Antonia Stefani
, Dimitris Stavrinoudis
, Michalis Xenos
School of Sciences & Technology,Hellenic Open University,23 Sachtouri Str, Patras, Greece
Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, 61 Riga Feraiou Str, Patras, Greece
Keywords: E-commerce Systems, Quality Assessment, Bayesian Networks
Abstract: This paper provides an in-depth analysis of selected important topics related to the quality assessment of e-
commerce systems. It briefly introduces to the reader a quality assessment model based on Bayesian
Networks and presents in detail the practical application of this model, highlighting practical issues related
to the involvement of human subjects, conflict resolution, and calibration of the measurement instruments.
Furthermore, the paper presents the application process of the model for the quality assessment of various e-
commerce systems; it also discusses in detail how particular features (data) of the assessed e-commerce
systems can be identified and, using the described automated assessment process, lead to higher abstraction
information (desiderata) regarding the quality of the assessed e-commerce systems.
In the past few years, a large number of e-commerce
systems have been developed. To ensure the
production of high quality e-commerce systems, it is
important for developers to be able to assess the
quality of such systems. The latter is inevitably
linked with the receivers’ perception of quality. It
must be noted that e-commerce systems differ from
other web applications in that a basic condition of
their success is the total involvement of the end-user
at almost every stage of the purchasing process
(Henfridsson & Holmstrom, 2003), which is not the
case with other web applications. The growth that
Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce systems
have experienced in the past few years has given rise
to the problem of identification of those factors that
determine end-user acceptance of such systems
(Chen et al., 2004).
The work presented in this paper is based on a
Bayesian Network model (Stefani et al., 2003). The
attributes of this model are quality characteristics.
Quality assessments using this model can take the
form of either a probability value for the abstract
‘quality’, or a vector of values for each quality
characteristic. To be able to interpret this vector of
values in a way that provides conclusions about e-
commerce systems’ quality, one should have
collected and analyzed a significant volume of data
that will aid in calibrating the measurement scales.
This is what this paper focuses on: the presentation
of the process used to conduct the quality
assessment. Moreover, to help make the discussion
clearer, this paper presents and explains selected
practical cases, serving as examples, related to the
process of quality assessment.
This paper is structured in five sections. After
this brief introduction, section 2 presents related
work. Section 3 presents the model and describes the
process used for quality assessment of e-commerce
systems. Then, section 4, presents practical cases of
quality assessment, used to explain the application
of the model and how its results can lead to higher
abstraction conclusions. Finally, section 5
summarizes the main conclusions of the paper.
A number of approaches towards assessing the
quality of e-commerce systems focus on the
technological aspects of such systems, thus
providing a technology-oriented view of quality
(Zwass, 1996; Elfriede & Rashka, 2001). Other
approaches assess the quality of e-commerce
systems as perceived by the end-user, but focusing
mainly on the usability of such systems. Such
approaches use software evaluation methods such as
inspection (Nielsen, 1994) and inquiry methods
Stefani A., Stavrinoudis D. and Xenos M. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 122-128
DOI: 10.5220/0001412901220128
(Shaw & DeLone, 2002) in order to record end-
users’ perception of usability. Studies on e-
commerce systems quality also focus on more
specific quality characteristics such as issues that
warrant successful transactions (Bidgoli, 2002),
maximize the perceived trustworthiness (Egger,
2001; Slyke et al., 2004), or ensure e-commerce
systems reliability (Elfriede & Rashka, 2001).
Although, all the above factors are affecting the
quality of e-commerce systems and are prerequisites
for their success, they are not the only ones that
relate to e-commerce systems quality. In order to
model e-commerce systems quality, a global
approach, such as the one discussed in this paper, is
required combining all factors affecting quality.
Some related works are using questionnaires to
detect users’ opinions, the data from which are
statistically analyzed in order to lead in values
measuring quality characteristics such as usability
(Sauro & Kindlund, 2005). This is a common
practice, since users’ opinion is very important for
the assessment of e-commerce systems (Julian &
Standing, 2003), as well as the active involvement of
users into the evaluation process (Henfridsson &
Holmstrom, 2003; Chen et al., 2004).
The work presented in this paper, differs from
questionnaire-based surveys in that it uses a process
aiming to limit subjectivity and frequent errors in
similar surveys. Furthermore, thanks to the nature of
the used model, the assessment process can be used
forwards and backwards, i.e. during the quality
design phase for setting the quality goals of an e-
commerce system.
In order to assess the quality of e-commerce systems
as perceived by the end-users, one must focus on the
user oriented quality characteristics of ISO 9126
(ISO/IEC 9126, 2001), which are functionality,
usability, reliability and efficiency, and their sub-
characteristics. The model used in this process is
based on Bayesian Networks, which are a special
category of graphic models where nodes represent
variables and the directed arrows the relations
between them. In this case, the model’s nodes are
the above mentioned quality characteristics as well
as e-commerce characteristics that are connected to
the appropriate quality characteristics, forming a
number of relations between them. For each node of
this model the dependent probabilities that describe
the relations between the variables is determined.
The model can be used both forwards and
backwards. In the forward use, the user inserts
evidence to the nodes of the e-commerce
characteristics, which have only two possible states:
‘yes’ and ‘no’. In this way, the model estimates the
system’s quality providing the probabilities for the
possible states of the nodes that represent the quality
characteristics and the overall quality. The backward
use of the model provides assessments regarding the
child nodes (e.g. nodes of e-commerce
characteristics) when the value of a parent node (e.g.
node of ‘quality’ characteristic) is defined. Since the
purpose of this paper is to present the process
followed for assessing the quality of already existing
e-commerce systems, we focus mainly on the
forward use of the model.
This process, which is also represented in figure
1, consists of 4 different steps: a) the assignment of
an e-commerce system to two evaluators and the
filling of an appropriate evaluation sheet by them, b)
the examination of the identity between the two
evaluation sheets, c) the forward use of the model
and d) the classification of the e-commerce system.
These steps are described more analytically
The most important benefit of applying this
model is the fact that it provides an easy and non-
subjective way to rank an e-commerce system
according not only to the overall quality, but to each
quality characteristic as well. The limitation of the
subjectivity while evaluating such a system is
achieved because of the values of the possible states
of the nodes that represent the e-commerce
characteristics in the model. In other words, the
evaluators are asked to determine the existence, or
not, of these specific characteristics answered in the
evaluation sheet by a simple yes or no. Although the
contribution of the evaluators to the assessment of
the quality of e-commerce systems is trivial and
non-subjective, the first step of the process is to
assign this task to two evaluators. In this way,
possible errors while filling the evaluation sheet,
mainly because of careless mistakes or because of
the possibility of misunderstanding a question of the
sheet, are avoided. It must also be stressed that the
evaluators chosen for this process must be experts.
This does not necessarily indicate that they should
be experienced in judging or estimating the quality
of a software product. But they should be expert
users of such e-commerce systems and they should
also be aware of the used terminology. Besides, they
examine these systems only from their customer’s
The evaluation sheet is in the form of a simple
questionnaire, where the possible answers of each
question are only two: ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Although the
aspects that it is concerned with are trivial, the
questions must be clearly stated, and in some cases
more specifically commented on, in order to avoid
any misinterpretation by the evaluators. The
evaluation sheet is then delivered to the evaluators
either electronically or by hard copy. The questions
on this sheet are stated as follows, so that they can
be answered by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’:
“Does the e-commerce system provide
frequently asked questions (FAQs) to the user?”,
“Is there a shopping cart available to the users in
the e-commerce system?”,
“Can the user sort automatically the results of a
search by various parameters (e.g. order by price,
order by manufacturer, alphabetical order, etc.)?”.
The questionnaire is structured in such a way, in
order to be clear to the evaluators which questions
concern each quality factor. Furthermore, the
sequence of the questions is in tune with the most
possible sequence of actions that a user of the e-
commerce system will follow when he visits the site
and has a transaction with it.
The second step of the process is the examination
of the answers given by the evaluators. The two
evaluation sheets must be identical, since their
questions are quite trivial and with obvious answers.
However, because of possible mistakes while filling
them, as mentioned above, a third evaluator is
needed in this process. His role is to provide conflict
resolution in such cases. Of course, these possible
differences are easy to be solved by the first two
evaluators if this is possible for them in terms of
time and place. But, if this is not possible, then a
third person must determine the appropriate answer
when a difference between the evaluation sheets
appears. The purpose of the third evaluator is also to
eliminate the subjectivity if this appears in cases of
significant differences between the opinions of the
first two evaluators.
Having a fixed and correct evaluation sheet, the
model can be used to assess the quality of the e-
commerce system. In the next step of the process the
answers of the sheet are inserted into the model as
evidence to the nodes of the e-commerce
characteristics, which are the leaf nodes of the
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluator A
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet -Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluator B
e-commerce systems
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet - Evaluation Sheet
Evaluator C
BN modelClassification
ure 1: The model a
Bayesian Network. Thus, by the forward use of the
model, the corresponding probability values of all
the parent nodes can be estimated automatically,
since all the Node Probability Tables have already
been specified. In this way, one can easily gather the
provided results not only for the overall quality of
the system, but also for all the quality characteristics
and sub-characteristics used in the model.
The provided results from the model cannot be
directly exploitable to determine the quality of the
system. In fact, they are probability values of the
possible states of the nodes. For example, a result of
0.88 for the usability node does not imply directly
the level of the usability of the system. Thus, in the
final step of the process the classification of the
system for each quality characteristic and sub-
characteristic is specified. This classification can be
found by the means of the scale calibration table and
the accompanying histograms that has been
presented in (Stefani et al., 2004). In this way, using
the boundaries and the scales of the probability
values of the model, one is able to determine the
specific category (good, average or poor) in which
the e-commerce system belongs according to each
quality characteristic. In other words, he can identify
the cluster to which each quality characteristic
belongs and detect the possible drawbacks of the
For the evaluation process, two evaluators for each
e-commerce system are selected who have
previously used (e.g. for purchasing an item online)
at least two distinct e-commerce systems, regardless
of the time spent on them. This shopping experience
is a pre-requisite for the evaluation process, because
it ensures that the evaluator is familiar with e-
commerce systems’ use.
Initially an evaluation pair was established for
each e-commerce system. Evaluators have worked
individually and answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the
evaluation sheet. The sheets, for every pair of
evaluators were checked in order to find any
conflicts in the answers between the two evaluators.
Conflicts were the different answers that we have
found on the evaluation sheets. Less than 5% of the
evaluation sheets have revealed conflicts; the
maximum number of conflicts of each evaluation
pair was two, and the questions that have presented
conflicts were the same for additional evaluation
pairs. Therefore it is logical to assume the results are
quite objective. Reasoning for the existence of
Figure 2: Case of attractiveness.
conflicts was either the time spent at the evaluation
process or misunderstanding of the questions.
For example, the evaluators were addressed to
examine if the e-commerce system provides video
applications for the presentation of the product. The
first evaluator answered ‘no’, because he had not
found video application in the categories of Video
and DVD at the e-commerce system, but the second
evaluator had found video application at the CD
category of the same e-commerce system and
answered ‘yes’. In order to avoid these kind of
conflicts, we asked the evaluators to use the ten most
popular products of the e-commerce system or the
products that the system sells at its home page.
Additionally we asked the evaluators to proceed in a
check out process in order to have a complete
shopping experience.
In an ongoing process we have detected all the
questions that presented conflict on the evaluation
sheet and have edited them. Finally a third evaluator
has been used in order to reduce the impact of the
human factor. The third evaluator individually has
provided answers for the questions that still
presented conflicts and as a result of this process we
had evaluation sheets with no subjectivity, because
two evaluators agreed individually for a ‘yes’ or
‘no’. So we have the final evaluation sheet for each
e-commerce system that was used at the next step of
the evaluation process. The answers for each final
evaluation sheet were used as evidence in respect of
the child node of the model’s tool. Hereinafter we
present three practical cases extracted from the
quality assessment process of several e-commerce
systems. In these cases we present the evaluators’
answers for the evaluation sheets’ criteria and also
we present, in an anonymous representation, the
functions and services which each e-commerce
system offers.
4.1 First Case
For example, the evaluators were asked to examine
the presentation of the products at each e-commerce
system. The e-commerce system usually presents a
product by text description where its properties are
described; so each evaluator can have a description
for products’ characteristics and also information for
cost and availability. Complementary e-commerce
systems offer photographs, audio, video, graphics
and 3-D representation of each product.
Figure 2 shows evaluators’ evidence about the
product’s presentation. For image, and additional
images in greater size, audio, and video samples the
evaluators have answered 'yes'.
The probability value for the parent node titled
‘Visualization’, which refers to the visual
representation of the product, is 0.88 and the value
for product presentation by text and images is 0.94.
ure 3: Case of understandabilit
Finally the probability value for the quality
characteristic of Attractiveness is 0.89 and the
meaning of these probability values can be explained
using the scale calibration from our previous work
(Stefani et al., 2004). Figure 2 presents the
histogram for Attractiveness. This e-commerce
system is characterized as ‘Good’ but the value of
Attractiveness is on the boundaries between ‘Good’
and ‘Average’, meaning that the e-commerce system
needs improvement at Graphics, 3-D representation,
and animation.
4.2 Second Case
At the evaluation process each evaluator used Help
functions that each e-commerce system supports. As
Help functions we have defined the existence of
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), contact
capability via e-mail, or fax and online help. Figure
3 presents the help evaluation of an e-commerce
system. The Understandability of the system as it is
perceived by the customer is presented by the
probability value 0.93. That means this e-commerce
system belongs at Category A of the model’s scale
calibration, also the probability value for Usability is
0.87 which means that belongs also at category A.
4.3 Third Case
Another category of questions on the evaluation
sheet is related to the search function of the e-
commerce system. Usually the search function
appears as a form where the evaluator can insert
words as keywords for a question. In advance the
evaluator can use the search function by defining the
products’ categories and limits for price in order to
have more accurate results. The evaluator could
search by keyword but the system did not provide
advanced methods. The tool defines the search
engine of the e-commerce system as good by the
probability value of 0.62. This result means that the
search engine of the e-commerce system usually
provides correct results according to evaluators
keywords. That is the most common search option at
e-commerce systems, but the same system by not
providing advanced methods of searching does not
offer a completely operable searching function.
According to operability the same e-commerce
system offers informative features as compare
features for products, and cross selling mechanism
for complementary products, but the e-commerce
system provides notification services by e-mail to
the frequent customers. Finally the e-commerce
system offers metaphors like shopping cart but not
shopping list where the customer could save his/her
shopping preferences. Figure 4 presents these
values and the total operability of the e-commerce
system, which is 0.55.
In another case it is obvious that the absence of
search functions that are extremely helpful at the
purchasing process reflect the total quality of the
system. The evaluator desired to view the search
history of his/her searches in order to proceed with
Figure 4: Case of operability.
the results, and to have alternative ordering options,
but the system offers none of these search options.
On this evidence the model reveals that the absence
of these options indicates search from this source is
This paper presents a measurement process for
the quality of e-commerce systems. This process
uses a model based on a Bayesian Networks and
consists of different steps, which are described
analytically. The process has been applied in
different e-commerce systems and cases of their
results are also presented. Expert evaluators were
asked to rank e-commerce systems by filling an
appropriate evaluation sheet and by determining the
existence or not of specific e-commerce
characteristics in them. This sheet was formed in
such a way in order to minimize subjectivity while
evaluating such a system. Moreover, the process
itself provides a way to eliminate any possible
conflict between the evaluators’ opinions.
Having a fixed evaluation sheet of an e-
commerce system and by applying the Bayesian
Network model the probability values of the overall
quality and the quality characteristics can be
assessed. Furthermore, by the means of the
appropriate boundaries and scale calibration tables,
the classification of the system for each quality
characteristic and sub-characteristic can be
The model can be used both forwards and
backwards. Although the presented process is based
on the forward use of the model as a summative
evaluation of e-commerce systems, future work
includes the application of the model during the
design phase of an e-commerce system. In other
words, it includes the formative evaluation of such
systems. Moreover, the process of using the model
should be refined dynamically, due to the continuous
evolution and enhancement of the e-commerce
systems and the appearance of new characteristics
and functions provided by them.
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