Bernd Eßmann
Heinz Nixdorf Institute
University of Paderborn
Fürstenallee 11, 31102 Paderborn
University of Paderborn
Fürstenallee 11, 31102 Paderborn
CSCW, CSCL, Peer-to-Peer, JXTA, Mobile Computing, Spontaneous Collaboration.
Developers of classical client-server CSCW systems are facing a true dilemma: They created a working coop-
eration environment for many scenarios of cooperative work. Since users get independent from fixed places by
using mobile devices interconnected by ad-hoc networks, the support of mobility becomes an important topic
of CSCW. Furthermore, while client-server architectures do not work well in dynamic networks, P2P systems
enter the field of CSCW. But, is it a good approach to discard the well working client-server system in order
to implement a brand-new P2P system from scratch? Our approach is extending our CSCW platform step-by-
step with P2P abilities without loosing the advantages of client-server computing. This paper describes the
first step of wrapping the RMI-based communication protocol into an industry standard P2P protocol called
Client-server architectures found in classical CSCW
systems always need central servers available in the
used network infrastructure. But in mobility sup-
porting networks like Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks
(MANETs) (Perkins, 2001) the network structure
changes dynamically and not predictable. The server
becomes an unreliable single point of failure because
its accessibility can not be guaranteed.
Thus Peer-to-Peer (P2P) architectures are used for
getting rid of this single points of failure. Our ap-
proach is to build an hybrid architecture without
obligatory dependencies between client-server and
P2P environment. Servers are used for providing the
cooperation environment when available and a P2P
architecture stands in for providing vital functional-
ity when not. This hybrid architecture provides the
advantages of both worlds for supporting the new
scenarios of mobile cooperation as well as classical
CSCW scenarios.
Our first step to provide this hybrid cooperation
environment is extending our existing client-server
CSCW platform
sTeam with P2P features by en-
abling the stateful communication protocol to be used
in P2P communication. We will show that the basic
features of many classical CSCW platforms can be
transformed to work with P2P systems.
Speakeasy today known as Obje is a framework for
communication in heterogeneous network environ-
ments with several devices and applications (Edwards
et al., 2002b). The implemented approach is called re-
combinant computing, which means providing fixed
domain-independent communication interfaces and
mobile code. Casca is an CSCW application using the
Speakeasy technology for cooperative work (Edwards
et al., 2002a). It allows discovering and selecting pos-
sible partners for collaborative work but provides no
semantic or object-oriented document structure like
virtual knowledge spaces.
is implemented as a P2P CSCW plat-
form. Users are enabled to work together in a shared
workspace. Looking at the architecture for synchro-
nizing the distributed workspaces Groove still re-
quires servers.
Eßmann B. and Funke H. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 271-274
DOI: 10.5220/0002528502710274
Magi Enterprise
is a commercial product support-
ing teamwork by allowing communication and a fast
exchange of information. For this purpose, virtual
workspaces accessible for all team members are con-
structed by enabling Microsoft products with P2P
is a P2P framework providing the necessary
infrastructure for managing knowledge in dynamic
network environments (Eßmann et al., 2004). Since
its still in heavy research many mechanisms of sophis-
ticated CSCW environments like found in sTeam are
On every client access to the sTeam server the pro-
prietary COAL protocol is used to transform the mes-
sages into byte sequences that are being sent to the
server. The server transforms the byte sequence into
a message which can be processed. The answer to the
client runs accordingly (Bopp, 2003). The main ob-
jective for enabling sTeam for P2P communication is
to transform this stateful protocol for stateless com-
munication as used in P2P networks.
The open-source project JXTA is a peer-to-peer-
platform consisting of a collection of different pro-
tocols. These protocols allow every device within a
network a mobile phone, a PDA, a PC or a server
to communicate and cooperate according to a P2P
network. JXTA intends to provide methods that en-
able every node in a network to gain access to all data,
contents and other nodes even when hid behind a fire-
wall (Groth, 2002). All these methods are comprised
in an open code library (Wilson, 2002).
JXTA was choosen because it not just allows to
find other peers in the network but also provides the
possibility to communicate in any heterogeneous net-
work. JXTA builds new virtual networks on the basis
of already existing physically. Figure 1 depicts such a
mapped network (Traversat et al., 2003).
Figure 1: Mapping in a JXTA network.
For communication purposes JXTA provides pipes.
Pipes are virtual channels for communication which
interconnect peers with each other even if there is no
direct physical connection. In this cases relay peers
are being applied. A pipe can be installed between
two peers (point-to-point) or between a single peer on
the one end a hole group of peers on the other end
(propagate). Communication that takes place by way
of pipes always runs asynchronously and unidirec-
tionally which makes pipes difficult to use for clas-
sical CSCW systems. Thus, JXTA offers only basic
mechanisms for communcation purposes (Oaks et al.,
To use the P2P extension of our implementation it is
necessary to establish a P2P network. The user can
activate the extension automatically while starting the
sTeam client. It is the possible to work in the classic
mode of sTeam or in the new mode with P2P func-
tions. When starting sTeam in P2P-mode methods
will be invoked setting up the P2P network. With
these methods the peers are able to search and find
other peers of the same service type in their subnet.
To use these connections in the future, connections
are saved locally at each peer. During the setup of the
network these calls are used very often. Once the net-
work is established the frequency of these method in-
vocations will be reduced to decrease the traffic over-
head. Thus a new P2P network is established which
is the base for the further process.
In the P2P network exist some peers with a spe-
cial role. In the setup phase they scan their neigh-
borhood for other peers in order to create a sTeam
P2P network. In difference to the normal peers they
own a direct connection to a sTeam server and adopt
the role of an agent peer, communicating between the
P2P network and the sTeam network. An agent peer
offers other peers a service to interact with the con-
nected sTeam server. The agent peer starts as a nor-
mal peer. Starting as a normal peer the peer recog-
nizes its specific role during the runtime. Because of
this self managing there is no matter to configure the
agent peer. Because the agent peer acts like a proxy
for the server, the server becomes a service in the P2P
network. An example of P2P network can be found in
figure 2.
The agent peer publishes its service by means of a
Peer-Discovery-Protocol via an according advertise-
ment that describes the respective service. As soon as
the peers looking for this advertisement find it, they
can make use of it. This process is similar to any other
service in the JXTA network (Gradecki, 2002).
One important criterion of the implementation of
Figure 2: Network of sTeam-Peers.
the agent peer deals with the performance of the
mesage conversion.
The communication between the two different net-
works is the core element of the P2P extension. Some
methods are necessary for basic communication and
file transfer. Further methods translate the messages
between the two formats JXTA and COAL. All this
methods are provided in the classes JxtaMessage
and JxtaMessageWrapper.
Messages are exchanged between two different net-
work types. In both networks there are different for-
mats of messages available, on the one hand JXTA
messages and on the other COAL messages. There-
fore, the agent peer must be equipped with a facility
altering the different message types. We call this fa-
cility JxtaMessageWrapper. Our implementa-
tion has a minimal transformation overhead, so that
the transformation takes place very quickly. In fact,
the user will not notice any difference between the
delivery of a sTeam message in a classic client/server
system and the delivery of a JXTA message which has
to be transformed into a sTeam message on its way to
the server.
A message transmitted by the COAL protocol used
by sTeam is composed of a identifier, the message
type, an object the message refers to and a number of
attributes. Additionally the message ist tagged with
a unique sequence number to assure the correct se-
quence of execution.
These message elements are extracted by the agent
peer and transfered in a JXTA compatible format. The
extracted elements generate the new JXTA-Message.
Figure 3 dispicts the way of a message from
the client to the server and back again. The
message is beeing generated as so far common
by the SteamConnector, MessageManager
and ServerConnection. After the mes-
sage is finalized, there is no need to transfer
it as a OutputStream to the server. In-
stead of this, the message will be passed to the
JxtaMessageWrapper which carries the JXTA
message to the P2P network. Arriving at the agent
peer, the Message will be retranslated to the COAL
format and delivered to the server. The back way
takes place analogous.
The basic idea connecting the sTeam network in
a fast way with the P2P network is wrapping COAL
into the JXTA protocol. This allows to transmit mes-
sages in both networks. As said, wrapping between
those protocols is applied by the agent peer. With
a closer look on both networks, the following three
problems appear:
The communication of the COAL protocol in
sTeam is synchronous compared to the asynchro-
nous communication in JXTA networks.
In JXTA the messages will arrive at the receiver in
no order, but in COAL the order is well definded.
sTeam provides events to the clients which also
have to be processed in the correct order.
JXTA already provides a mechanism for synchro-
nous communication called bidirectional pipes. Un-
fortunately they provide a very slow performance. In
a simple measurement the factor 20 appeared as a av-
erage factor of slowdown in communication. Thus
we implemented a new message type basing on the
asynchronous concept of JXTA but extending it with
synchronous features.
The sender transmits a message on a standard pipe
and extends this message with a return address. On
this return address the sender waits for a acknowledg-
ment by the receiver. When receiving the message,
the receiver creates a new pipe with the return ad-
dress and sends a acknowledgment. This allows asyn-
chronous communication with two standard pipes in
a much faster way than with the bidirectional pipes.
To execute the messages in the right sequence in
sTeam, messages in COAL have a sequence num-
ber. This concept is retained in the JXTA-Network.
The wrapper of the COAL message uses the same se-
quence numbers as the COAL message; this way the
well defined sequence of messages in sTeam is guar-
The events send by the sTeam server are treated like
any sTeam message. Events arrive as COAL mes-
sages from server to agent peer and are wrapped as
JXTA messages and thus reach the peers. The se-
quence of the events is guaranteed by the same control
sequence as used for any COAL message.
The fast message conversion and the automatic
configuration of the P2P functionality lead to a high
grade of transparency for the user. From the user’s
point of view it is of no importance whether he is
connected to the server directly or via a P2P connec-
tion. Yet, it is a great advantage that he can profit by
the flexibility offered by a P2P network. Although he
still needs access to a sTeam server he may connect
him through firewalls or from within networks with
network address translation (NAT) making him usu-
ally unreachable from outside. While COAL would
not allow this communication, this functionality is in-
herited from the JXTA protocol.
Figure 3: Message flow between two different networks.
In this paper we presented our approach opening a
classical client-server CSCW system to the world of
P2P. The first step of bringing P2P features to client-
server CSCW systems is allowing their clients to
communicate over P2P protocols. Classical CSCW
systems feature special characteristics which have to
be accounted to when wrapping them into stateless
P2P protocols. We presented solutions for carry-
ing the stateful communication of the client-server
CSCW system sTeam into the stateless communica-
tion of JXTAs P2P world without loosing any func-
tionality. Neither the client nor the server had to be
changed in their core functionality.
Our future steps towards a fully mobility aware
cooperation environment will be to equip the clients
with basic features of the server. This will the clients
transforming to real peers which can run standalone
without any server in the network. The needed func-
tionality includes e. g. management functionalities
and a local repository for often needed cooperation
Although it might be a possible future developing
a sophisticated cooperation platform basing just on
P2P technologies, our approach allows providing an
always usable cooperation environment with evolving
features for new cooperation scenarios. Thus we pre-
sented the first step toward an universal environment
providing the technical infrastructure for cooperation
support in everyday life situations.
Bernd Eßmann is member of the postgraduate pro-
gram 776 "Automatic Configuration in Open Sys-
tems" funded by the German Research Foundation
(DFG) and the Heinz Nixdorf Institute.
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