Jorge Marx Gómez, Claus Rautenstrauch
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: ERP, Web Service, SOAP, Business Component, Peer-to-Peer (P2P), CoBCoM, SOA
Abstract: Although the requirements of small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for enterprise resource planning
systems (ERP) are very similar to those of big corporations, there is still a lack of solutions for SMEs,
because the roll-out as well as the maintenance is very expensive. It has become clear that EDP branch
solutions, application service providing and stripped-down software versions do not offer satisfying
solutions. For solving these problems, we propose an architecture for a distributed ERP-system based on
web-services and peer-to-peer-network technology whose roll-out and maintenance is better affordable for
SMEs than traditional systems.
In Germany, small- to medium-sized production-
oriented enterprises (SMEs) are using a
differentiation strategy for staying profitable in the
world-market. This kind of strategy aims to maintain
a leading position by having unique selling
propositions. This can be accomplished by following
production of customized goods,
adherence to high quality standards,
providing of product-related services.
Companies following such a strategy must be
able to support all business processes in the context
of production-variation by flexible planning. For
this, the software-industry offers so-called enterprise
resource planning systems (ERP-systems).
Modern ERP-systems, like SAP R/3, Oracle
Applications or Microsoft Navision are complex,
consist of many software components and must be
costly customized to the customers' requirements.
Furthermore, expensive high-end hardware needs to
be deployed, especially in case of application- and
database-servers. During operation the software and
hardware needs to be permanently maintained by
specially-trained staff. The resulting Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) often is too expensive for SMEs,
although ERP-systems are fulfilling their
requirements, especially the support of flexible
planning. This reveals the real dilemma of ERP-
system usage by SMEs: The requirements of SMEs
regarding functionality, operation and customizing
are very similar to those of large businesses but
SMEs cannot effort the deployment of these systems
The software-industry has identified this
dilemma as well and offers following solutions,
whose success is at least doubtful:
Application Service Providing (ASP): Within
ASP an external service provider operates the
application including all basic systems (system
software and hardware). For this service, the
customer only pays periodically license fees and
needs to install the necessary infrastructure for
the local use of the client software. The risks of
operation is completely assigned to the provider
and the costs is reduced compared to local
operation because the provider can utilize scaling
effects. However, SMEs must give their trade
secrets and internal knowledge to the hands of
the provider, which is the main barrier for
embracing ASP.
EDP branch solution: Another solution is the
usage of pre-configured systems, so-called EDP
branch solution. The installation and customizing
are simpler and therefore cheaper compared to
Marx Gómez J. and Rautenstrauch C. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 383-390
DOI: 10.5220/0002507503830390
the deployment of classical ERP-systems.
However, the maintanance of the systems is still
very complex.
"Mini-ERP-Systems": Such systems, like SAP
Business One, offer a reduced set of functionality
and customizing options and are offered for
reduced fees. These restrictions contradict the
requirements for flexibility outlined above.
Because of this, a new approach was developed,
which we call "Aldi-ERP-system". This system will
be deployed as a basic version with a graphical user
interface, basic functionality, a workflow-system
and a database, which can - exaggeratedly - be
purchased in a supermarket. Thus the name. The
technical foundation is simply a normal workplace
PC and one server equipped with standard PC
technology. All other domain-related and company-
specific functionality are integrated via web-
services, which are offered via a peer-to-peer-
network (P2P-network). This concept has following
Every none-standard functionality needs to be
implemented as a web-service only once. Several
companies can then subscribe to it via the
Internet. The subscription is considerably
cheaper than developing this functionality
oneself., because web-services can be used by
many customers and are centrally managed by
the developers.
P2P-technology enables providers to redundantly
offer their web-services and thus the whole
system has a high availability rate.
All business-critical data and knowledge about
the success-enabling business process are only
stored locally within the SME organisation.
Because of these properties, the system allows to
configure ERP-systems in a way that on the
individual requirements of a specific SME can be
fulfilled without the need to share business critical
data with third parties and with justifiable costs.
Since the mid-90s ERP-systems are very successful
world-wide and are used within virtually every large
enterprise. The most important software-suppliers of
ERP-software today are Oracle, Peoplesoft,
Microsoft, Baan and SAP AG, whereas SAP AG is
the world-wide market-leader with its SAP R/3
Enterprise system. P2P-networks and web-services
are the foundation on top of which the Aldi-ERP-
concept should be built. Following, the actual
developments in research shall be presented.
2.1 ERP-Systems
An ERP-system (ERP = Enterprise Resource
Planning) is an integrated standard software for
businesses which
Offers functionality for all parts of the business,
Is extensible, especially by integrating other
information systems, and
Is usable in many branches (see Rautenstrauch/
Schulze, 2003, p. 314f.).
Consequently, the business functionality of SAP
R/3 Enterprise is organized in main components.
Those are related to following areas (without
claiming completeness):
Logistics: Distribution, Materials Management,
Production Planning, Quality Management,
Human Resource Management: Personell
Accounting: Finance, Controlling, Treasury,
Asset Management
General: Project Management, Service
Because ERP-systems need to be independent of
the branch the using company is working in, the
software needs to be adapted before each
deployment to the organizational structure. This
process is called Customizing and is done by
systematically setting parameters. In practice, this is
a very complex task, because one has to find out,
which one of the many combinations of parameters
is the right setting for the specific business. If there
are n possible values of a parameter and m
parameters in total, there are n
possible settings for
the whole system because the parameters are
independent of each other. Within SAP R/3
Enterprise there are hundreds of parameters with at
least 2 possible values.
2.2 Peer-to-Peer-Networks
P2P-Networks are compounds of equitable peers,
which offer one another resources without central
control instances (see Schoder/Fischbach, 2003, p.
313). The term ‚peer-to-peer’ (P2P) refers to a class
of systems and applications that employ distributed
resources to perform a critical function in a
decentralized manner (see Milojicic et. al., 2002, p.
As a result, the three most important properties
of P2P-networks are (see Schoder/Fischbach, 2003,
p. 313) and (Milojicic et. al., 2002, p. 12):
1. Two way offering of resources: Every peer can
act as a client as well as a server, that means it
can offer or request resources attachted to the
2. Decentralization: direct exchange between
quitable peers without central control,
3. Autonomy: Peers choosing which resources are
Further properties of P2P-networks are:
Scalabiltiy and ad-hoc compound: P2P-networks
can be reconfigured in run-time, that means peers
can be added or removed,
Anonymity: By using several techniques users of
P2P-networks can be anonymous,
Distributed Ownership and distributed property:
The total cost of ownership is reduced because
peers are sharing otherwise unused resources,
Reliability: Because of the decentral architecture
there is no single point of failure. If one peer
fails others can take over its jobs.
P2P-networks can be categorized within four
categories. Used for distributed computing,
computing intensive tasks are broken down into
small pieces which are solved simultaneously by
many peers. One prominent example of this kind of
network is SETI@Home. File sharing enables the
virtual aggregation of many peers’ storage space.
Popular implementations are Napster and Gnutella.
The third category consists of instant messaging
(IM)-systems and collaborative tools. Examples for
these are ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger. The
fourth category are platforms, e.g. JXTA by Sun
Microsystems and Microsoft’s .NET My Services
(see Milojicic et. al., 2002, p. 7).
2.3 Web-Services
The term web-service has no standard definition (see
Berner Fachhochschule, 2003). Within this paper,
we use the definition of the working group
“Development of web-service-based applications“ of
the German Society for Informatics (German
Society for Informatics, 2003): “Web-Services are
self-descriptive, encapsulated software-components,
which offer an interface which can be used to
remotely invoke their functionality and which can be
loosely combined via the exchange of messages.
There are lots of concepts, protocols and models
for developing web-services, whose standardization
is driven by different consortia, most importantly the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Orga-
nization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards (OASIS). The following
standards, all based upon the eXtensible Markup
Language (XML), are the foundation of the web-
service infrastructure (see Bettag, 2001):
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) (see
W3C, 2003): SOAP defines a light-weight
protocol for message-exchange and function
calls between applications and supports
asynchronous and synchronous request/response
Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
(see W3C, 2003): Via WSDL the interfaces and
functionality of web-services are described.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
(UDDI) (see OASIS, 2002): In order to find
web-services, the services, their interface- and
functionality-description can be registered in a
central repository. The standard for this as well
as the central global register is called UDDI (see
Beimborn, Mintert and Weitzel, 2002, p. 278).
The connection of web-services is called web-
service-choreography, web-service-composition or
web-service-orchestration. For accomplishing this
task, there is no single accepted standard available.
Instead competing standard proposals by different
vendors exist, e.g. BPEL4WS (see Curbera et al.,
2003), WSFL (see Leymann, 2001), XLANG (see
Thatte, 2001) or WSCI (see Arkin et. al., 2002).
Some of these are built upon workflow-description
languages, like WSFL (IBM). The most important
difference between these, sometimes also referred to
as flow-languages is the support of state: While
WSDL is a stateless language, flow-languages
support different states of the corresponding web-
services (see Aalst , 2003, p. 74).
The theoretical foundation for the Aldi-ERP-system
is the CoBCoM-architecture (Common Business
Component Model) (Turowski, 2003 and
Rautenstrauch/Turowski, 2001). A business
component (BC) is thereby defined as a component
which offers a set of services of a specific operative
application domain. A component is defined as a
reusable, self-contained, and marketable software
artefact, which offers services via well-defined
interface and can be used in combination with other
components within applications in a manner not
foreseeable in its development. In this way, web-
services can be interpreted as an implementation of
business components.
3.1 BCArch
An orchestration which is based solely on putting
more or less complex business components together,
fails because of the complexity of interface
definition. Because of this, BCArch (Business
Component Architecture) has been developed to
provide a framework for the system design (see
figure 1). Corresponding to BCArch an application
design consists of following parts:
A Component-Application-Framework is a part
of the system which offers application-domain
specific (standard-)services to the business
components and likewise acts as an integration
plattform for them.
A Component-System-Framework is a part of the
system, in which business components offer
application-invariant, middleware-related
from the view of BCArch, the (business-related)
basic functionality is placed in the Component-
Application-Framework, whereas domain-invariant
software-artefacts, like database management
software and workflow-systems, belong to the
Component-System-Framework. The workflow-
models are themselves responsible for execution the
components’ services in the right order suitable for
the application (Inter-Component-Coordination).
Thus, they are application-specific and part of the
Component-Application-Framework (see figure 2).
3.2 Business Components versus
Very suitable to differentiate between web-services
and business-components is the definition of
(Krammer/Turowski, 2001, p. 2) following (Bettag,
2001), because it used software-specific properties.
Following, web-services are “…a together-
belonging set of marketable services, which are
offered via the WorldWideWeb to an authorized
group of users using standardized communication
protocols and well-defined interfaces. Web-Services
contain interface-descriptions of the offered
services, which are written in a standardized
description language. Details of the implementation
are hidden from the user.“
The main difference between a business
component and a web-service is that with web-
services only their services are marketed and not the
software itself. Because of this, it is not necessary
that the implementation of a web-service is reusable.
Correspondingly, web-services need not be self-
contained, because it does not matter for the user of
Figure 1: BCArch
a web-service which web-service offers which
functionality (see Krammer/Turowski, 2001, p. 3f.).
Another difference is the explication of the run-time
environment of web-services. However, business
components and web-services have in common that
Services are offered via well-defined interfaces,
The implementation is hidden from the user,
And Services can be arbitrarily combined.
Therefore, web-services are a special case or an
implementation of business components from the
point of view of software-architecture.
To solve the ERP-SME-dilemma an architecture
based on BCArch is proposed as illustrated in
figure 3 (according to Marx Gómez et. al., 2004).
Workflowmanagement- and databasemanagement-
systems (WFMS und DBMS) are the system-
framework. The application-frameworks consist of
services for the user-interface and the basic ERP
functionality. Both frameworks will be delivered as
frontend-systems and are pre-installed.
Further functionality can be attached via web-
services, which are offering the implementation for
the corresponding business components. The web-
services themselves are distributed over a P2P-
Network. Depending on availability and
performance criteria defined in Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) between the users and the web-
service-providers, web-services can be redundantly
offered by many peers. These peers can be installed
within the company as well as be installed off-site.
By using a P2P-network with redundantly
distributed web-service, high availability can be
achieved. If one peer fails, another peer can take
over its role and offer the same functionality. The
hardware-requirements are minimal because of the
resource-sharing within the network. In connection
with an out-of-the-box-solution the need for highly-
skilled technical personal for administering and
maintaining the system is low.
Figure 2: Embedding Workflows into BCAr
The communication between the different peers
will be done via SOAP-messages, the web-services
will be described with WSDL and can be retrieved
via UDDI By using these standards, and other offers
of web-services can be easily integrated in the
system. The system can be easily extended with new
functionality by using new web-services which
means that companies can very flexible use and
extend their system. Subscription, execution
ordering and parameterisation of the web-services
will be done via the workflow-component. The
enactment-service of the workflow-component
within the frontend takes over the request for web-
services during run-time.
Access rights to the functionality of the ERP-
system will be managed in the front-end as well.
Because access-rights are relevant when accessing
web-services, a mobile user agent will be used
which has its user’s access rights. The agent will be
sent to the web-service where a static guard agent
will check the permissions and open the service
accordingly. This way, it is assured that the same
security-policies are effective when using local
components or remote web-services.
Another security problem exists, if data are
exchanged between front-end and web-service.
Because the web-service is a shared resource
accessible by different companies, data can
principally be read by third parties. A solution to this
is the usage of XML documents which are encrypted
using the XML Encryption Standard. XML
Encryption was standardized by the W3C in the
XML Encryption Working Group and is a W3C
recommendation since 10
of December 2002.
The coupling of ERP-systems of many
companies in the context of a supply chain is
relatively simple, because it does not differ from
extending the system via new web-services. This
implies, that by constructing ERP-systems out of
web-services the difference between inter- and intra-
enterprise integration vanishes from the technical
point of view.
With conventional ERP-systems the number of
installed systems is roughly the number of the using
enterprises. However, with the proposed concept, all
components exist only once (apart from redundant
installations for high availability). If a company
needs a specific functionality, this can be subscribed
to as web-services or a software-developer can write
a new web-service. This way, an agile ERP-system
is created, which is improved by a development
community all the time similar to the open-source-
Figure 3: Architecture “Aldi
movement. Another side-effect is that the market-
barriers for small software companies are lower.
Innovative solutions for single business
requirements can be directly offered without
building a complete application around the solution.
This improves the competition in the oligopolistic
ERP-market and will finally help the ERP-users.
The proposed architecture fulfils the
requirements for service-oriented architectures
(SOA). According to (Webopedia, 2004) SOAs are
defined as: “Abbreviated SOA, an application
architecture in which all functions, or services, are
defined using a description language and have
invokable interfaces that are called to perform
business processes. Each interaction is independent
of each and every other interaction and the
interconnect protocols of the communicating devices
(i.e., the infrastructure components that determine
the communication system do not affect the
interfaces). Because interfaces are platform-
independent, a client from any device using any
system in any language can use the ser-
The main requirement of a SOA is, that
Functionality is only accessed via standardizes
and platform-independent interfaces,
the interfaces are defined in a standardized
specification language, and
the interaction between services must be
independent of the underlying technologies.
These are fulfilled by web-services because only
standards like SOAP, WSDL and XML documents
are used. Because of this, the presented system
architecture is an implementation of a SOA.
Comprising, the presented architecture provides
a flexible and cost-effective alternative, to the
classical, proprietary ERP-systems and are suited to
fulfil the special requirements of SMEs.
The usage of ERP-systems by SMEs has been a
compromise because of the ERP-SME-dilemma:
The usage meant abandonment of functionality (i.e.
the usage of “Mini-ERP-Systems”), the sharing of
critical business knowledge with 3
parties (ASP) or
waiving of individuality (EDP branch solutions).
With the proposed concept, this compromise should
be made unnecessary.
With the Aldi-ERP-System, it is possible to
build and maintain fully functional, high available,
inter- and intra-enterprise integrateable ERP-systems
for SMEs with justifiable costs. The realization of
department- and company-wide business processes
will keep up the competitive position of SMEs in the
world-wide market. Furthermore, ERP-Systems are
the basis for optimizing internal business processes,
for implementing a company-wide controlling and
for participating in supply-chains – advantages
which are realized by larger enterprises for a while.
The architecture also not only affects SMEs but
also influences small and medium software
companies. These are able to offer their innovative
software in form of web-services to the ERP-market
without risking an expensive development of ERP-
systems from scratch themselves. This increases the
number of suppliers in the ERP-market and finally
results in increased competition between software
companies which is attractive for the ERP-users.
The next step will be the development of an
Aldi-ERP-prototype to test the presented concepts.
The BCLifeCycle seems to be suited for this as it is
the proposed method in the CoBCoM model. The
aim is to validate and perhaps adapts the CoBCoM
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