The first goal of the study was to investigate the im-
pact of different architectures on the resulting accu-
racy of the models. The best-performing architecture
was ResNet101, but other architectures achieved very
comparable accuracies.
The second goal aimed to explore the transferabil-
ity of knowledge from a model trained on digitalized
films (indirect digital mammography) to direct digital
mammography images and vice versa. It was con-
firmed that models are not transferable to data ob-
tained using different technology. Combining these
training data into a unified dataset significantly con-
tributed to the overall improvement of model accu-
racy. Such a model achieved an accuracy of 76.2
The final part involved examining patches with
incorrect predictions, specifically focusing on those
where the prediction was incorrect across all tested
models. The results were discussed with radiologists,
confirming that many patches incorrectly classified as
malignant pose a significant challenge even for med-
ical professionals and cannot be classified without a
tissue biopsy.
During the experiments, it was observed that the
decision-making in some patches involved the area
around the finding, which did not contain abnormali-
ties. This behavior could potentially be addressed, for
example, by adding a third class containing patches
from healthy tissue. Adding such a class will be the
subject of our next study.
There is a relatively wide scope for improving re-
sults, including better hyperparameter optimization,
adding augmented data, or incorporating regulariza-
tion methods. However, the primary intent of this
work was to explore the questions outlined in the
stated goals.
It is important to note that the created models may
be biased, as all training/validation data used had un-
dergone a biopsy. This means they represent findings
where doctors were uncertain whether the abnormal-
ity was benign or malignant.
This research was supported by the Ministry of Ed-
ucation, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak
Republic under the contract No. VEGA 1/0525/23.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2024 - 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms