Francisco P. Romero,
Soluziona Software Factory, R+D Center Soluziona-UCLM, Ronda de Toledo, s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Jose A. Olivas
Dep. Of Computer Science, University of Castilla La Mancha,Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Pablo Garcés
Dep. Of Computer Science. University of Alicante,Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig, s/n, 03080 Alicante, SPAIN
Keywords: e-mail, soft-computing, fuzzy logic, automatic classification, clustering.
Abstract: We present, in the context of the intelligent Information Retrieval, a soft-computing based methodology that
enables the efficient e-mail management. We use fuzzy logic technologies and a data mining process for
automatic classification of large amounts of e-mails in a folder organization. It is also presented a process to
deal with the incoming messages to keep the achieved structure. The aim is to make possible an optimum
exploitation of the information contained in these messages. Therefore, we apply Fuzzy Deformable
Prototypes for the knowledge representation. The effectiveness of the method has been proved by applying
these techniques in an IR system. The documents considered are composed by a set of e-mail messages
produced by some distribution lists with different subjects and languages.
Every day e-mail becomes more important as a
method for global communication. The Wordtalk
Corporation (Harrys, 2002), estimates that 60
million professionals use e-mail. According to a
report from technology analysts IDC, on an average
day in 2000, 9.7 billion e-mail messages were sent
worldwide. By the year 2005 that number will grow
to 35 billion.
Along with the increase in messages size and
traffic, c
omes an increase in users’ expectations.
People send e-mail to communicate critical
information across continents and time zones: they
expect their information to get through. E-mail
glitches are high profile events, generating negative
press for the organization, frustrated users, loss of
productivity, and most importantly loss of business.
Every stored message contains information that,
nding on the circumstances, may become
relevant. To make the recovery of the messages
received in the previous weeks, months or years
easier, the mail management programs allow the
organization of them in specific folders well-defined
by the user.
The most common thing for a user is to have
ten to a hundred folders hierarchically
organized. Moving a message to its proper folder
involves a considerable effort and a waste of time.
Some commercial programs allow the definition of
simple rules to help in this task, but these rules only
cover a very small percentage of the range of
messages received, generating lots of erroneous
classifications, irrelevant for the user. The task of
managing the information inherent in the messages
of a list with a great amount of daily entries is quite
This study is concerned with Web mining. This
erm is used to describe three different types of data
mining, namely content mining, usage mining and
P. Romero F., A. Olivas J. and Garcés P. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems, pages 11-16
DOI: 10.5220/0002533000110016
structure mining. The mining of textual data is a
common web mining task, often for the purposes of
information retrieval. This type of mining is
becoming increasingly necessary as finding
information on the Web is almost impossible
without automated assistance.
In this context, the most of the related work are
based on Naive-Bayes classifiers applied to the
documental categorization (Turenne, 2003). Also it
is necessary to mention the classic works of
electronic mail processing (Sahami, 1998),
(Kiritchenko, 2002), or the application of supervised
learning to this problem (Joachims, 1998).
In this study, a methodology based on different
soft-computing techniques (Nikravesh, 2001) to
manage great amounts of e-mails is proposed. The
aim is to solve a specific problem in the control of
the e-mail system: The management of distribution
lists. A distribution list is nothing but a list of users
who are associated in order to exchange information
related to a specific subject by using the e-mail.
The main targets to reach are the following:
Hierarchical (and fuzzy) organization of a large
amount of messages received (1.500 messages
approx.) based on the concepts they involve.
Automatic sorting of the incoming mail on the
list from their contents and without the
intervention of the user.
Navigational or conceptual searching inside the
messages of the distribution list.
To test the effectiveness of the techniques and
make the necessary adjustments, diverse methods
have been used (outliers, similarity degree…).
Studies about distribution list concerning both
technological domains and general and historical
matters have been made. The aim is to show the
different problems present in e-mail management
tasks and the general applicability of the proposed
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we present a methodology for fuzzy
hierarchical e-mail classification and we introduce
and explain a method to deal with the incoming
messages to keep the achieved structure. We explain
the experimental results in Section 3 and finally, we
conclude this work in Section 4.
The quantity of received messages in the distribution
list is frequently very large. This means that the
organization to be build should be the most efficient
possible to make the later exploitation optimum. The
characteristics of the later results will be the
1. Hierarchical organization of the messages in
folders following the criteria based both on the
“conceptual” content of the message and its
structured fields. The conceptual representation
will allow us to achieve a concept based search.
2. Definition of the folders through relevant
terms/concepts and membership functions.
3. Possibility for a message to get stored in more
than one group, depending on its contents.
4. Every message should have a degree of affinity
(or membership) with each of the groups into
which it is sorted. There should exist the
opportunity to arrange the messages from every
group according to this degree of membership.
5. Basic “matching” mechanism between
documents and folders. It will be used to store an
incoming message in one or more folders
depending on the affinity with the different ones.
The construction process is based on the
following stages: linguistic pre-process, conceptual
representation, message clustering, post-process and
results (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Building the new structure
2.1 Linguistic pre-process
The Linguistic Preprocess consists of the following
tree steps: previous transformation, lexical analysis,
stoplist word removal and stemming, and candidate
keyword detection.
The Previous Transformation has been
performed in the separation of the structured
fields (subject, sender, etc.) of the contents of
the message. Also we are grouping (“starred” in
gmail tool) the messages according to
conversations, meaning groups of messages
related to the same subject (ignoring Re:, Rv:
and other particles) and uniformly arranged in
The Lexical Analysis is the process of
converting an input stream of characters into a
stream of words or tokens (Frakes, 1992).
Lexical analysis tasks are: management of
numbers, punctuation, singulars, special words
and proper nouns. This stage produces
candidate terms that are further checked and
retained if they are not in a stoplist.
Stoplist Word Removal: Stoplist is a list of
words that are most frequent in a text corpus
and are not discriminative of a message
contents, such as prepositions, pronouns and
Stemming: Stemming is the process of suffix
removal to generate word stems. Several
different methods for automatic stemming are
described in (Frakes, 92). One of them, Porter
stemming algorithm, is the most common and it
was used in the system.
Ranking Candidate KeyWords: a candidate
keyword had to appear in at least three
documents and in no more than the 33% of all
documents. Only the candidate keywords are
useful for the following stages.
2.2 Conceptual Representation
To be able to work with the messages in an abstract
way, securing a logical representation of them is
essential. The vector space model and its extensions
(Pasi, 2002) have been used traditionally. FIS-CRM
(Olivas, 2003) can be considered as an extension of
this traditional model, in charge of the
representation, within the vector attached to the
document, of the concepts inherent in the words
Therefore FIS-CRM, is based on two main
a) If a word appears in a document, its synonyms
that represent the same concept underlie it.
b) If a word appears in a document, the words that
represent a more general concept underlie it.
The fundamental basis of FIS-CRM is to “share”
the occurrences of a contained word among the
fuzzy synonyms that represent the same concept,
and to “give” a fuzzy weight to the words that
represent a more general concept that the contained
one. To obtain this aim, documents must be first
represented by their base weight vectors (based on
the occurrences of the contained words) and
afterwards, a weight readjustment process is made to
obtain a new vector (based on concept occurrences).
In this way, a word may have a fuzzy weight in the
new vector even if it is not contained in it, as long as
the referenced concept underlies the document.
To carry out the readjustment, the synonymy and
generality fuzzy interrelations has to be taken into
account, respectively obtained from a fuzzy
dictionary of synonyms (Fernandez-Lanza, 2001)
and an ontological (Kiryakov, 1999) one. The
process to be used in the conceptual representation
of already pre-processed e-mail messages on a
distribution list consists of the following steps:
1) Indexation of all the terms obtained in the pre-
2) Building synonymy and ontology matrices by
storing synonymy and generality degrees from
each pair of words in the index.
3) Representation of the messages using the classic
vector space model.
4) Readjustment of the vector weights using the
FIS-CRM formulae group.
a) The vector readjustment made using the
synonymy interrelation is hindered by the
fact that there are lots of polysemic words
(words with several meanings).
b) The vector readjustment made using the
generality interrelation is linear and
proportional to the generality degree
between term A and term B.
5) Generation of the similarity matrix which will
store the degree of similarity from every pair of
messages in the collection. The matrix will be
the input to the later clustering process.
6) Storage of the essential information as meta-
data to allow the management of later incoming
2.3 Messages Clustering
Using the clustering process we will achieve the
splitting up of the collection of messages in a
reduced number of groups made up of messages
with enough conceptual similarity. Each group will
contain one or more relevant terms which will make
it different from the rest.
In this work, a hierarchical fuzzy clustering
approach is presented. The clustering procedure is
implemented by two connected and adapted
algorithm. It uses a fuzzy hierarchical clustering
algorithm to determine an initial clustering which is
then refined using the SISC (King-Ip, 2001)
clustering algorithm used in FISS meta-searcher
This algorithm is characterized by creating an
initial number (automatically calculated) of centroid
clusters, followed by an iterative process that
includes each document in the clusters whose
average similarity is upper than the threshold of
similarity (automatically calculated, but user
specified if wanted). The algorithm also considers
merging clusters and removing documents for
clusters when their average similarity decreases
under the threshold. In order to get a hierarchical
structure, big clusters and the bag cluster (formed by
the less similar documents) are reprocessed with the
same method.
The resulting organization is hierarchical, so,
from a large mailbox we will obtain a tree folders
organization. It will also be a fuzzy organization in
which the messages will be located in more than one
group with different degrees of connection to each
2.4 Post-Process and Results
The results obtained in the clustering process should
be completed to give way to a new organization of
folders which carries out the required characteristics.
This process is divided into different tasks.
Securing the complete definition of each folder:
identification, most relevant terms and
hierarchical relations.
Processing the results to achieve the complete
definition of the folder using Fuzzy Deformable
Prototypes (Olivas, 2000) which will make both
analysis of the incoming messages and structure
updating easier.
The update of the structure is accomplished by
order of the user because disorganization of the
mailbox or changes in his preference criteria.
Periodically, in a batch clustering process, the
structure can be re-built reapplying the clustering
process and reusing the previous organization.
2.5 Administration of Incoming
The task of classifying each incoming message
automatically and correctly is complex so it is
essential that the analysis and sorting operations are
carried out in a process which is clear to the user,
who only has to be aware of the secured results,
without delays or loss of effectiveness.
The process to deal with each of the incoming
messages is the following:
1. Linguistic pre-process of the message:
Elimination of stop words and stop zones, and
stemming. Determination of its being within an
open conversation.
2. Construction of conceptual representation using
FIS-CRM techniques and matrices calculated in
the previous process.
3. Comparison between the characteristics of the
message and the characteristics of each folder. If
the message were within a conversation, the
comparison would be made with a subgroup of
folders and not with all of them. To calculate the
connection to each folder, one should use
inference with Fuzzy Deformable Prototypes
(Olivas, 2000).
4. Storage of the message in those folders in which
has been reached a positive relation. Updating of
the model if the amount of incoming messages
or the state of the mailbox (folders which are too
overloaded) require it.
3.1 Linguistic Pre-process
In this stage, the reduction achieved can be observed
through the steps already explained: conversations
grouping, elimination of superfluous elements and
reduction to significant lexemes through stemming.
These results will allow a later management of
the relevant aspects of the messages (Figure 2 and
Table 1).
. A
d B
Detected Terms
Figure 2: Pre-processing Results.
Table 1: Preprocessing results.
Collections MessagesConvers. Detected
Servlet-Jsp 1468 521 3958 2746
MS-Java 516 192 4960 2909
Alatriste 270 81 1545 1087
Send Box 1218 881 1890 1367
Intersystems 436 176 2376 1541
3.2 Conceptual Representation
The use of FIS-CRM as a conceptual representation
method generates an increase in the degree of
similarity between messages (see table 2). We used
two metrics:
Mean similarity of each element with the rest of
the set.
Number of Outliers: An outlier is an element
that has no similes (or a low number), and it is
difficult to conveniently group it.
In this study, the synonyms dictionary presented
in (Fernandez-Lanza, 2001) and put into practice in
FISS (Olivas, 2003) has been used in collections of
messages in Spanish. At the same time, the
management of distribution lists whose subject
matter was the JAVA technology has also supported
itself on ontologies generated in a semi-automatic
Table 2: Similarity Differences.
Collections Similarity
with FISS
Servlet-Jsp 14,53 38,89 489 242
MS-Java 12,82 21,87 181 48
Alatriste 14,06 20,02 133 23
Send Box 10,05 17,36 529 311
Intersystems 8,77 13,67 145 72
3.3 Clustering
The number of obtained groups and their average
depth is given in the following table (table 3).
All groups cover a particular but not disjunctive
subset from that of the messages in the distribution
list domain. At the same time, we can observe that
the number of associations remains within several
limits in which the user can keep his message
collections controlled.
Table 3: Clustering results.
Collections Root
Servlet-Jsp 12 35 110
MS-Java 6 11 50
Alatriste 6 14 12
Send Box 24 51 87
Intersystems 10 18 28
3.4 Post-process and results
The obtained message folders become easier to use
and more significant than the folders to be built
through user rules. Each folder has a complete
definition of its characteristics which will allow the
processing of incoming messages.
3.5 Administration of incoming
In the following table, the management of a
particular case (in Spanish) is shown (table 4):
Table 4: Management of a particular message.
Error Message in Tomcat
: hola amigos
de la lista: alguno sabe la manera de
personalizar las páginas de mensajes de
error de status HTTP en tomcat 4.1.12 en
particular me interesan los mensajes
correspondientes a acceso denegado((403)
recurso inexistente (404)
Messages 12 tok.
Subject(3 tol.)
Keys (4)
stemming: 12
Sin./ Ont: 20
Relevant Terms: Tomcat, error,
access, resource,
status, HTTP
Comparison between the characteristics
of the message and the characteristics of
each folder.
Apache Tomcat 80% 5. RESULTS
Errors 60%
To test the real utility of the obtained structure, it
has been used the rest of the collections of messages
(over the 33% of the messages used in the training
To evaluate the automatic classification process,
the “Number of correct classifications (NC)” has
been used as a discriminator metric. It separates the
number of correct classifications at level 1 (NC1), at
level 2 (NC2) or at end groups level (NCH). For all
of them it is used the number of well classified
messages divided into the total of messages
processed. The obtained results for each one of the
collections can be observed in Table 5.
Table 5: Results of the load test.
Collections Messages NC1 NC2 NC3
Servlet-Jsp 387 81,8% 78,8% 62,73%
MS-Java 163 75,4% 66,7% 54,12%
Capt. Alatriste 113 85,6% 79,8% 64,56%
Send Box 320 83,2% 66,7% 63,19%
Intersystems 143 77,4% 57,6% 43.29%
The performance of the management of
incoming messages process is acceptable if it
happens within the period of time from the moment
the message comes into the server to that of its
discharge by the user. The obtained classification
generates practically no changes in the folders
structure obtained in the initial process; this means
that the set of initial messages was relevant and the
obtained organization close to the optimum one.
In this exposition, a working method to solve the
administration problems of overloaded e-mailboxes
has been presented. To do so, linguistic pre-
processing, advanced conceptual representation
using FIS-CRM and soft clustering algorithms
specifically modified for this task have been used.
At the end of the process we have a hierarchically
structured e-mailbox that allows the highest degree
of exploitation with a minimum effort.
The validity of the method has been tested
through experimentation on e-mail messages from
mail distribution lists of different kinds and
Compared with other similar systems, the
proposed methodology provides a richer hierarchical
structure due to the use of fuzzy logic and fuzzy
interrelations in its construction. Concerning the
performance, the use of an improved iterative
clustering algorithm and the FIS-CRM based
conceptual representation processes make the
performance closer to responses based on classic
algorithms such as fuzzy c-means or k-means.
For its practical use, a user-friendly Web tool,
that allows users the administration of their
messages in an efficient way, has been built. The
building process of this tool is based on top
technologies like Java and XML. Its flexibility and
portability makes it useful in any environment.
Nevertheless, there are several points in which
the process needs improvement, so further studies
are essential. Some main points are the following:
Linguistic functions for the management of
specific characteristics of the messages and
spelling correction of terms.
Improvements in identification of the language
used in the messages and inclusion of
Multilanguage dictionaries.
Improvements in conceptual representation
through the exploitation of context and other
More efficient clustering algorithms using
improvements and/or adaptations of traditional
algorithms such as fuzzy c-means and Kohonen
Widening of the direct, conceptual and
navigational search with the possibility of a
phonetic search.
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