Web Personalized Intelligent User Interfaces and
An Enabler of Multi-Channel eBusiness Services
Panagiotis Germanakos
, Constantinos Mourlas
, Chara Isaia
and George Samaras
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 5
Stadiou Str., PC 105-62, Athens, Hellas
Deloitte & Touche, STADYL Building, Corner Th. Dervis - Florinis, CY-1065 Nicosia, Cyprus
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus, CY-1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords. Web Personalization, Multi-Channel, eServices, eBusiness,
Abstract. The explosive growth in the size and use of the World Wide Web as a
communication medium has been enthusiastically adopted by the mass market to
provide an electronic connection between progressive businesses and millions of
customers bringing to light the eBusiness sector. However, the nature of most Web
structures is static and complicated, and users often lose sight of the goal of their
inquiry. Hence, practitioners need to alleviate any navigational difficulties and
satisfy the heterogeneous needs of the users to allow web applications of this nature
to survive. Main emphasis is given at saving costs, improving efficiency and growth,
competitiveness, expanding markets, create new infrastructures to support B2B and
B2C Web activities and creating more business opportunities, for local and regional
governments. This paper presents the research implications and challenges of the
Web Personalization concept as an enabler of eBusiness Services sustainability with
the development of Personalized Intelligent User Interfaces and processes.
1 Introduction
This paper
focuses on the eBusiness services delivery sector and analyzes the concepts
and factors that could affect their continuous quality provision in a multi-channel and
This work was partially funded by PYTHAGORAS, E.P.E.A.E.K.
Germanakos P., Mourlas C., Isaia C. and Samaras G. (2005).
Web Personalized Intelligent User Interfaces and Processes An Enabler of Multi-Channel eBusiness Services Sustainability.
In Proceedings of the 1st Inter national Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 43-55
DOI: 10.5220/0001421300430055
widely diverse environment securing their sustainability. Its main argue is that, in the new
technological emergent environment and the resulting changing customer requirements,
Web personalization and the developed Intelligent User Interfaces and processes are
considered fundamental for the provision of adapted and personalized eServices, via any
medium, increasing one-to-one service delivery and integrity enabling businesses to retain
their customers and therefore to gain a substantial competitive advantage.
The Internet has been adopted by the mass market more quickly than any other
technology over the past century and is currently providing an electronic connection
between progressive businesses and millions of customers and potential customers whose
age, education, occupation, interest, and income demographics are excellent for sales. The
complicated nature of most Web structures results in orientation difficulties, since users
lose sight of the goal of their inquiry, look for stimulating rather than informative
material, and use the navigational features unwisely. As the eBusiness sector is rapidly
evolving, the need for such Web structures that satisfy the heterogeneous needs of its
users is becoming more and more evident. To alleviate such navigational difficulties,
practitioners must identify the peculiarities of each user group and design methodologies
and systems that could deliver up-to-date personalized information, with regards to
products or services. Doing business electronically, both intra- and inter-firm over
computer mediated networks (eBusiness Watch, 2004), implies a primary focus on
commercial transactions and services delivery between companies and their customers
(consumers (B2C) or other companies (B2B)), and processes within a company and
between companies. Two different strategies for improvement of eServices are identified,
process integration (back-end) and service delivery (front-end) [8]. eBusiness aims to
deliver better quality of eServices increasing productivity with focused services to be
provided by various channels and devices, at a lower cost and time and in a personalized
2 The Ebusiness Sector – Trends and Opportunities
In today’s evolving business environment, the eBusiness services sector faces new
opportunities mainly because of the rapid growth of the ICT challenges. Therefore, main
emphasis is given on the development of multi-channel (especially mobile) and broadband
services to provide more interactive business services that match the customers’ needs in
terms of easy-to-use, personalized and timely delivered services. However, for a better
understanding of the impact of ICT in the eBusiness services and the actions to be
undertaken, the related trends and opportunities embedded in the internal mechanisms and
operational procedures of the various enterprises have to be realized.
eBusiness is often described as the Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) gateway to
global business and markets exploiting the opportunities provided by ICT to improve
performance. Nevertheless, SMEs find the opportunities difficult to grasp [4]. However,
the important trends and challenges introduced by the new technological advancements
and methodologies are underlining some specific guidelines for the improvement of the
digital SMEs and consequently of the eBusiness sector. More particular, such actions
emphasize upon the improvement of networking and new infrastructures to support more
effectively high-level B2B and B2C activities on the Web; the improvement of innovation
within an organization; the improvement of the effectiveness of human and knowledge
resource; and the adoption of new interaction channels, such as mobile business
(mBusiness), cutting the cost and increasing employee productivity, providing
information and services using mobile devices.
3 Service Requirements and Delivery
3.1 General User Requirements
To get the right information at the right time and the right place is not so easy for the
customers. The eBusiness sector working at its front or back office, it has encountered in
several times and occasions the particular problem. Customers’ interaction with the
services has to be improved, and a serious analysis of customers’ requirements in the area
of eBusiness has to be undertaken and documented and furthermore examined taking into
consideration its multi-application to the various delivery channels and devices.
This paper presents, based on studies conducted [8], [3], some of the user (customer)
requirements and arguments anticipated. They could be clearly distinguished into: (a)
General User Service Requirements (flexibility: anyhow, anytime, anywhere;
accessibility; quality; and security), and (b) Requirements for a Friendly and Effective
User Interaction (information acquisition; system controllability; navigation; versatility;
errors handling; and personalization).
3.2 Multi-Channel Service Delivery
A channel can change the customers’ perception of a service. If channels are integrated,
the introduction of a new channel is not merely an additional channel but a new
opportunity to improve service delivery. With regards to the customer, the integration of
channels means more accessible and more flexible service delivery. Separate development
of different channels for a single service (multi-channel delivery) can lead to
inconsistencies such as different data formats or interfaces. To overcome the drawbacks of
multiple-channel service delivery, the different channels should be integrated and
coordinated [2]. Since successful eServices delivery depends on a vast range of
parameters, there is not a single formula to fit all situations. However, there have been
reported particular steps (IDA, 2004) that could guide a provider throughout the channel
selection process. It should be mentioned, though, that the suitability and usefulness of
channels depends on a range of factors, out of which technology is only one element.
Additional features that could affect the service channels assessment could be: directness,
accessibility and inclusion, speed, security and privacy and availability. To realize though
their potential value, channels also need to be properly implemented and operated.
The design and implementation complexity is rising significantly with the many
channels and their varying capabilities and limitations. Network issues include low
bandwidth, unreliable connectivity, lack of processing power, limited interface of wireless
devices and user mobility. On the other hand, mobile devices issues include small size,
limited processing power, limited memory and storage space, small screens, and
restricted data entry.
4 The Mbusiness Emergence
The anticipation of faster and cheaper W4 (Wireless World Wide Web), the third
generation (3G) wireless networks as well as the more sophisticated mobile devices will
soon establish mobile broadband services as the future trend. At the same time there is a
growing number of organizations that plan to deploy parts of their traditional Web sites
for multi-channel access. This can be an overwhelmingly difficult task, since several
problems have derived in building and maintaining business applications for access by
heterogeneous platforms. The mobility emergence has brought to light mBusiness, which
could be easily considered as the logical extension of eBusiness. mBusiness will create
tremendous opportunities for most innovative companies allowing them to promote their
products and services effectively and efficiently, by cutting the cost, increasing employee
productivity (working while they are off-site) and addressing return on investment on
their applications and services. At the same time, mBusiness will enable them to increase
customer retention, by establishing valuable direct links with them and strengthen
important relationships by improving to an “anywhere, anytime and anyhow” interaction
achieving the competitive difference. Moreover, mBusiness could be considered as a new
kind of front-end access to Adapted and Intelligent Web-Based Systems with specific
capabilities of delivering on demand real time information, orders, products, and
payments adapted to the individual customer as well as the context of customer’s work.
5 Web Personalization as an enabler for Ebusiness Services
Evidently, the demands of mobile users differ significantly from those of desktop users.
Getting personalized information “anytime, anywhere and anyhow” is not an easy task.
Business Analysts and Practitioners have to take into account new adaptivity axes along
which the personalized design of e- and mBusiness services would be built.
However, creating and maintaining a Web site to support multi-channel access is
proved to be quite costly and also requires significant amounts of work. Further to this,
mobility applications can suffer from a handful of problems such as: local mobility,
limited mobility, closed mobility and interrupted mobility. To overcome such problems
personalized intelligent techniques have to be implemented to enable the development of
an open Adaptive Personalized Mobile Web [1]. The "Mobile" generation extends the
basis of adaptation by adding models of context such as location, time, computing
platform and bandwidth to the classic user model and exploring the use of known
adaptation technologies to adapt to both an individual user and a context of their work.
Now, customer needs imply both, the thematic preferences (i.e., the traditional notion of
profile) the device profile (i.e., the characteristics of the mobile device),.To this end,
adaptive personalization is concerned with the negotiation of customer requirements and
device abilities.
Indisputably, the user population is not homogeneous, nor should be treated as such.
To be able to deliver quality services, eBusiness Services should be tailored to the needs
of individual customers providing them with personalized and adaptive information upon
request. Although one-to-one service provision may be a functionality of the distant
future, customer segmentation is a very valuable step towards that direction. Customer
segmentation means that the customers are subdivided (ideally per service or group of
related services, based on their demographic characteristics, socio-economic
characteristics, psychographic characteristics, or individual physical and psychological
characteristics), into more or less homogeneous, mutually exclusive subsets of customers
who share an interest in the service.
The issue of personalization is rather complex. And it becomes even more
complicated once viewed from a moving user’s perspective. The new issues now also
include: what content to present to the user, how to show the content to the user, how to
ensure the user’s privacy, or how to create a global personalization scheme [7]. In
addition, there are also many approaches each of which focuses on a specific area, i.e.
whether this is profile creation, machine learning and pattern matching, data and web
mining or personalized navigation. Personalization varies from Link to Content to Context
to Authorized to Humanized levels, with several paradigms to implement them. Among
others these include, content-based filtering, rule-based filtering, collaborative filtering,
Web-usage mining, demographic-based filtering agent technologies, and cluster models.
Having these in mind Business Analysts and Practitioners should develop new intelligent
user interfaces advanced with adaptive presentation and adaptive navigation techniques
that would take advantage of these constraints to the benefits of their customers whenever
applicable and provide them with uninterrupted sustainable eServices.
6 Conclusion
The rapid expansion of the adoption of the Internet as a communication medium, as well
as the explosive growth in the size and use of the World Wide Web and the need for
eBusiness Services to retain their customers and therefore gain a substantial competitive
advantage results in the inference that Web Personalization techniques, like intelligent
user interfaces, enable eBusiness services providers to adopt successfully the new multi-
channel (wireless and mobile) technologies increasing their eServices provision
sustainability across their market segments. This paper analyzed key concerns about
customers’ requirements for multi-channel service provision anywhere, anytime and
anyhow, thus re-enforcing core functionality issues related to mobility, and therefore
mBusiness. All of the above activities, related to eBusiness Services and eServices
delivery, should always be aligned to the customers’ perceptions and requirements. Once
these are thoroughly realized taking advantage of the adaptive and personalized user
interfaces and processes, eBusiness services providers will be in position to retain their
customers by targeting their individual needs, offering quality adaptive and personalized
on demand multi-channel services delivery, and hence intensifying eServices
sustainability gaining the competitive advantage in their market segment.
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