Airi Salminen, Maiju Virtanen
University of Jyväskylä, PL 35 (Agora), Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Business processes, semantic web, RDF, RDF Schema
Abstract: Development of semantic web technolog
ies has been initiated to improve the utilization of web resources
particularly by software applications. Semantic web is intended to extend the current web by metadata
adding meaning to web resources. In an interorganizational business process context, semantic web could be
an extension of the current intranet, extranet, and internet resources better enabling computers and people in
business processes to work in cooperation. In the paper we will explore the possibilities of the semantic web
technologies to support business processes. Particularly we will evaluate the possibilities and problems
related to the utilization of RDF (Resource Description Framework), a method supporting the formal
presentation of metadata and metadata schemas. We will use the Finnish legislative process as a case to
demonstrate the issues discussed.
The wide adoption of the information and com-
munication technology innovations and web tech-
nologies from 1990’s has lead into a situation where
a number of software applications and enormous
data resources are available in business processes.
Utilization of the resources in the processes, how-
ever, still requires vastly human work.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has
itiated the development of semantic web to im-
prove the utilization of web resources. The semantic
web is intended to be “an extension of the current
web in which information is given well-defined
meaning, better enabling computers and people to
work in cooperation” (Berners-Lee, Hendler,
Lassila, 2001). The well-defined meaning is added
to the web by means of metadata. The metadata is
information about resources either accessible or
identifiable on the web. The metadata is given in a
formal, standardized format, readable and interpret-
able by software. The Extensible Markup Language
(XML) and the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) create the basis for the standard formats
(Bray, Paoli, Sperberg-McQueen, Maler & Yergeau,
2004; Manola & Miller, 2004). Formal presentation
of the metadata can be used to facilitate automated
reasoning about the meaning and trustworthiness of
resources. Ontologies are used to express semantic
metadata. An ontology defines formally the concepts
and their relationships in an application domain
(Gruninger & Lee, 2002; Klein, 2002).
In the paper our goal is to explore the possibili-
ties o
f the semantic web technologies to support
business processes. Particularly we will evaluate the
possibilities and problems related to the utilization
of RDF. By the term business process we refer to
work processes in all kinds of organizations, in
companies, public sector organizations, as well as in
other types of organizations. In the paper we will use
the legislative process as a case to demonstrate the
issues discussed.
The Finnish legislative process is an example of
a co
mplex interorganizational process participated
by many organizations, among them the Govern-
ment, the ministry on the domain of the law, the
Ministry of Justice, the Chancellor of Justice, the
Parliament of Finland, Special Committees of the
Parliament, and the President of the Republic. The
time for developing a new law may take from a
couple of months to several years. A number of
intranet systems, extranet systems, and various soft-
ware applications are used during the process. Het-
erogeneity of systems in the participating organiza-
tions and lack of communication between software
applications cause lot of extra work in the process.
The major requirements for the adoption of new
information and communication technology solu-
tions include their capability to support
data integration and interoperability of systems
in the process, and
Salminen A. and Virtanen M. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 468-473
DOI: 10.5220/0002525004680473
building of intelligent services to the heterogen-
ious group of users.
Semantic web technologies seem to provide, at least
in principle, tools for the needs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 first gives an overview of our ideas about
semantic web in the context of a business process.
Section 3 will then briefly
describe RDF and RDF
The opportunities offered by RDF/RDFS
and problems related to the definition of RDF sche-
mas will be discussed in Sections 4 and 5, respec-
tively. Before the concluding section implications of
the study for building semantic webs for business
processes will be discussed.
A semantic web supporting business processes
involving a group of organizations would be an
extension of their current intranet, extranet, and
internet resources. A metadata standard should be
developed to express the well-defined meaning of
information used and produced in the processes.
Adding well-defined meaning to the information in a
standardized form is a challenging task.
In a business process context, the meanings are
created and shared by the human actors in the proc-
ess. There are meanings, for example, in the words
and expressions of the texts in documents, in figures,
in the organizational culture, in the gestures of peo-
ple, in the ways the activities proceed, coded in
software, and built in hardware.
To define formally the shared concepts and the
actual metadata descriptions in a business process, a
flexible description language is needed. It should
facilitate description of the common concepts related
to the process context of resources by means of
contextual metadata, the description of the concepts
related to the meaning of the resources by means of
semantic metadata, as well as description of the
physical or logical structure of the resources by
means of structural metadata. The importance of
metadata about the process context of recorded data
is pointed out also in the ISO standard 15489-1
(2001) and in the draft ISO/PDTS 23081.
Contextual and structural metadata of different
processes can be described with same concepts. In
the legislative environment, for example, the legis-
lative process for preparing a criminal law can be
described to a great extent with the same concepts as
the process for preparing a new traffic law. Also the
document structures (structural metadata) in the
processes are for the major documents the same.
Concepts for describing semantic metadata of the
documents produced in the processes however dif-
To be able to identify appropriate concepts shared
in a community in a business process, the process
and its components have to be analyzed and
described. Methods for analyzing information man-
agement in business processes, particularly for
document-centric environments where major portion
of the information created in the process activities is
recorded in documents have been described in
Salminen (2003).
Figure 1 describes the information flow in a
business process environment and at the same time a
metamodel we have used to gather the concepts
related to business processes in an environment. The
oval represents the activities of the process, the rec-
tangles three types of information repositories: ac-
tors, content items, and systems. An activity is a set
of actions performed by one or more actors in a
process. Actors are the performers of activities. An
actor is an organization, a person, or a software
agent representing a person or an organization in the
activities. Systems consist of the hardware and soft-
ware applications used to support the performance of
Figure 1: Information flows in the activities of a business process.
In Figure 1 content items consist of stored data
produced and used in the activities by actors. To be
able to handle metadata as resources in the same
way as other recorded content items, the metadata
should also be recorded as content items. Therefore
the content items are divided in the figure into two
types, primary content items and metadata content
items. Information is depicted by the dashed arrows.
Information needed and produced during activities is
stored in documents and other content items, in the
heads and experience of people, in the organiza-
tional culture, and in systems.
Currently we are investigating the possibilities of
RDF to be used as the description language for the
concepts of a process environment. In the following
section we will briefly describe RDF and RDF
Schema. Then we will evaluate the opportunities
offered by RDF/RDFS and problems related to the
definition of RDF schemas and schema concepts.
RDF is a model for describing metadata about
resources. According to the specification (Manola &
Miller, 2004), a resource is anything that can be
identified on the web. As the mechanism to identify
resources RDF uses URI
RDF describes metadata as simple (resource,
property, value) triples. The triples are called state-
ments. The RDF specification defines a graphical
representation for RDF descriptions as graphs, and a
textual representation using XML syntax.
RDF Schema is a language for defining vocabu-
laries intended for use in RDF statements. RDF
Schema vocabulary consists of classes, subclasses
and properties, which can be used to define compli-
cated term hierarchies. Properties are defined with
range and domain qualifiers. For example, a prop-
erty creator can be defined with a class Document as
a domain value and a class Person as a range value.
Below an example of an RDF process schema is
given. The example is a part of a schema describing
the Finnish legislative process. The schema includes
classes LegislationProject, LegislativeDocument and
ProcessPhase. Properties name, identifier, date,
createdInPhase and createdDuringLegislationProject
apply to the class LegislativeDocument, as can be
seen in the domain definition. Two last properties
have range definitions, which indicate to which class
the value of the property should belong.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE
rdf:RDF [<!ENTITY example
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="&example;ProcessPhase"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&example;name">
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&example;identifier">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&example;
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&example;date">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&example;
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&example;
Figure 2 demonstrates the design of the process
schema using Protégé ontology editor (available at The left pane shows the
RDF classes of the process schema. The process
phases have been described by the class
ProcessPhase and its four subclasses. In addition to
the classes in the textual schema, there are classes
for a person and for two organizational actors min-
istry and committee. In the middle pane there are the
instances of the schema (the actual RDF descrip-
tions). The pane on the right shows the properties
used to describe a legislative document instance of
the class LegislativeDocument.
Figure 2: Designing an RDF process schema with Protégé ontology editor.
RDF Schema offers a simple mechanism to de-
fine ontologies (Klein, 2002; Volz, Oberle & Studer,
2003). Compared to some other ontology languages,
RDF is however limited. The major limitation is the
lack of reasoning support, which RDF does not in-
clude. To get more capabilities for describing re-
sources, RDF Schema should be developed further
The XML syntax of RDF makes RDF descrip-
tions machine-readable. The XML syntax brings
several well-known advantages, such as system
independence and possibility to be used as a format
in the data interchange of various systems.
or its use should be extended with richer schema
languages. According to Manola and Miller (2004)
useful additional capabilities would be:
cardinality constraints,
adding transitivity definition to a property,
adding a definition that a property is a unique
definition of two classes or instances represent-
ing the same class or individuals, respectively,
definition of constraints on the range or cardinal-
ity of a property that depend on the class (e.g. the
range of the property identifier differs if the de-
scribed class is LegislativeDocument or Legisla-
tionProject), and
ability to describe new classes in terms of combi-
nations (e.g. unions and intersections) of other
classes, or to define that two classes are disjoint
(e.g. no resource is an instance of both Legisla-
tiveDocument and LegislationProject classes).
RDF offers many kinds of opportunities for de-
scribing metadata for a business process. In this
section we evaluate these opportunities.
RDF together with RDF Schema supports the
description of various types of metadata including
semantic, contextual and structural metadata. Differ-
ent RDF descriptions can be attached to a single
resource. Thus a collection of resources can be
described for different user groups by different
terms. In an inter-organizational environment there
can be many groups of actors with varying terms for
the same concepts.
For example, in a legislative
citizens and lawyers could have their
own schemas
In complex interorganizational processes the
metadata schemas have to be created gradually. RDF
supports that kind of proceeding, because RDF
can be flexibly extended and also merged
with other vocabularies from various sources with
the help of XML namespaces (Hunter & Lagoze,
2001; Candan, Liu & Suvarna 2001).
The RDF/RDFS has remarkable flexibility com-
pared to other modeling approaches. Instead of de-
scribing classes with certain properties, RDF
introduces properties as first-class entities
like classes
. Properties apply to specific classes
according to domain and range specifications.
As an ontology language RDFS facilitates buid-
intelligent semantic web services, such as se-
mantic browsing service and semantic recommenda-
tion (Hyvönen & al., 2004; Quan and Karger, 2004).
Semantic recommendation means that additional
related links are shown to the user parallel to the
original search result. According to Middleton,
Alani, Shadbolt and De Roure (2002), people often
feel it difficult to express what they want or what
they are looking for. Semantic recommendation
might be a useful tool for information retrieval in
business process environments.
Noy and McGuinness (2001) state that probably the
most difficult task in the schema or ontology
design is to find
consensus between people in the
community. People may have completely different
views about important and central terms in the or-
ganization and on the domain. In a community of
several organizations achieving consensus may be
impossible. There are cases where someone should
be in a position to make decisions on the schema
concepts when representatives of the community do
not reach agreement. Identifying the owner of the
process environment might solve the problem, but
getting agreement of the owner is sometimes ex-
tremely difficult in an interorganizational process. In
the case of the Finnish legislative process no process
owner has been identified. The needs for standardi-
zation and integration throughout the process have
however initiated discussions about the possible
Heterogeneity of users in an organization is
also a challenge in schema design. Heterogeneity
concerns, for example, the roles of people in work
processes and the language they are accustomed to
use in communication.
Schema design experts hardly are experts of the
target business process. The schema designers have
to do very close cooperation with users to learn the
concepts and needs of the environment. It may how-
ever be hard to find from a large set of actors the
users having time to collaborate and having enough
expertise on the area. If the users have no knowledge
about metadata or ontologies, it is sometimes diffi-
to motivate them to spend their time in the de-
sign work.
Ontologies introduced for semantic web usually
describe rather static resources like, for example,
museum items in the MuseumFinland service (Hy-
vönen & al., 2004). The items themselves do not
change, only the meanings given by people may
change. The nature of processes and also the nature
of documents created in the processes is dynamic
and causes thus more frequent update needs for the
schema. Also according to the draft ISO/PDTS
23081 metadata schemas
need to be continuously
to reflect changes in an organization and in
the business.
In many business processes the content of data
resources varies so much that the development of
content ontologies with detailed semantic metadata
covering those resources is extremely difficult. The
number of concepts easily increases over the limit to
be systematically updated. In the legislative envi-
ronment, for example, the legal terminology is huge
and the current legal terminology in Finland is
closely related to the EU legal terminology. Rela-
tions between various laws
are continuously chang-
and totally new areas evolve to be regulated by
laws (such as gene technology).
Our analysis has clearly shown that there are in-
teresting opportunities in using RDF to support in-
formation management in business processes but the
problems for creating the RDF schemas and de-
scriptions are extremely difficult, especially in the
cases of complex interorganizational processes.
These are however also the cases where the needs
for new solutions are most urgent and even minor
enrichment of the process environment by well-
designed metadata might serve the work in the proc-
ess. Thus we argue that careful analysis to identify
the most essential core metadata would be important
in business process environments.
Our experience and analysis has shown the diffi-
culty of developing ontologies to describe the
meaning of content items when the content concerns
various domains. The number of concepts poten-
tially needed in the ontology may be huge and find-
ing agreement about the standard ontology may be
extremely difficult. In ontologies describing the
process context of the content items, the number of
concepts needed is evidently smaller.
In developing process schemas it is important to
look for possible existing standard terminologies.
For example, in spite of the many changes taken
place during the last decades in the Finnish
legislative work, there still are stable terms for a
number of central concepts. The terms are described
in a published dictionary (Torniainen, 1999).
Communication between schema designers and
people representing the organizations involved is
important during the schema design. Views of
various organizations should be taken into account.
Coordination of the collaboration is essential to
facilitate participation of all interested parties.
In interorganizational business processes a major
problem is the heterogeneity of software
applications and lack of interoperability. Semantic
web technologies offer, at least in principle, a
solution to the problem. Building semantic web
solutions essentially means developing standardized
metadata solutions. In the paper we discussed the
metadata types needed in business processes. RDF
is the model intended to be used for semantic web
metadata. In the paper we analyzed the possibilities
to use RDF to support information management in
business processes and the challenges in designing
schemas for the purpose. In spite of the major
problems in the schema design and maintenace of
ontologies, the use of RDF seems to offer interesting
possiblities. Therefore building and evaluating
experimental solutions in real business process
environments will be important. Our future work
will include designing and evaluating experimental
RDF schemas and descriptions for the legislative
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