Francesco Colace, Massimo De Santo, Mario Vento
DIIIE, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo 1, 84084, Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Pasquale Foggia
DIS, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Via Claudio, 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Keywords: Bayesian Networks, MultiExpert System
Abstract: The determination of Bayesian network structure, especially in the case of large domains, can be complex,
time consuming and imprecise. Ther
efore, in the last years, the interest of the scientific community in
learning Bayesian network structure from data is increasing. This interest is motivated by the fact that many
techniques or disciplines, as data mining, text categorization, ontology building, can take advantage from
structural learning. In literature we can find many structural learning algorithms but none of them provides
good results in every case or dataset. In this paper we introduce a method for structural learning of Bayesian
networks based on a multiexpert approach. Our method combines the outputs of five structural learning
algorithms according to a majority vote combining rule. The combined approach shows a performance that
is better than any single algorithm. We present an experimental validation of our algorithm on a set of “de
facto” standard networks, measuring performance both in terms of the network topological reconstruction
and of the correct orientation of the obtained arcs.
Bayesian belief networks (or shortly Bayesian
networks) are powerful knowledge representation
and reasoning tool for managing conditions of
uncertainty. A Bayesian belief network is a directed
acyclic graph (DAG) with a conditional probability
distribution for each node. The DAG structure of
such networks contains nodes representing domain
variables, and arcs between nodes representing
probabilistic dependencies. In the last period this
model is becoming a popular representation for
encoding uncertain knowledge. The main
advantages of Bayesian Networks are discussed in
detail in various papers
(Heckerman,1997)(Cheng,1997) and can be
summarized in the following points:
Networks can handle incomplete data
Bayesian Net
works allow learning about causal
Networks facilitate the combination of
background knowledge and experimental data
avoiding the over fitting problem typical of
methods based exclusively on experimental data
An interesting problem is the learning of Bayesian
works structure from a finite set of data samples.
This task is not easy to solve and in literature we can
find many different approaches for “structural
learning”. The main aim of structural learning
algorithms is to infer the relationships among the
entities of the domain and to specify the causality
dependencies from the observations of domain
variables values. Generally, these algorithms can be
grouped into two categories
(Singh,1995)(Bell,1997): the first category uses
heuristic search methods to construct a model and
evaluates it using a scoring measure. This process
continues until the score of the model obtained at the
current iteration is not significantly better than the
previous one. Different scoring criteria have been
proposed in these algorithms, such as, Bayesian
scoring, entropy based scoring, and minimum
description length
(Glymour,1987)(Cooper,1992)(Lauritzen,1989). The
second category builds the dependency relationships
by analysing pairs of nodes. The dependency
relationships are measured by using some kind of
Colace F., De Santo M., Vento M. and Foggia P. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 194-200
DOI: 10.5220/0002521401940200
conditional independence (CI) test. The algorithms
described in (Fung,1990)(Cooper,1992) belong to
this category. Both of these two categories have
their advantages and disadvantages: generally,
algorithms in the first category have less time
complexity in the worst case (when the underlying
DAG is densely connected), but it may not find the
best solution due to its heuristic nature. The second
category of algorithms is usually asymptotically
correct when the probability distribution of data is
DAG-Isomorphic, but CI tests with large condition-
sets may be unreliable unless the volume of data is
enormous (Cooper,1992). In this paper we propose a
structural learning algorithm based on a multiexpert
approach. The proposed Multi-Expert System
combines five algorithms (Bayesian algorithm
(Heckermann,1995), K2 (Cooper,1992), K3
(Bouckaert,1993), PC (Spirtes,2001) and TPDA
(Cheng,1997)) selected among those presented in the
literature that show the better results. To evaluate
this algorithm, we present the experimental results
on eight networks datasets selected among those
regarded standard in the literature. The reported
experimental results show not only that proposed
system performances are better than the ones of
original experts but also the ability of the Multi-
Expert System of exploting the strengths of each
expert overcoming at same time its weakness. The
paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we
describe the general structure and the various
approaches of Structural Learning Algorithms, the
selected algorithms and our MultiExpert system. In
section 3 we describe the reference datasets and the
obtained results.
As previously said the main aim of a structural
learning algorithm is to point out relationships
between the entities of a domain and to specify the
causality bonds starting from the observations of
domain variables values. In general a structural
learning algorithm includes the following steps:
Collection of experimental data
Determination of the network nodes from the
acquired data
Construction of an initial graph
Choice of the search method
Initialitation of the Structural Learning process
Costruction of the network
The earliest result in structure learning was the
Chow and Liu algorithm (Chow, 1968). This
algorithm learns a Bayesian Network whose shape is
a tree. Problems like structural learning become very
difficult when datasets are smaller because of
overfitting in the structure space. The main
limitation of the method by Chow and Liu was that
it did not take any countermeasure to reduce
overfitting. Most subsequents works on structural
learning apply standard statistical methodologies for
fitting models and avoiding overfitting. It is
important to note that the role of a statistical
methodology is to convert a learning problem into
an optimization problem in order to apply techniques
aimed at avoiding local minima. First family of
methods is based on the maximum likelihood or the
minimum cross entropy. The maximum likelihood
approach tries to find the network structure S
which the maximum likelihood over parameter θ
(characterizing associated to the given structure) is
the largest:
arg max max ( , )
sample S
The minimum cross entropy approach tries to find
the structure whose minimum cross entropy with the
data is the smallest. It has been demonstrated that
these two approaches are equivalent. For Bayesian
networks the maximum likelihood approach has
been applied by (Geiger, 1992). A number of
extensions to the maximum likelihood approach
have been proposed. They replace the sample
likelihood by a modified score that is to be
maximized. Examples of modified score can be the
penalized likelihood, Akaike information criteria
(AIC), the Bayesian information criteria (BIC).
Some algorithms minimize some information
complexity measure, for instance minimum
description lenght, minimum message length and
minimum complexity (Rissanen,1978). One
advantage of this approach is that it requires no “a
priori” knowledge and is hence objective. Da For
Bayesian networks, MDL has been applied by
(Suzuki,1999)(Lam,1994). Another class of
algorithms is based on the hypotesis testing
approach that is the standard model selection
strategy from classical statistics. As mentioned
before, the problem is that this approach is a viable
only if there is a small number of hypotheses that
need to be tested. Sub-Optimal search techniques
(e.g.) greedy search tecniques can help here by
reducing the number of hypothesis tests required.
Finally one of the most important families of
algorithms is based on the Bayesian approach.
Actually we can say that there is a rich variety of
Bayesian methods and most of the previous
methodologies can be reduced to some form of
Bayesian approximation. In its complete form the
Bayesian approach requires specification of a prior
probabilities. The Bayesian approach has many
different approximations: the simplest is the MAP
approach. In general the full bayesian approach is
predictive: rather than returning the single best
network with respect to observer data, the aim is to
maximize the expected performance also for new
cases. The key distinction between Bayesian and
non Bayesian methods is the use of priors.
Unfortunately priors computation can be complex
mathematically, so poorly chosen priors can make a
Bayesian method perform worse than other methods.
Some approaches use a two phases algorithm: in the
first phase a statistical method is used to obtain a
reasonable estimate of prior probabilities which is
then exploited in the second phase bayesian method.
None of described approach obtains good results in
every case because, as previously described, they
have diffent strategies useful in well defined cases
(for example sparse networks, huge datasets). In
order to obtain a structural learning system able to
perform its task under the most diverse condition we
propose a new algorithm based on a MultiExpert
approach. We have selected five different algorithms
that represent all the categories previously described
and we have combined their results according to a
combining rule to obtain the final output of our
system. In the next subsections we will show the
selected algorithms and the architecture of our
MultiExpert System.
2.1 The Bayesian Algorithm
The bayesian algorithm resolves the problem of the
Structural Learning from data determining the
structure m that maximizes the probability
p(M=m|D), where Mε{m
, ...,m
} that is a set of
models that contains the true model of a domain X
and D is the set of the observed samples. According
to this approach if we have two models m
and m
representing the domain X, we will choose m
|D) > p(m
|D). We can choose as our scoring
function the logarithm of p(D|m). In fact with simple
passages we can show that:
log (p(m|D)) = log(p(m))+log(p(D|m))-log(p(D))
hence the model maximizing log(p(D|m)) will also
maximize p(m|D), under the condition that log(p(D))
and log(p(m)) are constant values (complete “a
priori” ignorance of the domain structure). This
formulation is based on the statistical criterion of
Maximum Likelihood; in cases where the models
have not the same prior probability (p(m)) the
algorithm can use instead the Maximum a Posteriori
principle (MAP). As regard the searching
methodology we can choose between two different
model selection: the search is aimed at obtaining a
single model with in a family of considered models
chosen according to a scoring function. In case of
ties the algorithm performs a not deterministic
selective model averaging: the search is aimed at
obtaining a set of “good models”, i.e. models with
a good scoring value; then a single model obtained
by means of some averaging criterion over this set.
Many papers have experimentally shown that the
selection of a single model, using a greedy search
algorithm, supplies accurate models
(Chickering,1996)(Heckerman,1997). The selective
model averaging, instead, must be applied in
conjunction with sampling methods such as
Montecarlo method in order to obtain good results
(Heckerman,1997). In this paper we will refer to a
representative algorithm of this approach based on a
“model selection". In order to select the best model
the algorithm performs a “hill climbing search” with
respect to a fixed scoring function: given an initial
structure S (either a graph without arcs that
represents complete ignorance on the relationship
between the network variables or an acyclic graph
constructed inserting arcs in random way or a net
that represents the “a priori” expert knowledge) the
algorithm iteratively modifies the edges choosing at
each step the modification wich involves the
maximum gain in the scoring function. The
procedure ends when it find a local maximum of
scoring function or when it reaches the maximum
number of iterations.
2.2 The K2 Algorithm
This algorithm is representative of the approach
based on a bayesian framework with different
definition of the scoring function (Cooper,1992).
The K2 procedure differs from a typical bayesian
algorithm also for the initialization phase: while in
the pure bayesian approach the initial graph
incorporates the “a priori” knowledge of an expert,
in the K2 approach the user must provide the initial
topological ordering (from parents to children) of the
nodes. In fact this information gradely reduces the
cardinality of the searching space of the models.
However also with the sorting procedure, the
number of possible models remains high because the
distribution of combined probability P(X
can be rewritten in many different ways even after
fixing one of the n! possible configurations. In this
approach the scoring function is defined as:
where D is a data set of the k complete cases and M
is the structure of a bayesian network. The function
) represents the variation obtained in the
scoring function after the introduction of a new
dependence relation and possibly of a new parent
node for X
. The core of this approach is a greedy
search algorithm starting from an initial structure
where nodes have no parents. The search for parents
nodes ends when all candidate nodes have been
examined or when the maximum number of parents
for a node has been achieved. The main
disadvantage of this approach is the impossibility of
deleting an arc after its introduction in the network.
2.3 The K3 Algorithm
This type of algorithm, introduced in the paper
(Bouckaert,1993), is based on a bayesian approach,
but as in K2 algorithm gives a new definition for the
scoring function. In this case the scoring function is
based on the Minimum Description Length (MDL)
metric. According to MDL approach
(Rissanen,1978) the optimal model minimizes the
total length of description. In other words it aims at
establishing the best statistical compromise between
the “a priori” complexity of the model and the
quality of the “a posteriori” estimates. In the MDL
approach the learned network must minimize the
total description length defined as the sum of the
description length of the samples (the source) and
the description length of a pre-existent network
structure supplied by an expert or generated in a
previous learning process. In this approach, samples
and the pre-existent network structure are considered
independent in order to process them separately. The
scoring function is defined as follows:
where B represents a possible structure, D is the n
samples of data set, the value r
represents the
number of states associated to node X
is the
number of possible configurations of parents nodes
for each node X
and N
are the occurrences in D of
with state k and fathers configuration j and
H(B,D) is the entropy. Also this approach needs an
initial ordering of the nodes.
2.4 The PC Algorithm
This algorithm is based on a constraint satisfaction
approach (Spirtes,2001). In fact it derives the
Bayesian network structure through suitable
statistical independence tests on the samples. The
PC algorithm needs, together with the observation of
the random discrete variables associated to nodes,
also a matrix whose element ij represents the
confidence about the indipendece of the nodes i and
j according to a fixed independence test. The PC
procedure consists of an initialization phase where a
fully connected DAG, associated to a domain X and
with iteration t equal to zero, is set up (so assuming
that all variables are mutually dependent) then
iteratively tha algorithm removes edges of this DAG
according to the D-Separation property derived from
statistical indipendence tests of the same orders as
the iterations number. The algorithm stops when it
can not find further nodes to each the D-Separation
can be applied. After this process we obtain a not
oriented graph: in order to determinate the arcs
orientation the algorithm use consideration based on
conditional independence. The reliability of the test
results is related to the number of samples number:
increasing the number of nodes we usually have an
increase of the dependencies and so the samples
number must be greater in order to obtain reliable
results. Concerning the significance level, its high
value means many dependencies to extract from the
database of samples. This is obvious because
increasing the threshold the probability that the
independence test can supply a incorrect result
increases. A high value of the confidence level
(>0.6) is used with small databases, on the contrary a
low value is appropriate in presence of a
considerable number of observations.
2.5 The TPDA Algorithm
( , ) log( ( )) * ( , ) log( )
( , ) log( )
ijk ijk
Also the TPDA (Three-Phase Dependence Analysis)
algorithm (Cheng,1997) is a dependence-based
algorithm and learns the Bayesian Network structure
starting from the independence relationships among
data. The input of the algorithm, like in the PC
algorithm, is the dataset and a threshold ε used in the
independence tests. The TPDA divides the process
of learning in three phases: Drafting, Thickening and
Thinning. The "Drafting" phase produces an initial
relations set through test on cross entropy value
between the variables of the domain. After this
phase we obtain is a single connected dag (i.e. there
is only one path connecting any to nodes). The
second phase, "thickening", adds no arcs if it is not
possible to d-separate two nodes. The resulting
graph contains all arcs of the true model and some
extra-arcs. The third phase, "thinning", consists in
the examination of all arcs and their exclusion if the
two linked nodes are conditionally independent. At
the end of this phase the algorithm estabilishes the
arc’s orientation with an approach similar to PC
2.6 The proposed approach
The main idea of this paper is to use a multi expert
approach in the Bayesian networks structural
learning problem. The idea of combining various
experts with the aim of compensanting the wekness
of each single expert while preserving its own
strenght has been considered appealing by many
researchers in the last few years
(Ho,1994)(Kittler,1998). The rational of this
approach is that the performance obtained
combining the results of a set of expert can result
better than that of any single experts. The successful
implementation of a multiexpert system depends
both on the definition of suitable combining rule and
on the choice of experts that are as much as possible
complementary. One of the simplest combining
rules, the majority vote, assigns the input samples to
the class for which a relative or absolute majority of
experts agrees. In our approach we have adopted a
relative majority voting rule. In particular we used
this rule to decide both if an arc should be placed
between two nodes and which orientation should be
assigned to the arc. This rule has proved to be quite
effective and ha the advantage of not requiring the
training of a parameters set.
We have selected eight networks in order to test the
algorithms previously described. These networks are
mentioned in several papers and represent the
reference networks in literature (Table 1).
Table 1: Analysed Networks and Datasets
Network Name
Alarm (Pearl,1991) 37 46 10.000
5 5 10.000
Asia (Glymour,1987) 8 8 5.000
College (Singh,1995) 5 6 10.000
Hailfinder (Cheng,1997) 56 66 20.000
Led (Fung,1990) 8 8 5.000
Pregnancy (Lauritzen,1989) 4 3 10.000
Sprinkler (Suzuki,1999) 5 5 400
3.1 Obtained Results
For evaluating the performance of our method we
have designed and implemented a Java based
software tool based on the previous scheme. We
have implemented all algorithms previously
described according the authors instructions and a
majority voting combiner. In order to evaluate the
performances of algorithm we have used two
indexes (Colace,2004):
Topological Learning =
Correct Arcs
Correct Arcs+ Missing Arcs+ Added Arcs
Global Learning =
Well Oriented Arcs
Well Oriented Arcs+ Wrong Oriented Arcs+ Added Arcs+ Missing Arcs
The first index measures the ability of the algorithm
in the learning of correct topology of the net. The
second index measures the ability of the algorithm in
the learning of correct networks. In figure 1 and 2
we show the results obtained by the proposed
MultiExpert System vs the best single expert.
Figure 1: Obtained results fot the Topological Index (in
red the multiexpert results)
Figure 2: Obtained results fot the Global Index (in red the
multiexpert results)
The obtained results show that the multiexpert
approach has higher performances than the best
expert both from the topological point of view and
the global point of view. In particular the
MultiExpert approach is able to obtain the correct
network in the 75% of considered networks versus
the 37,5% obtained by the single best expert.
Furthermore there is no network for which the
multiexpert approach has performance lower than
that of any single expert. In general we have a
performance increase of multiexpert system versus
the best single expert. In particular in the case of
sprinkler network (a dataset with a very low number
of samples) the performance increase is very
impressive: 16.7%.
In this paper we introduced a MultiExpert system for
structural learning of Bayesian Networks. We
showed the most important approaches in literature.
None of these approaches allows a correct building
in every case. So we selected five algorithms in
order to build a MultiExpert system based on
majority vote approach. Aiming to evaluate the
results of our approach we selected eight networks
and their samples datasets. The obtained results
show that the multiexpert approach provide better
results than any single experts. In order to improve
the performance of MultiExpert system we are
working to the introduction of new experts and new,
more sophisticated, combining rules.
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