor – is sufficient for this operation.
The next step is edge enhancement with the use
of the Sobel filter that estimates the brightness
gradient at each image pixel. We only need the size
of the gradient and we discard the direction data.
Other edge finding algorithms could be used, but the
Sobel filter proved to be very satisfactory and it
incorporates enough smoothing to remove the need
of prior smoothing of the image.
Figure 3: An example of thresholded image of gradient
size (compare to figure 1)
The image of the size of the gradient is
thresholded and the resulting binary image of edges
(Figure 3) can be transformed with Hough
transformation. In our case the borders of the
document are represented as the local maxima in the
transform image (Figure 4).
If we take a closer look at vertical projection p of
the Hough transform H (to the
axis) we can see
application more user-friendly
that the ordinary projection results in a constant
function. To make the projection useful we have to
project only values over a certain threshold m.
Figure 4: An example of Hough transform of an image of
Such altered projection normally has two notable
local maxima – one at the angle of the vertical
borders and the other at the angle of the horizontal
borders of the document (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Vertical projection of the Hough transform
It is important to note that the two maxima are
90° apart and that the larger maximum corresponds
to horizontal edges, which are longer in the case of
an ordinary landscape oriented personal document.
Of course, this is not quite true in the case of corrupt
scans, where we can see more than two maxima or
the maximum does not stand out so obviously
(Figure 6).
The orientation (rotation) of the personal
document in the scanned image can be calculated
from these maxima. We can compare the vertical
projection with a predetermined function that has
appropriate maxima at 0° and 90° using the cross-
Figure 6: Vertical projection of a corrupt scan (compare to
figure 2)
The lack of a strong maximum can be used for
corrupt scan detection. In this case the maxima are
more “widely spread” and not as “sharp”. We can
estimate this feature by calculating the standard
deviation around each of the two maxima (in the
neighborhood ±45° of the edge) and we return the
worse result of the two.
Figure 7: Vertical section of the Hough transform at the
angle of an edge
Now that we have the document rotation we can
look at the vertical sections of the Hough transform
at the angles of the vertical and horizontal borders of
the document (Figure 7). Normally, two local
maxima of approximately the same size can be
found in one section – the position of the two
parallel borders of the document.
So now we have determined the rotation of the
document and obtained parametric description of the
four borders. We can derotate the scanned image and
crop it at the borders (Figure 8). The localization of
the borders is not exact because we have decreased
the image size prior to computations and this
introduces some error. Also the Hough transform is
calculated at discrete angles, and thus some error is
expected in the calculation of the document rotation.
Figure 8: The result of the algorithm
3.2 Algorithm with the use of the
brightness gradient direction
The first described algorithm is based on the Hough
transformation. We have developed an algorithm
avoiding the use of this transformation because it is
known to be time and space consuming and because
it is primarily needed to determine only the rotation
of the document. To determine the rotation of the
document, information on the direction of the
brightness gradient of the image is used instead.
The algorithm starts similarly to the previous
one. First we reduce the image size but we have to
use an averaging algorithm for reduction, which is
more time consuming. This algorithm is needed for
to preserve the direction of the brightness gradient in
the image. Next we enhance the edges with Sobel
filtering and calculate the size G and the direction
of the brightness gradient at each pixel. We can
define a directional sum of gradient size v – the sum
of the gradient size at points with the same direction
of the gradient.
The term “same direction” can also mean
direction indifferent of rotation of 180°. This
directional sum (Figure 9) is very similar to the
vertical projection of the Hough transform (Figure
5). Of course, in labeling there is a difference of 90°
between the direction of the gradient in the
directional sum and the direction of the edges in the
Hough transform projection.
Figure 9: Directional sum of brightness gradient
Figure 10: Image of partial derivative with respect to
horizontal axis (enhancing vertical edges)
From this sum we can calculate the rotation of
the document in the image as we did in the first
algorithm. The original scanned image can be
rotated in order to get the personal document in
horizontal orientation with exactly vertical and
horizontal borders. Further processing starts from
this new image.
First we reduce the size of the image again and
calculate the partial derivatives of the image using
the Sobel filter (Figure 10). We can calculate the
vertical projection of the partial derivative with
respect to the horizontal axis (enhancing the vertical
edges) and similarly the horizontal projection of the
partial derivative with respect to the vertical axis
(Figure 11).
() ( )
application more user-friendly
Figure 11: Vertical projection of partial derivative with
respect to horizontal axis (compare to Figure 10)
These projections have a maximum at the offset
of one border of the document and a minimum at the
offset of the parallel border. This gives us enough
information to crop the image.
Figure 12: Superimposition of calculated edges on the
image of gradient size of a corrupt scan
In the case of the second algorithm we have not
discussed the detection of corrupt scans. We
calculate this at the end with superimposition of the
calculated edges onto the image of the size of the
gradient. If the scan is corrupt this superimposition
will not cover the edges adequately (Figure 12).
Also the ratio between the sizes of the two maxima
of the directional sum is returned.
The two algorithms were tested from different
aspects. First we can look at the results of corrupt
scan detection.
Both algorithms return a continuous error
estimate, so we have to set a threshold where we
declare a scan as corrupt. This limit was set using a
training set of images. Next the algorithms were
tested using a testing set in which we had 200 good
and 36 corrupt scans. For both the learning set and
the testing set we determined the corrupt and the
good scans by hand. Table 1 shows the test results.
Table 1: Test results for corrupt scan detection
Algorithm with the use of Hough transformation
good scan corrupt scan
alg. detects good TP: 196 (98%) FP: 5 (14%)
alg. detects corrupt FN: 4 (2%) TN: 31 (86%)
Algorithm with the use of gradient direction
good scan corrupt scan
alg. detects good TP: 184 (92%) FP: 7 (19%)
alg. detects corrupt FN: 16 (8%) TN: 29 (81%)
From Table 1 we can see that the first algorithm
has classification accuracy of 96% (227 correctly
classified images) and the second algorithm
classification accuracy of 90% (213 correctly
classified images).
Another aspect of the algorithms is correct
estimation of the document orientation and
estimation of document borders. Table 2 shows the
test results for estimation of document orientation.
When the algorithm was wrong in the estimate of
orientation sometimes the error was 90° – algorithm
confused the vertical and horizontal edges of the
Table 2: Estimation of document orientation
correct wrong
alg. Hough 217 (99%) 2 (1%)
alg. gradient direction 218 (98%) 4 (2%)
Table 3 shows the results of estimation of the
document border location. When the algorithm was
wrong it cropped the document either too tight or too
wide and this two types of error are separately
shown in the table. Cropping too wide is not as bad
as cropping too tight because we do not loose any
information – we only have to crop tighter. The test
examples that were cropped too wide include many
passports in leather-like wrapper, and the algorithm
cropped at the border of the wrapper instead of at the
border of the document.
Table 3: Estimation of document borders
correct too tight too wide
alg. Hough 183 (81%) 8 (4%) 35 (15%)
alg. gradient
189 (84%) 7 (3%) 30 (13%)
The last aspect of the algorithms that was tested
was procesing time. The algorithms were tested on
an AMD Athlon 1600+ computer with 256 MB
RAM. Algorithm running environment was
MATLAB interpreter. The processing time is an
average of processing 100 scanned images (Table 4).
The processing time does not include the operation
of image rotation which is sometimes needed and
sometimes not (if the document is already in
horizontal position) and it takes about 0.4s to
complete. As it is a part of both algorithms it can be
omitted from the comparison.
Table 4: Average measured processing time
average time
alg. Hough 0.26s
alg. gradient direction 0.94s
A very interesting statistic to look at is the
profile of the algorithms – proportion of the time
that an individual operation consumes compared to
the whole algorithm (Table 5).
Table 5: Long lasting operations
Algorithm with the use of Hough transformation
operation percent of time
Hough transformation 53 %
Sobel filtering (2x) 23 %
Algorithm with the use of gradient direction
operation percent of time
first reduction of size 37 %
directional sum of gradient
37 %
Sobel filtering (4x) 12 %
The time consumption cannot be directly
compared because our implementation of the
directional sum of gradient size is much more time
consuming than it should be. This is due to
interpreter driven MATLAB environment. For a
more exact time comparison all the algorithms
should be implemented in C for example. The more
complicated algorithm for image downsampling in
the second algorithm is also standing out.
In this paper we presented two independent
algorithms, which can be used as preprocessing
steps in personal document processing applications.
They solve the problems of document location and
orientation within the image and corrupt scan
detection. Some test results are shown that
demonstrate the usefulness of the algorithms.
The test results also lead to several ideas of
further development in the area of accuracy as well
as improvement of the processing time. There is an
idea for a two stage Hough transform – in the second
stage we could calculate a more detailed Hough
transform in a very limited area only (around the
edges calculated in the first stage). Multiple corrupt
scan identifiers could be used and a machine
learning algorithm could determine the good scan –
corrupt scan limits. Several operations could be
optimized for this problem domain such as image
downsampling, image rotation etc.
Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E., 1972. Use of the Hough
Transformation to Detect Lines and Curves. In
Communications of the ACM, Vol.15, No. 1
Gonzales, R.C., Woods, R.E., 1992. Digital Image
Processing. Addison Wesley.
Horn, B.K.P 1986. Robot Vision. MIT Press.
Hough, V.C., 1962. Methods and Means of Recognising
Complex Patterns. US Patent 3069654.
Oppenheim, A.V., Schafer, R.W., 1999. Discrete-time
Signal Processing. Prentice Hall, 2
2003. ID-Star 4048 documentation. Océ Document
Technologies GmbH.
application more user-friendly