An Aspect Oriented Approach
Joumana Dargham, Sukaina Al Nasrawi
American University of Beirut,Bliss Street, Beirut, Lebanon
Keywords: Aspect oriented Programming, OOHDM, Web-design.
Abstract: Web-Engineering has become, nowadays, the main research interest for software developers. With the
spreading of use of the World Wide Web and the need for a new category of applications the research
community has shifted its interest toward a new era of applications: web-based applications. To parallel the
fast growth of the technology and the new needs for general/special web-applications, research should be
done to improve the development and standardize it as it is done for non-web applications. Many
development and programming tools were implemented to support web-engineering, however studies at the
design level are still premature. Frameworks, design methodologies and web-based development tools are
at an experimental level and depend on individuals efforts. In this context and considering that overheads for
web-development are obstacles more than new methodologies, we are adopting the aspect-oriented approach
for the development of web-applications.
In the past few years, the web based information
systems have become the center of interest of many
researchers and business communities. The main
challenges related to their development appear when
dealing with large complex web applications. They
are powered by distributed software implemented
using a myriad of languages like HTML, XML,
JavaScript, etc. The latter encouraged the researchers
who have had a certain experience with software
engineering to explore the WWW. Keeping in mind
the positive impact that software engineering had on
traditional applications; They proposed a new
approach called Web Engineering. The approach
deals with the establishment and use of scientific,
engineering and management principles, disciplined
and systematic approaches to the successful
development, deployment and maintenance of high
quality web based systems and applications (Ginige,
A, 2002).
Within this context, many efforts have been
ressed towards defining design models for web
applications such as the Object Oriented
Hypermedia Design Model (OOHDM) or even
frameworks (Schwabe, D., 2001) to improve
reusability. They all explored the maintainability and
scalability of the web application that may be
simplified by modularizing the web system. The
importance of modularization leads us to the notion
of separation of concerns in Aspect Oriented
Programming or AOP. In this paper, we tend to
apply the concepts of AOP onto the web
environment to benefit from the advantages of
separation of concerns and end up having an aspect
based web design model. Very few works have
presented aspect oriented design solutions although
we know that distributed enterprise applications,
such as web applications, have lots of crosscutting
concerns. This scarcity in AOP approaches,
especially with web applications, highlights the
importance of the new developed approach and
sheds the light on the need for the modularity
provided by AOP in the web domain. We try to
apply the concepts of AOP onto web engineering
and design web applications using aspects in order
to clearly structure the application in terms of
functionalities and to improve reusability in web
applications. In what follows, we will first, in
section 2, review the major characteristics of web
applications including the difficulties that should be
taken into consideration when building web systems.
Then, in section 3, we explore the key concepts of
OOHDM and pinpoint the way it can be used to
move into an aspect oriented design model. Section
4 proposes a new approach that adapts the concepts
of AOP onto web applications. Finally, section 5
concludes the paper by mentioning the future works
and plans.
Dargham J. and Al Nasrawi S. (2005).
WEB ENGINEERING - An Aspect Oriented Approach.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 267-270
DOI: 10.5220/0002525302670270
The quality of both Web and traditional applications
is judged according to the application’s reliability,
usability and maintainability. However, unlike many
traditional software vendors, if a new company puts
up a new competitive site of a quality that is higher
than existing websites, customers will almost
immediately shift their business to the new site once
they discover it (Offutt, J. 2002). Usually, when
dealing with traditional applications, users take their
time before shifting to another application however
in the web environment, no loyalty is expected from
any customer. To gain users’ trust in the web
domain, many characteristics that assess the quality
of the application have to be considered These
include: reliability, usability and security in addition
to many other important factors such as:
availability, scalability and maintainability. In the
case of online information systems, the required
quality may be higher than many traditional
information systems (Holck, J, 2001). Despite the
different issues handled in the newly emerging web
approaches such as OOHDM, this quality
requirement must be clearly taken into
The Object Oriented Hypermedia Design Model
(OOHDM) uses abstraction and composition
mechanisms in an object oriented framework to, on
one hand, allow concise description of complex
information items, and on the other hand, allow the
specification of complex navigation patterns and
interface transformations (Schwabe, D., 2002). With
OOHDM, we end up having two model levels that
are the conceptual and navigational model. The
conceptual model shows classes and their
relationships specifically related to a domain (Lima,
F., 2002). It is concerned with the application’s
domain semantics instead of the type of users and
tasks. On the other hand, the navigational model in
OOHDM describes the navigational structure of a
hypermedia application in terms of navigational
contexts, which are induced from navigation classes
such as nodes, links and indices (Schwabe, D.,
2002). The navigational model consists of two
schemas that are the navigational class schema and
the navigation context diagram. The former defines
all navigable objects as views over the application
domain while the latter defines the main structuring
primitives for the navigational space: navigation
contexts and links that connect them (Lima, F.,
2002). Note that different navigational models may
be built for the same conceptual schema to express
different views on the same domain. The navigation
contexts which are sets of navigation objects may be
specified as groups of contexts too (Refer to (Lima,
F., 2002) for illustrations and more details). In this
paper, we tend to complement the OOHDM by
providing an aspectual representation of the different
possible navigation contexts through the adaptation
of the concepts of AOP onto web applications. The
conceptual part stays intact and we adopt the same
definition and notation used in OOHDM. The
following section details the newly introduced aspect
oriented approach aimed at structuring the web
application and achieving aspect reusability.
For web applications to be successful, the
navigational structure must be carefully defined
(Schwabe, D., 2001). In this paper, we mainly
aspectualize the navigational model of a web
application; An aspect refers to a specific
functionality of the application. Note that any
website has a special purpose to achieve. This
purpose refers to the main functionality of the web
system and it is designated as the Core Aspect (CA)
of the web application. The other functionalities
offered by the web system are called Supporting
Aspects (SA). Therefore, according to this approach,
any web application can be modeled as a set
composed of one core aspect and a number of
supporting aspects that interact with each other in
order to achieve a fully functional web system. This
aspectual decomposition of the web application
leads us to a more structured web design model
which in its turn simplifies maintainability and
scalability since the module where the code must be
altered or added can be easily specified. This has a
positive impact, for example, on the usability of an
online application. Indeed, an easily scalable
application will grow without problems and will
provide new functionalities to its customers making
it more and more usable. Figure 1 models the idea of
dividing the web application into CA and SAs. In
addition, there exist other types of online
applications which have separate profiles and users.
In such applications, a new aspect is introduced and
it is referred to as the Authenticity Aspect (AA). In
this case, the application is modeled as a set of AA,
CA and SAs. We can not access the CA unless the
AA returns correctly. Figure 2 illustrates the usage
of AA.
Figure 1: Aspect decomposition of a web application.
Figure 2: Aspect decomposition of a web application with
If we consider a CD store online application
example, The main functionality or the main purpose
of the web application would be to buy CDs. So the
core aspect of the online application is to “Buy
CDs”. However, the same website provides a variety
of options such as viewing the list of available CDs,
sending comments to the webmaster besides many
others. These additional functionalities fall into the
category of SAs. Figure 3 illustrates the idea. Also,
Figure 4 represents a sample aspect model of an
online application with AA such as msn hotmail
application. Note that in figures 3 and 4 we only
include few functions due to scarcity of space.
Figure 3: Aspect model of an online CD store.
Also, we distinguish two different types of SAs,
mainly the static and generic supporting aspects.
This differentiation simplifies the developer’s task
when it comes to updating an online application.
From the
Figure 4: Aspect model of a web application with AA.
SA’s type the developer can limit the changes he/she
needs to perform. In a static aspect, the update is
mostly informational but in dynamic aspects the
update can affect more than one entity and thus
consistency has to considered. For example, if we
were to send an e-mail to the webmaster, an
interaction between the user and the application is
required thus we categorize the “Send Comments”
aspect as a Generic Supporting Aspect (GSA).
However, the “Check Contact Info” SA provides
static information about the website and can thus be
categorized as Static Supporting Aspect (SSA). The
interaction between the different identified aspects
of an application mainly models the navigation
aspect of a web application. Aspects are independent
from each other, however in the CD store example,
the user can view the list of available CDs in order
to buy one. The “View List of available CDs” SA
can lead us to the “Buy CD” CA. The latter will be
studied and detailed in further studies.
In conclusion, by aspectualizing a web application,
we are mainly separating its different concerns. The
designer, when adding a new functionality, can
categorize it, add its corresponding aspect and then
WEB ENGINEERING : An aspect oriented approach
weave it into the built application. The light has been
shed on the importance of AOP concepts in web
environment and especially in web engineering. We
plan to categorize these aspects and explore the
common aspects between different web applications
belonging to the same domain such as e-commerce
and implement them.
Offutt, J., 2002. ”Quality Attributes of Web Software
Applications”. George Mason University. IEEE
Schwabe, D., Rossi, G., Esmeraldo, L., Lyardet, F., 2001.
“Web Design Frameworks: An approach to improve
reuse in web applications”. Epartmento de
Informatica, Brazil; LIFIA Facultad de Informatica,
Lima, F., Schwabe, D., 2002. “Exploring Semantic Web
Modeling Approaches for Web Application Design”. .
2nd International Workshop on Web Oriented
Software Technology.
Schwabe, D., Rossi, G., 2002. “The Object Oriented
Hypermedia Design Model”.www.telemedia.puc-
Holck, J., Clemmensen, T., 2001. “What makes Web-
development different”, Electronic Proceedings of the
24th Information Systems Research Seminar in
Scandinavia, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 11-14
Ginige, A.,2002. “Web Engineering: Managing the
Complexity of Web Systems Development”. University
of Western Sydney, Australia.
Proceedings of the
14th international conference on Software engineering
and knowledge engineering.