Time Marker Lexicons in Sundanese Dialect of Baduy Community in Kampung Ciboleger Banten

Barzan Faizin, Eri Kurniawan, Retty Isnendese, M. Ali Ramdhani



In language study, word is studied in a branch of linguistics called morphology. This research is triggered by the existence of special words (lexicon) used to refer to the time marker in Baduy community. This indicated that Baduy society has understanding of time marker lexicons. This study aims to elaborate the time lexicons, their meaning and function and cultural phenomena appearing in Sundanese words used by Baduy community. The study applied qualitative methodology with ethnolinguistic theoretical approach. The data in this study are taken from time marker lexicons of Sundanese dialect in Baduy society. The research finding showed that time marker lexicons are divided into lexicon form and lexicon function. The lexicon forms are classified to words and phrases. Meanwhile, the classification of lexicon function consists of daily activity time marker, weekly time marker and larger time marker and time marker of human development.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Faizin B., Kurniawan E., Isnendese R. and Ramdhani M. (2017). Time Marker Lexicons in Sundanese Dialect of Baduy Community in Kampung Ciboleger Banten.In 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 2: ICSE, ISBN 978-989-758-316-2, pages 111-117. DOI: 10.5220/0007105407510757

in Bibtex Style

author={Barzan Faizin and Eri Kurniawan and Retty Isnendese and M. Ali Ramdhani},
title={Time Marker Lexicons in Sundanese Dialect of Baduy Community in Kampung Ciboleger Banten},
booktitle={2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 2: ICSE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 2: ICSE,
TI - Time Marker Lexicons in Sundanese Dialect of Baduy Community in Kampung Ciboleger Banten
SN - 978-989-758-316-2
AU - Faizin B.
AU - Kurniawan E.
AU - Isnendese R.
AU - Ramdhani M.
PY - 2017
SP - 111
EP - 117
DO - 10.5220/0007105407510757